#include "main.h" #include #include #include #include "DLL.h" #include "crc.h" #include "mutex.h" #define MOD_MAJOR_VERSION 4 #define MOD_MINOR_VERSION 2 #define CUBE_VERSION "1.0.0-1" #define CUBE_PACKED_CRC 0xC7682619 #define CUBE_UNPACKED_CRC 0xBA092543 #define MODLOADER_NAME "CubeModLoader" using namespace std; global void* base; // Module base global vector modDLLs; // Every mod we've loaded global HMODULE hSelf; // A handle to ourself, to prevent being unloaded global void** initterm_eReference; // A pointer-pointer to a function which is run extremely soon after starting, or after being unpacked GETTER_VAR(void*, initterm_e); // A pointer to that function #include "callbacks/ChatHandler.h" #include "callbacks/P2PRequestHandler.h" #include "callbacks/CheckInventoryFullHandler.h" void SetupHandlers() { SetupChatHandler(); SetupP2PRequestHandler(); SetupCheckInventoryFullHandler(); } // Handles injecting callbacks and the mods bool already_loaded_mods = false; mutex already_loaded_mods_mtx; extern "C" void StartMods() { char msg[256] = {0}; already_loaded_mods_mtx.lock(); // Don't allow this to run more than once if (already_loaded_mods) { already_loaded_mods_mtx.unlock(); return; } already_loaded_mods = true; already_loaded_mods_mtx.unlock(); SetupHandlers(); //Find mods HANDLE hFind; WIN32_FIND_DATA data; CreateDirectory("Mods", NULL); hFind = FindFirstFile("Mods\\*.dll", &data); if (hFind != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { do { // We should be loaded into the application's address space, so we can just LoadLibraryA DLL* dll = new DLL(string("Mods\\") + data.cFileName); dll->Load(); printf("Loaded %s\n", dll->fileName.c_str()); modDLLs.push_back(dll); } while (FindNextFile(hFind, &data)); FindClose(hFind); } // Find all the functions the mods may export for (DLL* dll: modDLLs) { MUST_IMPORT(dll, ModMajorVersion); MUST_IMPORT(dll, ModMinorVersion); MUST_IMPORT(dll, ModPreInitialize); IMPORT(dll, ModInitialize); IMPORT(dll, HandleChat); IMPORT(dll, HandleP2PRequest); IMPORT(dll, HandleCheckInventoryFull); } // Ensure version compatibility for (DLL* dll : modDLLs) { int majorVersion = ((int(*)())dll->ModMajorVersion)(); int minorVersion = ((int(*)())dll->ModMinorVersion)(); if (majorVersion != MOD_MAJOR_VERSION) { sprintf(msg, "%s has major version %d but requires %d.\n", dll->fileName.c_str(), majorVersion, MOD_MAJOR_VERSION); Popup("Error", msg); exit(1); if (minorVersion > MOD_MINOR_VERSION) { sprintf(msg, "%s has minor version %d but requires %d or lower.\n", dll->fileName.c_str(), minorVersion, MOD_MINOR_VERSION); Popup("Error", msg); exit(1); } } } // Run Initialization routines on all mods for (DLL* dll: modDLLs) { ((void(*)())dll->ModPreInitialize)(); } for (DLL* dll: modDLLs) { if (dll->ModInitialize) { ((void(*)())dll->ModInitialize)(); } } if (hSelf) PrintLoadedMods(); return; } void ASMStartMods() { asm(".intel_syntax \n" PUSH_ALL PREPARE_STACK // Initialize mods and callbacks "call StartMods \n" RESTORE_STACK POP_ALL // Run initterm_e properly this time. DEREF_JMP(initterm_e) ); } void PatchFreeImage(){ // Patch FreeImage, because Windows 8 and higher do not work properly with it. DWORD oldProtect; void* patchaddr = Offset(GetModuleHandleA("FreeImage.dll"), 0x1E8C4E); VirtualProtect((LPVOID)patchaddr, 9, PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE, &oldProtect); memset(patchaddr, 0x90, 9); VirtualProtect((LPVOID)patchaddr, 9, oldProtect, &oldProtect); patchaddr = Offset(patchaddr, 0x14); VirtualProtect((LPVOID)patchaddr, 14, PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE, &oldProtect); memset(patchaddr, 0x90, 14); VirtualProtect((LPVOID)patchaddr, 14, oldProtect, &oldProtect); } void PatchInitterm_ePtr() { // Get ** to initterm_e initterm_eReference = (void**)(Offset(base, 0x42CBD8)); initterm_e = *initterm_eReference; DWORD oldProtect; VirtualProtect((LPVOID)initterm_eReference, 8, PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE, &oldProtect); *initterm_eReference = (void*)&ASMStartMods; VirtualProtect((LPVOID)initterm_eReference, 8, oldProtect, &oldProtect); } void Popup(const char* title, const char* msg ) { MessageBoxA(0, msg, title, MB_OK | MB_ICONINFORMATION); } void PrintLoadedMods() { std::string mods("Mods Loaded:\n"); for (DLL* dll : modDLLs) { mods += dll->fileName; mods += "\n"; } Popup("Loaded Mods", mods.c_str()); } void WriteFarJMP(void* source, void* destination) { DWORD dwOldProtection; VirtualProtect(source, 14, PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE, &dwOldProtection); char* location = (char*)source; // Far jump *((UINT16*)&location[0]) = 0x25FF; // mode *((UINT32*)&location[2]) = 0x00000000; *((UINT64*)&location[6]) = (UINT64)destination; VirtualProtect(location, 14, dwOldProtection, &dwOldProtection); } void* Offset(void* x1, uint64_t x2) { return (void*)((char*)x1 + x2); } bool already_initialized = false; mutex already_initialized_mtx; extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) BOOL APIENTRY DllMain(HINSTANCE hinstDLL, DWORD fdwReason, LPVOID lpvReserved) { switch (fdwReason) { case DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH: already_initialized_mtx.lock(); if (already_initialized) { already_initialized_mtx.unlock(); return true; } already_initialized = true; already_initialized_mtx.unlock(); base = GetModuleHandle(NULL); char msg[256] = {0}; // This serves to prevent ourself from being unloaded, if we are a .fip hSelf = LoadLibrary(MODLOADER_NAME ".fip"); // The user could also inject this as a DLL, so if we can't find our .fip, we were probably launched with a launcher. // Therefore, we don't need to prompt the user. if (hSelf) { if (MessageBoxA(NULL, "Would you like to run with mods?", "Cube World Mod Loader", MB_YESNO) != IDYES) { PatchFreeImage(); return true; } } base = GetModuleHandle(NULL); // Figure out where the executable is and verify its checksum char cubePath[_MAX_PATH+1]; GetModuleFileName(NULL, cubePath, _MAX_PATH); uint32_t checksum = crc32_file(cubePath); if (checksum == CUBE_PACKED_CRC || checksum == CUBE_UNPACKED_CRC) { // Patch some code to run StartMods. This method makes it work with AND without SteamStub. PatchInitterm_ePtr(); } else { sprintf(msg, "%s does not seem to be version %s. CRC %08X", cubePath, CUBE_VERSION, checksum); Popup("Error", msg); PatchFreeImage(); return true; } Sleep(250); PatchFreeImage(); } return true; }