import itertools import os import time import threading from peewee import JOIN from douzero.server.orm import init_db, Model, Battle, Baseline from douzero.server.battle import init_battlefield, tick, baseline_players, positions, idx_position from flask import Flask, jsonify, request from flask_cors import CORS from datetime import datetime from import get_legal_card_play_actions app = Flask(__name__) CORS(app) EnvCard2RealCard = {3: '3', 4: '4', 5: '5', 6: '6', 7: '7', 8: '8', 9: '9', 10: 'T', 11: 'J', 12: 'Q', 13: 'K', 14: 'A', 17: '2', 20: 'X', 30: 'D'} RealCard2EnvCard = {'3': 3, '4': 4, '5': 5, '6': 6, '7': 7, '8': 8, '9': 9, 'T': 10, 'J': 11, 'Q': 12, 'K': 13, 'A': 14, '2': 17, 'X': 20, 'D': 30} @app.route('/upload', methods=['POST']) def upload(): type = request.form.get('type') if type not in ['lite_resnet', 'lite_vanilla', 'legacy_vanilla', 'lite_unified', 'lite_unified_v2']: return jsonify({'status': -1, 'message': 'illegal type'}) position = request.form.get("position") if position != 'uni' and position not in positions: return jsonify({'status': -2, 'message': 'illegal position'}) frame = int(request.form.get("frame")) model_file = request.files.get('model_file') if model_file is None: return jsonify({'status': -3, 'message': 'illegal model_file'}) path = "baselines_server/%s_%s_%d.ckpt" % (type, position, frame) model = Model.get_or_none(Model.path == path) if model is None: Model.create(path=path, position=position,type=type,frame=frame, if position == 'uni': for position in positions: Battle.create(challenger_path=path, challenger_position=position, status=0) else: Battle.create(challenger_path=path, challenger_position=position, status=0) return jsonify({'status': 0, 'message': 'success', 'result': ''}) def start_runner(flags): def start_loop(): while True: tick(flags) time.sleep(10) thread = threading.Thread(target=start_loop) thread.setDaemon(True) thread.start() @app.route('/charts', methods=['GET']) def charts(): return app.send_static_file("charts.html") @app.route('/metrics', methods=['GET']) def metrics(): type = request.args.get('type') baseline = request.args.get('baseline') if baseline is None: baselines = else: baselines = <= baseline).order_by(Baseline.rank.desc()).limit(3) metrics = {} for i in range(len(baselines)): baseline = baselines[i] baseline_metric = { 'baseline': { 'landlord_path': os.path.basename(str(baseline.landlord_path)).split('.')[0], 'landlord_up_path': os.path.basename(str(baseline.landlord_up_path)).split('.')[0].replace('landlord_', ''), 'landlord_down_path': os.path.basename(str(baseline.landlord_down_path)).split('.')[0].replace('landlord_', ''), 'landlord_front_path': os.path.basename(str(baseline.landlord_front_path)).split('.')[0].replace('landlord_', ''), 'landlord_wp': '%.4f' % float(baseline.landlord_wp), 'landlord_adp': '%.4f' % float(baseline.landlord_adp), 'farmer_wp': '%.4f' % float(baseline.farmer_wp), 'farmer_adp': '%.4f' % float(baseline.farmer_adp), 'create_time': str(baseline.create_time) }, 'landlord': {}, 'landlord_up': {}, 'landlord_front': {}, 'landlord_down': {} } results = ( Model .select(Model.frame, Model.path, Battle.challenger_position, Battle.challenger_wp, Battle.challenger_adp) .where( Model.type == type, Battle.opponent_rank == baseline.rank ) .join(Battle, JOIN.INNER, on=( (Battle.challenger_path == Model.path) & (Battle.status > 0)) ) .order_by(Model.create_time.asc()) ) for result in results: battle = result.battle baseline_metric[str(battle.challenger_position)][result.frame] = { 'wp': '%.4f' % float(battle.challenger_wp), 'adp': '%.4f' % float(battle.challenger_adp) } metrics[baseline.rank] = baseline_metric return jsonify({'status': 0, 'message': 'success', 'result': metrics}) @app.route('/predict', methods=['POST']) def predict(): if request.method == 'POST': try: # Player postion player_position = request.form.get('player_position') if player_position not in ['0', '1', '2', '3']: return jsonify({'status': 1, 'message': 'player_position must be 0, 1, 2 or 3'}) player_position = int(player_position) # Player hand cards player_hand_cards = [RealCard2EnvCard[c] for c in request.form.get('player_hand_cards')] if player_position == 0: if len(player_hand_cards) < 1 or len(player_hand_cards) > 33: return jsonify({'status': 2, 'message': 'the number of hand cards should be 1-33'}) else: if len(player_hand_cards) < 1 or len(player_hand_cards) > 25: return jsonify({'status': 3, 'message': 'the number of hand cards should be 1-25'}) # Number cards left num_cards_left = [ int(request.form.get('num_cards_left_landlord')), int(request.form.get('num_cards_left_landlord_down')), int(request.form.get('num_cards_left_landlord_front')), int(request.form.get('num_cards_left_landlord_up')) ] if num_cards_left[player_position] != len(player_hand_cards): return jsonify({'status': 4, 'message': 'the number of cards left do not align with hand cards'}) if num_cards_left[0] < 0 or num_cards_left[1] < 0 or num_cards_left[2] < 0 or num_cards_left[3] < 0 \ or num_cards_left[0] > 33 or num_cards_left[1] > 25 or num_cards_left[2] > 25 or num_cards_left[2] > 25: return jsonify({'status': 5, 'message': 'the number of cards left not in range'}) # Card play sequence if request.form.get('card_play_action_seq') == '': card_play_action_seq = [] else: card_play_action_seq = [['', [RealCard2EnvCard[c] for c in cards]] for cards in request.form.get('card_play_action_seq').split(',')] # Other hand cards other_hand_cards = [RealCard2EnvCard[c] for c in request.form.get('other_hand_cards')] if len(other_hand_cards) != sum(num_cards_left) - num_cards_left[player_position]: return jsonify({'status': 7, 'message': 'the number of the other hand cards do not align with the number of cards left'}) # Last moves last_move_dict = {'landlord': [RealCard2EnvCard[c] for c in request.form.get('last_move_landlord')], 'landlord_up': [RealCard2EnvCard[c] for c in request.form.get('last_move_landlord_up')], 'landlord_front': [RealCard2EnvCard[c] for c in request.form.get('last_move_landlord_front')], 'landlord_down': [RealCard2EnvCard[c] for c in request.form.get('last_move_landlord_down')]} # Played cards played_cards = {} for idx, field in enumerate(['played_cards_landlord', 'played_cards_landlord_down', 'played_cards_landlord_front', 'played_cards_landlord_up']): played_cards[idx_position[idx]] = [RealCard2EnvCard[c] for c in request.form.get(field)] # Bomb Num bomb_num = request.form.get('bomb_num') # InfoSet info_set = InfoSet() info_set.player_position = idx_position[player_position] info_set.player_hand_cards = player_hand_cards info_set.num_cards_left = num_cards_left info_set.card_play_action_seq = card_play_action_seq info_set.other_hand_cards = other_hand_cards info_set.last_move_dict = last_move_dict info_set.played_cards = played_cards info_set.bomb_num = [int(x) for x in str.split(bomb_num, ',')] info_set.num_cards_left_dict['landlord'] = num_cards_left[0] info_set.num_cards_left_dict['landlord_down'] = num_cards_left[1] info_set.num_cards_left_dict['landlord_front'] = num_cards_left[2] info_set.num_cards_left_dict['landlord_up'] = num_cards_left[3] # Get rival move and legal_actions rival_move = [] if len(card_play_action_seq) != 0: if len(card_play_action_seq[-1][1]) == 0: if len(card_play_action_seq[-2][1]) == 0: rival_move = card_play_action_seq[-3][1] else: rival_move = card_play_action_seq[-2][1] else: rival_move = card_play_action_seq[-1][1] info_set.last_move = rival_move info_set.legal_actions = _get_legal_card_play_actions(player_hand_cards, rival_move) # Prediction actions, actions_confidence = baseline_players[player_position].act(info_set, True) actions = [''.join([EnvCard2RealCard[a] for a in action]) for action in actions] result = {} win_rates = {} for i in range(len(actions)): # Here, we calculate the win rate win_rate = max(actions_confidence[i] * 7.2, -1) win_rate = min(win_rate, 1) win_rates[actions[i]] = str(round((win_rate + 1) / 2, 4)) result[actions[i]] = str(round(actions_confidence[i], 6)) ############## DEBUG ################ if app.debug: print('--------------- DEBUG START --------------') command = 'curl --data "' parameters = [] for key in request.form: parameters.append(key+'='+request.form.get(key)) print(key+':', request.form.get(key)) command += '&'.join(parameters) command += '" ""' print('Command:', command) print('Rival Move:', rival_move) print('legal_actions:', info_set.legal_actions) print('Result:', result) print('--------------- DEBUG END --------------') ############## DEBUG ################ return jsonify({'status': 0, 'message': 'success', 'result': result, 'win_rates': win_rates}) except: import traceback traceback.print_exc() return jsonify({'status': -1, 'message': 'unkown error'}) @app.route('/legal', methods=['POST']) def legal(): if request.method == 'POST': try: player_hand_cards = [RealCard2EnvCard[c] for c in request.form.get('player_hand_cards')] rival_move = [RealCard2EnvCard[c] for c in request.form.get('rival_move')] legal_actions = _get_legal_card_play_actions(player_hand_cards, rival_move) legal_actions = ','.join([''.join([EnvCard2RealCard[a] for a in action]) for action in legal_actions]) return jsonify({'status': 0, 'message': 'success', 'legal_action': legal_actions}) except: import traceback traceback.print_exc() return jsonify({'status': -1, 'message': 'unkown error'}) class InfoSet(object): def __init__(self): self.player_position = None self.player_hand_cards = None self.num_cards_left = None self.num_cards_left_dict = {} self.all_handcards = {} self.card_play_action_seq = None self.other_hand_cards = None self.legal_actions = None self.last_move = None self.last_move_dict = {'landlord': [], 'landlord_up': [], 'landlord_front': [], 'landlord_down': []} self.last_moves = None self.played_cards = None self.bomb_num = None def _get_legal_card_play_actions(player_hand_cards, rival_move): moves = get_legal_card_play_actions(player_hand_cards, rival_move) moves.sort() moves = list(move for move,_ in itertools.groupby(moves)) return moves if __name__ == '__main__': import argparse parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='DouZero evaluation backend') parser.add_argument('--debug', action='store_true') parser.add_argument('--enable_task', type=bool) parser.add_argument('--update_threshold', type=float, default=0.03) parser.add_argument('--db_host', type=str, default='') parser.add_argument('--db_schema', type=str, default='dou_model') parser.add_argument('--db_user', type=str, default='douzero') parser.add_argument('--db_passwd', type=str, default='VwjT6e0qf2t9iOH0') args = parser.parse_args() init_db(args) init_battlefield(args) if args.enable_task: start_runner(args), host="")