184 lines
6.6 KiB
184 lines
6.6 KiB
import random
from rlcard.games.doudizhu.utils import CARD_TYPE
EnvCard2RealCard = {3: '3', 4: '4', 5: '5', 6: '6', 7: '7',
8: '8', 9: '9', 10: 'T', 11: 'J', 12: 'Q',
13: 'K', 14: 'A', 17: '2', 20: 'B', 30: 'R'}
RealCard2EnvCard = {'3': 3, '4': 4, '5': 5, '6': 6, '7': 7,
'8': 8, '9': 9, 'T': 10, 'J': 11, 'Q': 12,
'K': 13, 'A': 14, '2': 17, 'B': 20, 'R': 30}
INDEX = {'3': 0, '4': 1, '5': 2, '6': 3, '7': 4,
'8': 5, '9': 6, 'T': 7, 'J': 8, 'Q': 9,
'K': 10, 'A': 11, '2': 12, 'B': 13, 'R': 14}
class RLCardAgent(object):
def __init__(self, position):
self.name = 'RLCard'
self.position = position
def act(self, infoset):
# Hand cards
hand_cards = infoset.player_hand_cards
for i, c in enumerate(hand_cards):
hand_cards[i] = EnvCard2RealCard[c]
hand_cards = ''.join(hand_cards)
# Last move
last_move = infoset.last_move.copy()
for i, c in enumerate(last_move):
last_move[i] = EnvCard2RealCard[c]
last_move = ''.join(last_move)
# Last two moves
last_two_cards = infoset.last_two_moves
for i in range(2):
for j, c in enumerate(last_two_cards[i]):
last_two_cards[i][j] = EnvCard2RealCard[c]
last_two_cards[i] = ''.join(last_two_cards[i])
# Last pid
last_pid = infoset.last_pid
action = None
# the rule of leading round
if last_two_cards[0] == '' and last_two_cards[1] == '':
chosen_action = None
comb = combine_cards(hand_cards)
min_card = hand_cards[0]
for _, acs in comb.items():
for ac in acs:
if min_card in ac:
chosen_action = ac
action = [char for char in chosen_action]
for i, c in enumerate(action):
action[i] = RealCard2EnvCard[c]
#print('lead action:', action)
# the rule of following cards
the_type = CARD_TYPE[0][last_move][0][0]
chosen_action = ''
rank = 1000
for ac in infoset.legal_actions:
_ac = ac.copy()
for i, c in enumerate(_ac):
_ac[i] = EnvCard2RealCard[c]
_ac = ''.join(_ac)
if _ac != '' and the_type == CARD_TYPE[0][_ac][0][0]:
if int(CARD_TYPE[0][_ac][0][1]) < rank:
rank = int(CARD_TYPE[0][_ac][0][1])
chosen_action = _ac
if chosen_action != '':
action = [char for char in chosen_action]
for i, c in enumerate(action):
action[i] = RealCard2EnvCard[c]
#print('action:', action)
elif last_pid != 'landlord' and self.position != 'landlord':
action = []
if action is None:
action = random.choice(infoset.legal_actions)
action = random.choice(infoset.legal_actions)
#import traceback
assert action in infoset.legal_actions
return action
def card_str2list(hand):
hand_list = [0 for _ in range(15)]
for card in hand:
hand_list[INDEX[card]] += 1
return hand_list
def list2card_str(hand_list):
card_str = ''
cards = [card for card in INDEX]
for index, count in enumerate(hand_list):
card_str += cards[index] * count
return card_str
def pick_chain(hand_list, count):
chains = []
str_card = [card for card in INDEX]
hand_list = [str(card) for card in hand_list]
hand = ''.join(hand_list[:12])
chain_list = hand.split('0')
add = 0
for index, chain in enumerate(chain_list):
if len(chain) > 0:
if len(chain) >= 5:
start = index + add
min_count = int(min(chain)) // count
if min_count != 0:
str_chain = ''
for num in range(len(chain)):
str_chain += str_card[start+num]
hand_list[start+num] = int(hand_list[start+num]) - int(min(chain))
for _ in range(min_count):
add += len(chain)
hand_list = [int(card) for card in hand_list]
return (chains, hand_list)
def combine_cards(hand):
'''Get optimal combinations of cards in hand
comb = {'rocket': [], 'bomb': [], 'trio': [], 'trio_chain': [],
'solo_chain': [], 'pair_chain': [], 'pair': [], 'solo': []}
# 1. pick rocket
if hand[-2:] == 'BR':
hand = hand[:-2]
# 2. pick bomb
hand_cp = hand
for index in range(len(hand_cp) - 3):
if hand_cp[index] == hand_cp[index+3]:
bomb = hand_cp[index: index+4]
hand = hand.replace(bomb, '')
# 3. pick trio and trio_chain
hand_cp = hand
for index in range(len(hand_cp) - 2):
if hand_cp[index] == hand_cp[index+2]:
trio = hand_cp[index: index+3]
if len(comb['trio']) > 0 and INDEX[trio[-1]] < 12 and (INDEX[trio[-1]]-1) == INDEX[comb['trio'][-1][-1]]:
comb['trio'][-1] += trio
hand = hand.replace(trio, '')
only_trio = []
only_trio_chain = []
for trio in comb['trio']:
if len(trio) == 3:
comb['trio'] = only_trio
comb['trio_chain'] = only_trio_chain
# 4. pick solo chain
hand_list = card_str2list(hand)
chains, hand_list = pick_chain(hand_list, 1)
comb['solo_chain'] = chains
# 5. pick par_chain
chains, hand_list = pick_chain(hand_list, 2)
comb['pair_chain'] = chains
hand = list2card_str(hand_list)
# 6. pick pair and solo
index = 0
while index < len(hand) - 1:
if hand[index] == hand[index+1]:
comb['pair'].append(hand[index] + hand[index+1])
index += 2
index += 1
if index == (len(hand) - 1):
return comb