2021-05-29 04:43:44 +08:00
import os
2021-05-30 22:22:28 +08:00
import itertools
2021-05-29 04:43:44 +08:00
import torch
import numpy as np
from heapq import nlargest
from collections import Counter, OrderedDict
from flask import Flask, jsonify, request
from flask_cors import CORS
app = Flask(__name__)
from utils.move_generator import MovesGener
from utils import move_detector as md, move_selector as ms
import rlcard
env = rlcard.make('doudizhu')
DouZeroCard2RLCard = {3: '3', 4: '4', 5: '5', 6: '6', 7: '7',
8: '8', 9: '9', 10: 'T', 11: 'J', 12: 'Q',
13: 'K', 14: 'A', 17: '2', 20: 'B', 30: 'R'}
RLCard2DouZeroCard = {'3': 3, '4': 4, '5': 5, '6': 6, '7': 7,
'8': 8, '9': 9, 'T': 10, 'J': 11, 'Q': 12,
'K': 13, 'A': 14, '2': 17, 'B': 20, 'R': 30}
EnvCard2RealCard = {'3': '3', '4':'4', '5': '5', '6': '6', '7': '7',
'8': '8', '9': '9', 'T': 'T', 'J': 'J', 'Q': 'Q',
'K': 'K', 'A': 'A', '2': '2', 'B': 'X', 'R': 'D'}
RealCard2EnvCard = {'3': '3', '4':'4', '5': '5', '6': '6', '7': '7',
'8': '8', '9': '9', 'T': 'T', 'J': 'J', 'Q': 'Q',
'K': 'K', 'A': 'A', '2': '2', 'X': 'B', 'D': 'R'}
pretrained_dir = 'pretrained/dmc_pretrained'
device = torch.device('cpu')
players = []
for i in range(3):
model_path = os.path.join(pretrained_dir, str(i)+'.pth')
agent = torch.load(model_path, map_location=device)
@app.route('/predict', methods=['POST'])
def predict():
if request.method == 'POST':
# Player postion
player_position = request.form.get('player_position')
if player_position not in ['0', '1', '2']:
return jsonify({'status': 1, 'message': 'player_position must be 0, 1, or 2'})
player_position = int(player_position)
# Player hand cards
player_hand_cards = ''.join([RealCard2EnvCard[c] for c in request.form.get('player_hand_cards')])
if player_position == 0:
if len(player_hand_cards) < 1 or len(player_hand_cards) > 20:
return jsonify({'status': 2, 'message': 'the number of hand cards should be 1-20'})
if len(player_hand_cards) < 1 or len(player_hand_cards) > 17:
return jsonify({'status': 3, 'message': 'the number of hand cards should be 1-17'})
# Number cards left
num_cards_left = [int(request.form.get('num_cards_left_landlord')), int(request.form.get('num_cards_left_landlord_down')), int(request.form.get('num_cards_left_landlord_up'))]
if num_cards_left[player_position] != len(player_hand_cards):
return jsonify({'status': 4, 'message': 'the number of cards left do not align with hand cards'})
if num_cards_left[0] < 0 or num_cards_left[1] < 0 or num_cards_left[2] < 0 or num_cards_left[0] > 20 or num_cards_left[1] > 17 or num_cards_left[2] > 17:
return jsonify({'status': 5, 'message': 'the number of cards left not in range'})
# Three landlord cards
three_landlord_cards = ''.join([RealCard2EnvCard[c] for c in request.form.get('three_landlord_cards')])
if len(three_landlord_cards) < 0 or len(three_landlord_cards) > 3:
return jsonify({'status': 6, 'message': 'the number of landlord cards should be 0-3'})
# Card play sequence
if request.form.get('card_play_action_seq') == '':
card_play_action_seq = []
tmp_seq = [''.join([RealCard2EnvCard[c] for c in cards]) for cards in request.form.get('card_play_action_seq').split(',')]
for i in range(len(tmp_seq)):
if tmp_seq[i] == '':
tmp_seq[i] = 'pass'
card_play_action_seq = []
for i in range(len(tmp_seq)):
card_play_action_seq.append((i%3, tmp_seq[i]))
# Other hand cards
other_hand_cards = ''.join([RealCard2EnvCard[c] for c in request.form.get('other_hand_cards')])
if len(other_hand_cards) != sum(num_cards_left) - num_cards_left[player_position]:
return jsonify({'status': 7, 'message': 'the number of the other hand cards do not align with the number of cards left'})
# Played cards
played_cards = []
for field in ['played_cards_landlord', 'played_cards_landlord_down', 'played_cards_landlord_up']:
played_cards.append(''.join([RealCard2EnvCard[c] for c in request.form.get(field)]))
# RLCard state
state = {}
state['current_hand'] = player_hand_cards
state['landlord'] = 0
state['num_cards_left'] = num_cards_left
state['others_hand'] = other_hand_cards
state['played_cards'] = played_cards
state['seen_cards'] = three_landlord_cards
state['self'] = player_position
state['trace'] = card_play_action_seq
# Get rival move and legal_actions
rival_move = 'pass'
if len(card_play_action_seq) != 0:
if card_play_action_seq[-1][1] == 'pass':
rival_move = card_play_action_seq[-2][1]
rival_move = card_play_action_seq[-1][1]
if rival_move == 'pass':
rival_move = ''
rival_move = [RLCard2DouZeroCard[c] for c in rival_move]
state['actions'] = _get_legal_card_play_actions([RLCard2DouZeroCard[c] for c in player_hand_cards], rival_move)
state['actions'] = [''.join([DouZeroCard2RLCard[c] for c in a]) for a in state['actions']]
for i in range(len(state['actions'])):
if state['actions'][i] == '':
state['actions'][i] = 'pass'
# Prediction
state = _extract_state(state)
action, info = players[player_position].eval_step(state)
if action == 'pass':
action = ''
for i in info['values']:
if i == 'pass':
info['values'][''] = info['values']['pass']
del info['values']['pass']
actions = nlargest(3, info['values'], key=info['values'].get)
actions_confidence = [info['values'].get(action) for action in actions]
actions = [''.join([EnvCard2RealCard[c] for c in action]) for action in actions]
result = {}
win_rates = {}
for i in range(len(actions)):
# Here, we calculate the win rate
win_rate = min(actions_confidence[i], 1)
win_rate = max(win_rate, 0)
win_rates[actions[i]] = str(round(win_rate, 4))
result[actions[i]] = str(round(actions_confidence[i], 6))
############## DEBUG ################
if app.debug:
print('--------------- DEBUG START --------------')
command = 'curl --data "'
parameters = []
for key in request.form:
print(key+':', request.form.get(key))
command += '&'.join(parameters)
command += '" ""'
print('Command:', command)
print('Rival Move:', rival_move)
print('legal_actions:', state['legal_actions'])
print('Result:', result)
print('--------------- DEBUG END --------------')
############## DEBUG ################
return jsonify({'status': 0, 'message': 'success', 'result': result, 'win_rates': win_rates})
import traceback
return jsonify({'status': -1, 'message': 'unkown error'})
@app.route('/legal', methods=['POST'])
def legal():
if request.method == 'POST':
player_hand_cards = [RealCard2EnvCard[c] for c in request.form.get('player_hand_cards')]
rival_move = [RealCard2EnvCard[c] for c in request.form.get('rival_move')]
if rival_move == '':
rival_move = 'pass'
player_hand_cards = [RLCard2DouZeroCard[c] for c in player_hand_cards]
rival_move = [RLCard2DouZeroCard[c] for c in rival_move]
legal_actions = _get_legal_card_play_actions(player_hand_cards, rival_move)
legal_actions = [''.join([DouZeroCard2RLCard[c] for c in a]) for a in legal_actions]
for i in range(len(legal_actions)):
if legal_actions[i] == 'pass':
legal_actions[i] = ''
legal_actions = ','.join([''.join([EnvCard2RealCard[c] for c in action]) for action in legal_actions])
return jsonify({'status': 0, 'message': 'success', 'legal_action': legal_actions})
import traceback
return jsonify({'status': -1, 'message': 'unkown error'})
def _extract_state(state):
current_hand = _cards2array(state['current_hand'])
others_hand = _cards2array(state['others_hand'])
last_action = ''
if len(state['trace']) != 0:
if state['trace'][-1][1] == 'pass':
last_action = state['trace'][-2][1]
last_action = state['trace'][-1][1]
last_action = _cards2array(last_action)
last_9_actions = _action_seq2array(_process_action_seq(state['trace']))
if state['self'] == 0: # landlord
landlord_up_played_cards = _cards2array(state['played_cards'][2])
landlord_down_played_cards = _cards2array(state['played_cards'][1])
landlord_up_num_cards_left = _get_one_hot_array(state['num_cards_left'][2], 17)
landlord_down_num_cards_left = _get_one_hot_array(state['num_cards_left'][1], 17)
obs = np.concatenate((current_hand,
landlord_played_cards = _cards2array(state['played_cards'][0])
for i, action in reversed(state['trace']):
if i == 0:
last_landlord_action = action
last_landlord_action = _cards2array(last_landlord_action)
landlord_num_cards_left = _get_one_hot_array(state['num_cards_left'][0], 20)
teammate_id = 3 - state['self']
teammate_played_cards = _cards2array(state['played_cards'][teammate_id])
last_teammate_action = 'pass'
for i, action in reversed(state['trace']):
if i == teammate_id:
last_teammate_action = action
last_teammate_action = _cards2array(last_teammate_action)
teammate_num_cards_left = _get_one_hot_array(state['num_cards_left'][teammate_id], 17)
obs = np.concatenate((current_hand,
legal_actions = {env._ACTION_2_ID[action]: _cards2array(action) for action in state['actions']}
extracted_state = OrderedDict({'obs': obs, 'legal_actions': legal_actions})
extracted_state['raw_obs'] = state
extracted_state['raw_legal_actions'] = [a for a in state['actions']]
return extracted_state
def _get_legal_card_play_actions(player_hand_cards, rival_move):
mg = MovesGener(player_hand_cards)
rival_type = md.get_move_type(rival_move)
rival_move_type = rival_type['type']
rival_move_len = rival_type.get('len', 1)
moves = list()
if rival_move_type == md.TYPE_0_PASS:
moves = mg.gen_moves()
elif rival_move_type == md.TYPE_1_SINGLE:
all_moves = mg.gen_type_1_single()
moves = ms.filter_type_1_single(all_moves, rival_move)
elif rival_move_type == md.TYPE_2_PAIR:
all_moves = mg.gen_type_2_pair()
moves = ms.filter_type_2_pair(all_moves, rival_move)
elif rival_move_type == md.TYPE_3_TRIPLE:
all_moves = mg.gen_type_3_triple()
moves = ms.filter_type_3_triple(all_moves, rival_move)
elif rival_move_type == md.TYPE_4_BOMB:
all_moves = mg.gen_type_4_bomb() + mg.gen_type_5_king_bomb()
moves = ms.filter_type_4_bomb(all_moves, rival_move)
elif rival_move_type == md.TYPE_5_KING_BOMB:
moves = []
elif rival_move_type == md.TYPE_6_3_1:
all_moves = mg.gen_type_6_3_1()
moves = ms.filter_type_6_3_1(all_moves, rival_move)
elif rival_move_type == md.TYPE_7_3_2:
all_moves = mg.gen_type_7_3_2()
moves = ms.filter_type_7_3_2(all_moves, rival_move)
elif rival_move_type == md.TYPE_8_SERIAL_SINGLE:
all_moves = mg.gen_type_8_serial_single(repeat_num=rival_move_len)
moves = ms.filter_type_8_serial_single(all_moves, rival_move)
elif rival_move_type == md.TYPE_9_SERIAL_PAIR:
all_moves = mg.gen_type_9_serial_pair(repeat_num=rival_move_len)
moves = ms.filter_type_9_serial_pair(all_moves, rival_move)
elif rival_move_type == md.TYPE_10_SERIAL_TRIPLE:
all_moves = mg.gen_type_10_serial_triple(repeat_num=rival_move_len)
moves = ms.filter_type_10_serial_triple(all_moves, rival_move)
elif rival_move_type == md.TYPE_11_SERIAL_3_1:
all_moves = mg.gen_type_11_serial_3_1(repeat_num=rival_move_len)
moves = ms.filter_type_11_serial_3_1(all_moves, rival_move)
elif rival_move_type == md.TYPE_12_SERIAL_3_2:
all_moves = mg.gen_type_12_serial_3_2(repeat_num=rival_move_len)
moves = ms.filter_type_12_serial_3_2(all_moves, rival_move)
elif rival_move_type == md.TYPE_13_4_2:
all_moves = mg.gen_type_13_4_2()
moves = ms.filter_type_13_4_2(all_moves, rival_move)
elif rival_move_type == md.TYPE_14_4_22:
all_moves = mg.gen_type_14_4_22()
moves = ms.filter_type_14_4_22(all_moves, rival_move)
if rival_move_type not in [md.TYPE_0_PASS,
moves = moves + mg.gen_type_4_bomb() + mg.gen_type_5_king_bomb()
if len(rival_move) != 0: # rival_move is not 'pass'
moves = moves + [[]]
for m in moves:
2021-05-30 22:22:28 +08:00
moves = list(move for move,_ in itertools.groupby(moves))
2021-05-29 04:43:44 +08:00
return moves
Card2Column = {'3': 0, '4': 1, '5': 2, '6': 3, '7': 4, '8': 5, '9': 6, 'T': 7,
'J': 8, 'Q': 9, 'K': 10, 'A': 11, '2': 12}
NumOnes2Array = {0: np.array([0, 0, 0, 0]),
1: np.array([1, 0, 0, 0]),
2: np.array([1, 1, 0, 0]),
3: np.array([1, 1, 1, 0]),
4: np.array([1, 1, 1, 1])}
def _cards2array(cards):
if cards == 'pass':
return np.zeros(54, dtype=np.int8)
matrix = np.zeros([4, 13], dtype=np.int8)
jokers = np.zeros(2, dtype=np.int8)
counter = Counter(cards)
for card, num_times in counter.items():
if card == 'B':
jokers[0] = 1
elif card == 'R':
jokers[1] = 1
matrix[:, Card2Column[card]] = NumOnes2Array[num_times]
return np.concatenate((matrix.flatten('F'), jokers))
def _get_one_hot_array(num_left_cards, max_num_cards):
one_hot = np.zeros(max_num_cards, dtype=np.int8)
one_hot[num_left_cards - 1] = 1
return one_hot
def _action_seq2array(action_seq_list):
action_seq_array = np.zeros((len(action_seq_list), 54), np.int8)
for row, cards in enumerate(action_seq_list):
action_seq_array[row, :] = _cards2array(cards)
action_seq_array = action_seq_array.flatten()
return action_seq_array
def _process_action_seq(sequence, length=9):
sequence = [action[1] for action in sequence[-length:]]
if len(sequence) < length:
empty_sequence = ['' for _ in range(length - len(sequence))]
sequence = empty_sequence
return sequence
if __name__ == '__main__':
import argparse
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='DouZero backend')
parser.add_argument('--debug', action='store_true')
args = parser.parse_args()