import os import json from tqdm import tqdm import numpy as np from .rlcard_wrap import rlcard class Tournament(object): def __init__(self, game, model_ids, num_eval_games=100): """ Default for two player games For Dou Dizhu, the two peasants use the same model """ = game self.model_ids = model_ids self.num_eval_games = num_eval_games # Load the models self.models = [rlcard.models.load(model_id) for model_id in model_ids] def launch(self): """ Currently for two-player game only """ num_models = len(self.model_ids) games_data = [] payoffs_data = [] for i in range(num_models): for j in range(num_models): if j == i: continue print(, '-', self.model_ids[i], 'VS', self.model_ids[j]) if == 'doudizhu': agents = [self.models[i].agents[0], self.models[j].agents[1], self.models[j].agents[2]] names = [self.model_ids[i], self.model_ids[j], self.model_ids[j]] data, payoffs, wins = doudizhu_tournament(, agents, names, self.num_eval_games) elif == 'leduc-holdem': agents = [self.models[i].agents[0], self.models[j].agents[1]] data, payoffs, wins = leduc_holdem_tournament(, agents, self.num_eval_games) mean_payoff = np.mean(payoffs) print('Average payoff:', mean_payoff) print() for k in range(len(data)): game_data = {} game_data['name'] = game_data['index'] = k game_data['agent0'] = self.model_ids[i] game_data['agent1'] = self.model_ids[j] game_data['win'] = wins[k] game_data['replay'] = data[k] game_data['payoff'] = payoffs[k] games_data.append(game_data) payoff_data = {} payoff_data['name'] = payoff_data['agent0'] = self.model_ids[i] payoff_data['agent1'] = self.model_ids[j] payoff_data['payoff'] = mean_payoff payoffs_data.append(payoff_data) return games_data, payoffs_data def doudizhu_tournament(game, agents, names, num_eval_games): env = rlcard.make(game, config={'allow_raw_data': True}) env.set_agents(agents) payoffs = [] json_data = [] wins = [] for _ in tqdm(range(num_eval_games)): data = {} roles = ['landlord', 'peasant', 'peasant'] data['playerInfo'] = [{'id': i, 'index': i, 'role': roles[i], 'agentInfo': {'name': names[i]}} for i in range(env.num_players)] state, player_id = env.reset() perfect = env.get_perfect_information() data['initHands'] = perfect['hand_cards_with_suit'] current_hand_cards = perfect['hand_cards_with_suit'].copy() for i in range(len(current_hand_cards)): current_hand_cards[i] = current_hand_cards[i].split() data['moveHistory'] = [] while not env.is_over(): action, info = env.agents[player_id].eval_step(state) history = {} history['playerIdx'] = player_id if env.agents[player_id].use_raw: _action = action else: _action = env._decode_action(action) history['move'] = _calculate_doudizhu_move(_action, player_id, current_hand_cards) history['info'] = info data['moveHistory'].append(history) state, player_id = env.step(action, env.agents[player_id].use_raw) data = json.dumps(str(data)) #data = json.dumps(data, indent=2, sort_keys=True) json_data.append(data) if env.get_payoffs()[0] > 0: wins.append(True) else: wins.append(False) payoffs.append(env.get_payoffs()[0]) return json_data, payoffs, wins def _calculate_doudizhu_move(action, player_id, current_hand_cards): if action == 'pass': return action trans = {'B': 'BJ', 'R': 'RJ'} cards_with_suit = [] for card in action: if card in trans: cards_with_suit.append(trans[card]) current_hand_cards[player_id].remove(trans[card]) else: for hand_card in current_hand_cards[player_id]: if hand_card[1] == card: cards_with_suit.append(hand_card) current_hand_cards[player_id].remove(hand_card) break return ' '.join(cards_with_suit) def leduc_holdem_tournament(game, agents, num_eval_games): env = rlcard.make(game, config={'allow_raw_data': True}) env.set_agents(agents) payoffs = [] json_data = [] wins = [] for _ in tqdm(range(num_eval_games)): data = {} data['playerInfo'] = [{'id': i, 'index': i} for i in range(env.num_players)] state, player_id = env.reset() perfect = env.get_perfect_information() data['initHands'] = perfect['hand_cards'] data['moveHistory'] = [] round_history = [] round_id = 0 while not env.is_over(): action, info = env.agents[player_id].eval_step(state) history = {} history['playerIdx'] = player_id if env.agents[player_id].use_raw: history['move'] = action else: history['move'] = env._decode_action(action) history['info'] = info round_history.append(history) state, player_id = env.step(action, env.agents[player_id].use_raw) perfect = env.get_perfect_information() if round_id < perfect['current_round'] or env.is_over(): round_id = perfect['current_round'] data['moveHistory'].append(round_history) round_history = [] perfect = env.get_perfect_information() data['publicCard'] = perfect['public_card'] data = json.dumps(str(data)) #data = json.dumps(data, indent=2, sort_keys=True) json_data.append(data) if env.get_payoffs()[0] > 0: wins.append(True) else: wins.append(False) payoffs.append(env.get_payoffs()[0]) return json_data, payoffs, wins if __name__=='__main__': game = 'leduc-holdem' model_ids = ['leduc-holdem-random', 'leduc-holdem-rule-v1', 'leduc-holdem-cfr'] t = Tournament(game, model_ids) games_data = t.launch() print(len(games_data)) print(games_data[0]) #root_path = './models' #agent1 = LeducHoldemDQNModel1(root_path) #agent2 = LeducHoldemRandomModel(root_path) #agent3 = LeducHoldemRuleModel() #agent4 = LeducHoldemCFRModel(root_path) #agent5 = LeducHoldemDQNModel2(root_path) #t = Tournament(agent1, agent2, agent3, agent4, agent5, 'leduc-holdem') ##t.competition() #t.evaluate()