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API Documentation

Changing the Configuration of Frontend

The default configuration for backend server URL is, you can also change it in /src/utils/config.js.

You will see blank tables on the frontend if you haven't started the backend Django server, or the backend server URL is configured incorrectly.

REST API of Backend

The definitions of the fields are as follows:

  • eval_num: Integer. The number of evaluation times.
  • name: String. The name of the environment.
  • agent0: String. Model name.
  • agent1: String. Model name.
  • win: Boolean. True if model in the first seat wins.
  • payoff: Float. The payoff of the agent in the first seat.
  • index: Integer. The index of the game of the same environent and same agent. It is in the range [0, eval_num-1]
type Resource Parameters Description
GET tournament/launch eval_num, name Launch tournment on the game. Each pair of models will play eval_num times. Results will be saved in database.
GET tournament/query_game name, index, agent0, agent1, win, payoff, elements_every_page, page_index Query the games with the given parameters
GET tournament/query_payoff name, agent0, agent1, payoff Query the payoffs with the given parameters
GET tournament/query_agent_payoff name, elements_every_page, page_index, Query the payoffs of all the agents
GET tournament/replay name, agent0, agent1, index Return the replay data
POST tournament/upload_agent model(Python file), name, game, entry Upload a model file. name is model ID, entry is the class name of the model
GET tournament/delete_agent name Delete the agent of the given name
GET tournament/list_uploaded_agents game list all the uploaded agents
GET tournament/list_baseline_agents game list all the baseline agents

Example API

API Description Evaluate on Leduc Holdem with 200 games for each pair of models Obtain the replay data between rule model and CFR model. Obtain the data of the 3rd game Get all the game data Get all the game data of Leduc Holdem Get all the payoffs Get all the payoffs between rule and CFR models Get the payoffs of all the agents of leduc-holdem List the uploaded agents of leduc-holdem List the baseline agents of leduc-holdem

Registered Models

Some models have been pre-registered as baselines

Model Game Description
leduc-holdem-random leduc-holdem A random model
leduc-holdem-cfr leduc-holdem Pre-trained CFR model on Leduc Holdem
leduc-holdem-rule-v1 leduc-holdem A rule model that plays greedily
doudizhu-random doudizhu A random model
doudizhu-rule-v1 doudizhu Dou Dizhu rule model

Example of uploading a new model

A example model file is prepared:

cd server/upload_test

Upload the model with curl:

curl -F 'model=@example_model.py' -F "name=leduc-new" -F "entry=LeducHoldemRuleModelV2" -F "game=leduc-holdem"

Launch the tounament with:

curl ''

We list the uploaded agent with


We can delete the agent with

curl ''