7. Compress the two folders into `SMAPI <version>.zip` and `SMAPI <version> for developers.zip`.
## Customisation
### Configuration file
You can customise the SMAPI behaviour by editing the `StardewModdingAPI.config.json` file in your
game folder.
Basic fields:
field | purpose
----------------- | -------
`DeveloperMode` | Default `false` (except in _SMAPI for developers_ releases). Whether to enable features intended for mod developers (mainly more detailed console logging).
`CheckForUpdates` | Default `true`. Whether SMAPI should check for a newer version when you load the game. If a new version is available, a small message will appear in the console. This doesn't affect the load time even if your connection is offline or slow, because it happens in the background.
`VerboseLogging` | Default `false`. Whether SMAPI should log more information about the game context.
`ModData` | Internal metadata about SMAPI mods. Changing this isn't recommended and may destabilise your game. See documentation in the file.
### Command-line arguments
The SMAPI installer recognises three command-line arguments:
argument | purpose
-------- | -------
`--install` | Preselects the install action, skipping the prompt asking what the user wants to do.
`--uninstall` | Preselects the uninstall action, skipping the prompt asking what the user wants to do.
`--game-path "path"` | Specifies the full path to the folder containing the Stardew Valley executable, skipping automatic detection and any prompt to choose a path. If the path is not valid, the installer displays an error.
SMAPI itself recognises two arguments, but these are intended for internal use or testing and may
change without warning.
argument | purpose
-------- | -------
`--no-terminal` | SMAPI won't write anything to the console window. (Messages will still be written to the log file.)
### Compile flags
SMAPI uses a small number of conditional compilation constants, which you can set by editing the
`<DefineConstants>` element in `StardewModdingAPI.csproj`. Supported constants:
flag | purpose
---- | -------
`SMAPI_FOR_WINDOWS` | Indicates that SMAPI is being compiled on Windows for players on Windows. Set automatically in `crossplatform.targets`.
Each mod is identified by a repository key and unique identifier (like `nexus:541`). The following
repositories are supported:
key | repository
------------- | ----------
`chucklefish` | A mod page on the [Chucklefish mod site](https://community.playstarbound.com/resources/categories/22), identified by the mod ID in the page URL.
`github` | A repository on [GitHub](https://github.com), identified by its owner and repository name (like `Zoryn4163/SMAPI-Mods`). This checks the version of the latest repository release.
`nexus` | A mod page on [Nexus Mods](https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley), identified by the mod ID in the page URL.
`LogParser:PastebinDevKey` | The [Pastebin developer key](https://pastebin.com/api#1) used to authenticate with the Pastebin API.
`LogParser:PastebinUserKey` | The [Pastebin user key](https://pastebin.com/api#8) used to authenticate with the Pastebin API. Can be left blank to post anonymously.
`LogParser:SectionUrl` | The root URL of the log page, like `https://log.smapi.io/`.
`ModUpdateCheck:GitHubPassword` | The password with which to authenticate to GitHub when fetching release info.
`ModUpdateCheck:GitHubUsername` | The username with which to authenticate to GitHub when fetching release info.