@ -160,7 +160,7 @@ namespace StardewModdingAPI.Tests
Mock<IModMetadata> mock = new Mock<IModMetadata>(MockBehavior.Strict);
mock.Setup(p => p.Status).Returns(ModMetadataStatus.Found);
mock.Setup(p => p.Compatibility).Returns(() => null);
mock.Setup(p => p.Manifest).Returns(this.GetRandomManifest(m => m.MinimumApiVersion = "1.1"));
mock.Setup(p => p.Manifest).Returns(this.GetManifest(m => m.MinimumApiVersion = "1.1"));
mock.Setup(p => p.SetStatus(ModMetadataStatus.Failed, It.IsAny<string>())).Returns(() => mock.Object);
// act
@ -177,7 +177,7 @@ namespace StardewModdingAPI.Tests
Mock<IModMetadata> mock = new Mock<IModMetadata>(MockBehavior.Strict);
mock.Setup(p => p.Status).Returns(ModMetadataStatus.Found);
mock.Setup(p => p.Compatibility).Returns(() => null);
mock.Setup(p => p.Manifest).Returns(this.GetRandomManifest());
mock.Setup(p => p.Manifest).Returns(this.GetManifest());
mock.Setup(p => p.DirectoryPath).Returns(Path.GetTempPath());
mock.Setup(p => p.SetStatus(ModMetadataStatus.Failed, It.IsAny<string>())).Returns(() => mock.Object);
@ -192,7 +192,7 @@ namespace StardewModdingAPI.Tests
public void ValidateManifests_Valid_Passes()
// set up manifest
IManifest manifest = this.GetRandomManifest();
IManifest manifest = this.GetManifest();
// create DLL
string modFolder = Path.Combine(Path.GetTempPath(), Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N"));
@ -231,9 +231,9 @@ namespace StardewModdingAPI.Tests
// arrange
// A B C
Mock<IModMetadata> modA = this.GetMetadataForDependencyTest("Mod A");
Mock<IModMetadata> modB = this.GetMetadataForDependencyTest("Mod B");
Mock<IModMetadata> modC = this.GetMetadataForDependencyTest("Mod C");
Mock<IModMetadata> modA = this.GetMetadata("Mod A");
Mock<IModMetadata> modB = this.GetMetadata("Mod B");
Mock<IModMetadata> modC = this.GetMetadata("Mod C");
// act
IModMetadata[] mods = new ModResolver().ProcessDependencies(new[] { modA.Object, modB.Object, modC.Object }).ToArray();
@ -267,9 +267,9 @@ namespace StardewModdingAPI.Tests
// ▲ ▲
// │ │
// └─ C ─┘
Mock<IModMetadata> modA = this.GetMetadataForDependencyTest("Mod A");
Mock<IModMetadata> modB = this.GetMetadataForDependencyTest("Mod B", dependencies: new[] { "Mod A" });
Mock<IModMetadata> modC = this.GetMetadataForDependencyTest("Mod C", dependencies: new[] { "Mod A", "Mod B" });
Mock<IModMetadata> modA = this.GetMetadata("Mod A");
Mock<IModMetadata> modB = this.GetMetadata("Mod B", dependencies: new[] { "Mod A" });
Mock<IModMetadata> modC = this.GetMetadata("Mod C", dependencies: new[] { "Mod A", "Mod B" });
// act
IModMetadata[] mods = new ModResolver().ProcessDependencies(new[] { modC.Object, modA.Object, modB.Object }).ToArray();
@ -286,10 +286,10 @@ namespace StardewModdingAPI.Tests
// arrange
// A ◀── B ◀── C ◀── D
Mock<IModMetadata> modA = this.GetMetadataForDependencyTest("Mod A");
Mock<IModMetadata> modB = this.GetMetadataForDependencyTest("Mod B", dependencies: new[] { "Mod A" });
Mock<IModMetadata> modC = this.GetMetadataForDependencyTest("Mod C", dependencies: new[] { "Mod B" });
Mock<IModMetadata> modD = this.GetMetadataForDependencyTest("Mod D", dependencies: new[] { "Mod C" });
Mock<IModMetadata> modA = this.GetMetadata("Mod A");
Mock<IModMetadata> modB = this.GetMetadata("Mod B", dependencies: new[] { "Mod A" });
Mock<IModMetadata> modC = this.GetMetadata("Mod C", dependencies: new[] { "Mod B" });
Mock<IModMetadata> modD = this.GetMetadata("Mod D", dependencies: new[] { "Mod C" });
// act
IModMetadata[] mods = new ModResolver().ProcessDependencies(new[] { modC.Object, modA.Object, modB.Object, modD.Object }).ToArray();
@ -310,12 +310,12 @@ namespace StardewModdingAPI.Tests
// ▲ ▲
// │ │
// E ◀── F
Mock<IModMetadata> modA = this.GetMetadataForDependencyTest("Mod A");
Mock<IModMetadata> modB = this.GetMetadataForDependencyTest("Mod B", dependencies: new[] { "Mod A" });
Mock<IModMetadata> modC = this.GetMetadataForDependencyTest("Mod C", dependencies: new[] { "Mod B" });
Mock<IModMetadata> modD = this.GetMetadataForDependencyTest("Mod D", dependencies: new[] { "Mod C" });
Mock<IModMetadata> modE = this.GetMetadataForDependencyTest("Mod E", dependencies: new[] { "Mod B" });
Mock<IModMetadata> modF = this.GetMetadataForDependencyTest("Mod F", dependencies: new[] { "Mod C", "Mod E" });
Mock<IModMetadata> modA = this.GetMetadata("Mod A");
Mock<IModMetadata> modB = this.GetMetadata("Mod B", dependencies: new[] { "Mod A" });
Mock<IModMetadata> modC = this.GetMetadata("Mod C", dependencies: new[] { "Mod B" });
Mock<IModMetadata> modD = this.GetMetadata("Mod D", dependencies: new[] { "Mod C" });
Mock<IModMetadata> modE = this.GetMetadata("Mod E", dependencies: new[] { "Mod B" });
Mock<IModMetadata> modF = this.GetMetadata("Mod F", dependencies: new[] { "Mod C", "Mod E" });
// act
IModMetadata[] mods = new ModResolver().ProcessDependencies(new[] { modC.Object, modA.Object, modB.Object, modD.Object, modF.Object, modE.Object }).ToArray();
@ -338,11 +338,11 @@ namespace StardewModdingAPI.Tests
// ▲ │
// │ ▼
// └──── E
Mock<IModMetadata> modA = this.GetMetadataForDependencyTest("Mod A");
Mock<IModMetadata> modB = this.GetMetadataForDependencyTest("Mod B", dependencies: new[] { "Mod A" });
Mock<IModMetadata> modC = this.GetMetadataForDependencyTest("Mod C", dependencies: new[] { "Mod B", "Mod D" }, allowStatusChange: true);
Mock<IModMetadata> modD = this.GetMetadataForDependencyTest("Mod D", dependencies: new[] { "Mod E" }, allowStatusChange: true);
Mock<IModMetadata> modE = this.GetMetadataForDependencyTest("Mod E", dependencies: new[] { "Mod C" }, allowStatusChange: true);
Mock<IModMetadata> modA = this.GetMetadata("Mod A");
Mock<IModMetadata> modB = this.GetMetadata("Mod B", dependencies: new[] { "Mod A" });
Mock<IModMetadata> modC = this.GetMetadata("Mod C", dependencies: new[] { "Mod B", "Mod D" }, allowStatusChange: true);
Mock<IModMetadata> modD = this.GetMetadata("Mod D", dependencies: new[] { "Mod E" }, allowStatusChange: true);
Mock<IModMetadata> modE = this.GetMetadata("Mod E", dependencies: new[] { "Mod C" }, allowStatusChange: true);
// act
IModMetadata[] mods = new ModResolver().ProcessDependencies(new[] { modC.Object, modA.Object, modB.Object, modD.Object, modE.Object }).ToArray();
@ -361,9 +361,9 @@ namespace StardewModdingAPI.Tests
// arrange
// A ◀── B ◀── C D (failed)
Mock<IModMetadata> modA = this.GetMetadataForDependencyTest("Mod A");
Mock<IModMetadata> modB = this.GetMetadataForDependencyTest("Mod B", dependencies: new[] { "Mod A" });
Mock<IModMetadata> modC = this.GetMetadataForDependencyTest("Mod C", dependencies: new[] { "Mod B" }, allowStatusChange: true);
Mock<IModMetadata> modA = this.GetMetadata("Mod A");
Mock<IModMetadata> modB = this.GetMetadata("Mod B", dependencies: new[] { "Mod A" });
Mock<IModMetadata> modC = this.GetMetadata("Mod C", dependencies: new[] { "Mod B" }, allowStatusChange: true);
Mock<IModMetadata> modD = new Mock<IModMetadata>(MockBehavior.Strict);
modD.Setup(p => p.Manifest).Returns<IManifest>(null);
modD.Setup(p => p.Status).Returns(ModMetadataStatus.Failed);
@ -379,12 +379,46 @@ namespace StardewModdingAPI.Tests
Assert.AreSame(modC.Object, mods[3], "The load order is incorrect: mod C should be fourth since it needs mod B, and is needed by mod D.");
[Test(Description = "Assert that dependencies are failed if they don't meet the minimum version.")]
public void ProcessDependencies_WithMinVersions_FailsIfNotMet()
// arrange
// A 1.0 ◀── B (need A 1.1)
Mock<IModMetadata> modA = this.GetMetadata(this.GetManifest("Mod A", "1.0"));
Mock<IModMetadata> modB = this.GetMetadata(this.GetManifest("Mod B", "1.0", new ManifestDependency("Mod A", "1.1")), allowStatusChange: true);
// act
IModMetadata[] mods = new ModResolver().ProcessDependencies(new[] { modA.Object, modB.Object }).ToArray();
// assert
Assert.AreEqual(2, mods.Length, 0, "Expected to get the same number of mods input.");
modB.Verify(p => p.SetStatus(ModMetadataStatus.Failed, It.IsAny<string>()), Times.Once, "Mod B unexpectedly didn't fail even though it needs a newer version of Mod A.");
[Test(Description = "Assert that dependencies are accepted if they meet the minimum version.")]
public void ProcessDependencies_WithMinVersions_SucceedsIfMet()
// arrange
// A 1.0 ◀── B (need A 1.0-beta)
Mock<IModMetadata> modA = this.GetMetadata(this.GetManifest("Mod A", "1.0"));
Mock<IModMetadata> modB = this.GetMetadata(this.GetManifest("Mod B", "1.0", new ManifestDependency("Mod A", "1.0-beta")), allowStatusChange: false);
// act
IModMetadata[] mods = new ModResolver().ProcessDependencies(new[] { modA.Object, modB.Object }).ToArray();
// assert
Assert.AreEqual(2, mods.Length, 0, "Expected to get the same number of mods input.");
Assert.AreSame(modA.Object, mods[0], "The load order is incorrect: mod A should be first since it's needed by mod B.");
Assert.AreSame(modB.Object, mods[1], "The load order is incorrect: mod B should be second since it needs mod A.");
** Private methods
/// <summary>Get a randomised basic manifest.</summary>
/// <param name="adjust">Adjust the generated manifest.</param>
private Manifest GetRandomManifest(Action<Manifest> adjust = null)
private Manifest GetManifest(Action<Manifest> adjust = null)
Manifest manifest = new Manifest
@ -401,26 +435,50 @@ namespace StardewModdingAPI.Tests
/// <summary>Get a randomised basic manifest.</summary>
/// <param name="uniqueID">The mod's name and unique ID.</param>
/// <param name="version">The mod version.</param>
/// <param name="dependencies">The dependencies this mod requires.</param>
/// <param name="allowStatusChange">Whether the code being tested is allowed to change the mod status.</param>
private Mock<IModMetadata> GetMetadataForDependencyTest(string uniqueID, string[] dependencies = null, bool allowStatusChange = false)
private IManifest GetManifest(string uniqueID, string version, params IManifestDependency[] dependencies)
Mock<IModMetadata> mod = new Mock<IModMetadata>(MockBehavior.Strict);
mod.Setup(p => p.Status).Returns(ModMetadataStatus.Found);
mod.Setup(p => p.DisplayName).Returns(uniqueID);
mod.Setup(p => p.Manifest).Returns(
this.GetRandomManifest(manifest =>
return this.GetManifest(manifest =>
manifest.Name = uniqueID;
manifest.UniqueID = uniqueID;
manifest.Dependencies = dependencies?.Select(dependencyID => (IManifestDependency)new ManifestDependency(dependencyID)).ToArray();
manifest.Version = new SemanticVersion(version);
manifest.Dependencies = dependencies;
/// <summary>Get a randomised basic manifest.</summary>
/// <param name="uniqueID">The mod's name and unique ID.</param>
private Mock<IModMetadata> GetMetadata(string uniqueID)
return this.GetMetadata(this.GetManifest(uniqueID, "1.0"));
/// <summary>Get a randomised basic manifest.</summary>
/// <param name="uniqueID">The mod's name and unique ID.</param>
/// <param name="dependencies">The dependencies this mod requires.</param>
/// <param name="allowStatusChange">Whether the code being tested is allowed to change the mod status.</param>
private Mock<IModMetadata> GetMetadata(string uniqueID, string[] dependencies, bool allowStatusChange = false)
IManifest manifest = this.GetManifest(uniqueID, "1.0", dependencies?.Select(dependencyID => (IManifestDependency)new ManifestDependency(dependencyID, null)).ToArray());
return this.GetMetadata(manifest, allowStatusChange);
/// <summary>Get a randomised basic manifest.</summary>
/// <param name="manifest">The mod manifest.</param>
/// <param name="allowStatusChange">Whether the code being tested is allowed to change the mod status.</param>
private Mock<IModMetadata> GetMetadata(IManifest manifest, bool allowStatusChange = false)
Mock<IModMetadata> mod = new Mock<IModMetadata>(MockBehavior.Strict);
mod.Setup(p => p.Status).Returns(ModMetadataStatus.Found);
mod.Setup(p => p.DisplayName).Returns(manifest.UniqueID);
mod.Setup(p => p.Manifest).Returns(manifest);
if (allowStatusChange)
.Setup(p => p.SetStatus(It.IsAny<ModMetadataStatus>(), It.IsAny<string>()))
.Callback<ModMetadataStatus, string>((status, message) => Console.WriteLine($"<{uniqueID} changed status: [{status}] {message}"))
.Callback<ModMetadataStatus, string>((status, message) => Console.WriteLine($"<{manifest.UniqueID} changed status: [{status}] {message}"))
return mod;