add translation unit tests (#296)
This commit is contained in:
@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ using StardewModdingAPI.Tests.Framework;
namespace StardewModdingAPI.Tests
/// <summary>Unit tests for <see cref="ModResolver"/>.</summary>
public class ModResolverTests
@ -48,6 +48,7 @@
<Compile Include="..\GlobalAssemblyInfo.cs">
<Compile Include="TranslationTests.cs" />
<Compile Include="ModResolverTests.cs" />
<Compile Include="Properties\AssemblyInfo.cs" />
<Compile Include="Framework\Sample.cs" />
@ -61,5 +62,6 @@
<Import Project="$(SolutionDir)\crossplatform.targets" />
<Import Project="$(MSBuildToolsPath)\Microsoft.CSharp.targets" />
@ -0,0 +1,333 @@
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using NUnit.Framework;
using StardewModdingAPI.Framework;
using StardewValley;
namespace StardewModdingAPI.Tests
/// <summary>Unit tests for <see cref="TranslationHelper"/> and <see cref="Translation"/>.</summary>
public class TranslationTests
** Data
/// <summary>Sample translation text for unit tests.</summary>
public static string[] Samples = { null, "", " ", "boop", " boop " };
/// <summary>A token structure type.</summary>
public enum TokenType
/// <summary>The tokens are passed in a dictionary.</summary>
/// <summary>The tokens are passed in an anonymous object.</summary>
** Unit tests
** Translation helper
[Test(Description = "Assert that the translation helper correctly handles no translations.")]
public void Helper_HandlesNoTranslations()
// arrange
var data = new Dictionary<string, IDictionary<string, string>>();
// act
ITranslationHelper helper = new TranslationHelper("ModName", "en", LocalizedContentManager.LanguageCode.en, data);
Translation translation = helper.Translate("key");
// assert
Assert.AreEqual("en", helper.Locale, "The locale doesn't match the input value.");
Assert.AreEqual(LocalizedContentManager.LanguageCode.en, helper.LocaleEnum, "The locale enum doesn't match the input value.");
Assert.IsNotNull(helper.GetTranslations(), "The full list of translations is unexpectedly null.");
Assert.AreEqual(0, helper.GetTranslations().Count, "The full list of translations is unexpectedly not empty.");
Assert.IsNotNull(translation, "The translation helper unexpectedly returned a null translation.");
Assert.AreEqual(this.GetPlaceholderText("key"), translation.ToString(), "The translation returned an unexpected value.");
[Test(Description = "Assert that the translation helper returns the expected translations correctly.")]
public void Helper_GetTranslations_ReturnsExpectedText()
// arrange
var data = this.GetSampleData();
var expected = this.GetExpectedTranslations();
// act
var actual = new Dictionary<string, IDictionary<string, string>>();
TranslationHelper helper = new TranslationHelper("ModName", "en", LocalizedContentManager.LanguageCode.en, data);
foreach (string locale in expected.Keys)
this.AssertSetLocale(helper, locale, LocalizedContentManager.LanguageCode.en);
actual[locale] = helper.GetTranslations();
// assert
foreach (string locale in expected.Keys)
Assert.IsNotNull(actual[locale], $"The translations for {locale} is unexpectedly null.");
Assert.That(actual[locale], Is.EquivalentTo(expected[locale]), $"The translations for {locale} don't match the expected values.");
[Test(Description = "Assert that the translations returned by the helper has the expected text.")]
public void Helper_Translate_ReturnsExpectedText()
// arrange
var data = this.GetSampleData();
var expected = this.GetExpectedTranslations();
// act
var actual = new Dictionary<string, IDictionary<string, string>>();
TranslationHelper helper = new TranslationHelper("ModName", "en", LocalizedContentManager.LanguageCode.en, data);
foreach (string locale in expected.Keys)
this.AssertSetLocale(helper, locale, LocalizedContentManager.LanguageCode.en);
actual[locale] = new Dictionary<string, string>();
foreach (string key in expected[locale].Keys)
actual[locale][key] = helper.Translate(key);
// assert
foreach (string locale in expected.Keys)
Assert.IsNotNull(actual[locale], $"The translations for {locale} is unexpectedly null.");
Assert.That(actual[locale], Is.EquivalentTo(expected[locale]), $"The translations for {locale} don't match the expected values.");
** Translation
[Test(Description = "Assert that HasValue returns the expected result for various inputs.")]
[TestCase(null, ExpectedResult = false)]
[TestCase("", ExpectedResult = false)]
[TestCase(" ", ExpectedResult = true)]
[TestCase("boop", ExpectedResult = true)]
[TestCase(" boop ", ExpectedResult = true)]
public bool Translation_HasValue(string text)
return new Translation("ModName", "pt-BR", "key", text).HasValue();
[Test(Description = "Assert that the translation's ToString method returns the expected text for various inputs.")]
public void Translation_ToString([ValueSource(nameof(TranslationTests.Samples))] string text)
// act
Translation translation = new Translation("ModName", "pt-BR", "key", text);
// assert
if (translation.HasValue())
Assert.AreEqual(text, translation.ToString(), "The translation returned an unexpected value given a valid input.");
Assert.AreEqual(this.GetPlaceholderText("key"), translation.ToString(), "The translation returned an unexpected value given a null or empty input.");
[Test(Description = "Assert that the translation's implicit string conversion returns the expected text for various inputs.")]
public void Translation_ImplicitStringConversion([ValueSource(nameof(TranslationTests.Samples))] string text)
// act
Translation translation = new Translation("ModName", "pt-BR", "key", text);
// assert
if (translation.HasValue())
Assert.AreEqual(text, (string)translation, "The translation returned an unexpected value given a valid input.");
Assert.AreEqual(this.GetPlaceholderText("key"), (string)translation, "The translation returned an unexpected value given a null or empty input.");
[Test(Description = "Assert that the translation returns the expected text given a use-placeholder setting.")]
public void Translation_UsePlaceholder([Values(true, false)] bool value, [ValueSource(nameof(TranslationTests.Samples))] string text)
// act
Translation translation = new Translation("ModName", "pt-BR", "key", text).UsePlaceholder(value);
// assert
if (translation.HasValue())
Assert.AreEqual(text, translation.ToString(), "The translation returned an unexpected value given a valid input.");
else if (!value)
Assert.AreEqual(text, translation.ToString(), "The translation returned an unexpected value given a null or empty input with the placeholder disabled.");
Assert.AreEqual(this.GetPlaceholderText("key"), translation.ToString(), "The translation returned an unexpected value given a null or empty input with the placeholder enabled.");
[Test(Description = "Assert that the translation's Assert method throws the expected exception.")]
public void Translation_Assert([ValueSource(nameof(TranslationTests.Samples))] string text)
// act
Translation translation = new Translation("ModName", "pt-BR", "key", text);
// assert
if (translation.HasValue())
Assert.That(() => translation.Assert(), Throws.Nothing, "The assert unexpected threw an exception for a valid input.");
Assert.That(() => translation.Assert(), Throws.Exception.TypeOf<KeyNotFoundException>(), "The assert didn't throw an exception for invalid input.");
[Test(Description = "Assert that the translation returns the expected text after setting the default.")]
public void Translation_Default([ValueSource(nameof(TranslationTests.Samples))] string text, [ValueSource(nameof(TranslationTests.Samples))] string @default)
// act
Translation translation = new Translation("ModName", "pt-BR", "key", text).Default(@default);
// assert
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(text))
Assert.AreEqual(text, translation.ToString(), "The translation returned an unexpected value given a valid base text.");
else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(@default))
Assert.AreEqual(@default, translation.ToString(), "The translation returned an unexpected value given a null or empty base text, but valid default.");
Assert.AreEqual(this.GetPlaceholderText("key"), translation.ToString(), "The translation returned an unexpected value given a null or empty base and default text.");
** Translation tokens
[Test(Description = "Assert that multiple translation tokens are replaced correctly regardless of the token structure.")]
public void Translation_Tokens([Values(TokenType.AnonymousObject, TokenType.Dictionary)] TokenType tokenType)
// arrange
string start = Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N");
string middle = Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N");
string end = Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N");
const string input = "{{start}} tokens are properly replaced (including {{middle}} {{ MIDdlE}}) {{end}}";
string expected = $"{start} tokens are properly replaced (including {middle} {middle}) {end}";
// act
Translation translation = new Translation("ModName", "pt-BR", "key", input);
switch (tokenType)
case TokenType.AnonymousObject:
translation = translation.Tokens(new { start, middle, end });
case TokenType.Dictionary:
translation = translation.Tokens(new Dictionary<string, object> { ["start"] = start, ["middle"] = middle, ["end"] = end });
throw new NotSupportedException($"Unknown token type {tokenType}.");
// assert
Assert.AreEqual(expected, translation.ToString(), "The translation returned an unexpected text.");
[Test(Description = "Assert that the translation can replace tokens in all valid formats.")]
[TestCase("{{value}}", "value")]
[TestCase("{{ value }}", "value")]
[TestCase("{{value }}", "value")]
[TestCase("{{ the_value }}", "the_value")]
[TestCase("{{ the.value_here }}", "the.value_here")]
[TestCase("{{ the_value-here.... }}", "the_value-here....")]
[TestCase("{{ tHe_vALuE-HEre.... }}", "tHe_vALuE-HEre....")]
public void Translation_Tokens_ValidFormats(string text, string key)
// arrange
string value = Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N");
// act
Translation translation = new Translation("ModName", "pt-BR", "key", text).Tokens(new Dictionary<string, object> { [key] = value });
// assert
Assert.AreEqual(value, translation.ToString(), "The translation returned an unexpected value given a valid base text.");
[Test(Description = "Assert that translation tokens are case-insensitive and surrounding-whitespace-insensitive.")]
[TestCase("{{value}}", "value")]
[TestCase("{{VaLuE}}", "vAlUe")]
[TestCase("{{VaLuE }}", " vAlUe")]
public void Translation_Tokens_KeysAreNormalised(string text, string key)
// arrange
string value = Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N");
// act
Translation translation = new Translation("ModName", "pt-BR", "key", text).Tokens(new Dictionary<string, object> { [key] = value });
// assert
Assert.AreEqual(value, translation.ToString(), "The translation returned an unexpected value given a valid base text.");
** Private methods
/// <summary>Set a translation helper's locale and assert that it was set correctly.</summary>
/// <param name="helper">The translation helper to change.</param>
/// <param name="locale">The expected locale.</param>
/// <param name="localeEnum">The expected game language code.</param>
private void AssertSetLocale(TranslationHelper helper, string locale, LocalizedContentManager.LanguageCode localeEnum)
helper.SetLocale(locale, localeEnum);
Assert.AreEqual(locale, helper.Locale, "The locale doesn't match the input value.");
Assert.AreEqual(localeEnum, helper.LocaleEnum, "The locale enum doesn't match the input value.");
/// <summary>Get sample raw translations to input.</summary>
private IDictionary<string, IDictionary<string, string>> GetSampleData()
return new Dictionary<string, IDictionary<string, string>>
["default"] = new Dictionary<string, string>
["key A"] = "default A",
["key C"] = "default C"
["en"] = new Dictionary<string, string>
["key A"] = "en A",
["key B"] = "en B"
["en-US"] = new Dictionary<string, string>(),
["zzz"] = new Dictionary<string, string>
["key A"] = "zzz A"
/// <summary>Get the expected translation output given <see cref="TranslationTests.GetSampleData"/>, based on the expected locale fallback.</summary>
private IDictionary<string, IDictionary<string, string>> GetExpectedTranslations()
return new Dictionary<string, IDictionary<string, string>>
["default"] = new Dictionary<string, string>
["key A"] = "default A",
["key C"] = "default C"
["en"] = new Dictionary<string, string>
["key A"] = "en A",
["key B"] = "en B",
["key C"] = "default C"
["en-us"] = new Dictionary<string, string>
["key A"] = "en A",
["key B"] = "en B",
["key C"] = "default C"
["zzz"] = new Dictionary<string, string>
["key A"] = "zzz A",
["key C"] = "default C"
/// <summary>Get the default placeholder text when a translation is missing.</summary>
/// <param name="key">The translation key.</param>
private string GetPlaceholderText(string key)
return string.Format(Translation.PlaceholderText, key);
@ -11,6 +11,9 @@ namespace StardewModdingAPI
** Properties
/// <summary>The placeholder text when the translation is <c>null</c> or empty, where <c>{0}</c> is the translation key.</summary>
internal const string PlaceholderText = "(no translation:{0})";
/// <summary>The name of the relevant mod for error messages.</summary>
private readonly string ModName;
@ -36,7 +39,7 @@ namespace StardewModdingAPI
/// <param name="key">The translation key.</param>
/// <param name="text">The underlying translation text.</param>
internal Translation(string modName, string locale, string key, string text)
: this(modName, locale, key, text, $"(no translation:{key})") { }
: this(modName, locale, key, text, string.Format(Translation.PlaceholderText, key)) { }
/// <summary>Construct an isntance.</summary>
/// <param name="modName">The name of the relevant mod for error messages.</param>
@ -75,7 +78,7 @@ namespace StardewModdingAPI
/// <param name="use">Whether to return a placeholder.</param>
public Translation UsePlaceholder(bool use)
return new Translation(this.ModName, this.Locale, this.Key, this.Text, use ? $"(no translation:{this.Key})" : null);
return new Translation(this.ModName, this.Locale, this.Key, this.Text, use ? string.Format(Translation.PlaceholderText, this.Key) : null);
/// <summary>Replace tokens in the text like <c>{{value}}</c> with the given values. Returns a new instance.</summary>
@ -33,7 +33,6 @@
<Reference Include="Stardew Valley">
<HintPath>$(GamePath)\Stardew Valley.exe</HintPath>
<Reference Include="xTile, Version=, Culture=neutral, processorArchitecture=x86">
Reference in New Issue