using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; namespace StardewModdingAPI { public class Command { internal static List RegisteredCommands = new List(); public String CommandName; public String CommandDesc; public String[] CommandArgs; public String[] CalledArgs; public delegate void CommandFireHandler(Command cmd); public event CommandFireHandler CommandFired; /// /// Calls the specified command. (It runs the command) /// /// The command to run public static void CallCommand(string input) { input = input.TrimEnd(new[] {' '}); string[] args = new string[0]; Command fnd; if (input.Contains(" ")) { args = input.Split(new[] {" "}, 2, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); fnd = FindCommand(args[0]); args = args[1].Split(new[] { " " }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); } else { fnd = FindCommand(input); } if (fnd != null) { fnd.CalledArgs = args; fnd.Fire(); } else { Program.LogError("Unknown Command"); } } /// /// Registers a command to the list of commands properly /// /// Name of the command to register /// Description /// Arguments (these are purely for viewing so that a user can see what an argument needs to be) /// public static Command RegisterCommand(string command, string cdesc, string[] args = null) { Command c = new Command(command, cdesc, args); if (RegisteredCommands.Contains(c)) { Program.LogError("Command already registered! [{0}]", c.CommandName); return RegisteredCommands.Find(x => x.Equals(c)); } RegisteredCommands.Add(c); Program.LogColour(ConsoleColor.Cyan, "Registered command: " + command); return c; } /// /// Looks up a command in the list of registered commands. Returns null if it doesn't exist (I think) /// /// Name of command to find /// public static Command FindCommand(string name) { return RegisteredCommands.Find(x => x.CommandName.Equals(name)); } /// /// Creates a Command from a Name, Description, and Arguments /// /// Name /// Description /// Arguments public Command(String cname, String cdesc, String[] args = null) { CommandName = cname; CommandDesc = cdesc; if (args == null) args = new string[0]; CommandArgs = args; } /// /// Runs a command. Fires it. Calls it. Any of those. /// public void Fire() { if (CommandFired == null) { Program.LogError("Command failed to fire because it's fire event is null: " + CommandName); return; } CommandFired.Invoke(this); } } }