374 lines
18 KiB
374 lines
18 KiB
using System;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Reflection.Emit;
using System.Linq.Expressions;
using MonoMod.Utils;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Mono.Cecil;
using Mono.Cecil.Cil;
using System.Linq;
namespace MonoMod.Utils {
// The following mostly qualifies as r/badcode material.
public sealed partial class DynamicMethodDefinition {
// Mono
private static readonly FastReflectionDelegate _ILGen_make_room =
typeof(ILGenerator).GetMethod("make_room", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance)
private static readonly FastReflectionDelegate _ILGen_emit_int =
typeof(ILGenerator).GetMethod("emit_int", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance)
private static readonly FastReflectionDelegate _ILGen_ll_emit =
typeof(ILGenerator).GetMethod("ll_emit", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance)
// .NET
private static readonly FastReflectionDelegate _ILGen_EnsureCapacity =
typeof(ILGenerator).GetMethod("EnsureCapacity", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance)
private static readonly FastReflectionDelegate _ILGen_PutInteger4 =
typeof(ILGenerator).GetMethod("PutInteger4", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance)
private static readonly FastReflectionDelegate _ILGen_InternalEmit =
typeof(ILGenerator).GetMethod("InternalEmit", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance)
private static readonly FastReflectionDelegate _ILGen_UpdateStackSize =
typeof(ILGenerator).GetMethod("UpdateStackSize", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance)
private static readonly FieldInfo f_DynILGen_m_scope =
.GetType("System.Reflection.Emit.DynamicILGenerator")?.GetField("m_scope", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance);
private static readonly FieldInfo f_DynScope_m_tokens =
.GetType("System.Reflection.Emit.DynamicScope")?.GetField("m_tokens", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance);
// Based on https://referencesource.microsoft.com/#mscorlib/system/reflection/mdimport.cs,74bfbae3c61889bc
private static readonly Type[] CorElementTypes = new Type[] {
internal static void _EmitCallSite(DynamicMethod dm, ILGenerator il, System.Reflection.Emit.OpCode opcode, CallSite csite) {
/* The mess in this method is heavily based off of the code available at the following links:
* https://github.com/Microsoft/referencesource/blob/3b1eaf5203992df69de44c783a3eda37d3d4cd10/mscorlib/system/reflection/emit/dynamicmethod.cs#L791
* https://github.com/Microsoft/referencesource/blob/3b1eaf5203992df69de44c783a3eda37d3d4cd10/mscorlib/system/reflection/emit/dynamicilgenerator.cs#L353
* https://github.com/mono/mono/blob/82e573122a55482bf6592f36f819597238628385/mcs/class/corlib/System.Reflection.Emit/DynamicMethod.cs#L411
* https://github.com/mono/mono/blob/82e573122a55482bf6592f36f819597238628385/mcs/class/corlib/System.Reflection.Emit/ILGenerator.cs#L800
* https://github.com/dotnet/coreclr/blob/0fbd855e38bc3ec269479b5f6bf561dcfd67cbb6/src/System.Private.CoreLib/src/System/Reflection/Emit/SignatureHelper.cs#L57
List<object> _tokens = null;
int _GetTokenForType(Type v) {
return _tokens.Count - 1 | 0x02000000 /* (int) MetadataTokenType.TypeDef */;
int _GetTokenForSig(byte[] v) {
return _tokens.Count - 1 | 0x11000000 /* (int) MetadataTokenType.Signature */;
DynamicILInfo _info = null;
if (_IsMono) {
// GetDynamicILInfo throws "invalid signature" in .NET - let's hope for the best for mono...
_info = dm.GetDynamicILInfo();
} else {
// For .NET, we need to access DynamicScope m_scope and its List<object> m_tokens
_tokens = f_DynScope_m_tokens.GetValue(f_DynILGen_m_scope.GetValue(il)) as List<object>;
int GetTokenForType(Type v) => _info != null ? _info.GetTokenFor(v.TypeHandle) : _GetTokenForType(v);
int GetTokenForSig(byte[] v) => _info != null ? _info.GetTokenFor(v) : _GetTokenForSig(v);
int GetTokenForType(Type v) => _GetTokenForType(v);
int GetTokenForSig(byte[] v) => _GetTokenForSig(v);
byte[] signature = new byte[32];
int currSig = 0;
int sizeLoc = -1;
// This expects a MdSigCallingConvention
AddData((byte) csite.CallingConvention);
sizeLoc = currSig++;
List<Type> modReq = new List<Type>();
List<Type> modOpt = new List<Type>();
_EmitResolveWithModifiers(csite.ReturnType, out Type returnType, out Type[] returnTypeModReq, out Type[] returnTypeModOpt, modReq, modOpt);
AddArgument(returnType, returnTypeModReq, returnTypeModOpt);
foreach (ParameterDefinition param in csite.Parameters) {
if (param.ParameterType.IsSentinel)
AddElementType(0x41 /* CorElementType.Sentinel */);
if (param.ParameterType.IsPinned) {
AddElementType(0x45 /* CorElementType.Pinned */);
// AddArgument(param.ParameterType.ResolveReflection());
// continue;
_EmitResolveWithModifiers(param.ParameterType, out Type paramType, out Type[] paramTypeModReq, out Type[] paramTypeModOpt, modReq, modOpt);
AddArgument(paramType, paramTypeModReq, paramTypeModOpt);
AddElementType(0x00 /* CorElementType.End */);
// For most signatures, this will set the number of elements in a byte which we have reserved for it.
// However, if we have a field signature, we don't set the length and return.
// If we have a signature with more than 128 arguments, we can't just set the number of elements,
// we actually have to allocate more space (e.g. shift everything in the array one or more spaces to the
// right. We do this by making a copy of the array and leaving the correct number of blanks. This new
// array is now set to be m_signature and we use the AddData method to set the number of elements properly.
// The forceCopy argument can be used to force SetNumberOfSignatureElements to make a copy of
// the array. This is useful for GetSignature which promises to trim the array to be the correct size anyway.
byte[] temp;
int newSigSize;
int currSigHolder = currSig;
// We need to have more bytes for the size. Figure out how many bytes here.
// Since we need to copy anyway, we're just going to take the cost of doing a
// new allocation.
if (csite.Parameters.Count < 0x80) {
newSigSize = 1;
} else if (csite.Parameters.Count < 0x4000) {
newSigSize = 2;
} else {
newSigSize = 4;
// Allocate the new array.
temp = new byte[currSig + newSigSize - 1];
// Copy the calling convention. The calling convention is always just one byte
// so we just copy that byte. Then copy the rest of the array, shifting everything
// to make room for the new number of elements.
temp[0] = signature[0];
Buffer.BlockCopy(signature, sizeLoc + 1, temp, sizeLoc + newSigSize, currSigHolder - (sizeLoc + 1));
signature = temp;
//Use the AddData method to add the number of elements appropriately compressed.
currSig = sizeLoc;
currSig = currSigHolder + (newSigSize - 1);
// This case will only happen if the user got the signature through
// InternalGetSignature first and then called GetSignature.
if (signature.Length > currSig) {
temp = new byte[currSig];
Array.Copy(signature, temp, currSig);
signature = temp;
// Emit.
if (_ILGen_emit_int != null) {
// Mono
_ILGen_make_room(il, 6);
_ILGen_ll_emit(il, opcode);
_ILGen_emit_int(il, GetTokenForSig(signature));
} else {
// .NET
_ILGen_EnsureCapacity(il, 7);
_ILGen_InternalEmit(il, opcode);
// The only IL instruction that has VarPop behaviour, that takes a
// Signature token as a parameter is calli. Pop the parameters and
// the native function pointer. To be conservative, do not pop the
// this pointer since this information is not easily derived from
// SignatureHelper.
if (opcode.StackBehaviourPop == System.Reflection.Emit.StackBehaviour.Varpop) {
// Pop the arguments and native function pointer off the stack.
_ILGen_UpdateStackSize(il, opcode, -csite.Parameters.Count - 1);
_ILGen_PutInteger4(il, GetTokenForSig(signature));
void AddArgument(Type clsArgument, Type[] requiredCustomModifiers, Type[] optionalCustomModifiers) {
if (optionalCustomModifiers != null)
foreach (Type t in optionalCustomModifiers)
InternalAddTypeToken(GetTokenForType(t), 0x20 /* CorElementType.CModOpt */);
if (requiredCustomModifiers != null)
foreach (Type t in requiredCustomModifiers)
InternalAddTypeToken(GetTokenForType(t), 0x1F /* CorElementType.CModReqd */);
void AddData(int data) {
// A managed representation of CorSigCompressData;
if (currSig + 4 > signature.Length) {
signature = ExpandArray(signature);
if (data <= 0x7F) {
signature[currSig++] = (byte) (data & 0xFF);
} else if (data <= 0x3FFF) {
signature[currSig++] = (byte) ((data >> 8) | 0x80);
signature[currSig++] = (byte) (data & 0xFF);
} else if (data <= 0x1FFFFFFF) {
signature[currSig++] = (byte) ((data >> 24) | 0xC0);
signature[currSig++] = (byte) ((data >> 16) & 0xFF);
signature[currSig++] = (byte) ((data >> 8) & 0xFF);
signature[currSig++] = (byte) ((data) & 0xFF);
} else {
throw new ArgumentException("Integer or token was too large to be encoded.");
byte[] ExpandArray(byte[] inArray, int requiredLength = -1) {
if (requiredLength < inArray.Length)
requiredLength = inArray.Length * 2;
byte[] outArray = new byte[requiredLength];
Buffer.BlockCopy(inArray, 0, outArray, 0, inArray.Length);
return outArray;
void AddElementType(byte cvt) {
// Adds an element to the signature. A managed represenation of CorSigCompressElement
if (currSig + 1 > signature.Length)
signature = ExpandArray(signature);
signature[currSig++] = cvt;
void AddToken(int token) {
// A managed represenation of CompressToken
// Pulls the token appart to get a rid, adds some appropriate bits
// to the token and then adds this to the signature.
int rid = (token & 0x00FFFFFF); //This is RidFromToken;
int type = (token & unchecked((int) 0xFF000000)); //This is TypeFromToken;
if (rid > 0x3FFFFFF) {
// token is too big to be compressed
throw new ArgumentException("Integer or token was too large to be encoded.");
rid = (rid << 2);
// TypeDef is encoded with low bits 00
// TypeRef is encoded with low bits 01
// TypeSpec is encoded with low bits 10
if (type == 0x01000000 /* MetadataTokenType.TypeRef */) {
//if type is mdtTypeRef
rid |= 0x1;
} else if (type == 0x1b000000 /* MetadataTokenType.TypeSpec */) {
//if type is mdtTypeSpec
rid |= 0x2;
void InternalAddTypeToken(int clsToken, byte CorType) {
// Add a type token into signature. CorType will be either CorElementType.Class or CorElementType.ValueType
void AddOneArgTypeHelper(Type clsArgument) { AddOneArgTypeHelperWorker(clsArgument, false); }
void AddOneArgTypeHelperWorker(Type clsArgument, bool lastWasGenericInst) {
if (clsArgument.GetTypeInfo().IsGenericType && (!clsArgument.GetTypeInfo().IsGenericTypeDefinition || !lastWasGenericInst)) {
AddElementType(0x15 /* CorElementType.GenericInst */);
AddOneArgTypeHelperWorker(clsArgument.GetGenericTypeDefinition(), true);
Type[] genargs = clsArgument.GetGenericArguments();
foreach (Type t in genargs)
} else if (clsArgument.IsByRef) {
AddElementType(0x10 /* CorElementType.ByRef */);
clsArgument = clsArgument.GetElementType();
} else if (clsArgument.IsPointer) {
AddElementType(0x0F /* CorElementType.Ptr */);
} else if (clsArgument.IsArray) {
#if false
if (clsArgument.IsArray && clsArgument == clsArgument.GetElementType().MakeArrayType()) { // .IsSZArray unavailable.
AddElementType(0x1D /* CorElementType.SzArray */);
} else
AddElementType(0x14 /* CorElementType.Array */);
// put the rank information
int rank = clsArgument.GetArrayRank();
AddData(rank); // rank
AddData(0); // upper bounds
AddData(rank); // lower bound
for (int i = 0; i < rank; i++)
} else {
// This isn't 100% accurate, but... oh well.
byte type = 0; // 0 is reserved anyway.
for (int i = 0; i < CorElementTypes.Length; i++) {
if (clsArgument == CorElementTypes[i]) {
type = (byte) i;
if (type == 0) {
if (clsArgument == typeof(object)) {
type = 0x1C /* CorElementType.Object */;
} else if (clsArgument.GetTypeInfo().IsValueType) {
type = 0x11 /* CorElementType.ValueType */;
} else {
// Let's hope for the best.
type = 0x12 /* CorElementType.Class */;
if (type <= 0x0E /* CorElementType.String */ ||
type == 0x16 /* CorElementType.TypedByRef */ ||
type == 0x18 /* CorElementType.I */ ||
type == 0x19 /* CorElementType.U */ ||
type == 0x1C /* CorElementType.Object */
) {
} else if (clsArgument.GetTypeInfo().IsValueType) {
InternalAddTypeToken(GetTokenForType(clsArgument), 0x11 /* CorElementType.ValueType */);
} else {
InternalAddTypeToken(GetTokenForType(clsArgument), 0x12 /* CorElementType.Class */);