2018-03-04 23:53:55 +08:00
using CustomNPCFramework.Framework.Enums;
using CustomNPCFramework.Framework.ModularNPCS;
using CustomNPCFramework.Framework.ModularNPCS.CharacterAnimationBases;
2018-03-18 18:20:06 +08:00
using CustomNPCFramework.Framework.ModularNPCS.ColorCollections;
2018-03-04 23:53:55 +08:00
using CustomNPCFramework.Framework.ModularNPCS.ModularRenderers;
using CustomNPCFramework.Framework.NPCS;
2018-03-19 07:06:49 +08:00
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework;
2018-03-04 23:53:55 +08:00
using StardewValley;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
2018-03-17 19:04:04 +08:00
using System.IO;
2018-03-04 23:53:55 +08:00
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace CustomNPCFramework.Framework.Graphics
2018-03-19 18:32:00 +08:00
2018-03-04 23:53:55 +08:00
/// <summary>
2018-03-19 18:32:00 +08:00
/// Used to hold a collection of strings.
2018-03-04 23:53:55 +08:00
/// </summary>
public class NamePairings
public string leftString;
public string rightString;
public string upString;
public string downString;
public NamePairings(string LeftString,string RightString, string UpString, string DownString)
this.leftString = LeftString;
this.rightString = RightString;
this.upString = UpString;
this.downString = DownString;
2018-03-19 18:32:00 +08:00
/// <summary>
/// Used to contain all of the asset managers.
/// </summary>
2018-03-04 23:53:55 +08:00
public class AssetPool
2018-03-19 18:32:00 +08:00
/// <summary>
/// A dictionary holding all of the asset managers. (Name, AssetManager)
/// </summary>
2018-03-04 23:53:55 +08:00
public Dictionary<string, AssetManager> assetPool;
2018-03-19 18:32:00 +08:00
/// <summary>
/// Constructor.
/// </summary>
2018-03-04 23:53:55 +08:00
public AssetPool()
this.assetPool = new Dictionary<string, AssetManager>();
2018-03-19 18:32:00 +08:00
/// <summary>
/// Adds an asset manager to the asset pool.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="pair">A key value pair with the convention being (Manager Name, Asset Manager)</param>
2018-03-04 23:53:55 +08:00
public void addAssetManager(KeyValuePair<string, AssetManager> pair)
this.assetPool.Add(pair.Key, pair.Value);
2018-03-19 18:32:00 +08:00
/// <summary>
/// Adds an asset manager to the asset pool.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="assetManagerName">The name of the asset manager to be added.</param>
/// <param name="assetManager">The asset manager object to be added to the asset pool.</param>
2018-03-04 23:53:55 +08:00
public void addAssetManager(string assetManagerName, AssetManager assetManager)
this.assetPool.Add(assetManagerName, assetManager);
2018-03-19 18:32:00 +08:00
/// <summary>
/// Get an asset manager from the asset pool from a name.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="name">The name of the asset manager to return.</param>
/// <returns></returns>
2018-03-04 23:53:55 +08:00
public AssetManager getAssetManager(string name)
assetPool.TryGetValue(name, out AssetManager asset);
return asset;
2018-03-19 18:32:00 +08:00
/// <summary>
/// Remove an asset manager from the asset pool.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="key">The name of the asset manager to remove.</param>
2018-03-04 23:53:55 +08:00
public void removeAssetManager(string key)
2018-03-19 18:32:00 +08:00
/// <summary>
/// Go through all of the asset managers and load assets according to their respective paths.
/// </summary>
2018-03-04 23:53:55 +08:00
public void loadAllAssets()
foreach (KeyValuePair<string, AssetManager> assetManager in this.assetPool)
/// <summary>
/// Creates an extended animated sprite object given the asset name in the asset manager.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="name"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public AnimatedSpriteExtended getAnimatedSpriteFromAsset(string name)
assetPool.TryGetValue(name, out AssetManager asset);
var assetSheet = asset.getAssetByName(name);
2018-03-17 19:04:04 +08:00
return new AnimatedSpriteExtended(assetSheet.clone().getCurrentSpriteTexture(),assetSheet.path.Clone().ToString(),assetSheet.index, (int)assetSheet.assetInfo.assetSize.X, (int)assetSheet.assetInfo.assetSize.Y);
2018-03-04 23:53:55 +08:00
2018-03-19 18:32:00 +08:00
/// <summary>
/// Generates a new AnimatedSpriteCollection object from the data held in an asset sheet.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="assetSheet">An asset sheet that holds the data for textures.</param>
/// <param name="type">The type of asset to get from the sheet. Hair, eyes, shoes, etc.</param>
/// <returns></returns>
2018-03-05 05:23:40 +08:00
public AnimatedSpriteCollection getSpriteCollectionFromSheet(AssetSheet assetSheet, AnimationType type)
2018-03-05 06:32:59 +08:00
2018-03-17 19:04:04 +08:00
var left = new AnimatedSpriteExtended(assetSheet.clone().getTexture(Direction.left, type),assetSheet.path.Clone().ToString(),assetSheet.index, (int)assetSheet.assetInfo.assetSize.X, (int)assetSheet.assetInfo.assetSize.Y);
var right = new AnimatedSpriteExtended(assetSheet.clone().getTexture(Direction.right, type),assetSheet.path.Clone().ToString(), assetSheet.index, (int)assetSheet.assetInfo.assetSize.X, (int)assetSheet.assetInfo.assetSize.Y);
var up = new AnimatedSpriteExtended(assetSheet.clone().getTexture(Direction.up, type),assetSheet.path.Clone().ToString(), assetSheet.index, (int)assetSheet.assetInfo.assetSize.X, (int)assetSheet.assetInfo.assetSize.Y);
var down = new AnimatedSpriteExtended(assetSheet.clone().getTexture(Direction.down, type), assetSheet.path.Clone().ToString(),assetSheet.index, (int)assetSheet.assetInfo.assetSize.X, (int)assetSheet.assetInfo.assetSize.Y);
2018-03-05 06:32:59 +08:00
return new AnimatedSpriteCollection(left, right, up, down, Direction.down);
2018-03-04 23:53:55 +08:00
2018-03-05 05:23:40 +08:00
2018-03-04 23:53:55 +08:00
/// <summary>
/// Gets an animated sprite collection (ie a hair style facing all four directions) from a list of asset names.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="left">The name of the asset for the left facing sprite.</param>
/// <param name="right">The name of the asset for the right facing sprite.</param>
/// <param name="up">The name of the asset for the up facing sprite.</param>
/// <param name="down">The name of the asset for the down facing sprite.</param>
/// <param name="startingDirection"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public AnimatedSpriteCollection getAnimatedSpriteCollectionFromAssets(string left, string right, string up, string down, Direction startingDirection = Direction.down)
var Left = getAnimatedSpriteFromAsset(left);
var Right = getAnimatedSpriteFromAsset(right);
var Up = getAnimatedSpriteFromAsset(up);
var Down = getAnimatedSpriteFromAsset(down);
return new AnimatedSpriteCollection(Left, Right, Up, Down, startingDirection);
2018-03-19 18:32:00 +08:00
/// <summary>
/// Get an AnimatedSpriteCollection from a name pairing.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="pair">A collection of strings that hold information on directional textures.</param>
/// <param name="startingDirection">The direction in which the sprite should face.</param>
/// <returns></returns>
2018-03-04 23:53:55 +08:00
public AnimatedSpriteCollection getAnimatedSpriteCollectionFromAssets(NamePairings pair, Direction startingDirection = Direction.down)
return getAnimatedSpriteCollectionFromAssets(pair.leftString, pair.rightString, pair.upString, pair.downString);
2018-03-19 18:32:00 +08:00
/// <summary>
/// Get a collection of sprites to generate a collective animated sprite.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="BodySprites">The collection of sprites to be used for the boyd of the npc.</param>
/// <param name="EyeSprites">The collection of sprites to be used for the eye of the npc.</param>
/// <param name="HairSprites">The collection of sprites to be used for the hair of the npc.</param>
/// <param name="ShirtsSprites">The collection of sprites to be used for the shirts of the npc.</param>
/// <param name="PantsSprites">The collection of sprites to be used for the pants of the npc.</param>
/// <param name="ShoesSprites">The collection of sprites to be used for the shoes of the npc.</param>
/// <param name="AccessoriesSprites">The collection of sprites to be used for the accessories of the npc.</param>
/// <param name="DrawColors">The collection of collors to be used for chaing the color of an individual asset.</param>
/// <returns></returns>
2018-03-18 18:20:06 +08:00
public StandardCharacterAnimation GetStandardCharacterAnimation(NamePairings BodySprites, NamePairings EyeSprites, NamePairings HairSprites, NamePairings ShirtsSprites, NamePairings PantsSprites, NamePairings ShoesSprites,List<NamePairings> AccessoriesSprites,StandardColorCollection DrawColors=null)
2018-03-04 23:53:55 +08:00
var body = getAnimatedSpriteCollectionFromAssets(BodySprites);
var eyes = getAnimatedSpriteCollectionFromAssets(EyeSprites);
var hair = getAnimatedSpriteCollectionFromAssets(HairSprites);
var shirts = getAnimatedSpriteCollectionFromAssets(ShirtsSprites);
var pants = getAnimatedSpriteCollectionFromAssets(PantsSprites);
var shoes = getAnimatedSpriteCollectionFromAssets(ShoesSprites);
List<AnimatedSpriteCollection> accessories = new List<AnimatedSpriteCollection>();
foreach(var v in AccessoriesSprites)
2018-03-18 18:20:06 +08:00
if (DrawColors == null) DrawColors = new StandardColorCollection();
return new StandardCharacterAnimation(body,eyes,hair,shirts,pants,shoes,accessories,DrawColors);
2018-03-04 23:53:55 +08:00
2018-03-19 18:32:00 +08:00
/// <summary>
/// Get a list of parts that can apply for this criteria.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="assetManagerName">The name of the asset manager.</param>
/// <param name="gender">The gender critera.</param>
/// <param name="season">The season critera.</param>
/// <param name="type">The part type critera.</param>
/// <returns></returns>
2018-03-04 23:53:55 +08:00
public List<AssetSheet> getListOfApplicableBodyParts(string assetManagerName,Genders gender, Seasons season, PartType type)
var parts = this.getAssetManager(assetManagerName).getListOfAssetsThatMatchThisCriteria(gender, season, type);
return parts;
2018-03-17 19:04:04 +08:00
/// <summary>
/// Generate a basic npc based off of all all of the NPC data here.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="gender"></param>
/// <param name="minNumOfAccessories"></param>
/// <param name="maxNumOfAccessories"></param>
2018-03-19 07:06:49 +08:00
public ExtendedNPC generateNPC(Genders gender, int minNumOfAccessories, int maxNumOfAccessories ,StandardColorCollection DrawColors=null)
2018-03-04 23:53:55 +08:00
Seasons myseason=Seasons.spring;
if (Game1.currentSeason == "spring") myseason = Seasons.spring;
if (Game1.currentSeason == "summer") myseason = Seasons.summer;
if (Game1.currentSeason == "fall") myseason = Seasons.fall;
if (Game1.currentSeason == "winter") myseason = Seasons.winter;
List<AssetSheet> bodyList = new List<AssetSheet>();
List<AssetSheet> eyesList = new List<AssetSheet>();
List<AssetSheet> hairList = new List<AssetSheet>();
List<AssetSheet> shirtList = new List<AssetSheet>();
List<AssetSheet> shoesList = new List<AssetSheet>();
List<AssetSheet> pantsList = new List<AssetSheet>();
List<AssetSheet> accessoryList = new List<AssetSheet>();
//Get all applicable parts from this current asset manager
foreach (var assetManager in this.assetPool)
var body = getListOfApplicableBodyParts(assetManager.Key, gender, myseason, PartType.body);
foreach (var piece in body) bodyList.Add(piece);
var eyes = getListOfApplicableBodyParts(assetManager.Key, gender, myseason, PartType.eyes);
foreach (var piece in eyes) eyesList.Add(piece);
var hair = getListOfApplicableBodyParts(assetManager.Key, gender, myseason, PartType.hair);
foreach (var piece in hair) hairList.Add(piece);
var shirt = getListOfApplicableBodyParts(assetManager.Key, gender, myseason, PartType.shirt);
foreach (var piece in shirt) shirtList.Add(piece);
var pants = getListOfApplicableBodyParts(assetManager.Key, gender, myseason, PartType.pants);
foreach (var piece in pants) pantsList.Add(piece);
var shoes = getListOfApplicableBodyParts(assetManager.Key, gender, myseason, PartType.shoes);
2018-03-17 19:04:04 +08:00
foreach (var piece in shoes) shoesList.Add(piece);
2018-03-04 23:53:55 +08:00
var accessory = getListOfApplicableBodyParts(assetManager.Key, gender, myseason, PartType.accessory);
foreach (var piece in accessory) accessoryList.Add(piece);
2018-03-17 19:04:04 +08:00
Random r = new Random(System.DateTime.Now.Millisecond);
int amount = 0;
amount = r.Next(minNumOfAccessories,maxNumOfAccessories + 1); //Necessary since r.next returns a num between min and (max-1)
int bodyIndex = 0;
int eyesIndex = 0;
int hairIndex = 0;
int shirtIndex = 0;
int pantsIndex = 0;
int shoesIndex = 0;
if (bodyList.Count != 0) {
bodyIndex = r.Next(0, bodyList.Count - 1);
Class1.ModMonitor.Log("Error: Not enough body templates to generate an npc. Aborting", StardewModdingAPI.LogLevel.Error);
return null;
if (eyesList.Count != 0) {
eyesIndex = r.Next(0, eyesList.Count - 1);
Class1.ModMonitor.Log("Error: Not enough eyes templates to generate an npc. Aborting", StardewModdingAPI.LogLevel.Error);
return null;
if (hairList.Count != 0) {
hairIndex = r.Next(0, hairList.Count - 1);
Class1.ModMonitor.Log("Error: Not enough hair templates to generate an npc. Aborting", StardewModdingAPI.LogLevel.Error);
return null;
if (shirtList.Count != 0) {
shirtIndex = r.Next(0, shirtList.Count - 1);
Class1.ModMonitor.Log("Error: Not enough shirt templates to generate an npc. Aborting", StardewModdingAPI.LogLevel.Error);
return null;
if (pantsList.Count != 0) {
pantsIndex = r.Next(0, pantsList.Count - 1);
Class1.ModMonitor.Log("Error: Not enough pants templates to generate an npc. Aborting", StardewModdingAPI.LogLevel.Error);
return null;
if (shoesList.Count != 0) {
shoesIndex = r.Next(0, shoesList.Count - 1);
Class1.ModMonitor.Log("Error: Not enough shoes templates to generate an npc. Aborting", StardewModdingAPI.LogLevel.Error);
return null;
2018-03-04 23:53:55 +08:00
List<int> accIntList = new List<int>();
2018-03-17 19:04:04 +08:00
if (accessoryList.Count != 0)
2018-03-04 23:53:55 +08:00
2018-03-17 19:04:04 +08:00
for (int i = 0; i < amount; i++)
int acc = r.Next(0, accessoryList.Count - 1);
2018-03-04 23:53:55 +08:00
2018-03-05 06:44:52 +08:00
//Get a single sheet to pull from.
2018-03-17 19:04:04 +08:00
AssetSheet bodySheet;
AssetSheet eyesSheet;
AssetSheet hairSheet;
AssetSheet shirtSheet;
AssetSheet shoesSheet;
AssetSheet pantsSheet;
bodySheet = bodyList.ElementAt(bodyIndex);
eyesSheet = eyesList.ElementAt(eyesIndex);
hairSheet = hairList.ElementAt(hairIndex);
2018-03-18 16:48:01 +08:00
shirtSheet = shirtList.ElementAt(shirtIndex);
2018-03-17 19:04:04 +08:00
pantsSheet = pantsList.ElementAt(pantsIndex);
shoesSheet = shoesList.ElementAt(shoesIndex);
2018-03-04 23:53:55 +08:00
List<AssetSheet> accessorySheet = new List<AssetSheet>();
foreach (var v in accIntList)
2018-03-18 18:20:06 +08:00
if (DrawColors == null) DrawColors = new StandardColorCollection();
var render = generateBasicRenderer(bodySheet, eyesSheet, hairSheet, shirtSheet, pantsSheet, shoesSheet, accessorySheet,DrawColors);
2018-03-19 07:06:49 +08:00
ExtendedNPC npc = new ExtendedNPC(new Sprite(getDefaultSpriteImage(bodySheet)), render, new Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Vector2(0,0) * Game1.tileSize, 2, NPCNames.getRandomNPCName(gender));
2018-03-17 19:04:04 +08:00
return npc;
2018-03-04 23:53:55 +08:00
2018-03-19 18:32:00 +08:00
/// <summary>
/// Creates a character renderer (a collection of textures) from a bunch of different asset sheets.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="bodySheet">The textures for the npc's body.</param>
/// <param name="eyesSheet">The textures for the npc's eyes.</param>
/// <param name="hairSheet">The textures for the npc's hair.</param>
/// <param name="shirtSheet">The textures for the npc's shirt.</param>
/// <param name="pantsSheet">The textures for the npc's pants.</param>
/// <param name="shoesSheet">The textures for the npc's shoes.</param>
/// <param name="accessorySheet">The textures for the npc's accessories.</param>
/// <param name="DrawColors">The colors for the npc's different assets.</param>
/// <returns></returns>
2018-03-18 18:20:06 +08:00
public virtual BasicRenderer generateBasicRenderer(AssetSheet bodySheet, AssetSheet eyesSheet, AssetSheet hairSheet, AssetSheet shirtSheet, AssetSheet pantsSheet, AssetSheet shoesSheet, List<AssetSheet> accessorySheet, StandardColorCollection DrawColors=null)
2018-03-05 06:44:52 +08:00
2018-03-18 18:20:06 +08:00
if (DrawColors == null) DrawColors = new StandardColorCollection();
2018-03-05 06:44:52 +08:00
//Get all of the appropriate animations.
2018-03-05 06:32:59 +08:00
AnimationType type = AnimationType.standing;
2018-03-18 18:20:06 +08:00
var standingAnimation = generateCharacterAnimation(bodySheet, eyesSheet, hairSheet, shirtSheet, pantsSheet, shoesSheet, accessorySheet, type,DrawColors);
2018-03-05 06:32:59 +08:00
type = AnimationType.walking;
2018-03-18 18:20:06 +08:00
var movingAnimation = generateCharacterAnimation(bodySheet, eyesSheet, hairSheet, shirtSheet, pantsSheet, shoesSheet, accessorySheet, type,DrawColors);
2018-03-05 06:32:59 +08:00
type = AnimationType.swimming;
2018-03-18 18:20:06 +08:00
var swimmingAnimation = generateCharacterAnimation(bodySheet, eyesSheet, hairSheet, shirtSheet, pantsSheet, shoesSheet, accessorySheet, type,DrawColors);
2018-03-04 23:53:55 +08:00
2018-03-05 06:44:52 +08:00
BasicRenderer render = new BasicRenderer(standingAnimation, movingAnimation, swimmingAnimation);
return render;
2018-03-04 23:53:55 +08:00
2018-03-19 18:32:00 +08:00
/// <summary>
/// Generate a Standard Character Animation from some asset sheets.
/// (collection of textures to animations)
/// </summary>
/// <param name="body">The textures for the npc's body.</param>
/// <param name="eyes">The textures for the npc's eyes.</param>
/// <param name="hair">The textures for the npc's hair.</param>
/// <param name="shirt">The textures for the npc's shirt.</param>
/// <param name="pants">The textures for the npc's pants.</param>
/// <param name="shoes">The textures for the npc's shoes.</param>
/// <param name="accessoryType">The textures for the npc's accessories.</param>
/// <param name="DrawColors">The colors for the npc's different assets.</param>
/// <returns></returns>
2018-03-18 18:20:06 +08:00
public virtual StandardCharacterAnimation generateCharacterAnimation(AssetSheet body, AssetSheet eyes, AssetSheet hair, AssetSheet shirt, AssetSheet pants, AssetSheet shoes,List<AssetSheet> accessories, AnimationType animationType, StandardColorCollection DrawColors=null)
2018-03-05 06:32:59 +08:00
var bodySprite = getSpriteCollectionFromSheet(body, animationType);
var eyesSprite = getSpriteCollectionFromSheet(eyes, animationType);
var hairSprite = getSpriteCollectionFromSheet(hair, animationType);
var shirtSprite = getSpriteCollectionFromSheet(shirt, animationType);
var pantsSprite = getSpriteCollectionFromSheet(pants, animationType);
var shoesSprite = getSpriteCollectionFromSheet(shoes, animationType);
List<AnimatedSpriteCollection> accessoryCollection = new List<AnimatedSpriteCollection>();
foreach (var v in accessories)
AnimatedSpriteCollection acc = getSpriteCollectionFromSheet(v, AnimationType.standing);
2018-03-18 18:20:06 +08:00
if (DrawColors == null) DrawColors = new StandardColorCollection();
StandardCharacterAnimation standingAnimation = new StandardCharacterAnimation(bodySprite, eyesSprite, hairSprite, shirtSprite, pantsSprite, shoesSprite, accessoryCollection,DrawColors);
2018-03-05 06:32:59 +08:00
return standingAnimation;
2018-03-17 19:04:04 +08:00
2018-03-19 18:32:00 +08:00
/// <summary>
/// Get the string for the standard character sprite to be used from this asset sheet.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="imageGraphics">The standard asset sheet to be used.</param>
/// <returns></returns>
2018-03-17 19:04:04 +08:00
public virtual string getDefaultSpriteImage(AssetSheet imageGraphics)
return Class1.getRelativeDirectory(Path.Combine(imageGraphics.path, imageGraphics.assetInfo.standingAssetPaths.downString));
2018-03-04 23:53:55 +08:00