557 lines
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557 lines
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using AdditionalCropsFramework.Framework;
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework;
using StardewModdingAPI;
using StardewValley;
using StardewValley.Characters;
using StardewValley.Locations;
using StardewValley.Objects;
using StardewValley.TerrainFeatures;
using StardustCore;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using xTile.Dimensions;
namespace AdditionalCropsFramework
class Utilities
public static readonly string EntensionsFolderName = "Extensions";
public static List<TerrainDataNode> trackedTerrainFeatures= new List<TerrainDataNode>();
public static List<CoreObject> NonSolidThingsToDraw = new List<CoreObject>();
public static void createObjectDebris(Item I, int xTileOrigin, int yTileOrigin, int xTileTarget, int yTileTarget, int groundLevel = -1, int itemQuality = 0, float velocityMultiplyer = 1f, GameLocation location = null)
Debris debris = new Debris(I, new Vector2(xTileOrigin, yTileOrigin), new Vector2(xTileTarget, yTileTarget))
itemQuality = itemQuality,
Debris debris = new Debris(objectIndex, new Vector2((float)(xTile * Game1.tileSize + Game1.tileSize / 2), (float)(yTile * Game1.tileSize + Game1.tileSize / 2)), new Vector2((float)Game1.player.getStandingX(), (float)Game1.player.getStandingY()))
itemQuality = itemQuality
foreach (Chunk chunk in debris.Chunks)
double num1 = (double)chunk.xVelocity.Value * (double)velocityMultiplyer;
chunk.xVelocity.Value = (float)num1;
double num2 = (double)chunk.yVelocity.Value * (double)velocityMultiplyer;
chunk.yVelocity.Value = (float)num2;
if (groundLevel != -1)
debris.chunkFinalYLevel = groundLevel;
(location == null ? Game1.currentLocation : location).debris.Add(debris);
public static void plantModdedCropHere(ModularSeeds seeds)
if (Lists.saplingNames.Contains(Game1.player.ActiveObject.name))
bool f = plantSappling();
if (f == true) return;
HoeDirt t;
TerrainFeature r;
bool plant = Game1.player.currentLocation.terrainFeatures.TryGetValue(Game1.currentCursorTile, out r);
t = (r as HoeDirt);
if (t is HoeDirt)
if ((t as HoeDirt).crop == null)
// Log.AsyncG("BOOP");
(t as HoeDirt).crop = new ModularCrop(seeds.parentSheetIndex, (int)Game1.currentCursorTile.X, (int)Game1.currentCursorTile.Y, seeds.cropDataFilePath, seeds.cropTextureFilePath, seeds.cropObjectTextureFilePath, seeds.cropObjectDataFilePath);
trackedTerrainFeatures.Add(new TerrainDataNode(Game1.player.currentLocation, (int)Game1.currentCursorTile.X, (int)Game1.currentCursorTile.Y, t));
}catch(Exception err)
public static void plantRegularCropHere()
HoeDirt t;
TerrainFeature r;
bool plant = Game1.player.currentLocation.terrainFeatures.TryGetValue(Game1.currentCursorTile, out r);
t = (r as HoeDirt);
if (t is HoeDirt)
if ((t as HoeDirt).crop == null)
(t as HoeDirt).crop = new Crop(Game1.player.ActiveObject.parentSheetIndex, (int)Game1.currentCursorTile.X, (int)Game1.currentCursorTile.Y);
trackedTerrainFeatures.Add(new TerrainDataNode(Game1.player.currentLocation, (int)Game1.currentCursorTile.X, (int)Game1.currentCursorTile.Y,t));
public static bool placementAction(CoreObject cObj, GameLocation location, int x, int y, StardewValley.Farmer who = null, bool playSound = true)
Vector2 vector = new Vector2((float)(x / Game1.tileSize), (float)(y / Game1.tileSize));
// cObj.health = 10;
if (who != null)
cObj.owner.Value = who.UniqueMultiplayerID;
cObj.owner.Value = Game1.player.UniqueMultiplayerID;
int num = cObj.ParentSheetIndex;
if (num <= 130)
if (num == 71)
if (location is MineShaft)
if ((location as MineShaft).mineLevel != 120 && (location as MineShaft).recursiveTryToCreateLadderDown(vector, "hoeHit", 16))
return true;
Game1.showRedMessage("Unsuitable Location");
return false;
if (num == 130)
if (location.objects.ContainsKey(vector) || Game1.currentLocation is MineShaft)
Game1.showRedMessage("Unsuitable Location");
return false;
location.objects.Add(vector, new Chest(true)
shakeTimer = 50
return true;
switch (num)
case 143:
case 144:
case 145:
case 146:
case 147:
case 148:
case 149:
case 150:
case 151:
if (location.objects.ContainsKey(vector))
return false;
new Torch(vector, cObj.ParentSheetIndex, true)
shakeTimer = 25
}.placementAction(location, x, y, who);
return true;
if (num == 163)
location.objects.Add(vector, new Cask(vector));
if (1 == 2)
//Game1.showRedMessage("STEP 1");
if (cObj.Category == -74)
return true;
if (!cObj.performDropDownAction(who))
CoreObject @object = (CoreObject)cObj.getOne();
@object.shakeTimer = 50;
@object.TileLocation = vector;
if (location.objects.ContainsKey(vector))
if (location.objects[vector].ParentSheetIndex != cObj.ParentSheetIndex)
Game1.createItemDebris(location.objects[vector], vector * (float)Game1.tileSize, Game1.random.Next(4));
location.objects[vector] = @object;
// Game1.showRedMessage("STEP 2");
// Log.Info(vector);
Vector2 newVec = new Vector2(vector.X, vector.Y);
// cObj.boundingBox.Inflate(32, 32);
location.objects.Add(newVec, cObj);
if (playSound == true) Game1.playSound("woodyStep");
// Log.AsyncG("restoring item from file");
//Log.AsyncM("Placed and object");
cObj.locationsName = location.Name;
return true;
public static bool addItemToInventoryAndCleanTrackedList(CoreObject I)
if (Game1.player.isInventoryFull() == false)
Game1.player.addItemToInventoryBool(I, false);
return true;
Random random = new Random(129);
int i = random.Next();
i = i % 4;
Vector2 v2 = new Vector2(Game1.player.getTileX() * Game1.tileSize, Game1.player.getTileY() * Game1.tileSize);
Game1.createItemDebris(I, v2, i);
return false;
public static Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Rectangle parseRectFromJson(string s)
s = s.Replace('{', ' ');
s = s.Replace('}', ' ');
s = s.Replace('^', ' ');
s = s.Replace(':', ' ');
string[] parsed = s.Split(' ');
foreach (var v in parsed)
return new Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Rectangle(Convert.ToInt32(parsed[2]), Convert.ToInt32(parsed[4]), Convert.ToInt32(parsed[6]), Convert.ToInt32(parsed[8]));
public static bool isCropFullGrown(Crop c)
if (c.currentPhase.Value >= c.phaseDays.Count - 1)
c.currentPhase.Value = c.phaseDays.Count - 1;
c.dayOfCurrentPhase.Value = 0;
return true;
return false;
public static void cropNewDay(PlanterBox p,Crop c,int state, int fertilizer, int xTile, int yTile, GameLocation environment)
if (p.greenHouseEffect == false)
if ((c.dead.Value || !c.seasonsToGrowIn.Contains(Game1.currentSeason)))
c.dead.Value = true;
if (state == 1)
// Log.AsyncG("DaY OF CURRRENT PHASE BISCUITS!"+c.dayOfCurrentPhase);
// Log.AsyncC(c.currentPhase);
if (c.dayOfCurrentPhase.Value >= c.phaseDays[c.currentPhase.Value])
c.dayOfCurrentPhase.Value = 0;
//c.dayOfCurrentPhase = c.fullyGrown ? c.dayOfCurrentPhase - 1 : Math.Min(c.dayOfCurrentPhase + 1, c.phaseDays.Count > 0 ? c.phaseDays[Math.Min(c.phaseDays.Count - 1, c.currentPhase)] : 0);
if (c.dayOfCurrentPhase.Value >= (c.phaseDays.Count > 0 ? c.phaseDays[Math.Min(c.phaseDays.Count - 1, c.currentPhase.Value)] : 0) && c.currentPhase.Value < c.phaseDays.Count - 1)
c.currentPhase.Value = c.currentPhase.Value + 1;
c.dayOfCurrentPhase.Value = 0;
while (c.currentPhase.Value < c.phaseDays.Count - 1 && c.phaseDays.Count > 0 && c.phaseDays[c.currentPhase.Value] <= 0)
c.currentPhase.Value = c.currentPhase.Value + 1;
if (c.rowInSpriteSheet.Value == 23 && c.phaseToShow.Value == -1 && c.currentPhase.Value > 0)
c.phaseToShow.Value = Game1.random.Next(1, 7);
if (c.currentPhase.Value == c.phaseDays.Count - 1 && (c.indexOfHarvest.Value == 276 || c.indexOfHarvest.Value == 190 || c.indexOfHarvest.Value == 254) && new Random((int)Game1.uniqueIDForThisGame + (int)Game1.stats.DaysPlayed + xTile * 2000 + yTile).NextDouble() < 0.01)
for (int index1 = xTile - 1; index1 <= xTile + 1; ++index1)
for (int index2 = yTile - 1; index2 <= yTile + 1; ++index2)
Vector2 key = new Vector2((float)index1, (float)index2);
if (!environment.terrainFeatures.ContainsKey(key) || !(environment.terrainFeatures[key] is HoeDirt) || ((environment.terrainFeatures[key] as HoeDirt).crop == null || (environment.terrainFeatures[key] as HoeDirt).crop.indexOfHarvest != c.indexOfHarvest))
for (int index1 = xTile - 1; index1 <= xTile + 1; ++index1)
for (int index2 = yTile - 1; index2 <= yTile + 1; ++index2)
Vector2 index3 = new Vector2((float)index1, (float)index2);
(environment.terrainFeatures[index3] as HoeDirt).crop = (Crop)null;
// (environment as Farm).resourceClumps.Add((ResourceClump)new GiantCrop(c.indexOfHarvest, new Vector2((float)(xTile - 1), (float)(yTile - 1))));
if (c.fullyGrown.Value && c.dayOfCurrentPhase.Value > 0 || (c.currentPhase.Value < c.phaseDays.Count - 1 || c.rowInSpriteSheet.Value != 23))
Vector2 index = new Vector2((float)xTile, (float)yTile);
string season = Game1.currentSeason;
switch (c.whichForageCrop.Value)
case 495:
season = "spring";
case 496:
season = "summer";
case 497:
season = "fall";
case 498:
season = "winter";
StardewValley.Object o = new StardewValley.Object(index, c.getRandomWildCropForSeason(season), 1);
o.IsSpawnedObject = true;
o.CanBeGrabbed = true;
environment.objects.Add(index, o);
if (environment.terrainFeatures[index] == null || !(environment.terrainFeatures[index] is HoeDirt))
(environment.terrainFeatures[index] as HoeDirt).crop = (Crop)null;
public static void cropNewDayModded(PlanterBox p,ModularCrop c, int state, int fertilizer, int xTile, int yTile, GameLocation environment)
if (p.greenHouseEffect == false)
if ((c.dead || !c.seasonsToGrowIn.Contains(Game1.currentSeason)))
c.dead = true;
if (state == 1)
//c.dayOfCurrentPhase = c.fullyGrown ? c.dayOfCurrentPhase - 1 : Math.Min(c.dayOfCurrentPhase + 1, c.phaseDays.Count > 0 ? c.phaseDays[Math.Min(c.phaseDays.Count - 1, c.currentPhase)] : 0);
if (c.dayOfCurrentPhase >= (c.phaseDays.Count > 0 ? c.phaseDays[Math.Min(c.phaseDays.Count - 1, c.currentPhase)] : 0) && c.currentPhase < c.phaseDays.Count - 1)
c.currentPhase = c.currentPhase + 1;
c.dayOfCurrentPhase = 0;
while (c.currentPhase < c.phaseDays.Count - 1 && c.phaseDays.Count > 0 && c.phaseDays[c.currentPhase] <= 0)
c.currentPhase = c.currentPhase + 1;
if (c.rowInSpriteSheet == 23 && c.phaseToShow == -1 && c.currentPhase > 0)
c.phaseToShow = Game1.random.Next(1, 7);
if (c.currentPhase == c.phaseDays.Count - 1 && (c.indexOfHarvest == 276 || c.indexOfHarvest == 190 || c.indexOfHarvest == 254) && new Random((int)Game1.uniqueIDForThisGame + (int)Game1.stats.DaysPlayed + xTile * 2000 + yTile).NextDouble() < 0.01)
for (int index1 = xTile - 1; index1 <= xTile + 1; ++index1)
for (int index2 = yTile - 1; index2 <= yTile + 1; ++index2)
Vector2 key = new Vector2((float)index1, (float)index2);
if (!environment.terrainFeatures.ContainsKey(key) || !(environment.terrainFeatures[key] is HoeDirt) || ((environment.terrainFeatures[key] as HoeDirt).crop == null || (environment.terrainFeatures[key] as HoeDirt).crop.indexOfHarvest.Value != c.indexOfHarvest))
for (int index1 = xTile - 1; index1 <= xTile + 1; ++index1)
for (int index2 = yTile - 1; index2 <= yTile + 1; ++index2)
Vector2 index3 = new Vector2((float)index1, (float)index2);
(environment.terrainFeatures[index3] as HoeDirt).crop = (Crop)null;
// (environment as Farm).resourceClumps.Add((ResourceClump)new GiantCrop(c.indexOfHarvest, new Vector2((float)(xTile - 1), (float)(yTile - 1))));
if (c.fullyGrown && c.dayOfCurrentPhase > 0 || (c.currentPhase < c.phaseDays.Count - 1 || c.rowInSpriteSheet != 23))
Vector2 index = new Vector2((float)xTile, (float)yTile);
string season = Game1.currentSeason;
switch (c.whichForageCrop)
case 495:
season = "spring";
case 496:
season = "summer";
case 497:
season = "fall";
case 498:
season = "winter";
if (environment.terrainFeatures[index] == null || !(environment.terrainFeatures[index] is HoeDirt))
(environment.terrainFeatures[index] as HoeDirt).crop = (Crop)null;
public static bool harvestCrop(Crop c,int xTile, int yTile, int fertilizer, JunimoHarvester junimoHarvester = null)
int amountToHarvest = 1;
Random r = new Random(xTile + yTile + c.rowInSpriteSheet.Value);
if (c.minHarvest.Value > 1)
for (int i = c.minHarvest.Value; i <= c.maxHarvest.Value; i++)
int chanceAgainst = r.Next(0, 100);
float chanceFor = (float)c.chanceForExtraCrops.Value + (Game1.player.farmingLevel * .03f);
if (chanceFor > chanceAgainst)
Item I = (Item)new StardewValley.Object(c.indexOfHarvest.Value, amountToHarvest);
int howMuch = 3;
if (Game1.player.addItemToInventoryBool(I, false))
Vector2 vector2 = new Vector2((float)xTile, (float)yTile);
Game1.player.animateOnce(279 + Game1.player.facingDirection);
// StardustCore.Utilities.animateOnce(Game1.player, 279 + Game1.player.facingDirection, 10f, 6, null, false, false, false);
Game1.player.canMove = true;
DelayedAction.playSoundAfterDelay("coin", 260);
if (c.regrowAfterHarvest.Value == -1)
Game1.currentLocation.temporarySprites.Add(new TemporaryAnimatedSprite(17, new Vector2(vector2.X * (float)Game1.tileSize, vector2.Y * (float)Game1.tileSize), Color.White, 7, Game1.random.NextDouble() < 0.5, 125f, 0, -1, -1f, -1, 0));
Game1.currentLocation.temporarySprites.Add(new TemporaryAnimatedSprite(14, new Vector2(vector2.X * (float)Game1.tileSize, vector2.Y * (float)Game1.tileSize), Color.White, 7, Game1.random.NextDouble() < 0.5, 50f, 0, -1, -1f, -1, 0));
c.currentPhase.Value = c.regrowAfterHarvest.Value;
Game1.player.gainExperience(2, howMuch*amountToHarvest);
return true;
return false;
public static bool harvestModularCrop(ModularCrop c, int xTile, int yTile, int fertilizer, JunimoHarvester junimoHarvester = null)
int amountToHarvest = 1;
Random r = new Random(xTile + yTile + c.rowInSpriteSheet);
if (c.minHarvest > 1)
for(int i = c.minHarvest; i <= c.maxHarvest; i++)
int chanceAgainst = r.Next(0, 100);
float chanceFor =(float)c.chanceForExtraCrops + (Game1.player.farmingLevel * .03f);
if (chanceFor > chanceAgainst)
Item I = (Item)new ModularCropObject(c.spriteSheet.getHelper(),c.indexOfHarvest, amountToHarvest, c.cropObjectTexture, c.cropObjectData);
int howMuch = 3;
if (Game1.player.addItemToInventoryBool(I, false))
Vector2 vector2 = new Vector2((float)xTile, (float)yTile);
Game1.player.animateOnce(279 + Game1.player.facingDirection);
// StardustCore.Utilities.animateOnce(Game1.player, 279 + Game1.player.facingDirection, 10f, 6, null, false, false, false);
Game1.player.canMove = true;
DelayedAction.playSoundAfterDelay("coin", 260);
if (c.regrowAfterHarvest == -1)
Game1.currentLocation.temporarySprites.Add(new TemporaryAnimatedSprite(17, new Vector2(vector2.X * (float)Game1.tileSize, vector2.Y * (float)Game1.tileSize), Color.White, 7, Game1.random.NextDouble() < 0.5, 125f, 0, -1, -1f, -1, 0));
Game1.currentLocation.temporarySprites.Add(new TemporaryAnimatedSprite(14, new Vector2(vector2.X * (float)Game1.tileSize, vector2.Y * (float)Game1.tileSize), Color.White, 7, Game1.random.NextDouble() < 0.5, 50f, 0, -1, -1f, -1, 0));
c.currentPhase = c.regrowAfterHarvest;
Game1.player.gainExperience(2, howMuch*amountToHarvest);
return true;
return false;