2017-07-31 05:42:15 +08:00
using System ;
using System.Collections.Generic ;
using System.IO ;
using System.Linq ;
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework ;
using StardewModdingAPI ;
using StardewValley ;
using StardewValley.Characters ;
using StardewValley.Menus ;
namespace Omegasis.SaveAnywhere
/// <summary>Provides methods for saving and loading game data.</summary>
2017-07-31 05:57:00 +08:00
internal class SaveManager
2017-07-31 05:42:15 +08:00
2017-07-31 05:57:00 +08:00
/ * * * * * * * * *
* * Properties
* * * * * * * * * /
2017-07-31 06:26:22 +08:00
/// <summary>Simplifies access to game code.</summary>
private readonly IReflectionHelper Reflection ;
2017-07-31 05:57:00 +08:00
public bool passiveSave ;
public bool should_ship ;
2017-07-31 05:42:15 +08:00
2017-07-31 05:57:00 +08:00
public string npc_name ;
public int npc_tile_x ;
public int npc_tile_y ;
public string npc_current_map_name ;
public List < List < string > > routesFromLocationToLocation = new List < List < string > > ( ) ;
public Point npc_point ;
public string pet_name ;
public Character my_pet ;
public string pet_map_name ;
public int pet_tile_x ;
public int pet_tile_y ;
public bool is_pet_outside ;
public Point pet_point ;
public int player_x_tile ;
public int player_y_tile ;
public string players_current_map_name ;
public int player_game_time ;
public int player_facing_direction ;
public bool has_player_warped_yet ;
/ * * * * * * * * *
* * Public methods
* * * * * * * * * /
2017-07-31 06:26:22 +08:00
/// <summary>Construct an instance.</summary>
/// <param name="reflection">Simplifies access to game code.</param>
public SaveManager ( IReflectionHelper reflection )
this . Reflection = reflection ;
2017-07-31 05:57:00 +08:00
public void shipping_check ( )
2017-07-31 05:42:15 +08:00
if ( Game1 . activeClickableMenu ! = null ) return ;
2017-07-31 05:57:00 +08:00
if ( this . should_ship )
2017-07-31 05:42:15 +08:00
2017-07-31 06:26:22 +08:00
Game1 . activeClickableMenu = new NewShippingMenu ( Game1 . getFarm ( ) . shippingBin , this . Reflection ) ;
2017-07-31 05:57:00 +08:00
this . should_ship = false ;
2017-07-31 05:42:15 +08:00
Game1 . getFarm ( ) . shippingBin . Clear ( ) ;
Game1 . getFarm ( ) . lastItemShipped = null ;
2017-07-31 05:57:00 +08:00
this . passiveSave = true ;
2017-07-31 05:42:15 +08:00
2017-07-31 05:57:00 +08:00
Game1 . activeClickableMenu = new SaveGameMenu ( ) ;
2017-07-31 05:42:15 +08:00
2017-07-31 05:57:00 +08:00
public void save_game ( )
2017-07-31 05:42:15 +08:00
/ *
if ( Game1 . player . currentLocation . name = = "Sewer" )
Log . Error ( "There is an issue saving in the Sewer. Blame the animals for not being saved to the player's save file." ) ;
Log . Error ( "Your data has not been saved. Sorry for the issue." ) ;
return ;
* /
//if a player has shipped an item, run this code.
if ( Enumerable . Count < Item > ( ( IEnumerable < Item > ) Game1 . getFarm ( ) . shippingBin ) > 0 )
2017-07-31 05:57:00 +08:00
this . should_ship = true ;
2017-07-31 05:42:15 +08:00
// Game1.endOfNightMenus.Push((IClickableMenu)new ShippingMenu(Game1.getFarm().shippingBin));
// Game1.showEndOfNightStuff(); //shows the nightly shipping menu.
// Game1.getFarm().shippingBin.Clear(); //clears out the shipping bin to prevent exploits
2017-07-31 05:57:00 +08:00
this . shipping_check ( ) ;
2017-07-31 05:42:15 +08:00
// Game1.activeClickableMenu = new StardewValley.Menus.SaveGameMenu();
catch ( Exception rrr )
Game1 . showRedMessage ( "Can't save here. See log for error." ) ;
SaveAnywhere . thisMonitor . Log ( rrr . ToString ( ) , LogLevel . Error ) ;
// Game1.activeClickableMenu = new StardewValley.Menus.SaveGameMenu(); //This command is what allows the player to save anywhere as it calls the saving function.
2017-07-31 05:57:00 +08:00
this . save_player_info ( ) ;
this . save_animal_info ( ) ;
this . Save_NPC_Info ( ) ;
2017-07-31 05:42:15 +08:00
//grab the player's info
// player_map_name = StardewValley.Game1.player.currentLocation.name;
// player_tile_x = StardewValley.Game1.player.getTileX();
// player_tile_Y = StardewValley.Game1.player.getTileY();
// player_flop = false;
// MyWritter_Player(); //write my info to a text file
// MyWritter_Horse();
// DataLoader_Settings(); //load settings. Prevents acidental overwrite.
// MyWritter_Settings(); //save settings.
//Game1.warpFarmer(player_map_name, player_tile_x, player_tile_Y, player_flop); //refresh the player's location just incase. That will prove that they character's info was valid.
//so this is essentially the basics of the code...
// Log.Error("IS THIS BREAKING?");
2017-07-31 05:57:00 +08:00
public void Save_Horse_Info ( )
2017-07-31 05:42:15 +08:00
Horse horse = Utility . findHorse ( ) ;
if ( horse = = null )
//Game1.getFarm().characters.Add((NPC)new Horse(this.player_tile_x + 1, this.player_tile_Y + 1));
SaveAnywhere . thisMonitor . Log ( "NEIGH: No horse exists" , LogLevel . Debug ) ;
return ;
// else
// Game1.warpCharacter((NPC)horse, Game1.player.currentLocation.name, StardewValley.Game1.player.getTileLocationPoint(), false, true);
2017-07-31 05:57:00 +08:00
string myname = Game1 . player . name ;
2017-07-31 05:42:15 +08:00
string mylocation = Path . Combine ( SaveAnywhere . animal_path , "Horse_Save_Info_" ) ;
string mylocation2 = mylocation + myname ;
string mylocation3 = mylocation2 + ".txt" ;
string [ ] mystring3 = new string [ 20 ] ;
if ( ! File . Exists ( mylocation3 ) )
SaveAnywhere . thisMonitor . Log ( "The horse save info doesn't exist. It will be created when the custom saving method is run. Which is now." , LogLevel . Debug ) ;
//write out the info to a text file at the end of a day. This will run if it doesnt exist.
mystring3 [ 0 ] = "Horse: Save_Anywhere Info. Editing this might break some things." ;
mystring3 [ 1 ] = "====================================================================================" ;
mystring3 [ 2 ] = "Horse Current Map Name" ;
mystring3 [ 3 ] = horse . currentLocation . name . ToString ( ) ;
mystring3 [ 4 ] = "Horse X Position" ;
mystring3 [ 5 ] = horse . getTileX ( ) . ToString ( ) ;
mystring3 [ 6 ] = "Horse Y Position" ;
mystring3 [ 7 ] = horse . getTileY ( ) . ToString ( ) ;
File . WriteAllLines ( mylocation3 , mystring3 ) ;
// Console.WriteLine("The custom character save info doesn't exist. It will be created when the custom saving method is run. Which is now.");
//write out the info to a text file at the end of a day. This will run if it doesnt exist.
mystring3 [ 0 ] = "Horse: Save_Anywhere Info. Editing this might break some things." ;
mystring3 [ 1 ] = "====================================================================================" ;
mystring3 [ 2 ] = "Horse Current Map Name" ;
mystring3 [ 3 ] = horse . currentLocation . name . ToString ( ) ;
mystring3 [ 4 ] = "Horse X Position" ;
mystring3 [ 5 ] = horse . getTileX ( ) . ToString ( ) ;
mystring3 [ 6 ] = "Horse Y Position" ;
mystring3 [ 7 ] = horse . getTileY ( ) . ToString ( ) ;
File . WriteAllLines ( mylocation3 , mystring3 ) ;
2017-07-31 05:57:00 +08:00
public void Load_Horse_Info ( )
2017-07-31 05:42:15 +08:00
Horse horse = Utility . findHorse ( ) ;
if ( horse = = null )
SaveAnywhere . thisMonitor . Log ( "NEIGH: No horse exists" , LogLevel . Debug ) ;
return ;
// DataLoader_Settings();
//loads the data to the variables upon loading the game.
2017-07-31 05:57:00 +08:00
string myname = Game1 . player . name ;
2017-07-31 05:42:15 +08:00
string mylocation = Path . Combine ( SaveAnywhere . animal_path , "Horse_Save_Info_" ) ;
string mylocation2 = mylocation + myname ;
string mylocation3 = mylocation2 + ".txt" ;
if ( ! File . Exists ( mylocation3 ) ) //if not data.json exists, initialize the data variables to the ModConfig data. I.E. starting out.
string horse_map_name = "" ;
int horse_x ;
int horse_y ;
Point horse_point ;
string [ ] readtext = File . ReadAllLines ( mylocation3 ) ;
horse_map_name = Convert . ToString ( readtext [ 3 ] ) ;
horse_x = Convert . ToInt32 ( readtext [ 5 ] ) ;
horse_y = Convert . ToInt32 ( readtext [ 7 ] ) ;
horse_point . X = horse_x ;
horse_point . Y = horse_y ;
Game1 . warpCharacter ( ( NPC ) horse , horse_map_name , horse_point , false , true ) ;
2017-07-31 05:57:00 +08:00
public void save_animal_info ( )
2017-07-31 05:42:15 +08:00
SaveAnywhere . animal_path = Path . Combine ( SaveAnywhere . player_path , "Animals" ) ;
if ( ! Directory . Exists ( SaveAnywhere . animal_path ) )
Directory . CreateDirectory ( SaveAnywhere . animal_path ) ;
2017-07-31 05:57:00 +08:00
this . Save_Horse_Info ( ) ;
this . save_pet_info ( ) ;
2017-07-31 05:42:15 +08:00
2017-07-31 05:57:00 +08:00
public void load_animal_info ( )
2017-07-31 05:42:15 +08:00
SaveAnywhere . animal_path = Path . Combine ( SaveAnywhere . player_path , "Animals" ) ;
if ( ! Directory . Exists ( SaveAnywhere . animal_path ) )
Directory . CreateDirectory ( SaveAnywhere . animal_path ) ;
2017-07-31 05:57:00 +08:00
this . Load_Horse_Info ( ) ;
this . Load_pet_Info ( ) ;
2017-07-31 05:42:15 +08:00
2017-07-31 05:57:00 +08:00
public void Save_NPC_Info ( )
2017-07-31 05:42:15 +08:00
SaveAnywhere . npc_path = Path . Combine ( SaveAnywhere . player_path , "NPC_Save_Info" ) ;
if ( ! Directory . Exists ( SaveAnywhere . npc_path ) )
Directory . CreateDirectory ( SaveAnywhere . npc_path ) ;
foreach ( var location in Game1 . locations )
foreach ( var npc in location . characters )
if ( npc . IsMonster = = true ) continue ;
if ( npc is StardewValley . Monsters . Bat | | npc is StardewValley . Monsters . BigSlime | | npc is StardewValley . Monsters . Bug | | npc is StardewValley . Monsters . Cat | | npc is StardewValley . Monsters . Crow | | npc is StardewValley . Monsters . Duggy | | npc is StardewValley . Monsters . DustSpirit | | npc is StardewValley . Monsters . Fireball | | npc is StardewValley . Monsters . Fly | | npc is StardewValley . Monsters . Ghost | | npc is StardewValley . Monsters . GoblinPeasant | | npc is StardewValley . Monsters . GoblinWizard | | npc is StardewValley . Monsters . GreenSlime | | npc is StardewValley . Monsters . Grub | | npc is StardewValley . Monsters . LavaCrab | | npc is StardewValley . Monsters . MetalHead | | npc is StardewValley . Monsters . Monster | | npc is StardewValley . Monsters . Mummy | | npc is StardewValley . Monsters . RockCrab | | npc is StardewValley . Monsters . RockGolem | | npc is StardewValley . Monsters . Serpent | | npc is StardewValley . Monsters . ShadowBrute | | npc is StardewValley . Monsters . ShadowGirl | | npc is StardewValley . Monsters . ShadowGuy | | npc is StardewValley . Monsters . ShadowShaman | | npc is StardewValley . Monsters . Skeleton | | npc is StardewValley . Monsters . SkeletonMage | | npc is StardewValley . Monsters . SkeletonWarrior | | npc is StardewValley . Monsters . Spiker | | npc is StardewValley . Monsters . SquidKid ) continue ;
2017-07-31 05:57:00 +08:00
this . npc_name = npc . name ;
this . npc_current_map_name = location . name ;
this . npc_tile_x = npc . getTileX ( ) ;
this . npc_tile_y = npc . getTileY ( ) ;
2017-07-31 05:42:15 +08:00
string mylocation = Path . Combine ( SaveAnywhere . npc_path , npc . name ) ;
string mylocation2 = mylocation ;
string mylocation3 = mylocation2 + ".txt" ;
string [ ] mystring3 = new string [ 20 ] ;
if ( ! File . Exists ( mylocation3 ) )
2017-07-31 05:57:00 +08:00
SaveAnywhere . thisMonitor . Log ( "Save Anywhere: The NPC save info for " + this . npc_name + " doesn't exist. It will be created when the custom saving method is run. Which is now." ) ;
2017-07-31 05:42:15 +08:00
//write out the info to a text file at the end of a day. This will run if it doesnt exist.
mystring3 [ 0 ] = "NPC: Save_Anywhere Info. Editing this might break some things." ;
mystring3 [ 1 ] = "====================================================================================" ;
mystring3 [ 2 ] = "NPC Name" ;
2017-07-31 05:57:00 +08:00
mystring3 [ 3 ] = this . npc_name . ToString ( ) ;
2017-07-31 05:42:15 +08:00
mystring3 [ 4 ] = "NPC Current Map Name" ;
2017-07-31 05:57:00 +08:00
mystring3 [ 5 ] = this . npc_current_map_name . ToString ( ) ;
2017-07-31 05:42:15 +08:00
mystring3 [ 6 ] = "NPC X Position" ;
2017-07-31 05:57:00 +08:00
mystring3 [ 7 ] = this . npc_tile_x . ToString ( ) ;
2017-07-31 05:42:15 +08:00
mystring3 [ 8 ] = "NPC Y Position" ;
2017-07-31 05:57:00 +08:00
mystring3 [ 9 ] = this . npc_tile_y . ToString ( ) ;
2017-07-31 05:42:15 +08:00
File . WriteAllLines ( mylocation3 , mystring3 ) ;
// Console.WriteLine("The custom character save info doesn't exist. It will be created when the custom saving method is run. Which is now.");
//write out the info to a text file at the end of a day. This will run if it doesnt exist.
mystring3 [ 0 ] = "NPC: Save_Anywhere Info. Editing this might break some things." ;
mystring3 [ 1 ] = "====================================================================================" ;
mystring3 [ 2 ] = "NPC Current Map Name" ;
2017-07-31 05:57:00 +08:00
mystring3 [ 3 ] = this . npc_name . ToString ( ) ;
2017-07-31 05:42:15 +08:00
mystring3 [ 4 ] = "NPC Current Map Name" ;
2017-07-31 05:57:00 +08:00
mystring3 [ 5 ] = this . npc_current_map_name . ToString ( ) ;
2017-07-31 05:42:15 +08:00
mystring3 [ 6 ] = "NPC X Position" ;
2017-07-31 05:57:00 +08:00
mystring3 [ 7 ] = this . npc_tile_x . ToString ( ) ;
2017-07-31 05:42:15 +08:00
mystring3 [ 8 ] = "NPC Y Position" ;
2017-07-31 05:57:00 +08:00
mystring3 [ 9 ] = this . npc_tile_y . ToString ( ) ;
2017-07-31 05:42:15 +08:00
File . WriteAllLines ( mylocation3 , mystring3 ) ;
2017-07-31 05:57:00 +08:00
public void Load_NPC_Info ( )
2017-07-31 05:42:15 +08:00
List < NPC > npc_list = new List < NPC > ( ) ;
foreach ( var location in Game1 . locations )
foreach ( var npc in location . characters )
if ( npc . IsMonster = = true ) continue ;
if ( npc is StardewValley . Monsters . Bat | | npc is StardewValley . Monsters . BigSlime | | npc is StardewValley . Monsters . Bug | | npc is StardewValley . Monsters . Cat | | npc is StardewValley . Monsters . Crow | | npc is StardewValley . Monsters . Duggy | | npc is StardewValley . Monsters . DustSpirit | | npc is StardewValley . Monsters . Fireball | | npc is StardewValley . Monsters . Fly | | npc is StardewValley . Monsters . Ghost | | npc is StardewValley . Monsters . GoblinPeasant | | npc is StardewValley . Monsters . GoblinWizard | | npc is StardewValley . Monsters . GreenSlime | | npc is StardewValley . Monsters . Grub | | npc is StardewValley . Monsters . LavaCrab | | npc is StardewValley . Monsters . MetalHead | | npc is StardewValley . Monsters . Monster | | npc is StardewValley . Monsters . Mummy | | npc is StardewValley . Monsters . RockCrab | | npc is StardewValley . Monsters . RockGolem | | npc is StardewValley . Monsters . Serpent | | npc is StardewValley . Monsters . ShadowBrute | | npc is StardewValley . Monsters . ShadowGirl | | npc is StardewValley . Monsters . ShadowGuy | | npc is StardewValley . Monsters . ShadowShaman | | npc is StardewValley . Monsters . Skeleton | | npc is StardewValley . Monsters . SkeletonMage | | npc is StardewValley . Monsters . SkeletonWarrior | | npc is StardewValley . Monsters . Spiker | | npc is StardewValley . Monsters . SquidKid ) continue ;
2017-07-31 05:57:00 +08:00
if ( npc is NPC | | npc is Cat | | npc is Dog ) npc_list . Add ( npc ) ;
2017-07-31 05:42:15 +08:00
foreach ( var npc in npc_list )
if ( npc . IsMonster = = true ) continue ;
if ( npc is StardewValley . Monsters . Bat | | npc is StardewValley . Monsters . BigSlime | | npc is StardewValley . Monsters . Bug | | npc is StardewValley . Monsters . Cat | | npc is StardewValley . Monsters . Crow | | npc is StardewValley . Monsters . Duggy | | npc is StardewValley . Monsters . DustSpirit | | npc is StardewValley . Monsters . Fireball | | npc is StardewValley . Monsters . Fly | | npc is StardewValley . Monsters . Ghost | | npc is StardewValley . Monsters . GoblinPeasant | | npc is StardewValley . Monsters . GoblinWizard | | npc is StardewValley . Monsters . GreenSlime | | npc is StardewValley . Monsters . Grub | | npc is StardewValley . Monsters . LavaCrab | | npc is StardewValley . Monsters . MetalHead | | npc is StardewValley . Monsters . Monster | | npc is StardewValley . Monsters . Mummy | | npc is StardewValley . Monsters . RockCrab | | npc is StardewValley . Monsters . RockGolem | | npc is StardewValley . Monsters . Serpent | | npc is StardewValley . Monsters . ShadowBrute | | npc is StardewValley . Monsters . ShadowGirl | | npc is StardewValley . Monsters . ShadowGuy | | npc is StardewValley . Monsters . ShadowShaman | | npc is StardewValley . Monsters . Skeleton | | npc is StardewValley . Monsters . SkeletonMage | | npc is StardewValley . Monsters . SkeletonWarrior | | npc is StardewValley . Monsters . Spiker | | npc is StardewValley . Monsters . SquidKid ) continue ;
SaveAnywhere . npc_path = Path . Combine ( SaveAnywhere . player_path , "NPC_Save_Info" ) ;
if ( ! Directory . Exists ( SaveAnywhere . npc_path ) )
Directory . CreateDirectory ( SaveAnywhere . npc_path ) ;
string mylocation = Path . Combine ( SaveAnywhere . npc_path , npc . name ) ;
string mylocation2 = mylocation ;
string mylocation3 = mylocation2 + ".txt" ;
string [ ] mystring3 = new string [ 20 ] ;
if ( ! File . Exists ( mylocation3 ) )
SaveAnywhere . thisMonitor . Log ( "Missing character file?!?" , LogLevel . Error ) ;
continue ;
string [ ] readtext = File . ReadAllLines ( mylocation3 ) ;
2017-07-31 05:57:00 +08:00
this . npc_name = Convert . ToString ( readtext [ 3 ] ) ;
this . npc_current_map_name = Convert . ToString ( readtext [ 5 ] ) ;
this . npc_tile_x = Convert . ToInt32 ( readtext [ 7 ] ) ;
this . npc_tile_y = Convert . ToInt32 ( readtext [ 9 ] ) ;
this . npc_point = new Point ( ) ;
this . npc_point . X = this . npc_tile_x ;
this . npc_point . Y = this . npc_tile_y ;
if ( this . npc_current_map_name = = "" | | this . npc_current_map_name = = null ) continue ;
2017-07-31 05:42:15 +08:00
//Log.Info("Warped NPC" +npc_name);
2017-07-31 05:57:00 +08:00
Game1 . warpCharacter ( ( NPC ) npc , this . npc_current_map_name , this . npc_point , false , true ) ;
2017-07-31 05:42:15 +08:00
// npc.updateMovement(Game1.getLocationFromName(npc_current_map_name), Game1.currentGameTime);
// npc.dayUpdate(Game1.dayOfMonth);
//npc_update(npc, Game1.dayOfMonth);
// npc.DirectionsToNewLocation = pathfindToNextScheduleLocation(npc, npc.currentLocation.name, npc.getTileX(), npc.getTileY(), npc.currentLocation.name, 52, 99, 3, "", "");
// npc.updateMovement(npc.currentLocation,Game1.currentGameTime);
//npc.Schedule = npc.getSchedule(Game1.dayOfMonth);
SaveAnywhere . npc_warp = true ;
2017-07-31 05:57:00 +08:00
private Stack < Point > addToStackForSchedule ( Stack < Point > original , Stack < Point > toAdd )
2017-07-31 05:42:15 +08:00
if ( toAdd = = null )
return original ;
original = new Stack < Point > ( ( IEnumerable < Point > ) original ) ;
while ( original . Count > 0 )
toAdd . Push ( original . Pop ( ) ) ;
return toAdd ;
2017-07-31 05:57:00 +08:00
private List < string > getLocationRoute ( NPC npc , string startingLocation , string endingLocation )
2017-07-31 05:42:15 +08:00
2017-07-31 05:57:00 +08:00
foreach ( List < string > list in this . routesFromLocationToLocation )
2017-07-31 05:42:15 +08:00
if ( Enumerable . First < string > ( ( IEnumerable < string > ) list ) . Equals ( startingLocation ) & & Enumerable . Last < string > ( ( IEnumerable < string > ) list ) . Equals ( endingLocation ) & & ( npc . gender = = 0 | | ! list . Contains ( "BathHouse_MensLocker" ) ) & & ( npc . gender ! = 0 | | ! list . Contains ( "BathHouse_WomensLocker" ) ) )
return list ;
return ( List < string > ) null ;
2017-07-31 05:57:00 +08:00
private SchedulePathDescription pathfindToNextScheduleLocation ( NPC npc , string startingLocation , int startingX , int startingY , string endingLocation , int endingX , int endingY , int finalFacingDirection , string endBehavior , string endMessage )
2017-07-31 05:42:15 +08:00
Stack < Point > stack = new Stack < Point > ( ) ;
Point startPoint = new Point ( startingX , startingY ) ;
2017-07-31 05:57:00 +08:00
List < string > list = startingLocation . Equals ( endingLocation ) ? ( List < string > ) null : this . getLocationRoute ( npc , startingLocation , endingLocation ) ;
2017-07-31 05:42:15 +08:00
if ( list ! = null )
for ( int index = 0 ; index < Enumerable . Count < string > ( ( IEnumerable < string > ) list ) ; + + index )
GameLocation locationFromName = Game1 . getLocationFromName ( list [ index ] ) ;
if ( index < Enumerable . Count < string > ( ( IEnumerable < string > ) list ) - 1 )
Point warpPointTo = locationFromName . getWarpPointTo ( list [ index + 1 ] ) ;
if ( warpPointTo . Equals ( Point . Zero ) | | startPoint . Equals ( Point . Zero ) )
throw new Exception ( "schedule pathing tried to find a warp point that doesn't exist." ) ;
2017-07-31 05:57:00 +08:00
stack = this . addToStackForSchedule ( stack , PathFindController . findPathForNPCSchedules ( startPoint , warpPointTo , locationFromName , 30000 ) ) ;
2017-07-31 05:42:15 +08:00
startPoint = locationFromName . getWarpPointTarget ( warpPointTo ) ;
2017-07-31 05:57:00 +08:00
stack = this . addToStackForSchedule ( stack , PathFindController . findPathForNPCSchedules ( startPoint , new Point ( endingX , endingY ) , locationFromName , 30000 ) ) ;
2017-07-31 05:42:15 +08:00
else if ( startingLocation . Equals ( endingLocation ) )
stack = PathFindController . findPathForNPCSchedules ( startPoint , new Point ( endingX , endingY ) , Game1 . getLocationFromName ( startingLocation ) , 30000 ) ;
return new SchedulePathDescription ( stack , finalFacingDirection , endBehavior , endMessage ) ;
2017-07-31 05:57:00 +08:00
public void save_pet_info ( )
2017-07-31 05:42:15 +08:00
if ( Game1 . player . hasPet ( ) = = false ) return ;
2017-07-31 05:57:00 +08:00
this . pet_name = Game1 . player . getPetName ( ) ;
2017-07-31 05:42:15 +08:00
foreach ( var location in Game1 . locations )
foreach ( var npc in location . characters )
2017-07-31 05:57:00 +08:00
if ( npc is Dog | | npc is Cat )
2017-07-31 05:42:15 +08:00
2017-07-31 05:57:00 +08:00
this . pet_map_name = location . name ;
this . pet_tile_x = npc . getTileX ( ) ;
this . pet_tile_y = npc . getTileY ( ) ;
this . is_pet_outside = location . isOutdoors ;
2017-07-31 05:42:15 +08:00
2017-07-31 05:57:00 +08:00
string myname = Game1 . player . name ;
2017-07-31 05:42:15 +08:00
string mylocation = Path . Combine ( SaveAnywhere . animal_path , "Pet_Save_Info_" ) ;
string mylocation2 = mylocation + myname ;
string mylocation3 = mylocation2 + ".txt" ;
string [ ] mystring3 = new string [ 20 ] ;
if ( ! File . Exists ( mylocation3 ) )
SaveAnywhere . thisMonitor . Log ( "Save Anywhere: The pet save info doesn't exist. It will be created when the custom saving method is run. Which is now." , LogLevel . Debug ) ;
//write out the info to a text file at the end of a day. This will run if it doesnt exist.
mystring3 [ 0 ] = "Pet: Save_Anywhere Info. Editing this might break some things." ;
mystring3 [ 1 ] = "====================================================================================" ;
mystring3 [ 2 ] = "Pet Current Map Name" ;
2017-07-31 05:57:00 +08:00
mystring3 [ 3 ] = this . pet_map_name . ToString ( ) ;
2017-07-31 05:42:15 +08:00
mystring3 [ 4 ] = "Pet X Position" ;
2017-07-31 05:57:00 +08:00
mystring3 [ 5 ] = this . pet_tile_x . ToString ( ) ;
2017-07-31 05:42:15 +08:00
mystring3 [ 6 ] = "Pet Y Position" ;
2017-07-31 05:57:00 +08:00
mystring3 [ 7 ] = this . pet_tile_y . ToString ( ) ;
2017-07-31 05:42:15 +08:00
File . WriteAllLines ( mylocation3 , mystring3 ) ;
// Console.WriteLine("The custom character save info doesn't exist. It will be created when the custom saving method is run. Which is now.");
//write out the info to a text file at the end of a day. This will run if it doesnt exist.
mystring3 [ 0 ] = "Pet: Save_Anywhere Info. Editing this might break some things." ;
mystring3 [ 1 ] = "====================================================================================" ;
mystring3 [ 2 ] = "Pet Current Map Name" ;
2017-07-31 05:57:00 +08:00
mystring3 [ 3 ] = this . pet_map_name . ToString ( ) ;
2017-07-31 05:42:15 +08:00
mystring3 [ 4 ] = "Pet X Position" ;
2017-07-31 05:57:00 +08:00
mystring3 [ 5 ] = this . pet_tile_x . ToString ( ) ;
2017-07-31 05:42:15 +08:00
mystring3 [ 6 ] = "Pet Y Position" ;
2017-07-31 05:57:00 +08:00
mystring3 [ 7 ] = this . pet_tile_y . ToString ( ) ;
2017-07-31 05:42:15 +08:00
File . WriteAllLines ( mylocation3 , mystring3 ) ;
2017-07-31 05:57:00 +08:00
public void Load_pet_Info ( )
2017-07-31 05:42:15 +08:00
if ( Game1 . player . hasPet ( ) = = false ) return ;
// DataLoader_Settings();
//loads the data to the variables upon loading the game.
2017-07-31 05:57:00 +08:00
string myname = Game1 . player . name ;
2017-07-31 05:42:15 +08:00
string mylocation = Path . Combine ( SaveAnywhere . animal_path , "Pet_Save_Info_" ) ;
string mylocation2 = mylocation + myname ;
string mylocation3 = mylocation2 + ".txt" ;
if ( ! File . Exists ( mylocation3 ) ) //if not data.json exists, initialize the data variables to the ModConfig data. I.E. starting out.
string [ ] readtext = File . ReadAllLines ( mylocation3 ) ;
2017-07-31 05:57:00 +08:00
this . pet_map_name = Convert . ToString ( readtext [ 3 ] ) ;
this . pet_tile_x = Convert . ToInt32 ( readtext [ 5 ] ) ;
this . pet_tile_y = Convert . ToInt32 ( readtext [ 7 ] ) ;
this . get_pet ( ) ;
this . pet_point = new Point ( ) ;
this . pet_point . X = this . pet_tile_x ;
this . pet_point . Y = this . pet_tile_y ;
Game1 . warpCharacter ( ( NPC ) this . my_pet , this . pet_map_name , this . pet_point , false , true ) ;
2017-07-31 05:42:15 +08:00
2017-07-31 05:57:00 +08:00
public void get_pet ( )
2017-07-31 05:42:15 +08:00
if ( Game1 . player . hasPet ( ) = = false ) return ;
foreach ( var location in Game1 . locations )
foreach ( var npc in location . characters )
2017-07-31 05:57:00 +08:00
if ( npc is Dog | | npc is Cat )
2017-07-31 05:42:15 +08:00
2017-07-31 05:57:00 +08:00
this . pet_map_name = location . name ;
this . pet_tile_x = npc . getTileX ( ) ;
this . pet_tile_y = npc . getTileY ( ) ;
this . is_pet_outside = location . isOutdoors ;
this . my_pet = npc ;
2017-07-31 05:42:15 +08:00
2017-07-31 05:57:00 +08:00
public void get_player_info ( )
2017-07-31 05:42:15 +08:00
2017-07-31 05:57:00 +08:00
this . get_x ( ) ;
this . get_y ( ) ;
this . get_current_map_name ( ) ;
this . get_facing_direction ( ) ;
2017-07-31 05:42:15 +08:00
2017-07-31 05:57:00 +08:00
public void get_x ( )
2017-07-31 05:42:15 +08:00
2017-07-31 05:57:00 +08:00
this . player_x_tile = Game1 . player . getTileX ( ) ;
2017-07-31 05:42:15 +08:00
2017-07-31 05:57:00 +08:00
public void get_y ( )
2017-07-31 05:42:15 +08:00
2017-07-31 05:57:00 +08:00
this . player_y_tile = Game1 . player . getTileY ( ) ;
2017-07-31 05:42:15 +08:00
2017-07-31 05:57:00 +08:00
public void get_current_map_name ( )
2017-07-31 05:42:15 +08:00
2017-07-31 05:57:00 +08:00
this . players_current_map_name = Game1 . player . currentLocation . name ;
2017-07-31 05:42:15 +08:00
2017-07-31 05:57:00 +08:00
public void get_facing_direction ( )
2017-07-31 05:42:15 +08:00
2017-07-31 05:57:00 +08:00
this . player_facing_direction = Game1 . player . facingDirection ;
2017-07-31 05:42:15 +08:00
2017-07-31 05:57:00 +08:00
public void save_player_info ( )
2017-07-31 05:42:15 +08:00
2017-07-31 05:57:00 +08:00
this . get_player_info ( ) ;
string name = Game1 . player . name ;
2017-07-31 05:42:15 +08:00
SaveAnywhere . player_path = Path . Combine ( SaveAnywhere . mod_path , "Save_Data" , name ) ;
if ( ! Directory . Exists ( SaveAnywhere . player_path ) )
Directory . CreateDirectory ( SaveAnywhere . player_path ) ;
string mylocation = Path . Combine ( SaveAnywhere . player_path , "Player_Save_Info_" ) ;
string mylocation2 = mylocation + name ;
string mylocation3 = mylocation2 + ".txt" ;
string [ ] mystring3 = new string [ 20 ] ;
if ( ! File . Exists ( mylocation3 ) )
SaveAnywhere . thisMonitor . Log ( "Save Anywhere: The custom character save info doesn't exist. It will be created when the custom saving method is run. Which is now." , LogLevel . Info ) ;
//write out the info to a text file at the end of a day. This will run if it doesnt exist.
mystring3 [ 0 ] = "Player: Save_Anywhere Info. Editing this might break some things." ;
mystring3 [ 1 ] = "====================================================================================" ;
mystring3 [ 2 ] = "Player Current Game Time" ;
mystring3 [ 3 ] = Game1 . timeOfDay . ToString ( ) ;
mystring3 [ 4 ] = "Player Current Map Name" ;
2017-07-31 05:57:00 +08:00
mystring3 [ 5 ] = this . players_current_map_name . ToString ( ) ;
2017-07-31 05:42:15 +08:00
mystring3 [ 6 ] = "Player X Position" ;
2017-07-31 05:57:00 +08:00
mystring3 [ 7 ] = this . player_x_tile . ToString ( ) ;
2017-07-31 05:42:15 +08:00
mystring3 [ 8 ] = "Player Y Position" ;
2017-07-31 05:57:00 +08:00
mystring3 [ 9 ] = this . player_y_tile . ToString ( ) ;
2017-07-31 05:42:15 +08:00
File . WriteAllLines ( mylocation3 , mystring3 ) ;
//write out the info to a text file at the end of a day. This will run if it doesnt exist.
mystring3 [ 0 ] = "Player: Save_Anywhere Info. Editing this might break some things." ;
mystring3 [ 1 ] = "====================================================================================" ;
mystring3 [ 2 ] = "Player Current Game Time" ;
mystring3 [ 3 ] = Game1 . timeOfDay . ToString ( ) ;
mystring3 [ 4 ] = "Player Current Map Name" ;
2017-07-31 05:57:00 +08:00
mystring3 [ 5 ] = this . players_current_map_name . ToString ( ) ;
2017-07-31 05:42:15 +08:00
mystring3 [ 6 ] = "Player X Position" ;
2017-07-31 05:57:00 +08:00
mystring3 [ 7 ] = this . player_x_tile . ToString ( ) ;
2017-07-31 05:42:15 +08:00
mystring3 [ 8 ] = "Player Y Position" ;
2017-07-31 05:57:00 +08:00
mystring3 [ 9 ] = this . player_y_tile . ToString ( ) ;
2017-07-31 05:42:15 +08:00
File . WriteAllLines ( mylocation3 , mystring3 ) ;
2017-07-31 05:57:00 +08:00
public void load_player_info ( )
2017-07-31 05:42:15 +08:00
2017-07-31 05:57:00 +08:00
string name = Game1 . player . name ;
2017-07-31 05:42:15 +08:00
SaveAnywhere . player_path = Path . Combine ( SaveAnywhere . mod_path , "Save_Data" , name ) ;
if ( ! Directory . Exists ( SaveAnywhere . player_path ) )
Directory . CreateDirectory ( SaveAnywhere . player_path ) ;
string mylocation = Path . Combine ( SaveAnywhere . player_path , "Player_Save_Info_" ) ;
string mylocation2 = mylocation + name ;
string mylocation3 = mylocation2 + ".txt" ;
string [ ] mystring3 = new string [ 20 ] ;
if ( ! File . Exists ( mylocation3 ) ) //if not data.json exists, initialize the data variables to the ModConfig data. I.E. starting out.
// Console.WriteLine("Can't load custom save info since the file doesn't exist.");
2017-07-31 05:57:00 +08:00
this . has_player_warped_yet = true ;
2017-07-31 05:42:15 +08:00
// Console.WriteLine("HEY THERE IM LOADING DATA");
string [ ] readtext = File . ReadAllLines ( mylocation3 ) ;
2017-07-31 05:57:00 +08:00
this . player_game_time = Convert . ToInt32 ( readtext [ 3 ] ) ;
this . players_current_map_name = Convert . ToString ( readtext [ 5 ] ) ;
this . player_x_tile = Convert . ToInt32 ( readtext [ 7 ] ) ;
this . player_y_tile = Convert . ToInt32 ( readtext [ 9 ] ) ;
Game1 . timeOfDay = this . player_game_time ;
2017-07-31 05:42:15 +08:00
2017-07-31 05:57:00 +08:00
public void warp_player ( )
2017-07-31 05:42:15 +08:00
2017-07-31 05:57:00 +08:00
GameLocation new_location = Game1 . getLocationFromName ( this . players_current_map_name ) ;
2017-07-31 05:42:15 +08:00
Game1 . player . previousLocationName = Game1 . player . currentLocation . name ;
Game1 . locationAfterWarp = new_location ;
2017-07-31 05:57:00 +08:00
Game1 . xLocationAfterWarp = this . player_x_tile ;
Game1 . yLocationAfterWarp = this . player_y_tile ;
Game1 . facingDirectionAfterWarp = this . player_facing_direction ;
2017-07-31 05:42:15 +08:00
Game1 . fadeScreenToBlack ( ) ;
2017-07-31 05:57:00 +08:00
Game1 . warpFarmer ( this . players_current_map_name , this . player_x_tile , this . player_y_tile , false ) ;
2017-07-31 05:42:15 +08:00
SaveAnywhere . thisMonitor . Log ( "WARP THE PLAYER" ) ;
2017-07-31 05:57:00 +08:00
Game1 . player . faceDirection ( this . player_facing_direction ) ;
2017-07-31 05:42:15 +08:00
if ( Directory . Exists ( SaveAnywhere . player_path ) )
// Directory.Delete(player_path, true);