Updated oreResourceInfo class to have more statistics for farm, quarry, skull cave, and mine as well as including functions for checking floors to spawn/exlucde on.
This commit is contained in:
@ -13,14 +13,36 @@ namespace Revitalize.Framework.Objects.InformationFiles
/// <summary>
/// The floors of the mine that this resource should spawn in.
/// The floors of the mine that this resource should spawn in in the regular mine.
/// </summary>
public List<IntRange> floorsToSpawnOn;
/// <summary>
/// The list of floors to exclude spawning on in the mine.
/// A function that compares whether or not the resource can be spawned on this floor. Used in conjecture with floorsToSpawnOn
/// </summary>
public Func<int, bool> canSpawnOnThisFloor;
public Func<int, bool> excludeSpawnOnThisFloor;
/// <summary>
/// The list of floors to exclude spawning on in the regular mine.
/// </summary>
public List<IntRange> floorsToExclude;
/// <summary>
/// The floors this resource should spawn on in skull cave.
/// </summary>
public List<IntRange> floorsToSpawnOnSkullCave;
/// <summary>
/// The floors this resource should not spawn on in skull cave.
/// </summary>
public List<IntRange> floorsToExcludeSkullCave;
/// <summary>
/// A function that compares whether or not the resource can be spawned on this floor in skull cave. Used in conjecture with floorsToSpawnOn
/// </summary>
public Func<int, bool> canSpawnOnThisFloorSkullCave;
public Func<int, bool> excludeSpawnOnThisFloorSkullCave;
/// <summary>
/// Should this resource spawn in the mine in the mountains?
/// </summary>
@ -38,6 +60,30 @@ namespace Revitalize.Framework.Objects.InformationFiles
/// </summary>
public bool spawnsInQuarry;
/// <summary>
/// The range of the number of nodes to spawn on the farm.
/// </summary>
public IntRange farmSpawnAmount;
/// <summary>
/// The range of the number of nodes to spawn in the quarry.
/// </summary>
public IntRange quarrySpawnAmount;
/// <summary>
/// The range of the number of nodes to spawn in skull cave.
/// </summary>
public IntRange skullCaveSpawnAmount;
/// <summary>
/// The chance that this resource spawns on the farm.
/// </summary>
public double farmSpawnChance;
/// <summary>
/// The chance that this resource spawns in the quarry.
/// </summary>
public double quarrySpawnChance;
/// <summary>
/// The chance that this resource spawns in skull cave.
/// </summary>
public double skullCaveSpawnChance;
/// <summary>
/// Empty Constructor.
@ -47,14 +93,108 @@ namespace Revitalize.Framework.Objects.InformationFiles
public OreResourceInformation(Item I,bool SpawnsOnFarm, bool SpawnsInQuarry, bool SpawnInRegularMine, bool SpawnInSkullCave,List<IntRange> FloorsToSpawnOn,List<IntRange>FloorsToExclude ,int MinDropAmount, int MaxDropAmount, int MinNumberOfNodes, int MaxNumberOfNodes, double ChanceToSpawn = 1f, double ChanceToDrop = 1f, double SpawnChanceLuckFactor = 0f, double SpawnAmountLuckFactor = 0f, double DropChanceLuckFactor = 0f, double DropAmountLuckFactor = 0f) : base(I, MinDropAmount, MaxDropAmount, MinNumberOfNodes, MaxNumberOfNodes,ChanceToSpawn,ChanceToDrop,SpawnChanceLuckFactor,SpawnAmountLuckFactor,DropChanceLuckFactor,DropAmountLuckFactor)
/// <summary>
/// Constructor for a resource that spawns only in the regular mine.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="I"></param>
/// <param name="FloorsToSpawnOn"></param>
/// <param name="FloorsToExclude"></param>
/// <param name="MinDropAmount"></param>
/// <param name="MaxDropAmount"></param>
/// <param name="MinNumberOfNodes"></param>
/// <param name="MaxNumberOfNodes"></param>
/// <param name="ChanceToSpawn"></param>
/// <param name="ChanceToDrop"></param>
/// <param name="SpawnChanceLuckFactor"></param>
/// <param name="SpawnAmountLuckFactor"></param>
/// <param name="DropChanceLuckFactor"></param>
/// <param name="DropAmountLuckFactor"></param>
public OreResourceInformation(Item I, List<IntRange> FloorsToSpawnOn, List<IntRange> FloorsToExclude,Func<int,bool> CanSpawnOnGivenFloor,Func<int,bool> FloorsToExcludeFun,int MinDropAmount, int MaxDropAmount, int MinNumberOfNodes, int MaxNumberOfNodes, double ChanceToSpawn = 1f, double ChanceToDrop = 1f, double SpawnChanceLuckFactor = 0f, double SpawnAmountLuckFactor = 0f, double DropChanceLuckFactor = 0f, double DropAmountLuckFactor = 0f) : base(I, MinDropAmount, MaxDropAmount, MinNumberOfNodes, MaxNumberOfNodes, ChanceToSpawn, ChanceToDrop, SpawnChanceLuckFactor, SpawnAmountLuckFactor, DropChanceLuckFactor, DropAmountLuckFactor)
this.spawnsOnFarm = false;
this.spawnsInQuarry = false;
this.floorsToSpawnOn = FloorsToSpawnOn;
this.floorsToExclude = FloorsToExclude != null ? FloorsToExclude : new List<IntRange>();
this.spawnInRegularMine = true;
this.spawnInSkullCavern = false;
this.farmSpawnAmount = new IntRange();
this.quarrySpawnAmount = new IntRange();
this.farmSpawnChance = 0f;
this.quarrySpawnChance = 0f;
if (CanSpawnOnGivenFloor != null)
this.canSpawnOnThisFloor = CanSpawnOnGivenFloor;
this.canSpawnOnThisFloor = null;
this.excludeSpawnOnThisFloor = FloorsToExcludeFun;
this.canSpawnOnThisFloorSkullCave = null;
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
/// <param name="I"></param>
/// <param name="SpawnsOnFarm"></param>
/// <param name="SpawnsInQuarry"></param>
/// <param name="SpawnInRegularMine"></param>
/// <param name="SpawnInSkullCave"></param>
/// <param name="FloorsToSpawnOn"></param>
/// <param name="FloorsToExclude"></param>
/// <param name="MinDropAmount"></param>
/// <param name="MaxDropAmount"></param>
/// <param name="MinNumberOfNodes"></param>
/// <param name="MaxNumberOfNodes"></param>
/// <param name="FarmSpawnAmount"></param>
/// <param name="QuarrySpawnAmount"></param>
/// <param name="SkullCaveSpawnAmount"></param>
/// <param name="FloorsToSpawnOnSkullCave"></param>
/// <param name="FloorsToExludeSkullCave"></param>
/// <param name="ChanceToSpawn"></param>
/// <param name="FarmSpawnChance"></param>
/// <param name="QuarrySpawnChance"></param>
/// <param name="SkullCaveSpawnChance"></param>
/// <param name="ChanceToDrop"></param>
/// <param name="SpawnChanceLuckFactor"></param>
/// <param name="SpawnAmountLuckFactor"></param>
/// <param name="DropChanceLuckFactor"></param>
/// <param name="DropAmountLuckFactor"></param>
public OreResourceInformation(Item I,bool SpawnsOnFarm, bool SpawnsInQuarry, bool SpawnInRegularMine, bool SpawnInSkullCave,List<IntRange> FloorsToSpawnOn,List<IntRange>FloorsToExclude,Func<int,bool> CanSpawnOnGivenFloor,Func<int,bool> FloorsToExludeFun,int MinDropAmount, int MaxDropAmount, int MinNumberOfNodes, int MaxNumberOfNodes, IntRange FarmSpawnAmount,IntRange QuarrySpawnAmount,IntRange SkullCaveSpawnAmount,List<IntRange> FloorsToSpawnOnSkullCave,List<IntRange>FloorsToExludeSkullCave,Func<int,bool> CanSpawnOnGivenFloorSkullCave,Func<int,bool>FloorsToExludeFunSkullCave,double ChanceToSpawn = 1f,double FarmSpawnChance=1f,double QuarrySpawnChance=1f,double SkullCaveSpawnChance=1f,double ChanceToDrop = 1f, double SpawnChanceLuckFactor = 0f, double SpawnAmountLuckFactor = 0f, double DropChanceLuckFactor = 0f, double DropAmountLuckFactor = 0f) : base(I, MinDropAmount, MaxDropAmount, MinNumberOfNodes, MaxNumberOfNodes,ChanceToSpawn,ChanceToDrop,SpawnChanceLuckFactor,SpawnAmountLuckFactor,DropChanceLuckFactor,DropAmountLuckFactor)
// Deals with setting where this ore can spawn.
this.spawnsOnFarm = SpawnsOnFarm;
this.spawnsInQuarry = SpawnsInQuarry;
this.floorsToSpawnOn = FloorsToSpawnOn;
this.floorsToExclude = FloorsToExclude!=null? FloorsToExclude: new List<IntRange>();
this.spawnInRegularMine = SpawnInRegularMine;
this.spawnInSkullCavern = SpawnInSkullCave;
//Deals with inclusion/Exclusion for floors in regular mine.
this.floorsToSpawnOn = this.spawnInRegularMine?FloorsToSpawnOn:new List<IntRange>();
this.floorsToExclude = FloorsToExclude != null ? FloorsToExclude : new List<IntRange>();
///Checks if a given resource shouds spawn and if not sets defaulted 0 values.
this.farmSpawnAmount = this.spawnsOnFarm? FarmSpawnAmount:new IntRange(0,0);
this.quarrySpawnAmount =this.spawnsInQuarry? QuarrySpawnAmount:new IntRange(0,0);
this.skullCaveSpawnAmount = this.spawnInSkullCavern ? SkullCaveSpawnAmount : new IntRange(0, 0);
this.farmSpawnChance = this.spawnsOnFarm?FarmSpawnChance:0f;
this.quarrySpawnChance = this.spawnsInQuarry?QuarrySpawnChance:0f;
this.skullCaveSpawnChance = this.spawnInSkullCavern ? SkullCaveSpawnChance : 0f;
//Deals with inclusion/Exclusion for floors in skull cave.
this.floorsToExcludeSkullCave = FloorsToExludeSkullCave!=null? FloorsToExludeSkullCave: new List<IntRange>();
this.floorsToSpawnOnSkullCave = FloorsToSpawnOnSkullCave!=null? FloorsToSpawnOnSkullCave: new List<IntRange>();
this.canSpawnOnThisFloorSkullCave = this.spawnInSkullCavern ? CanSpawnOnGivenFloorSkullCave : null;
this.excludeSpawnOnThisFloorSkullCave = FloorsToExludeFunSkullCave;
this.excludeSpawnOnThisFloor = FloorsToExludeFun;
/// <summary>
@ -77,6 +217,76 @@ namespace Revitalize.Framework.Objects.InformationFiles
return base.getNumberOfNodesToSpawn(limitToMax);
/// <summary>
/// Gets the number of nodes to spawn in the farm.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="limitToMax"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public virtual int getNumberOfNodesToSpawnFarm(bool limitToMax = true)
if (this.spawnsOnFarm == false || this.farmSpawnAmount == null) return 0;
int amount = this.farmSpawnAmount.getRandomInclusive();
if (limitToMax)
amount = (int)Math.Min(amount + (this.spawnAmountLuckFactor * (Game1.player.LuckLevel + Game1.player.addedLuckLevel.Value)), this.maxNumberOfNodesSpawned);
amount = (int)(amount + (this.spawnAmountLuckFactor * (Game1.player.LuckLevel + Game1.player.addedLuckLevel.Value)));
return amount;
/// <summary>
/// Gets the number of nodes to spawn in the quarry.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="limitToMax"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public virtual int getNumberOfNodesToSpawnQuarry(bool limitToMax = true)
if (this.spawnsInQuarry == false || this.quarrySpawnAmount == null) return 0;
int amount = this.quarrySpawnAmount.getRandomInclusive();
if (limitToMax)
amount = (int)Math.Min(amount + (this.spawnAmountLuckFactor * (Game1.player.LuckLevel + Game1.player.addedLuckLevel.Value)), this.maxNumberOfNodesSpawned);
amount = (int)(amount + (this.spawnAmountLuckFactor * (Game1.player.LuckLevel + Game1.player.addedLuckLevel.Value)));
return amount;
/// <summary>
/// Gets the number of nodes to spawn in skull cave.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="limitToMax"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public virtual int getNumberOfNodesToSpawnSkullCavern(bool limitToMax = true)
if (this.spawnInSkullCavern == false || this.skullCaveSpawnAmount == null) return 0;
int amount = this.quarrySpawnAmount.getRandomInclusive();
if (limitToMax)
amount = (int)Math.Min(amount + (this.spawnAmountLuckFactor * (Game1.player.LuckLevel + Game1.player.addedLuckLevel.Value)), this.maxNumberOfNodesSpawned);
amount = (int)(amount + (this.spawnAmountLuckFactor * (Game1.player.LuckLevel + Game1.player.addedLuckLevel.Value)));
return amount;
public virtual bool shouldSpawnInQuarry()
public virtual bool shouldSpawnInFarm()
/// <summary>
/// Can this ore spawn at the given location?
/// </summary>
@ -137,11 +347,31 @@ namespace Revitalize.Framework.Objects.InformationFiles
int level=LocationUtilities.CurrentMineLevel();
foreach(IntRange range in this.floorsToSpawnOn)
if (range.ContainsInclusive(level))
bool compareFun = false;
if (this.canSpawnOnThisFloor == null)
compareFun = false;
compareFun = this.canSpawnOnThisFloor(level);
if (range.ContainsInclusive(level) || compareFun==true)
foreach(IntRange exclude in this.floorsToExclude)
if (exclude.ContainsInclusive(level)) return false;
bool excludeFun = false;
if (this.excludeSpawnOnThisFloor == null)
excludeFun = false;
excludeFun = this.excludeSpawnOnThisFloor(level);
//Make this include exlude fun for regular mine. See above in this function.
if (exclude.ContainsInclusive(level) || excludeFun) return false;
return true;
@ -46,11 +46,13 @@ namespace Revitalize.Framework.Objects
OreVeinObj testOre = new OreVeinObj(PyTKHelper.CreateOBJData("Omegasis.Revitalize.Resources.Ore.Test", TextureManager.GetTexture(ModCore.Manifest, "Resources.Ore", "Test"), typeof(OreVeinTile), Color.White), new BasicItemInformation("Test Ore Vein", "Omegasis.Revitalize.Resources.Ore.Test", "A ore vein that is used for testing purposes.", "Revitalize.Ore", Color.Black, -300, 0, false, 350, Vector2.Zero, true, true, TextureManager.GetTexture(ModCore.Manifest, "Resources.Ore", "Test"), new AnimationManager(TextureManager.GetExtendedTexture(ModCore.Manifest, "Resources.Ore", "Test"), new Animation(0, 0, 16, 16)), Color.White, false, null, null));
testOre.addComponent(new Vector2(0, 0), new OreVeinTile(PyTKHelper.CreateOBJData("Omegasis.Revitalize.Resources.Ore.Test", TextureManager.GetTexture(ModCore.Manifest, "Resources.Ore", "Test"), typeof(OreVeinTile), Color.White), new BasicItemInformation("Test Ore Vein", "Omegasis.Revitalize.Resources.Ore.Test", "A ore vein that is used for testing purposes.", "Revitalize.Ore", Color.Black, -300, 0, false, 350, Vector2.Zero, true, true, TextureManager.GetTexture(ModCore.Manifest, "Resources.Ore", "Test"), new AnimationManager(TextureManager.GetExtendedTexture(ModCore.Manifest, "Resources.Ore", "Test"), new Animation(0, 0, 16, 16)), Color.White, false, null, null), new InformationFiles.OreResourceInformation(new StardewValley.Object(211, 1), false, true, true, false, new List<IntRange>()
new IntRange(1,9)
}, new List<IntRange>(), 1, 5, 1, 10, 1d, 1d, 0, 0, 0, 0), new List<ResourceInformaton>()));
this.ores.Add("Omegasis.Revitalize.Resources.Ore.Test", testOre);
/// <summary>
@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using StardewValley;
namespace Revitalize.Framework.Utilities
@ -85,5 +86,25 @@ namespace Revitalize.Framework.Utilities
if (value > this.min && value < this.max) return true;
else return false;
/// <summary>
/// Returns an int value within the range of min and max inclusive.
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
public int getRandomInclusive()
int number = Game1.random.Next(this.min, this.max + 1);
return number;
/// <summary>
/// Returns an int value within the range of min and max exclusive.
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
public int getRandomExclusive()
int number = Game1.random.Next(this.min, this.max);
return number;
Reference in New Issue