Updatedd CustomObject to have proper sell price and semi sync over the net.

This commit is contained in:
JoshuaNavarro 2019-08-26 21:14:37 -07:00
parent 50b77b44e2
commit 94d1595efa
3 changed files with 192 additions and 54 deletions

View File

@ -19,6 +19,89 @@ namespace Revitalize.Framework.Objects
/// <summary>A custom object template.</summary>
public class CustomObject : PySObject
public string text
if (this.netName.Value.Split('>') is string[] split && split.Length > 1)
return split[1]; //This is custom data. If the net name has a much larger name split the value and return the result.
return ""; //Otherwise return nothing.
if (this.netName == null) return;
if (this.netName.Value == null) return;
this.netName.Value = this.netName.Value.Split('>')[0] + ">" + value; //When setting the custom dataappend it to the end of the name.
public override string Name
if (this.info != null)
return this.netName.Value.Split('>')[0];
//return this.info.name;
if (this.netName == null)
return this.name;
return this.netName.Value.Split('>')[0]; //Return the value before the name because that is the true value.
if (this.netName == null)
if (this.netName.Value == null)
if (this.netName.Value.Split('>') is string[] split && split.Length > 1)
this.netName.Value = value + ">" + split[1]; //When setting the name if appended data is added on set the new value and add that appended data back.
this.netName.Value = value; //Otherwise just set the net name.
public override string DisplayName
if (this.info != null)
return this.info.name;
return this.netName.Value.Split('>')[0];
if (this.netName.Value.Split('>') is string[] split && split.Length > 1)
this.netName.Value = value + ">" + split[1];
this.netName.Value = value;
public string id
@ -75,10 +158,6 @@ namespace Revitalize.Framework.Objects
protected Netcode.NetString netItemInfo;
/// <summary>Empty constructor.</summary>
public CustomObject()
@ -124,8 +203,12 @@ namespace Revitalize.Framework.Objects
this.bigCraftable.Value = false;
this.syncObject = new PySync(this);
this.Price = info.price;
//if (this.info.ignoreBoundingBox)
// this.boundingBox.Value = new Rectangle(int.MinValue, int.MinValue, 0, 0);
@ -145,6 +228,16 @@ namespace Revitalize.Framework.Objects
: base.getBoundingBox(tileLocation);
public override int sellToStorePrice()
return this.Price;
public override int salePrice()
return this.Price * 2;
/// <summary>Checks for interaction with the object.</summary>
public override bool checkForAction(Farmer who, bool justCheckingForActivity = false)
@ -170,18 +263,6 @@ namespace Revitalize.Framework.Objects
return this.clicked(who);
public override ICustomObject recreate(Dictionary<string, string> additionalSaveData, object replacement)
CustomObjectData data = CustomObjectData.collection[additionalSaveData["id"]];
BasicItemInformation info = Revitalize.ModCore.Serializer.DeserializeFromJSONString<BasicItemInformation>(additionalSaveData["ItemInfo"]);
return new CustomObject(data, info, (replacement as Chest).TileLocation);
public override Dictionary<string, string> getAdditionalSaveData()
Dictionary<string, string> serializedInfo = new Dictionary<string, string>();
serializedInfo.Add("ItemInfo", Revitalize.ModCore.Serializer.ToJSONString(this.info));
return serializedInfo;
/// <summary>What happens when the player right clicks the object.</summary>
public virtual bool rightClicked(Farmer who)
@ -332,6 +413,7 @@ namespace Revitalize.Framework.Objects
/// <summary>What happens when the object is drawn at a tile location.</summary>
public override void draw(SpriteBatch spriteBatch, int x, int y, float alpha = 1f)
if (x <= -1)
spriteBatch.Draw(this.info.animationManager.getTexture(), Game1.GlobalToLocal(Game1.viewport, this.info.drawPosition), new Rectangle?(this.animationManager.currentAnimation.sourceRectangle), this.info.drawColor * alpha, 0f, Vector2.Zero, (float)Game1.pixelZoom, this.flipped ? SpriteEffects.FlipHorizontally : SpriteEffects.None, Math.Max(0f, (float)(this.TileLocation.Y * Game1.tileSize) / 10000f));
@ -373,6 +455,7 @@ namespace Revitalize.Framework.Objects
/// <summary>Draw the game object at a non-tile spot. Aka like debris.</summary>
public override void draw(SpriteBatch spriteBatch, int xNonTile, int yNonTile, float layerDepth, float alpha = 1f)
if (Game1.eventUp && Game1.CurrentEvent.isTileWalkedOn(xNonTile / 64, yNonTile / 64))
@ -395,6 +478,7 @@ namespace Revitalize.Framework.Objects
//The actual planter box being drawn.
if (this.animationManager == null)
if (this.animationManager.getExtendedTexture() == null)
ModCore.ModMonitor.Log("Tex Extended is null???");
@ -427,6 +511,7 @@ namespace Revitalize.Framework.Objects
/// <summary>What happens when the object is drawn in a menu.</summary>
public override void drawInMenu(SpriteBatch spriteBatch, Vector2 location, float scaleSize, float transparency, float layerDepth, bool drawStackNumber, Color c, bool drawShadow)
if (drawStackNumber && this.maximumStackSize() > 1 && ((double)scaleSize > 0.3 && this.Stack != int.MaxValue) && this.Stack > 1)
Utility.drawTinyDigits(this.Stack, spriteBatch, location + new Vector2((float)(Game1.tileSize - Utility.getWidthOfTinyDigitString(this.Stack, 3f * scaleSize)) + 3f * scaleSize, (float)((double)Game1.tileSize - 18.0 * (double)scaleSize + 2.0)), 3f * scaleSize, 1f, Color.White);
if (drawStackNumber && this.Quality > 0)
@ -440,8 +525,11 @@ namespace Revitalize.Framework.Objects
/// <summary>What happens when the object is drawn when held by a player.</summary>
public override void drawWhenHeld(SpriteBatch spriteBatch, Vector2 objectPosition, StardewValley.Farmer f)
if (this.animationManager == null) Revitalize.ModCore.log("Animation Manager Null");
if (this.animationManager == null)
Revitalize.ModCore.log("Animation Manager Null");
if (this.displayTexture == null) Revitalize.ModCore.log("Display texture is null");
if (f.ActiveObject.bigCraftable.Value)
@ -473,35 +561,8 @@ namespace Revitalize.Framework.Objects
public void InitNetFields()
if (Game1.IsMultiplayer == false && (Game1.IsClient == false || Game1.IsClient == false)) return;
this.syncObject = new PySync(this);
this.netItemInfo = new Netcode.NetString(this.ItemInfo);
/// <summary>
/// Gets all of the data necessary for syncing.
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
public override Dictionary<string, string> getSyncData()
Dictionary<string, string> syncData = base.getSyncData();
syncData.Add("BasicItemInfo", Revitalize.ModCore.Serializer.ToJSONString(this.info));
return syncData;
/// <summary>
/// Syncs all of the info to all players.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="syncData"></param>
public override void sync(Dictionary<string, string> syncData)
//Revitalize.ModCore.log("SYNC OBJECT DATA!");
this.info = Revitalize.ModCore.Serializer.DeserializeFromJSONString<BasicItemInformation>(syncData["BasicItemInfo"]);
public virtual void replaceAfterLoad()
@ -523,5 +584,82 @@ namespace Revitalize.Framework.Objects
//Load in a file that has all object names referenced here or something.
return this.info.name;
public void updateInfo()
if (this.info == null)
this.ItemInfo = this.text;
ModCore.log("Updated item info!");
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.ItemInfo))
this.ItemInfo = this.text;
this.text = this.ItemInfo;
// PyTk Functions //
/// <summary>
/// Rebuilds the data from saves.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="additionalSaveData"></param>
/// <param name="replacement"></param>
public override void rebuild(Dictionary<string, string> additionalSaveData, object replacement)
CustomObjectData data = CustomObjectData.collection[additionalSaveData["id"]];
BasicItemInformation info = Revitalize.ModCore.Serializer.DeserializeFromJSONString<BasicItemInformation>(additionalSaveData["ItemInfo"]);
/// <summary>
/// Prepares the data for saves.
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
public override Dictionary<string, string> getAdditionalSaveData()
Dictionary<string, string> serializedInfo = new Dictionary<string, string>();
serializedInfo.Add("id", this.ItemInfo);
serializedInfo.Add("ItemInfo", Revitalize.ModCore.Serializer.ToJSONString(this.info));
return serializedInfo;
/// <summary>
/// Gets all of the data necessary for syncing.
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
public override Dictionary<string, string> getSyncData()
Dictionary<string, string> syncData = new Dictionary<string, string>();
//syncData.Add("ID", this.ItemInfo);
//syncData.Add("BasicItemInfo", Revitalize.ModCore.Serializer.ToJSONString(this.info));
syncData.Add("Greeting:", "Hello from: " + Game1.player.Name);
ModCore.log("Send off SYNC DATA!");
return syncData;
/// <summary>
/// Syncs all of the info to all players.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="syncData"></param>
public override void sync(Dictionary<string, string> syncData)
//Revitalize.ModCore.log("SYNC OBJECT DATA!");
//this.info = Revitalize.ModCore.Serializer.DeserializeFromJSONString<BasicItemInformation>(syncData["BasicItemInfo"]);
//this.ItemInfo = syncData["ID"];
string greeting = syncData["Greeting"];

View File

@ -107,10 +107,6 @@ namespace Revitalize.Framework.Objects.Items.Resources
return component;
public override object getReplacement()
return base.getReplacement();
public override ICustomObject recreate(Dictionary<string, string> additionalSaveData, object replacement)

View File

@ -260,6 +260,7 @@ namespace Revitalize
Game1.currentMinigame = new Revitalize.Framework.Minigame.SeasideScrambleMinigame.SeasideScramble();
if (e.Button == SButton.Y)
//Game1.activeClickableMenu = new ItemGrabMenu(Game1.player.Items,false,true, new InventoryMenu.highlightThisItem(InventoryMenu.highlightAllItems),);
@ -270,6 +271,7 @@ namespace Revitalize
Game1.activeClickableMenu = new Revitalize.Framework.Menus.InventoryTransferMenu(100, 100, 500, 500, newItems, 36);
private void GameLoop_ReturnedToTitle(object sender, StardewModdingAPI.Events.ReturnedToTitleEventArgs e)
@ -382,19 +384,21 @@ namespace Revitalize
private void GameLoop_SaveLoaded(object sender, StardewModdingAPI.Events.SaveLoadedEventArgs e)
if (Game1.IsServer || Game1.IsMultiplayer || Game1.IsClient)
throw new Exception("Can't run Revitalize in multiplayer due to lack of current support!");
// Game1.player.addItemToInventory(GetObjectFromPool("Omegasis.BigTiledTest"));
@ -408,9 +412,9 @@ namespace Revitalize
Game1.player.addItemToInventory(ObjectManager.resources.getOre("Tin", 19));
//Game1.player.addItemToInventory(ObjectManager.resources.getOre("Tin", 19));
//Ore tin = ObjectManager.resources.getOre("Tin", 19);
Game1.player.addItemToInventory(ObjectManager.GetItem("TinIngot", 1));
//ModCore.log("Tin sells for: " + tin.sellToStorePrice());