Repositioned menu elements and added options for generic festivals and events.

This commit is contained in:
2018-05-30 18:14:06 -07:00
parent 04dd0432f0
commit 9fe6a075de
3 changed files with 69 additions and 18 deletions

View File

@ -15,9 +15,8 @@ using StardustCore.UIUtilities.SpriteFonts.Components;
namespace StardewSymphonyRemastered.Framework.Menus
* Ned to make back buttons.
* //Make all the functionality work.
* make buttons make sounds when clicked
* Make sound player mod?
@ -480,7 +479,7 @@ namespace StardewSymphonyRemastered.Framework.Menus
Texture2DExtended texture = StardewSymphony.textureManager.getTexture("GreenBallon");
float scale = 1.00f / ((float)texture.texture.Height / 64f);
Rectangle srcRect = new Rectangle(0, 0, texture.texture.Width, texture.texture.Height);
this.fancyButtons.Add(new Button(SongSpecifics.festivals.ElementAt(i), new Rectangle((int)placement2.X + 25, (int)placement2.Y + ((i % 6) * 100) + 100, 64, 64), texture, SongSpecifics.festivals.ElementAt(i), srcRect, scale, new Animation(srcRect), Color.White, Color.White, new ButtonFunctionality(null, null, null)));
this.fancyButtons.Add(new Button(SongSpecifics.festivals.ElementAt(i), new Rectangle((int)placement2.X + 50, (int)placement2.Y + ((i % 6) * 100) + 100, 64, 64), texture, SongSpecifics.festivals.ElementAt(i), srcRect, scale, new Animation(srcRect), Color.White, Color.White, new ButtonFunctionality(null, null, null)));
@ -499,7 +498,7 @@ namespace StardewSymphonyRemastered.Framework.Menus
Texture2DExtended texture = StardewSymphony.textureManager.getTexture("MenuIcon");
float scale = 1.00f / ((float)texture.texture.Width / 64f);
Rectangle srcRect = new Rectangle(0, 0, texture.texture.Width, texture.texture.Height);
this.fancyButtons.Add(new Button(SongSpecifics.menus.ElementAt(i), new Rectangle((int)placement2.X + 25, (int)placement2.Y + ((i % 6) * 100) + 100, 64, 64), texture, SongSpecifics.menus.ElementAt(i), srcRect, scale, new Animation(srcRect), Color.White, Color.White, new ButtonFunctionality(null, null, null)));
this.fancyButtons.Add(new Button(SongSpecifics.menus.ElementAt(i), new Rectangle((int)placement2.X + 50, (int)placement2.Y + ((i % 6) * 100) + 100, 64, 64), texture, SongSpecifics.menus.ElementAt(i), srcRect, scale, new Animation(srcRect), Color.White, Color.White, new ButtonFunctionality(null, null, null)));
@ -518,7 +517,7 @@ namespace StardewSymphonyRemastered.Framework.Menus
Texture2DExtended texture = StardewSymphony.textureManager.getTexture("StarIcon");
float scale = 1.00f / ((float)texture.texture.Width / 64f);
Rectangle srcRect = new Rectangle(0, 0, texture.texture.Width, texture.texture.Height);
this.fancyButtons.Add(new Button(, new Rectangle((int)placement2.X + 25, (int)placement2.Y + ((i % 6) * 100) + 100, 64, 64), texture,, srcRect, scale, new Animation(srcRect), Color.White, Color.White, new ButtonFunctionality(null, null, null)));
this.fancyButtons.Add(new Button(, new Rectangle((int)placement2.X + 50, (int)placement2.Y + ((i % 6) * 100) + 100, 64, 64), texture,, srcRect, scale, new Animation(srcRect), Color.White, Color.White, new ButtonFunctionality(null, null, null)));
@ -528,10 +527,10 @@ namespace StardewSymphonyRemastered.Framework.Menus
int buttonXPosition = 300;
int buttonXPosition = 450;
//Season Icon placement.
Vector4 seasonPlacement = new Vector4(this.width * .3f + buttonXPosition, this.height * .25f, 5 * 100, this.height * .9f);
Vector4 seasonPlacement = new Vector4(this.width * .2f + buttonXPosition, this.height * .25f, 5 * 100, this.height * .9f);
if (Game1.currentSeason == "spring")
@ -585,9 +584,9 @@ namespace StardewSymphonyRemastered.Framework.Menus
this.fancyButtons.Add(new Button("SeasonIcon", new Rectangle((int)seasonPlacement.X, (int)seasonPlacement.Y, 64, 64), winterTexture, "Winter Music", srcRect, scale, new Animation(srcRect), Color.White, Color.White, new ButtonFunctionality(null, null, null)));
Vector4 festivalPlacement = new Vector4(this.width * .3f + buttonXPosition, this.height * .35f, 6 * 100, this.height * .9f);
Vector4 eventPlacement = new Vector4(this.width * .3f + buttonXPosition, this.height * .45f, 7 * 100, this.height * .9f);
Vector4 menuPlacement = new Vector4(this.width * .3f + buttonXPosition, this.height * .55f, 8 * 100, this.height * .9f);
Vector4 festivalPlacement = new Vector4(this.width * .2f + buttonXPosition, this.height * .35f, 6 * 100, this.height * .9f);
Vector4 eventPlacement = new Vector4(this.width * .2f + buttonXPosition, this.height * .45f, 7 * 100, this.height * .9f);
Vector4 menuPlacement = new Vector4(this.width * .2f + buttonXPosition, this.height * .55f, 8 * 100, this.height * .9f);
//Festival Icon placement.
Texture2DExtended festivalTexture = StardewSymphony.textureManager.getTexture("FestivalIcon");
@ -1651,6 +1650,10 @@ namespace StardewSymphonyRemastered.Framework.Menus
int count = this.fancyButtons.Count - 1;
@ -1703,7 +1706,10 @@ namespace StardewSymphonyRemastered.Framework.Menus
int count = this.fancyButtons.Count - 1;
int amount = 0;
@ -1756,7 +1762,10 @@ namespace StardewSymphonyRemastered.Framework.Menus
int count = this.fancyButtons.Count - 1;
int amount = 0;
@ -1977,7 +1986,25 @@ namespace StardewSymphonyRemastered.Framework.Menus
/// </summary>
public void addSong()
var info = (KeyValuePair<string, MusicPack>)this.currentMusicPackAlbum.buttonFunctionality.leftClick.paramaters[0];
//Add generic festival music.
if (this.drawMode == DrawMode.FestivalSelection)
//Add generic event music.
if(this.drawMode== DrawMode.EventSelection)
info.Value.songInformation.addSongToTriggerList(generateSongTriggerKeyFromSelection(), this.currentSelectedSong.label);

View File

@ -575,6 +575,34 @@ namespace StardewSymphonyRemastered.Framework
songKeyPair.Value.Add(song); //add the song from master pool to the trigger list
public void addSongToFestivalList(string songName)
var songKeyPair = this.festivalSongs;
var song = getSongFromList(listOfSongsWithoutTriggers, songName); //Get the song from the master song pool
if (song == null)
StardewSymphony.ModMonitor.Log("For some reason you are trying to add a song that is null. The name of the song is " + songName);
songKeyPair.Add(song); //add the song from master pool to the trigger list
public void addSongToEventList(string songName)
var songKeyPair = this.eventSongs;
var song = getSongFromList(listOfSongsWithoutTriggers, songName); //Get the song from the master song pool
if (song == null)
StardewSymphony.ModMonitor.Log("For some reason you are trying to add a song that is null. The name of the song is " + songName);
songKeyPair.Add(song); //add the song from master pool to the trigger list
/// <summary>
/// Remove a song name from a specific list of songs to play that will play under certain conditions.
/// </summary>

View File

@ -17,11 +17,7 @@ namespace StardewSymphonyRemastered
/// <summary>
/// BIG WIP. Don't use this at all because it does nothing right now.
/// TODO:
/// -Make way to swap between album menu draw modes
/// -make a currently playing menu off to the side to tell you what song is playing from what album.
/// Make songs work for festivals and events.
/// Finish making triggers menus
/// 3.Make interface.
/// 3.Finish making menu
/// 5.Release
/// 6.Make videos documenting how to make this mod work.
/// 7.Make way to generate new music packs.