using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; using Microsoft.Xna.Framework; using Revitalize.Framework.Objects.InformationFiles; using Revitalize.Framework.Objects.Resources.OreVeins; using Revitalize.Framework.Utilities; using StardewValley; using StardustCore.Animations; using StardustCore.UIUtilities; namespace Revitalize.Framework.Objects { public class ResourceManager { /// /// A static reference to the resource manager for quicker access. /// public static ResourceManager self; /// /// A list of all of the ores held by the resource manager. /// public Dictionary ores; public List visitedFloors; /// /// Constructor. /// public ResourceManager() { self = this; this.ores = new Dictionary(); this.visitedFloors = new List(); this.loadOreVeins(); } /// /// Loads in all of the ore veins for the game. /// private void loadOreVeins() { //The pancake ore. OreVeinObj testOre = new OreVeinObj(PyTKHelper.CreateOBJData("Omegasis.Revitalize.Resources.Ore.Test", TextureManager.GetTexture(ModCore.Manifest, "Resources.Ore", "Test"), typeof(OreVeinTile), Color.White), new BasicItemInformation("Test Ore Vein", "Omegasis.Revitalize.Resources.Ore.Test", "A ore vein that is used for testing purposes.", "Revitalize.Ore", Color.Black, -300, 0, false, 350, Vector2.Zero, true, true, TextureManager.GetTexture(ModCore.Manifest, "Resources.Ore", "Test"), new AnimationManager(TextureManager.GetExtendedTexture(ModCore.Manifest, "Resources.Ore", "Test"), new Animation(0, 0, 16, 16)), Color.White, false, null, null)); /* testOre.addComponent(new Vector2(0, 0), new OreVeinTile(PyTKHelper.CreateOBJData("Omegasis.Revitalize.Resources.Ore.Test", TextureManager.GetTexture(ModCore.Manifest, "Resources.Ore", "Test"), typeof(OreVeinTile), Color.White), new BasicItemInformation("Test Ore Vein", "Omegasis.Revitalize.Resources.Ore.Test", "A ore vein that is used for testing purposes.", "Revitalize.Ore", Color.Black, -300, 0, false, 350, Vector2.Zero, true, true, TextureManager.GetTexture(ModCore.Manifest, "Resources.Ore", "Test"), new AnimationManager(TextureManager.GetExtendedTexture(ModCore.Manifest, "Resources.Ore", "Test"), new Animation(0, 0, 16, 16)), Color.White, false, null, null), new InformationFiles.OreResourceInformation(new StardewValley.Object(211, 1), false, true, true, false, new List() { new IntRange(1,9) }, new List(), 1, 5, 1, 10, 1d, 1d, 0, 0, 0, 0), new List())); this.ores.Add("Omegasis.Revitalize.Resources.Ore.Test", testOre); */ } /// /// Spawns an ore vein at the given location if possible. /// /// public bool spawnOreVein(string name, GameLocation Location, Vector2 TilePosition) { if (this.ores.ContainsKey(name)) { OreVeinObj spawn; this.ores.TryGetValue(name, out spawn); if (spawn != null) { spawn = (OreVeinObj)spawn.getOne(); bool spawnable = this.canResourceBeSpawnedHere(spawn, Location, TilePosition); if (spawnable) { //ModCore.log("Location is: " + Location.Name); spawn.placementAction(Location, (int)TilePosition.X * Game1.tileSize, (int)TilePosition.Y * Game1.tileSize, Game1.player); } else { ModCore.log("Can't spawn ore: " + name + "at tile location: " + TilePosition); } return spawnable; } ModCore.log("Key doesn't exist. Weird."); return false; } else { throw new Exception("The ore dictionary doesn't contain they key for resource: " + name); } } /// /// Spawns an orevein at the tile position at the same location as the player. /// /// /// /// public bool spawnOreVein(string name, Vector2 TilePosition) { return this.spawnOreVein(name, Game1.player.currentLocation, TilePosition); } /// /// Checks to see if a resource can be spawned here. /// /// /// /// /// public bool canResourceBeSpawnedHere(MultiTiledObject OBJ, GameLocation Location, Vector2 TilePosition) { return OBJ.canBePlacedHere(Location, TilePosition) && Location.isTileLocationTotallyClearAndPlaceable(TilePosition); } //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~// // Mine ore spawn code // //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~// #region public void spawnOreInMine() { int floorLevel = LocationUtilities.CurrentMineLevel(); if (this.hasVisitedFloor(floorLevel)) { //Already has spawned ores for this visit. return; } else { this.visitedFloors.Add(floorLevel); } List spawnableOreVeins = new List(); //Get a list of all of the ores that can spawn on this mine level. foreach (KeyValuePair pair in this.ores) { if (pair.Value.resourceInfo.canSpawnAtLocation() && (pair.Value.resourceInfo as OreResourceInformation).canSpawnOnCurrentMineLevel()) { spawnableOreVeins.Add(pair.Value); } } foreach (OreVeinObj ore in spawnableOreVeins) { if (ore.resourceInfo.shouldSpawn()) { int amount = ore.resourceInfo.getNumberOfNodesToSpawn(); List openTiles = LocationUtilities.GetOpenObjectTiles(Game1.player.currentLocation, (OreVeinObj)ore.getOne()); amount = Math.Min(amount, openTiles.Count); //Only spawn for as many open tiles or the amount of nodes to spawn. for (int i = 0; i < amount; i++) { int position = Game1.random.Next(openTiles.Count); bool didSpawn = this.spawnOreVein(, openTiles[position]); if (didSpawn == false) { i--; //If the tile didn't spawn due to some odd reason ensure that the amount is spawned. openTiles.Remove(openTiles[position]); } else { openTiles.Remove(openTiles[position]); //Remove that tile from the list of open tiles. } } } else { //Ore doesn't meet spawn chance. } //ModCore.log("Spawned :" + amount + " pancake test ores!"); } } /// /// Checks to see if the player has visited the given floor. /// /// /// public bool hasVisitedFloor(int Floor) { return this.visitedFloors.Contains(Floor); } /// /// Source: SDV. /// /// /// /// private bool isTileOpenForQuarryStone(int tileX, int tileY) { GameLocation loc = Game1.getLocationFromName("Mountain"); if (loc.doesTileHaveProperty(tileX, tileY, "Diggable", "Back") != null) return loc.isTileLocationTotallyClearAndPlaceable(new Vector2((float)tileX, (float)tileY)); return false; } /// /// Update the quarry every day with new ores to spawn. /// private void quarryDayUpdate() { List spawnableOreVeins = new List(); //Get a list of all of the ores that can spawn on this mine level. foreach (KeyValuePair pair in this.ores) { if ((pair.Value.resourceInfo as OreResourceInformation).spawnsInQuarry) { spawnableOreVeins.Add(pair.Value); //ModCore.log("Found an ore that spawns in the quarry"); } } foreach (OreVeinObj ore in spawnableOreVeins) { if (ore.resourceInfo.shouldSpawn()) { int amount = ore.resourceInfo.getNumberOfNodesToSpawn(); List openTiles = this.getOpenQuarryTiles(ore); //ModCore.log("Number of open tiles is: " + openTiles.Count); amount = Math.Min(amount, openTiles.Count); //Only spawn for as many open tiles or the amount of nodes to spawn. for (int i = 0; i < amount; i++) { int position = Game1.random.Next(openTiles.Count); bool didSpawn = this.spawnOreVein(,Game1.getLocationFromName("Mountain"),openTiles[position]); if (didSpawn == false) { i--; //If the tile didn't spawn due to some odd reason ensure that the amount is spawned. openTiles.Remove(openTiles[position]); //amount = Math.Min(amount, openTiles.Count); //Only spawn for as many open tiles or the amount of nodes to spawn. } else { //ModCore.log("Spawned ore in the quarry!"); openTiles.Remove(openTiles[position]); //Remove that tile from the list of open tiles. } } } else { //Ore doesn't meet spawn chance. } //ModCore.log("Spawned :" + amount + " pancake test ores!"); } } /// /// Gets a list of all of the open quarry tiles. /// /// private List getOpenQuarryTiles(MultiTiledObject obj) { List tiles = new List(); Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Rectangle r = new Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Rectangle(106, 13, 21, 21); for(int i = r.X; i <= r.X + r.Width; i++) { for(int j=r.Y;j<= r.Y + r.Height; j++) { if (this.isTileOpenForQuarryStone(i, j) && this.canResourceBeSpawnedHere(obj,Game1.getLocationFromName("Mountain"),new Vector2(i,j))) { tiles.Add(new Vector2(i, j)); } } } if (tiles.Count == 0) { //ModCore.log("Quarry is full! Can't spawn more resources!"); } return tiles; } #endregion /// /// What happens when the player warps maps. /// /// /// public void OnPlayerLocationChanged(object o, EventArgs playerWarped) { this.spawnOreInMine(); if (LocationUtilities.IsPlayerInMine() == false && LocationUtilities.IsPlayerInSkullCave() == false && LocationUtilities.IsPlayerInMineEnterance() == false) { this.visitedFloors.Clear(); } } public void DailyResourceSpawn(object o, EventArgs NewDay) { this.quarryDayUpdate(); } } }