using System; using System.IO; using System.Text; using Newtonsoft.Json; using StardewModdingAPI; namespace Omegasis.BuildHealth { public class BuildHealth : Mod { public double BuildHealth_data_xp_nextlvl=20; public double BuildHealth_data_xp_current=0; public int BuildHealth_data_current_lvl=0; public int BuildHealth_data_health_bonus_acumulated=0; public int BuildHealth_data_ini_health_bonus=0; public bool BuildHealth_data_clear_mod_effects = false; public int BuildHealth_data_old_health = 0; public bool tool_cleaner = false; public bool fed = false; public int old_health; public int new_health; public Config ModConfig { get; set; } public static bool upon_loading = false; public bool collapse_check; //Credit goes to Zoryn for pieces of this config generation that I kinda repurposed. public override void Entry(IModHelper helper) { StardewModdingAPI.Events.TimeEvents.DayOfMonthChanged += SleepCallback; StardewModdingAPI.Events.GameEvents.UpdateTick += EatingCallBack; //sloppy again but it'll do. StardewModdingAPI.Events.GameEvents.OneSecondTick += Tool_Cleanup; StardewModdingAPI.Events.GameEvents.UpdateTick += ToolCallBack; StardewModdingAPI.Events.SaveEvents.AfterLoad += LoadingCallBack; StardewModdingAPI.Events.GameEvents.UpdateTick += Collapse_Callback; StardewModdingAPI.Events.GameEvents.UpdateTick += damage_check; var configLocation = Path.Combine(helper.DirectoryPath, "BuildHealthConfig.json"); if (!File.Exists(configLocation)) { Monitor.Log("The config file for BuildHealth was not found, guess I'll create it..."); ModConfig = new Config(); ModConfig.BuildHealth_current_lvl = 0; ModConfig.BuildHealth_max_lvl = 100; ModConfig.BuildHealth_Health_increase_upon_lvl_up = 1; ModConfig.BuildHealth_xp_current = 0; ModConfig.BuildHealth_xp_nextlvl = 20; ModConfig.BuildHealth_xp_curve = 1.15; ModConfig.BuildHealth_xp_eating = 2; ModConfig.BuildHealth_xp_sleeping = 10; ModConfig.BuildHealth_xp_tooluse = 1; ModConfig.BuildHealth_ini_Health_boost = 0; ModConfig.BuildHealth_Health_accumulated = 0; File.WriteAllBytes(configLocation, Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(ModConfig))); } else { ModConfig = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(Encoding.UTF8.GetString(File.ReadAllBytes(configLocation))); Monitor.Log("Found BuildHealth config file."); } // DataLoader(); // MyWritter(); Monitor.Log("BuildHealth Initialization Completed"); } public void ToolCallBack(object sender, EventArgs e) //ultra quick response for checking if a tool is used. { if (tool_cleaner == true) return; if (StardewValley.Game1.player.usingTool == true) { //Monitor.Log("Tool is being used"); BuildHealth_data_xp_current += ModConfig.BuildHealth_xp_tooluse; tool_cleaner = true; } else return; } public void Tool_Cleanup(object sender, EventArgs e) //nerfs how quickly xp is actually gained. I hope. { if (tool_cleaner == true) tool_cleaner = false; else return; } public void EatingCallBack(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (StardewValley.Game1.isEating == true) { // Monitor.Log("NOM NOM NOM"); fed = true; //this code will run when the player eats an object. I.E. increases their eating skills. } //I'm going to assume they ate the food. if ((StardewValley.Game1.isEating == false) && fed == true) { // Monitor.Log("NOM NOM NOM"); BuildHealth_data_xp_current += ModConfig.BuildHealth_xp_eating; fed = false; } return; } public void damage_check(object sender, EventArgs e) { var player = StardewValley.Game1.player; if (old_health > { BuildHealth_data_xp_current += (old_health -; //Log.Info(old_health -; old_health = (; } if (old_health < { old_health =; } return; } public void SleepCallback(object sender, EventArgs e) { collapse_check = false; if (upon_loading ==true){ Clear_Checker(); var player = StardewValley.Game1.player; BuildHealth_data_xp_current += ModConfig.BuildHealth_xp_sleeping; if (BuildHealth_data_old_health == 0) { BuildHealth_data_old_health = player.maxHealth; //grab the initial Health value } if (BuildHealth_data_clear_mod_effects == true) { Clear_DataLoader(); //This will run when the character goes to sleep. It will increase their sleeping skill. player.maxHealth = BuildHealth_data_old_health; BuildHealth_data_xp_nextlvl = ModConfig.BuildHealth_xp_nextlvl; BuildHealth_data_xp_current = ModConfig.BuildHealth_xp_current; BuildHealth_data_health_bonus_acumulated = 0; BuildHealth_data_old_health = player.maxHealth; BuildHealth_data_ini_health_bonus = 0; BuildHealth_data_current_lvl = 0; Monitor.Log("BuildHealth Reset!"); } if (BuildHealth_data_clear_mod_effects == false) { if (BuildHealth_data_current_lvl < ModConfig.BuildHealth_max_lvl) { while (BuildHealth_data_xp_current >= BuildHealth_data_xp_nextlvl) { BuildHealth_data_current_lvl += 1; BuildHealth_data_xp_current = BuildHealth_data_xp_current - BuildHealth_data_xp_nextlvl; BuildHealth_data_xp_nextlvl = (ModConfig.BuildHealth_xp_curve * BuildHealth_data_xp_nextlvl); player.maxHealth += ModConfig.BuildHealth_Health_increase_upon_lvl_up; BuildHealth_data_health_bonus_acumulated += ModConfig.BuildHealth_Health_increase_upon_lvl_up; } } } BuildHealth_data_clear_mod_effects = false; MyWritter(); } old_health = StardewValley.Game1.player.maxHealth; } public void LoadingCallBack(object sender, EventArgs e) { DataLoader(); MyWritter(); upon_loading=true; //runs when the player is loaded. var player = StardewValley.Game1.player; if (BuildHealth_data_old_health == 0) { BuildHealth_data_old_health = player.maxHealth; //grab the initial health value } player.maxHealth = BuildHealth_data_ini_health_bonus + BuildHealth_data_health_bonus_acumulated + BuildHealth_data_old_health; //incase the ini stam bonus is loaded in. if (BuildHealth_data_clear_mod_effects == true) { player.maxHealth = BuildHealth_data_old_health; Monitor.Log("BuildHealth Reset!"); } DataLoader(); MyWritter(); old_health = StardewValley.Game1.player.maxHealth; } public void Collapse_Callback(object sender, EventArgs e) //if the player stays up too late add some xp. { if (collapse_check == false) { if (StardewValley.Game1.farmerShouldPassOut == true) { BuildHealth_data_xp_current += ModConfig.BuildHealth_Pass_Out_XP; collapse_check = true; Monitor.Log("The player has collapsed!"); return; } } } //Mod config data. public class Config { public double BuildHealth_xp_nextlvl { get; set; } public double BuildHealth_xp_current { get; set; } public double BuildHealth_xp_curve { get; set; } public int BuildHealth_current_lvl { get; set; } public int BuildHealth_max_lvl { get; set; } public int BuildHealth_Health_increase_upon_lvl_up { get; set; } public int BuildHealth_xp_tooluse { get; set; } public int BuildHealth_xp_eating { get; set; } public int BuildHealth_xp_sleeping { get; set; } public int BuildHealth_ini_Health_boost { get; set; } public int BuildHealth_Health_accumulated { get; set; } public int BuildHealth_Pass_Out_XP { get; set; } } void Clear_DataLoader() { if (!Directory.Exists(Path.Combine(Helper.DirectoryPath, "PlayerData"))) Directory.CreateDirectory(Path.Combine(Helper.DirectoryPath, "PlayerData")); string myname =; string mylocation = Path.Combine(Helper.DirectoryPath, "PlayerData", "BuildHealth_data_"); string mylocation2 = mylocation+myname; string mylocation3 = mylocation2+".txt"; if (!File.Exists(mylocation3)) //if not data.json exists, initialize the data variables to the ModConfig data. I.E. starting out. { Monitor.Log("The config file for BuildHealth was not found, guess I'll create it..."); BuildHealth_data_clear_mod_effects = false; BuildHealth_data_old_health = 0; BuildHealth_data_ini_health_bonus = 0; } else { //loads the BuildHealth_data upon loading the mod string[] readtext = File.ReadAllLines(mylocation3); BuildHealth_data_ini_health_bonus = Convert.ToInt32(readtext[9]); BuildHealth_data_clear_mod_effects = Convert.ToBoolean(readtext[14]); BuildHealth_data_old_health = Convert.ToInt32(readtext[16]); } } void Clear_Checker() { //loads the data to the variables upon loading the game. if (!Directory.Exists(Path.Combine(Helper.DirectoryPath, "PlayerData"))) Directory.CreateDirectory(Path.Combine(Helper.DirectoryPath, "PlayerData")); string myname =; string mylocation = Path.Combine(Helper.DirectoryPath, "PlayerData", "BuildHealth_data_"); string mylocation2 = mylocation + myname; string mylocation3 = mylocation2 + ".txt"; if (!File.Exists(mylocation3)) //if not data.json exists, initialize the data variables to the ModConfig data. I.E. starting out. { Monitor.Log("The config file for BuildHealth was not found, guess I'll create it..."); BuildHealth_data_clear_mod_effects = false; BuildHealth_data_old_health = 0; BuildHealth_data_ini_health_bonus = 0; } else { //loads the BuildHealth_data upon loading the mod string[] readtext = File.ReadAllLines(mylocation3); BuildHealth_data_clear_mod_effects = Convert.ToBoolean(readtext[14]); } } void DataLoader() { if (!Directory.Exists(Path.Combine(Helper.DirectoryPath, "PlayerData"))) Directory.CreateDirectory(Path.Combine(Helper.DirectoryPath, "PlayerData")); string myname =; string mylocation = Path.Combine(Helper.DirectoryPath, "PlayerData", "BuildHealth_data_"); string mylocation2 = mylocation+myname; string mylocation3 = mylocation2+".txt"; if (!File.Exists(mylocation3)) //if not data.json exists, initialize the data variables to the ModConfig data. I.E. starting out. { Monitor.Log("The config file for BuildHealth was not found, guess I'll create it..."); BuildHealth_data_xp_nextlvl = ModConfig.BuildHealth_xp_nextlvl; BuildHealth_data_xp_current = ModConfig.BuildHealth_xp_current; BuildHealth_data_current_lvl = ModConfig.BuildHealth_current_lvl; BuildHealth_data_ini_health_bonus = ModConfig.BuildHealth_ini_Health_boost; BuildHealth_data_health_bonus_acumulated = ModConfig.BuildHealth_Health_accumulated; BuildHealth_data_clear_mod_effects = false; BuildHealth_data_old_health = 0; } else { // Monitor.Log("HEY THERE IM LOADING DATA"); //loads the BuildHealth_data upon loading the mod string[] readtext = File.ReadAllLines(mylocation3); BuildHealth_data_current_lvl = Convert.ToInt32(readtext[3]); BuildHealth_data_xp_nextlvl = Convert.ToDouble(readtext[7]); //these array locations refer to the lines in BuildHealth_data.json BuildHealth_data_xp_current = Convert.ToDouble(readtext[5]); BuildHealth_data_ini_health_bonus = Convert.ToInt32(readtext[9]); BuildHealth_data_health_bonus_acumulated = Convert.ToInt32(readtext[11]); BuildHealth_data_clear_mod_effects = Convert.ToBoolean(readtext[14]); BuildHealth_data_old_health = Convert.ToInt32(readtext[16]); } } void MyWritter() { if (!Directory.Exists(Path.Combine(Helper.DirectoryPath, "PlayerData"))) Directory.CreateDirectory(Path.Combine(Helper.DirectoryPath, "PlayerData")); string myname =; string mylocation = Path.Combine(Helper.DirectoryPath, "PlayerData", "BuildHealth_data_"); string mylocation2 = mylocation+myname; string mylocation3 = mylocation2+".txt"; string[] mystring3 = new string[20]; if (!File.Exists(mylocation3)) { Monitor.Log("The data file for BuildHealth was not found, guess I'll create it when you sleep."); //write out the info to a text file at the end of a day. This will run if it doesnt exist. mystring3[0] = "Player: Build Health Data. Modification can cause errors. Edit at your own risk."; mystring3[1] = "===================================================================================="; mystring3[2] = "Player Current Level:"; mystring3[3] = BuildHealth_data_current_lvl.ToString(); mystring3[4] = "Player Current XP:"; mystring3[5] = BuildHealth_data_xp_current.ToString(); mystring3[6] = "Xp to next Level:"; mystring3[7] = BuildHealth_data_xp_nextlvl.ToString(); mystring3[8] = "Initial Health Bonus:"; mystring3[9] = BuildHealth_data_ini_health_bonus.ToString(); mystring3[10] = "Additional Health Bonus:"; mystring3[11] = BuildHealth_data_health_bonus_acumulated.ToString(); mystring3[12] = "======================================================================================="; mystring3[13] = "RESET ALL MOD EFFECTS? This will effective start you back at square 1. Also good if you want to remove this mod."; mystring3[14] = BuildHealth_data_clear_mod_effects.ToString(); mystring3[15] = "OLD Health AMOUNT: This is the initial value of the Player's Health before this mod took over."; mystring3[16] = BuildHealth_data_old_health.ToString(); File.WriteAllLines(mylocation3, mystring3); } else { // Monitor.Log("HEY IM SAVING DATA"); //write out the info to a text file at the end of a day. mystring3[0] = "Player: Build Health Data. Modification can cause errors. Edit at your own risk."; mystring3[1] = "===================================================================================="; mystring3[2] = "Player Current Level:"; mystring3[3] = BuildHealth_data_current_lvl.ToString(); mystring3[4] = "Player Current XP:"; mystring3[5] = BuildHealth_data_xp_current.ToString(); mystring3[6] = "Xp to next Level:"; mystring3[7] = BuildHealth_data_xp_nextlvl.ToString(); mystring3[8] = "Initial Health Bonus:"; mystring3[9] = BuildHealth_data_ini_health_bonus.ToString(); mystring3[10] = "Additional Health Bonus:"; mystring3[11] = BuildHealth_data_health_bonus_acumulated.ToString(); mystring3[12] = "======================================================================================="; mystring3[13] = "RESET ALL MOD EFFECTS? This will effective start you back at square 1. Also good if you want to remove this mod."; mystring3[14] = BuildHealth_data_clear_mod_effects.ToString(); mystring3[15] = "OLD Health AMOUNT: This is the initial value of the Player's Health before this mod took over."; mystring3[16] = BuildHealth_data_old_health.ToString(); File.WriteAllLines(mylocation3, mystring3); } } } //end my function }