using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; using Microsoft.Xna.Framework; using Revitalize.Framework.Objects; using StardewValley; using StardewValley.Buildings; namespace Revitalize.Framework.Utilities { /// /// Deals with helping with locational logic. /// public class LocationUtilities { /// /// The int value used by SDV to determine if a farm is a hilltop farm. /// public static int Farm_HilltopFarmNumber { get { return 3; } } /// /// Checks to see if the player is in the regular mine. /// /// public static bool IsPlayerInMine() { if (Game1.player.currentLocation.Name.StartsWith("UndergroundMine")) { return true; } return false; } /// /// Checks to see if the player is in the enterance to the mine. /// /// public static bool IsPlayerInMineEnterance() { if (Game1.player.currentLocation.Name.StartsWith("Mine") || Game1.player.currentLocation.Name == "Mine") { return true; } return false; } /// /// Checks to see if the player is in skull cave. /// /// public static bool IsPlayerInSkullCave() { if (Game1.player.currentLocation.Name == "SkullCave" || Game1.player.currentLocation.Name.StartsWith("SkullCave")) { return true; } return false; } /// /// Gets the current mine level for the player. If the player is not in the mine this is -1. /// /// public static int CurrentMineLevel() { if (IsPlayerInMine()) { return (Game1.player.currentLocation as StardewValley.Locations.MineShaft).mineLevel; } else { return -1; } } /// /// Gets the tile width and height for the map. /// /// /// public static Vector2 GetLocationTileDimensions(GameLocation location) { Vector2 dimensions = new Vector2(location.Map.GetLayer("Back").LayerWidth, location.Map.GetLayer("Back").LayerHeight); //ModCore.log("Dimensions of map is: " + dimensions); return dimensions; } /* /// /// Gets all open positions for this location for this object. /// /// /// /// public static List GetOpenObjectTiles(GameLocation Location, MultiTiledObject TestObject) { Vector2 dimensions = GetLocationTileDimensions(Location); List openTiles = new List(); for (int i = 0; i < dimensions.X; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < dimensions.Y; j++) { Vector2 tile = new Vector2(i, j); if (TestObject.canBePlacedHere(Location, tile)) { openTiles.Add(tile); } } } return openTiles; } */ /// /// Checks to see if the farm for the game is the hilltop farm. /// /// public static bool Farm_IsFarmHiltopFarm() { return Game1.whichFarm == Farm_HilltopFarmNumber; } public static List GetAllLocations() { List locations = new List(); foreach (GameLocation location in Game1.locations) { locations.Add(location); } foreach(Building b in Game1.getFarm().buildings) { locations.Add(b.indoors.Value); } return locations; } } }