using Microsoft.Xna.Framework; using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics; using StardewModdingAPI; using StardewValley; using StardewValley.Locations; using StardewValley.Menus; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Xml.Serialization; namespace AdditionalCropsFramework { ///Make xtra crops data sheet ///edit crops png, crops xnb, and objectInformation.XNB and springObjects.png. /// /// Stardew ExtraSeeds Class. VERY Broken. Only extend from this class. /// /// public class ModularSeeds : CoreObject { public new Texture2D TextureSheet; public string dataFilePath; public string cropDataFilePath; public string cropTextureFilePath; public string cropObjectDataFilePath; public string cropObjectTextureFilePath; public override string Name { get { return; } } public ModularSeeds() { this.updateDrawPosition(); } public ModularSeeds(int which, string ObjectSpriteSheet, string ObjectDataFile, string AssociatedCropTextureFile, string AssociatedCropDataFile, string AssociatedCropObjectTexture,string AssociatedCropObjectDataFile) { if (TextureSheet == null) { TextureSheet = ModCore.ModHelper.Content.Load(ObjectSpriteSheet); //Game1.content.Load("Revitalize\\CropsNSeeds\\Graphics\\seeds"); texturePath = ObjectSpriteSheet; } Dictionary dictionary = ModCore.ModHelper.Content.Load>(ObjectDataFile);//Game1.content.Load>("Revitalize\\CropsNSeeds\\Data\\seeds"); dataFilePath = ObjectDataFile; cropDataFilePath = AssociatedCropDataFile; cropTextureFilePath = AssociatedCropTextureFile; cropObjectDataFilePath = AssociatedCropObjectDataFile; cropObjectTextureFilePath = AssociatedCropObjectTexture; Log.AsyncC(cropDataFilePath); Log.AsyncG(cropTextureFilePath); //Log.AsyncC(which); string[] array = dictionary[which].Split(new char[] { '/' }); = array[0]; try { this.description = array[6]; this.description += "\nGrown in "; ModularCrop c = parseCropInfo(which); int trackCount = 0; foreach (var v in c.seasonsToGrowIn) { if (c.seasonsToGrowIn.Count > 1) { trackCount++; if (trackCount != c.seasonsToGrowIn.Count) description += v + ", "; else description += "and " + v; } else description += v; } this.description += ".\n"; this.description += "Takes "; int totalDaysToGrow = 0; foreach (var v in c.phaseDays) { totalDaysToGrow += v; } totalDaysToGrow -= 99999; this.description += Convert.ToString(totalDaysToGrow) + " days to mature.\n"; try { this.description += array[7]; } catch (Exception e) { } } catch (Exception e) { this.description = "Some seeds! Maybe you should plant them."; } this.defaultSourceRect = new Rectangle(which * 16 % TextureSheet.Width, which * 16 / TextureSheet.Width * 16, 1, 1); if (array[2].Equals("-1")) { } else { this.defaultSourceRect.Width = Convert.ToInt32(array[2].Split(new char[] { ' ' })[0]); this.defaultSourceRect.Height = Convert.ToInt32(array[2].Split(new char[] { ' ' })[1]); this.sourceRect = new Rectangle(which * 16 % TextureSheet.Width, which * 16 / TextureSheet.Width * 16, this.defaultSourceRect.Width * 16, this.defaultSourceRect.Height * 16); this.defaultSourceRect = this.sourceRect; } this.defaultBoundingBox = new Rectangle((int)this.tileLocation.X, (int)this.tileLocation.Y, 1, 1); if (array[3].Equals("-1")) { } else { this.defaultBoundingBox.Width = Convert.ToInt32(array[3].Split(new char[] { ' ' })[0]); this.defaultBoundingBox.Height = Convert.ToInt32(array[3].Split(new char[] { ' ' })[1]); this.boundingBox = new Rectangle((int)this.tileLocation.X * Game1.tileSize, (int)this.tileLocation.Y * Game1.tileSize, this.defaultBoundingBox.Width * Game1.tileSize, this.defaultBoundingBox.Height * Game1.tileSize); this.defaultBoundingBox = this.boundingBox; } this.updateDrawPosition(); this.rotations = Convert.ToInt32(array[4]); this.price = Convert.ToInt32(array[5]); this.parentSheetIndex = which; } public override string getDescription() { return this.description; } public override bool performDropDownAction(StardewValley.Farmer who) { this.resetOnPlayerEntry((who == null) ? Game1.currentLocation : who.currentLocation); return false; } public override void hoverAction() { base.hoverAction(); if (!Game1.player.isInventoryFull()) { Game1.mouseCursor = 2; } } public override bool checkForAction(StardewValley.Farmer who, bool justCheckingForActivity = false) { var mState = Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Input.Mouse.GetState(); if (mState.RightButton == Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Input.ButtonState.Pressed) { return this.RightClicked(who); // Game1.showRedMessage("YOOO"); //do some stuff when the right button is down // rotate(); if (this.heldObject != null) { // Game1.player.addItemByMenuIfNecessary(this.heldObject); // this.heldObject = null; } else { // this.heldObject = Game1.player.ActiveObject; // Game1.player.removeItemFromInventory(heldObject); } //this.minutesUntilReady = 30; } else { //Game1.showRedMessage("CRY"); } if (justCheckingForActivity) { return true; } return this.clicked(who); } //DONT USE THIS BASE IT IS TERRIBLE public override bool clicked(StardewValley.Farmer who) { /* // Game1.showRedMessage("THIS IS CLICKED!!!"); //var mState = Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Input.Mouse.GetState(); if (removable == false) return false; Game1.haltAfterCheck = false; if (this.Decoration_type == 11 && who.ActiveObject != null && who.ActiveObject != null && this.heldObject == null) { // Game1.showRedMessage("Why1?"); return false; } if (this.heldObject == null && (who.ActiveObject == null || !(who.ActiveObject is ExtraSeeds))) { if (Game1.player.currentLocation is FarmHouse) { // Util.addItemToInventoryAndCleanTrackedList(this); removeLights(this.thisLocation); this.lightsOn = false; Game1.playSound("coin"); // this.flaggedForPickUp = true; thisLocation = null; return true; } else { // return true; // this.heldObject = new ExtraSeeds(parentSheetIndex, Vector2.Zero, this.lightColor, this.inventoryMaxSize); Util.addItemToInventoryAndCleanTrackedList(this); removeLights(this.thisLocation); this.lightsOn = false; Game1.playSound("coin"); thisLocation = null; return true; } } if (this.heldObject != null && who.addItemToInventoryBool(this.heldObject, false)) { // Game1.showRedMessage("Why3?"); // if(this.heldObject!=null) Game1.player.addItemByMenuIfNecessary((Item)this.heldObject); Util.addItemToInventoryAndCleanTrackedList(this); this.heldObject.performRemoveAction(this.tileLocation, who.currentLocation); this.heldObject = null; Game1.playSound("coin"); removeLights(this.thisLocation); this.lightsOn = false; thisLocation = null; return true; } */ return false; } public virtual bool RightClicked(StardewValley.Farmer who) { // Game1.showRedMessage("THIS IS CLICKED!!!"); //var mState = Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Input.Mouse.GetState(); /* Game1.haltAfterCheck = false; if (this.Decoration_type == 11 && who.ActiveObject != null && who.ActiveObject != null && this.heldObject == null) { // Game1.showRedMessage("Why1?"); return false; } if (this.heldObject == null && (who.ActiveObject == null || !(who.ActiveObject is ExtraSeeds))) { if (Game1.player.currentLocation is FarmHouse) { // Game1.player.addItemByMenuIfNecessary(this); removeLights(this.thisLocation); this.lightsOn = false; Game1.playSound("coin"); // this.flaggedForPickUp = true; return true; } else { // return true; // this.heldObject = new ExtraSeeds(parentSheetIndex, Vector2.Zero, this.lightColor, this.inventoryMaxSize); Game1.player.addItemByMenuIfNecessary(this); removeLights(this.thisLocation); this.lightsOn = false; Game1.playSound("coin"); return true; } } if (this.heldObject != null && who.addItemToInventoryBool(this.heldObject, false)) { // Game1.showRedMessage("Why3?"); // if(this.heldObject!=null) Game1.player.addItemByMenuIfNecessary((Item)this.heldObject); Util.addItemToInventoryElseDrop(this); this.heldObject.performRemoveAction(this.tileLocation, who.currentLocation); this.heldObject = null; Game1.playSound("coin"); removeLights(this.thisLocation); this.lightsOn = false; return true; } */ return false; } public override void DayUpdate(GameLocation location) { base.DayUpdate(location); this.lightGlowAdded = false; if (!Game1.isDarkOut() || (Game1.newDay && !Game1.isRaining)) { this.removeLights(location); return; } // this.addLights(thisLocation, lightColor); this.addLights(thisLocation, lightColor); } public override bool performObjectDropInAction(StardewValley.Object dropIn, bool probe, StardewValley.Farmer who) { return false; } public override bool minutesElapsed(int minutes, GameLocation environment) { return false; } public override void performRemoveAction(Vector2 tileLocation, GameLocation environment) { } public override bool canBeGivenAsGift() { return false; } public override bool canBePlacedHere(GameLocation l, Vector2 tile) { return false; } public virtual void updateDrawPosition() { this.drawPosition = new Vector2((float)this.boundingBox.X, (float)(this.boundingBox.Y - (this.sourceRect.Height * Game1.pixelZoom - this.boundingBox.Height))); } public override void drawPlacementBounds(SpriteBatch spriteBatch, GameLocation location) { } public override bool placementAction(GameLocation location, int x, int y, StardewValley.Farmer who = null) { return true; } public override bool isPlaceable() { return false; } public override int salePrice() { return this.price; } public override int getStack() { return this.stack; } public override int addToStack(int amount) { return 1; } private float getScaleSize() { int num = this.sourceRect.Width / 16; int num2 = this.sourceRect.Height / 16; if (num >= 5) { return 0.75f; } if (num2 >= 3) { return 1f; } if (num <= 2) { return 2f; } if (num <= 4) { return 1f; } return 0.1f; } public override void drawWhenHeld(SpriteBatch spriteBatch, Vector2 objectPosition, StardewValley.Farmer f) { spriteBatch.Draw(this.TextureSheet, objectPosition, new Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Rectangle?(Game1.currentLocation.getSourceRectForObject(f.ActiveObject.ParentSheetIndex)), Color.White, 0f, Vector2.Zero, (float)Game1.pixelZoom, SpriteEffects.None, Math.Max(0f, (float)(f.getStandingY() + 2) / 10000f)); if (f.ActiveObject != null && f.ActiveObject.Name.Contains("=")) { spriteBatch.Draw(Game1.objectSpriteSheet, objectPosition + new Vector2((float)(Game1.tileSize / 2), (float)(Game1.tileSize / 2)), new Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Rectangle?(Game1.currentLocation.getSourceRectForObject(f.ActiveObject.ParentSheetIndex)), Color.White, 0f, new Vector2((float)(Game1.tileSize / 2), (float)(Game1.tileSize / 2)), (float)Game1.pixelZoom + Math.Abs(Game1.starCropShimmerPause) / 8f, SpriteEffects.None, Math.Max(0f, (float)(f.getStandingY() + 2) / 10000f)); if (Math.Abs(Game1.starCropShimmerPause) <= 0.05f && Game1.random.NextDouble() < 0.97) { return; } Game1.starCropShimmerPause += 0.04f; if (Game1.starCropShimmerPause >= 0.8f) { Game1.starCropShimmerPause = -0.8f; } } } public override void drawInMenu(SpriteBatch spriteBatch, Vector2 location, float scaleSize, float transparency, float layerDepth, bool drawStackNumber) { //spriteBatch.Draw(TextureSheet, location + new Vector2((float)(Game1.tileSize / 2), (float)(Game1.tileSize / 2)), new Rectangle?(this.defaultSourceRect), Color.White * transparency, 0f, new Vector2((float)(this.defaultSourceRect.Width / 2), (float)(this.defaultSourceRect.Height / 2)), 1f * this.getScaleSize() * scaleSize, SpriteEffects.None, layerDepth); spriteBatch.Draw(TextureSheet, location + new Vector2((float)(Game1.tileSize / 2), (float)(Game1.tileSize / 2)), new Rectangle?(this.defaultSourceRect), Color.White * transparency, 0f, new Vector2((float)(this.defaultSourceRect.Width / 2), (float)(this.defaultSourceRect.Height / 2)), 1f * this.getScaleSize() * scaleSize * 1.5f, SpriteEffects.None, layerDepth); } public override void draw(SpriteBatch spriteBatch, int x, int y, float alpha = 1f) { if (x == -1) { spriteBatch.Draw(TextureSheet, Game1.GlobalToLocal(Game1.viewport, this.drawPosition), new Rectangle?(this.sourceRect), Color.White * alpha, 0f, Vector2.Zero, (float)Game1.pixelZoom, this.flipped ? SpriteEffects.FlipHorizontally : SpriteEffects.None, (this.Decoration_type == 12) ? 0f : ((float)(this.boundingBox.Bottom - 8) / 10000f)); } else { spriteBatch.Draw(TextureSheet, Game1.GlobalToLocal(Game1.viewport, new Vector2((float)(x * Game1.tileSize), (float)(y * Game1.tileSize - (this.sourceRect.Height * Game1.pixelZoom - this.boundingBox.Height)))), new Rectangle?(this.sourceRect), Color.White * alpha, 0f, Vector2.Zero, (float)Game1.pixelZoom, this.flipped ? SpriteEffects.FlipHorizontally : SpriteEffects.None, (this.Decoration_type == 12) ? 0f : ((float)(this.boundingBox.Bottom - 8) / 10000f)); } if (this.heldObject != null) { if (this.heldObject is ModularSeeds) { (this.heldObject as ModularSeeds).drawAtNonTileSpot(spriteBatch, Game1.GlobalToLocal(Game1.viewport, new Vector2((float)(this.boundingBox.Center.X - Game1.tileSize / 2), (float)(this.boundingBox.Center.Y - (this.heldObject as ModularSeeds).sourceRect.Height * Game1.pixelZoom - Game1.tileSize / 4))), (float)(this.boundingBox.Bottom - 7) / 10000f, alpha); return; } spriteBatch.Draw(Game1.shadowTexture, Game1.GlobalToLocal(Game1.viewport, new Vector2((float)(this.boundingBox.Center.X - Game1.tileSize / 2), (float)(this.boundingBox.Center.Y - Game1.tileSize * 4 / 3))) + new Vector2((float)(Game1.tileSize / 2), (float)(Game1.tileSize * 5 / 6)), new Rectangle?(Game1.shadowTexture.Bounds), Color.White * alpha, 0f, new Vector2((float)Game1.shadowTexture.Bounds.Center.X, (float)Game1.shadowTexture.Bounds.Center.Y), 4f, SpriteEffects.None, (float)this.boundingBox.Bottom / 10000f); spriteBatch.Draw(Game1.objectSpriteSheet, Game1.GlobalToLocal(Game1.viewport, new Vector2((float)(this.boundingBox.Center.X - Game1.tileSize / 2), (float)(this.boundingBox.Center.Y - Game1.tileSize * 4 / 3))), new Rectangle?(Game1.currentLocation.getSourceRectForObject(this.heldObject.ParentSheetIndex)), Color.White * alpha, 0f, Vector2.Zero, (float)Game1.pixelZoom, SpriteEffects.None, (float)(this.boundingBox.Bottom + 1) / 10000f); } } public override void drawAtNonTileSpot(SpriteBatch spriteBatch, Vector2 location, float layerDepth, float alpha = 1f) { spriteBatch.Draw(TextureSheet, location, new Rectangle?(this.sourceRect), Color.White * alpha, 0f, Vector2.Zero, (float)Game1.pixelZoom, this.flipped ? SpriteEffects.FlipHorizontally : SpriteEffects.None, layerDepth); } public override Item getOne() { ModularSeeds ExtraSeeds = new ModularSeeds(this.parentSheetIndex, this.texturePath, this.dataFilePath,this.cropTextureFilePath,this.cropDataFilePath,this.cropObjectTextureFilePath,this.cropObjectDataFilePath); /* drawPosition = this.drawPosition; defaultBoundingBox = this.defaultBoundingBox; boundingBox = this.boundingBox; currentRotation = this.currentRotation - 1; rotations = this.rotations; rotate(); */ return ExtraSeeds; } public override string getCategoryName() { return "Modular Seeds"; // return base.getCategoryName(); } public override Color getCategoryColor() { return Color.Turquoise; } public override int maximumStackSize() { return base.maximumStackSize(); } public ModularCrop parseCropInfo(int seedIndex) { ModularCrop c = new ModularCrop(); Log.AsyncC(this.cropDataFilePath); Dictionary dictionary = ModCore.ModHelper.Content.Load>(this.cropDataFilePath); //Game1.content.Load>("Data\\Crops"); if (dictionary.ContainsKey(seedIndex)) { string[] array = dictionary[seedIndex].Split(new char[] { '/' }); string[] array2 = array[0].Split(new char[] { ' ' }); for (int i = 0; i < array2.Length; i++) { c.phaseDays.Add(Convert.ToInt32(array2[i])); } c.phaseDays.Add(99999); string[] array3 = array[1].Split(new char[] { ' ' }); for (int j = 0; j < array3.Length; j++) { c.seasonsToGrowIn.Add(array3[j]); } c.rowInSpriteSheet = Convert.ToInt32(array[2]); c.indexOfHarvest = Convert.ToInt32(array[3]); c.regrowAfterHarvest = Convert.ToInt32(array[4]); c.harvestMethod = Convert.ToInt32(array[5]); string[] array4 = array[6].Split(new char[] { ' ' }); if (array4.Length != 0 && array4[0].Equals("true")) { c.minHarvest = Convert.ToInt32(array4[1]); c.maxHarvest = Convert.ToInt32(array4[2]); c.maxHarvestIncreasePerFarmingLevel = Convert.ToInt32(array4[3]); c.chanceForExtraCrops = Convert.ToDouble(array4[4]); } c.raisedSeeds = Convert.ToBoolean(array[7]); string[] array5 = array[8].Split(new char[] { ' ' }); if (array5.Length != 0 && array5[0].Equals("true")) { List list = new List(); for (int k = 1; k < array5.Length; k += 3) { list.Add(new Color((int)Convert.ToByte(array5[k]), (int)Convert.ToByte(array5[k + 1]), (int)Convert.ToByte(array5[k + 2]))); } Random random = new Random(seedIndex * 1000 + Game1.timeOfDay + Game1.dayOfMonth); c.tintColor = list[random.Next(list.Count)]; c.programColored = true; } c.flip = (Game1.random.NextDouble() < 0.5); } if (c.rowInSpriteSheet == 23) { c.whichForageCrop = seedIndex; } return c; } } }