using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Revitalize.Framework.Utilities;
using StardewValley;
namespace Revitalize.Framework.Crafting
/// A vanilla recipe to be used with staandard stardew valley machines such as the furnace.
public class VanillaRecipe
/// The time it takes to make the recipe.
public int timeToMake;
/// The items required to craft the recipe.
public Dictionary- requiredItems;
/// The item that becomes the held object for the vanilla object.
public KeyValuePair
- outputItem;
/// The stats it takes to craft this recipe.
public StatCost stats;
/// If true the produced item is automatically added it the player's inventory instead.
public bool automaticallyPutIntoPlayerInventory;
public VanillaRecipe()
public VanillaRecipe(Dictionary
- RequiredItems, KeyValuePair
- OutputItem, int TimeToMake, StatCost Stats, bool AutoIntoPlayerItems)
this.requiredItems = RequiredItems;
this.outputItem = OutputItem;
this.timeToMake = TimeToMake;
this.stats = Stats;
this.automaticallyPutIntoPlayerInventory = AutoIntoPlayerItems;
public bool PlayerCanCraft()
return this.PlayerContainsAllIngredients() && this.stats.canSafelyAffordCost();
public bool CanCraft(List
- items)
return this.InventoryContainsAllIngredient(items);
/// Checks if a player contains all recipe ingredients.
public bool PlayerContainsAllIngredients()
return this.InventoryContainsAllIngredient(Game1.player.Items);
/// Checks if a player contains a recipe ingredient.
public bool PlayerContainsIngredient(KeyValuePair
- pair)
return this.InventoryContainsIngredient(Game1.player.Items.ToList(), pair);
/// Checks if an inventory contains all items.
public bool InventoryContainsAllIngredient(IList
- items)
foreach (KeyValuePair
- pair in this.requiredItems)
if (this.InventoryContainsIngredient(items, pair)==false) return false;
return true;
/// Checks if an inventory contains an ingredient.
public bool InventoryContainsIngredient(IList
- items, KeyValuePair
- pair)
foreach (Item i in items)
if (i != null && this.ItemEqualsOther(i, pair.Key) && pair.Value <= i.Stack)
return true;
return false;
/// Checks roughly if two items equal each other.
public bool ItemEqualsOther(Item self, Item other)
self.Name == other.Name
&& self.getCategoryName() == other.getCategoryName()
&& self.GetType() == other.GetType();
/// Consumes all of the ingredients for the recipe.
public void consume(ref IList
- from)
if (this.InventoryContainsAllIngredient(from) == false)
InventoryManager manager = new InventoryManager(from);
- removalList = new List
- ();
foreach (KeyValuePair
- pair in this.requiredItems)
foreach (Item item in manager.items)
if (item == null) continue;
if (this.ItemEqualsOther(item, pair.Key))
if (item.Stack == pair.Value)
removalList.Add(item); //remove the item
item.Stack -= pair.Value; //or reduce the stack size.
ModCore.log("Remove: " + pair.Key.Name);
foreach (var v in removalList)
from = manager.items;
/// Produces outputs for the crafting recipe.
public void produce(ref StardewValley.Object obj)
Item I = this.outputItem.Key.getOne();
I.Stack = this.outputItem.Value;
if (this.automaticallyPutIntoPlayerInventory == false)
obj.heldObject.Value = (StardewValley.Object)I;
obj.MinutesUntilReady = this.timeToMake;
if (Game1.player.isInventoryFull() == true)
Game1.createItemDebris(I, Game1.player.getTileLocation(), Game1.random.Next(0, 4), Game1.player.currentLocation);
/// Consumes all ingredients in given inventory and adds in outputs to the other given inventory.
private void craft(ref IList
- from, ref StardewValley.Object obj)
this.consume(ref from);
this.produce(ref obj);
/// Checks to see if the player can craft this object and if so go ahead and craft it.
public bool craft(StardewValley.Object o)
if (this.PlayerCanCraft())
- playerItems = Game1.player.Items;
- outPutItems = new List
- ();
ModCore.log("Can craft recipe.");
this.craft(ref playerItems, ref o);
return true;
return false;