using System.IO;
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics;
using StardewModdingAPI;
namespace Revitalize.Framework.Graphics
public class Texture2DExtended
public string Name;
public Texture2D texture;
public string path;
public string modID;
public ContentSource source;
private readonly IModHelper helper;
/// Empty/null constructor.
public Texture2DExtended()
this.Name = "";
this.texture = null;
this.path = "";
this.helper = null;
this.modID = "";
public Texture2DExtended(Texture2D Texture)
this.Name = "";
this.texture = Texture;
this.path = "";
this.helper = null;
this.modID = "";
/// Construct an instance.
/// The relative path to file on disk. See StardustCore.Utilities.getRelativePath(modname,path);
public Texture2DExtended(IModHelper helper, IManifest manifest, string path, ContentSource contentSource = ContentSource.ModFolder)
this.Name = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(path);
this.path = path;
this.texture = helper.Content.Load(path, contentSource);
this.helper = helper;
this.modID = manifest.UniqueID;
this.source = contentSource;
public Texture2DExtended(IModHelper helper, string modID, string path, ContentSource contentSource = ContentSource.ModFolder)
this.Name = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(path);
this.path = path;
this.texture = helper.Content.Load(path, contentSource);
this.helper = helper;
this.modID = modID;
this.source = contentSource;
public Texture2DExtended Copy()
return new Texture2DExtended(this.helper, this.modID, this.path);
public IModHelper getHelper()
return this.helper;
/// Returns the actual 2D texture held by this wrapper class.
public Texture2D getTexture()
return this.texture;
public void setTexure(Texture2D text)
this.texture = text;