using Microsoft.Xna.Framework; using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics; using StardewValley; using StardustCore.UIUtilities; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; namespace StardustCore.Objects { public class MultiTileObject : CoreObject { public List> objects; public Color categoryColor; public String categoryName; public MultiTileObject() { } public MultiTileObject(String Name, String Description,Vector2 tile, Texture2DExtended texture, List> Objects, Color CategoryColor, String CategoryName) :base(texture,0,tile,0) { this.objects = Objects; this.TextureSheet = texture; this.categoryColor = CategoryColor; this.categoryName = CategoryName; = Name; this.displayName = Name; this.description = Description; this.animationManager = new Animations.AnimationManager(this.TextureSheet, new Animations.Animation(), false); foreach(var v in this.objects) { v.Value.containerObject = this; } InitializeBasics(0, tile); this.serializationName = this.GetType().ToString(); this.defaultSourceRect = new Rectangle(0, 0, 16, 16); this.sourceRect = defaultSourceRect; } public MultiTileObject(String Name, String Description, Vector2 tile, Animations.AnimationManager animationManager, List> Objects, Color CategoryColor, String CategoryName) { this.animationManager = animationManager; this.objects = Objects; this.TextureSheet =animationManager.getExtendedTexture(); = Name; this.displayName = Name; this.description = Description; InitializeBasics(0, tile); this.serializationName = this.GetType().ToString(); } public void RemoveAllObjects() { if (Game1.player.isInventoryFull() == false){ foreach (var v in this.objects) { v.Value.performRemoveAction(v.Value.TileLocation, v.Value.thisLocation); } Game1.player.addItemToInventory(this); } return; } public override Type getCustomType() { return this.GetType(); } public override string GetSerializationName() { return typeof(MultiTileObject).ToString(); } public override void InitializeBasics(int InvMaxSize, Vector2 tile) { this.inventory = new List(); this.inventoryMaxSize = InvMaxSize; this.TileLocation = tile; lightsOn = false; lightColor = Color.Black; base.initNetFields(); this.NetFields.AddField(new NetCode.Objects.NetMultiTileObject(this)); } public override bool placementAction(GameLocation location, int x, int y, Farmer who = null) { if (canBePlacedHere(location,new Vector2(x/Game1.tileSize,y/Game1.tileSize))) { foreach (var pair in this.objects) { pair.Value.placementAction(location, x + (int)(pair.Key.X * Game1.tileSize), y + (int)(pair.Key.Y * Game1.tileSize), who); } return true; } return false; } public override bool canBePlacedHere(GameLocation l, Vector2 tile) { bool canBePlaced = true; foreach (var v in this.objects) { canBePlaced=v.Value.canBePlacedHere(l, tile+v.Key); if (canBePlaced == false) return false; } return true; } public override bool clicked(Farmer who) { foreach (var pair in this.objects) { pair.Value.clicked(who); } return true; } public override bool RightClicked(Farmer who) { foreach (var pair in this.objects) { pair.Value.RightClicked(who); } return true; } /// /// Need to fix this for sure!!! /// /// public override Item getOne() { List> items = new List>(); foreach (var pair in this.objects) { items.Add(new KeyValuePair(pair.Key, (pair.Value.getOne()) as MultiTileComponent)); } if (this.animationManager != null) { return new MultiTileObject(, this.description, this.TileLocation, this.animationManager, items, this.categoryColor, this.categoryName); //throw new NotImplementedException(); } else { return new MultiTileObject(, this.description, this.TileLocation, this.TextureSheet, items, this.categoryColor, this.categoryName); } return null; } public override void draw(SpriteBatch spriteBatch, int x, int y, float alpha = 1) { foreach(var v in this.objects) { v.Value.draw(spriteBatch, (int)x+(int)(v.Key.X), (int)y+(int)(v.Key.Y), alpha); } //base.draw(spriteBatch, x, y, alpha); } public override void draw(SpriteBatch spriteBatch, int xNonTile, int yNonTile, float layerDepth, float alpha = 1) { foreach (var v in this.objects) { v.Value.draw(spriteBatch, (int)xNonTile+(int)(v.Key.X*Game1.tileSize), (int)yNonTile+ (int)(v.Key.Y * Game1.tileSize), layerDepth, alpha); } } public override void drawWhenHeld(SpriteBatch spriteBatch, Vector2 objectPosition, StardewValley.Farmer f) { if (animationManager == null) { if (this.objects == null) return; if (this.sourceRect == null) throw new Exception("Source rect null???"); foreach (var v in this.objects) { if (v.Value.getExtendedTexture() == null) throw new Exception("Extended texture is null!"); if (v.Value.getExtendedTexture().getTexture() == null) throw new Exception("Texture is null!"); spriteBatch.Draw(v.Value.getExtendedTexture().getTexture(), objectPosition + new Vector2(v.Key.X * Game1.tileSize, v.Key.Y * Game1.tileSize), this.sourceRect, Color.White, 0f, Vector2.Zero, (float)Game1.pixelZoom, SpriteEffects.None, Math.Max(0f, (float)(f.getStandingY() + 2) / 10000f)); } } else { foreach (var v in this.objects) { if(v.Value.getExtendedTexture() == null) throw new Exception("Extended texture is null!"); if (v.Value.getExtendedTexture().getTexture() == null) throw new Exception("Texture is null!"); spriteBatch.Draw(v.Value.animationManager.getTexture(), objectPosition + new Vector2(v.Key.X * Game1.tileSize, v.Key.Y * Game1.tileSize), this.sourceRect, Color.White, 0f, Vector2.Zero, (float)Game1.pixelZoom, SpriteEffects.None, Math.Max(0f, (float)(f.getStandingY() + 2) / 10000f)); } } //base.drawWhenHeld(spriteBatch, objectPosition, f); } public override void drawAtNonTileSpot(SpriteBatch spriteBatch, Vector2 location, float layerDepth, float alpha = 1) { foreach (var v in this.objects) { v.Value.drawAtNonTileSpot(spriteBatch, location+new Vector2(v.Key.X * Game1.tileSize, v.Key.Y * Game1.tileSize), layerDepth, alpha); } } public override void drawInMenu(SpriteBatch spriteBatch, Vector2 location, float scaleSize, float transparency, float layerDepth, bool drawStackNumber, Color c, bool drawShadows) { foreach (var v in this.objects) { if (animationManager == null) { //FIX SCALE SIZE AND POSITION APPROPRIATELY DEPENDING ON # OF OBJECTS!!! //fsfsd spriteBatch.Draw(v.Value.getExtendedTexture().getTexture(), location+new Vector2(v.Key.X*16,v.Key.Y*16), this.defaultSourceRect, Color.White * transparency, 0f, new Vector2(0, 0), 1, SpriteEffects.None, layerDepth); } else { spriteBatch.Draw(v.Value.animationManager.getTexture(), location + new Vector2(v.Key.X*8, v.Key.Y*8), v.Value.animationManager.currentAnimation.sourceRectangle, Color.White * transparency, 0f, new Vector2(0, 0), scaleSize, SpriteEffects.None, layerDepth); //this.modularCrop.drawInMenu(spriteBatch, location + new Vector2((float)(Game1.tileSize / 2), (float)(Game1.tileSize / 2)), Color.White, 0f,true); if (Game1.player.CurrentItem != this) animationManager.tickAnimation(); } } } public override Color getCategoryColor() { return this.categoryColor; } public override string getCategoryName() { return; } } }