using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using Microsoft.Xna.Framework; using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics; using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Input; using StardewModdingAPI; using StardewValley; using StardewValley.Menus; using StardustCore.UIUtilities; using StardustCore.UIUtilities.MenuComponents; namespace StardustCore.Menus { // TODO: make buttons to cycle through page public class ModularGameMenu : IClickableMenuExtended { public static SortedDictionary>> StaticMenuTabsAndPages = new SortedDictionary>>(); public string hoverText = ""; public string descriptionText = ""; public Dictionary menuTabsAndPages; public Button currentButton; public IClickableMenuExtended currentMenu; public bool invisible; public static bool forcePreventClose; public const int tabsPerPage = 12; public int currentPageIndex; public ModularGameMenu() : base(Game1.viewport.Width / 2 - (800 + IClickableMenu.borderWidth * 2) / 2, Game1.viewport.Height / 2 - (600 + IClickableMenu.borderWidth * 2) / 2, 800 + IClickableMenu.borderWidth * 2, 600 + IClickableMenu.borderWidth * 2, true) { //ModCore.ModMonitor.Log("INITIALIZE MENU: ", LogLevel.Alert); if (Game1.activeClickableMenu == null) Game1.playSound("bigSelect"); GameMenu.forcePreventClose = false; this.menuTabsAndPages = new Dictionary(); //ModCore.ModMonitor.Log("INITIALIZE MENU: ", LogLevel.Alert); foreach (var v in StaticMenuTabsAndPages) { //ModCore.ModMonitor.Log("LIST A GO GO", LogLevel.Alert); foreach (var pair in v.Value) { this.AddMenuTab(pair.Key, pair.Value.clone()); //ModCore.ModMonitor.Log("ADD IN A PART", LogLevel.Alert); } //this.menuTabsAndPages.Add(v.Key,v.Value.clone()); } } public static void AddTabsForMod(IManifest modManifest, List> menuComponents) { StaticMenuTabsAndPages.Add(modManifest.UniqueID, menuComponents); } public void AddMenuTab(Button b, IClickableMenuExtended menu) { int count = this.menuTabsAndPages.Count % tabsPerPage; int xPos = this.xPositionOnScreen + count * 64; int yPos = this.yPositionOnScreen; b.bounds = new Rectangle(xPos, yPos, b.bounds.Width, b.bounds.Height); if (b.extraTextures == null) { this.menuTabsAndPages.Add(b, menu); return; } for (int i = 0; i < b.extraTextures.Count; i++) { ClickableTextureComponent text = b.extraTextures.ElementAt(i).Key; Rectangle bounds = new Rectangle(b.bounds.X + text.bounds.X, b.bounds.Y + text.bounds.Y, text.bounds.Width, text.bounds.Height); text.bounds = bounds; b.extraTextures[i] = new KeyValuePair(text, b.extraTextures.ElementAt(i).Value); } this.menuTabsAndPages.Add(b, menu); } /// Get how many pages there should be for the modular menu. public int getNumberOfPages() { int count = (this.menuTabsAndPages.Count / tabsPerPage); return count; } /// Takes in the static declared tabs and tries to set the menu tabs to that. public ModularGameMenu(int startingTab) : base(Game1.viewport.Width / 2 - (800 + IClickableMenu.borderWidth * 2) / 2, Game1.viewport.Height / 2 - (600 + IClickableMenu.borderWidth * 2) / 2, 800 + IClickableMenu.borderWidth * 2, 600 + IClickableMenu.borderWidth * 2, true) { ModCore.ModMonitor.Log("INITIALIZE MENU: ", LogLevel.Alert); if (Game1.activeClickableMenu == null) Game1.playSound("bigSelect"); GameMenu.forcePreventClose = false; this.menuTabsAndPages = new Dictionary(); ModCore.ModMonitor.Log("INITIALIZE MENU: ", LogLevel.Alert); foreach (var v in StaticMenuTabsAndPages) { ModCore.ModMonitor.Log("LIST A GO GO", LogLevel.Alert); foreach (var pair in v.Value) { this.AddMenuTab(pair.Key, pair.Value.clone()); ModCore.ModMonitor.Log("ADD IN A PART", LogLevel.Alert); } //this.menuTabsAndPages.Add(v.Key,v.Value.clone()); } this.currentPageIndex = startingTab % tabsPerPage; this.changeTab(startingTab); } /// Takes in the static declared tabs and tries to set the menu tabs to that. public ModularGameMenu(string startingTab) : base(Game1.viewport.Width / 2 - (800 + IClickableMenu.borderWidth * 2) / 2, Game1.viewport.Height / 2 - (600 + IClickableMenu.borderWidth * 2) / 2, 800 + IClickableMenu.borderWidth * 2, 600 + IClickableMenu.borderWidth * 2, true) { ModCore.ModMonitor.Log("INITIALIZE MENU: ", LogLevel.Alert); if (Game1.activeClickableMenu == null) Game1.playSound("bigSelect"); GameMenu.forcePreventClose = false; this.menuTabsAndPages = new Dictionary(); ModCore.ModMonitor.Log("INITIALIZE MENU: ", LogLevel.Alert); foreach (var v in StaticMenuTabsAndPages) { ModCore.ModMonitor.Log("LIST A GO GO", LogLevel.Alert); foreach (var pair in v.Value) { this.AddMenuTab(pair.Key, pair.Value.clone()); ModCore.ModMonitor.Log("ADD IN A PART", LogLevel.Alert); } //this.menuTabsAndPages.Add(v.Key,v.Value.clone()); } this.changeTab(this.getTabIndexFromName(startingTab)); } /// More modular menu to only have a subset of buttons and pages. public ModularGameMenu(int startingTab, Dictionary tabsAndPages) : base(Game1.viewport.Width / 2 - (800 + IClickableMenu.borderWidth * 2) / 2, Game1.viewport.Height / 2 - (600 + IClickableMenu.borderWidth * 2) / 2, 800 + IClickableMenu.borderWidth * 2, 600 + IClickableMenu.borderWidth * 2, true) { foreach (var v in tabsAndPages) { this.AddMenuTab(v.Key, v.Value.clone()); } this.changeTab(startingTab); } /// More modular menu to only have a subset of buttons and pages. public ModularGameMenu(string startingTab, Dictionary tabsAndPages) : base(Game1.viewport.Width / 2 - (800 + IClickableMenu.borderWidth * 2) / 2, Game1.viewport.Height / 2 - (600 + IClickableMenu.borderWidth * 2) / 2, 800 + IClickableMenu.borderWidth * 2, 600 + IClickableMenu.borderWidth * 2, true) { foreach (var v in tabsAndPages) { this.AddMenuTab(v.Key, v.Value.clone()); } this.changeTab(this.getTabIndexFromName(startingTab)); } public int getTabIndexFromName(string tabLabel) { for (int i = 0; i < this.menuTabsAndPages.Count; i++) { var ok = this.menuTabsAndPages.ElementAt(i); if (ok.Key.label == tabLabel) { return i; } } return 0; //If I can't find it just do a default. } public override void snapToDefaultClickableComponent() { /* if (this.currentTab < this.pages.Count) this.pages[this.currentTab].snapToDefaultClickableComponent(); if (this.junimoNoteIcon == null || this.currentTab >= this.pages.Count || this.pages[this.currentTab].allClickableComponents.Contains((ClickableComponent)this.junimoNoteIcon)) return; this.pages[this.currentTab].allClickableComponents.Add((ClickableComponent)this.junimoNoteIcon); */ this.currentMenu.snapToDefaultClickableComponent(); } public override void receiveGamePadButton(Buttons b) { base.receiveGamePadButton(b); /* switch (b) { case Buttons.Back: if (this.currentTab != 0) break; this.pages[this.currentTab].receiveGamePadButton(b); break; case Buttons.RightTrigger: if (this.currentTab == 3) { Game1.activeClickableMenu = (IClickableMenu)new GameMenu(4, -1); break; } if (this.currentTab >= 7 || !this.pages[this.currentTab].readyToClose()) break; this.changeTab(this.currentTab + 1); break; case Buttons.LeftTrigger: if (this.currentTab == 3) { Game1.activeClickableMenu = (IClickableMenu)new GameMenu(2, -1); break; } if (this.currentTab <= 0 || !this.pages[this.currentTab].readyToClose()) break; this.changeTab(this.currentTab - 1); break; } */ this.currentMenu.receiveGamePadButton(b); } public override void receiveLeftClick(int x, int y, bool playSound = true) { base.receiveLeftClick(x, y, playSound); //click the menu and stuff here I guess. Dictionary subTabs = new Dictionary(); for (int i = this.currentPageIndex * tabsPerPage; i < (this.currentPageIndex + 1) * tabsPerPage; i++) { if (i >= this.menuTabsAndPages.Count) break; var pair = this.menuTabsAndPages.ElementAt(i); subTabs.Add(pair.Key, pair.Value); } foreach (var tab in subTabs) { if (tab.Key.containsPoint(x, y)) { ModCore.ModMonitor.Log(tab.Key.label); //this.hoverText = tab.Key.label; this.changeTab(tab.Key, tab.Value); return; } } //Check for submenu leftclick this.currentMenu.receiveLeftClick(x, y, playSound); } public override void receiveRightClick(int x, int y, bool playSound = true) { //base.receiveLeftClick(x, y, playSound); //click the menu and stuff here I guess. //Check for submenu right this.currentMenu.receiveRightClick(x, y); } public override void receiveScrollWheelAction(int direction) { base.receiveScrollWheelAction(direction); //this.pages[this.currentTab].receiveScrollWheelAction(direction); //check for submenu scroll action. this.currentMenu.receiveScrollWheelAction(direction); } public override void performHoverAction(int x, int y) { base.performHoverAction(x, y); this.hoverText = ""; this.currentMenu.performHoverAction(x, y); //this.pages[this.currentTab].performHoverAction(x, y); Dictionary subTabs = new Dictionary(); for (int i = this.currentPageIndex * tabsPerPage; i < (this.currentPageIndex + 1) * tabsPerPage; i++) { if (i >= this.menuTabsAndPages.Count) break; var pair = this.menuTabsAndPages.ElementAt(i); subTabs.Add(pair.Key, pair.Value); } foreach (var tab in subTabs) { if (tab.Key.containsPoint(x, y)) { this.hoverText = tab.Key.label; return; } } } public override void releaseLeftClick(int x, int y) { base.releaseLeftClick(x, y); //this.pages[this.currentTab].releaseLeftClick(x, y); this.currentMenu.releaseLeftClick(x, y); } public void pageBack() { if (this.currentPageIndex != 0) this.currentPageIndex--; } public void pageForward() { if (this.currentPageIndex < this.getNumberOfPages()) this.currentPageIndex++; } public override void leftClickHeld(int x, int y) { base.leftClickHeld(x, y); //this.pages[this.currentTab].leftClickHeld(x, y); this.currentMenu.leftClickHeld(x, y); } public override bool readyToClose() { if (!GameMenu.forcePreventClose) return this.currentMenu.readyToClose(); return false; } public void changeTab(int which) { this.currentPageIndex = which % tabsPerPage; this.currentButton = this.menuTabsAndPages.ElementAt(which).Key; this.currentMenu = this.menuTabsAndPages.ElementAt(which).Value; } public void changeTab(Button b, IClickableMenuExtended menu) { this.currentButton = b; this.currentMenu = menu; } public void setTabNeighborsForCurrentPage() { } public override void draw(SpriteBatch b) { if (!this.invisible) { if (!Game1.options.showMenuBackground) b.Draw(Game1.fadeToBlackRect,, Color.Black * 0.4f); //Game1.drawDialogueBox(this.xPositionOnScreen, this.yPositionOnScreen, currentMenu.width, currentMenu.height, false, true, (string)null, false); //this.pages[this.currentTab].draw(b); this.drawDialogueBoxBackground(); b.End(); b.Begin(SpriteSortMode.FrontToBack, BlendState.NonPremultiplied, SamplerState.PointClamp, (DepthStencilState)null, (RasterizerState)null); Dictionary subTabs = new Dictionary(); for (int i = this.currentPageIndex * tabsPerPage; i < (this.currentPageIndex + 1) * tabsPerPage; i++) { if (i >= this.menuTabsAndPages.Count) break; var pair = this.menuTabsAndPages.ElementAt(i); subTabs.Add(pair.Key, pair.Value); } foreach (var tab in subTabs) { if (tab.Key.visible) { if (tab.Key == this.currentButton) { tab.Key.draw(b, Color.White, new Vector2(0, 0)); continue; } tab.Key.draw(b); } } this.currentMenu.draw(b); if (Game1.options.hardwareCursor) return; b.Draw(Game1.mouseCursors, new Vector2((float)Game1.getOldMouseX(), (float)Game1.getOldMouseY()), new Rectangle?(Game1.getSourceRectForStandardTileSheet(Game1.mouseCursors, Game1.options.gamepadControls ? 44 : 0, 16, 16)), Color.White, 0.0f, Vector2.Zero, (float)(4.0 + (double)Game1.dialogueButtonScale / 150.0), SpriteEffects.None, 1f); } } public override bool areGamePadControlsImplemented() { return false; } public override void receiveKeyPress(Keys key) { if (Game1.options.menuButton.Contains(new InputButton(key)) && this.readyToClose()) { Game1.exitActiveMenu(); Game1.playSound("bigDeSelect"); } //this.pages[this.currentTab].receiveKeyPress(key); this.currentMenu.receiveKeyPress(key); } public override void emergencyShutDown() { base.emergencyShutDown(); this.currentMenu.emergencyShutDown(); } } }