using Microsoft.Xna.Framework; using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics; using StardewModdingAPI; using StardewValley; using StardewValley.Menus; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using System.Reflection; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; namespace StardustCore.ModInfo { public class Metadata { Color ModInfoColor; string ModName; /// /// /// /// /// private Metadata(Color ? modColor,string modName="") { if (modColor == null) ModInfoColor = Color.Black; else ModInfoColor =(Color) modColor; ModName = modName; } public static string parseModNameFromType(Type t) { string s = t.ToString(); string[] array = s.Split('.'); return array[0]; } public static string parseClassNameFromType(Type t) { string s = t.ToString(); string[] array = s.Split('.'); return array[array.Length-1]; } /// /// TODO: Add to check to chest inventory. See if I can grab activeclickable menu and instead hook the inventory component from it. /// /// /// public static void GameEvents_UpdateTick(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (Game1.activeClickableMenu != null) { // if (Game1.activeClickableMenu.allClickableComponents == null) return; try { List pages = ModCore.ModHelper.Reflection.GetPrivateValue>(Game1.activeClickableMenu, "pages"); if (Game1.activeClickableMenu is GameMenu) { StardewValley.Menus.IClickableMenu s = pages[(Game1.activeClickableMenu as GameMenu).currentTab]; foreach (var v in s.allClickableComponents) { if (v.containsPoint(Game1.getMouseX(), Game1.getMouseY())) { if (v == null) continue; string fire =; bool num = true; foreach (var v2 in fire) { if (v2 != '0' && v2 != '1' && v2 != '2' && v2 != '3' && v2 != '4' && v2 != '5' && v2 != '6' && v2 != '7' && v2 != '8' && v2 != '9') { num = false; break; } else continue; } if (num == true) { int inv = Convert.ToInt32(; Item I = (s as StardewValley.Menus.InventoryPage).inventory.actualInventory[inv]; string s1 = parseModNameFromType(I.GetType()); string s2 = parseClassNameFromType(I.GetType()); string s3 = Assembly.GetAssembly(I.GetType()).Location; s3 = Path.GetFileName(s3); //DRAW THE INFO BOX!!! try { SpriteBatch b = new SpriteBatch(; b.Begin(); float boxX =Game1.getMouseX()- (Game1.viewport.Width * .25f); float boxY =Game1.getMouseY() - (Game1.viewport.Height * .05f); float boxWidth= (Game1.viewport.Width * .25f); float boxHeight = (Game1.viewport.Height*.35f); Game1.drawDialogueBox((int)boxX,(int) boxY,(int)boxWidth, (int)boxHeight, false, true, null,false); float xText1XPos = boxX + (Game1.viewport.Width * .08f); float xText2XPos = boxX + (Game1.viewport.Width * .08f); if (s1.Length > 12) { s1 = "\n" + s1; xText1XPos = boxX + (Game1.viewport.Width * .025f); } if (s2.Length > 12) { s2 = "\n" + s2; xText2XPos = boxX + (Game1.viewport.Width * .025f); } if (s3.Length > 12) { s3 = "\n" + s3; xText1XPos = boxX + (Game1.viewport.Width * .025f); } Utility.drawTextWithShadow(Game1.spriteBatch, "Mod: ", Game1.smallFont, new Vector2(boxX + (Game1.viewport.Width * .025f), Game1.getMouseY() + (int)(Game1.viewport.Height * .1f)), Color.Black, 1, -1); Utility.drawTextWithShadow(Game1.spriteBatch, s3, Game1.smallFont, new Vector2(xText1XPos, Game1.getMouseY()+(int)(Game1.viewport.Height*.1f)), Color.Black, 1, -1); Utility.drawTextWithShadow(Game1.spriteBatch, "Class: ", Game1.smallFont, new Vector2(boxX + (Game1.viewport.Width * .025f), Game1.getMouseY() + (int)(Game1.viewport.Height * .2f)), Color.Black, 1, -1); Utility.drawTextWithShadow(Game1.spriteBatch, s2, Game1.smallFont, new Vector2(xText2XPos, Game1.getMouseY() + (int)(Game1.viewport.Height * .2f)), I.getCategoryColor(), 1, -1); b.End(); } catch(Exception errr) { } } } // if (v == null) continue; // Log.AsyncC(; // Log.AsyncM(v.item.Name); // (s as StardewValley.Menus.InventoryPage). } } } catch(Exception err) //Try to parse a menu that isn't the default GameMenu { try { List inventory = (List)Game1.activeClickableMenu.GetType().GetProperty("inventory").GetValue(Game1.activeClickableMenu, null); } catch(Exception errr) { try { IClickableMenu s = (Game1.activeClickableMenu as ItemGrabMenu).ItemsToGrabMenu; if (s == null) return; int i = 0; foreach (var v in s.allClickableComponents) { i++; if (v.containsPoint(Game1.getMouseX(), Game1.getMouseY())) { if (v == null ||"") continue; string fire =; bool num = true; foreach (var v2 in fire) { if (v2 != '0' && v2 != '1' && v2 != '2' && v2 != '3' && v2 != '4' && v2 != '5' && v2 != '6' && v2 != '7' && v2 != '8' && v2 != '9') { num = false; break; } else continue; } ///NUM ISN't TRUE!?!?!?!? if (num == true) { int inv = Convert.ToInt32(; Item I = (s as InventoryMenu).actualInventory[inv]; //Inventory Menu is the actual menu under ItemGrabMenu // Item I = (s as StardewValley.Menus.ItemGrabMenu).inventory.actualInventory[inv]; ///I isn't being grabbed??? string s1 = parseModNameFromType(I.GetType()); string s2 = parseClassNameFromType(I.GetType()); string s3 = Assembly.GetAssembly(I.GetType()).Location; s3 = Path.GetFileName(s3); //Draw the info Box! try { float boxX = Game1.getMouseX() - (Game1.viewport.Width * .25f); float boxY = Game1.getMouseY() - (Game1.viewport.Height * .05f); float boxWidth = (Game1.viewport.Width * .25f); float boxHeight = (Game1.viewport.Height * .35f); Game1.drawDialogueBox((int)boxX, (int)boxY, (int)boxWidth, (int)boxHeight, false, true, null, false); float xText1XPos = boxX + (Game1.viewport.Width * .08f); float xText2XPos = boxX + (Game1.viewport.Width * .08f); if (s1.Length > 12) { s1 = "\n" + s1; xText1XPos = boxX + (Game1.viewport.Width * .025f); } if (s2.Length > 12) { s2 = "\n" + s2; xText2XPos = boxX + (Game1.viewport.Width * .025f); } if (s3.Length > 12) { s3 = "\n" + s3; xText1XPos = boxX + (Game1.viewport.Width * .025f); } Utility.drawTextWithShadow(Game1.spriteBatch, "Mod: ", Game1.smallFont, new Vector2(boxX + (Game1.viewport.Width * .025f), Game1.getMouseY() + (int)(Game1.viewport.Height * .1f)), Color.Black, 1, -1); Utility.drawTextWithShadow(Game1.spriteBatch, s3, Game1.smallFont, new Vector2(xText1XPos, Game1.getMouseY() + (int)(Game1.viewport.Height * .1f)), Color.Black, 1, -1); Utility.drawTextWithShadow(Game1.spriteBatch, "Class: ", Game1.smallFont, new Vector2(boxX + (Game1.viewport.Width * .025f), Game1.getMouseY() + (int)(Game1.viewport.Height * .2f)), Color.Black, 1, -1); Utility.drawTextWithShadow(Game1.spriteBatch, s2, Game1.smallFont, new Vector2(xText2XPos, Game1.getMouseY() + (int)(Game1.viewport.Height * .2f)), I.getCategoryColor(), 1, -1); } catch (Exception errrr) { } } } // if (v == null) continue; // Log.AsyncC(; // Log.AsyncM(v.item.Name); // (s as StardewValley.Menus.InventoryPage). } } catch(Exception errrr) { } } } } } } }