using EventSystem.Framework.FunctionEvents; using Microsoft.Xna.Framework; using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Input; using StardewValley; namespace EventSystem.Framework { /// Base class used to handle map tile events. public class MapEvent { /// //MAKE NAME FOR EVENTS public string name; public Vector2 tilePosition; public GameLocation location; public PlayerEvents playerEvents; public bool playerOnTile; public MouseButtonEvents mouseButtonEvents; public MouseEntryLeaveEvent mouseEntryLeaveEvents; public bool mouseOnTile; public bool doesInteractionNeedToRun; public bool loopInteraction; /*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Constructors *~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ */ #region /// Empty Constructor. public MapEvent() { } /// A simple map event that doesn't do anything. public MapEvent(string name, GameLocation location, Vector2 position) { = name; this.location = location; this.tilePosition = position; } /// A simple map function that runs when the player enters and leaves a tile. Set values to null for nothing to happen. /// The game location where the event is. I.E Farm, Town, Mine etc. /// The x,y position on the map the event is. /// Handles various events that runs when the player enters/leaves a tile, etc. public MapEvent(string name, GameLocation location, Vector2 position, PlayerEvents playerEvents) { = name; this.location = location; this.tilePosition = position; this.playerEvents = playerEvents; } /// A constructor that handles when the mouse leaves and enters a tile. /// The game location where the event is. /// The x,y position of the tile at the game location. /// A class used to handle mouse entry/leave events. public MapEvent(string name, GameLocation location, Vector2 position, MouseEntryLeaveEvent mouseEvents) { = name; this.location = location; this.tilePosition = position; this.mouseEntryLeaveEvents = mouseEvents; } /// A constructor that handles when the mouse leaves and enters a tile. /// The game location where the event is. /// The x,y position of the tile at the game location. /// A class used to handle mouse click/scroll events. public MapEvent(string name, GameLocation location, Vector2 position, MouseButtonEvents mouseEvents) { = name; this.location = location; this.tilePosition = position; this.mouseButtonEvents = mouseEvents; } /// A constructor encapsulating player, mouse button, and mouse entry events. /// The game location for which the event is located. I.E Town, Farm, etc. /// The x,y cordinates for this event to be located at. /// The events that occur associated with the player. I.E player entry, etc. /// The events associated with clicking a mouse button while on this tile. /// The events that occur when the mouse enters or leaves the same tile position as this event. public MapEvent(string name, GameLocation location, Vector2 position, PlayerEvents playerEvents, MouseButtonEvents mouseButtonEvents, MouseEntryLeaveEvent mouseEntryLeaveEvents) { = name; this.location = location; this.tilePosition = position; this.playerEvents = playerEvents; this.mouseButtonEvents = mouseButtonEvents; this.mouseEntryLeaveEvents = mouseEntryLeaveEvents; } #endregion /*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Player related functions *~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ */ #region /// Occurs when the player enters the same tile as this event. The function associated with this event is then ran. public virtual bool OnPlayerEnter() { if (this.playerEvents == null) return false; if (this.isPlayerOnTile() && this.doesInteractionNeedToRun) { this.playerOnTile = true; this.doesInteractionNeedToRun = false; this.playerEvents.onPlayerEnter?.run(); return true; } return false; } /// Occurs when the player leaves the same tile that this event is on. The function associated with thie event is then ran. public virtual bool OnPlayerLeave() { if (this.playerEvents == null) return false; if (!this.isPlayerOnTile() && this.playerOnTile) { this.playerOnTile = false; this.doesInteractionNeedToRun = true; this.playerEvents.onPlayerLeave?.run(); return true; } return false; } /// Checks if the player is on the same tile as this event. public virtual bool isPlayerOnTile() { return Game1.player.getTileX() == this.tilePosition.X && Game1.player.getTileY() == this.tilePosition.Y; } #endregion /*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Mouse related functions *~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ */ #region /// Occurs when the player left clicks the same tile that this event is on. public virtual bool OnLeftClick() { if (!this.mouseOnTile) return false; if (this.mouseButtonEvents == null) return false; this.mouseButtonEvents.onLeftClick?.run(); return true; } /// Occurs when the player right clicks the same tile that this event is on. public virtual bool OnRightClick() { if (!this.mouseOnTile) return false; if (this.mouseButtonEvents == null) return false; this.mouseButtonEvents.onRightClick?.run(); return true; } /// Occurs when the mouse tile position is the same as this event's x,y position. public virtual bool OnMouseEnter() { if (this.mouseEntryLeaveEvents == null) return false; if (this.isMouseOnTile()) { this.mouseOnTile = true; this.mouseEntryLeaveEvents.onMouseEnter?.run(); return true; } return false; } /// Occurs when the mouse tile position leaves the the same x,y position as this event. public virtual bool OnMouseLeave() { if (this.mouseEntryLeaveEvents == null) return false; if (!this.isMouseOnTile() && this.mouseOnTile) { this.mouseOnTile = false; this.mouseEntryLeaveEvents.onMouseLeave?.run(); return true; } return false; } /// UNUSED!!!! Occurs when the mouse is on the same position as the tile AND the user scrolls the mouse wheel. public virtual bool OnMouseScroll() { if (!this.isMouseOnTile()) return false; this.mouseButtonEvents.onMouseScroll?.run(); return true; } /// Checks if the mouse is on the tile. public virtual bool isMouseOnTile() { Vector2 mousePosition = Game1.currentCursorTile; if (mousePosition.X == this.tilePosition.X && mousePosition.Y == this.tilePosition.Y) return true; return false; } /// Occurs when the tile is clicked. Runs the appropriate event. public virtual void clickEvent() { if (!this.mouseOnTile) return; var mouseState = Mouse.GetState(); if (mouseState.LeftButton == ButtonState.Pressed) this.OnLeftClick(); if (mouseState.RightButton == ButtonState.Pressed) this.OnRightClick(); } #endregion /// Used to check if any sort of events need to run on this tile right now. public virtual void update() { if (Game1.activeClickableMenu != null) return; this.clickEvent(); //click events this.OnPlayerEnter(); //player enter events this.OnPlayerLeave(); //player leave events this.OnMouseEnter(); //on mouse enter events this.OnMouseLeave(); //on mouse leave events. } } }