using Microsoft.Xna.Framework;
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics;
using StardewModdingAPI;
using StardewValley;
using StardewValley.Locations;
using StardewValley.Menus;
using StardewValley.Objects;
using StardustCore.Animations;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Xml.Serialization;
namespace StardustCore
/// Extends StardewValley.Object. Might be broken and just mainly uses a ton of junk code. Just extend off of this.
public class CoreObject : StardewValley.Object
public Vector2 position;
public int Decoration_type;
public int rotations;
public int currentRotation;
public int sourceIndexOffset;
protected Vector2 drawPosition;
public Rectangle sourceRect;
public Rectangle defaultSourceRect;
public Rectangle defaultBoundingBox;
public string description;
public Texture2D TextureSheet;
public new bool flipped;
public bool flaggedForPickUp;
public bool lightGlowAdded;
public string texturePath;
public List- inventory;
public int inventoryMaxSize;
public bool itemReadyForHarvest;
public bool lightsOn;
public GameLocation thisLocation;
public Color lightColor;
public string thisType;
public bool removable;
public string locationsName;
public Color drawColor;
public bool useXML;
public AnimationManager animationManager;
public string serializationName;
public override string Name
public virtual void InitializeBasics(int InvMaxSize, Vector2 tile)
this.inventory = new List
- ();
this.inventoryMaxSize = InvMaxSize;
this.tileLocation = tile;
lightsOn = false;
lightColor = Color.Black;
thisType = this.GetType().ToString();
public CoreObject()
public CoreObject(bool f)
//does nothng
public CoreObject(int which, Vector2 Tile, int InventoryMaxSize)
InitializeBasics(InventoryMaxSize, Tile);
if (TextureSheet == null)
TextureSheet = Game1.content.Load("TileSheets\\furniture");
texturePath = "TileSheets\\furniture";
Dictionary dictionary = Game1.content.Load>("Data\\Furniture");
string[] array = dictionary[which].Split(new char[]
}); = array[0];
this.Decoration_type = this.getTypeNumberFromName(array[1]);
this.description = "Can be placed inside your house.";
this.defaultSourceRect = new Rectangle(which * 16 % TextureSheet.Width, which * 16 / TextureSheet.Width * 16, 1, 1);
if (array[2].Equals("-1"))
this.sourceRect = this.getDefaultSourceRectForType(which, this.Decoration_type);
this.defaultSourceRect = this.sourceRect;
this.defaultSourceRect.Width = Convert.ToInt32(array[2].Split(new char[]
' '
this.defaultSourceRect.Height = Convert.ToInt32(array[2].Split(new char[]
' '
this.sourceRect = new Rectangle(which * 16 % TextureSheet.Width, which * 16 / TextureSheet.Width * 16, this.defaultSourceRect.Width * 16, this.defaultSourceRect.Height * 16);
this.defaultSourceRect = this.sourceRect;
this.defaultBoundingBox = new Rectangle((int)this.tileLocation.X, (int)this.tileLocation.Y, 1, 1);
if (array[3].Equals("-1"))
this.boundingBox = this.getDefaultBoundingBoxForType(this.Decoration_type);
this.defaultBoundingBox = this.boundingBox;
this.defaultBoundingBox.Width = Convert.ToInt32(array[3].Split(new char[]
' '
this.defaultBoundingBox.Height = Convert.ToInt32(array[3].Split(new char[]
' '
this.boundingBox = new Rectangle((int)this.tileLocation.X * Game1.tileSize, (int)this.tileLocation.Y * Game1.tileSize, this.defaultBoundingBox.Width * Game1.tileSize, this.defaultBoundingBox.Height * Game1.tileSize);
this.defaultBoundingBox = this.boundingBox;
this.rotations = Convert.ToInt32(array[4]);
this.price = Convert.ToInt32(array[5]);
this.parentSheetIndex = which;
public override string getDescription()
return this.description;
/// A "placement" action that doesn't put the object in the world, but set it's position accordingly.
/// The GameLocation that this object will be placed at.
/// The x tile location to "place".
/// The y tile location to "place".
/// If true then the Serialization manager will keep track of this object.
public void fakePlacementAction(GameLocation location, int tileX, int tileY,bool trackSerialization=true)
this.thisLocation = location;
this.tileLocation = new Vector2(tileX, tileY);
this.position = this.tileLocation*(Game1.tileSize);
if (trackSerialization)
if (ModCore.SerializationManager.trackedObjectList.Contains(this)) return;
public override bool performDropDownAction(StardewValley.Farmer who)
this.resetOnPlayerEntry((who == null) ? Game1.currentLocation : who.currentLocation);
return false;
public override void hoverAction()
if (!Game1.player.isInventoryFull())
Game1.mouseCursor = 2;
public override bool checkForAction(StardewValley.Farmer who, bool justCheckingForActivity = false)
var mState = Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Input.Mouse.GetState();
if (mState.RightButton == Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Input.ButtonState.Pressed)
// Game1.showRedMessage("YOOO");
//do some stuff when the right button is down
// rotate();
if (this.heldObject != null)
// Game1.player.addItemByMenuIfNecessary(this.heldObject);
// this.heldObject = null;
// this.heldObject = Game1.player.ActiveObject;
// Game1.player.removeItemFromInventory(heldObject);
//this.minutesUntilReady = 30;
// Log.AsyncC("placed item!");
if (justCheckingForActivity)
return true;
return this.clicked(who);
public override bool clicked(StardewValley.Farmer who)
// Game1.showRedMessage("THIS IS CLICKED!!!");
Game1.haltAfterCheck = false;
if (this.heldObject != null)
return false;
if (this.heldObject == null && (who.ActiveObject == null || !(who.ActiveObject is CoreObject)))
if (Game1.player.currentLocation is FarmHouse)
// Game1.showRedMessage("Why2?");
// this.spillInventoryEverywhere();
if (this.heldObject != null) Util.addItemToInventoryElseDrop(this.heldObject.getOne());
this.heldObject = new CoreObject(parentSheetIndex, Vector2.Zero, this.inventoryMaxSize);
// Util.addItemToInventoryElseDrop(this.heldObject.getOne());
this.heldObject = null;
this.flaggedForPickUp = true;
thisLocation = null;
return true;
// return true;
this.flaggedForPickUp = true;
if (this is TV)
// this.heldObject = new TV(parentSheetIndex, Vector2.Zero);
// Util.addItemToInventoryElseDrop(this.heldObject);
var obj = new CoreObject(parentSheetIndex, Vector2.Zero, this.inventoryMaxSize);
// Util.addItemToInventoryElseDrop(obj);
// this.spillInventoryEverywhere();
if (this.heldObject != null) this.heldObject.performRemoveAction(this.tileLocation, who.currentLocation);
this.heldObject = null;
thisLocation = null;
return true;
if (this.heldObject != null && who.addItemToInventoryBool(this.heldObject, false))
// Game1.showRedMessage("Why3?");
// if(this.heldObject!=null) Game1.player.addItemByMenuIfNecessary((Item)this.heldObject);
// this.spillInventoryEverywhere();
var obj = new CoreObject(parentSheetIndex, Vector2.Zero, this.inventoryMaxSize);
// Util.addItemToInventoryElseDrop(obj);
if (this.heldObject != null) this.heldObject.performRemoveAction(this.tileLocation, who.currentLocation);
this.heldObject = null;
thisLocation = null;
return true;
return false;
public virtual bool RightClicked(StardewValley.Farmer who)
// StardewModdingAPI.Log.AsyncC(lightColor);
// Game1.activeClickableMenu = new Revitalize.Menus.LightCustomizer(this);
// Game1.showRedMessage("THIS IS CLICKED!!!");
//var mState = Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Input.Mouse.GetState();
Game1.haltAfterCheck = false;
if (this.Decoration_type == 11 && who.ActiveObject != null && who.ActiveObject != null && this.heldObject == null)
// Game1.showRedMessage("Why1?");
return false;
if (this.heldObject == null && (who.ActiveObject == null || !(who.ActiveObject is Light)))
if (Game1.player.currentLocation is FarmHouse)
this.lightsOn = false;
// this.flaggedForPickUp = true;
return true;
// return true;
// this.heldObject = new Light(parentSheetIndex, Vector2.Zero, this.lightColor, this.inventoryMaxSize);
this.lightsOn = false;
return true;
if (this.heldObject != null && who.addItemToInventoryBool(this.heldObject, false))
// Game1.showRedMessage("Why3?");
// if(this.heldObject!=null) Game1.player.addItemByMenuIfNecessary((Item)this.heldObject);
this.heldObject.performRemoveAction(this.tileLocation, who.currentLocation);
this.heldObject = null;
this.lightsOn = false;
return true;
return false;
public override void DayUpdate(GameLocation location)
this.lightGlowAdded = false;
if (!Game1.isDarkOut() || (Game1.newDay && !Game1.isRaining))
public virtual void resetOnPlayerEntry(GameLocation environment)
if (Game1.isDarkOut())
public override bool performObjectDropInAction(StardewValley.Object dropIn, bool probe, StardewValley.Farmer who)
// Log.AsyncG("HEY!");
if ((this.Decoration_type == 11 || this.Decoration_type == 5) && this.heldObject == null && !dropIn.bigCraftable && (!(dropIn is CoreObject) || ((dropIn as CoreObject).getTilesWide() == 1 && (dropIn as CoreObject).getTilesHigh() == 1)))
this.heldObject = (StardewValley.Object)dropIn.getOne();
this.heldObject.tileLocation = this.tileLocation;
this.heldObject.boundingBox.X = this.boundingBox.X;
this.heldObject.boundingBox.Y = this.boundingBox.Y;
// Log.AsyncO(getDefaultBoundingBoxForType((dropIn as CoreObject).Decoration_type));
if (!probe)
// Log.AsyncC("HUH?");
if (who != null)
return true;
return false;
public virtual void addLights(GameLocation environment)
if (this.Decoration_type == 7)
if (this.sourceIndexOffset == 0)
this.sourceRect = this.defaultSourceRect;
this.sourceRect.X = this.sourceRect.X + this.sourceRect.Width;
this.sourceIndexOffset = 1;
if (this.lightSource == null)
Utility.removeLightSource((int)(this.tileLocation.X * 2000f + this.tileLocation.Y));
this.lightSource = new LightSource(4, new Vector2((float)(this.boundingBox.X + Game1.tileSize / 2), (float)(this.boundingBox.Y - Game1.tileSize)), 2f, lightColor, (int)(this.tileLocation.X * 2000f + this.tileLocation.Y));
else if (this.Decoration_type == 13)
if (this.sourceIndexOffset == 0)
this.sourceRect = this.defaultSourceRect;
this.sourceRect.X = this.sourceRect.X + this.sourceRect.Width;
this.sourceIndexOffset = 1;
if (this.lightGlowAdded)
environment.lightGlows.Remove(new Vector2((float)(this.boundingBox.X + Game1.tileSize / 2), (float)(this.boundingBox.Y + Game1.tileSize)));
this.lightGlowAdded = false;
if (this.sourceIndexOffset == 0)
this.sourceRect = this.defaultSourceRect;
this.sourceRect.X = this.sourceRect.X + this.sourceRect.Width;
this.sourceIndexOffset = 1;
if (this.lightSource == null)
Utility.removeLightSource((int)(this.tileLocation.X * 2000f + this.tileLocation.Y));
this.lightSource = new LightSource(4, new Vector2((float)(this.boundingBox.X + Game1.tileSize / 2), (float)(this.boundingBox.Y - Game1.tileSize)), 2f, lightColor, (int)(this.tileLocation.X * 2000f + this.tileLocation.Y));
public virtual void addLights(GameLocation environment, Color c)
if (this.Decoration_type == 7)
if (this.sourceIndexOffset == 0)
this.sourceRect = this.defaultSourceRect;
this.sourceRect.X = this.sourceRect.X + this.sourceRect.Width;
this.sourceIndexOffset = 1;
if (this.lightSource == null)
Utility.removeLightSource((int)(this.tileLocation.X * 2000f + this.tileLocation.Y));
this.lightSource = new LightSource(4, new Vector2((float)(this.boundingBox.X + Game1.tileSize / 2), (float)(this.boundingBox.Y - Game1.tileSize)), 2f, c, (int)(this.tileLocation.X * 2000f + this.tileLocation.Y));
// this.lightSource.lightTexture = Game1.content.Load("LooseSprites\\Lighting\\BlueLight");
else if (this.Decoration_type == 13)
if (this.sourceIndexOffset == 0)
this.sourceRect = this.defaultSourceRect;
this.sourceRect.X = this.sourceRect.X + this.sourceRect.Width;
this.sourceIndexOffset = 1;
if (this.lightGlowAdded)
environment.lightGlows.Remove(new Vector2((float)(this.boundingBox.X + Game1.tileSize / 2), (float)(this.boundingBox.Y + Game1.tileSize)));
this.lightGlowAdded = false;
if (this.sourceIndexOffset == 0)
this.sourceRect = this.defaultSourceRect;
this.sourceRect.X = this.sourceRect.X + this.sourceRect.Width;
this.sourceIndexOffset = 1;
if (this.lightSource == null)
Utility.removeLightSource((int)(this.tileLocation.X * 2000f + this.tileLocation.Y));
this.lightSource = new LightSource(4, new Vector2((float)(this.boundingBox.X + Game1.tileSize / 2), (float)(this.boundingBox.Y - Game1.tileSize)), 2f, c, (int)(this.tileLocation.X * 2000f + this.tileLocation.Y));
public void removeLights(GameLocation environment)
if (this.Decoration_type == 7)
if (this.sourceIndexOffset == 1)
this.sourceRect = this.defaultSourceRect;
this.sourceIndexOffset = 0;
Utility.removeLightSource((int)(this.tileLocation.X * 2000f + this.tileLocation.Y));
this.lightSource = null;
if (this.Decoration_type == 13)
if (this.sourceIndexOffset == 1)
this.sourceRect = this.defaultSourceRect;
this.sourceIndexOffset = 0;
if (Game1.isRaining)
this.sourceRect = this.defaultSourceRect;
this.sourceRect.X = this.sourceRect.X + this.sourceRect.Width;
this.sourceIndexOffset = 1;
if (!this.lightGlowAdded && !environment.lightGlows.Contains(new Vector2((float)(this.boundingBox.X + Game1.tileSize / 2), (float)(this.boundingBox.Y + Game1.tileSize))))
environment.lightGlows.Add(new Vector2((float)(this.boundingBox.X + Game1.tileSize / 2), (float)(this.boundingBox.Y + Game1.tileSize)));
this.lightGlowAdded = true;
if (this.sourceIndexOffset == 1)
this.sourceRect = this.defaultSourceRect;
this.sourceIndexOffset = 0;
Utility.removeLightSource((int)(this.tileLocation.X * 2000f + this.tileLocation.Y));
this.lightSource = null;
public override bool minutesElapsed(int minutes, GameLocation environment)
// Log.Info("minutes passed in"+minutes);
// Log.Info("minues remaining" + this.minutesUntilReady);
this.minutesUntilReady = (this.minutesUntilReady - minutes);
if (Game1.isDarkOut())
// this.addLights(environment,this.lightColor);
if (minutesUntilReady == 0)
// Log.AsyncC( + "Is ready!");
// Log.AsyncC(Game1.player.getStandingPosition());
// Vector2 v2 = new Vector2(this.tileLocation.X * Game1.tileSize, this.tileLocation.Y * Game1.tileSize);
//Game1.createItemDebris((Item)this.heldObject, v2, Game1.player.getDirection());
// minutesUntilReady = 30;
return false;
public override void performRemoveAction(Vector2 tileLocation, GameLocation environment)
if (this.Decoration_type == 13 && this.lightGlowAdded)
environment.lightGlows.Remove(new Vector2((float)(this.boundingBox.X + Game1.tileSize / 2), (float)(this.boundingBox.Y + Game1.tileSize)));
this.lightGlowAdded = false;
base.performRemoveAction(tileLocation, environment);
public virtual void rotate()
if (this.rotations < 2)
int num = (this.rotations == 4) ? 1 : 2;
this.currentRotation += num;
this.currentRotation %= 4;
this.flipped = false;
Point point = default(Point);
int num2 = this.Decoration_type;
switch (num2)
case 2:
point.Y = 1;
point.X = -1;
case 3:
point.X = -1;
point.Y = 1;
case 4:
case 5:
point.Y = 0;
point.X = -1;
if (num2 == 12)
point.X = 0;
point.Y = 0;
bool flag = this.Decoration_type == 5 || this.Decoration_type == 12 || this.parentSheetIndex == 724 || this.parentSheetIndex == 727;
bool flag2 = this.defaultBoundingBox.Width != this.defaultBoundingBox.Height;
if (flag && this.currentRotation == 2)
this.currentRotation = 1;
if (flag2)
int height = this.boundingBox.Height;
switch (this.currentRotation)
case 0:
case 2:
this.boundingBox.Height = this.defaultBoundingBox.Height;
this.boundingBox.Width = this.defaultBoundingBox.Width;
case 1:
case 3:
this.boundingBox.Height = this.boundingBox.Width + point.X * Game1.tileSize;
this.boundingBox.Width = height + point.Y * Game1.tileSize;
Point point2 = default(Point);
int num3 = this.Decoration_type;
if (num3 == 12)
point2.X = 1;
point2.Y = -1;
if (flag2)
switch (this.currentRotation)
case 0:
this.sourceRect = this.defaultSourceRect;
case 1:
this.sourceRect = new Rectangle(this.defaultSourceRect.X + this.defaultSourceRect.Width, this.defaultSourceRect.Y, this.defaultSourceRect.Height - 16 + point.Y * 16 + point2.X * 16, this.defaultSourceRect.Width + 16 + point.X * 16 + point2.Y * 16);
case 2:
this.sourceRect = new Rectangle(this.defaultSourceRect.X + this.defaultSourceRect.Width + this.defaultSourceRect.Height - 16 + point.Y * 16 + point2.X * 16, this.defaultSourceRect.Y, this.defaultSourceRect.Width, this.defaultSourceRect.Height);
case 3:
this.sourceRect = new Rectangle(this.defaultSourceRect.X + this.defaultSourceRect.Width, this.defaultSourceRect.Y, this.defaultSourceRect.Height - 16 + point.Y * 16 + point2.X * 16, this.defaultSourceRect.Width + 16 + point.X * 16 + point2.Y * 16);
this.flipped = true;
this.flipped = (this.currentRotation == 3);
if (this.rotations == 2)
this.sourceRect = new Rectangle(this.defaultSourceRect.X + ((this.currentRotation == 2) ? 1 : 0) * this.defaultSourceRect.Width, this.defaultSourceRect.Y, this.defaultSourceRect.Width, this.defaultSourceRect.Height);
this.sourceRect = new Rectangle(this.defaultSourceRect.X + ((this.currentRotation == 3) ? 1 : this.currentRotation) * this.defaultSourceRect.Width, this.defaultSourceRect.Y, this.defaultSourceRect.Width, this.defaultSourceRect.Height);
if (flag && this.currentRotation == 1)
this.currentRotation = 2;
public virtual bool isGroundFurniture()
return this.Decoration_type != 13 && this.Decoration_type != 6 && this.Decoration_type != 13;
public override bool canBeGivenAsGift()
return false;
public override bool canBePlacedHere(GameLocation l, Vector2 tile)
if ((l is FarmHouse))
for (int i = 0; i < this.boundingBox.Width / Game1.tileSize; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < this.boundingBox.Height / Game1.tileSize; j++)
Vector2 vector = tile * (float)Game1.tileSize + new Vector2((float)i, (float)j) * (float)Game1.tileSize;
vector.X += (float)(Game1.tileSize / 2);
vector.Y += (float)(Game1.tileSize / 2);
foreach (KeyValuePair something in l.objects)
StardewValley.Object obj = something.Value;
if ((obj.GetType()).ToString().Contains("CoreObject"))
CoreObject current = (CoreObject)obj;
if (current.Decoration_type == 11 && current.getBoundingBox(current.tileLocation).Contains((int)vector.X, (int)vector.Y) && current.heldObject == null && this.getTilesWide() == 1)
bool result = true;
return result;
if ((current.Decoration_type != 12 || this.Decoration_type == 12) && current.getBoundingBox(current.tileLocation).Contains((int)vector.X, (int)vector.Y))
bool result = false;
return result;
return Util.canBePlacedHere(this, l, tile);
// Game1.showRedMessage("NOT FARMHOUSE");
for (int i = 0; i < this.boundingBox.Width / Game1.tileSize; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < this.boundingBox.Height / Game1.tileSize; j++)
Vector2 vector = tile * (float)Game1.tileSize + new Vector2((float)i, (float)j) * (float)Game1.tileSize;
vector.X += (float)(Game1.tileSize / 2);
vector.Y += (float)(Game1.tileSize / 2);
foreach (CoreObject current in (l as FarmHouse).CoreObject)
if (current.Decoration_type == 11 && current.getBoundingBox(current.tileLocation).Contains((int)vector.X, (int)vector.Y) && current.heldObject == null && this.getTilesWide() == 1)
bool result = true;
return result;
if ((current.Decoration_type != 12 || this.Decoration_type == 12) && current.getBoundingBox(current.tileLocation).Contains((int)vector.X, (int)vector.Y))
bool result = false;
return result;
return Util.canBePlacedHere(this, l, tile);
public virtual void updateDrawPosition()
this.drawPosition = new Vector2((float)this.boundingBox.X, (float)(this.boundingBox.Y - (this.sourceRect.Height * Game1.pixelZoom - this.boundingBox.Height)));
public virtual int getTilesWide()
return this.boundingBox.Width / Game1.tileSize;
public virtual int getTilesHigh()
return this.boundingBox.Height / Game1.tileSize;
public override bool placementAction(GameLocation location, int x, int y, StardewValley.Farmer who = null)
// Log.AsyncC(x);
// Log.AsyncM(y);
if (location is FarmHouse)
Point point = new Point(x / Game1.tileSize, y / Game1.tileSize);
List walls = FarmHouse.getWalls((location as FarmHouse).upgradeLevel);
this.tileLocation = new Vector2((float)point.X, (float)point.Y);
bool flag = false;
if (this.Decoration_type == 6 || this.Decoration_type == 13 || this.parentSheetIndex == 1293)
int num = (this.parentSheetIndex == 1293) ? 3 : 0;
bool flag2 = false;
foreach (Rectangle current in walls)
if ((this.Decoration_type == 6 || this.Decoration_type == 13 || num != 0) && current.Y + num == point.Y && current.Contains(point.X, point.Y - num))
flag2 = true;
if (!flag2)
Game1.showRedMessage("Must be placed on wall");
return false;
flag = true;
for (int i = point.X; i < point.X + this.getTilesWide(); i++)
for (int j = point.Y; j < point.Y + this.getTilesHigh(); j++)
if (location.doesTileHaveProperty(i, j, "NoFurniture", "Back") != null)
Game1.showRedMessage("Furniture can't be placed here");
return false;
if (!flag && Utility.pointInRectangles(walls, i, j))
Game1.showRedMessage("Can't place on wall");
return false;
if (location.getTileIndexAt(i, j, "Buildings") != -1)
return false;
this.boundingBox = new Rectangle(x, y, this.boundingBox.Width, this.boundingBox.Height);
foreach (KeyValuePair c in location.objects)
StardewValley.Object ehh = c.Value;
if (((ehh.GetType()).ToString()).Contains("CoreObject"))
CoreObject current2 = (CoreObject)ehh;
if (current2.Decoration_type == 11 && current2.heldObject == null && current2.getBoundingBox(current2.tileLocation).Intersects(this.boundingBox))
current2.performObjectDropInAction(this, false, (who == null) ? Game1.player : who);
bool result = true;
return result;
foreach (StardewValley.Farmer current3 in location.getStardewValley.Farmers())
if (current3.GetBoundingBox().Intersects(this.boundingBox))
Game1.showRedMessage("Can't place on top of a person.");
bool result = false;
return result;
// Log.AsyncO(this.boundingBox);
// Log.AsyncO(x);
// Log.AsyncY(y);
for (int i = 0; i <= this.boundingBox.X / Game1.tileSize; i++)
base.placementAction(location, x + 1, y, who);
for (int i = 0; i <= this.boundingBox.Y / Game1.tileSize; i++)
base.placementAction(location, x, y + 1, who);
return true;
Point point = new Point(x / Game1.tileSize, y / Game1.tileSize);
// List walls = FarmHouse.getWalls((location as FarmHouse).upgradeLevel);
this.tileLocation = new Vector2((float)point.X, (float)point.Y);
bool flag = false;
if (this.Decoration_type == 6 || this.Decoration_type == 13 || this.parentSheetIndex == 1293)
int num = (this.parentSheetIndex == 1293) ? 3 : 0;
bool flag2 = false;
foreach (Rectangle current in walls)
if ((this.Decoration_type == 6 || this.Decoration_type == 13 || num != 0) && current.Y + num == point.Y && current.Contains(point.X, point.Y - num))
flag2 = true;
if (!flag2)
Game1.showRedMessage("Must be placed on wall");
return false;
flag = true;
for (int i = point.X; i < point.X + this.getTilesWide(); i++)
for (int j = point.Y; j < point.Y + this.getTilesHigh(); j++)
if (location.doesTileHaveProperty(i, j, "NoFurniture", "Back") != null)
Game1.showRedMessage("Furniture can't be placed here");
return false;
if (!flag && Utility.pointInRectangles(walls, i, j))
Game1.showRedMessage("Can't place on wall");
return false;
if (location.getTileIndexAt(i, j, "Buildings") != -1)
return false;
this.boundingBox = new Rectangle(x, y, this.boundingBox.Width, this.boundingBox.Height);
foreach (Furniture current2 in (location as FarmHouse).furniture)
if (current2.furniture_type == 11 && current2.heldObject == null && current2.getBoundingBox(current2.tileLocation).Intersects(this.boundingBox))
current2.performObjectDropInAction(this, false, (who == null) ? Game1.player : who);
bool result = true;
return result;
foreach (StardewValley.Farmer current3 in location.getStardewValley.Farmers())
if (current3.GetBoundingBox().Intersects(this.boundingBox))
Game1.showRedMessage("Can't place on top of a person.");
bool result = false;
return result;
thisLocation = Game1.player.currentLocation;
return base.placementAction(location, x, y, who);
public override bool placementAction(GameLocation location, int x, int y, StardewValley.Farmer who = null)
if (location is FarmHouse)
Point point = new Point(x / Game1.tileSize, y / Game1.tileSize);
List walls = FarmHouse.getWalls((location as FarmHouse).upgradeLevel);
this.tileLocation = new Vector2((float)point.X, (float)point.Y);
bool flag = false;
if (this.Decoration_type == 6 || this.Decoration_type == 13 || this.parentSheetIndex == 1293)
int num = (this.parentSheetIndex == 1293) ? 3 : 0;
bool flag2 = false;
foreach (Rectangle current in walls)
if ((this.Decoration_type == 6 || this.Decoration_type == 13 || num != 0) && current.Y + num == point.Y && current.Contains(point.X, point.Y - num))
flag2 = true;
if (!flag2)
Game1.showRedMessage("Must be placed on wall");
return false;
flag = true;
for (int i = point.X; i < point.X + this.getTilesWide(); i++)
for (int j = point.Y; j < point.Y + this.getTilesHigh(); j++)
if (location.doesTileHaveProperty(i, j, "NoFurniture", "Back") != null)
Game1.showRedMessage("Furniture can't be placed here");
return false;
if (!flag && Utility.pointInRectangles(walls, i, j))
Game1.showRedMessage("Can't place on wall");
return false;
if (location.getTileIndexAt(i, j, "Buildings") != -1)
return false;
this.boundingBox = new Rectangle(x / Game1.tileSize, y / Game1.tileSize, this.boundingBox.Width, this.boundingBox.Height);
foreach (KeyValuePair c in location.objects)
StardewValley.Object ehh = c.Value;
if (((ehh.GetType()).ToString()).Contains("Spawner"))
CoreObject current2 = (CoreObject)ehh;
if (current2.Decoration_type == 11 && current2.heldObject == null && current2.getBoundingBox(current2.tileLocation).Intersects(this.boundingBox))
current2.performObjectDropInAction(this, false, (who == null) ? Game1.player : who);
bool result = true;
return result;
foreach (StardewValley.Farmer current3 in location.getFarmers())
if (current3.GetBoundingBox().Intersects(this.boundingBox))
Game1.showRedMessage("Can't place on top of a person.");
bool result = false;
return result;
// Log.AsyncO(this.boundingBox);
// Log.AsyncO(x);
// Log.AsyncY(y);
for (int i = 0; i <= this.boundingBox.X / Game1.tileSize; i++)
base.placementAction(location, x + 1, y, who);
for (int i = 0; i <= this.boundingBox.Y / Game1.tileSize; i++)
base.placementAction(location, x, y + 1, who);
return true;
Point point = new Point(x / Game1.tileSize, y / Game1.tileSize);
// List walls = FarmHouse.getWalls((location as FarmHouse).upgradeLevel);
this.tileLocation = new Vector2((float)point.X, (float)point.Y);
bool flag = false;
if (this.Decoration_type == 6 || this.Decoration_type == 13 || this.parentSheetIndex == 1293)
int num = (this.parentSheetIndex == 1293) ? 3 : 0;
bool flag2 = false;
foreach (Rectangle current in walls)
if ((this.Decoration_type == 6 || this.Decoration_type == 13 || num != 0) && current.Y + num == point.Y && current.Contains(point.X, point.Y - num))
flag2 = true;
if (!flag2)
Game1.showRedMessage("Must be placed on wall");
return false;
flag = true;
for (int i = point.X; i < point.X + this.getTilesWide(); i++)
for (int j = point.Y; j < point.Y + this.getTilesHigh(); j++)
if (location.doesTileHaveProperty(i, j, "NoFurniture", "Back") != null)
Game1.showRedMessage("Furniture can't be placed here");
return false;
if (!flag && Utility.pointInRectangles(walls, i, j))
Game1.showRedMessage("Can't place on wall");
return false;
if (location.getTileIndexAt(i, j, "Buildings") != -1)
return false;
this.boundingBox = new Rectangle(x / Game1.tileSize, y / Game1.tileSize, this.boundingBox.Width, this.boundingBox.Height);
foreach (Furniture current2 in (location as FarmHouse).furniture)
if (current2.furniture_type == 11 && current2.heldObject == null && current2.getBoundingBox(current2.tileLocation).Intersects(this.boundingBox))
current2.performObjectDropInAction(this, false, (who == null) ? Game1.player : who);
bool result = true;
return result;
foreach (StardewValley.Farmer current3 in location.getFarmers())
if (current3.GetBoundingBox().Intersects(this.boundingBox))
Game1.showRedMessage("Can't place on top of a person.");
bool result = false;
return result;
this.thisLocation = Game1.player.currentLocation;
return base.placementAction(location, x * Game1.tileSize, y * Game1.tileSize, who);
public override bool isPlaceable()
return true;
public override Rectangle getBoundingBox(Vector2 tileLocation)
return this.boundingBox;
private Rectangle getDefaultSourceRectForType(int tileIndex, int type)
int num;
int num2;
switch (type)
case 0:
num = 1;
num2 = 2;
goto IL_94;
case 1:
num = 2;
num2 = 2;
goto IL_94;
case 2:
num = 3;
num2 = 2;
goto IL_94;
case 3:
num = 2;
num2 = 2;
goto IL_94;
case 4:
num = 2;
num2 = 2;
goto IL_94;
case 5:
num = 5;
num2 = 3;
goto IL_94;
case 6:
num = 2;
num2 = 2;
goto IL_94;
case 7:
num = 1;
num2 = 3;
goto IL_94;
case 8:
num = 1;
num2 = 2;
goto IL_94;
case 10:
num = 2;
num2 = 3;
goto IL_94;
case 11:
num = 2;
num2 = 3;
goto IL_94;
case 12:
num = 3;
num2 = 2;
goto IL_94;
case 13:
num = 1;
num2 = 2;
goto IL_94;
num = 1;
num2 = 2;
return new Rectangle(tileIndex * 16 % TextureSheet.Width, tileIndex * 16 / TextureSheet.Width * 16, num * 16, num2 * 16);
private Rectangle getDefaultBoundingBoxForType(int type)
int num;
int num2;
switch (type)
case 0:
num = 1;
num2 = 1;
goto IL_94;
case 1:
num = 2;
num2 = 1;
goto IL_94;
case 2:
num = 3;
num2 = 1;
goto IL_94;
case 3:
num = 2;
num2 = 1;
goto IL_94;
case 4:
num = 2;
num2 = 1;
goto IL_94;
case 5:
num = 5;
num2 = 2;
goto IL_94;
case 6:
num = 2;
num2 = 2;
goto IL_94;
case 7:
num = 1;
num2 = 1;
goto IL_94;
case 8:
num = 1;
num2 = 1;
goto IL_94;
case 10:
num = 2;
num2 = 1;
goto IL_94;
case 11:
num = 2;
num2 = 2;
goto IL_94;
case 12:
num = 3;
num2 = 2;
goto IL_94;
case 13:
num = 1;
num2 = 2;
goto IL_94;
num = 1;
num2 = 1;
return new Rectangle((int)this.tileLocation.X * Game1.tileSize, (int)this.tileLocation.Y * Game1.tileSize, num * Game1.tileSize, num2 * Game1.tileSize);
private int getTypeNumberFromName(string typeName)
string key;
switch (key = typeName.ToLower())
case "chair":
return 0;
case "bench":
return 1;
case "couch":
return 2;
case "armchair":
return 3;
case "dresser":
return 4;
case "long table":
return 5;
case "painting":
return 6;
case "lamp":
return 7;
case "decor":
return 8;
case "bookcase":
return 10;
case "table":
return 11;
case "rug":
return 12;
case "window":
return 13;
return 9;
public override int salePrice()
return this.price;
public override int maximumStackSize()
return 999;
public override int getStack()
return this.stack;
private float getScaleSize()
int num = this.sourceRect.Width / 16;
int num2 = this.sourceRect.Height / 16;
if (num >= 5)
return 0.75f;
if (num2 >= 3)
return 1f;
if (num <= 2)
return 2f;
if (num <= 4)
return 1f;
return 0.1f;
public override void drawWhenHeld(SpriteBatch spriteBatch, Vector2 objectPosition, StardewValley.Farmer f)
if (f.ActiveObject.bigCraftable)
spriteBatch.Draw(Game1.bigCraftableSpriteSheet, objectPosition, new Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Rectangle?(StardewValley.Object.getSourceRectForBigCraftable(f.ActiveObject.ParentSheetIndex)), Color.White, 0f, Vector2.Zero, (float)Game1.pixelZoom, SpriteEffects.None, Math.Max(0f, (float)(f.getStandingY() + 2) / 10000f));
spriteBatch.Draw(Game1.objectSpriteSheet, objectPosition, new Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Rectangle?(Game1.currentLocation.getSourceRectForObject(f.ActiveObject.ParentSheetIndex)), Color.White, 0f, Vector2.Zero, (float)Game1.pixelZoom, SpriteEffects.None, Math.Max(0f, (float)(f.getStandingY() + 2) / 10000f));
if (f.ActiveObject != null && f.ActiveObject.Name.Contains("="))
spriteBatch.Draw(Game1.objectSpriteSheet, objectPosition + new Vector2((float)(Game1.tileSize / 2), (float)(Game1.tileSize / 2)), new Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Rectangle?(Game1.currentLocation.getSourceRectForObject(f.ActiveObject.ParentSheetIndex)), Color.White, 0f, new Vector2((float)(Game1.tileSize / 2), (float)(Game1.tileSize / 2)), (float)Game1.pixelZoom + Math.Abs(Game1.starCropShimmerPause) / 8f, SpriteEffects.None, Math.Max(0f, (float)(f.getStandingY() + 2) / 10000f));
if (Math.Abs(Game1.starCropShimmerPause) <= 0.05f && Game1.random.NextDouble() < 0.97)
Game1.starCropShimmerPause += 0.04f;
if (Game1.starCropShimmerPause >= 0.8f)
Game1.starCropShimmerPause = -0.8f;
//base.drawWhenHeld(spriteBatch, objectPosition, f);
public override void drawInMenu(SpriteBatch spriteBatch, Vector2 location, float scaleSize, float transparency, float layerDepth, bool drawStackNumber)
if (drawStackNumber && this.maximumStackSize() > 1 && ((double)scaleSize > 0.3 && this.Stack != int.MaxValue) && this.Stack > 1)
Utility.drawTinyDigits(this.stack, spriteBatch, location + new Vector2((float)(Game1.tileSize - Utility.getWidthOfTinyDigitString(this.stack, 3f * scaleSize)) + 3f * scaleSize, (float)((double)Game1.tileSize - 18.0 * (double)scaleSize + 2.0)), 3f * scaleSize, 1f, Color.White);
if (drawStackNumber && this.quality > 0)
float num = this.quality < 4 ? 0.0f : (float)((Math.Cos((double)Game1.currentGameTime.TotalGameTime.Milliseconds * Math.PI / 512.0) + 1.0) * 0.0500000007450581);
spriteBatch.Draw(Game1.mouseCursors, location + new Vector2(12f, (float)(Game1.tileSize - 12) + num), new Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Rectangle?(this.quality < 4 ? new Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Rectangle(338 + (this.quality - 1) * 8, 400, 8, 8) : new Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Rectangle(346, 392, 8, 8)), Color.White * transparency, 0.0f, new Vector2(4f, 4f), (float)(3.0 * (double)scaleSize * (1.0 + (double)num)), SpriteEffects.None, layerDepth);
spriteBatch.Draw(TextureSheet, location + new Vector2((float)(Game1.tileSize), (float)(Game1.tileSize)), new Rectangle?(this.defaultSourceRect), Color.White * transparency, 0f, new Vector2((float)(this.defaultSourceRect.Width / 2), (float)(this.defaultSourceRect.Height)), 1f * this.getScaleSize() * scaleSize * .5f, SpriteEffects.None, layerDepth);
public override void draw(SpriteBatch spriteBatch, int x, int y, float alpha = 1f)
if (x == -1)
spriteBatch.Draw(TextureSheet, Game1.GlobalToLocal(Game1.viewport, this.drawPosition), new Rectangle?(this.sourceRect), Color.White * alpha, 0f, Vector2.Zero, (float)Game1.pixelZoom, this.flipped ? SpriteEffects.FlipHorizontally : SpriteEffects.None, (this.Decoration_type == 12) ? 0f : ((float)(this.boundingBox.Bottom - 8) / 10000f));
spriteBatch.Draw(TextureSheet, Game1.GlobalToLocal(Game1.viewport, new Vector2((float)(x * Game1.tileSize), (float)(y * Game1.tileSize - (this.sourceRect.Height * Game1.pixelZoom - this.boundingBox.Height)))), new Rectangle?(this.sourceRect), Color.White * alpha, 0f, Vector2.Zero, (float)Game1.pixelZoom, this.flipped ? SpriteEffects.FlipHorizontally : SpriteEffects.None, (this.Decoration_type == 12) ? 0f : ((float)(this.boundingBox.Bottom - 8) / 10000f));
if (this.heldObject != null)
if (this.heldObject is CoreObject)
(this.heldObject as CoreObject).drawAtNonTileSpot(spriteBatch, Game1.GlobalToLocal(Game1.viewport, new Vector2((float)(this.boundingBox.Center.X - Game1.tileSize / 2), (float)(this.boundingBox.Center.Y - (this.heldObject as CoreObject).sourceRect.Height * Game1.pixelZoom - Game1.tileSize / 4))), (float)(this.boundingBox.Bottom - 7) / 10000f, alpha);
spriteBatch.Draw(Game1.shadowTexture, Game1.GlobalToLocal(Game1.viewport, new Vector2((float)(this.boundingBox.Center.X - Game1.tileSize / 2), (float)(this.boundingBox.Center.Y - Game1.tileSize * 4 / 3))) + new Vector2((float)(Game1.tileSize / 2), (float)(Game1.tileSize * 5 / 6)), new Rectangle?(Game1.shadowTexture.Bounds), Color.White * alpha, 0f, new Vector2((float)Game1.shadowTexture.Bounds.Center.X, (float)Game1.shadowTexture.Bounds.Center.Y), 4f, SpriteEffects.None, (float)this.boundingBox.Bottom / 10000f);
spriteBatch.Draw(Game1.objectSpriteSheet, Game1.GlobalToLocal(Game1.viewport, new Vector2((float)(this.boundingBox.Center.X - Game1.tileSize / 2), (float)(this.boundingBox.Center.Y - Game1.tileSize * 4 / 3))), new Rectangle?(Game1.currentLocation.getSourceRectForObject(this.heldObject.ParentSheetIndex)), Color.White * alpha, 0f, Vector2.Zero, (float)Game1.pixelZoom, SpriteEffects.None, (float)(this.boundingBox.Bottom + 1) / 10000f);
public virtual void drawAtNonTileSpot(SpriteBatch spriteBatch, Vector2 location, float layerDepth, float alpha = 1f)
spriteBatch.Draw(TextureSheet, location, new Rectangle?(this.sourceRect), Color.White * alpha, 0f, Vector2.Zero, (float)Game1.pixelZoom, this.flipped ? SpriteEffects.FlipHorizontally : SpriteEffects.None, layerDepth);
public override Item getOne()
CoreObject CoreObject = new CoreObject(this.parentSheetIndex, this.tileLocation, this.inventoryMaxSize);
CoreObject.drawPosition = this.drawPosition;
CoreObject.defaultBoundingBox = this.defaultBoundingBox;
CoreObject.boundingBox = this.boundingBox;
CoreObject.currentRotation = this.currentRotation - 1;
CoreObject.rotations = this.rotations;
return CoreObject;
public virtual bool isInventoryFull()
// Log.AsyncC("Count" + inventory.Count);
// Log.AsyncC("size" + inventoryMaxSize);
if (inventory.Count >= inventoryMaxSize)
return true;
return false;
public virtual bool addItemToInventory(Item I)
if (isInventoryFull() == false)
return true;
else return false;
public virtual void spillInventoryEverywhere()
Game1.activeClickableMenu = new StorageContainer(this.inventory, 3, 3);
this.itemReadyForHarvest = false;
Random random = new Random(inventory.Count);
int i = random.Next();
i = i % 4;
Vector2 v2 = new Vector2(this.tileLocation.X * Game1.tileSize, this.tileLocation.Y * Game1.tileSize);
foreach (var I in inventory)
Log.AsyncC("Dropping an item!");
Game1.createItemDebris(I, v2, i);
public virtual bool addItemToInventoryElseDrop(Item I)
if (isInventoryFull() == false)
foreach (Item C in inventory)
if (C == null) continue;
if (I.canStackWith(C) == true)
return true;
return true;
return true;
Random random = new Random(inventory.Count);
int i = random.Next();
i = i % 4;
Vector2 v2 = new Vector2(this.tileLocation.X * Game1.tileSize, this.tileLocation.Y * Game1.tileSize);
Game1.createItemDebris(I.getOne(), v2, i);
return false;
public virtual void toggleLights()
if (lightsOn == false)
// Log.AsyncG("ADD LIGHTS");
this.Decoration_type = 7;
this.type = "Lamp";
// this.lightSource.lightTexture = Game1.content.Load("LooseSprites\\Lighting\\Lantern");
// this.lightSource.position = tileLocation;
// this.addLights(thisLocation, lightColor);
this.addLights(thisLocation, lightColor);
lightsOn = true;
if (lightsOn == true)
lightsOn = false;
public virtual void resetTexture()
TextureSheet = Game1.content.Load(this.texturePath);
public override string getCategoryName()
return "Core Mod Object";
// return base.getCategoryName();
public override Color getCategoryColor()
return Color.Black;
public static void Serialize(Item I)
public static Item ParseIntoInventory()
Item I = new CoreObject(0, Vector2.Zero, 0);
return I;
public static void ParseIntoWorld()
//Item I = new CoreObject(0, Vector2.Zero, 0);
//return I;