using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Reflection; using Microsoft.Xna.Framework; using StardewModdingAPI; using StardewModdingAPI.Events; using StardewValley; using StardewValley.Characters; namespace Omegasis.SaveAnywhere { public class SaveAnywhere : Mod { private SaveManager SaveManager; private ConfigUtilities ConfigUtilities; public static bool npc_warp; public static int checking_time; public static bool once; public static bool new_day; Dictionary npc_key_value_pair; public override void Entry(IModHelper helper) { this.ConfigUtilities = new ConfigUtilities(this.Helper.DirectoryPath); ControlEvents.KeyPressed += KeyPressed_Save_Load_Menu; SaveEvents.AfterLoad += PlayerEvents_LoadedGame; GameEvents.UpdateTick += this.GameEvents_UpdateTick; TimeEvents.TimeOfDayChanged += NPC_scheduel_update; TimeEvents.DayOfMonthChanged += TimeEvents_DayOfMonthChanged; TimeEvents.DayOfMonthChanged += TimeEvents_OnNewDay; npc_key_value_pair = new Dictionary(); } /// The method invoked when the game updates (roughly 60 times per second). /// The event sender. /// The event data. private void GameEvents_UpdateTick(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!Context.IsWorldReady) return; try { this.SaveManager.Update(); } catch (Exception ex) { this.Monitor.Log(ex.ToString(), LogLevel.Error); } } //done private void TimeEvents_OnNewDay(object sender, EventArgsIntChanged e) { try { SaveAnywhere.new_day = true; } catch (Exception err) { Monitor.Log(err.ToString()); } } //done private void TimeEvents_DayOfMonthChanged(object sender, EventArgsIntChanged e) { try { //new_day = true; // Log.Info("Day of Month Changed"); npc_key_value_pair.Clear(); foreach (var loc in Game1.locations) { foreach (var character in loc.characters) { if (!npc_key_value_pair.ContainsKey( npc_key_value_pair.Add(, parseSchedule(character)); // Monitor.Log(parseSchedule(character)); } } } catch (Exception err) { Monitor.Log(err.ToString()); } } private void NPC_scheduel_update(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (Game1.weatherIcon == 4) { return; } if (Game1.isFestival() == true) { return; } if (Game1.eventUp == true) { return; } //if (once == true) return; //FieldInfo field = typeof(NPC).GetField("scheduleTimeToTry", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance); // MethodInfo dynMethod = typeof(NPC).GetMethod("prepareToDisembarkOnNewSchedulePath",BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance); MethodInfo dynMethod2 = typeof(NPC).GetMethod("pathfindToNextScheduleLocation", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance); if (SaveAnywhere.npc_warp == false) return; if (SaveAnywhere.new_day == true) return; List child_list = new List(); child_list = Game1.player.getChildren(); foreach (var loc in Game1.locations) { foreach (var npc in loc.characters) { if (npc.DirectionsToNewLocation != null) continue; if (npc.isMoving() == true) continue; if (npc.Schedule == null) continue; if (npc.controller != null) continue; foreach (var child_name in child_list) { if ( == continue; } if ( == Game1.player.getPetName()) continue; Horse horse = Utility.findHorse(); if (horse != null) { if ( == continue; } // Log.Info("THIS IS MY NPC" +; // Monitor.Log("NO SCHEDULE FOUND FOR " +; // npc.checkSchedule(Game1.timeOfDay); SchedulePathDescription schedulePathDescription; //int myint = (int)field.GetValue(npc); /* npc.Schedule.TryGetValue(Game1.timeOfDay, out schedulePathDescription); int i = 0; int pseudo_time=0; while (schedulePathDescription == null) { i += 10; pseudo_time = Game1.timeOfDay - i; if (pseudo_time <= 600) { break; } npc.Schedule.TryGetValue(pseudo_time, out schedulePathDescription); checking_time = pseudo_time; } // npc.directionsToNewLocation = schedulePathDescription; // npc.prepareToDisembarkOnNewSchedulePath(); //field.SetValue(npc, 9999999); npc.DirectionsToNewLocation = schedulePathDescription; */ ////////////////////////////////////////// // Log.Info("Does this break here 1"); Dictionary dictionary; string key_value = ""; try { dictionary = Game1.content.Load>("Characters\\schedules\\" +; } catch (Exception ex) { this.Monitor.Log(ex.ToString(), LogLevel.Error); // dictionary = new Dictionary();//(Dictionary)null; continue; } // Log.Info("Does this break here 2"); ////////////////////// string value; string end_map; int x; int y; int end_dir; npc_key_value_pair.TryGetValue(, out key_value); if (key_value == "" || key_value == null) { Monitor.Log("THIS IS AWKWARD"); continue; } dictionary.TryGetValue(key_value, out value); // Log.Info("Does this break here 3"); string[] valueArray1 = value.Split('/'); int count1 = 0; foreach (var josh in valueArray1) { string[] valueArray2 = valueArray1[count1].Split(' '); if (valueArray2.Contains("GOTO")) { for (int i = 0; i < valueArray2.Length; i++) { string s = valueArray2.ElementAt(i); if (s == "GOTO") { dictionary.TryGetValue(valueArray2.ElementAt(i + 1), out value); // Log.Info("Does this break here 3"); string[] valueArray3 = value.Split('/'); int count10 = 0; string[] valueArray4 = valueArray3[count10].Split(' '); valueArray2 = valueArray4; } } } try { if (Convert.ToInt32(valueArray2.ElementAt(0)) > Game1.timeOfDay) break; end_map = Convert.ToString(valueArray2.ElementAt(1)); x = Convert.ToInt32(valueArray2.ElementAt(2)); y = Convert.ToInt32(valueArray2.ElementAt(3)); end_dir = Convert.ToInt32(valueArray2.ElementAt(4)); //MOST RELIABLE schedulePathDescription = (SchedulePathDescription)dynMethod2.Invoke(npc, new object[] {, npc.getTileX(), npc.getTileY(), end_map, x, y, end_dir, null, null }); //FASTEST //schedulePathDescription = pathfindToNextScheduleLocation(npc,, npc.getTileX(), npc.getTileY(), end_map, x, y, end_dir, null, null ); count1++; } catch (Exception err) { this.Monitor.Log(err.ToString(), LogLevel.Error); // Monitor.Log(; foreach (var v in valueArray2) { //Monitor.Log(v); } schedulePathDescription = null; // Monitor.Log(err); } if (schedulePathDescription == null) continue; // Log.Info("This works 2"); // Utility.getGameLocationOfCharacter(npc); // Log.Info("This works 3"); npc.DirectionsToNewLocation = schedulePathDescription; npc.controller = new PathFindController(npc.DirectionsToNewLocation.route, (Character)npc, Utility.getGameLocationOfCharacter(npc)) { finalFacingDirection = npc.DirectionsToNewLocation.facingDirection, endBehaviorFunction = null//npc.getRouteEndBehaviorFunction(npc.DirectionsToNewLocation.endOfRouteBehavior, npc.DirectionsToNewLocation.endOfRouteMessage) }; } } } SaveAnywhere.once = true; } //done /* private void NPC_scheduel_update(object sender, EventArgs e) { /* foreach (var key in npc_key_value_pair) { NPC npc = Game1.getCharacterFromName(key.Key); Monitor.Log(; Dictionary sch =npc.getSchedule(Game1.dayOfMonth); if (sch == null) continue; foreach (var ehh in sch) { Monitor.Log(ehh.Key); Monitor.Log(ehh.Value); } } return; //if (once == true) return; //FieldInfo field = typeof(NPC).GetField("scheduleTimeToTry", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance); // MethodInfo dynMethod = typeof(NPC).GetMethod("prepareToDisembarkOnNewSchedulePath",BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance); // MethodInfo dynMethod2 = typeof(NPC).GetMethod("pathfindToNextScheduleLocation", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance); if (npc_warp == false) { Monitor.Log("LOL WHUT"); return; } if (new_day == true) { Monitor.Log("Interesting"); return; } List child_list = new List(); child_list = StardewValley.Game1.player.getChildren(); foreach (var loc in Game1.locations) { foreach (var npc in loc.characters) { // if (npc.DirectionsToNewLocation != null) continue; if (npc.isMoving() == true) { Monitor.Log("I AM MOVING"); continue; } //if (npc.Schedule == null) continue; foreach (var child_name in child_list) { if ( == { Monitor.Log("I AM A CHILD"); continue; } } if (Game1.player.hasPet() == true) { if ( == Game1.player.getPetName()) { Monitor.Log("I AM A PET"); continue; } } Horse horse = StardewValley.Utility.findHorse(); if (horse != null) { if ( == continue; } Log.AsyncR("AM I GETTING TO STEP 1?"); // System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(1000); // Log.Info("THIS IS MY NPC" +; // Monitor.Log("NO SCHEDULE FOUND FOR " +; // npc.checkSchedule(Game1.timeOfDay); SchedulePathDescription schedulePathDescription; //int myint = (int)field.GetValue(npc); npc.Schedule.TryGetValue(Game1.timeOfDay, out schedulePathDescription); int i = 0; int pseudo_time=0; while (schedulePathDescription == null) { i += 10; pseudo_time = Game1.timeOfDay - i; if (pseudo_time <= 600) { break; } npc.Schedule.TryGetValue(pseudo_time, out schedulePathDescription); checking_time = pseudo_time; } // npc.directionsToNewLocation = schedulePathDescription; // npc.prepareToDisembarkOnNewSchedulePath(); //field.SetValue(npc, 9999999); npc.DirectionsToNewLocation = schedulePathDescription; ////////////////////////////////////////// // Log.Info("Does this break here 1"); Dictionary dictionary; string key_value = ""; try { dictionary = Game1.content.Load>("Characters\\schedules\\" +; } catch (Exception ex) { // dictionary = new Dictionary();//(Dictionary)null; //Monitor.Log(ex); //Monitor.Log("YOU FIX THIS NOW"); continue; } // Log.Info("Does this break here 2"); ////////////////////// string value; string end_map; int x; int y; int end_dir; string behavior; string message; try { npc_key_value_pair.TryGetValue(, out key_value); if (key_value == "" || key_value == null) { Monitor.Log("NO KEYBLADE"); continue; } dictionary.TryGetValue(key_value, out value); //Log.AsyncO(value); // Log.Info("Does this break here 3"); string[] valueArray1 = value.Split('/'); int count1 = 0; foreach (var josh in valueArray1) { Log.AsyncR("RAWRRRRR"); string[] valueArray2 = valueArray1[count1].Split(' '); if (Convert.ToInt32(valueArray2.ElementAt(0)) > Game1.timeOfDay) break; end_map = Convert.ToString(valueArray2.ElementAt(1)); x = Convert.ToInt32(valueArray2.ElementAt(2)); y = Convert.ToInt32(valueArray2.ElementAt(3)); end_dir = Convert.ToInt32(valueArray2.ElementAt(4)); schedulePathDescription = pathfindToNextScheduleLocation(npc,, npc.getTileX(), npc.getTileY(), end_map, x, y, end_dir, null, null); count1++; if (schedulePathDescription == null) { Monitor.Log("WHY???"); } // Log.Info("This works 2"); // Utility.getGameLocationOfCharacter(npc); // Log.Info("This works 3"); npc.DirectionsToNewLocation = schedulePathDescription; npc.controller = new PathFindController(npc.DirectionsToNewLocation.route, (Character)npc, Utility.getGameLocationOfCharacter(npc)) { finalFacingDirection = npc.DirectionsToNewLocation.facingDirection, endBehaviorFunction = null//npc.getRouteEndBehaviorFunction(npc.DirectionsToNewLocation.endOfRouteBehavior, npc.DirectionsToNewLocation.endOfRouteMessage) }; if (npc.controller == null) { Log.AsyncR("CRY"); } Monitor.Log("IS THIS RUNNING?"); if ( == "Shane") Monitor.Log("IS THIS RUNNING WITH BOOZE?"); npc.warpToPathControllerDestination(); } } catch(Exception err) { // Monitor.Log(err); continue; } } } //once = true; } */ //done private string get_key_value(NPC npc) { try { Dictionary dictionary; string key_value = ""; try { dictionary = Game1.content.Load>("Characters\\schedules\\" +; } catch (Exception ex) { this.Monitor.Log(ex.ToString(), LogLevel.Error); dictionary = new Dictionary();//(Dictionary)null; } if (dictionary.ContainsKey(Game1.currentSeason + "_" + Convert.ToString(Game1.dayOfMonth))) key_value = Game1.currentSeason + "_" + Convert.ToString(Game1.dayOfMonth); for (int index = !Game1.player.friendships.ContainsKey( ? -1 : Game1.player.friendships[][0] / 250; index > 0; --index) { if (dictionary.ContainsKey(Convert.ToString(Game1.dayOfMonth) + "_" + Convert.ToString(index))) key_value = Convert.ToString(Game1.dayOfMonth) + "_" + Convert.ToString(index); } if (dictionary.ContainsKey(string.Empty + (object)Game1.dayOfMonth)) key_value = string.Empty + (object)Game1.dayOfMonth; if ("Pam") && Game1.player.mailReceived.Contains("ccVault")) key_value = "bus"; if (Game1.isRaining) { if (Game1.random.NextDouble() < 0.5 && dictionary.ContainsKey("rain2")) key_value = "rain2"; if (dictionary.ContainsKey("rain")) key_value = "rain"; } List list = new List() { Game1.currentSeason, Game1.shortDayNameFromDayOfSeason(Game1.dayOfMonth) }; int num1 = !Game1.player.friendships.ContainsKey( ? -1 : Game1.player.friendships[][0] / 250; while (num1 > 0) { list.Add(string.Empty + (object)num1); if (dictionary.ContainsKey(string.Join("_", (IEnumerable)list))) key_value = string.Join("_", (IEnumerable)list); --num1; list.RemoveAt(Enumerable.Count((IEnumerable)list) - 1); } if (dictionary.ContainsKey(string.Join("_", (IEnumerable)list))) key_value = string.Join("_", (IEnumerable)list); if (dictionary.ContainsKey(Game1.shortDayNameFromDayOfSeason(Game1.dayOfMonth))) key_value = Game1.shortDayNameFromDayOfSeason(Game1.dayOfMonth); if (dictionary.ContainsKey(Game1.currentSeason)) key_value = Game1.currentSeason; if (dictionary.ContainsKey("spring_" + Game1.shortDayNameFromDayOfSeason(Game1.dayOfMonth))) key_value = "spring_" + Game1.shortDayNameFromDayOfSeason(Game1.dayOfMonth); list.RemoveAt(Enumerable.Count((IEnumerable)list) - 1); list.Add("spring"); int num2 = !Game1.player.friendships.ContainsKey( ? -1 : Game1.player.friendships[][0] / 250; while (num2 > 0) { list.Add(string.Empty + (object)num2); if (dictionary.ContainsKey(string.Join("_", (IEnumerable)list))) key_value = string.Join("_", (IEnumerable)list); --num2; list.RemoveAt(Enumerable.Count((IEnumerable)list) - 1); } if (dictionary.ContainsKey("spring")) key_value = "spring"; return key_value; } catch (Exception err) { Monitor.Log(err.ToString()); return null; } } private string parseSchedule(NPC npc) { if ("Robin") || Game1.player.currentUpgrade != null) { npc.isInvisible = false; } if ("Willy") && Game1.stats.DaysPlayed < 2u) { npc.isInvisible = true; } else if (npc.Schedule != null) { npc.followSchedule = true; } Dictionary dictionary = null; string result; try { dictionary = Game1.content.Load>("Characters\\schedules\\" +; } catch (Exception) { result = null; return ""; } if (npc.isMarried()) { string text = Game1.shortDayNameFromDayOfSeason(Game1.dayOfMonth); if (("Penny") && (text.Equals("Tue") || text.Equals("Wed") || text.Equals("Fri"))) || ("Maru") && (text.Equals("Tue") || text.Equals("Thu"))) || ("Harvey") && (text.Equals("Tue") || text.Equals("Thu")))) { FieldInfo field = typeof(NPC).GetField("nameofTodaysSchedule", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance); field.SetValue(npc, "marriageJob"); // npc.nameOfTodaysSchedule = "marriageJob"; return (result = "marriageJob"); } if (!Game1.isRaining && dictionary.ContainsKey("marriage_" + Game1.shortDayNameFromDayOfSeason(Game1.dayOfMonth))) { FieldInfo field = typeof(NPC).GetField("nameofTodaysSchedule", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance); field.SetValue(npc, "marriage_" + Game1.shortDayNameFromDayOfSeason(Game1.dayOfMonth)); return result = "marriage_" + Game1.shortDayNameFromDayOfSeason(Game1.dayOfMonth); } npc.followSchedule = false; return null; } else { if (dictionary.ContainsKey(Game1.currentSeason + "_" + Game1.dayOfMonth)) { return result = (Game1.currentSeason + "_" + Game1.dayOfMonth); } int i; for (i = (Game1.player.friendships.ContainsKey( ? (Game1.player.friendships[][0] / 250) : -1); i > 0; i--) { if (dictionary.ContainsKey(Game1.dayOfMonth + "_" + i)) { return result = Game1.dayOfMonth + "_" + i; } } if (dictionary.ContainsKey(string.Empty + Game1.dayOfMonth)) { return result = string.Empty + Game1.dayOfMonth; } if ("Pam") && Game1.player.mailReceived.Contains("ccVault")) { return result = "bus"; } if (Game1.isRaining) { if (Game1.random.NextDouble() < 0.5 && dictionary.ContainsKey("rain2")) { return result = "rain2"; } if (dictionary.ContainsKey("rain")) { return result = "rain"; } } List list = new List { Game1.currentSeason, Game1.shortDayNameFromDayOfSeason(Game1.dayOfMonth) }; i = (Game1.player.friendships.ContainsKey( ? (Game1.player.friendships[][0] / 250) : -1); while (i > 0) { list.Add(string.Empty + i); if (dictionary.ContainsKey(string.Join("_", list))) { return result = string.Join("_", list); } i--; list.RemoveAt(list.Count - 1); } if (dictionary.ContainsKey(string.Join("_", list))) { return result = string.Join("_", list); } if (dictionary.ContainsKey(Game1.shortDayNameFromDayOfSeason(Game1.dayOfMonth))) { return result = Game1.shortDayNameFromDayOfSeason(Game1.dayOfMonth); } if (dictionary.ContainsKey(Game1.currentSeason)) { return result = Game1.currentSeason; } if (dictionary.ContainsKey("spring_" + Game1.shortDayNameFromDayOfSeason(Game1.dayOfMonth))) { return result = "spring_" + Game1.shortDayNameFromDayOfSeason(Game1.dayOfMonth); } list.RemoveAt(list.Count - 1); list.Add("spring"); i = (Game1.player.friendships.ContainsKey( ? (Game1.player.friendships[][0] / 250) : -1); while (i > 0) { list.Add(string.Empty + i); if (dictionary.ContainsKey(string.Join("_", list))) { return result = string.Join("_", list); } i--; list.RemoveAt(list.Count - 1); } if (dictionary.ContainsKey("spring")) { return result = "spring"; } return null; } } //done private void PlayerEvents_LoadedGame(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.SaveManager = new SaveManager(Game1.player, this.Helper.DirectoryPath, this.Monitor, this.Helper.Reflection); try { this.ConfigUtilities.LoadConfig(); this.ConfigUtilities.WriteConfig(); this.SaveManager.LoadPositions(); } catch (Exception err) { Monitor.Log(err.ToString()); } } public void KeyPressed_Save_Load_Menu(object sender, EventArgsKeyPressed e) { if (e.KeyPressed.ToString() == this.ConfigUtilities.KeyBinding) //if the key is pressed, load my cusom save function { try { if (Game1.activeClickableMenu == null) this.SaveManager.SaveGameAndPositions(); } catch (Exception ex) { this.Monitor.Log(ex.ToString(), LogLevel.Error); } } } private Dictionary parseMasterSchedule(NPC npc, string rawData) { string[] array = rawData.Split(new char[] { '/' }); Dictionary dictionary = new Dictionary(); int num = 0; if (array[0].Contains("GOTO")) { string text = array[0].Split(new char[] { ' ' })[1]; if (text.ToLower().Equals("season")) { text = Game1.currentSeason; } try { array = Game1.content.Load>("Characters\\schedules\\" +[text].Split(new char[] { '/' }); } catch (Exception) { return parseMasterSchedule(npc, Game1.content.Load>("Characters\\schedules\\" +["spring"]); } } if (array[0].Contains("NOT")) { string[] array2 = array[0].Split(new char[] { ' ' }); string a = array2[1].ToLower(); if (a == "friendship") { string name = array2[2]; int num2 = Convert.ToInt32(array2[3]); bool flag = false; using (List.Enumerator enumerator = Game1.getAllFarmers().GetEnumerator()) { while (enumerator.MoveNext()) { if (enumerator.Current.getFriendshipLevelForNPC(name) >= num2) { flag = true; break; } } } if (flag) { return parseMasterSchedule(npc, Game1.content.Load>("Characters\\schedules\\" +["spring"]); } num++; } } if (array[num].Contains("GOTO")) { string text2 = array[num].Split(new char[] { ' ' })[1]; if (text2.ToLower().Equals("season")) { text2 = Game1.currentSeason; } array = Game1.content.Load>("Characters\\schedules\\" +[text2].Split(new char[] { '/' }); num = 1; } //FieldInfo field = typeof(NPC).GetField("scheduleTimeToTry", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance); Point point = npc.isMarried() ? new Point(0, 23) : new Point((int)npc.DefaultPosition.X / Game1.tileSize, (int)npc.DefaultPosition.Y / Game1.tileSize); string text3 = npc.isMarried() ? "BusStop" : npc.defaultMap; int num3 = num; while (num3 < array.Length && array.Length > 1) { int num4 = 0; string[] array3 = array[num3].Split(new char[] { ' ' }); int key = Convert.ToInt32(array3[num4]); num4++; string text4 = array3[num4]; string endBehavior = null; string endMessage = null; int num5; if (int.TryParse(text4, out num5)) { text4 = text3; num4--; } num4++; int num6 = Convert.ToInt32(array3[num4]); num4++; int num7 = Convert.ToInt32(array3[num4]); num4++; int finalFacingDirection = 2; try { finalFacingDirection = Convert.ToInt32(array3[num4]); num4++; } catch (Exception) { finalFacingDirection = 2; } if (changeScheduleForLocationAccessibility(npc, ref text4, ref num6, ref num7, ref finalFacingDirection)) { if (Game1.content.Load>("Characters\\schedules\\" +"default")) { return parseMasterSchedule(npc, Game1.content.Load>("Characters\\schedules\\" +["default"]); } return parseMasterSchedule(npc, Game1.content.Load>("Characters\\schedules\\" +["spring"]); } else { if (num4 < array3.Length) { if (array3[num4].Length > 0 && array3[num4][0] == '"') { endMessage = array[num3].Substring(array[num3].IndexOf('"')); } else { endBehavior = array3[num4]; num4++; if (num4 < array3.Length && array3[num4].Length > 0 && array3[num4][0] == '"') { endMessage = array[num3].Substring(array[num3].IndexOf('"')).Replace("\"", ""); } } } dictionary.Add(key, pathfindToNextScheduleLocation(npc, text3, point.X, point.Y, text4, num6, num7, finalFacingDirection, endBehavior, endMessage)); point.X = num6; point.Y = num7; text3 = text4; num3++; } } return dictionary; } public Dictionary getSchedule(NPC npc, int dayOfMonth) { if (!"Robin") || Game1.player.currentUpgrade != null) { npc.isInvisible = false; } if ("Willy") && Game1.stats.DaysPlayed < 2u) { npc.isInvisible = true; } else if (npc.Schedule != null) { npc.followSchedule = true; } Dictionary dictionary = null; Dictionary result; try { dictionary = Game1.content.Load>("Characters\\schedules\\" +; } catch (Exception) { result = null; return result; } if (npc.isMarried()) { string text = Game1.shortDayNameFromDayOfSeason(dayOfMonth); if (("Penny") && (text.Equals("Tue") || text.Equals("Wed") || text.Equals("Fri"))) || ("Maru") && (text.Equals("Tue") || text.Equals("Thu"))) || ("Harvey") && (text.Equals("Tue") || text.Equals("Thu")))) { FieldInfo field = typeof(NPC).GetField("nameofTodaysSchedule", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance); field.SetValue(npc, "marriageJob"); return parseMasterSchedule(npc, (dictionary["marriageJob"])); } if (!Game1.isRaining && dictionary.ContainsKey("marriage_" + Game1.shortDayNameFromDayOfSeason(Game1.dayOfMonth))) { FieldInfo field = typeof(NPC).GetField("nameofTodaysSchedule", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance); field.SetValue(npc, "marriage_" + Game1.shortDayNameFromDayOfSeason(Game1.dayOfMonth)); return parseMasterSchedule(npc, dictionary["marriage_" + Game1.shortDayNameFromDayOfSeason(Game1.dayOfMonth)]); } npc.followSchedule = false; return null; } else { if (dictionary.ContainsKey(Game1.currentSeason + "_" + Game1.dayOfMonth)) { return parseMasterSchedule(npc, dictionary[Game1.currentSeason + "_" + Game1.dayOfMonth]); } int i; for (i = (Game1.player.friendships.ContainsKey( ? (Game1.player.friendships[][0] / 250) : -1); i > 0; i--) { if (dictionary.ContainsKey(Game1.dayOfMonth + "_" + i)) { return parseMasterSchedule(npc, dictionary[Game1.dayOfMonth + "_" + i]); } } if (dictionary.ContainsKey(string.Empty + Game1.dayOfMonth)) { return parseMasterSchedule(npc, dictionary[string.Empty + Game1.dayOfMonth]); } if ("Pam") && Game1.player.mailReceived.Contains("ccVault")) { return parseMasterSchedule(npc, dictionary["bus"]); } if (Game1.isRaining) { if (Game1.random.NextDouble() < 0.5 && dictionary.ContainsKey("rain2")) { return parseMasterSchedule(npc, dictionary["rain2"]); } if (dictionary.ContainsKey("rain")) { return parseMasterSchedule(npc, dictionary["rain"]); } } List list = new List { Game1.currentSeason, Game1.shortDayNameFromDayOfSeason(Game1.dayOfMonth) }; i = (Game1.player.friendships.ContainsKey( ? (Game1.player.friendships[][0] / 250) : -1); while (i > 0) { list.Add(string.Empty + i); if (dictionary.ContainsKey(string.Join("_", list))) { return parseMasterSchedule(npc, dictionary[string.Join("_", list)]); } i--; list.RemoveAt(list.Count - 1); } if (dictionary.ContainsKey(string.Join("_", list))) { return parseMasterSchedule(npc, dictionary[string.Join("_", list)]); } if (dictionary.ContainsKey(Game1.shortDayNameFromDayOfSeason(Game1.dayOfMonth))) { return parseMasterSchedule(npc, dictionary[Game1.shortDayNameFromDayOfSeason(Game1.dayOfMonth)]); } if (dictionary.ContainsKey(Game1.currentSeason)) { return parseMasterSchedule(npc, dictionary[Game1.currentSeason]); } if (dictionary.ContainsKey("spring_" + Game1.shortDayNameFromDayOfSeason(Game1.dayOfMonth))) { return parseMasterSchedule(npc, dictionary["spring_" + Game1.shortDayNameFromDayOfSeason(Game1.dayOfMonth)]); } list.RemoveAt(list.Count - 1); list.Add("spring"); i = (Game1.player.friendships.ContainsKey( ? (Game1.player.friendships[][0] / 250) : -1); while (i > 0) { list.Add(string.Empty + i); if (dictionary.ContainsKey(string.Join("_", list))) { return parseMasterSchedule(npc, dictionary[string.Join("_", list)]); } i--; list.RemoveAt(list.Count - 1); } if (dictionary.ContainsKey("spring")) { return parseMasterSchedule(npc, dictionary["spring"]); } return null; } } private bool changeScheduleForLocationAccessibility(NPC npc, ref string locationName, ref int tileX, ref int tileY, ref int facingDirection) { string a = locationName; if (!(a == "JojaMart") && !(a == "Railroad")) { if (a == "CommunityCenter") { return !Game1.isLocationAccessible(locationName); } } else if (!Game1.isLocationAccessible(locationName)) { if (!Game1.content.Load>("Characters\\schedules\\" + + "_Replacement")) { return true; } string[] array = Game1.content.Load>("Characters\\schedules\\" +[locationName + "_Replacement"].Split(new char[] { ' ' }); locationName = array[0]; tileX = Convert.ToInt32(array[1]); tileY = Convert.ToInt32(array[2]); facingDirection = Convert.ToInt32(array[3]); } return false; } private SchedulePathDescription pathfindToNextScheduleLocation(NPC npc, string startingLocation, int startingX, int startingY, string endingLocation, int endingX, int endingY, int finalFacingDirection, string endBehavior, string endMessage) { Stack stack = new Stack(); Point warpPointTarget = new Point(startingX, startingY); List list = (!startingLocation.Equals(endingLocation)) ? getLocationRoute(npc, startingLocation, endingLocation) : null; if (list != null) { for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++) { GameLocation locationFromName = Game1.getLocationFromName(list[i]); if (i < list.Count - 1) { Point warpPointTo = locationFromName.getWarpPointTo(list[i + 1]); if (warpPointTo.Equals(Point.Zero) || warpPointTarget.Equals(Point.Zero)) { throw new Exception("schedule pathing tried to find a warp point that doesn't exist."); } stack = addToStackForSchedule(stack, PathFindController.findPathForNPCSchedules(warpPointTarget, warpPointTo, locationFromName, 30000)); warpPointTarget = locationFromName.getWarpPointTarget(warpPointTo); } else { stack = addToStackForSchedule(stack, PathFindController.findPathForNPCSchedules(warpPointTarget, new Point(endingX, endingY), locationFromName, 30000)); } } } else if (startingLocation.Equals(endingLocation)) { stack = PathFindController.findPathForNPCSchedules(warpPointTarget, new Point(endingX, endingY), Game1.getLocationFromName(startingLocation), 30000); } return new SchedulePathDescription(stack, finalFacingDirection, endBehavior, endMessage); } private List getLocationRoute(NPC npc, string startingLocation, string endingLocation) { FieldInfo field = typeof(NPC).GetField("routesFromLocationToLocation", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance); List> s = (List>)field.GetValue(npc); foreach (List current in s) { if (current.First().Equals(startingLocation) && current.Last().Equals(endingLocation) && (npc.gender == 0 || !current.Contains("BathHouse_MensLocker")) && (npc.gender != 0 || !current.Contains("BathHouse_WomensLocker"))) { return current; } } return null; } private Stack addToStackForSchedule(Stack original, Stack toAdd) { if (toAdd == null) { return original; } original = new Stack(original); while (original.Count > 0) { toAdd.Push(original.Pop()); } return toAdd; } } }