using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using Omegasis.HappyBirthday.Framework;
using StardewModdingAPI;
using StardewModdingAPI.Events;
using StardewValley;
using StardewValley.Characters;
using StardewValley.Monsters;
using SObject = StardewValley.Object;
namespace Omegasis.HappyBirthday
/// The mod entry point.
public class HappyBirthday : Mod
** Properties
/// The relative path for the current player's data file.
private string DataFilePath => Path.Combine("data", $"{Constants.SaveFolderName}.json");
/// The absolute path for the current player's legacy data file.
private string LegacyDataFilePath => Path.Combine(this.Helper.DirectoryPath, "Player_Birthdays", $"HappyBirthday_{}.txt");
/// The mod configuration.
private ModConfig Config;
/// The data for the current player.
private PlayerData PlayerData;
/// Whether the player has chosen a birthday.
private bool HasChosenBirthday => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.PlayerData.BirthdaySeason) && this.PlayerData.BirthdayDay != 0;
/// The queue of villagers who haven't given a gift yet.
private List VillagerQueue;
/// The gifts that villagers can give.
private List- PossibleBirthdayGifts;
/// The next birthday gift the player will receive.
private Item BirthdayGiftToReceive;
/// Whether we've already checked for and (if applicable) set up the player's birthday today.
private bool CheckedForBirthday;
//private Dictionary Dialogue;
//private bool SeenEvent;
** Public methods
/// The mod entry point, called after the mod is first loaded.
/// Provides simplified APIs for writing mods.
public override void Entry(IModHelper helper)
this.Config = helper.ReadConfig();
TimeEvents.AfterDayStarted += this.TimeEvents_AfterDayStarted;
GameEvents.UpdateTick += this.GameEvents_UpdateTick;
SaveEvents.AfterLoad += this.SaveEvents_AfterLoad;
SaveEvents.BeforeSave += this.SaveEvents_BeforeSave;
ControlEvents.KeyPressed += this.ControlEvents_KeyPressed;
** Private methods
/// The method invoked after a new day starts.
/// The event sender.
/// The event data.
private void TimeEvents_AfterDayStarted(object sender, EventArgs e)
this.CheckedForBirthday = false;
/// The method invoked when the presses a keyboard button.
/// The event sender.
/// The event data.
private void ControlEvents_KeyPressed(object sender, EventArgsKeyPressed e)
// show birthday selection menu
if (Context.IsPlayerFree && !this.HasChosenBirthday && e.KeyPressed.ToString() == this.Config.KeyBinding)
Game1.activeClickableMenu = new BirthdayMenu(this.PlayerData.BirthdaySeason, this.PlayerData.BirthdayDay, this.SetBirthday);
/// The method invoked after the player loads a save.
/// The event sender.
/// The event data.
private void SaveEvents_AfterLoad(object sender, EventArgs e)
// reset state
this.VillagerQueue = new List();
this.PossibleBirthdayGifts = new List
- ();
this.BirthdayGiftToReceive = null;
this.CheckedForBirthday = false;
// load settings
this.PlayerData = this.Helper.ReadJsonFile(this.DataFilePath) ?? new PlayerData();
//this.SeenEvent = false;
//this.Dialogue = new Dictionary();
/// The method invoked just before the game updates the saves.
/// The event sender.
/// The event data.
private void SaveEvents_BeforeSave(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (this.HasChosenBirthday)
this.Helper.WriteJsonFile(this.DataFilePath, this.PlayerData);
/// The method invoked when the game updates (roughly 60 times per second).
/// The event sender.
/// The event data.
private void GameEvents_UpdateTick(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (!Context.IsWorldReady || Game1.eventUp || Game1.isFestival())
if (!this.CheckedForBirthday)
this.CheckedForBirthday = true;
// set up birthday
if (this.IsBirthday())
Messages.ShowStarMessage("It's your birthday today! Happy birthday!");
catch (Exception ex)
this.Monitor.Log(ex.ToString(), LogLevel.Error);
foreach (GameLocation location in Game1.locations)
foreach (NPC npc in location.characters)
if (npc is Child || npc is Horse || npc is Junimo || npc is Monster || npc is Pet)
Dialogue d = new Dialogue(Game1.content.Load>("Data\\FarmerBirthdayDialogue")[], npc);
if (npc.CurrentDialogue.ElementAt(0) != d) npc.setNewDialogue(Game1.content.Load>("Data\\FarmerBirthdayDialogue")[]);
Dialogue d = new Dialogue("Happy Birthday @!", npc);
if (npc.CurrentDialogue.ElementAt(0) != d)
npc.setNewDialogue("Happy Birthday @!");
// ask for birthday date
if (!this.HasChosenBirthday)
Game1.activeClickableMenu = new BirthdayMenu(this.PlayerData.BirthdaySeason, this.PlayerData.BirthdayDay, this.SetBirthday);
this.CheckedForBirthday = false;
// unreachable since we exit early if Game1.eventUp
//if (Game1.eventUp)
// foreach (string npcName in this.VillagerQueue)
// {
// NPC npc = Game1.getCharacterFromName(npcName);
// try
// {
// this.Dialogue.Add(npcName, npc.CurrentDialogue.Pop());
// }
// catch (Exception ex)
// {
// this.Monitor.Log(ex.ToString(), LogLevel.Error);
// this.Dialogue.Add(npcName, npc.CurrentDialogue.ElementAt(0));
// npc.loadSeasonalDialogue();
// }
// this.SeenEvent = true;
// }
//if (!Game1.eventUp && this.SeenEvent)
// foreach (KeyValuePair v in this.Dialogue)
// {
// NPC npc = Game1.getCharacterFromName(v.Key);
// npc.CurrentDialogue.Push(v.Value);
// }
// this.Dialogue.Clear();
// this.SeenEvent = false;
// set birthday gift
if (Game1.currentSpeaker != null)
string name =;
if (this.IsBirthday() && this.VillagerQueue.Contains(name))
catch (Exception ex)
this.Monitor.Log(ex.ToString(), LogLevel.Error);
if (this.BirthdayGiftToReceive != null && Game1.currentSpeaker != null)
while (this.BirthdayGiftToReceive.Name == "Error Item" || this.BirthdayGiftToReceive.Name == "Rock" || this.BirthdayGiftToReceive.Name == "???")
this.BirthdayGiftToReceive = null;
/// Set the player's birtday/
/// The birthday season.
/// The birthday day.
private void SetBirthday(string season, int day)
this.PlayerData.BirthdaySeason = season;
this.PlayerData.BirthdayDay = day;
/// Reset the queue of villager names.
private void ResetVillagerQueue()
foreach (GameLocation location in Game1.locations)
foreach (NPC npc in location.characters)
if (npc is Child || npc is Horse || npc is Junimo || npc is Monster || npc is Pet)
if (this.VillagerQueue.Contains(
/// Set the next birthday gift the player will receive.
/// The villager's name who's giving the gift.
/// This returns gifts based on the speaker's heart level towards the player: neutral for 0-3, good for 4-6, and best for 7-10.
private void SetNextBirthdayGift(string name)
Item gift;
if (this.PossibleBirthdayGifts.Count > 0)
Random random = new Random();
int index = random.Next(this.PossibleBirthdayGifts.Count);
gift = this.PossibleBirthdayGifts[index];
if (Game1.player.isInventoryFull())
Game1.createItemDebris(gift, Game1.player.getStandingPosition(), Game1.player.getDirection());
this.BirthdayGiftToReceive = gift;
Random rnd2 = new Random();
int r2 = rnd2.Next(this.PossibleBirthdayGifts.Count);
gift = this.PossibleBirthdayGifts.ElementAt(r2);
if (Game1.player.isInventoryFull())
Game1.createItemDebris(gift, Game1.player.getStandingPosition(), Game1.player.getDirection());
this.BirthdayGiftToReceive = gift;
/// Get the default gift items.
/// The villager's name.
private IEnumerable GetDefaultBirthdayGifts(string name)
List gifts = new List();
// read from birthday gifts file
IDictionary data = Game1.content.Load>("Data\\PossibleBirthdayGifts");
string text;
data.TryGetValue(name, out text);
if (text != null)
string[] fields = text.Split('/');
// love
if (Game1.player.getFriendshipHeartLevelForNPC(name) >= 7)
string[] loveFields = fields[1].Split(' ');
for (int i = 0; i < loveFields.Length; i += 2)
gifts.AddRange(this.GetItems(Convert.ToInt32(loveFields[i]), Convert.ToInt32(loveFields[i + 1])));
catch { }
// like
if (Game1.player.getFriendshipHeartLevelForNPC(name) >= 4 && Game1.player.getFriendshipHeartLevelForNPC(name) <= 6)
string[] likeFields = fields[3].Split(' ');
for (int i = 0; i < likeFields.Length; i += 2)
gifts.AddRange(this.GetItems(Convert.ToInt32(likeFields[i]), Convert.ToInt32(likeFields[i + 1])));
catch { }
// neutral
if (Game1.player.getFriendshipHeartLevelForNPC(name) >= 0 && Game1.player.getFriendshipHeartLevelForNPC(name) <= 3)
string[] neutralFields = fields[5].Split(' ');
for (int i = 0; i < neutralFields.Length; i += 2)
gifts.AddRange(this.GetItems(Convert.ToInt32(neutralFields[i]), Convert.ToInt32(neutralFields[i + 1])));
catch { }
// get NPC's preferred gifts
if (Game1.player.getFriendshipHeartLevelForNPC(name) >= 7)
gifts.AddRange(this.GetUniversalItems("Love", true));
if (Game1.player.getFriendshipHeartLevelForNPC(name) >= 4 && Game1.player.getFriendshipHeartLevelForNPC(name) <= 6)
this.PossibleBirthdayGifts.AddRange(this.GetUniversalItems("Like", true));
if (Game1.player.getFriendshipHeartLevelForNPC(name) >= 0 && Game1.player.getFriendshipHeartLevelForNPC(name) <= 3)
this.PossibleBirthdayGifts.AddRange(this.GetUniversalItems("Neutral", true));
// get NPC's preferred gifts
if (Game1.player.getFriendshipHeartLevelForNPC(name) >= 7)
this.PossibleBirthdayGifts.AddRange(this.GetUniversalItems("Love", false));
if (Game1.player.getFriendshipHeartLevelForNPC(name) >= 4 && Game1.player.getFriendshipHeartLevelForNPC(name) <= 6)
this.PossibleBirthdayGifts.AddRange(this.GetUniversalItems("Like", false));
if (Game1.player.getFriendshipHeartLevelForNPC(name) >= 0 && Game1.player.getFriendshipHeartLevelForNPC(name) <= 3)
this.PossibleBirthdayGifts.AddRange(this.GetUniversalItems("Neutral", false));
//TODO: Make different tiers of gifts depending on the friendship, and if it is the spouse.
this.possible_birthday_gifts.Add((Item)new SytardewValley.Object(198, 1));
this.possible_birthday_gifts.Add((Item)new SytardewValley.Object(204, 1));
this.possible_birthday_gifts.Add((Item)new SytardewValley.Object(220, 1));
this.possible_birthday_gifts.Add((Item)new SytardewValley.Object(221, 1));
this.possible_birthday_gifts.Add((Item)new SytardewValley.Object(223, 1));
this.possible_birthday_gifts.Add((Item)new SytardewValley.Object(233, 1));
this.possible_birthday_gifts.Add((Item)new SytardewValley.Object(234, 1));
this.possible_birthday_gifts.Add((Item)new SytardewValley.Object(286, 5));
this.possible_birthday_gifts.Add((Item)new SytardewValley.Object(368, 5));
this.possible_birthday_gifts.Add((Item)new SytardewValley.Object(608, 1));
this.possible_birthday_gifts.Add((Item)new SytardewValley.Object(612, 1));
this.possible_birthday_gifts.Add((Item)new SytardewValley.Object(773, 1));
return gifts;
/// Get the items loved by all villagers.
/// The group to get (one of Like, Love, Neutral).
/// Whether to get data from Data\PossibleBirthdayGifts.xnb instead of the game data.
private IEnumerable GetUniversalItems(string group, bool isBirthdayGiftList)
if (!isBirthdayGiftList)
// get raw data
string text;
Game1.NPCGiftTastes.TryGetValue($"Universal_{group}", out text);
if (text == null)
yield break;
// parse
string[] neutralIDs = text.Split(' ');
foreach (string neutralID in neutralIDs)
foreach (SObject obj in this.GetItems(Convert.ToInt32(neutralID)))
yield return obj;
// get raw data
Dictionary data = Game1.content.Load>("Data\\PossibleBirthdayGifts");
string text;
data.TryGetValue($"Universal_{group}_Gift", out text);
if (text == null)
yield break;
// parse
string[] array = text.Split(' ');
for (int i = 0; i < array.Length; i += 2)
foreach (SObject obj in this.GetItems(Convert.ToInt32(array[i]), Convert.ToInt32(array[i + 1])))
yield return obj;
/// Get a villager's loved items.
/// The villager's name.
private IEnumerable GetLikedItems(string name)
// get raw data
string text;
Game1.NPCGiftTastes.TryGetValue(name, out text);
if (text == null)
yield break;
// parse
string[] data = text.Split('/');
string[] likedIDs = data[3].Split(' ');
foreach (string likedID in likedIDs)
foreach (SObject obj in this.GetItems(Convert.ToInt32(likedID)))
yield return obj;
/// Get a villager's loved items.
/// The villager's name.
private IEnumerable GetLovedItems(string name)
// get raw data
string text;
Game1.NPCGiftTastes.TryGetValue(name, out text);
if (text == null)
yield break;
// parse
string[] data = text.Split('/');
string[] lovedIDs = data[1].Split(' ');
foreach (string lovedID in lovedIDs)
foreach (SObject obj in this.GetItems(Convert.ToInt32(lovedID)))
yield return obj;
/// Get the items matching the given ID.
/// The category or item ID.
private IEnumerable GetItems(int id)
return id < 0
? ObjectUtility.GetObjectsInCategory(id)
: new[] { new SObject(id, 1) };
/// Get the items matching the given ID.
/// The category or item ID.
/// The stack size.
private IEnumerable GetItems(int id, int stack)
foreach (SObject obj in this.GetItems(id))
yield return new SObject(obj.parentSheetIndex, stack);
/// Get whether today is the player's birthday.
private bool IsBirthday()
this.PlayerData.BirthdayDay == Game1.dayOfMonth
&& this.PlayerData.BirthdaySeason == Game1.currentSeason;
/// Migrate the legacy settings for the current player.
private void MigrateLegacyData()
// skip if no legacy data or new data already exists
if (!File.Exists(this.LegacyDataFilePath) || File.Exists(this.DataFilePath))
// migrate to new file
string[] text = File.ReadAllLines(this.LegacyDataFilePath);
this.Helper.WriteJsonFile(this.DataFilePath, new PlayerData
BirthdaySeason = text[3],
BirthdayDay = Convert.ToInt32(text[5])
FileInfo file = new FileInfo(this.LegacyDataFilePath);
if (!file.Directory.EnumerateFiles().Any())
catch (Exception ex)
this.Monitor.Log($"Error migrating data from the legacy 'Player_Birthdays' folder for the current player. Technical details:\n {ex}", LogLevel.Error);