using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework;
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics;
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Input;
using Revitalize.Framework.Menus.MenuComponents;
using StardewValley;
using StardewValley.Menus;
using StardustCore.UIUtilities;
using StardustCore.UIUtilities.MenuComponents.ComponentsV2.Buttons;
namespace Revitalize.Framework.Menus
/// A simple menu for displaying craftable objects.
public class CraftingMenuV1 : IClickableMenuExtended
/// All the different pages for crafting.
public Dictionary CraftingTabs;
/// All of the actual buttons to display for crafting.
public Dictionary> craftingItemsToDisplay;
/// The inventory to tke items from.
public IList- fromInventory;
/// The inventory to put items into.
public IList
- toInventory;
/// The current page index for the current tab.
public int currentPageIndex;
/// The name of the current tab.
public string currentTab;
/// The background color for the menu.
public Color backgroundColor;
/// The x offset for the menu so that tabs can be interacted with properly.
public int xOffset = 72;
/// Teh hover text to display.
public string hoverText;
/// How many crafting recipes to display at a time.
public int amountOfRecipesToShow = 9;
/// Is this menu the player's?
public bool playerInventory;
/// The crafting info menu that displays when a recipe is clicked.
public CraftingInformationPage craftingInfo;
/// The previous page button.
public AnimatedButton leftButton;
/// The next page button.
public AnimatedButton rightButton;
/// The search box used for looking for specific items.
public StardewValley.Menus.TextBox searchBox;
/// The maximum amount of pages to display.
private int maxPages
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.currentTab)) return 0;
List searchSelection;
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.searchBox.Text) == false)
searchSelection = this.craftingItemsToDisplay[this.currentTab].FindAll(i => i.displayItem.item.DisplayName.ToLowerInvariant().Contains(this.searchBox.Text.ToLowerInvariant()));
searchSelection = this.craftingItemsToDisplay[this.currentTab];
return (int)(Math.Ceiling((double)(searchSelection.Count / this.amountOfRecipesToShow)));
public CraftingMenuV1() : base()
/// Constructor to be used when the inventory is the player's
public CraftingMenuV1(int X, int Y, int Width, int Height, Color BackgroundColor, IList
- Inventory) : base(X, Y, Width, Height, false)
this.backgroundColor = BackgroundColor;
this.CraftingTabs = new Dictionary();
this.craftingItemsToDisplay = new Dictionary>();
this.currentPageIndex = 0;
this.fromInventory = Inventory;
this.toInventory = Inventory;
this.playerInventory = true;
/// Constructor to be used when inventory destination is the same and not the player.
public CraftingMenuV1(int X, int Y, int Width, int Height, Color BackgroundColor, ref IList
- Inventory) : base(X, Y, Width, Height, false)
this.backgroundColor = BackgroundColor;
this.CraftingTabs = new Dictionary();
this.craftingItemsToDisplay = new Dictionary>();
this.currentPageIndex = 0;
this.fromInventory = Inventory;
this.toInventory = Inventory;
/// Inventory constructor to be used when the input and output inventories are different.
public CraftingMenuV1(int X, int Y, int Width, int Height, Color BackgroundColor, ref IList
- FromInventory, ref IList
- ToInventory) : base(X, Y, Width, Height, false)
this.backgroundColor = BackgroundColor;
this.CraftingTabs = new Dictionary();
this.craftingItemsToDisplay = new Dictionary>();
this.currentPageIndex = 0;
this.fromInventory = FromInventory;
this.toInventory = ToInventory;
/// Fix the display of menu elements when the menu is resized.
public override void gameWindowSizeChanged(Rectangle oldBounds, Rectangle newBounds)
base.gameWindowSizeChanged(oldBounds, newBounds);
if (this.craftingInfo != null)
this.craftingInfo.gameWindowSizeChanged(oldBounds, newBounds);
/// Initialize the buttons for the menu.
private void initializeButtons()
this.leftButton = new AnimatedButton(new StardustCore.Animations.AnimatedSprite("Left Button", new Vector2(this.xPositionOnScreen, this.yPositionOnScreen), new StardustCore.Animations.AnimationManager(TextureManager.GetExtendedTexture(ModCore.Manifest, "InventoryMenu", "PreviousPageButton"), new StardustCore.Animations.Animation(0, 0, 32, 32)), Color.White), new Rectangle(0, 0, 32, 32), 2f);
this.rightButton = new AnimatedButton(new StardustCore.Animations.AnimatedSprite("Right Button", new Vector2(this.xPositionOnScreen + this.width, this.yPositionOnScreen), new StardustCore.Animations.AnimationManager(TextureManager.GetExtendedTexture(ModCore.Manifest, "InventoryMenu", "NextPageButton"), new StardustCore.Animations.Animation(0, 0, 32, 32)), Color.White), new Rectangle(0, 0, 32, 32), 2f);
this.searchBox = new TextBox((Texture2D)null, (Texture2D)null, Game1.dialogueFont, Game1.textColor);
this.searchBox.X = this.xPositionOnScreen + this.width + 96;
this.searchBox.Y = this.yPositionOnScreen;
this.searchBox.Width = 256;
this.searchBox.Height = 192;
Game1.keyboardDispatcher.Subscriber = (IKeyboardSubscriber)this.searchBox;
this.searchBox.Selected = false;
/// What happens when the menu receives a key press.
public override void receiveKeyPress(Keys key)
if (this.searchBox.Selected && key != Keys.Escape)
/// Sorts all of the recipes for the menu.
public void sortRecipes()
foreach (KeyValuePair> pair in this.craftingItemsToDisplay)
List copy = pair.Value.ToList();
copy = copy.OrderBy(x => x.displayItem.item.DisplayName).ToList();
foreach (CraftingRecipeButton b in copy)
this.addInCraftingRecipe(b, pair.Key);
/// Adds in a new tab for the crafting recipe menu.
public void addInCraftingPageTab(string name, AnimatedButton Button)
int count = this.CraftingTabs.Count;
if (this.CraftingTabs.ContainsKey(name))
Vector2 newPos = new Vector2(100 + (48) * (count + 1), this.yPositionOnScreen + (24 * 4) * (count + 1));
Button.Position = newPos;
this.CraftingTabs.Add(name, Button);
this.craftingItemsToDisplay.Add(name, new List());
/// Adds in a crafting recipe to the crafting menu.
public void addInCraftingRecipe(CraftingRecipeButton Button, string WhichTab)
if (this.craftingItemsToDisplay.ContainsKey(WhichTab))
int count = this.craftingItemsToDisplay[WhichTab].Count % this.amountOfRecipesToShow;
Vector2 newPos = new Vector2(this.xPositionOnScreen + (128), (this.yPositionOnScreen + 64) + (64 * (count + 1)));
Button.displayItem.Position = newPos;
throw new Exception("Tab: " + WhichTab + " doesn't exist!");
/// What happens when you hover over a menu element.
public override void performHoverAction(int x, int y)
bool hovered = false;
foreach (KeyValuePair pair in this.CraftingTabs)
if (pair.Value.containsPoint(x, y))
this.hoverText = pair.Key;
hovered = true;
//get range of buttons to show
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.currentTab) == false)
List buttonsToDraw = this.getRecipeButtonsToDisplay();
foreach (CraftingRecipeButton button in buttonsToDraw)
if (button.containsPoint(x, y))
this.hoverText = button.recipe.outputName;
hovered = true;
if (hovered == false)
this.hoverText = "";
/// What happens when the meu receives a left click.
public override void receiveLeftClick(int x, int y, bool playSound = true)
if (this.leftButton.containsPoint(x, y))
if (this.currentPageIndex <= 0) this.currentPageIndex = 0;
if (this.rightButton.containsPoint(x, y))
if (this.currentPageIndex < this.maxPages)
Rectangle r = new Rectangle(this.searchBox.X, this.searchBox.Y, this.searchBox.Width, this.searchBox.Height / 2);
if (r.Contains(x, y))
this.searchBox.Selected = false;
foreach (KeyValuePair pair in this.CraftingTabs)
if (pair.Value.containsPoint(x, y))
this.currentTab = pair.Key;
this.currentPageIndex = 0;
//get range of buttons to show
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.currentTab) == false)
List buttonsToDraw = this.getRecipeButtonsToDisplay();
foreach (CraftingRecipeButton button in buttonsToDraw)
if (button.containsPoint(x, y))
//button.craftItem(this.fromInventory, this.toInventory);
if (this.playerInventory)
this.fromInventory = Game1.player.Items;
this.craftingInfo = new CraftingInformationPage(this.xPositionOnScreen + this.width + this.xOffset, this.yPositionOnScreen, 400, this.height, this.backgroundColor, button, ref this.fromInventory, this.playerInventory);
if (this.playerInventory)
Game1.player.Items = this.toInventory;
if (this.craftingInfo != null)
this.craftingInfo.receiveLeftClick(x, y);
if (this.craftingInfo.doesMenuContainPoint(x, y)) return;
this.craftingInfo = null;
/// Draws the menu to the screen.
public override void draw(SpriteBatch b)
this.drawDialogueBoxBackground(this.xPositionOnScreen + this.xOffset, this.yPositionOnScreen, this.width, this.height, this.backgroundColor);
if (this.currentPageIndex > this.maxPages) this.currentPageIndex = 0;
//Draw page numbers here.
//b.DrawString(Game1.smallFont,"Page: "+this.currentPageIndex.ToString()/)
b.DrawString(Game1.dialogueFont, ("Page: " + (this.currentPageIndex + 1) + " / " + (this.maxPages + 1)).ToString(), new Vector2(this.xPositionOnScreen + 128, this.yPositionOnScreen), Color.White);
this.searchBox.Draw(b, true);
foreach (KeyValuePair pair in this.CraftingTabs)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.currentTab))
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.hoverText) == false)
IClickableMenuExtended.drawHoverText(b, this.hoverText, Game1.dialogueFont);
List buttonsToDraw = this.getRecipeButtonsToDisplay();
foreach (CraftingRecipeButton button in buttonsToDraw)
if (button.recipe.CanCraft(this.fromInventory))
button.draw(b, .25f);
b.DrawString(Game1.smallFont, button.displayItem.item.DisplayName, button.displayItem.Position + new Vector2(64, 0), Color.Brown);
if (this.craftingInfo != null)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.hoverText) == false)
IClickableMenuExtended.drawHoverText(b, this.hoverText, Game1.dialogueFont);
/// Gets all of the crafting buttons to display.
private List getRecipeButtonsToDisplay()
List searchSelection;
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.searchBox.Text) == false)
searchSelection = this.craftingItemsToDisplay[this.currentTab].FindAll(i => i.displayItem.item.DisplayName.ToLowerInvariant().Contains(this.searchBox.Text.ToLowerInvariant()));
searchSelection = this.craftingItemsToDisplay[this.currentTab];
searchSelection = this.searchSort(searchSelection);
int amount = searchSelection.Count / this.amountOfRecipesToShow;
int min = this.currentPageIndex == amount ? searchSelection.Count % this.amountOfRecipesToShow : this.amountOfRecipesToShow;
List buttonsToDraw = searchSelection.GetRange(this.currentPageIndex * this.amountOfRecipesToShow, min);
return buttonsToDraw;
/// Repositions crafting buttons based on the current sort context.
private List searchSort(List Unsorted)
List copy = Unsorted.ToList();
//copy = copy.OrderBy(x => x.displayItem.item.DisplayName).ToList(); //Sort the recipes again. Probably unnecessary.
//Do sorting;
for (int i = 0; i < Unsorted.Count; i++)
int count = i % this.amountOfRecipesToShow;
copy[i].displayItem.Position = new Vector2(this.xPositionOnScreen + (128), (this.yPositionOnScreen + 64) + (64 * (count + 1)));
return copy;