305 lines
15 KiB
305 lines
15 KiB
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using StardewModdingAPI;
using System.IO;
using StardewValley;
namespace MoreRain
public class MoreRain : Mod
int springRainInt;
int springThunderInt;
int summerRainInt;
int summerThunderInt;
int fallRainInt;
int fallThunderInt;
int winterSnowInt;
bool gameloaded;
bool suppress_log;
public override void Entry(IModHelper helper)
// set_up();
StardewModdingAPI.Events.SaveEvents.AfterLoad += PlayerEvents_LoadedGame;
StardewModdingAPI.Events.TimeEvents.DayOfMonthChanged += TimeEvents_DayOfMonthChanged;
public void TimeEvents_DayOfMonthChanged(object sender, StardewModdingAPI.Events.EventArgsIntChanged e)
if (gameloaded == false) return;
public void PlayerEvents_LoadedGame(object sender, EventArgs e)
gameloaded = true;
void New_day_Update() //updates all info whenever I call this.
if (Game1.weatherForTomorrow == Game1.weather_festival )
if(suppress_log==false)Monitor.Log("There is a festival tomorrow, therefore it will not rain.");
if(Game1.weatherForTomorrow== Game1.weather_wedding)
if(suppress_log==false)Monitor.Log("There is a wedding tomorrow and rain on your wedding day will not happen.");
Random random = new Random();
int randomNumber = random.Next(0, 100); //sets ran variable to some num between 0 and 100
Random thunder_random = new Random();
int thunder_randomNumber = random.Next(0, 100);
if (Game1.currentSeason == "spring")
if (StardewValley.Game1.weatherForTomorrow == StardewValley.Game1.weather_sunny || StardewValley.Game1.weatherForTomorrow == StardewValley.Game1.weather_rain || StardewValley.Game1.weatherForTomorrow == StardewValley.Game1.weather_lightning || StardewValley.Game1.weatherForTomorrow == StardewValley.Game1.weather_debris)
{ //if my weather isn't something special. This is to prevent something from going wierd.
if (randomNumber <= springRainInt) //if the random variable is less than or equal to the chance for rain.
StardewValley.Game1.weatherForTomorrow = StardewValley.Game1.weather_rain; //sets rainy weather tomorrow
if (suppress_log == false) Monitor.Log("It will rain tomorrow.");
StardewValley.Game1.weatherForTomorrow = StardewValley.Game1.weather_sunny;//sets sunny weather tomorrow
if (suppress_log == false) Monitor.Log("It will not rain tomorrow.");
if (StardewValley.Game1.weatherForTomorrow == StardewValley.Game1.weather_rain)
if (randomNumber <= springThunderInt) //if the random variable is less than or equal to the chance for rain.
StardewValley.Game1.weatherForTomorrow = StardewValley.Game1.weather_lightning; //sets rainy weather tomorrow
if (suppress_log == false) Monitor.Log("It will be stormy tomorrow.");
StardewValley.Game1.weatherForTomorrow = StardewValley.Game1.weather_rain;//sets sunny weather tomorrow
if (suppress_log == false) Monitor.Log("There will be no lightning tomorrow.");
else if (Game1.currentSeason == "summer")
if (StardewValley.Game1.weatherForTomorrow == StardewValley.Game1.weather_sunny || StardewValley.Game1.weatherForTomorrow == StardewValley.Game1.weather_rain || StardewValley.Game1.weatherForTomorrow == StardewValley.Game1.weather_lightning || StardewValley.Game1.weatherForTomorrow == StardewValley.Game1.weather_debris)
{ //if my weather isn't something special. This is to prevent something from going wierd.
if (randomNumber <= summerRainInt) //if the random variable is less than or equal to the chance for rain.
StardewValley.Game1.weatherForTomorrow = StardewValley.Game1.weather_rain; //sets rainy weather tomorrow
if (suppress_log == false) Monitor.Log("It will rain tomorrow.");
StardewValley.Game1.weatherForTomorrow = StardewValley.Game1.weather_sunny;//sets sunny weather tomorrow
if (suppress_log == false) Monitor.Log("It will not rain tomorrow.");
if (StardewValley.Game1.weatherForTomorrow == StardewValley.Game1.weather_rain)
if (randomNumber <= summerThunderInt) //if the random variable is less than or equal to the chance for rain.
StardewValley.Game1.weatherForTomorrow = StardewValley.Game1.weather_lightning; //sets rainy weather tomorrow
if (suppress_log == false) Monitor.Log("It will be stormy tomorrow.");
StardewValley.Game1.weatherForTomorrow = StardewValley.Game1.weather_rain;//sets sunny weather tomorrow
if (suppress_log == false) Monitor.Log("There will be no lightning tomorrow.");
else if (Game1.currentSeason=="fall"|| Game1.currentSeason == "autumn")
if (StardewValley.Game1.weatherForTomorrow == StardewValley.Game1.weather_sunny || StardewValley.Game1.weatherForTomorrow == StardewValley.Game1.weather_rain || StardewValley.Game1.weatherForTomorrow == StardewValley.Game1.weather_lightning || StardewValley.Game1.weatherForTomorrow == StardewValley.Game1.weather_debris)
{ //if my weather isn't something special. This is to prevent something from going wierd.
if (randomNumber <= fallRainInt) //if the random variable is less than or equal to the chance for rain.
StardewValley.Game1.weatherForTomorrow = StardewValley.Game1.weather_rain; //sets rainy weather tomorrow
if (suppress_log == false) Monitor.Log("It will rain tomorrow.");
StardewValley.Game1.weatherForTomorrow = StardewValley.Game1.weather_sunny;//sets sunny weather tomorrow
if (suppress_log == false) Monitor.Log("It will not rain tomorrow.");
if (StardewValley.Game1.weatherForTomorrow == StardewValley.Game1.weather_rain)
if (randomNumber <= fallThunderInt) //if the random variable is less than or equal to the chance for rain.
StardewValley.Game1.weatherForTomorrow = StardewValley.Game1.weather_lightning; //sets rainy weather tomorrow
if (suppress_log == false) Monitor.Log("It will be stormy tomorrow.");
StardewValley.Game1.weatherForTomorrow = StardewValley.Game1.weather_rain;//sets sunny weather tomorrow
if (suppress_log == false) Monitor.Log("There will be no lightning tomorrow.");
else if (Game1.currentSeason == "winter")
if (StardewValley.Game1.weatherForTomorrow == StardewValley.Game1.weather_sunny || StardewValley.Game1.weatherForTomorrow == StardewValley.Game1.weather_rain || StardewValley.Game1.weatherForTomorrow == StardewValley.Game1.weather_lightning || StardewValley.Game1.weatherForTomorrow == StardewValley.Game1.weather_debris || Game1.weatherForTomorrow==StardewValley.Game1.weather_snow)
{ //if my weather isn't something special. This is to prevent something from going wierd.
if (randomNumber <= winterSnowInt) //if the random variable is less than or equal to the chance for rain.
StardewValley.Game1.weatherForTomorrow = StardewValley.Game1.weather_snow; //sets rainy weather tomorrow
if (suppress_log == false) Monitor.Log("It will snow tomorrow.");
//StardewValley.Game1.weatherForTomorrow = StardewValley.Game1.weather_sunny;//sets sunny weather tomorrow
if (suppress_log == false) Monitor.Log("It will not snow tomorrow.");
void MyWritter()
//saves the BuildEndurance_data at the end of a new day;
string mylocation = Path.Combine(Helper.DirectoryPath, "More_Rain_Config");
//string mylocation2 = mylocation + myname;
string mylocation3 = mylocation + ".txt";
string[] mystring3 = new string[20];
if (!File.Exists(mylocation3))
Monitor.Log("The data file for More Rain wasn't found. Time to create it!");
//write out the info to a text file at the end of a day. This will run if it doesnt exist.
mystring3[0] = "Player: More Rain Config. Feel free to edit.";
mystring3[1] = "====================================================================================";
mystring3[2] = "Spring Rain chance: The chance out of 100 that it will rain tomorrow.";
mystring3[3] = springRainInt.ToString();
mystring3[4] = "Spring Storm chance: The chance out of 100 that it will be stormy tomorrow.";
mystring3[5] = springThunderInt.ToString();
mystring3[6] = "Summer Rain chance: The chance out of 100 that it will rain tomorrow.";
mystring3[7] = summerRainInt.ToString();
mystring3[8] = "Summer Storm chance: The chance out of 100 that it will be stormy tomorrow.";
mystring3[9] = summerThunderInt.ToString();
mystring3[10] = "Fall Rain chance: The chance out of 100 that it will rain tomorrow.";
mystring3[11] = fallRainInt.ToString();
mystring3[12] = "Fall Storm chance: The chance out of 100 that it will be stormy tomorrow.";
mystring3[13] = fallThunderInt.ToString();
mystring3[14] = "Winter Snow chance: The chance out of 100 that it will rain tomorrow.";
mystring3[15] = winterSnowInt.ToString();
mystring3[16] = "Supress Log: If true, the mod won't output any messages to the console.";
mystring3[17] = suppress_log.ToString();
File.WriteAllLines(mylocation3, mystring3);
Monitor.Log("The data file for More Rain wasn't found. Time to create it!");
//write out the info to a text file at the end of a day. This will run if it doesnt exist.
mystring3[0] = "Player: More Rain Config. Feel free to edit.";
mystring3[1] = "====================================================================================";
mystring3[2] = "Spring Rain chance: The chance out of 100 that it will rain tomorrow.";
mystring3[3] = springRainInt.ToString();
mystring3[4] = "Spring Storm chance: The chance out of 100 that it will be stormy tomorrow.";
mystring3[5] = springThunderInt.ToString();
mystring3[6] = "Summer Rain chance: The chance out of 100 that it will rain tomorrow.";
mystring3[7] = summerRainInt.ToString();
mystring3[8] = "Summer Storm chance: The chance out of 100 that it will be stormy tomorrow.";
mystring3[9] = summerThunderInt.ToString();
mystring3[10] = "Fall Rain chance: The chance out of 100 that it will rain tomorrow.";
mystring3[11] = fallRainInt.ToString();
mystring3[12] = "Fall Storm chance: The chance out of 100 that it will be stormy tomorrow.";
mystring3[13] = fallThunderInt.ToString();
mystring3[14] = "Winter Snow chance: The chance out of 100 that it will rain tomorrow.";
mystring3[15] = winterSnowInt.ToString();
mystring3[16] = "Supress Log: If true, the mod won't output any messages to the console.";
mystring3[17] = suppress_log.ToString();
File.WriteAllLines(mylocation3, mystring3);
void DataLoader()
//loads the data to the variables upon loading the game.
string mylocation = Path.Combine(Helper.DirectoryPath, "More_Rain_Config");
//string mylocation2 = mylocation + myname;
string mylocation3 = mylocation + ".txt";
if (!File.Exists(mylocation3)) //if not data.json exists, initialize the data variables to the ModConfig data. I.E. starting out.
springRainInt = 15;
summerRainInt = 5;
fallRainInt = 15;
winterSnowInt = 15;
springThunderInt = 5;
summerThunderInt = 10;
fallThunderInt = 5;
suppress_log = true;
string[] readtext = File.ReadAllLines(mylocation3);
springRainInt = Convert.ToInt32(readtext[3]);
springThunderInt = Convert.ToInt32(readtext[5]);
summerRainInt = Convert.ToInt32(readtext[7]);
summerThunderInt = Convert.ToInt32(readtext[9]);
fallRainInt = Convert.ToInt32(readtext[11]);
fallThunderInt = Convert.ToInt32(readtext[13]);
winterSnowInt = Convert.ToInt32(readtext[15]);
suppress_log = Convert.ToBoolean(readtext[17]);
catch (Exception e) //something dun goofed
springRainInt = 15;
summerRainInt = 5;
fallRainInt = 15;
winterSnowInt = 15;
springThunderInt = 5;
summerThunderInt = 10;
fallThunderInt = 5;
suppress_log = true;