262 lines
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262 lines
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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework;
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using StardewValley;
namespace Revitalize.Framework.Illuminate
/// <summary>
/// Deals with handling lights on custom objects.
/// </summary>
public class LightManager
/// <summary>
/// The lights held by this object.
/// </summary>
public Dictionary<Vector2, LightSource> lights;
/// <summary>
/// Used to recreate lights at run time.
/// </summary>
public Dictionary<Vector2, FakeLightSource> fakeLights;
/// <summary>
/// Are the lights on this object on?
/// </summary>
public bool lightsOn;
/// <summary>
/// Magic number for positioning.
/// </summary>
public const int lightBigNumber= 1000000;
public bool requiresUpdate;
/// <summary>
/// Constructor.
/// </summary>
public LightManager()
this.lights = new Dictionary<Vector2, LightSource>();
this.fakeLights = new Dictionary<Vector2, FakeLightSource>();
this.lightsOn = false;
/// <summary>Add a light to the list of tracked lights.</summary>
public bool addLight(Vector2 IdKey, LightSource light, StardewValley.Object gameObject)
if (gameObject.TileLocation.X < 0) gameObject.TileLocation = new Vector2(gameObject.TileLocation.X * -1, gameObject.TileLocation.Y);
if (gameObject.TileLocation.Y < 0) gameObject.TileLocation = new Vector2(gameObject.TileLocation.X, gameObject.TileLocation.Y*-1);
Vector2 initialPosition = gameObject.TileLocation * Game1.tileSize;
initialPosition += IdKey;
if (this.lights.ContainsKey(IdKey))
return false;
light.position.Value = initialPosition;
this.lights.Add(IdKey, light);
if (this.fakeLights.ContainsKey(IdKey)) return true;
this.fakeLights.Add(IdKey, new FakeLightSource(light.Identifier, light.position.Value, light.color.Value.Invert(), light.radius.Value));
this.requiresUpdate = true;
return true;
/// <summary>
/// Adds in a light at the given tile location in the world.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="IdKey"></param>
/// <param name="light"></param>
/// <param name="gameObjectTileLocation"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public bool addLight(Vector2 IdKey, LightSource light, Vector2 gameObjectTileLocation)
if (gameObjectTileLocation.X < 0) gameObjectTileLocation = new Vector2(gameObjectTileLocation.X * -1, gameObjectTileLocation.Y);
if (gameObjectTileLocation.Y < 0) gameObjectTileLocation = new Vector2(gameObjectTileLocation.X, gameObjectTileLocation.Y * -1);
Vector2 initialPosition = gameObjectTileLocation * Game1.tileSize;
initialPosition += IdKey;
if (this.lights.ContainsKey(IdKey))
return false;
light.position.Value = initialPosition;
this.lights.Add(IdKey, light);
if (this.fakeLights.ContainsKey(IdKey)) return true;
this.fakeLights.Add(IdKey, new FakeLightSource(light.Identifier, light.position.Value, light.color.Value.Invert(), light.radius.Value));
this.requiresUpdate = true;
return true;
/// <summary>Turn off a single light.</summary>
public bool turnOffLight(Vector2 IdKey, GameLocation location)
if (!this.lights.ContainsKey(IdKey))
return false;
this.lights.TryGetValue(IdKey, out LightSource light);
location.sharedLights.Remove((int)IdKey.X * lightBigNumber + (int)IdKey.Y);
return true;
/// <summary>Turn on a single light.</summary>
public bool turnOnLight(Vector2 IdKey, GameLocation location, StardewValley.Object gameObject)
if (!this.lights.ContainsKey(IdKey))
return false;
this.lights.TryGetValue(IdKey, out var light);
if (light == null)
throw new Exception("Light is null????");
if (location == null)
throw new Exception("WHY IS LOC NULL???");
if (location.sharedLights == null)
throw new Exception("Locational lights is null!");
if (light.lightTexture == null)
light.lightTexture = this.loadTextureFromConstantValue(light.Identifier);
this.repositionLight(light, IdKey, gameObject);
this.requiresUpdate = true;
return true;
/// <summary>Add a light source to this location.</summary>
/// <param name="environment">The game location to add the light source in.</param>
public virtual void turnOnLights(GameLocation environment, StardewValley.Object gameObject)
foreach (KeyValuePair<Vector2, LightSource> pair in this.lights)
this.turnOnLight(pair.Key, environment, gameObject);
/// <summary>Removes a lightsource from the game location.</summary>
/// <param name="environment">The game location to remove the light source from.</param>
public void turnOffLights(GameLocation environment)
foreach (KeyValuePair<Vector2, LightSource> pair in this.lights)
this.turnOffLight(pair.Key, environment);
/// <summary>
/// Repositions all lights for this object.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="gameObject"></param>
public void repositionLights(StardewValley.Object gameObject)
foreach (KeyValuePair<Vector2, LightSource> pair in this.lights)
this.repositionLight(pair.Value, pair.Key, gameObject);
/// <summary>
/// Reposition a light for this object.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="light"></param>
/// <param name="offset"></param>
/// <param name="gameObject"></param>
public void repositionLight(LightSource light, Vector2 offset, StardewValley.Object gameObject)
Vector2 initialPosition = gameObject.TileLocation * Game1.tileSize;
light.position.Value = initialPosition + offset;
this.requiresUpdate = true;
/// <summary>
/// Toggles the lights for this object.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="location"></param>
/// <param name="gameObject"></param>
public virtual void toggleLights(GameLocation location, StardewValley.Object gameObject)
if (!this.lightsOn)
this.turnOnLights(location, gameObject);
this.lightsOn = true;
else if (this.lightsOn)
this.lightsOn = false;
/// <summary>
/// Removes the lights from the world when this object needs to be cleaned up.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="loc"></param>
public virtual void removeForCleanUp(GameLocation loc)
/// <summary>
/// Loads in the appropriate texture from sdv depending on the int value used.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="value"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
private Texture2D loadTextureFromConstantValue(int value)
switch (value)
case 1:
return Game1.lantern;
case 2:
return Game1.windowLight;
case 4:
return Game1.sconceLight;
case 5:
return Game1.cauldronLight;
case 6:
return Game1.indoorWindowLight;
return Game1.sconceLight;
/// <summary>
/// Gets a copy of all of the
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
public LightManager Copy()
LightManager copy= new LightManager();
if (this.lights != null)
//ModCore.log("Info for file"+Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(file)+" has this many lights: " + info.info.lightManager.fakeLights.Count);
foreach (KeyValuePair<Vector2, FakeLightSource> light in this.fakeLights)
Vector2 position = light.Value.positionOffset;
position -= light.Key;
position /= Game1.tileSize;
position = new Vector2((float)Math.Round(position.X), (float)Math.Round(position.Y));
copy.addLight(light.Key, new LightSource(light.Value.id, new Vector2(0, 0), light.Value.radius, light.Value.color.Invert()), position);
return copy;
public static LightSource CreateLightSource(float Radius, Color ActualColor,int Texture=4)
return new LightSource(Texture, new Vector2(0, 0), Radius, ActualColor.Invert());