135 lines
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135 lines
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using System;
using StardewValley;
using StardewModdingAPI;
using System.IO;
namespace DailyQuest_Anywhere
public class Class1 : Mod
string key_binding = "H";
bool game_loaded = false;
public override void Entry(IModHelper helper)
//set up all of my events here
StardewModdingAPI.Events.SaveEvents.AfterLoad += PlayerEvents_LoadedGame;
StardewModdingAPI.Events.ControlEvents.KeyPressed += ControlEvents_KeyPressed;
public void ControlEvents_KeyPressed(object sender, StardewModdingAPI.Events.EventArgsKeyPressed e)
if (Game1.player == null) return;
if (Game1.player.currentLocation == null) return;
if (game_loaded == false) return;
if (e.KeyPressed.ToString() == key_binding) //if the key is pressed, load my cusom save function
if (Game1.activeClickableMenu != null) return;
//DataLoader_Settings(); //update the key if players changed it while playing.
public void PlayerEvents_LoadedGame(object sender, EventArgs e)
game_loaded = true;
void DataLoader_Settings()
//loads the data to the variables upon loading the game.
string myname = StardewValley.Game1.player.name;
string mylocation = Path.Combine(Helper.DirectoryPath, "DailyQuest_Anywhere_Config");
string mylocation2 = mylocation;
string mylocation3 = mylocation2 + ".txt";
if (!File.Exists(mylocation3)) //if not data.json exists, initialize the data variables to the ModConfig data. I.E. starting out.
// Console.WriteLine("Can't load custom save info since the file doesn't exist.");
key_binding = "H";
// Log.Info("KEY TIME");
// Console.WriteLine("HEY THERE IM LOADING DATA");
string[] readtext = File.ReadAllLines(mylocation3);
key_binding = Convert.ToString(readtext[3]);
// Log.Info(key_binding);
// Log.Info(Convert.ToString(readtext[3]));
void MyWritter_Settings()
//write all of my info to a text file.
string myname = StardewValley.Game1.player.name;
string mylocation = Path.Combine(Helper.DirectoryPath, "DailyQuest_Anywhere_Config");
string mylocation2 = mylocation;
string mylocation3 = mylocation2 + ".txt";
string[] mystring3 = new string[20];
if (!File.Exists(mylocation3))
Monitor.Log("DailyQuest_Anywhere: The DailyQuest Anywhere Config doesn't exist. Creating it now.");
mystring3[0] = "Config: DailyQuest_Anywhere Info. Feel free to mess with these settings.";
mystring3[1] = "====================================================================================";
mystring3[2] = "Key binding for opening the billboard for quests anywhere. Press this key to do so";
mystring3[3] = key_binding.ToString();
File.WriteAllLines(mylocation3, mystring3);
//write out the info to a text file at the end of a day. This will run if it doesnt exist.
mystring3[0] = "Config: DailyQuest_Anywhere Info. Feel free to mess with these settings.";
mystring3[1] = "====================================================================================";
mystring3[2] = "Key binding for opening the billboard for quests anywhere. Press this key to do so";
mystring3[3] = key_binding.ToString();
File.WriteAllLines(mylocation3, mystring3);
void my_menu()
// Game1.activeClickableMenu = new StardewValley.Menus.SaveGameMenu(); //This command is what allows the player to save anywhere as it calls the saving function.
Game1.activeClickableMenu = new StardewValley.Menus.Billboard(true);
//end class |