2012-04-21 19:28:28 +08:00
/ *
2012-05-30 16:48:09 +08:00
This json editor is open sourced with the intention to use the editor as
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a component in your own application . Not to just copy and monetize the editor
as it is .
Licensed under the Apache License , Version 2.0 ( the "License" ) ; you may not
2012-05-30 16:48:09 +08:00
use this file except in compliance with the License . You may obtain a copy
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of the License at
http : //www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing , software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS , WITHOUT
WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND , either express or implied . See the
License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
the License .
Copyright ( c ) 2011 - 2012 Jos de Jong , http : //jsoneditoronline.org
@ author Jos de Jong , < wjosdejong @ gmail . com >
2012-05-30 16:48:09 +08:00
@ date 2012 - 05 - 30
2012-04-21 19:28:28 +08:00
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if ( ! Array . prototype . indexOf ) Array . prototype . indexOf = function ( a ) { for ( var b = 0 ; b < this . length ; b ++ ) if ( this [ b ] == a ) return b ; return - 1 } ; var JSON ; JSONEditor = function ( a , b ) { if ( ! JSON ) throw Error ( "Your browser does not support JSON. \n\nPlease install the newest version of your browser.\n(all modern browsers support JSON)." ) ; if ( ! a ) throw Error ( "No container element provided." ) ; this . container = a ; this . _createFrame ( ) ; this . _createTable ( ) ; this . set ( b || { } ) } ; JSONEditor . focusNode = void 0 ;
JSONEditor . prototype . set = function ( a ) { this . content . removeChild ( this . table ) ; this . _setRoot ( new JSONEditor . Node ( { value : a } ) ) ; this . node . expand ( ! 1 ) ; this . content . appendChild ( this . table ) } ; JSONEditor . prototype . get = function ( ) { JSONEditor . focusNode && JSONEditor . focusNode . blur ( ) ; return this . node ? this . node . getValue ( ) : { } } ; JSONEditor . prototype . clear = function ( ) { this . node && ( this . node . collapse ( ) , this . tbody . removeChild ( this . node . getDom ( ) ) , delete this . node ) } ;
JSONEditor . prototype . _setRoot = function ( a ) { this . clear ( ) ; this . node = a ; this . tbody . appendChild ( a . getDom ( ) ) } ; JSONEditor . prototype . expandAll = function ( ) { this . node && ( this . content . removeChild ( this . table ) , this . node . expand ( ) , this . content . appendChild ( this . table ) ) } ; JSONEditor . prototype . collapseAll = function ( ) { this . node && ( this . content . removeChild ( this . table ) , this . node . collapse ( ) , this . content . appendChild ( this . table ) ) } ;
JSONEditor . Node = function ( a ) { this . dom = { } ; this . expanded = ! 1 ; a && a instanceof Object ? ( this . setField ( a . field , a . fieldEditable ) , this . setValue ( a . value ) ) : ( this . setField ( ) , this . setValue ( ) ) } ; JSONEditor . Node . prototype . setField = function ( a , b ) { this . field = a ; this . fieldEditable = b == ! 0 } ; JSONEditor . Node . prototype . getField = function ( ) { if ( this . field === void 0 ) this . field = this . _getDomField ( ) ; return this . field } ;
JSONEditor . Node . prototype . setValue = function ( a ) { var b = this . childs ; if ( b ) for ( ; b . length ; ) this . removeChild ( b [ 0 ] ) ; this . type = this . _getType ( a ) ; if ( this . type == "array" ) { this . childs = [ ] ; for ( var c = 0 , d = a . length ; c < d ; c ++ ) b = new JSONEditor . Node ( { value : a [ c ] } ) , this . appendChild ( b ) ; this . value = "" } else if ( this . type == "object" ) { this . childs = [ ] ; for ( c in a ) a . hasOwnProperty ( c ) && ( b = new JSONEditor . Node ( { field : c , value : a [ c ] } ) , this . appendChild ( b ) ) ; this . value = "" } else this . childs = void 0 , this . value = a } ;
JSONEditor . Node . prototype . getValue = function ( ) { if ( this . type == "array" ) { for ( var a = [ ] , b = this . childs , c = 0 , d = b . length ; c < d ; c ++ ) a . push ( b [ c ] . getValue ( ) ) ; return a } else if ( this . type == "object" ) { a = { } ; b = this . childs ; c = 0 ; for ( d = b . length ; c < d ; c ++ ) { var f = b [ c ] ; a [ f . getField ( ) ] = f . getValue ( ) } return a } else { if ( this . value === void 0 ) this . value = this . _getDomValue ( ) ; return this . value } } ; JSONEditor . Node . prototype . getLevel = function ( ) { return this . parent ? this . parent . getLevel ( ) + 1 : 0 } ;
JSONEditor . Node . prototype . clone = function ( ) { var a = new JSONEditor . Node ; a . type = this . type ; a . field = this . field ; a . fieldHTML = this . fieldHTML ; a . fieldEditable = this . fieldEditable ; a . value = this . value ; a . valueHTML = this . valueHTML ; a . expanded = this . expanded ; if ( this . childs ) { for ( var b = this . childs , c = [ ] , d = 0 , f = b . length ; d < f ; d ++ ) { var e = b [ d ] . clone ( ) ; e . parent = a ; c . push ( e ) } a . childs = c } else a . childs = void 0 ; return a } ;
JSONEditor . Node . prototype . expand = function ( a ) { if ( this . childs ) { this . expanded = ! 0 ; if ( this . dom . expand ) this . dom . expand . className = "jsoneditor-expanded" ; this . showChilds ( ) ; var b = this . childs ; if ( a != ! 1 ) for ( var c = 0 , d = b . length ; c < d ; c ++ ) b [ c ] . expand ( a ) } } ; JSONEditor . Node . prototype . collapse = function ( a ) { if ( this . childs ) { this . hideChilds ( ) ; var b = this . childs ; if ( a != ! 1 ) for ( var c = 0 , d = b . length ; c < d ; c ++ ) b [ c ] . collapse ( a ) ; if ( this . dom . expand ) this . dom . expand . className = "jsoneditor-collapsed" ; this . expanded = ! 1 } } ;
JSONEditor . Node . prototype . showChilds = function ( ) { var a = this . childs ; if ( a && this . expanded ) { var b = this . dom . tr , c = b . parentNode ; if ( c ) { var d = this . getAppend ( ) ; ( b = b . nextSibling ) ? c . insertBefore ( d , b ) : c . appendChild ( d ) ; for ( var b = 0 , f = a . length ; b < f ; b ++ ) { var e = a [ b ] ; c . insertBefore ( e . getDom ( ) , d ) ; e . showChilds ( ) } } } } ; JSONEditor . Node . prototype . hide = function ( ) { var a = this . dom . tr , b = a ? a . parentNode : void 0 ; b && b . removeChild ( a ) ; this . hideChilds ( ) } ;
JSONEditor . Node . prototype . hideChilds = function ( ) { var a = this . childs ; if ( a && this . expanded ) { var b = this . getAppend ( ) ; b . parentNode && b . parentNode . removeChild ( b ) ; for ( var b = 0 , c = a . length ; b < c ; b ++ ) a [ b ] . hide ( ) } } ;
JSONEditor . Node . prototype . appendChild = function ( a ) { if ( this . type == "array" || this . type == "object" ) { a . parent = this ; a . fieldEditable = this . type == "object" ; if ( this . type == "array" ) a . index = this . childs . length ; this . childs . push ( a ) ; if ( this . expanded ) { var b = a . getDom ( ) , c = this . getAppend ( ) , d = c ? c . parentNode : void 0 ; c && d && d . insertBefore ( b , c ) ; this . _updateStatus ( a . index ) ; a . showChilds ( ) } a . updateDom ( ) } } ;
JSONEditor . Node . prototype . moveBefore = function ( a , b ) { if ( this . type == "array" || this . type == "object" ) { var c = this . dom . tr ? this . dom . tr . parentNode : void 0 ; if ( c ) { var d = document . createElement ( "tr" ) ; d . style . height = c . clientHeight + "px" ; c . appendChild ( d ) } var f = a . parent ; f && f . removeChild ( a ) ; b instanceof JSONEditor . AppendNode ? this . appendChild ( a ) : this . insertBefore ( a , b ) ; c && c . removeChild ( d ) } } ;
JSONEditor . Node . prototype . insertBefore = function ( a , b ) { if ( this . type == "array" || this . type == "object" ) { if ( b == this . append ) a . parent = this , a . fieldEditable = this . type == "object" , this . childs . push ( a ) ; else { var c = this . childs . indexOf ( b ) ; if ( c == - 1 ) throw Error ( "Node not found" ) ; a . parent = this ; a . fieldEditable = this . type == "object" ; this . childs . splice ( c , 0 , a ) } if ( this . expanded ) { var d = a . getDom ( ) , f = b . getDom ( ) , e = f ? f . parentNode : void 0 ; f && e && e . insertBefore ( d , f ) ; a . showChilds ( ) } a . updateDom ( ) ; this . _updateStatus ( c ) } } ;
JSONEditor . Node . prototype . focus = function ( ) { if ( this . dom . tr && this . dom . tr . parentNode ) { var a = this . fieldEditable ? this . dom . field : this . dom . value ; a && a . focus ( ) } } ; JSONEditor . Node . prototype . blur = function ( ) { this . _getDomValue ( ! 0 ) ; this . _getDomField ( ! 0 ) } ; JSONEditor . Node . prototype . _duplicate = function ( a ) { this . insertBefore ( a . clone ( ) , a ) } ; JSONEditor . Node . prototype . containsNode = function ( a ) { if ( this == a ) return ! 0 ; var b = this . childs ; if ( b ) for ( var c = 0 , d = b . length ; c < d ; c ++ ) if ( b [ c ] . containsNode ( a ) ) return ! 0 ; return ! 1 } ;
JSONEditor . Node . prototype . _move = function ( a , b ) { if ( a != b ) { if ( a . containsNode ( this ) ) throw Error ( "Cannot move a field into a child of itself" ) ; a . parent && a . parent . removeChild ( a ) ; var c = a . clone ( ) ; a . clearDom ( ) ; b ? this . insertBefore ( c , b ) : this . appendChild ( c ) } } ; JSONEditor . Node . prototype . removeChild = function ( a ) { if ( this . childs ) { var b = this . childs . indexOf ( a ) ; if ( b != - 1 ) return a . hide ( ) , a = this . childs . splice ( b , 1 ) [ 0 ] , this . _updateStatus ( b ) , a } } ;
JSONEditor . Node . prototype . _changeType = function ( a ) { var b = this . type ; if ( ( a == "string" || a == "auto" ) && ( b == "string" || b == "auto" ) ) this . type = a ; else { var c = this . dom . tr ? this . dom . tr . parentNode : void 0 , d ; d = ( d = this . expanded ? this . getAppend ( ) : this . getDom ( ) ) && d . parentNode ? d . nextSibling : void 0 ; this . hide ( ) ; this . clearDom ( ) ; this . type = a ; if ( a == "object" ) { if ( ! this . childs ) this . childs = [ ] ; for ( var f = this . childs , e = 0 , g = f . length ; e < g ; e ++ ) { var h = f [ e ] ; h . clearDom ( ) ; delete h . index ; h . fieldEditable = ! 0 ; if ( h . field == void 0 ) h . field = e } if ( b == "string" ||
b == "auto" ) this . expanded = ! 0 } else if ( a == "array" ) { if ( ! this . childs ) this . childs = [ ] ; f = this . childs ; e = 0 ; for ( g = f . length ; e < g ; e ++ ) h = f [ e ] , h . clearDom ( ) , h . fieldEditable = ! 1 , h . index = e ; this . _updateStatus ( ) ; if ( b == "string" || b == "auto" ) this . expanded = ! 0 } else this . expanded = ! 1 ; c && ( d ? c . insertBefore ( this . getDom ( ) , d ) : c . appendChild ( this . getDom ( ) ) ) ; this . showChilds ( ) } if ( a == "auto" || a == "string" ) this . value = a == "string" ? String ( this . value ) : this . _stringCast ( String ( this . value ) ) , this . focus ( ) ; this . updateDom ( ) } ;
JSONEditor . Node . prototype . _getDomValue = function ( a ) { if ( this . dom . value && this . type != "array" && this . type != "object" ) this . valueHTML = this . dom . value . innerHTML ; if ( this . valueHTML != void 0 ) try { this . value = this . type == "string" ? this . _unescape ( this . _stripHTML ( this . valueHTML ) ) : this . _stringCast ( this . _unescape ( this . _stripHTML ( this . valueHTML ) ) ) } catch ( b ) { if ( this . value = void 0 , a != ! 0 ) throw b ; } } ;
JSONEditor . Node . prototype . _updateDomValue = function ( ) { var a = this . dom . value ; if ( a ) { var b = this . value , c = this . type == "auto" ? typeof b : this . type , d = "" ; c == "string" ? d = "green" : c == "number" ? d = "red" : c == "boolean" ? d = "blue" : this . type == "object" || this . type == "array" ? d = "" : b === null ? d = "purple" : b === void 0 && ( d = "green" ) ; a . style . color = d ; String ( this . value ) == "" && this . type != "array" && this . type != "object" ? JSONEditor . addClassName ( a , "jsoneditor-empty" ) : JSONEditor . removeClassName ( a , "jsoneditor-empty" ) ; JSONEditor . stripFormatting ( a ) } } ;
JSONEditor . Node . prototype . _updateDomField = function ( ) { var a = this . dom . field ; a && ( String ( this . field ) == "" ? JSONEditor . addClassName ( a , "jsoneditor-empty" ) : JSONEditor . removeClassName ( a , "jsoneditor-empty" ) , JSONEditor . stripFormatting ( a ) ) } ; JSONEditor . Node . prototype . _getDomField = function ( a ) { if ( this . dom . field && this . fieldEditable ) this . fieldHTML = this . dom . field . innerHTML ; if ( this . fieldHTML != void 0 ) try { this . field = this . _unescape ( this . _stripHTML ( this . fieldHTML ) ) } catch ( b ) { if ( this . field = void 0 , a != ! 0 ) throw b ; } } ;
JSONEditor . Node . prototype . clearDom = function ( ) { this . dom = { } } ;
JSONEditor . Node . prototype . getDom = function ( ) { var a = this . dom ; if ( a . tr ) return a . tr ; a . tr = document . createElement ( "tr" ) ; a . tr . className = "jsoneditor-tr" ; a . tr . node = this ; var b = document . createElement ( "td" ) ; b . className = "jsoneditor-td" ; b . title = "Move field (drag and drop)" ; a . drag = this . _createDomDragArea ( ) ; a . drag && b . appendChild ( a . drag ) ; a . tr . appendChild ( b ) ; b = document . createElement ( "td" ) ; b . className = "jsoneditor-td" ; a . tr . appendChild ( b ) ; a . expand = this . _createDomExpandButton ( ) ; a . field = this . _createDomField ( ) ; a . value = this . _createDomValue ( ) ;
a . tree = this . _createDomTree ( a . expand , a . field , a . value ) ; b . appendChild ( a . tree ) ; b = document . createElement ( "td" ) ; b . className = "jsoneditor-td jsoneditor-td-edit" ; a . tr . appendChild ( b ) ; a . type = this . _createDomTypeButton ( ) ; b . appendChild ( a . type ) ; b = document . createElement ( "td" ) ; b . className = "jsoneditor-td jsoneditor-td-edit" ; a . tr . appendChild ( b ) ; a . duplicate = this . _createDomDuplicateButton ( ) ; a . duplicate && b . appendChild ( a . duplicate ) ; b = document . createElement ( "td" ) ; b . className = "jsoneditor-td jsoneditor-td-edit" ; a . tr . appendChild ( b ) ;
a . remove = this . _createDomRemoveButton ( ) ; a . remove && b . appendChild ( a . remove ) ; this . _updateStatus ( ) ; this . updateDom ( ) ; return a . tr } ;
JSONEditor . Node . prototype . _onDragStart = function ( a ) { a = a || window . event ; JSONEditor . focusNode && JSONEditor . focusNode . blur ( ) ; var b = this ; if ( ! this . mousemove ) this . mousemove = JSONEditor . Events . addEventListener ( document , "mousemove" , function ( a ) { b . _onDrag ( a ) } ) ; if ( ! this . mouseup ) this . mouseup = JSONEditor . Events . addEventListener ( document , "mouseup" , function ( a ) { b . _onDragEnd ( a ) } ) ; JSONEditor . freezeHighlight = ! 0 ; this . oldCursor = document . body . style . cursor ; document . body . style . cursor = "move" ; JSONEditor . Events . preventDefault ( a ) } ;
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JSONEditor . Node . prototype . _onDrag = function ( a ) { var a = a || window . event , b = this . dom . tr , c = JSONEditor . getAbsoluteTop ( b ) , d = b . offsetHeight , f = a . pageY || a . clientY + document . body . scrollTop ; if ( f < c ) { for ( var c = b . previousSibling , b = JSONEditor . getAbsoluteTop ( c ) , e = JSONEditor . getNodeFromTarget ( c ) ; c && f < b ; ) e = JSONEditor . getNodeFromTarget ( c ) , c = c . previousSibling , b = JSONEditor . getAbsoluteTop ( c ) ; if ( e ) c = e . dom . tr , b = JSONEditor . getAbsoluteTop ( c ) , f > b + d && ( e = void 0 ) ; e && e . parent && e . parent . moveBefore ( this , e ) } else if ( e = ( d = this . expanded &&
this . append ? this . append . getDom ( ) : this . dom . tr ) ? d . nextSibling : void 0 ) { for ( var d = JSONEditor . getAbsoluteTop ( e ) , b = void 0 , e = e . nextSibling , g = JSONEditor . getAbsoluteTop ( e ) , g = e ? g - d : 0 ; e && f > c + g ; ) b = JSONEditor . getNodeFromTarget ( e ) , e = e . nextSibling , g = JSONEditor . getAbsoluteTop ( e ) , g = e ? g - d : 0 ; b && b . parent && b . parent . moveBefore ( this , b ) } JSONEditor . Events . preventDefault ( a ) } ;
2012-04-21 19:28:28 +08:00
JSONEditor . Node . prototype . _onDragEnd = function ( a ) { a = a || window . event ; document . body . style . cursor = this . oldCursor ; delete JSONEditor . freezeHighlight ; delete this . oldCursor ; this . setHighlight ( ! 1 ) ; this . mousemove && ( JSONEditor . Events . removeEventListener ( document , "mousemove" , this . mousemove ) , delete this . mousemove ) ; this . mouseup && ( JSONEditor . Events . removeEventListener ( document , "mouseup" , this . mouseup ) , delete this . mouseup ) ; JSONEditor . Events . preventDefault ( a ) } ;
JSONEditor . Node . prototype . _createDomDragArea = function ( ) { if ( this . parent ) { var a = document . createElement ( "button" ) ; a . className = "jsoneditor-dragarea" ; return a } } ; JSONEditor . Node . prototype . _createDomField = function ( ) { return document . createElement ( "div" ) } ;
JSONEditor . Node . prototype . setHighlight = function ( a ) { if ( ! JSONEditor . freezeHighlight && this . dom . tr ) { this . dom . tr . className = "jsoneditor-tr" + ( a ? " jsoneditor-tr-highlight" : "" ) ; this . append && this . append . setHighlight ( a ) ; var b = this . childs ; if ( b ) for ( var c = 0 , d = b . length ; c < d ; c ++ ) b [ c ] . setHighlight ( a ) } } ;
JSONEditor . Node . prototype . updateDom = function ( ) { var a = this . dom . tree ; if ( a ) a . style . marginLeft = this . getLevel ( ) * 24 + "px" ; if ( a = this . dom . field ) this . fieldEditable == ! 0 ? ( a . contentEditable = "true" , a . spellcheck = ! 1 , a . className = "jsoneditor-field" ) : a . className = "jsoneditor-readonly" , a . innerHTML = this . _escape ( this . index != void 0 ? this . index : this . field != void 0 ? this . field : this . type == "array" || this . type == "object" ? this . type : "field" ) ; this . _updateDomField ( ) ; this . _updateDomValue ( ) ; if ( this . childs ) for ( var a = this . childs , b = 0 , c = a . length ; b <
c ; b ++ ) a [ b ] . updateDom ( ) ; this . append && this . append . updateDom ( ) } ;
JSONEditor . Node . prototype . _updateStatus = function ( a ) { var b = this . dom . value , c = this . childs ; if ( b && c ) { var d = c . length ; if ( this . type == "array" ) { b . innerHTML = "[" + d + "]" ; for ( var a = a > 0 ? a : 0 , f = c . length ; a < f ; a ++ ) { var e = c [ a ] ; e . index = a ; if ( e = e . dom . field ) e . innerHTML = a } } else if ( this . type == "object" ) { b . innerHTML = "{" + d + "}" ; a = a > 0 ? a : 0 ; for ( f = c . length ; a < f ; a ++ ) if ( e = c [ a ] , e . index != void 0 ) { delete e . index ; if ( e . field == void 0 ) e . field = "field" ; e . updateDom ( ) } } b . title = this . type + " containing " + d + " items" } } ;
JSONEditor . Node . prototype . _createDomValue = function ( ) { var a ; this . type == "array" ? ( a = document . createElement ( "div" ) , a . className = "jsoneditor-readonly" , a . innerHTML = "[...]" ) : this . type == "object" ? ( a = document . createElement ( "div" ) , a . className = "jsoneditor-readonly" , a . innerHTML = "{...}" ) : ( a = document . createElement ( "div" ) , a . contentEditable = "true" , a . spellcheck = ! 1 , a . className = "jsoneditor-value" , a . innerHTML = this . _escape ( this . value ) ) ; return a } ;
JSONEditor . Node . prototype . _createDomExpandButton = function ( ) { var a = document . createElement ( "button" ) ; this . type == "array" || this . type == "object" ? ( a . className = this . expanded ? "jsoneditor-expanded" : "jsoneditor-collapsed" , a . title = "Click to expand/collapse this field. \nCtrl+Click to expand/collapse including all childs." ) : ( a . className = "jsoneditor-invisible" , a . title = "" ) ; return a } ;
JSONEditor . Node . prototype . _createDomTree = function ( a , b , c ) { var d = this . dom , f = document . createElement ( "table" ) , e = document . createElement ( "tbody" ) ; f . style . borderCollapse = "collapse" ; f . appendChild ( e ) ; var g = document . createElement ( "tr" ) ; e . appendChild ( g ) ; e = document . createElement ( "td" ) ; e . className = "jsoneditor-td-tree" ; g . appendChild ( e ) ; e . appendChild ( a ) ; d . tdExpand = e ; a = document . createElement ( "td" ) ; a . className = "jsoneditor-td-tree" ; g . appendChild ( a ) ; a . appendChild ( b ) ; d . tdField = a ; b = document . createElement ( "td" ) ; b . className =
"jsoneditor-td-tree" ; g . appendChild ( b ) ; if ( this . type != "object" && this . type != "array" ) b . appendChild ( document . createTextNode ( ":" ) ) , b . className = "jsoneditor-separator" ; d . tdSeparator = b ; b = document . createElement ( "td" ) ; b . className = "jsoneditor-td-tree" ; g . appendChild ( b ) ; b . appendChild ( c ) ; d . tdValue = b ; return f } ;
JSONEditor . Node . prototype . onEvent = function ( a ) { var b = a . type , c = a . target || a . srcElement , d = this . dom , f = this , e = this . type == "array" || this . type == "object" , g = d . value ; if ( c == g ) switch ( b ) { case "focus" : JSONEditor . focusNode = this ; break ; case "change" : case "blur" : case "keyup" : this . _getDomValue ( ! 0 ) ; this . _updateDomValue ( ) ; break ; case "cut" : case "paste" : setTimeout ( function ( ) { f . _getDomValue ( ! 0 ) ; f . _updateDomValue ( ) } , 1 ) } var h = d . field ; if ( c == h ) switch ( b ) { case "focus" : JSONEditor . focusNode = this ; break ; case "change" : case "blur" : case "keyup" : this . _getDomField ( ! 0 ) ;
this . _updateDomField ( ) ; break ; case "cut" : case "paste" : setTimeout ( function ( ) { f . _getDomField ( ! 0 ) ; f . _updateDomField ( ) } , 1 ) } if ( c == d . drag ) switch ( b ) { case "mousedown" : this . _onDragStart ( a ) ; break ; case "mouseover" : this . setHighlight ( ! 0 ) ; break ; case "mouseout" : this . setHighlight ( ! 1 ) } c == d . expand && b == "click" && e && this . _onExpand ( a ) ; if ( c == d . duplicate ) switch ( b ) { case "click" : this . parent . _duplicate ( this ) ; break ; case "mouseover" : this . setHighlight ( ! 0 ) ; break ; case "mouseout" : this . setHighlight ( ! 1 ) } if ( c == d . remove ) switch ( b ) { case "click" : this . parent . removeChild ( this ) ;
2012-05-30 16:48:09 +08:00
break ; case "mouseover" : this . setHighlight ( ! 0 ) ; break ; case "mouseout" : this . setHighlight ( ! 1 ) } if ( c == d . type ) switch ( b ) { case "click" : this . _onTypeButton ( a ) ; break ; case "mouseover" : this . setHighlight ( ! 0 ) ; break ; case "mouseout" : this . setHighlight ( ! 1 ) } if ( c == d . tree . parentNode ) switch ( b ) { case "click" : ( a . offsetX != void 0 ? a . offsetX < ( this . getLevel ( ) + 1 ) * 24 : a . clientX < JSONEditor . getAbsoluteLeft ( d . tdSeparator ) ) || e ? h && ( JSONEditor . setEndOfContentEditable ( h ) , h . focus ( ) ) : g && ( JSONEditor . setEndOfContentEditable ( g ) , g . focus ( ) ) } if ( c ==
d . tdExpand && ! e || c == d . tdField || c == d . tdSeparator ) switch ( b ) { case "click" : h && ( JSONEditor . setEndOfContentEditable ( h ) , h . focus ( ) ) } } ; JSONEditor . Node . prototype . _onExpand = function ( a ) { a = a || window . event ; if ( a = a . ctrlKey ) { var b = this . dom . tr . parentNode , c = b . parentNode , d = c . scrollTop ; c . removeChild ( b ) } this . expanded ? this . collapse ( a ) : this . expand ( a ) ; if ( a ) c . appendChild ( b ) , c . scrollTop = d } ;
2012-04-21 19:28:28 +08:00
JSONEditor . Node . types = [ { value : "array" , className : "jsoneditor-option-array" , title : 'Field type "array". An array contains an ordered collection of values.' } , { value : "auto" , className : "jsoneditor-option-auto" , title : 'Field type "auto". The field type is automatically determined from the value and can be a string, number, boolean, or null.' } , { value : "object" , className : "jsoneditor-option-object" , title : 'Field type "object". An object contains an unordered set of key/value pairs.' } , { value : "string" , className : "jsoneditor-option-string" ,
title : 'Field type "string". Field type is not determined from the value, but always returned as string.' } ] ; JSONEditor . Node . prototype . _createDomTypeButton = function ( ) { var a = document . createElement ( "button" ) ; a . className = "jsoneditor-type-" + this . type ; a . title = "Change field type" ; return a } ;
JSONEditor . Node . prototype . _onTypeButton = function ( a ) { JSONEditor . Events . stopPropagation ( a ) ; var b = this . dom . type , c = this , a = JSONEditor . getAbsoluteLeft ( b ) , d = JSONEditor . getAbsoluteTop ( b ) + b . clientHeight ; JSONEditor . showDropDownList ( { x : a , y : d , node : c , value : c . type , values : JSONEditor . Node . types , className : "jsoneditor-select" , optionSelectedClassName : "jsoneditor-option-selected" , optionClassName : "jsoneditor-option" , callback : function ( a ) { c . _changeType ( a ) ; b . className = "jsoneditor-type-" + c . type } } ) } ;
JSONEditor . showDropDownList = function ( a ) { var b = document . createElement ( "div" ) ; b . className = a . className || "" ; b . style . position = "absolute" ; b . style . left = ( a . x || 0 ) + "px" ; b . style . top = ( a . y || 0 ) + "px" ; for ( var c = 0 ; c < a . values . length ; c ++ ) { var d = a . values [ c ] , f = d . value || String ( d ) , e = "jsoneditor-option " + ( d . className || "" ) ; f == a . value && ( e += " " + a . optionSelectedClassName ) ; var g = document . createElement ( "div" ) ; g . className = e ; if ( d . title ) g . title = d . title ; g . innerHTML = f ; g . onmousedown = function ( b ) { return function ( ) { a . callback ( b ) } } ( d . value ) ;
b . appendChild ( g ) } document . body . appendChild ( b ) ; a . node . setHighlight ( ! 0 ) ; JSONEditor . freezeHighlight = ! 0 ; var h = JSONEditor . Events . addEventListener ( document , "mousedown" , function ( ) { JSONEditor . freezeHighlight = ! 1 ; a . node . setHighlight ( ! 1 ) ; document . body . removeChild ( b ) ; JSONEditor . Events . removeEventListener ( document , "mousedown" , h ) } ) } ; JSONEditor . Node . prototype . getAppend = function ( ) { if ( ! this . append ) this . append = new JSONEditor . AppendNode , this . append . parent = this ; return this . append . getDom ( ) } ;
JSONEditor . Node . prototype . _createDomRemoveButton = function ( ) { if ( this . parent && ( this . parent . type == "array" || this . parent . type == "object" ) ) { var a = document . createElement ( "button" ) ; a . className = "jsoneditor-remove" ; a . title = "Remove field (including all its childs)" ; return a } } ;
JSONEditor . Node . prototype . _createDomDuplicateButton = function ( ) { if ( this . parent && ( this . parent . type == "array" || this . parent . type == "object" ) ) { var a = document . createElement ( "button" ) ; a . className = "jsoneditor-duplicate" ; a . title = "Duplicate field (including all childs)" ; return a } } ; JSONEditor . Node . prototype . _getType = function ( a ) { return a instanceof Array ? "array" : a instanceof Object ? "object" : typeof a == "string" && typeof this . _stringCast ( a ) != "string" ? "string" : "auto" } ;
2012-07-08 17:28:43 +08:00
JSONEditor . Node . prototype . _stringCast = function ( a ) { var b = a . toLowerCase ( ) , c = Number ( a ) , d = parseFloat ( a ) ; return a == "" ? "" : b == "null" ? null : b == "true" ? ! 0 : b == "false" ? ! 1 : ! isNaN ( c ) && ! isNaN ( d ) ? c : a } ; JSONEditor . Node . prototype . _escape = function ( a ) { a = String ( a ) . replace ( /</g , "<" ) . replace ( />/g , ">" ) . replace ( / /g , " " ) ; a = JSON . stringify ( a ) ; return a . substring ( 1 , a . length - 1 ) } ; JSONEditor . Node . prototype . _unescape = function ( a ) { return JSON . parse ( '"' + a + '"' ) . replace ( /</g , "<" ) . replace ( />/g , ">" ) . replace ( / /g , " " ) } ;
2012-05-30 16:48:09 +08:00
JSONEditor . Node . prototype . _stripHTML = function ( a ) { return a . replace ( /<(?:.|\n)*?>/gm , "" ) } ; JSONEditor . AppendNode = function ( ) { this . dom = { } } ; JSONEditor . AppendNode . prototype = new JSONEditor . Node ;
JSONEditor . AppendNode . prototype . getDom = function ( ) { function a ( a ) { var b = document . createElement ( "td" ) ; b . className = a || "" ; return b } if ( this . dom . tr ) return this . dom . tr ; var b = document . createElement ( "tr" ) ; b . appendChild ( a ( "jsoneditor-td" ) ) ; b . node = this ; var c = document . createElement ( "td" ) ; b . appendChild ( c ) ; c . className = "jsoneditor-td" ; var d = document . createElement ( "button" ) ; d . className = "jsoneditor-append" ; d . title = "Append a field" ; this . dom . append = d ; c . appendChild ( d ) ; b . appendChild ( a ( "jsoneditor-td jsoneditor-td-edit" ) ) ;
b . appendChild ( a ( "jsoneditor-td jsoneditor-td-edit" ) ) ; b . appendChild ( a ( "jsoneditor-td jsoneditor-td-edit" ) ) ; this . dom . tr = b ; this . dom . td = c ; this . updateDom ( ) ; return b } ; JSONEditor . AppendNode . prototype . updateDom = function ( ) { var a = this . dom . td ; if ( a ) a . style . paddingLeft = this . getLevel ( ) * 24 + 26 + "px" } ;
JSONEditor . AppendNode . prototype . onEvent = function ( a ) { var b = a . type ; if ( ( a . target || a . srcElement ) == this . dom . append ) switch ( b ) { case "click" : a = new JSONEditor . Node ( { field : "field" , value : "value" } ) ; this . parent . appendChild ( a ) ; this . parent . setHighlight ( ! 1 ) ; a . focus ( ) ; break ; case "mouseover" : this . parent . setHighlight ( ! 0 ) ; break ; case "mouseout" : this . parent . setHighlight ( ! 1 ) } } ;
2012-07-01 20:40:12 +08:00
JSONEditor . prototype . _createFrame = function ( ) { this . container . innerHTML = "" ; this . frame = document . createElement ( "div" ) ; this . frame . className = "jsoneditor-frame" ; this . container . appendChild ( this . frame ) ; var a = this , b = function ( a ) { var a = a || window . event , b = JSONEditor . getNodeFromTarget ( a . target || a . srcElement ) ; if ( b ) b . onEvent ( a ) } ; this . frame . onclick = function ( a ) { b ( a ) ; JSONEditor . Events . preventDefault ( a ) } ; this . frame . onchange = b ; this . frame . onkeyup = b ; this . frame . oncut = b ; this . frame . onpaste = b ; this . frame . onmousedown = b ; this . frame . onmouseup =
b ; this . frame . onmouseover = b ; this . frame . onmouseout = b ; JSONEditor . Events . addEventListener ( this . frame , "focus" , b , ! 0 ) ; JSONEditor . Events . addEventListener ( this . frame , "blur" , b , ! 0 ) ; this . frame . onfocusin = b ; this . frame . onfocusout = b ; this . head = document . createElement ( "table" ) ; this . head . className = "jsoneditor-menu" ; var c = document . createElement ( "tbody" ) ; this . head . appendChild ( c ) ; var d = document . createElement ( "tr" ) ; c . appendChild ( d ) ; c = document . createElement ( "td" ) ; c . className = "jsoneditor-menu" ; d . appendChild ( c ) ; d = document . createElement ( "button" ) ;
d . innerHTML = "Expand All" ; d . onclick = function ( ) { a . expandAll ( ) } ; c . appendChild ( d ) ; d = document . createElement ( "button" ) ; d . innerHTML = "Collapse All" ; d . onclick = function ( ) { a . collapseAll ( ) } ; c . appendChild ( d ) ; this . frame . appendChild ( this . head ) } ;
2012-04-21 19:28:28 +08:00
JSONEditor . prototype . _createTable = function ( ) { var a = document . createElement ( "div" ) ; a . className = "jsoneditor-content-outer" ; this . content = document . createElement ( "div" ) ; this . content . className = "jsoneditor-content" ; a . appendChild ( this . content ) ; this . table = document . createElement ( "table" ) ; this . table . className = "jsoneditor-table" ; this . content . appendChild ( this . table ) ; if ( JSONEditor . getInternetExplorerVersion ( ) == 8 ) this . content . style . overflow = "scroll" ; var b ; this . colgroupContent = document . createElement ( "colgroup" ) ; b =
document . createElement ( "col" ) ; b . width = "24px" ; this . colgroupContent . appendChild ( b ) ; b = document . createElement ( "col" ) ; this . colgroupContent . appendChild ( b ) ; b = document . createElement ( "col" ) ; b . width = "24px" ; this . colgroupContent . appendChild ( b ) ; b = document . createElement ( "col" ) ; b . width = "24px" ; this . colgroupContent . appendChild ( b ) ; b = document . createElement ( "col" ) ; b . width = "24px" ; this . colgroupContent . appendChild ( b ) ; this . table . appendChild ( this . colgroupContent ) ; this . tbody = document . createElement ( "tbody" ) ; this . table . appendChild ( this . tbody ) ;
this . frame . appendChild ( a ) } ; JSONEditor . getNodeFromTarget = function ( a ) { for ( ; a ; ) { if ( a . node ) return a . node ; a = a . parentNode } } ;
2012-05-30 16:48:09 +08:00
JSONFormatter = function ( a ) { if ( ! JSON ) throw Error ( "Your browser does not support JSON. \n\nPlease install the newest version of your browser.\n(all modern browsers support JSON)." ) ; this . container = a ; this . width = a . clientWidth ; this . height = a . clientHeight ; this . frame = document . createElement ( "div" ) ; this . frame . className = "jsoneditor-frame" ; this . frame . onclick = function ( a ) { JSONEditor . Events . preventDefault ( a ) } ; this . head = document . createElement ( "table" ) ; this . head . className = "jsoneditor-menu" ; a = document . createElement ( "tbody" ) ;
this . head . appendChild ( a ) ; var b = document . createElement ( "tr" ) ; a . appendChild ( b ) ; a = document . createElement ( "td" ) ; a . className = "jsoneditor-menu" ; b . appendChild ( a ) ; b = document . createElement ( "button" ) ; b . innerHTML = "Format" ; b . title = "Format JSON data, with proper indentation and line feeds" ; b . className = "jsoneditor-button" ; a . appendChild ( b ) ; var c = document . createElement ( "button" ) ; c . innerHTML = "Compact" ; c . title = "Compact JSON data, remove all whitespaces" ; c . className = "jsoneditor-button" ; a . appendChild ( c ) ; this . frame . appendChild ( this . head ) ;
this . content = document . createElement ( "div" ) ; this . content . className = "jsonformatter-content" ; this . frame . appendChild ( this . content ) ; this . textarea = document . createElement ( "textarea" ) ; this . textarea . className = "jsonformatter-textarea" ; this . textarea . spellcheck = ! 1 ; this . content . appendChild ( this . textarea ) ; var d = this . textarea , f = this ; b . onclick = function ( ) { try { d . value = JSON . stringify ( JSON . parse ( d . value ) , null , " " ) } catch ( a ) { f . onError ( a ) } } ; c . onclick = function ( ) { try { d . value = JSON . stringify ( JSON . parse ( d . value ) ) } catch ( a ) { f . onError ( a ) } } ;
this . container . appendChild ( this . frame ) } ; JSONFormatter . prototype . onError = function ( ) { } ; JSONFormatter . prototype . _checkChange = function ( ) { var a = this . textarea . value ; if ( a != this . lastContent && ( this . lastContent = a , this . onChangeCallback ) ) this . onChangeCallback ( ) } ; JSONFormatter . prototype . set = function ( a ) { this . textarea . value = JSON . stringify ( a , null , " " ) } ; JSONFormatter . prototype . get = function ( ) { return JSON . parse ( this . textarea . value ) } ; JSONEditor . Events = { } ;
2012-04-21 19:28:28 +08:00
JSONEditor . Events . addEventListener = function ( a , b , c , d ) { return a . addEventListener ? ( d === void 0 && ( d = ! 1 ) , b === "mousewheel" && navigator . userAgent . indexOf ( "Firefox" ) >= 0 && ( b = "DOMMouseScroll" ) , a . addEventListener ( b , c , d ) , c ) : ( d = function ( ) { return c . call ( a , window . event ) } , a . attachEvent ( "on" + b , d ) , d ) } ;
JSONEditor . Events . removeEventListener = function ( a , b , c , d ) { a . removeEventListener ? ( d === void 0 && ( d = ! 1 ) , b === "mousewheel" && navigator . userAgent . indexOf ( "Firefox" ) >= 0 && ( b = "DOMMouseScroll" ) , a . removeEventListener ( b , c , d ) ) : a . detachEvent ( "on" + b , c ) } ; JSONEditor . Events . stopPropagation = function ( a ) { if ( ! a ) a = window . event ; a . stopPropagation ? a . stopPropagation ( ) : a . cancelBubble = ! 0 } ; JSONEditor . Events . preventDefault = function ( a ) { if ( ! a ) a = window . event ; a . preventDefault ? a . preventDefault ( ) : a . returnValue = ! 1 } ;
2012-06-09 04:15:37 +08:00
JSONEditor . getAbsoluteLeft = function ( a ) { for ( var b = 0 , c = document . body ; a != null && a != c ; ) b += a . offsetLeft , b -= a . scrollLeft , a = a . offsetParent ; return b } ; JSONEditor . getAbsoluteTop = function ( a ) { for ( var b = 0 , c = document . body ; a != null && a != c ; ) b += a . offsetTop , b -= a . scrollTop , a = a . offsetParent ; return b } ; JSONEditor . addClassName = function ( a , b ) { var c = a . className ; if ( c . indexOf ( b ) == - 1 ) c += " " + b , a . className = c } ;
2012-04-21 19:28:28 +08:00
JSONEditor . removeClassName = function ( a , b ) { var c = a . className ; if ( c . indexOf ( b ) != - 1 ) c = c . replace ( b , "" ) , c = c . replace ( / /g , "" ) , a . className = c } ; JSONEditor . stripFormatting = function ( a ) { for ( var a = a . childNodes , b = 0 , c = a . length ; b < c ; b ++ ) { var d = a [ b ] ; d . style && d . removeAttribute ( "style" ) ; var f = d . attributes ; if ( f ) for ( var e = 0 , g = f . length ; e < g ; e ++ ) { var h = f [ e ] ; h . specified == ! 0 && d . removeAttribute ( h . name ) } JSONEditor . stripFormatting ( d ) } } ;
2012-05-30 16:48:09 +08:00
JSONEditor . setEndOfContentEditable = function ( a ) { var b ; document . createRange ? ( b = document . createRange ( ) , b . selectNodeContents ( a ) , b . collapse ( ! 1 ) , a = window . getSelection ( ) , a . removeAllRanges ( ) , a . addRange ( b ) ) : document . selection && ( b = document . body . createTextRange ( ) , b . moveToElementText ( a ) , b . collapse ( ! 1 ) , b . select ( ) ) } ; JSONEditor . getInternetExplorerVersion = function ( ) { var a = - 1 ; navigator . appName == "Microsoft Internet Explorer" && /MSIE ([0-9]{1,}[.0-9]{0,})/ . exec ( navigator . userAgent ) != null && ( a = parseFloat ( RegExp . $1 ) ) ; return a } ;
2012-04-21 19:28:28 +08:00
JSONEditor . ieVersion = JSONEditor . getInternetExplorerVersion ( ) ;