2012-04-21 19:28:28 +08:00
/ * *
* @ file jsoneditor . js
* @ brief
* JSONEditor is an editor to display and edit JSON data in a treeview .
* Supported browsers : Chrome , Firefox , Safari , Opera , Internet Explorer 8 +
* @ license
* This json editor is open sourced with the intention to use the editor as
* a component in your own application . Not to just copy and monetize the editor
* as it is .
* Licensed under the Apache License , Version 2.0 ( the "License" ) ; you may not
* use this file except in compliance with the License . You may obtain a copy
* of the License at
* http : //www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing , software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS , WITHOUT
* WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND , either express or implied . See the
* License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
* the License .
* Copyright ( c ) 2011 - 2012 Jos de Jong , http : //jsoneditoronline.org
* @ author Jos de Jong , < wjosdejong @ gmail . com >
2012-04-25 15:12:49 +08:00
* @ date 2012 - 04 - 24
2012-04-21 19:28:28 +08:00
* /
// Internet Explorer 8 and older does not support Array.indexOf,
// so we define it here in that case
// http://soledadpenades.com/2007/05/17/arrayindexof-in-internet-explorer/
if ( ! Array . prototype . indexOf ) {
Array . prototype . indexOf = function ( obj ) {
for ( var i = 0 ; i < this . length ; i ++ ) {
if ( this [ i ] == obj ) {
return i ;
return - 1 ;
// define variable JSON, needed for correct error handling on IE7 and older
var JSON ;
/ * *
* JSONEditor
* @ param { HTML DOM } container Container element
* @ param { Object or Array } json JSON object
* /
JSONEditor = function ( container , json ) {
// check availability of JSON parser (not available in IE7 and older)
if ( ! JSON ) {
throw new Error ( 'Your browser does not support JSON. \n\n' +
'Please install the newest version of your browser.\n' +
'(all modern browsers support JSON).' ) ;
if ( ! container ) {
throw new Error ( 'No container element provided.' ) ;
this . container = container ;
this . _createFrame ( ) ;
this . _createTable ( ) ;
this . set ( json || { } ) ;
// node currently being edited
JSONEditor . focusNode = undefined ;
/ * *
* Set JSON object in editor
* @ param { Object } json
* /
JSONEditor . prototype . set = function ( json ) {
this . content . removeChild ( this . table ) ; // Take the table offline
// replace the root node
var node = new JSONEditor . Node ( {
'value' : json
} ) ;
this . _setRoot ( node ) ;
// expand
var recurse = false ;
this . node . expand ( recurse ) ;
this . content . appendChild ( this . table ) ; // Put the table online again
/ * *
* Get JSON object from editor
* @ return { Object } json
* /
JSONEditor . prototype . get = function ( ) {
// remove focus from currently edited node
if ( JSONEditor . focusNode ) {
JSONEditor . focusNode . blur ( ) ;
if ( this . node ) {
return this . node . getValue ( ) ;
else {
return { } ;
/ * *
* Remove the root node from the editor
* /
JSONEditor . prototype . clear = function ( ) {
if ( this . node ) {
this . node . collapse ( ) ;
this . tbody . removeChild ( this . node . getDom ( ) ) ;
delete this . node ;
/ * *
* Set the root node for the json editor
* @ param { JSONEditor . Node } node
* /
JSONEditor . prototype . _setRoot = function ( node ) {
this . clear ( ) ;
this . node = node ;
this . tbody . appendChild ( node . getDom ( ) ) ;
/ * *
* Expand all nodes
* /
JSONEditor . prototype . expandAll = function ( ) {
if ( this . node ) {
this . content . removeChild ( this . table ) ; // Take the table offline
this . node . expand ( ) ;
this . content . appendChild ( this . table ) ; // Put the table online again
/ * *
* Collapse all nodes
* /
JSONEditor . prototype . collapseAll = function ( ) {
if ( this . node ) {
this . content . removeChild ( this . table ) ; // Take the table offline
this . node . collapse ( ) ;
this . content . appendChild ( this . table ) ; // Put the table online again
/ * *
* Create a new Node
* @ param { Object } params Can contain parameters : field , fieldEditable , value .
* /
JSONEditor . Node = function ( params ) {
this . dom = { } ;
this . expanded = false ;
if ( params && ( params instanceof Object ) ) {
this . setField ( params . field , params . fieldEditable ) ;
this . setValue ( params . value ) ;
else {
this . setField ( ) ;
this . setValue ( ) ;
JSONEditor . Node . prototype . setField = function ( field , fieldEditable ) {
this . field = field ;
this . fieldEditable = ( fieldEditable == true ) ;
JSONEditor . Node . prototype . getField = function ( ) {
if ( this . field === undefined ) {
this . field = this . _getDomField ( ) ;
return this . field ;
JSONEditor . Node . prototype . setValue = function ( value ) {
// first clear all current childs (if any)
var childs = this . childs ;
if ( childs ) {
while ( childs . length ) {
this . removeChild ( childs [ 0 ] ) ;
// TODO: remove the DOM of this Node
this . type = this . _getType ( value ) ;
if ( this . type == 'array' ) {
// array
this . childs = [ ] ;
for ( var i = 0 , iMax = value . length ; i < iMax ; i ++ ) {
var child = new JSONEditor . Node ( {
// 'field': i, // TODO: cleanup
'value' : value [ i ]
} ) ;
this . appendChild ( child ) ;
this . value = '' ;
else if ( this . type == 'object' ) {
// object
this . childs = [ ] ;
for ( var childField in value ) {
if ( value . hasOwnProperty ( childField ) ) {
var child = new JSONEditor . Node ( {
'field' : childField ,
'value' : value [ childField ]
} ) ;
this . appendChild ( child ) ;
this . value = '' ;
else {
// value
this . childs = undefined ;
this . value = value ;
/ * T O D O
if ( typeof ( value ) == 'string' ) {
var escValue = JSON . stringify ( value ) ;
this . value = escValue . substring ( 1 , escValue . length - 1 ) ;
console . log ( 'check' , value , this . value ) ;
else {
this . value = value ;
* /
JSONEditor . Node . prototype . getValue = function ( ) {
//this._getDomValue(); // TODO: cleanup
if ( this . type == 'array' ) {
var arr = [ ] ;
var childs = this . childs ;
for ( var i = 0 , iMax = childs . length ; i < iMax ; i ++ ) {
arr . push ( childs [ i ] . getValue ( ) ) ;
return arr ;
else if ( this . type == 'object' ) {
var obj = { } ;
var childs = this . childs ;
for ( var i = 0 , iMax = childs . length ; i < iMax ; i ++ ) {
var child = childs [ i ] ;
obj [ child . getField ( ) ] = child . getValue ( ) ;
return obj ;
else {
if ( this . value === undefined ) {
this . value = this . _getDomValue ( ) ;
return this . value ;
/ * *
* Get the nesting level of this node
* /
JSONEditor . Node . prototype . getLevel = function ( ) {
return ( this . parent ? this . parent . getLevel ( ) + 1 : 0 ) ;
/ * *
* Create a clone of a node
* The complete state of a clone is copied , including whether it is expanded or
* not . The DOM elements are not cloned .
* @ return { JSONEditor . Node } clone
* /
JSONEditor . Node . prototype . clone = function ( ) {
var clone = new JSONEditor . Node ( ) ;
clone . type = this . type ;
clone . field = this . field ;
clone . fieldHTML = this . fieldHTML ;
clone . fieldEditable = this . fieldEditable ;
clone . value = this . value ;
clone . valueHTML = this . valueHTML ;
clone . expanded = this . expanded ;
if ( this . childs ) {
// an object or array
var childs = this . childs ;
var cloneChilds = [ ] ;
for ( var i = 0 , iMax = childs . length ; i < iMax ; i ++ ) {
var childClone = childs [ i ] . clone ( ) ;
childClone . parent = clone ;
cloneChilds . push ( childClone ) ;
clone . childs = cloneChilds ;
else {
// a value
clone . childs = undefined ;
return clone ;
/ * *
* Expand this node and optionally its childs .
* @ param { boolean } recurse Optional recursion , true by default . When
* true , all childs will be expanded recursively
* /
JSONEditor . Node . prototype . expand = function ( recurse ) {
if ( ! this . childs ) {
return ;
// set this node expanded
this . expanded = true ;
if ( this . dom . expand ) {
this . dom . expand . className = 'jsoneditor-expanded' ;
this . showChilds ( ) ;
var childs = this . childs ;
if ( recurse != false ) {
for ( var i = 0 , iMax = childs . length ; i < iMax ; i ++ ) {
childs [ i ] . expand ( recurse ) ;
/ * *
* Collapse this node and optionally its childs .
* @ param { Number } recurse Optional recursion , true by default . When
* true , all childs will be collapsed recursively
* /
JSONEditor . Node . prototype . collapse = function ( recurse ) {
if ( ! this . childs ) {
return ;
this . hideChilds ( ) ;
// collapse childs in case of recurse
var childs = this . childs ;
if ( recurse != false ) {
for ( var i = 0 , iMax = childs . length ; i < iMax ; i ++ ) {
childs [ i ] . collapse ( recurse ) ;
// make this node collapsed
if ( this . dom . expand ) {
this . dom . expand . className = 'jsoneditor-collapsed' ;
this . expanded = false ;
/ * *
* Recursively show all childs when they are expanded
* /
JSONEditor . Node . prototype . showChilds = function ( ) {
var childs = this . childs ;
if ( ! childs ) {
return ;
if ( ! this . expanded ) {
return ;
var tr = this . dom . tr ;
var table = tr . parentNode ;
if ( table ) {
// show row with append button
var append = this . getAppend ( ) ;
var nextTr = tr . nextSibling ;
if ( nextTr ) {
table . insertBefore ( append , nextTr ) ;
else {
table . appendChild ( append ) ;
// show childs
for ( var i = 0 , iMax = childs . length ; i < iMax ; i ++ ) {
var child = childs [ i ] ;
table . insertBefore ( child . getDom ( ) , append ) ;
child . showChilds ( ) ;
/ * *
* Hide the node with all its childs
* /
JSONEditor . Node . prototype . hide = function ( ) {
var tr = this . dom . tr ;
var table = tr ? tr . parentNode : undefined ;
if ( table ) {
table . removeChild ( tr ) ;
this . hideChilds ( ) ;
/ * *
* Recursively hide all childs
* /
JSONEditor . Node . prototype . hideChilds = function ( ) {
var childs = this . childs ;
if ( ! childs ) {
return ;
if ( ! this . expanded ) {
return ;
// hide append row
var append = this . getAppend ( ) ;
if ( append . parentNode ) {
append . parentNode . removeChild ( append ) ;
// hide childs
for ( var i = 0 , iMax = childs . length ; i < iMax ; i ++ ) {
childs [ i ] . hide ( ) ;
/ * *
* Add a new child to the node .
* Only applicable when Node value is of type array or object
* @ param { JSONEditor . Node } node
* /
JSONEditor . Node . prototype . appendChild = function ( node ) {
if ( this . type == 'array' || this . type == 'object' ) {
// adjust the link to the parent
node . parent = this ;
node . fieldEditable = ( this . type == 'object' ) ;
if ( this . type == 'array' ) {
node . index = this . childs . length ;
this . childs . push ( node ) ;
if ( this . expanded ) {
// insert into the DOM, before the appendRow
var newtr = node . getDom ( ) ;
var appendTr = this . getAppend ( ) ;
var table = appendTr ? appendTr . parentNode : undefined ;
if ( appendTr && table ) {
table . insertBefore ( newtr , appendTr ) ;
this . _updateStatus ( node . index ) ;
node . showChilds ( ) ;
node . updateDom ( ) ;
/ * *
* Move an existing child from its current parent to this node
* Only applicable when Node value is of type array or object
* @ param { JSONEditor . Node } node
* @ param { JSONEditor . Node } beforeNode
* /
JSONEditor . Node . prototype . moveBefore = function ( node , beforeNode ) {
if ( this . type == 'array' || this . type == 'object' ) {
// create a temporary row, to prevent the scroll position from jumping when
// removing the node
var tbody = ( this . dom . tr ) ? this . dom . tr . parentNode : undefined ;
if ( tbody ) {
var trTemp = document . createElement ( 'tr' ) ;
trTemp . style . height = tbody . clientHeight + 'px'
tbody . appendChild ( trTemp ) ;
var parent = node . parent ;
if ( parent ) {
parent . removeChild ( node ) ;
if ( beforeNode instanceof JSONEditor . AppendNode ) {
this . appendChild ( node ) ;
else {
this . insertBefore ( node , beforeNode ) ;
if ( tbody ) {
tbody . removeChild ( trTemp ) ;
/ * *
* Insert a new child before a given node
* Only applicable when Node value is of type array or object
* @ param { JSONEditor . Node } node
* @ param { JSONEditor . Node } beforeNode
* /
JSONEditor . Node . prototype . insertBefore = function ( node , beforeNode ) {
if ( this . type == 'array' || this . type == 'object' ) {
if ( beforeNode == this . append ) {
// append to the child nodes
// adjust the link to the parent
node . parent = this ;
node . fieldEditable = ( this . type == 'object' ) ;
this . childs . push ( node ) ;
else {
// insert before a child node
var index = this . childs . indexOf ( beforeNode ) ;
if ( index == - 1 ) {
throw new Error ( 'Node not found' ) ;
// adjust the link to the parent
node . parent = this ;
node . fieldEditable = ( this . type == 'object' ) ;
//node.index = index; // TODO: redundant?
this . childs . splice ( index , 0 , node ) ;
if ( this . expanded ) {
// insert into the DOM
var newTr = node . getDom ( ) ;
var nextTr = beforeNode . getDom ( ) ;
var table = nextTr ? nextTr . parentNode : undefined ;
if ( nextTr && table ) {
table . insertBefore ( newTr , nextTr ) ;
node . showChilds ( ) ;
node . updateDom ( ) ;
this . _updateStatus ( index ) ;
/ * *
* Set focus to the value of this node
* /
JSONEditor . Node . prototype . focus = function ( ) {
if ( this . dom . tr && this . dom . tr . parentNode ) {
if ( this . fieldEditable ) {
var domField = this . dom . field ;
if ( domField ) {
domField . focus ( ) ;
else {
var domValue = this . dom . value ;
if ( domValue ) {
domValue . focus ( ) ;
/ * *
* Remove focus from the value or field of this node
* /
JSONEditor . Node . prototype . blur = function ( ) {
this . _getDomValue ( true ) ;
this . _getDomField ( true ) ;
/ * *
* Duplicate given child node
* new structure will be added right before the cloned node
* @ param { JSONEditor . Node } node the childNode to be duplicated
* /
JSONEditor . Node . prototype . _duplicate = function ( node ) {
var clone = node . clone ( ) ;
/ * T O D O : a d j u s t t h e f i e l d n a m e ( t o p r e v e n t e q u a l f i e l d n a m e s )
if ( this . type == 'object' ) {
* /
// TODO: insert after instead of insert before
this . insertBefore ( clone , node ) ;
/ * *
* Check if given node is a child . The method will check recursively to find
* this node .
* @ param { JSONEditor . Node } node
* /
JSONEditor . Node . prototype . containsNode = function ( node ) {
if ( this == node ) {
return true ;
var childs = this . childs ;
if ( childs ) {
for ( var i = 0 , iMax = childs . length ; i < iMax ; i ++ ) {
if ( childs [ i ] . containsNode ( node ) ) {
return true ;
return false ;
/ * *
* Move given node into this node
* @ param { JSONEditor . Node } node the childNode to be moved
* @ param { JSONEditor . Node } beforeNode node will be inserted before given
* node . If no beforeNode is given ,
* the node is appended at the end
* /
JSONEditor . Node . prototype . _move = function ( node , beforeNode ) {
if ( node == beforeNode ) {
// nothing to do...
return ;
// check if this node is not a child of the node to be moved here
if ( node . containsNode ( this ) ) {
throw new Error ( 'Cannot move a field into a child of itself' ) ;
// remove the original node
if ( node . parent ) {
node . parent . removeChild ( node ) ;
// create a clone of the node
var clone = node . clone ( ) ;
node . clearDom ( ) ;
// insert or append the node
if ( beforeNode ) {
this . insertBefore ( clone , beforeNode ) ;
else {
this . appendChild ( clone ) ;
/ * T O D O : a d j u s t t h e f i e l d n a m e ( t o p r e v e n t e q u a l f i e l d n a m e s )
if ( this . type == 'object' ) {
* /
/ * *
* Remove a child from the node .
* Only applicable when Node value is of type array or object
* @ param { JSONEditor . Node } node The child node to be removed ;
* @ return { JSONEditor . Node } node The removed node on success , else undefined
* /
JSONEditor . Node . prototype . removeChild = function ( node ) {
if ( this . childs ) {
var index = this . childs . indexOf ( node ) ;
if ( index != - 1 ) {
node . hide ( ) ;
var node = this . childs . splice ( index , 1 ) [ 0 ] ;
this . _updateStatus ( index ) ;
return node ;
return undefined ;
/ * *
* change the type of the value of this Node
* @ param { String } newType
* /
JSONEditor . Node . prototype . _changeType = function ( newType ) {
var oldType = this . type ;
if ( ( newType == 'string' || newType == 'auto' ) &&
( oldType == 'string' || oldType == 'auto' ) ) {
// this is an easy change
this . type = newType ;
else {
// change from array to object, or from string/auto to object/array
var table = this . dom . tr ? this . dom . tr . parentNode : undefined ;
var lastTr ;
if ( this . expanded ) {
lastTr = this . getAppend ( ) ;
else {
lastTr = this . getDom ( ) ;
var nextTr = ( lastTr && lastTr . parentNode ) ? lastTr . nextSibling : undefined ;
// hide current field and all its childs
this . hide ( ) ;
this . clearDom ( ) ;
// adjust the field and the value
this . type = newType ;
// adjust childs
if ( newType == 'object' ) {
if ( ! this . childs ) {
this . childs = [ ] ;
var childs = this . childs ;
var fieldEditable = true ;
for ( var i = 0 , iMax = childs . length ; i < iMax ; i ++ ) {
var child = childs [ i ] ;
child . clearDom ( ) ;
delete child . index ;
child . fieldEditable = true ;
if ( child . field == undefined ) {
child . field = i ;
if ( oldType == 'string' || oldType == 'auto' ) {
this . expanded = true ;
else if ( newType == 'array' ) {
if ( ! this . childs ) {
this . childs = [ ] ;
var childs = this . childs ;
var fieldEditable = false ;
for ( var i = 0 , iMax = childs . length ; i < iMax ; i ++ ) {
var child = childs [ i ] ;
child . clearDom ( ) ;
child . fieldEditable = false ;
child . index = i ;
this . _updateStatus ( ) ;
if ( oldType == 'string' || oldType == 'auto' ) {
this . expanded = true ;
else {
this . expanded = false ;
// create new DOM
if ( table ) {
if ( nextTr ) {
table . insertBefore ( this . getDom ( ) , nextTr ) ;
else {
table . appendChild ( this . getDom ( ) ) ;
this . showChilds ( ) ;
if ( newType == 'auto' || newType == 'string' ) {
// cast value to the correct type
if ( newType == 'string' ) {
this . value = String ( this . value ) ;
else {
this . value = this . _stringCast ( String ( this . value ) ) ;
this . focus ( ) ;
// TODO: test if things are updated twice...
this . updateDom ( ) ;
/ * *
* Retrieve value from DOM
* @ param { boolean } silent . If true ( default ) , no errors will be thrown in
* case of invalid data
* /
JSONEditor . Node . prototype . _getDomValue = function ( silent ) {
if ( this . dom . value && this . type != 'array' && this . type != 'object' ) {
this . valueHTML = this . dom . value . innerHTML ;
if ( this . valueHTML != undefined ) {
try {
// retrieve the value
if ( this . type == 'string' ) {
this . value = this . _unescape ( this . _stripHTML ( this . valueHTML ) ) ;
else {
var value = this . _unescape ( this . _stripHTML ( this . valueHTML ) ) ;
this . value = this . _stringCast ( value ) ;
catch ( err ) {
this . value = undefined ;
if ( silent != true ) {
throw err ;
/ * *
* Update :
* - the text color of the value , depending on the type of the value
* - the height of the field , depending on the width
* - background color in case it is empty
* /
JSONEditor . Node . prototype . _updateDomValue = function ( ) {
var domValue = this . dom . value ;
if ( domValue ) {
// set text color depending on value type
var v = this . value ;
var t = ( this . type == 'auto' ) ? typeof ( v ) : this . type ;
var color = '' ;
if ( t == 'string' ) {
color = 'green' ;
else if ( t == 'number' ) {
color = 'red' ;
else if ( t == 'boolean' ) {
color = 'blue' ;
else if ( this . type == 'object' || this . type == 'array' ) {
// note: typeof(null)=="object", therefore check this.type instead of t
color = '' ;
else if ( v === null ) {
color = 'purple' ;
else if ( v === undefined ) {
// invalid value
color = 'green' ;
domValue . style . color = color ;
// make backgound color lightgray when empty
var isEmpty = ( String ( this . value ) == '' && this . type != 'array' && this . type != 'object' ) ;
if ( isEmpty ) {
JSONEditor . addClassName ( domValue , 'jsoneditor-empty' ) ;
else {
JSONEditor . removeClassName ( domValue , 'jsoneditor-empty' ) ;
// strip formatting from the contents of the editable div
JSONEditor . stripFormatting ( domValue ) ;
/ * *
* Update :
* - the text color of the field , depending on the text
* - the height of the field , depending on the width
* - background color in case it is empty
* /
JSONEditor . Node . prototype . _updateDomField = function ( ) {
var domField = this . dom . field ;
if ( domField ) {
// make backgound color lightgray when empty
var isEmpty = ( String ( this . field ) == '' ) ;
if ( isEmpty ) {
JSONEditor . addClassName ( domField , 'jsoneditor-empty' ) ;
else {
JSONEditor . removeClassName ( domField , 'jsoneditor-empty' ) ;
// strip formatting from the contents of the editable div
JSONEditor . stripFormatting ( domField ) ;
/ * *
* Retrieve field from DOM
* @ param { boolean } silent . If true ( default ) , no errors will be thrown in
* case of invalid data
* /
JSONEditor . Node . prototype . _getDomField = function ( silent ) {
if ( this . dom . field && this . fieldEditable ) {
this . fieldHTML = this . dom . field . innerHTML ;
if ( this . fieldHTML != undefined ) {
try {
this . field = this . _unescape ( this . _stripHTML ( this . fieldHTML ) ) ;
catch ( err ) {
this . field = undefined ;
if ( silent != true ) {
throw err ;
/ * *
* Clear the dom of the node
* /
JSONEditor . Node . prototype . clearDom = function ( ) {
// TODO: hide the node first?
// TOOD: recursively clear dom?
this . dom = { } ;
/ * *
* Get the HTML DOM TR element of the node .
* The dom will be generated when not yet created
* @ return { HTML DOM TR } tr
* /
JSONEditor . Node . prototype . getDom = function ( ) {
var dom = this . dom ;
if ( dom . tr ) {
return dom . tr ;
// create row
dom . tr = document . createElement ( 'tr' ) ;
dom . tr . className = 'jsoneditor-tr' ;
dom . tr . node = this ;
// create dragable area
var tdDrag = document . createElement ( 'td' ) ;
tdDrag . className = 'jsoneditor-td' ;
tdDrag . title = 'Move field (drag and drop)' ;
dom . drag = this . _createDomDragArea ( ) ;
if ( dom . drag ) {
tdDrag . appendChild ( dom . drag ) ;
dom . tr . appendChild ( tdDrag ) ;
// create tree and field
var tdField = document . createElement ( 'td' ) ;
tdField . className = 'jsoneditor-td' ;
dom . tr . appendChild ( tdField ) ;
dom . expand = this . _createDomExpandButton ( ) ;
dom . field = this . _createDomField ( ) ;
dom . value = this . _createDomValue ( ) ;
dom . tree = this . _createDomTree ( dom . expand , dom . field , dom . value ) ;
tdField . appendChild ( dom . tree ) ;
2012-04-21 21:50:21 +08:00
2012-04-21 19:28:28 +08:00
// create type select box
var tdType = document . createElement ( 'td' ) ;
tdType . className = 'jsoneditor-td jsoneditor-td-edit' ;
dom . tr . appendChild ( tdType ) ;
dom . type = this . _createDomTypeButton ( ) ;
tdType . appendChild ( dom . type ) ;
// create duplicate button
var tdDuplicate = document . createElement ( 'td' ) ;
tdDuplicate . className = 'jsoneditor-td jsoneditor-td-edit' ;
dom . tr . appendChild ( tdDuplicate ) ;
dom . duplicate = this . _createDomDuplicateButton ( ) ;
if ( dom . duplicate ) {
tdDuplicate . appendChild ( dom . duplicate ) ;
// create remove button
var tdRemove = document . createElement ( 'td' ) ;
tdRemove . className = 'jsoneditor-td jsoneditor-td-edit' ;
dom . tr . appendChild ( tdRemove ) ;
dom . remove = this . _createDomRemoveButton ( ) ;
if ( dom . remove ) {
tdRemove . appendChild ( dom . remove ) ;
this . _updateStatus ( ) ;
this . updateDom ( ) ;
return dom . tr ;
/ * *
* DragStart event , fired on mousedown on the dragarea at the left side of a Node
* /
JSONEditor . Node . prototype . _onDragStart = function ( event ) {
var event = event || window . event ;
// remove focus from currently edited node
if ( JSONEditor . focusNode ) {
JSONEditor . focusNode . blur ( ) ;
var node = this ;
if ( ! this . mousemove ) {
this . mousemove = JSONEditor . Events . addEventListener ( document , 'mousemove' ,
function ( event ) {
node . _onDrag ( event ) ;
} ) ;
if ( ! this . mouseup ) {
this . mouseup = JSONEditor . Events . addEventListener ( document , 'mouseup' ,
function ( event ) {
node . _onDragEnd ( event ) ;
} ) ;
/ * T O D O : c o r r e c t h i g h l i g h t i n g w h e n t h e T y p e D r o p D o w n i s v i s i b l e ( A n d h a s h i g h l i g h t i n g l o c k e d )
if ( JSONEditor . freezeHighlight ) {
console . log ( 'heee' ) ;
JSONEditor . freezeHighlight = false ;
this . setHighlight ( true ) ;
* /
JSONEditor . freezeHighlight = true ;
this . oldCursor = document . body . style . cursor ;
document . body . style . cursor = 'move' ;
JSONEditor . Events . preventDefault ( event ) ;
/ * *
* Drag event , fired when moving the mouse while dragging a Node
* /
JSONEditor . Node . prototype . _onDrag = function ( event ) {
var event = event || window . event ;
var trThis = this . dom . tr ;
// TODO: add an ESC option, which resets to the original position
var topThis = JSONEditor . getAbsoluteTop ( trThis ) ;
var heightThis = trThis . offsetHeight ;
var mouseY = event . pageY || ( event . clientY + document . body . scrollTop ) ;
if ( mouseY < topThis ) {
// move up
var trPrev = trThis . previousSibling ;
var topPrev = JSONEditor . getAbsoluteTop ( trPrev ) ;
var nodePrev = JSONEditor . getNodeFromTarget ( trPrev ) ;
while ( trPrev && mouseY < topPrev ) {
nodePrev = JSONEditor . getNodeFromTarget ( trPrev ) ;
trPrev = trPrev . previousSibling ;
topPrev = JSONEditor . getAbsoluteTop ( trPrev ) ;
if ( nodePrev ) {
trPrev = nodePrev . dom . tr ;
topPrev = JSONEditor . getAbsoluteTop ( trPrev ) ;
if ( mouseY > topPrev + heightThis ) {
nodePrev = undefined ;
if ( nodePrev && nodePrev . parent ) {
nodePrev . parent . moveBefore ( this , nodePrev ) ;
else {
// move down
2012-04-25 15:12:49 +08:00
var trLast = ( this . expanded && this . append ) ? this . append . getDom ( ) : this . dom . tr ;
2012-04-21 19:28:28 +08:00
var trFirst = trLast ? trLast . nextSibling : undefined ;
if ( trFirst ) {
var topFirst = JSONEditor . getAbsoluteTop ( trFirst ) ;
var nodeNext = undefined ;
var trNext = trFirst . nextSibling ;
var topNext = JSONEditor . getAbsoluteTop ( trNext ) ;
var heightNext = trNext ? ( topNext - topFirst ) : 0 ;
while ( trNext && mouseY > topThis + heightNext ) {
nodeNext = JSONEditor . getNodeFromTarget ( trNext ) ;
trNext = trNext . nextSibling ;
topNext = JSONEditor . getAbsoluteTop ( trNext ) ;
heightNext = trNext ? ( topNext - topFirst ) : 0 ;
if ( nodeNext && nodeNext . parent ) {
nodeNext . parent . moveBefore ( this , nodeNext ) ;
JSONEditor . Events . preventDefault ( event ) ;
/ * *
* Drag event , fired on mouseup after having dragged a node
* /
JSONEditor . Node . prototype . _onDragEnd = function ( event ) {
var event = event || window . event ;
document . body . style . cursor = this . oldCursor ;
delete JSONEditor . freezeHighlight ;
delete this . oldCursor ;
this . setHighlight ( false ) ;
if ( this . mousemove ) {
JSONEditor . Events . removeEventListener ( document , 'mousemove' , this . mousemove ) ;
delete this . mousemove ;
if ( this . mouseup ) {
JSONEditor . Events . removeEventListener ( document , 'mouseup' , this . mouseup ) ;
delete this . mouseup ;
JSONEditor . Events . preventDefault ( event ) ;
/ * *
* Create a drag area , displayed at the left side of the node
* /
JSONEditor . Node . prototype . _createDomDragArea = function ( ) {
if ( ! this . parent ) {
return undefined ;
var node = this ;
var domDrag = document . createElement ( 'button' ) ;
domDrag . className = 'jsoneditor-dragarea' ;
return domDrag ;
/ * *
* Create an editable field
* @ param { Object } structure
* /
JSONEditor . Node . prototype . _createDomField = function ( ) {
var domField = document . createElement ( 'div' ) ;
return domField ;
/ * *
* Set highlighting for this node and all its childs .
* Only applied to the currently visible ( expanded childs )
* @ param { Boolean } highlight
* /
JSONEditor . Node . prototype . setHighlight = function ( highlight ) {
if ( JSONEditor . freezeHighlight ) {
return ;
if ( this . dom . tr ) {
this . dom . tr . className = 'jsoneditor-tr' + ( highlight ? ' jsoneditor-tr-highlight' : '' ) ;
if ( this . append ) {
this . append . setHighlight ( highlight ) ;
var childs = this . childs ;
if ( childs ) {
for ( var i = 0 , iMax = childs . length ; i < iMax ; i ++ ) {
childs [ i ] . setHighlight ( highlight ) ;
/ * *
* Update the HTML DOM
* /
// TODO: merge updateDom and _updateStatus
JSONEditor . Node . prototype . updateDom = function ( ) {
// update level indentation
var domTree = this . dom . tree ;
if ( domTree ) {
domTree . style . marginLeft = this . getLevel ( ) * 24 + 'px' ;
// update field
var domField = this . dom . field ;
if ( domField ) {
if ( this . fieldEditable == true ) {
// parent is an object
domField . contentEditable = 'true' ;
domField . spellcheck = false ;
domField . className = 'jsoneditor-field' ;
else {
// parent is an array this is the root node
domField . className = 'jsoneditor-readonly' ;
var field ;
if ( this . index != undefined ) {
field = this . index ;
else if ( this . field != undefined ) {
field = this . field ;
else if ( this . type == 'array' || this . type == 'object' ) {
field = this . type ;
else {
field = 'field' ;
domField . innerHTML = this . _escape ( field ) ;
// update field and value
this . _updateDomField ( ) ;
this . _updateDomValue ( ) ;
// update childs recursively
if ( this . childs ) {
var childs = this . childs ;
for ( var i = 0 , iMax = childs . length ; i < iMax ; i ++ ) {
childs [ i ] . updateDom ( ) ;
// update row with append button
if ( this . append ) {
this . append . updateDom ( ) ;
/ * *
* Update the title of the given structure .
* Only applicable when structure is an array or object
* @ param { Number } startIndex Optional . Index of the first child to be updated
* Only applicable in case of array
* /
JSONEditor . Node . prototype . _updateStatus = function ( startIndex ) {
var domValue = this . dom . value ;
var childs = this . childs ;
if ( domValue && childs ) {
var count = childs . length ;
if ( this . type == 'array' ) {
domValue . innerHTML = '[' + count + ']' ;
// update the field indexes of the childs
for ( var i = ( startIndex > 0 ? startIndex : 0 ) , iMax = childs . length ; i < iMax ; i ++ ) {
var child = childs [ i ] ;
child . index = i ;
var childField = child . dom . field ;
if ( childField ) {
childField . innerHTML = i ;
else if ( this . type == 'object' ) {
domValue . innerHTML = '{' + count + '}' ;
for ( var i = ( startIndex > 0 ? startIndex : 0 ) , iMax = childs . length ; i < iMax ; i ++ ) {
var child = childs [ i ] ;
if ( child . index != undefined ) {
delete child . index ; // TODO: this should be done when changing type only?
if ( child . field == undefined ) {
child . field = 'field' ;
child . updateDom ( ) ;
domValue . title = this . type + ' containing ' + count + ' items' ;
/ * *
* Create an editable value
* @ param { JSON } value
* /
JSONEditor . Node . prototype . _createDomValue = function ( ) {
var domValue ;
if ( this . type == 'array' ) {
domValue = document . createElement ( 'div' ) ;
domValue . className = 'jsoneditor-readonly' ;
domValue . innerHTML = '[...]' ;
else if ( this . type == 'object' ) {
domValue = document . createElement ( 'div' ) ;
domValue . className = 'jsoneditor-readonly' ;
domValue . innerHTML = '{...}' ;
else if ( this . type == 'string' ) {
domValue = document . createElement ( 'div' ) ;
domValue . contentEditable = 'true' ;
domValue . spellcheck = false ;
domValue . className = 'jsoneditor-value' ;
domValue . innerHTML = this . _escape ( this . value ) ;
else {
domValue = document . createElement ( 'div' ) ;
domValue . contentEditable = 'true' ;
domValue . spellcheck = false ;
domValue . className = 'jsoneditor-value' ;
domValue . innerHTML = this . _escape ( this . value ) ;
// TODO: in FF spellcheck of editable divs is done via the body. quite ugly
// document.body.spellcheck = false;
return domValue ;
/ * *
* Create an expand / collapse button
* /
JSONEditor . Node . prototype . _createDomExpandButton = function ( ) {
var node = this ;
// create expand button
var expand = document . createElement ( 'button' ) ;
var expandable = ( this . type == 'array' || this . type == 'object' ) ;
if ( expandable ) {
expand . className = this . expanded ? 'jsoneditor-expanded' : 'jsoneditor-collapsed' ;
expand . title =
'Click to expand/collapse this field. \n' +
'Ctrl+Click to expand/collapse including all childs.' ;
else {
expand . className = 'jsoneditor-invisible' ;
expand . title = '' ;
return expand ;
/ * *
* Create a DOM tree element , containing the expand / collapse button
* @ param { HTML Element } domExpand
* @ param { HTML Element } domField
* @ param { HTML Element } domValue
* /
JSONEditor . Node . prototype . _createDomTree = function ( domExpand , domField , domValue ) {
var dom = this . dom ;
var domTree = document . createElement ( 'table' ) ;
var tbody = document . createElement ( 'tbody' ) ;
2012-04-21 21:50:21 +08:00
domTree . style . borderCollapse = 'collapse' ; // TODO: put in css
2012-04-21 19:28:28 +08:00
domTree . appendChild ( tbody ) ;
var tr = document . createElement ( 'tr' ) ;
tbody . appendChild ( tr ) ;
// create expand button
var tdExpand = document . createElement ( 'td' ) ;
tdExpand . className = 'jsoneditor-td-tree' ;
tr . appendChild ( tdExpand ) ;
tdExpand . appendChild ( domExpand ) ;
dom . tdExpand = tdExpand ;
// add the field
var tdField = document . createElement ( 'td' ) ;
tdField . className = 'jsoneditor-td-tree' ;
tr . appendChild ( tdField ) ;
tdField . appendChild ( domField ) ;
dom . tdField = tdField ;
// add a separator
// TODO: format correctly. Hide in case of array/object
var tdSeparator = document . createElement ( 'td' ) ;
tdSeparator . className = 'jsoneditor-td-tree' ;
tr . appendChild ( tdSeparator ) ;
if ( this . type != 'object' && this . type != 'array' ) {
tdSeparator . appendChild ( document . createTextNode ( ':' ) ) ;
tdSeparator . className = 'jsoneditor-separator' ;
dom . tdSeparator = tdSeparator ;
// add the value
var tdValue = document . createElement ( 'td' ) ;
tdValue . className = 'jsoneditor-td-tree' ;
tr . appendChild ( tdValue ) ;
tdValue . appendChild ( domValue ) ;
dom . tdValue = tdValue ;
return domTree ;
/ * *
* Handle an event . The event is catched centrally by the editor
* @ param { HTML Event } event
* /
JSONEditor . Node . prototype . onEvent = function ( event ) {
var type = event . type ;
var target = event . target || event . srcElement ;
var dom = this . dom ;
var node = this ;
var expandable = ( this . type == 'array' || this . type == 'object' ) ;
// value events
var domValue = dom . value ;
if ( target == domValue ) {
switch ( type ) {
case 'focus' :
JSONEditor . focusNode = this ;
break ;
case 'change' :
case 'blur' :
case 'keyup' :
this . _getDomValue ( true ) ;
this . _updateDomValue ( ) ;
break ;
case 'cut' :
case 'paste' :
setTimeout ( function ( ) {
node . _getDomValue ( true ) ;
node . _updateDomValue ( ) ;
} , 1 ) ;
break ;
// field events
var domField = dom . field ;
if ( target == domField ) {
switch ( type ) {
case 'focus' :
JSONEditor . focusNode = this ;
break ;
case 'change' :
case 'blur' :
case 'keyup' :
this . _getDomField ( true ) ;
this . _updateDomField ( ) ;
break ;
case 'cut' :
case 'paste' :
setTimeout ( function ( ) {
node . _getDomField ( true ) ;
node . _updateDomField ( ) ;
} , 1 ) ;
break ;
// drag events
var domDrag = dom . drag ;
if ( target == domDrag ) {
switch ( type ) {
case 'mousedown' :
this . _onDragStart ( event ) ;
break ;
case 'mouseover' :
this . setHighlight ( true ) ;
break ;
case 'mouseout' :
this . setHighlight ( false ) ;
break ;
// expand events
var domExpand = dom . expand ;
if ( target == domExpand ) {
if ( type == 'click' ) {
if ( expandable ) {
this . _onExpand ( event ) ;
// duplicate button
var domDuplicate = dom . duplicate ;
if ( target == domDuplicate ) {
switch ( type ) {
case 'click' :
this . parent . _duplicate ( this ) ;
break ;
case 'mouseover' :
this . setHighlight ( true ) ;
break ;
case 'mouseout' :
this . setHighlight ( false ) ;
break ;
// remove button
var domRemove = dom . remove ;
if ( target == domRemove ) {
switch ( type ) {
case 'click' :
this . parent . removeChild ( this ) ;
break ;
case 'mouseover' :
this . setHighlight ( true ) ;
break ;
case 'mouseout' :
this . setHighlight ( false ) ;
break ;
// type button
var domType = dom . type ;
if ( target == domType ) {
switch ( type ) {
case 'click' :
this . _onTypeButton ( event ) ;
break ;
case 'mouseover' :
this . setHighlight ( true ) ;
break ;
case 'mouseout' :
this . setHighlight ( false ) ;
break ;
// focus
// when clicked in whitespace left or right from the field or value, set focus
var domTree = dom . tree ;
if ( target == domTree . parentNode ) {
switch ( type ) {
case 'click' :
var left = ( event . offsetX != undefined ) ?
( event . offsetX < ( this . getLevel ( ) + 1 ) * 24 ) :
( event . clientX < JSONEditor . getAbsoluteLeft ( dom . tdSeparator ) ) ; // for FF
if ( left || expandable ) {
// node is expandable when it is an object or array
if ( domField ) {
JSONEditor . setEndOfContenteditable ( domField ) ;
domField . focus ( ) ;
else {
if ( domValue ) {
JSONEditor . setEndOfContenteditable ( domValue ) ;
domValue . focus ( ) ;
break ;
if ( ( target == dom . tdExpand && ! expandable ) || target == dom . tdField || target == dom . tdSeparator ) {
switch ( type ) {
case 'click' :
if ( domField ) {
JSONEditor . setEndOfContenteditable ( domField ) ;
domField . focus ( ) ;
break ;
/ * *
* Handle the expand event , when clicked on the expand button
* /
JSONEditor . Node . prototype . _onExpand = function ( event ) {
var event = event || window . event ;
var recurse = event . ctrlKey ; // with ctrl-key, expand/collapse all
if ( recurse ) {
// Take the table offline
var table = this . dom . tr . parentNode ; // TODO: not nice to access the main table like this
var frame = table . parentNode ;
var scrollTop = frame . scrollTop ;
frame . removeChild ( table ) ;
if ( this . expanded ) {
this . collapse ( recurse ) ;
else {
this . expand ( recurse ) ;
if ( recurse ) {
// Put the table online again
frame . appendChild ( table ) ;
frame . scrollTop = scrollTop ;
JSONEditor . Node . types = [
{ 'value' : 'array' , 'className' : 'jsoneditor-option-array' , 'title' : 'Field type "array". An array contains an ordered collection of values.' } ,
{ 'value' : 'auto' , 'className' : 'jsoneditor-option-auto' , 'title' : 'Field type "auto". The field type is automatically determined from the value and can be a string, number, boolean, or null.' } ,
{ 'value' : 'object' , 'className' : 'jsoneditor-option-object' , 'title' : 'Field type "object". An object contains an unordered set of key/value pairs.' } ,
{ 'value' : 'string' , 'className' : 'jsoneditor-option-string' , 'title' : 'Field type "string". Field type is not determined from the value, but always returned as string.' }
] ;
/ * *
* Create a DOM select box containing the node type
* @ return { HTML DOM } domType
* /
JSONEditor . Node . prototype . _createDomTypeButton = function ( ) {
var node = this ;
var domType = document . createElement ( 'button' ) ;
domType . className = 'jsoneditor-type-' + node . type ;
domType . title = 'Change field type' ;
return domType ;
JSONEditor . Node . prototype . _onTypeButton = function ( event ) {
JSONEditor . Events . stopPropagation ( event ) ;
var domType = this . dom . type ;
var node = this ;
var x = JSONEditor . getAbsoluteLeft ( domType ) ;
var y = JSONEditor . getAbsoluteTop ( domType ) + domType . clientHeight ;
var callback = function ( value ) {
node . _changeType ( value ) ;
domType . className = 'jsoneditor-type-' + node . type ;
JSONEditor . showDropDownList ( {
'x' : x ,
'y' : y ,
'node' : node ,
'value' : node . type ,
'values' : JSONEditor . Node . types ,
'className' : 'jsoneditor-select' ,
'optionSelectedClassName' : 'jsoneditor-option-selected' ,
'optionClassName' : 'jsoneditor-option' ,
'callback' : callback
} ) ;
JSONEditor . showDropDownList = function ( params ) {
/ *
console . log ( params ) ; // TODO
var value = prompt ( 'select a value' , params . value ) ;
if ( value ) {
callback ( value ) ;
} * /
var select = document . createElement ( 'div' ) ;
select . className = params . className || '' ;
select . style . position = 'absolute' ;
select . style . left = ( params . x || 0 ) + 'px' ;
select . style . top = ( params . y || 0 ) + 'px' ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < params . values . length ; i ++ ) {
var v = params . values [ i ] ;
var text = v . value || String ( v ) ;
var className = 'jsoneditor-option ' + ( v . className || '' ) ;
var selected = ( text == params . value ) ;
if ( selected ) {
className += ' ' + params . optionSelectedClassName ;
var option = document . createElement ( 'div' ) ;
option . className = className ;
if ( v . title ) {
option . title = v . title ;
option . innerHTML = text ;
option . onmousedown = function ( value ) {
return function ( event ) {
params . callback ( value ) ;
} ;
} ( v . value ) ;
select . appendChild ( option ) ;
document . body . appendChild ( select ) ;
params . node . setHighlight ( true ) ;
JSONEditor . freezeHighlight = true ;
// TODO: change to onclick? -> but be sure to remove existing dropdown first
var onmousedown = JSONEditor . Events . addEventListener ( document , 'mousedown' , function ( event ) {
JSONEditor . freezeHighlight = false ;
params . node . setHighlight ( false ) ;
document . body . removeChild ( select ) ;
JSONEditor . Events . removeEventListener ( document , 'mousedown' , onmousedown ) ;
} ) ;
/ * *
* Create a table row with an append button .
* @ return { HTML DOM } buttonAppend or undefined when unapplicable
* /
JSONEditor . Node . prototype . getAppend = function ( ) {
if ( ! this . append ) {
this . append = new JSONEditor . AppendNode ( ) ;
this . append . parent = this ;
return this . append . getDom ( ) ;
/ * *
* Create a remove button . Returns undefined when the structure cannot
* be removed
* @ return { HTML DOM } removeButton , or undefined when unapplicable
* /
JSONEditor . Node . prototype . _createDomRemoveButton = function ( ) {
if ( this . parent && ( this . parent . type == 'array' || this . parent . type == 'object' ) ) {
var buttonRemove = document . createElement ( 'button' ) ;
buttonRemove . className = 'jsoneditor-remove' ;
buttonRemove . title = 'Remove field (including all its childs)' ;
return buttonRemove ;
else {
return undefined ;
/ * *
* Create a duplicate button .
* If the Node is the root node , no duplicate button is available and undefined
* will be returned
* @ return { HTML DOM } buttonDuplicate
* /
JSONEditor . Node . prototype . _createDomDuplicateButton = function ( ) {
if ( this . parent && ( this . parent . type == 'array' || this . parent . type == 'object' ) ) {
var buttonDupliate = document . createElement ( 'button' ) ;
buttonDupliate . className = 'jsoneditor-duplicate' ;
buttonDupliate . title = 'Duplicate field (including all childs)' ;
return buttonDupliate ;
else {
return undefined ;
/ * *
* get the type of a value
* @ param { any type } value
* @ return { String } type Can be 'object' , 'array' , 'string' , 'auto'
* /
JSONEditor . Node . prototype . _getType = function ( value ) {
if ( value instanceof Array ) {
return 'array' ;
if ( value instanceof Object ) {
return 'object' ;
if ( typeof ( value ) == 'string' && typeof ( this . _stringCast ( value ) ) != 'string' ) {
return 'string' ;
return 'auto' ;
/ * *
* cast contents of a string to the correct type . This can be a string ,
* a number , a boolean , etc
* @ param { String } str
* @ return { String } castedStr
* /
JSONEditor . Node . prototype . _stringCast = function ( str ) {
var lower = str . toLowerCase ( ) ,
num = Number ( str ) , // will nicely fail with '123ab'
numFloat = parseFloat ( str ) ; // will nicely fail with ' '
if ( str == '' ) {
return '' ;
else if ( lower == 'null' ) {
return null ;
else if ( lower == 'true' ) {
return true ;
else if ( lower == 'false' ) {
return false ;
else if ( ! isNaN ( num ) && ! isNaN ( numFloat ) ) {
return num ;
else {
return str ;
/ * *
* escape a text
* @ param { HTML DOM } text
* @ return { String } escapedText
* /
JSONEditor . Node . prototype . _escape = function ( text ) {
2012-04-21 21:50:21 +08:00
var htmlEscaped = String ( text ) . replace ( /</g , '<' ) . replace ( />/g , '>' ) . replace ( / /g , ' ' ) ;
2012-04-21 19:28:28 +08:00
var json = JSON . stringify ( htmlEscaped ) ;
var escapedText = json . substring ( 1 , json . length - 1 ) ;
return escapedText ;
/ * *
* unescape a string .
* @ param { String } escapedText
* @ return { String } text
* /
JSONEditor . Node . prototype . _unescape = function ( escapedText ) {
var json = '"' + escapedText + '"' ;
var htmlEscaped = JSON . parse ( json ) ;
var text = htmlEscaped . replace ( /</g , '<' ) . replace ( />/g , '>' ) . replace ( / /g , ' ' ) ;
return text ;
/ * *
* Strip html tags from a string
* @ param { String } html
* @ return { String } text
* /
JSONEditor . Node . prototype . _stripHTML = function ( html ) {
// remove HTML tags
// code from nickf, http://stackoverflow.com/a/822464/1262753
return html . replace ( /<(?:.|\n)*?>/gm , '' ) ;
/ * *
* Create a new AppendNode . This is a special node which is created at the
* end of the list with childs for an object or array
* /
JSONEditor . AppendNode = function ( ) {
this . dom = { } ;
JSONEditor . AppendNode . prototype = new JSONEditor . Node ( ) ;
/ * *
* Helper
* /
function newTd ( className ) {
var td = document . createElement ( 'td' ) ;
td . className = className || '' ;
return td ;
/ * *
* Return a table row with an append button .
* @ return { HTML DOM } dom TR element
* /
JSONEditor . AppendNode . prototype . getDom = function ( ) {
if ( this . dom . tr ) {
return this . dom . tr ;
// a row for the append button
var trAppend = document . createElement ( 'tr' ) ;
trAppend . appendChild ( newTd ( 'jsoneditor-td' ) ) ;
trAppend . node = this ;
var tdAppend = document . createElement ( 'td' ) ;
trAppend . appendChild ( tdAppend ) ;
tdAppend . className = 'jsoneditor-td' ;
var buttonAppend = document . createElement ( 'button' ) ;
buttonAppend . className = 'jsoneditor-append' ;
buttonAppend . title = 'Append a field' ;
this . dom . append = buttonAppend ;
tdAppend . appendChild ( buttonAppend ) ;
trAppend . appendChild ( newTd ( 'jsoneditor-td jsoneditor-td-edit' ) ) ;
trAppend . appendChild ( newTd ( 'jsoneditor-td jsoneditor-td-edit' ) ) ;
trAppend . appendChild ( newTd ( 'jsoneditor-td jsoneditor-td-edit' ) ) ;
this . dom . tr = trAppend ;
this . dom . td = tdAppend ;
this . updateDom ( ) ;
return trAppend ;
/ * *
* Update the HTML dom of the Node
* /
JSONEditor . AppendNode . prototype . updateDom = function ( ) {
var tdAppend = this . dom . td ;
if ( tdAppend ) {
tdAppend . style . paddingLeft = ( this . getLevel ( ) * 24 + 26 ) + 'px' ;
// TODO: not so nice hard coded offset
/ * *
* Handle an event . The event is catched centrally by the editor
* @ param { HTML Event } event
* /
JSONEditor . AppendNode . prototype . onEvent = function ( event ) {
var type = event . type ;
var target = event . target || event . srcElement ;
var dom = this . dom ;
var node = this ;
var domAppend = dom . append ;
if ( target == domAppend ) {
switch ( type ) {
case 'click' :
var newNode = new JSONEditor . Node ( {
'field' : 'field' ,
'value' : 'value'
} ) ;
this . parent . appendChild ( newNode ) ;
this . parent . setHighlight ( false ) ;
newNode . focus ( ) ;
break ;
case 'mouseover' :
this . parent . setHighlight ( true ) ;
break ;
case 'mouseout' :
this . parent . setHighlight ( false ) ;
/ * *
* Create main frame
* /
JSONEditor . prototype . _createFrame = function ( ) {
// create the frame
this . container . innerHTML = '' ;
this . frame = document . createElement ( 'div' ) ;
this . frame . className = 'jsoneditor-frame' ;
this . container . appendChild ( this . frame ) ;
// create one global event listener to handle all events from all nodes
var editor = this ;
var onEvent = function ( event ) {
var event = event || window . event ;
var target = event . target || event . srcElement ;
var node = JSONEditor . getNodeFromTarget ( target ) ;
if ( node ) {
node . onEvent ( event ) ;
this . frame . onclick = onEvent ;
this . frame . onchange = onEvent ;
this . frame . onfocus = onEvent ;
this . frame . onblur = onEvent ;
this . frame . onkeyup = onEvent ;
this . frame . oncut = onEvent ;
this . frame . onpaste = onEvent ;
this . frame . onmousedown = onEvent ;
this . frame . onmouseup = onEvent ;
this . frame . onmouseover = onEvent ;
this . frame . onmouseout = onEvent ;
// create menu table
this . head = document . createElement ( 'table' ) ;
this . head . className = 'jsoneditor-menu' ;
var tbody = document . createElement ( 'tbody' ) ;
this . head . appendChild ( tbody ) ;
var tr = document . createElement ( 'tr' ) ;
tbody . appendChild ( tr ) ;
var td = document . createElement ( 'td' ) ;
td . className = 'jsoneditor-menu' ;
tr . appendChild ( td ) ;
// create expand all button
var editor = this ;
var expandAll = document . createElement ( 'button' ) ;
expandAll . innerHTML = 'Expand All' ;
expandAll . onclick = function ( ) {
editor . expandAll ( ) ;
td . appendChild ( expandAll ) ;
// create expand all button
var collapseAll = document . createElement ( 'button' ) ;
collapseAll . innerHTML = 'Collapse All' ;
collapseAll . onclick = function ( ) {
editor . collapseAll ( ) ;
td . appendChild ( collapseAll ) ;
this . frame . appendChild ( this . head ) ;
/ * *
* Create main table
* /
JSONEditor . prototype . _createTable = function ( ) {
var contentOuter = document . createElement ( 'div' ) ;
contentOuter . className = 'jsoneditor-content-outer' ;
this . content = document . createElement ( 'div' ) ;
this . content . className = 'jsoneditor-content' ;
contentOuter . appendChild ( this . content ) ;
this . table = document . createElement ( 'table' ) ;
this . table . className = 'jsoneditor-table' ;
this . content . appendChild ( this . table ) ;
// IE8 does not handle overflow='auto' correctly.
// Therefore, set overflow to 'scroll'
var ieVersion = JSONEditor . getInternetExplorerVersion ( ) ;
if ( ieVersion == 8 ) {
this . content . style . overflow = 'scroll' ;
// create colgroup where the first two columns don't have a fixed
// width, and the edit columns do have a fixed width
var col ;
this . colgroupContent = document . createElement ( 'colgroup' ) ;
col = document . createElement ( 'col' ) ;
col . width = "24px" ;
this . colgroupContent . appendChild ( col ) ;
col = document . createElement ( 'col' ) ;
this . colgroupContent . appendChild ( col ) ;
col = document . createElement ( 'col' ) ;
col . width = "24px" ;
this . colgroupContent . appendChild ( col ) ;
col = document . createElement ( 'col' ) ;
col . width = "24px" ;
this . colgroupContent . appendChild ( col ) ;
col = document . createElement ( 'col' ) ;
col . width = "24px" ;
this . colgroupContent . appendChild ( col ) ;
this . table . appendChild ( this . colgroupContent ) ;
this . tbody = document . createElement ( 'tbody' ) ;
this . table . appendChild ( this . tbody ) ;
/ * T O D O : r e m o v e
// TODO: replace header with a fixed bar (like the formatter has)
// create header column
var tr , th ;
tr = document . createElement ( 'tr' ) ;
th = document . createElement ( 'th' ) ;
th . className = 'jsoneditor-th' ;
var editor = this ;
var expandAll = document . createElement ( 'button' ) ;
expandAll . innerHTML = 'Expand All' ;
expandAll . onclick = function ( ) {
editor . expandAll ( ) ;
th . appendChild ( expandAll ) ;
var collapseAll = document . createElement ( 'button' ) ;
collapseAll . innerHTML = 'Collapse All' ;
collapseAll . onclick = function ( ) {
editor . collapseAll ( ) ;
th . appendChild ( collapseAll ) ;
th . colSpan = 5 ;
tr . appendChild ( th ) ;
this . tbody . appendChild ( tr ) ;
* /
this . frame . appendChild ( contentOuter ) ;
/ * *
* Find the node from an event target
* @ param { HTML DOM } event target
* @ return { JSONEditor . Node } node or undefined when not found
* /
JSONEditor . getNodeFromTarget = function ( target ) {
while ( target ) {
if ( target . node ) {
return target . node ;
target = target . parentNode ;
return undefined ;
JSONFormatter = function ( container ) {
// check availability of JSON parser (not available in IE7 and older)
if ( ! JSON ) {
throw new Error ( 'Your browser does not support JSON. \n\n' +
'Please install the newest version of your browser.\n' +
'(all modern browsers support JSON).' ) ;
this . container = container ;
this . width = container . clientWidth ;
this . height = container . clientHeight ;
this . frame = document . createElement ( 'div' ) ;
this . frame . className = "jsoneditor-frame" ;
// create menu table
this . head = document . createElement ( 'table' ) ;
this . head . className = 'jsoneditor-menu' ;
var tbody = document . createElement ( 'tbody' ) ;
this . head . appendChild ( tbody ) ;
var tr = document . createElement ( 'tr' ) ;
tbody . appendChild ( tr ) ;
var td = document . createElement ( 'td' ) ;
td . className = 'jsoneditor-menu' ;
tr . appendChild ( td ) ;
// create format button
var buttonFormat = document . createElement ( 'button' ) ;
buttonFormat . innerHTML = 'Format' ;
buttonFormat . title = 'Format JSON data, with proper indentation and line feeds' ;
buttonFormat . className = 'jsoneditor-button' ;
td . appendChild ( buttonFormat ) ;
// create compact button
var buttonCompact = document . createElement ( 'button' ) ;
buttonCompact . innerHTML = 'Compact' ;
buttonCompact . title = 'Compact JSON data, remove all whitespaces' ;
buttonCompact . className = 'jsoneditor-button' ;
td . appendChild ( buttonCompact ) ;
this . frame . appendChild ( this . head ) ;
this . content = document . createElement ( 'div' ) ;
this . content . className = 'jsonformatter-content' ;
this . frame . appendChild ( this . content ) ;
this . textarea = document . createElement ( 'textarea' ) ;
this . textarea . className = "jsonformatter-textarea" ;
this . textarea . spellcheck = false ;
this . content . appendChild ( this . textarea ) ;
var formatter = this ;
var textarea = this . textarea ;
var onChange = function ( ) {
formatter . _checkChange ( ) ;
} ;
/ * T O D O : r e g i s t e r o n c h a n g e
this . textarea . onchange = onChange ;
this . textarea . onkeyup = onChange ;
this . textarea . oncut = onChange ;
this . textarea . oncopy = onChange ;
this . textarea . onpaste = onChange ;
this . textarea . onchange = function ( ) {
console . log ( 'onchange' ) ;
this . textarea . ondomcharacterdatamodified = function ( ) {
console . log ( 'DOMCharacterDataModified' ) ;
this . textarea . ondomattrmodified = function ( ) {
console . log ( 'DOMAttrModified' ) ;
addEventListener ( this . textarea , 'DOMAttrModified' , function ( event ) {
console . log ( 'DOMAttrModified' , event ) ;
} ) ;
addEventListener ( this . textarea , 'DOMCharacterDataModified' , function ( event ) {
console . log ( 'DOMCharacterDataModified' , event ) ;
} ) ;
* /
var me = this ;
buttonFormat . onclick = function ( ) {
try {
textarea . value = JSON . stringify ( JSON . parse ( textarea . value ) , null , ' ' ) ;
catch ( err ) {
me . onError ( err ) ;
} ;
buttonCompact . onclick = function ( ) {
try {
textarea . value = JSON . stringify ( JSON . parse ( textarea . value ) ) ;
catch ( err ) {
me . onError ( err ) ;
} ;
this . container . appendChild ( this . frame ) ;
/ * *
* This method is executed on error .
* It can be overwritten for each instance of the JSONFormatter
* @ param { String } err
* /
JSONFormatter . prototype . onError = function ( err ) {
// action should be implemented for the instance
/ * *
* Check if the contents are changed
* /
JSONFormatter . prototype . _checkChange = function ( ) {
var content = this . textarea . value ;
if ( content != this . lastContent ) {
this . lastContent = content ;
if ( formatter . onChangeCallback ) {
formatter . onChangeCallback ( ) ;
/ * *
* Set json data in the formatter
* @ param { JSON } json
* /
JSONFormatter . prototype . set = function ( json ) {
this . textarea . value = JSON . stringify ( json , null , ' ' ) ;
/ * *
* Get json data from the formatter
* @ return { JSON } json
* /
JSONFormatter . prototype . get = function ( ) {
return JSON . parse ( this . textarea . value ) ;
/ * *
* Set a callback method for the onchange event
* @ return { function } callback
* /
/ * T O D O : s e t O n C h a n g e C a l l b a c k
JSONFormatter . prototype . setOnChangeCallback = function ( callback ) {
this . onChangeCallback = callback ;
console . log ( this . onChangeCallback , callback )
* /
// create namespace for event methods
JSONEditor . Events = { } ;
/ * *
* Add and event listener . Works for all browsers
* @ param { DOM Element } element An html element
* @ param { string } action The action , for example "click" ,
* without the prefix "on"
* @ param { function } listener The callback function to be executed
* @ param { boolean } useCapture
* @ return { function } the created event listener
* /
JSONEditor . Events . addEventListener = function ( element , action , listener , useCapture ) {
if ( element . addEventListener ) {
if ( useCapture === undefined )
useCapture = false ;
if ( action === "mousewheel" && navigator . userAgent . indexOf ( "Firefox" ) >= 0 ) {
action = "DOMMouseScroll" ; // For Firefox
element . addEventListener ( action , listener , useCapture ) ;
return listener ;
} else {
// IE browsers
var f = function ( ) {
return listener . call ( element , window . event ) ;
} ;
element . attachEvent ( "on" + action , f ) ;
return f ;
} ;
/ * *
* Remove an event listener from an element
* @ param { DOM element } element An html dom element
* @ param { string } action The name of the event , for example "mousedown"
* @ param { function } listener The listener function
* @ param { boolean } useCapture
* /
JSONEditor . Events . removeEventListener = function ( element , action , listener , useCapture ) {
if ( element . removeEventListener ) {
// non-IE browsers
if ( useCapture === undefined )
useCapture = false ;
if ( action === "mousewheel" && navigator . userAgent . indexOf ( "Firefox" ) >= 0 ) {
action = "DOMMouseScroll" ; // For Firefox
element . removeEventListener ( action , listener , useCapture ) ;
} else {
// IE browsers
element . detachEvent ( "on" + action , listener ) ;
} ;
/ * *
* Stop event propagation
* /
JSONEditor . Events . stopPropagation = function ( event ) {
if ( ! event )
var event = window . event ;
if ( event . stopPropagation ) {
event . stopPropagation ( ) ; // non-IE browsers
else {
event . cancelBubble = true ; // IE browsers
/ * *
* Cancels the event if it is cancelable , without stopping further propagation of the event .
* /
JSONEditor . Events . preventDefault = function ( event ) {
if ( ! event )
var event = window . event ;
if ( event . preventDefault ) {
event . preventDefault ( ) ; // non-IE browsers
else {
event . returnValue = false ; // IE browsers
/ * *
* Retrieve the absolute left value of a DOM element
* @ param { DOM element } elem A dom element , for example a div
* @ return { number } left The absolute left position of this element
* in the browser page .
* /
JSONEditor . getAbsoluteLeft = function ( elem ) {
var left = 0 ;
while ( elem != null ) {
left += elem . offsetLeft ;
left -= elem . scrollLeft ;
elem = elem . offsetParent ;
if ( ! document . body . scrollLeft && window . pageXOffset ) {
// FF
left -= window . pageXOffset ;
return left ;
} ;
/ * *
* Retrieve the absolute top value of a DOM element
* @ param { DOM element } elem A dom element , for example a div
* @ return { number } top The absolute top position of this element
* in the browser page .
* /
JSONEditor . getAbsoluteTop = function ( elem ) {
var top = 0 ;
while ( elem != null ) {
top += elem . offsetTop ;
top -= elem . scrollTop ;
elem = elem . offsetParent ;
if ( ! document . body . scrollTop && window . pageYOffset ) {
// FF
top -= window . pageYOffset ;
return top ;
} ;
/ * *
* add a className to the given elements style
* /
JSONEditor . addClassName = function ( elem , className ) {
var c = elem . className ;
if ( c . indexOf ( className ) == - 1 ) {
c += ' ' + className ;
elem . className = c ;
/ * *
* add a className to the given elements style
* /
JSONEditor . removeClassName = function ( elem , className ) {
var c = elem . className ;
if ( c . indexOf ( className ) != - 1 ) {
c = c . replace ( className , '' ) ; // remove classname
c = c . replace ( / /g , '' ) ; // remove double spaces
elem . className = c ;
/ * *
* Strip the formatting from the contents of a div
* the formatting from the div itself is not stripped , only from its childs .
* @ param { HTML Div Element } divElement
* /
JSONEditor . stripFormatting = function ( divElement ) {
var childs = divElement . childNodes ;
for ( var i = 0 , iMax = childs . length ; i < iMax ; i ++ ) {
var child = childs [ i ] ;
// remove the style
if ( child . style ) {
// TODO: test if child.attributes does contain style
child . removeAttribute ( 'style' ) ;
// remove all attributes
var attributes = child . attributes ;
if ( attributes ) {
for ( var j = 0 , jMax = attributes . length ; j < jMax ; j ++ ) {
var attribute = attributes [ j ] ;
if ( attribute . specified == true ) {
child . removeAttribute ( attribute . name ) ;
// recursively strip childs
JSONEditor . stripFormatting ( child ) ;
/ * *
* Set focus to the end of an editable div
* code from Nico Burns
* http : //stackoverflow.com/users/140293/nico-burns
* http : //stackoverflow.com/questions/1125292/how-to-move-cursor-to-end-of-contenteditable-entity
* /
JSONEditor . setEndOfContenteditable = function ( contentEditableElement ) {
var range , selection ;
if ( document . createRange ) { //Firefox, Chrome, Opera, Safari, IE 9+
range = document . createRange ( ) ; //Create a range (a range is a like the selection but invisible)
range . selectNodeContents ( contentEditableElement ) ; //Select the entire contents of the element with the range
range . collapse ( false ) ; //collapse the range to the end point. false means collapse to end rather than the start
selection = window . getSelection ( ) ; //get the selection object (allows you to change selection)
selection . removeAllRanges ( ) ; //remove any selections already made
selection . addRange ( range ) ; //make the range you have just created the visible selection
else if ( document . selection ) { //IE 8 and lower
range = document . body . createTextRange ( ) ; //Create a range (a range is a like the selection but invisible)
range . moveToElementText ( contentEditableElement ) ; //Select the entire contents of the element with the range
range . collapse ( false ) ; //collapse the range to the end point. false means collapse to end rather than the start
range . select ( ) ; //Select the range (make it the visible selection
/ * *
* Returns the version of Internet Explorer or a - 1
* ( indicating the use of another browser ) .
* Source : http : //msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms537509(v=vs.85).aspx
* @ return { Number } Internet Explorer version , or - 1 in case of an other browser
* /
JSONEditor . getInternetExplorerVersion = function ( ) {
var rv = - 1 ; // Return value assumes failure.
if ( navigator . appName == 'Microsoft Internet Explorer' )
var ua = navigator . userAgent ;
var re = new RegExp ( "MSIE ([0-9]{1,}[\.0-9]{0,})" ) ;
if ( re . exec ( ua ) != null )
rv = parseFloat ( RegExp . $1 ) ;
return rv ;
JSONEditor . ieVersion = JSONEditor . getInternetExplorerVersion ( ) ;