Fix #873: buttons Format, Compact, and Repair not supporting internationalization
This commit is contained in:
@ -3,6 +3,12 @@
## not yet published, version 8.1.2
- Fix #873: buttons Format, Compact, and Repair not supporting
## 2019-12-28, version 8.1.1
- Fixed the file size reported in `preview` mode show `KB` and `MB` instead
@ -16,7 +16,10 @@ const _defs = {
ascending: 'Ascending',
ascendingTitle: 'Sort the childs of this ${type} in ascending order',
actionsMenu: 'Click to open the actions menu (Ctrl+M)',
cannotParseFieldError: 'Cannot parse field into JSON',
cannotParseValueError: 'Cannot parse value into JSON',
collapseAll: 'Collapse all fields',
compactTitle: 'Compact JSON data, remove all whitespaces (Ctrl+Shift+\\)',
descending: 'Descending',
descendingTitle: 'Sort the childs of this ${type} in descending order',
drag: 'Drag to move this field (Alt+Shift+Arrows)',
@ -25,12 +28,11 @@ const _defs = {
duplicateTitle: 'Duplicate selected fields (Ctrl+D)',
duplicateField: 'Duplicate this field (Ctrl+D)',
duplicateFieldError: 'Duplicate field name',
cannotParseFieldError: 'Cannot parse field into JSON',
cannotParseValueError: 'Cannot parse value into JSON',
empty: 'empty',
expandAll: 'Expand all fields',
expandTitle: 'Click to expand/collapse this field (Ctrl+E). \n' +
'Ctrl+Click to expand/collapse including all childs.',
formatTitle: 'Format JSON data, with proper indentation and line feeds (Ctrl+\\)',
insert: 'Insert',
insertTitle: 'Insert a new field with type \'auto\' before this field (Ctrl+Ins)',
insertSub: 'Select the type of the field to be inserted',
@ -40,6 +42,7 @@ const _defs = {
removeText: 'Remove',
removeTitle: 'Remove selected fields (Ctrl+Del)',
removeField: 'Remove this field (Ctrl+Del)',
repairTitle: 'Repair JSON: fix quotes and escape characters, remove comments and JSONP notation, turn JavaScript objects into JSON.',
searchTitle: 'Search fields and values',
searchNextResultTitle: 'Next result (Enter)',
searchPreviousResultTitle: 'Previous result (Shift + Enter)',
@ -111,7 +114,10 @@ const _defs = {
ascending: '升序',
ascendingTitle: '升序排列${type}的子节点',
actionsMenu: '点击打开动作菜单(Ctrl+M)',
cannotParseFieldError: '无法将字段解析为JSON',
cannotParseValueError: '无法将值解析为JSON',
collapseAll: '缩进所有字段',
compactTitle: '压缩JSON数据,删除所有空格 (Ctrl+Shift+\\)',
descending: '降序',
descendingTitle: '降序排列${type}的子节点',
drag: '拖拽移动该节点(Alt+Shift+Arrows)',
@ -120,12 +126,11 @@ const _defs = {
duplicateTitle: '复制选中字段(Ctrl+D)',
duplicateField: '复制该字段(Ctrl+D)',
duplicateFieldError: '重复的字段名称',
cannotParseFieldError: '无法将字段解析为JSON',
cannotParseValueError: '无法将值解析为JSON',
empty: '清空',
expandAll: '展开所有字段',
expandTitle: '点击 展开/收缩 该字段(Ctrl+E). \n' +
'Ctrl+Click 展开/收缩 包含所有子节点.',
formatTitle: '使用适当的缩进和换行符格式化JSON数据 (Ctrl+\\)',
insert: '插入',
insertTitle: '在此字段前插入类型为“auto”的新字段 (Ctrl+Ins)',
insertSub: '选择要插入的字段类型',
@ -135,6 +140,7 @@ const _defs = {
removeText: '移除',
removeTitle: '移除选中字段 (Ctrl+Del)',
removeField: '移除该字段 (Ctrl+Del)',
repairTitle: '修复JSON:修复引号和转义符,删除注释和JSONP表示法,将JavaScript对象转换为JSON。',
selectNode: '选择一个节点...',
showAll: '展示全部',
showMore: '展示更多',
@ -202,7 +208,10 @@ const _defs = {
ascending: 'Ascendente',
ascendingTitle: 'Organizar filhor do tipo ${type} em crescente',
actionsMenu: 'Clique para abrir o menu de ações (Ctrl+M)',
cannotParseFieldError: 'Não é possível analisar o campo no JSON',
cannotParseValueError: 'Não é possível analisar o valor em JSON',
collapseAll: 'Fechar todos campos',
compactTitle: 'Dados JSON compactos, remova todos os espaços em branco (Ctrl+Shift+\\)',
descending: 'Descendente',
descendingTitle: 'Organizar o filhos do tipo ${type} em decrescente',
duplicateKey: 'chave duplicada',
@ -211,12 +220,11 @@ const _defs = {
duplicateTitle: 'Duplicar campos selecionados (Ctrl+D)',
duplicateField: 'Duplicar este campo (Ctrl+D)',
duplicateFieldError: 'Nome do campo duplicado',
cannotParseFieldError: 'Não é possível analisar o campo no JSON',
cannotParseValueError: 'Não é possível analisar o valor em JSON',
empty: 'vazio',
expandAll: 'Expandir todos campos',
expandTitle: 'Clique para expandir/encolher este campo (Ctrl+E). \n' +
'Ctrl+Click para expandir/encolher incluindo todos os filhos.',
formatTitle: 'Formate dados JSON, com recuo e feeds de linha adequados (Ctrl+\\)',
insert: 'Inserir',
insertTitle: 'Inserir um novo campo do tipo \'auto\' antes deste campo (Ctrl+Ins)',
insertSub: 'Selecionar o tipo de campo a ser inserido',
@ -226,15 +234,13 @@ const _defs = {
removeText: 'Remover',
removeTitle: 'Remover campos selecionados (Ctrl+Del)',
removeField: 'Remover este campo (Ctrl+Del)',
// TODO: correctly translate
repairTitle: 'Repare JSON: corrija aspas e caracteres de escape, remova comentários e notação JSONP, transforme objetos JavaScript em JSON.',
selectNode: 'Selecione um nódulo...',
showAll: 'mostrar todos',
showMore: 'mostrar mais',
// TODO: correctly translate
showMoreStatus: 'exibindo ${visibleChilds} de ${totalChilds} itens.',
sort: 'Organizar',
sortTitle: 'Organizar os filhos deste ${type}',
// TODO: correctly translate
sortTitleShort: 'Organizar os filhos',
sortFieldLabel: 'Campo:',
sortDirectionLabel: 'Direção:',
@ -244,13 +250,10 @@ const _defs = {
sortDescending: 'Descendente',
sortDescendingTitle: 'Ordenar o campo selecionado por ordem descendente',
string: 'Texto',
// TODO: correctly translate
transform: 'Transformar',
transformTitle: 'Filtrar, ordenar ou transformar os filhos deste ${type}',
transformTitleShort: 'Filtrar, ordenar ou transformar conteúdos',
// TODO: correctly translate
transformQueryTitle: 'Insira uma expressão JMESPath',
// TODO: correctly translate
transformWizardLabel: 'Assistente',
transformWizardFilter: 'Filtro',
transformWizardSortBy: 'Ordenar por',
@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ previewmode.create = function (container, options = {}) {
const buttonFormat = document.createElement('button')
buttonFormat.type = 'button'
buttonFormat.className = 'jsoneditor-format'
buttonFormat.title = 'Format JSON data, with proper indentation and line feeds (Ctrl+\\)'
buttonFormat.title = translate('formatTitle')
buttonFormat.onclick = function handleFormat () {
me.executeWithBusyMessage(() => {
@ -132,7 +132,7 @@ previewmode.create = function (container, options = {}) {
const buttonCompact = document.createElement('button')
buttonCompact.type = 'button'
buttonCompact.className = 'jsoneditor-compact'
buttonCompact.title = 'Compact JSON data, remove all whitespaces (Ctrl+Shift+\\)'
buttonCompact.title = translate('compactTitle')
buttonCompact.onclick = function handleCompact () {
me.executeWithBusyMessage(() => {
@ -173,7 +173,7 @@ previewmode.create = function (container, options = {}) {
const buttonRepair = document.createElement('button')
buttonRepair.type = 'button'
buttonRepair.className = 'jsoneditor-repair'
buttonRepair.title = 'Repair JSON: fix quotes and escape characters, remove comments and JSONP notation, turn JavaScript objects into JSON.'
buttonRepair.title = translate('repairTitle')
buttonRepair.onclick = () => {
if (me.json === undefined) { // only repair if we don't have valid JSON
@ -129,7 +129,7 @@ textmode.create = function (container, options = {}) {
const buttonFormat = document.createElement('button')
buttonFormat.type = 'button'
buttonFormat.className = 'jsoneditor-format'
buttonFormat.title = 'Format JSON data, with proper indentation and line feeds (Ctrl+\\)'
buttonFormat.title = translate('formatTitle')
buttonFormat.onclick = () => {
try {
@ -144,7 +144,7 @@ textmode.create = function (container, options = {}) {
const buttonCompact = document.createElement('button')
buttonCompact.type = 'button'
buttonCompact.className = 'jsoneditor-compact'
buttonCompact.title = 'Compact JSON data, remove all whitespaces (Ctrl+Shift+\\)'
buttonCompact.title = translate('compactTitle')
buttonCompact.onclick = () => {
try {
@ -183,7 +183,7 @@ textmode.create = function (container, options = {}) {
const buttonRepair = document.createElement('button')
buttonRepair.type = 'button'
buttonRepair.className = 'jsoneditor-repair'
buttonRepair.title = 'Repair JSON: fix quotes and escape characters, remove comments and JSONP notation, turn JavaScript objects into JSON.'
buttonRepair.title = translate('repairTitle')
buttonRepair.onclick = () => {
try {
Reference in New Issue