var fs = require('fs'); var gulp = require('gulp'); var gutil = require('gulp-util'); var shell = require('gulp-shell'); var mkdirp = require('mkdirp'); var webpack = require('webpack'); var NAME = 'jsoneditor'; var NAME_MINIMALIST = 'jsoneditor-minimalist'; var ENTRY = './src/index.js'; var HEADER = './src/header.js'; var DIST = './dist'; // generate banner with today's date and correct version function createBanner() { var today = Date(), 'yyyy-mm-dd'); // today, formatted as yyyy-mm-dd var version = require('./package.json').version; // math.js version return String(fs.readFileSync(HEADER)) .replace('@@date', today) .replace('@@version', version); } var bannerPlugin = new webpack.BannerPlugin(createBanner(), { entryOnly: true, raw: true }); var loaders = [ { test: /\.js$/, exclude: /node_modules/, loader: 'babel-loader' }, { test: /\.json$/, loader: 'json' }, { test: /\.less$/, loaders: '!style!css!less!' }, { test: /\.svg$/, loader: 'svg-url-loader' } ]; // create a single instance of the compiler to allow caching var compiler = webpack({ entry: ENTRY, devtool: 'source-map', output: { library: 'jsoneditor', libraryTarget: 'umd', path: DIST, filename: NAME + '.js' }, plugins: [ bannerPlugin, new webpack.optimize.UglifyJsPlugin() ], module: { loaders: loaders }, cache: true }); // create a single instance of the compiler to allow caching var compilerMinimalist = webpack({ entry: ENTRY, devtool: 'source-map', output: { library: 'jsoneditor', libraryTarget: 'umd', path: DIST, filename: NAME_MINIMALIST + '.js' }, plugins: [ bannerPlugin, new webpack.IgnorePlugin(new RegExp('^brace$')), new webpack.IgnorePlugin(new RegExp('^ajv')), new webpack.optimize.UglifyJsPlugin() ], module: { loaders: loaders }, cache: true }); // make dist folder gulp.task('mkdir', function () { mkdirp.sync(DIST); }); // bundle javascript gulp.task('bundle', ['mkdir'], function (done) { // update the banner contents (has a date in it which should stay up to date) bannerPlugin.banner = createBanner(); (err, stats) { if (err) { gutil.log(err); } gutil.log('bundled ' + NAME + '.js'); done(); }); }); // bundle minimalist version of javascript gulp.task('bundle-minimalist', ['mkdir'], function (done) { // update the banner contents (has a date in it which should stay up to date) bannerPlugin.banner = createBanner(); (err, stats) { if (err) { gutil.log(err); } gutil.log('bundled ' + NAME_MINIMALIST + '.js'); done(); }); }); // TODO: zip file using archiver var pkg = 'jsoneditor-' + require('./package.json').version + '.zip'; gulp.task('zip', shell.task([ 'zip ' + pkg + ' ' + ' NOTICE LICENSE index.html src dist docs examples -r ' ])); // The watch task (to automatically rebuild when the source code changes) // Does only generate jsoneditor.js and jsoneditor.css, and copy the image // Does NOT minify the code and does NOT generate the minimalist version gulp.task('watch', ['bundle'], function () { // TODO: don't minify when in watch mode['src/**/*'], ['bundle']); }); // The default task (called when you run `gulp`) gulp.task('default', [ 'bundle', 'bundle-minimalist' ]);