/*! * jsoneditor.js * * @brief * JSONEditor is a web-based tool to view, edit, format, and validate JSON. * It has various modes such as a tree editor, a code editor, and a plain text * editor. * * Supported browsers: Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Opera, Internet Explorer 8+ * * @license * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not * use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy * of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under * the License. * * Copyright (c) 2011-2017 Jos de Jong, http://jsoneditoronline.org * * @author Jos de Jong, * @version 5.24.1 * @date 2018-08-26 */ (function webpackUniversalModuleDefinition(root, factory) { if(typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module === 'object') module.exports = factory(); else if(typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) define([], factory); else if(typeof exports === 'object') exports["JSONEditor"] = factory(); else root["JSONEditor"] = factory(); })(this, function() { return /******/ (function(modules) { // webpackBootstrap /******/ // The module cache /******/ var installedModules = {}; /******/ // The require function /******/ function __webpack_require__(moduleId) { /******/ // Check if module is in cache /******/ if(installedModules[moduleId]) /******/ return installedModules[moduleId].exports; /******/ // Create a new module (and put it into the cache) /******/ var module = installedModules[moduleId] = { /******/ exports: {}, /******/ id: moduleId, /******/ loaded: false /******/ }; /******/ // Execute the module function /******/ modules[moduleId].call(module.exports, module, module.exports, __webpack_require__); /******/ // Flag the module as loaded /******/ module.loaded = true; /******/ // Return the exports of the module /******/ return module.exports; /******/ } /******/ // expose the modules object (__webpack_modules__) /******/ __webpack_require__.m = modules; /******/ // expose the module cache /******/ __webpack_require__.c = installedModules; /******/ // __webpack_public_path__ /******/ __webpack_require__.p = ""; /******/ // Load entry module and return exports /******/ return __webpack_require__(0); /******/ }) /************************************************************************/ /******/ ([ /* 0 */ /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { 'use strict'; var Ajv; try { Ajv = __webpack_require__(!(function webpackMissingModule() { var e = new Error("Cannot find module \"ajv\""); e.code = 'MODULE_NOT_FOUND'; throw e; }())); } catch (err) { // no problem... when we need Ajv we will throw a neat exception } var ace = __webpack_require__(1); // may be undefined in case of minimalist bundle var VanillaPicker = __webpack_require__(5); // may be undefined in case of minimalist bundle var treemode = __webpack_require__(6); var textmode = __webpack_require__(28); var util = __webpack_require__(12); /** * @constructor JSONEditor * @param {Element} container Container element * @param {Object} [options] Object with options. available options: * {String} mode Editor mode. Available values: * 'tree' (default), 'view', * 'form', 'text', and 'code'. * {function} onChange Callback method, triggered * on change of contents. * Does not pass the contents itself. * See also `onChangeJSON` and * `onChangeText`. * {function} onChangeJSON Callback method, triggered * in modes on change of contents, * passing the changed contents * as JSON. * Only applicable for modes * 'tree', 'view', and 'form'. * {function} onChangeText Callback method, triggered * in modes on change of contents, * passing the changed contents * as stringified JSON. * {function} onError Callback method, triggered * when an error occurs * {Boolean} search Enable search box. * True by default * Only applicable for modes * 'tree', 'view', and 'form' * {Boolean} history Enable history (undo/redo). * True by default * Only applicable for modes * 'tree', 'view', and 'form' * {String} name Field name for the root node. * Only applicable for modes * 'tree', 'view', and 'form' * {Number} indentation Number of indentation * spaces. 4 by default. * Only applicable for * modes 'text' and 'code' * {boolean} escapeUnicode If true, unicode * characters are escaped. * false by default. * {boolean} sortObjectKeys If true, object keys are * sorted before display. * false by default. * {function} onSelectionChange Callback method, * triggered on node selection change * Only applicable for modes * 'tree', 'view', and 'form' * {function} onTextSelectionChange Callback method, * triggered on text selection change * Only applicable for modes * {HTMLElement} modalAnchor The anchor element to apply an * overlay and display the modals in a * centered location. * Defaults to document.body * 'text' and 'code' * {function} onEvent Callback method, triggered * when an event occurs in * a JSON field or value. * Only applicable for * modes 'form', 'tree' and * 'view' * @param {Object | undefined} json JSON object */ function JSONEditor (container, options, json) { if (!(this instanceof JSONEditor)) { throw new Error('JSONEditor constructor called without "new".'); } // check for unsupported browser (IE8 and older) var ieVersion = util.getInternetExplorerVersion(); if (ieVersion != -1 && ieVersion < 9) { throw new Error('Unsupported browser, IE9 or newer required. ' + 'Please install the newest version of your browser.'); } if (options) { // check for deprecated options if (options.error) { console.warn('Option "error" has been renamed to "onError"'); options.onError = options.error; delete options.error; } if (options.change) { console.warn('Option "change" has been renamed to "onChange"'); options.onChange = options.change; delete options.change; } if (options.editable) { console.warn('Option "editable" has been renamed to "onEditable"'); options.onEditable = options.editable; delete options.editable; } // warn if onChangeJSON is used when mode can be `text` or `code` if (options.onChangeJSON) { if (options.mode === 'text' || options.mode === 'code' || (options.modes && (options.modes.indexOf('text') !== -1 || options.modes.indexOf('code') !== -1))) { console.warn('Option "onChangeJSON" is not applicable to modes "text" and "code". ' + 'Use "onChangeText" or "onChange" instead.'); } } // validate options if (options) { Object.keys(options).forEach(function (option) { if (JSONEditor.VALID_OPTIONS.indexOf(option) === -1) { console.warn('Unknown option "' + option + '". This option will be ignored'); } }); } } if (arguments.length) { this._create(container, options, json); } } /** * Configuration for all registered modes. Example: * { * tree: { * mixin: TreeEditor, * data: 'json' * }, * text: { * mixin: TextEditor, * data: 'text' * } * } * * @type { Object. } */ JSONEditor.modes = {}; // debounce interval for JSON schema vaidation in milliseconds JSONEditor.prototype.DEBOUNCE_INTERVAL = 150; JSONEditor.VALID_OPTIONS = [ 'ajv', 'schema', 'schemaRefs','templates', 'ace', 'theme', 'autocomplete', 'onChange', 'onChangeJSON', 'onChangeText', 'onEditable', 'onError', 'onEvent', 'onModeChange', 'onValidate', 'onSelectionChange', 'onTextSelectionChange', 'colorPicker', 'onColorPicker', 'timestampTag', 'escapeUnicode', 'history', 'search', 'mode', 'modes', 'name', 'indentation', 'sortObjectKeys', 'navigationBar', 'statusBar', 'languages', 'language' ]; /** * Create the JSONEditor * @param {Element} container Container element * @param {Object} [options] See description in constructor * @param {Object | undefined} json JSON object * @private */ JSONEditor.prototype._create = function (container, options, json) { this.container = container; this.options = options || {}; this.json = json || {}; var mode = this.options.mode || (this.options.modes && this.options.modes[0]) || 'tree'; this.setMode(mode); }; /** * Destroy the editor. Clean up DOM, event listeners, and web workers. */ JSONEditor.prototype.destroy = function () {}; /** * Set JSON object in editor * @param {Object | undefined} json JSON data */ JSONEditor.prototype.set = function (json) { this.json = json; }; /** * Get JSON from the editor * @returns {Object} json */ JSONEditor.prototype.get = function () { return this.json; }; /** * Set string containing JSON for the editor * @param {String | undefined} jsonText */ JSONEditor.prototype.setText = function (jsonText) { this.json = util.parse(jsonText); }; /** * Get stringified JSON contents from the editor * @returns {String} jsonText */ JSONEditor.prototype.getText = function () { return JSON.stringify(this.json); }; /** * Set a field name for the root node. * @param {String | undefined} name */ JSONEditor.prototype.setName = function (name) { if (!this.options) { this.options = {}; } this.options.name = name; }; /** * Get the field name for the root node. * @return {String | undefined} name */ JSONEditor.prototype.getName = function () { return this.options && this.options.name; }; /** * Change the mode of the editor. * JSONEditor will be extended with all methods needed for the chosen mode. * @param {String} mode Available modes: 'tree' (default), 'view', 'form', * 'text', and 'code'. */ JSONEditor.prototype.setMode = function (mode) { // if the mode is the same as current mode (and it's not the first time), do nothing. if (mode === this.options.mode && this.create) { return; } var container = this.container; var options = util.extend({}, this.options); var oldMode = options.mode; var data; var name; options.mode = mode; var config = JSONEditor.modes[mode]; if (config) { try { var asText = (config.data == 'text'); name = this.getName(); data = this[asText ? 'getText' : 'get'](); // get text or json this.destroy(); util.clear(this); util.extend(this, config.mixin); this.create(container, options); this.setName(name); this[asText ? 'setText' : 'set'](data); // set text or json if (typeof config.load === 'function') { try { config.load.call(this); } catch (err) { console.error(err); } } if (typeof options.onModeChange === 'function' && mode !== oldMode) { try { options.onModeChange(mode, oldMode); } catch (err) { console.error(err); } } } catch (err) { this._onError(err); } } else { throw new Error('Unknown mode "' + options.mode + '"'); } }; /** * Get the current mode * @return {string} */ JSONEditor.prototype.getMode = function () { return this.options.mode; }; /** * Throw an error. If an error callback is configured in options.error, this * callback will be invoked. Else, a regular error is thrown. * @param {Error} err * @private */ JSONEditor.prototype._onError = function(err) { if (this.options && typeof this.options.onError === 'function') { this.options.onError(err); } else { throw err; } }; /** * Set a JSON schema for validation of the JSON object. * To remove the schema, call JSONEditor.setSchema(null) * @param {Object | null} schema * @param {Object.=} schemaRefs Schemas that are referenced using the `$ref` property from the JSON schema that are set in the `schema` option, + the object structure in the form of `{reference_key: schemaObject}` */ JSONEditor.prototype.setSchema = function (schema, schemaRefs) { // compile a JSON schema validator if a JSON schema is provided if (schema) { var ajv; try { // grab ajv from options if provided, else create a new instance ajv = this.options.ajv || Ajv({ allErrors: true, verbose: true }); } catch (err) { console.warn('Failed to create an instance of Ajv, JSON Schema validation is not available. Please use a JSONEditor bundle including Ajv, or pass an instance of Ajv as via the configuration option `ajv`.'); } if (ajv) { if(schemaRefs) { for (var ref in schemaRefs) { ajv.removeSchema(ref); // When updating a schema - old refs has to be removed first if(schemaRefs[ref]) { ajv.addSchema(schemaRefs[ref], ref); } } this.options.schemaRefs = schemaRefs; } this.validateSchema = ajv.compile(schema); // add schema to the options, so that when switching to an other mode, // the set schema is not lost this.options.schema = schema; // validate now this.validate(); } this.refresh(); // update DOM } else { // remove current schema this.validateSchema = null; this.options.schema = null; this.options.schemaRefs = null; this.validate(); // to clear current error messages this.refresh(); // update DOM } }; /** * Validate current JSON object against the configured JSON schema * Throws an exception when no JSON schema is configured */ JSONEditor.prototype.validate = function () { // must be implemented by treemode and textmode }; /** * Refresh the rendered contents */ JSONEditor.prototype.refresh = function () { // can be implemented by treemode and textmode }; /** * Register a plugin with one ore multiple modes for the JSON Editor. * * A mode is described as an object with properties: * * - `mode: String` The name of the mode. * - `mixin: Object` An object containing the mixin functions which * will be added to the JSONEditor. Must contain functions * create, get, getText, set, and setText. May have * additional functions. * When the JSONEditor switches to a mixin, all mixin * functions are added to the JSONEditor, and then * the function `create(container, options)` is executed. * - `data: 'text' | 'json'` The type of data that will be used to load the mixin. * - `[load: function]` An optional function called after the mixin * has been loaded. * * @param {Object | Array} mode A mode object or an array with multiple mode objects. */ JSONEditor.registerMode = function (mode) { var i, prop; if (util.isArray(mode)) { // multiple modes for (i = 0; i < mode.length; i++) { JSONEditor.registerMode(mode[i]); } } else { // validate the new mode if (!('mode' in mode)) throw new Error('Property "mode" missing'); if (!('mixin' in mode)) throw new Error('Property "mixin" missing'); if (!('data' in mode)) throw new Error('Property "data" missing'); var name = mode.mode; if (name in JSONEditor.modes) { throw new Error('Mode "' + name + '" already registered'); } // validate the mixin if (typeof mode.mixin.create !== 'function') { throw new Error('Required function "create" missing on mixin'); } var reserved = ['setMode', 'registerMode', 'modes']; for (i = 0; i < reserved.length; i++) { prop = reserved[i]; if (prop in mode.mixin) { throw new Error('Reserved property "' + prop + '" not allowed in mixin'); } } JSONEditor.modes[name] = mode; } }; // register tree and text modes JSONEditor.registerMode(treemode); JSONEditor.registerMode(textmode); // expose some of the libraries that can be used customized JSONEditor.ace = ace; JSONEditor.Ajv = Ajv; JSONEditor.VanillaPicker = VanillaPicker; module.exports = JSONEditor; /***/ }, /* 1 */ /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { var ace if (window.ace) { // use the already loaded instance of Ace ace = window.ace } else { try { // load brace ace = __webpack_require__(!(function webpackMissingModule() { var e = new Error("Cannot find module \"brace\""); e.code = 'MODULE_NOT_FOUND'; throw e; }())); // load required Ace plugins __webpack_require__(2); __webpack_require__(4); } catch (err) { // failed to load brace (can be minimalist bundle). // No worries, the editor will fall back to plain text if needed. } } module.exports = ace; /***/ }, /* 2 */ /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { ace.define("ace/mode/json_highlight_rules",["require","exports","module","ace/lib/oop","ace/mode/text_highlight_rules"], function(acequire, exports, module) { "use strict"; var oop = acequire("../lib/oop"); var TextHighlightRules = acequire("./text_highlight_rules").TextHighlightRules; var JsonHighlightRules = function() { this.$rules = { "start" : [ { token : "variable", // single line regex : '["](?:(?:\\\\.)|(?:[^"\\\\]))*?["]\\s*(?=:)' }, { token : "string", // single line regex : '"', next : "string" }, { token : "constant.numeric", // hex regex : "0[xX][0-9a-fA-F]+\\b" }, { token : "constant.numeric", // float regex : "[+-]?\\d+(?:(?:\\.\\d*)?(?:[eE][+-]?\\d+)?)?\\b" }, { token : "constant.language.boolean", regex : "(?:true|false)\\b" }, { token : "text", // single quoted strings are not allowed regex : "['](?:(?:\\\\.)|(?:[^'\\\\]))*?[']" }, { token : "comment", // comments are not allowed, but who cares? regex : "\\/\\/.*$" }, { token : "comment.start", // comments are not allowed, but who cares? regex : "\\/\\*", next : "comment" }, { token : "paren.lparen", regex : "[[({]" }, { token : "paren.rparen", regex : "[\\])}]" }, { token : "text", regex : "\\s+" } ], "string" : [ { token : "constant.language.escape", regex : /\\(?:x[0-9a-fA-F]{2}|u[0-9a-fA-F]{4}|["\\\/bfnrt])/ }, { token : "string", regex : '"|$', next : "start" }, { defaultToken : "string" } ], "comment" : [ { token : "comment.end", // comments are not allowed, but who cares? regex : "\\*\\/", next : "start" }, { defaultToken: "comment" } ] }; }; oop.inherits(JsonHighlightRules, TextHighlightRules); exports.JsonHighlightRules = JsonHighlightRules; }); ace.define("ace/mode/matching_brace_outdent",["require","exports","module","ace/range"], function(acequire, exports, module) { "use strict"; var Range = acequire("../range").Range; var MatchingBraceOutdent = function() {}; (function() { this.checkOutdent = function(line, input) { if (! /^\s+$/.test(line)) return false; return /^\s*\}/.test(input); }; this.autoOutdent = function(doc, row) { var line = doc.getLine(row); var match = line.match(/^(\s*\})/); if (!match) return 0; var column = match[1].length; var openBracePos = doc.findMatchingBracket({row: row, column: column}); if (!openBracePos || openBracePos.row == row) return 0; var indent = this.$getIndent(doc.getLine(openBracePos.row)); doc.replace(new Range(row, 0, row, column-1), indent); }; this.$getIndent = function(line) { return line.match(/^\s*/)[0]; }; }).call(MatchingBraceOutdent.prototype); exports.MatchingBraceOutdent = MatchingBraceOutdent; }); ace.define("ace/mode/folding/cstyle",["require","exports","module","ace/lib/oop","ace/range","ace/mode/folding/fold_mode"], function(acequire, exports, module) { "use strict"; var oop = acequire("../../lib/oop"); var Range = acequire("../../range").Range; var BaseFoldMode = acequire("./fold_mode").FoldMode; var FoldMode = exports.FoldMode = function(commentRegex) { if (commentRegex) { this.foldingStartMarker = new RegExp( this.foldingStartMarker.source.replace(/\|[^|]*?$/, "|" + commentRegex.start) ); this.foldingStopMarker = new RegExp( this.foldingStopMarker.source.replace(/\|[^|]*?$/, "|" + commentRegex.end) ); } }; oop.inherits(FoldMode, BaseFoldMode); (function() { this.foldingStartMarker = /([\{\[\(])[^\}\]\)]*$|^\s*(\/\*)/; this.foldingStopMarker = /^[^\[\{\(]*([\}\]\)])|^[\s\*]*(\*\/)/; this.singleLineBlockCommentRe= /^\s*(\/\*).*\*\/\s*$/; this.tripleStarBlockCommentRe = /^\s*(\/\*\*\*).*\*\/\s*$/; this.startRegionRe = /^\s*(\/\*|\/\/)#?region\b/; this._getFoldWidgetBase = this.getFoldWidget; this.getFoldWidget = function(session, foldStyle, row) { var line = session.getLine(row); if (this.singleLineBlockCommentRe.test(line)) { if (!this.startRegionRe.test(line) && !this.tripleStarBlockCommentRe.test(line)) return ""; } var fw = this._getFoldWidgetBase(session, foldStyle, row); if (!fw && this.startRegionRe.test(line)) return "start"; // lineCommentRegionStart return fw; }; this.getFoldWidgetRange = function(session, foldStyle, row, forceMultiline) { var line = session.getLine(row); if (this.startRegionRe.test(line)) return this.getCommentRegionBlock(session, line, row); var match = line.match(this.foldingStartMarker); if (match) { var i = match.index; if (match[1]) return this.openingBracketBlock(session, match[1], row, i); var range = session.getCommentFoldRange(row, i + match[0].length, 1); if (range && !range.isMultiLine()) { if (forceMultiline) { range = this.getSectionRange(session, row); } else if (foldStyle != "all") range = null; } return range; } if (foldStyle === "markbegin") return; var match = line.match(this.foldingStopMarker); if (match) { var i = match.index + match[0].length; if (match[1]) return this.closingBracketBlock(session, match[1], row, i); return session.getCommentFoldRange(row, i, -1); } }; this.getSectionRange = function(session, row) { var line = session.getLine(row); var startIndent = line.search(/\S/); var startRow = row; var startColumn = line.length; row = row + 1; var endRow = row; var maxRow = session.getLength(); while (++row < maxRow) { line = session.getLine(row); var indent = line.search(/\S/); if (indent === -1) continue; if (startIndent > indent) break; var subRange = this.getFoldWidgetRange(session, "all", row); if (subRange) { if (subRange.start.row <= startRow) { break; } else if (subRange.isMultiLine()) { row = subRange.end.row; } else if (startIndent == indent) { break; } } endRow = row; } return new Range(startRow, startColumn, endRow, session.getLine(endRow).length); }; this.getCommentRegionBlock = function(session, line, row) { var startColumn = line.search(/\s*$/); var maxRow = session.getLength(); var startRow = row; var re = /^\s*(?:\/\*|\/\/|--)#?(end)?region\b/; var depth = 1; while (++row < maxRow) { line = session.getLine(row); var m = re.exec(line); if (!m) continue; if (m[1]) depth--; else depth++; if (!depth) break; } var endRow = row; if (endRow > startRow) { return new Range(startRow, startColumn, endRow, line.length); } }; }).call(FoldMode.prototype); }); ace.define("ace/mode/json",["require","exports","module","ace/lib/oop","ace/mode/text","ace/mode/json_highlight_rules","ace/mode/matching_brace_outdent","ace/mode/behaviour/cstyle","ace/mode/folding/cstyle","ace/worker/worker_client"], function(acequire, exports, module) { "use strict"; var oop = acequire("../lib/oop"); var TextMode = acequire("./text").Mode; var HighlightRules = acequire("./json_highlight_rules").JsonHighlightRules; var MatchingBraceOutdent = acequire("./matching_brace_outdent").MatchingBraceOutdent; var CstyleBehaviour = acequire("./behaviour/cstyle").CstyleBehaviour; var CStyleFoldMode = acequire("./folding/cstyle").FoldMode; var WorkerClient = acequire("../worker/worker_client").WorkerClient; var Mode = function() { this.HighlightRules = HighlightRules; this.$outdent = new MatchingBraceOutdent(); this.$behaviour = new CstyleBehaviour(); this.foldingRules = new CStyleFoldMode(); }; oop.inherits(Mode, TextMode); (function() { this.getNextLineIndent = function(state, line, tab) { var indent = this.$getIndent(line); if (state == "start") { var match = line.match(/^.*[\{\(\[]\s*$/); if (match) { indent += tab; } } return indent; }; this.checkOutdent = function(state, line, input) { return this.$outdent.checkOutdent(line, input); }; this.autoOutdent = function(state, doc, row) { this.$outdent.autoOutdent(doc, row); }; this.createWorker = function(session) { var worker = new WorkerClient(["ace"], __webpack_require__(3), "JsonWorker"); worker.attachToDocument(session.getDocument()); worker.on("annotate", function(e) { session.setAnnotations(e.data); }); worker.on("terminate", function() { session.clearAnnotations(); }); return worker; }; this.$id = "ace/mode/json"; }).call(Mode.prototype); exports.Mode = Mode; }); /***/ }, /* 3 */ /***/ function(module, exports) { module.exports.id = 'ace/mode/json_worker'; module.exports.src = "\"no use strict\";!function(window){function resolveModuleId(id,paths){for(var testPath=id,tail=\"\";testPath;){var alias=paths[testPath];if(\"string\"==typeof alias)return alias+tail;if(alias)return alias.location.replace(/\\/*$/,\"/\")+(tail||alias.main||alias.name);if(alias===!1)return\"\";var i=testPath.lastIndexOf(\"/\");if(-1===i)break;tail=testPath.substr(i)+tail,testPath=testPath.slice(0,i)}return id}if(!(void 0!==window.window&&window.document||window.acequire&&window.define)){window.console||(window.console=function(){var msgs=Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments,0);postMessage({type:\"log\",data:msgs})},window.console.error=window.console.warn=window.console.log=window.console.trace=window.console),window.window=window,window.ace=window,window.onerror=function(message,file,line,col,err){postMessage({type:\"error\",data:{message:message,data:err.data,file:file,line:line,col:col,stack:err.stack}})},window.normalizeModule=function(parentId,moduleName){if(-1!==moduleName.indexOf(\"!\")){var chunks=moduleName.split(\"!\");return window.normalizeModule(parentId,chunks[0])+\"!\"+window.normalizeModule(parentId,chunks[1])}if(\".\"==moduleName.charAt(0)){var base=parentId.split(\"/\").slice(0,-1).join(\"/\");for(moduleName=(base?base+\"/\":\"\")+moduleName;-1!==moduleName.indexOf(\".\")&&previous!=moduleName;){var previous=moduleName;moduleName=moduleName.replace(/^\\.\\//,\"\").replace(/\\/\\.\\//,\"/\").replace(/[^\\/]+\\/\\.\\.\\//,\"\")}}return moduleName},window.acequire=function acequire(parentId,id){if(id||(id=parentId,parentId=null),!id.charAt)throw Error(\"worker.js acequire() accepts only (parentId, id) as arguments\");id=window.normalizeModule(parentId,id);var module=window.acequire.modules[id];if(module)return module.initialized||(module.initialized=!0,module.exports=module.factory().exports),module.exports;if(!window.acequire.tlns)return console.log(\"unable to load \"+id);var path=resolveModuleId(id,window.acequire.tlns);return\".js\"!=path.slice(-3)&&(path+=\".js\"),window.acequire.id=id,window.acequire.modules[id]={},importScripts(path),window.acequire(parentId,id)},window.acequire.modules={},window.acequire.tlns={},window.define=function(id,deps,factory){if(2==arguments.length?(factory=deps,\"string\"!=typeof id&&(deps=id,id=window.acequire.id)):1==arguments.length&&(factory=id,deps=[],id=window.acequire.id),\"function\"!=typeof factory)return window.acequire.modules[id]={exports:factory,initialized:!0},void 0;deps.length||(deps=[\"require\",\"exports\",\"module\"]);var req=function(childId){return window.acequire(id,childId)};window.acequire.modules[id]={exports:{},factory:function(){var module=this,returnExports=factory.apply(this,deps.map(function(dep){switch(dep){case\"require\":return req;case\"exports\":return module.exports;case\"module\":return module;default:return req(dep)}}));return returnExports&&(module.exports=returnExports),module}}},window.define.amd={},acequire.tlns={},window.initBaseUrls=function(topLevelNamespaces){for(var i in topLevelNamespaces)acequire.tlns[i]=topLevelNamespaces[i]},window.initSender=function(){var EventEmitter=window.acequire(\"ace/lib/event_emitter\").EventEmitter,oop=window.acequire(\"ace/lib/oop\"),Sender=function(){};return function(){oop.implement(this,EventEmitter),this.callback=function(data,callbackId){postMessage({type:\"call\",id:callbackId,data:data})},this.emit=function(name,data){postMessage({type:\"event\",name:name,data:data})}}.call(Sender.prototype),new Sender};var main=window.main=null,sender=window.sender=null;window.onmessage=function(e){var msg=e.data;if(msg.event&&sender)sender._signal(msg.event,msg.data);else if(msg.command)if(main[msg.command])main[msg.command].apply(main,msg.args);else{if(!window[msg.command])throw Error(\"Unknown command:\"+msg.command);window[msg.command].apply(window,msg.args)}else if(msg.init){window.initBaseUrls(msg.tlns),acequire(\"ace/lib/es5-shim\"),sender=window.sender=window.initSender();var clazz=acequire(msg.module)[msg.classname];main=window.main=new clazz(sender)}}}}(this),ace.define(\"ace/lib/oop\",[\"require\",\"exports\",\"module\"],function(acequire,exports){\"use 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reviver.call(holder,key,value)}({\"\":result},\"\"):result}}),ace.define(\"ace/mode/json_worker\",[\"require\",\"exports\",\"module\",\"ace/lib/oop\",\"ace/worker/mirror\",\"ace/mode/json/json_parse\"],function(acequire,exports){\"use strict\";var oop=acequire(\"../lib/oop\"),Mirror=acequire(\"../worker/mirror\").Mirror,parse=acequire(\"./json/json_parse\"),JsonWorker=exports.JsonWorker=function(sender){Mirror.call(this,sender),this.setTimeout(200)};oop.inherits(JsonWorker,Mirror),function(){this.onUpdate=function(){var value=this.doc.getValue(),errors=[];try{value&&parse(value)}catch(e){var pos=this.doc.indexToPosition(e.at-1);errors.push({row:pos.row,column:pos.column,text:e.message,type:\"error\"})}this.sender.emit(\"annotate\",errors)}}.call(JsonWorker.prototype)}),ace.define(\"ace/lib/es5-shim\",[\"require\",\"exports\",\"module\"],function(){function Empty(){}function doesDefinePropertyWork(object){try{return Object.defineProperty(object,\"sentinel\",{}),\"sentinel\"in object}catch(exception){}}function toInteger(n){return n=+n,n!==n?n=0:0!==n&&n!==1/0&&n!==-(1/0)&&(n=(n>0||-1)*Math.floor(Math.abs(n))),n}Function.prototype.bind||(Function.prototype.bind=function(that){var target=this;if(\"function\"!=typeof target)throw new TypeError(\"Function.prototype.bind called on incompatible \"+target);var args=slice.call(arguments,1),bound=function(){if(this instanceof bound){var result=target.apply(this,args.concat(slice.call(arguments)));return Object(result)===result?result:this}return target.apply(that,args.concat(slice.call(arguments)))};return target.prototype&&(Empty.prototype=target.prototype,bound.prototype=new Empty,Empty.prototype=null),bound});var 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TypeError(fun+\" is not a function\");for(var i=0;length>i;i++)if(i in self&&!fun.call(thisp,self[i],i,object))return!1;return!0}),Array.prototype.some||(Array.prototype.some=function(fun){var object=toObject(this),self=splitString&&\"[object String]\"==_toString(this)?this.split(\"\"):object,length=self.length>>>0,thisp=arguments[1];if(\"[object Function]\"!=_toString(fun))throw new TypeError(fun+\" is not a function\");for(var i=0;length>i;i++)if(i in self&&fun.call(thisp,self[i],i,object))return!0;return!1}),Array.prototype.reduce||(Array.prototype.reduce=function(fun){var object=toObject(this),self=splitString&&\"[object String]\"==_toString(this)?this.split(\"\"):object,length=self.length>>>0;if(\"[object Function]\"!=_toString(fun))throw new TypeError(fun+\" is not a function\");if(!length&&1==arguments.length)throw new TypeError(\"reduce of empty array with no initial value\");var result,i=0;if(arguments.length>=2)result=arguments[1];else for(;;){if(i in self){result=self[i++];break}if(++i>=length)throw new TypeError(\"reduce of empty array with no initial value\")}for(;length>i;i++)i in self&&(result=fun.call(void 0,result,self[i],i,object));return result}),Array.prototype.reduceRight||(Array.prototype.reduceRight=function(fun){var object=toObject(this),self=splitString&&\"[object String]\"==_toString(this)?this.split(\"\"):object,length=self.length>>>0;if(\"[object Function]\"!=_toString(fun))throw new TypeError(fun+\" is not a function\");if(!length&&1==arguments.length)throw new TypeError(\"reduceRight of empty array with no initial value\");var result,i=length-1;if(arguments.length>=2)result=arguments[1];else for(;;){if(i in self){result=self[i--];break}if(0>--i)throw new TypeError(\"reduceRight of empty array with no initial value\")}do i in this&&(result=fun.call(void 0,result,self[i],i,object));while(i--);return result}),Array.prototype.indexOf&&-1==[0,1].indexOf(1,2)||(Array.prototype.indexOf=function(sought){var 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empty.constructor=empty.hasOwnProperty=empty.propertyIsEnumerable=empty.isPrototypeOf=empty.toLocaleString=empty.toString=empty.valueOf=empty.__proto__=null,empty},Object.create=function(prototype,properties){var object;if(null===prototype)object=createEmpty();else{if(\"object\"!=typeof prototype)throw new TypeError(\"typeof prototype[\"+typeof prototype+\"] != 'object'\");var Type=function(){};Type.prototype=prototype,object=new Type,object.__proto__=prototype}return void 0!==properties&&Object.defineProperties(object,properties),object}}if(Object.defineProperty){var definePropertyWorksOnObject=doesDefinePropertyWork({}),definePropertyWorksOnDom=\"undefined\"==typeof document||doesDefinePropertyWork(document.createElement(\"div\"));if(!definePropertyWorksOnObject||!definePropertyWorksOnDom)var definePropertyFallback=Object.defineProperty}if(!Object.defineProperty||definePropertyFallback){var ERR_NON_OBJECT_DESCRIPTOR=\"Property description must be an object: \",ERR_NON_OBJECT_TARGET=\"Object.defineProperty called on non-object: \",ERR_ACCESSORS_NOT_SUPPORTED=\"getters & setters can not be defined on this javascript engine\";Object.defineProperty=function(object,property,descriptor){if(\"object\"!=typeof object&&\"function\"!=typeof object||null===object)throw new TypeError(ERR_NON_OBJECT_TARGET+object);if(\"object\"!=typeof descriptor&&\"function\"!=typeof descriptor||null===descriptor)throw new TypeError(ERR_NON_OBJECT_DESCRIPTOR+descriptor);if(definePropertyFallback)try{return definePropertyFallback.call(Object,object,property,descriptor)}catch(exception){}if(owns(descriptor,\"value\"))if(supportsAccessors&&(lookupGetter(object,property)||lookupSetter(object,property))){var prototype=object.__proto__;object.__proto__=prototypeOfObject,delete object[property],object[property]=descriptor.value,object.__proto__=prototype}else object[property]=descriptor.value;else{if(!supportsAccessors)throw new TypeError(ERR_ACCESSORS_NOT_SUPPORTED);owns(descriptor,\"get\")&&defineGetter(object,property,descriptor.get),owns(descriptor,\"set\")&&defineSetter(object,property,descriptor.set)}return object}}Object.defineProperties||(Object.defineProperties=function(object,properties){for(var property in properties)owns(properties,property)&&Object.defineProperty(object,property,properties[property]);return object}),Object.seal||(Object.seal=function(object){return object}),Object.freeze||(Object.freeze=function(object){return object});try{Object.freeze(function(){})}catch(exception){Object.freeze=function(freezeObject){return function(object){return\"function\"==typeof object?object:freezeObject(object)}}(Object.freeze)}if(Object.preventExtensions||(Object.preventExtensions=function(object){return object}),Object.isSealed||(Object.isSealed=function(){return!1}),Object.isFrozen||(Object.isFrozen=function(){return!1}),Object.isExtensible||(Object.isExtensible=function(object){if(Object(object)===object)throw new TypeError;for(var name=\"\";owns(object,name);)name+=\"?\";object[name]=!0;var returnValue=owns(object,name);return delete object[name],returnValue}),!Object.keys){var hasDontEnumBug=!0,dontEnums=[\"toString\",\"toLocaleString\",\"valueOf\",\"hasOwnProperty\",\"isPrototypeOf\",\"propertyIsEnumerable\",\"constructor\"],dontEnumsLength=dontEnums.length;for(var key in{toString:null})hasDontEnumBug=!1;Object.keys=function(object){if(\"object\"!=typeof object&&\"function\"!=typeof object||null===object)throw new TypeError(\"Object.keys called on a non-object\");var keys=[];for(var name in object)owns(object,name)&&keys.push(name);if(hasDontEnumBug)for(var i=0,ii=dontEnumsLength;ii>i;i++){var dontEnum=dontEnums[i];owns(object,dontEnum)&&keys.push(dontEnum)}return keys}}Date.now||(Date.now=function(){return(new Date).getTime()});var ws=\"\t\\n\u000b\\f\\r   ᠎              \\u2028\\u2029\";if(!String.prototype.trim||ws.trim()){ws=\"[\"+ws+\"]\";var trimBeginRegexp=RegExp(\"^\"+ws+ws+\"*\"),trimEndRegexp=RegExp(ws+ws+\"*$\");String.prototype.trim=function(){return(this+\"\").replace(trimBeginRegexp,\"\").replace(trimEndRegexp,\"\")}}var toObject=function(o){if(null==o)throw new TypeError(\"can't convert \"+o+\" to object\");return Object(o)}});"; /***/ }, /* 4 */ /***/ function(module, exports) { ace.define("ace/ext/searchbox",["require","exports","module","ace/lib/dom","ace/lib/lang","ace/lib/event","ace/keyboard/hash_handler","ace/lib/keys"], function(acequire, exports, module) { "use strict"; var dom = acequire("../lib/dom"); var lang = acequire("../lib/lang"); var event = acequire("../lib/event"); var searchboxCss = "\ .ace_search {\ background-color: #ddd;\ color: #666;\ border: 1px solid #cbcbcb;\ border-top: 0 none;\ overflow: hidden;\ 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this.searchBox.querySelector(".ace_search_field"); this.replaceInput = this.replaceBox.querySelector(".ace_search_field"); this.searchCounter = sb.querySelector(".ace_search_counter"); }; this.$init = function() { var sb = this.element; this.$initElements(sb); var _this = this; event.addListener(sb, "mousedown", function(e) { setTimeout(function(){ _this.activeInput.focus(); }, 0); event.stopPropagation(e); }); event.addListener(sb, "click", function(e) { var t = e.target || e.srcElement; var action = t.getAttribute("action"); if (action && _this[action]) _this[action](); else if (_this.$searchBarKb.commands[action]) _this.$searchBarKb.commands[action].exec(_this); event.stopPropagation(e); }); event.addCommandKeyListener(sb, function(e, hashId, keyCode) { var keyString = keyUtil.keyCodeToString(keyCode); var command = _this.$searchBarKb.findKeyCommand(hashId, keyString); if (command && command.exec) { command.exec(_this); event.stopEvent(e); } }); this.$onChange = lang.delayedCall(function() { _this.find(false, false); }); event.addListener(this.searchInput, "input", function() { _this.$onChange.schedule(20); }); event.addListener(this.searchInput, "focus", function() { _this.activeInput = _this.searchInput; _this.searchInput.value && _this.highlight(); }); event.addListener(this.replaceInput, "focus", function() { _this.activeInput = _this.replaceInput; _this.searchInput.value && _this.highlight(); }); }; this.$closeSearchBarKb = new HashHandler([{ bindKey: "Esc", name: "closeSearchBar", exec: function(editor) { editor.searchBox.hide(); } }]); this.$searchBarKb = new HashHandler(); this.$searchBarKb.bindKeys({ "Ctrl-f|Command-f": function(sb) { var isReplace = sb.isReplace = !sb.isReplace; sb.replaceBox.style.display = isReplace ? "" : "none"; sb.replaceOption.checked = false; sb.$syncOptions(); sb.searchInput.focus(); }, "Ctrl-H|Command-Option-F": function(sb) { sb.replaceOption.checked = true; sb.$syncOptions(); sb.replaceInput.focus(); }, "Ctrl-G|Command-G": function(sb) { sb.findNext(); }, "Ctrl-Shift-G|Command-Shift-G": function(sb) { sb.findPrev(); }, "esc": function(sb) { setTimeout(function() { sb.hide();}); }, "Return": function(sb) { if (sb.activeInput == sb.replaceInput) sb.replace(); sb.findNext(); }, "Shift-Return": function(sb) { if (sb.activeInput == sb.replaceInput) sb.replace(); sb.findPrev(); }, "Alt-Return": function(sb) { if (sb.activeInput == sb.replaceInput) sb.replaceAll(); sb.findAll(); }, "Tab": function(sb) { (sb.activeInput == sb.replaceInput ? sb.searchInput : sb.replaceInput).focus(); } }); this.$searchBarKb.addCommands([{ name: "toggleRegexpMode", bindKey: {win: "Alt-R|Alt-/", mac: "Ctrl-Alt-R|Ctrl-Alt-/"}, exec: function(sb) { sb.regExpOption.checked = !sb.regExpOption.checked; sb.$syncOptions(); } }, { name: "toggleCaseSensitive", bindKey: {win: "Alt-C|Alt-I", mac: "Ctrl-Alt-R|Ctrl-Alt-I"}, exec: function(sb) { sb.caseSensitiveOption.checked = !sb.caseSensitiveOption.checked; sb.$syncOptions(); } }, { name: "toggleWholeWords", bindKey: {win: "Alt-B|Alt-W", mac: "Ctrl-Alt-B|Ctrl-Alt-W"}, exec: function(sb) { sb.wholeWordOption.checked = !sb.wholeWordOption.checked; sb.$syncOptions(); } }, { name: "toggleReplace", exec: function(sb) { sb.replaceOption.checked = !sb.replaceOption.checked; sb.$syncOptions(); } }, { name: "searchInSelection", exec: function(sb) { sb.searchOption.checked = !sb.searchRange; sb.setSearchRange(sb.searchOption.checked && sb.editor.getSelectionRange()); sb.$syncOptions(); } }]); this.setSearchRange = function(range) { this.searchRange = range; if (range) { this.searchRangeMarker = this.editor.session.addMarker(range, "ace_active-line"); } else if (this.searchRangeMarker) { this.editor.session.removeMarker(this.searchRangeMarker); this.searchRangeMarker = null; } }; this.$syncOptions = function(preventScroll) { dom.setCssClass(this.replaceOption, "checked", this.searchRange); dom.setCssClass(this.searchOption, "checked", this.searchOption.checked); this.replaceOption.textContent = this.replaceOption.checked ? "-" : "+"; dom.setCssClass(this.regExpOption, "checked", this.regExpOption.checked); dom.setCssClass(this.wholeWordOption, "checked", this.wholeWordOption.checked); dom.setCssClass(this.caseSensitiveOption, "checked", this.caseSensitiveOption.checked); this.replaceBox.style.display = this.replaceOption.checked ? "" : "none"; this.find(false, false, preventScroll); }; this.highlight = function(re) { this.editor.session.highlight(re || this.editor.$search.$options.re); this.editor.renderer.updateBackMarkers(); }; this.find = function(skipCurrent, backwards, preventScroll) { var range = this.editor.find(this.searchInput.value, { skipCurrent: skipCurrent, backwards: backwards, wrap: true, regExp: this.regExpOption.checked, caseSensitive: this.caseSensitiveOption.checked, wholeWord: this.wholeWordOption.checked, preventScroll: preventScroll, range: this.searchRange }); var noMatch = !range && this.searchInput.value; dom.setCssClass(this.searchBox, "ace_nomatch", noMatch); this.editor._emit("findSearchBox", { match: !noMatch }); this.highlight(); this.updateCounter(); }; this.updateCounter = function() { var editor = this.editor; var regex = editor.$search.$options.re; var all = 0; var before = 0; if (regex) { var value = this.searchRange ? editor.session.getTextRange(this.searchRange) : editor.getValue(); var offset = editor.session.doc.positionToIndex(editor.selection.anchor); if (this.searchRange) offset -= editor.session.doc.positionToIndex(this.searchRange.start); var last = regex.lastIndex = 0; var m; while ((m = regex.exec(value))) { all++; last = m.index; if (last <= offset) before++; if (all > MAX_COUNT) break; if (!m[0]) { regex.lastIndex = last += 1; if (last >= value.length) break; } } } this.searchCounter.textContent = before + " of " + (all > MAX_COUNT ? MAX_COUNT + "+" : all); }; this.findNext = function() { this.find(true, false); }; this.findPrev = function() { this.find(true, true); }; this.findAll = function(){ var range = this.editor.findAll(this.searchInput.value, { regExp: this.regExpOption.checked, caseSensitive: this.caseSensitiveOption.checked, wholeWord: this.wholeWordOption.checked }); var noMatch = !range && this.searchInput.value; dom.setCssClass(this.searchBox, "ace_nomatch", noMatch); this.editor._emit("findSearchBox", { match: !noMatch }); this.highlight(); this.hide(); }; this.replace = function() { if (!this.editor.getReadOnly()) this.editor.replace(this.replaceInput.value); }; this.replaceAndFindNext = function() { if (!this.editor.getReadOnly()) { this.editor.replace(this.replaceInput.value); this.findNext(); } }; this.replaceAll = function() { if (!this.editor.getReadOnly()) this.editor.replaceAll(this.replaceInput.value); }; this.hide = function() { this.active = false; this.setSearchRange(null); this.editor.off("changeSession", this.setSession); this.element.style.display = "none"; this.editor.keyBinding.removeKeyboardHandler(this.$closeSearchBarKb); this.editor.focus(); }; this.show = function(value, isReplace) { this.active = true; this.editor.on("changeSession", this.setSession); this.element.style.display = ""; this.replaceOption.checked = isReplace; if (value) this.searchInput.value = value; this.searchInput.focus(); this.searchInput.select(); this.editor.keyBinding.addKeyboardHandler(this.$closeSearchBarKb); this.$syncOptions(true); }; this.isFocused = function() { var el = document.activeElement; return el == this.searchInput || el == this.replaceInput; }; }).call(SearchBox.prototype); exports.SearchBox = SearchBox; exports.Search = function(editor, isReplace) { var sb = editor.searchBox || new SearchBox(editor); sb.show(editor.session.getTextRange(), isReplace); }; }); (function() { ace.acequire(["ace/ext/searchbox"], function() {}); })(); /***/ }, /* 5 */ /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { var VanillaPicker if (window.Picker) { // use the already loaded instance of VanillaPicker VanillaPicker = window.Picker } else { try { // load brace VanillaPicker = __webpack_require__(!(function webpackMissingModule() { var e = new Error("Cannot find module \"vanilla-picker\""); e.code = 'MODULE_NOT_FOUND'; throw e; }())); } catch (err) { // probably running the minimalist bundle } } module.exports = VanillaPicker; /***/ }, /* 6 */ /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { 'use strict'; var VanillaPicker = __webpack_require__(5); var Highlighter = __webpack_require__(7); var History = __webpack_require__(8); var SearchBox = __webpack_require__(9); var ContextMenu = __webpack_require__(10); var TreePath = __webpack_require__(16); var Node = __webpack_require__(17); var ModeSwitcher = __webpack_require__(26); var util = __webpack_require__(12); var autocomplete = __webpack_require__(27); var showSortModal = __webpack_require__(22); var showTransformModal = __webpack_require__(24); var translate = __webpack_require__(15).translate; var setLanguages = __webpack_require__(15).setLanguages; var setLanguage = __webpack_require__(15).setLanguage; var DEFAULT_MODAL_ANCHOR = document.body; // TODO: this constant is defined twice // create a mixin with the functions for tree mode var treemode = {}; /** * Create a tree editor * @param {Element} container Container element * @param {Object} [options] Object with options. available options: * {String} mode Editor mode. Available values: * 'tree' (default), 'view', * and 'form'. * {Boolean} search Enable search box. * True by default * {Boolean} history Enable history (undo/redo). * True by default * {function} onChange Callback method, triggered * on change of contents. * Does not pass the changed contents. * {function} onChangeJSON Callback method, triggered * in modes on change of contents, * passing the changed contents * as JSON. * Only applicable for modes * 'tree', 'view', and 'form'. * {function} onChangeText Callback method, triggered * in modes on change of contents, * passing the changed contents * as stringified JSON. * {String} name Field name for the root node. * {boolean} escapeUnicode If true, unicode * characters are escaped. * false by default. * {Object} schema A JSON Schema for validation * {function} onEvent Function triggered * when an event occurs * in a field or value. * @private */ treemode.create = function (container, options) { if (!container) { throw new Error('No container element provided.'); } this.container = container; this.dom = {}; this.highlighter = new Highlighter(); this.selection = undefined; // will hold the last input selection this.multiselection = { nodes: [] }; this.validateSchema = null; // will be set in .setSchema(schema) this.validationSequence = 0; this.errorNodes = []; this.node = null; this.focusTarget = null; this._setOptions(options); if (options.autocomplete) this.autocomplete = new autocomplete(options.autocomplete); if (this.options.history && this.options.mode !== 'view') { this.history = new History(this); } this._createFrame(); this._createTable(); }; /** * Destroy the editor. Clean up DOM, event listeners, and web workers. */ treemode.destroy = function () { if (this.frame && this.container && this.frame.parentNode == this.container) { this.container.removeChild(this.frame); this.frame = null; } this.container = null; this.dom = null; this.clear(); this.node = null; this.focusTarget = null; this.selection = null; this.multiselection = null; this.errorNodes = null; this.validateSchema = null; this._debouncedValidate = null; if (this.history) { this.history.destroy(); this.history = null; } if (this.searchBox) { this.searchBox.destroy(); this.searchBox = null; } if (this.modeSwitcher) { this.modeSwitcher.destroy(); this.modeSwitcher = null; } }; /** * Initialize and set default options * @param {Object} [options] See description in constructor * @private */ treemode._setOptions = function (options) { var editor = this; this.options = { search: true, history: true, mode: 'tree', name: undefined, // field name of root node schema: null, schemaRefs: null, autocomplete: null, navigationBar : true, onSelectionChange: null, colorPicker: true, onColorPicker: function (parent, color, onChange) { if (VanillaPicker) { new VanillaPicker({ parent: parent, color: color, popup: 'bottom', onDone: function (color) { var alpha = color.rgba[3] var hex = (alpha === 1) ? color.hex.substr(0, 7) // return #RRGGBB : color.hex // return #RRGGBBAA onChange(hex) } }).show(); } else { console.warn('Cannot open color picker: the `vanilla-picker` library is not included in the bundle. ' + 'Either use the full bundle or implement your own color picker using `onColorPicker`.') } }, timestampTag: true, onEvent: null }; // copy all options if (options) { for (var prop in options) { if (options.hasOwnProperty(prop)) { this.options[prop] = options[prop]; } } } // compile a JSON schema validator if a JSON schema is provided this.setSchema(this.options.schema, this.options.schemaRefs); // create a debounced validate function this._debouncedValidate = util.debounce(this.validate.bind(this), this.DEBOUNCE_INTERVAL); if (options.onSelectionChange) { this.onSelectionChange(options.onSelectionChange); } setLanguages(this.options.languages); setLanguage(this.options.language) }; /** * Set new JSON object in editor. * Resets the state of the editor (expanded nodes, search, selection). * * @param {*} json */ treemode.set = function (json) { // verify if json is valid JSON, ignore when a function if (json instanceof Function || (json === undefined)) { this.clear(); } else { this.content.removeChild(this.table); // Take the table offline // replace the root node var params = { field: this.options.name, value: json }; var node = new Node(this, params); this._setRoot(node); // validate JSON schema (if configured) this.validate(); // expand var recurse = false; this.node.expand(recurse); this.content.appendChild(this.table); // Put the table online again } // TODO: maintain history, store last state and previous document if (this.history) { this.history.clear(); } // clear search if (this.searchBox) { this.searchBox.clear(); } }; /** * Update JSON object in editor. * Maintains the state of the editor (expanded nodes, search, selection). * * @param {*} json */ treemode.update = function (json) { // don't update if there are no changes if (this.node.deepEqual(json)) { return; } var selection = this.getSelection(); // apply the changed json this.onChangeDisabled = true; // don't fire an onChange event this.node.update(json); this.onChangeDisabled = false; // validate JSON schema this.validate(); // update search result if any if (this.searchBox && !this.searchBox.isEmpty()) { this.searchBox.forceSearch(); } // update selection if any if (selection && selection.start && selection.end) { // only keep/update the selection if both start and end node still exists, // else we clear the selection var startNode = this.node.findNodeByPath(selection.start.path); var endNode = this.node.findNodeByPath(selection.end.path); if (startNode && endNode) { this.setSelection(selection.start, selection.end); } else { this.setSelection({}, {}); // clear selection } } else { this.setSelection({}, {}); // clear selection } }; /** * Get JSON object from editor * @return {Object | undefined} json */ treemode.get = function () { // remove focus from currently edited node if (this.focusTarget) { var node = Node.getNodeFromTarget(this.focusTarget); if (node) { node.blur(); } } if (this.node) { return this.node.getValue(); } else { return undefined; } }; /** * Get the text contents of the editor * @return {String} jsonText */ treemode.getText = function() { return JSON.stringify(this.get()); }; /** * Set the text contents of the editor. * Resets the state of the editor (expanded nodes, search, selection). * @param {String} jsonText */ treemode.setText = function(jsonText) { try { this.set(util.parse(jsonText)); // this can throw an error } catch (err) { // try to sanitize json, replace JavaScript notation with JSON notation var sanitizedJsonText = util.sanitize(jsonText); // try to parse again this.set(util.parse(sanitizedJsonText)); // this can throw an error } }; /** * Update the text contents of the editor. * Maintains the state of the editor (expanded nodes, search, selection). * @param {String} jsonText */ treemode.updateText = function(jsonText) { try { this.update(util.parse(jsonText)); // this can throw an error } catch (err) { // try to sanitize json, replace JavaScript notation with JSON notation var sanitizedJsonText = util.sanitize(jsonText); // try to parse again this.update(util.parse(sanitizedJsonText)); // this can throw an error } }; /** * Set a field name for the root node. * @param {String | undefined} name */ treemode.setName = function (name) { this.options.name = name; if (this.node) { this.node.updateField(this.options.name); } }; /** * Get the field name for the root node. * @return {String | undefined} name */ treemode.getName = function () { return this.options.name; }; /** * Set focus to the editor. Focus will be set to: * - the first editable field or value, or else * - to the expand button of the root node, or else * - to the context menu button of the root node, or else * - to the first button in the top menu */ treemode.focus = function () { var input = this.scrollableContent.querySelector('[contenteditable=true]'); if (input) { input.focus(); } else if (this.node.dom.expand) { this.node.dom.expand.focus(); } else if (this.node.dom.menu) { this.node.dom.menu.focus(); } else { // focus to the first button in the menu input = this.frame.querySelector('button'); if (input) { input.focus(); } } }; /** * Remove the root node from the editor */ treemode.clear = function () { if (this.node) { this.node.hide(); delete this.node; } if (this.treePath) { this.treePath.reset(); } }; /** * Set the root node for the json editor * @param {Node} node * @private */ treemode._setRoot = function (node) { this.clear(); this.node = node; // append to the dom this.tbody.appendChild(node.getDom()); }; /** * Search text in all nodes * The nodes will be expanded when the text is found one of its childs, * else it will be collapsed. Searches are case insensitive. * @param {String} text * @return {Object[]} results Array with nodes containing the search results * The result objects contains fields: * - {Node} node, * - {String} elem the dom element name where * the result is found ('field' or * 'value') */ treemode.search = function (text) { var results; if (this.node) { this.content.removeChild(this.table); // Take the table offline results = this.node.search(text); this.content.appendChild(this.table); // Put the table online again } else { results = []; } return results; }; /** * Expand all nodes */ treemode.expandAll = function () { if (this.node) { this.content.removeChild(this.table); // Take the table offline this.node.expand(); this.content.appendChild(this.table); // Put the table online again } }; /** * Collapse all nodes */ treemode.collapseAll = function () { if (this.node) { this.content.removeChild(this.table); // Take the table offline this.node.collapse(); this.content.appendChild(this.table); // Put the table online again } }; /** * The method onChange is called whenever a field or value is changed, created, * deleted, duplicated, etc. * @param {String} action Change action. Available values: "editField", * "editValue", "changeType", "appendNode", * "removeNode", "duplicateNode", "moveNode", "expand", * "collapse". * @param {Object} params Object containing parameters describing the change. * The parameters in params depend on the action (for * example for "editValue" the Node, old value, and new * value are provided). params contains all information * needed to undo or redo the action. * @private */ treemode._onAction = function (action, params) { // add an action to the history if (this.history) { this.history.add(action, params); } this._onChange(); }; /** * Handle a change: * - Validate JSON schema * - Send a callback to the onChange listener if provided * @private */ treemode._onChange = function () { if (this.onChangeDisabled) { return; } // validate JSON schema (if configured) this._debouncedValidate(); // trigger the onChange callback if (this.options.onChange) { try { this.options.onChange(); } catch (err) { console.error('Error in onChange callback: ', err); } } // trigger the onChangeJSON callback if (this.options.onChangeJSON) { try { this.options.onChangeJSON(this.get()); } catch (err) { console.error('Error in onChangeJSON callback: ', err); } } // trigger the onChangeText callback if (this.options.onChangeText) { try { this.options.onChangeText(this.getText()); } catch (err) { console.error('Error in onChangeText callback: ', err); } } }; /** * Validate current JSON object against the configured JSON schema * Throws an exception when no JSON schema is configured */ treemode.validate = function () { var root = this.node; if (!root) { // TODO: this should be redundant but is needed on mode switch return; } var json = root.getValue(); // check for duplicate keys var duplicateErrors = root.validate(); // execute JSON schema validation var schemaErrors = []; if (this.validateSchema) { var valid = this.validateSchema(json); if (!valid) { // apply all new errors schemaErrors = this.validateSchema.errors .map(function (error) { return util.improveSchemaError(error); }) .map(function findNode (error) { return { node: root.findNode(error.dataPath), error: error } }) .filter(function hasNode (entry) { return entry.node != null }); } } // execute custom validation and after than merge and render all errors this.validationSequence++; var me = this; var seq = this.validationSequence; this._validateCustom(json) .then(function (customValidationErrors) { // only apply when there was no other validation started whilst resolving async results if (seq === me.validationSequence) { var errorNodes = [].concat(duplicateErrors, schemaErrors, customValidationErrors || []); me._renderValidationErrors(errorNodes); } }) .catch(function (err) { console.error(err); }); }; treemode._renderValidationErrors = function (errorNodes) { // clear all current errors if (this.errorNodes) { this.errorNodes.forEach(function (node) { node.setError(null); }); } // render the new errors var parentPairs = errorNodes .reduce(function (all, entry) { return entry.node .findParents() .filter(function (parent) { return !all.some(function (pair) { return pair[0] === parent; }); }) .map(function (parent) { return [parent, entry.node]; }) .concat(all); }, []); this.errorNodes = parentPairs .map(function (pair) { return { node: pair[0], child: pair[1], error: { message: pair[0].type === 'object' ? 'Contains invalid properties' // object : 'Contains invalid items' // array } }; }) .concat(errorNodes) .map(function setError (entry) { entry.node.setError(entry.error, entry.child); return entry.node; }); }; /** * Execute custom validation if configured. * * Returns a promise resolving with the custom errors (or nothing). */ treemode._validateCustom = function (json) { try { if (this.options.onValidate) { var root = this.node; var customValidateResults = this.options.onValidate(json); var resultPromise = util.isPromise(customValidateResults) ? customValidateResults : Promise.resolve(customValidateResults); return resultPromise.then(function (customValidationPathErrors) { if (Array.isArray(customValidationPathErrors)) { return customValidationPathErrors .filter(function (error) { var valid = util.isValidValidationError(error); if (!valid) { console.warn('Ignoring a custom validation error with invalid structure. ' + 'Expected structure: {path: [...], message: "..."}. ' + 'Actual error:', error); } return valid; }) .map(function (error) { var node; try { node = (error && error.path) ? root.findNodeByPath(error.path) : null } catch (err) { // stay silent here, we throw a generic warning if no node is found } if (!node) { console.warn('Ignoring validation error: node not found. Path:', error.path, 'Error:', error); } return { node: node, error: error } }) .filter(function (entry) { return entry && entry.node && entry.error && entry.error.message }); } else { return null; } }); } } catch (err) { return Promise.reject(err); } return Promise.resolve(null); }; /** * Refresh the rendered contents */ treemode.refresh = function () { if (this.node) { this.node.updateDom({recurse: true}); } }; /** * Start autoscrolling when given mouse position is above the top of the * editor contents, or below the bottom. * @param {Number} mouseY Absolute mouse position in pixels */ treemode.startAutoScroll = function (mouseY) { var me = this; var content = this.scrollableContent; var top = util.getAbsoluteTop(content); var height = content.clientHeight; var bottom = top + height; var margin = 24; var interval = 50; // ms if ((mouseY < top + margin) && content.scrollTop > 0) { this.autoScrollStep = ((top + margin) - mouseY) / 3; } else if (mouseY > bottom - margin && height + content.scrollTop < content.scrollHeight) { this.autoScrollStep = ((bottom - margin) - mouseY) / 3; } else { this.autoScrollStep = undefined; } if (this.autoScrollStep) { if (!this.autoScrollTimer) { this.autoScrollTimer = setInterval(function () { if (me.autoScrollStep) { content.scrollTop -= me.autoScrollStep; } else { me.stopAutoScroll(); } }, interval); } } else { this.stopAutoScroll(); } }; /** * Stop auto scrolling. Only applicable when scrolling */ treemode.stopAutoScroll = function () { if (this.autoScrollTimer) { clearTimeout(this.autoScrollTimer); delete this.autoScrollTimer; } if (this.autoScrollStep) { delete this.autoScrollStep; } }; /** * Set the focus to an element in the editor, set text selection, and * set scroll position. * @param {Object} selection An object containing fields: * {Element | undefined} dom The dom element * which has focus * {Range | TextRange} range A text selection * {Node[]} nodes Nodes in case of multi selection * {Number} scrollTop Scroll position */ treemode.setDomSelection = function (selection) { if (!selection) { return; } if ('scrollTop' in selection && this.scrollableContent) { // TODO: animated scroll this.scrollableContent.scrollTop = selection.scrollTop; } if (selection.paths) { // multi-select var me = this; var nodes = selection.paths.map(function (path) { return me.node.findNodeByInternalPath(path); }); this.select(nodes); } else { // find the actual DOM element where to apply the focus var node = selection.path ? this.node.findNodeByInternalPath(selection.path) : null; var container = (node && selection.domName) ? node.dom[selection.domName] : null; if (selection.range && container) { var range = Object.assign({}, selection.range, { container: container }); util.setSelectionOffset(range); } else if (node) { // just a fallback node.focus(); } } }; /** * Get the current focus * @return {Object} selection An object containing fields: * {Element | undefined} dom The dom element * which has focus * {Range | TextRange} range A text selection * {Node[]} nodes Nodes in case of multi selection * {Number} scrollTop Scroll position */ treemode.getDomSelection = function () { // find the node and field name of the current target, // so we can store the current selection in a serializable // way (internal node path and domName) var node = Node.getNodeFromTarget(this.focusTarget); var focusTarget = this.focusTarget; var domName = node ? Object.keys(node.dom).find(function (domName) { return node.dom[domName] === focusTarget; }) : null; var range = util.getSelectionOffset(); if (range && range.container.nodeName !== 'DIV') { // filter on (editable) divs) range = null; } if (range && range.container !== focusTarget) { range = null; } if (range) { // we cannot rely on the current instance of the container, // we need to store the internal node path and field and // find the actual DOM field when applying the selection delete range.container; } return { path: node ? node.getInternalPath() : null, domName: domName, range: range, paths: this.multiselection.length > 0 ? this.multiselection.nodes.map(function (node) { return node.getInternalPath(); }) : null, scrollTop: this.scrollableContent ? this.scrollableContent.scrollTop : 0 }; }; /** * Adjust the scroll position such that given top position is shown at 1/4 * of the window height. * @param {Number} top * @param {function(boolean)} [callback] Callback, executed when animation is * finished. The callback returns true * when animation is finished, or false * when not. */ treemode.scrollTo = function (top, callback) { var content = this.scrollableContent; if (content) { var editor = this; // cancel any running animation if (editor.animateTimeout) { clearTimeout(editor.animateTimeout); delete editor.animateTimeout; } if (editor.animateCallback) { editor.animateCallback(false); delete editor.animateCallback; } // calculate final scroll position var height = content.clientHeight; var bottom = content.scrollHeight - height; var finalScrollTop = Math.min(Math.max(top - height / 4, 0), bottom); // animate towards the new scroll position var animate = function () { var scrollTop = content.scrollTop; var diff = (finalScrollTop - scrollTop); if (Math.abs(diff) > 3) { content.scrollTop += diff / 3; editor.animateCallback = callback; editor.animateTimeout = setTimeout(animate, 50); } else { // finished if (callback) { callback(true); } content.scrollTop = finalScrollTop; delete editor.animateTimeout; delete editor.animateCallback; } }; animate(); } else { if (callback) { callback(false); } } }; /** * Create main frame * @private */ treemode._createFrame = function () { // create the frame this.frame = document.createElement('div'); this.frame.className = 'jsoneditor jsoneditor-mode-' + this.options.mode; this.container.appendChild(this.frame); // create one global event listener to handle all events from all nodes var editor = this; function onEvent(event) { // when switching to mode "code" or "text" via the menu, some events // are still fired whilst the _onEvent methods is already removed. if (editor._onEvent) { editor._onEvent(event); } } this.frame.onclick = function (event) { var target = event.target;// || event.srcElement; onEvent(event); // prevent default submit action of buttons when editor is located // inside a form if (target.nodeName == 'BUTTON') { event.preventDefault(); } }; this.frame.oninput = onEvent; this.frame.onchange = onEvent; this.frame.onkeydown = onEvent; this.frame.onkeyup = onEvent; this.frame.oncut = onEvent; this.frame.onpaste = onEvent; this.frame.onmousedown = onEvent; this.frame.onmouseup = onEvent; this.frame.onmouseover = onEvent; this.frame.onmouseout = onEvent; // Note: focus and blur events do not propagate, therefore they defined // using an eventListener with useCapture=true // see http://www.quirksmode.org/blog/archives/2008/04/delegating_the.html util.addEventListener(this.frame, 'focus', onEvent, true); util.addEventListener(this.frame, 'blur', onEvent, true); this.frame.onfocusin = onEvent; // for IE this.frame.onfocusout = onEvent; // for IE // create menu this.menu = document.createElement('div'); this.menu.className = 'jsoneditor-menu'; this.frame.appendChild(this.menu); // create expand all button var expandAll = document.createElement('button'); expandAll.type = 'button'; expandAll.className = 'jsoneditor-expand-all'; expandAll.title = translate('expandAll'); expandAll.onclick = function () { editor.expandAll(); }; this.menu.appendChild(expandAll); // create collapse all button var collapseAll = document.createElement('button'); collapseAll.type = 'button'; collapseAll.title = translate('collapseAll'); collapseAll.className = 'jsoneditor-collapse-all'; collapseAll.onclick = function () { editor.collapseAll(); }; this.menu.appendChild(collapseAll); // create sort button var sort = document.createElement('button'); sort.type = 'button'; sort.className = 'jsoneditor-sort'; sort.title = translate('sortTitleShort'); sort.onclick = function () { var anchor = editor.options.modalAnchor || DEFAULT_MODAL_ANCHOR; showSortModal(editor.node, anchor) }; this.menu.appendChild(sort); // create transform button var transform = document.createElement('button'); transform.type = 'button'; transform.title = translate('transformTitleShort'); transform.className = 'jsoneditor-transform'; transform.onclick = function () { var anchor = editor.options.modalAnchor || DEFAULT_MODAL_ANCHOR; showTransformModal(editor.node, anchor) }; this.menu.appendChild(transform); // create undo/redo buttons if (this.history) { // create undo button var undo = document.createElement('button'); undo.type = 'button'; undo.className = 'jsoneditor-undo jsoneditor-separator'; undo.title = translate('undo'); undo.onclick = function () { editor._onUndo(); }; this.menu.appendChild(undo); this.dom.undo = undo; // create redo button var redo = document.createElement('button'); redo.type = 'button'; redo.className = 'jsoneditor-redo'; redo.title = translate('redo'); redo.onclick = function () { editor._onRedo(); }; this.menu.appendChild(redo); this.dom.redo = redo; // register handler for onchange of history this.history.onChange = function () { undo.disabled = !editor.history.canUndo(); redo.disabled = !editor.history.canRedo(); }; this.history.onChange(); } // create mode box if (this.options && this.options.modes && this.options.modes.length) { var me = this; this.modeSwitcher = new ModeSwitcher(this.menu, this.options.modes, this.options.mode, function onSwitch(mode) { // switch mode and restore focus me.setMode(mode); me.modeSwitcher.focus(); }); } // create search box if (this.options.search) { this.searchBox = new SearchBox(this, this.menu); } if(this.options.navigationBar) { // create second menu row for treepath this.navBar = document.createElement('div'); this.navBar.className = 'jsoneditor-navigation-bar nav-bar-empty'; this.frame.appendChild(this.navBar); this.treePath = new TreePath(this.navBar); this.treePath.onSectionSelected(this._onTreePathSectionSelected.bind(this)); this.treePath.onContextMenuItemSelected(this._onTreePathMenuItemSelected.bind(this)); } }; /** * Perform an undo action * @private */ treemode._onUndo = function () { if (this.history) { // undo last action this.history.undo(); // fire change event this._onChange(); } }; /** * Perform a redo action * @private */ treemode._onRedo = function () { if (this.history) { // redo last action this.history.redo(); // fire change event this._onChange(); } }; /** * Event handler * @param event * @private */ treemode._onEvent = function (event) { // don't process events when coming from the color picker if (Node.targetIsColorPicker(event.target)) { return; } if (event.type === 'keydown') { this._onKeyDown(event); } if (event.type === 'focus') { this.focusTarget = event.target; } if (event.type === 'mousedown') { this._startDragDistance(event); } if (event.type === 'mousemove' || event.type === 'mouseup' || event.type === 'click') { this._updateDragDistance(event); } var node = Node.getNodeFromTarget(event.target); if (node && this.options && this.options.navigationBar && node && (event.type === 'keydown' || event.type === 'mousedown')) { // apply on next tick, right after the new key press is applied var me = this; setTimeout(function () { me._updateTreePath(node.getNodePath()); }) } if (node && node.selected) { if (event.type === 'click') { if (event.target === node.dom.menu) { this.showContextMenu(event.target); // stop propagation (else we will open the context menu of a single node) return; } // deselect a multi selection if (!event.hasMoved) { this.deselect(); } } if (event.type === 'mousedown') { // drag multiple nodes Node.onDragStart(this.multiselection.nodes, event); } } else { if (event.type === 'mousedown') { this.deselect(); if (node && event.target === node.dom.drag) { // drag a singe node Node.onDragStart(node, event); } else if (!node || (event.target !== node.dom.field && event.target !== node.dom.value && event.target !== node.dom.select)) { // select multiple nodes this._onMultiSelectStart(event); } } } if (node) { node.onEvent(event); } }; /** * Update TreePath components * @param {Array} pathNodes list of nodes in path from root to selection * @private */ treemode._updateTreePath = function (pathNodes) { if (pathNodes && pathNodes.length) { util.removeClassName(this.navBar, 'nav-bar-empty'); var pathObjs = []; pathNodes.forEach(function (node) { var pathObj = { name: getName(node), node: node, children: [] } if (node.childs && node.childs.length) { node.childs.forEach(function (childNode) { pathObj.children.push({ name: getName(childNode), node: childNode }); }); } pathObjs.push(pathObj); }); this.treePath.setPath(pathObjs); } else { util.addClassName(this.navBar, 'nav-bar-empty'); } function getName(node) { return node.parent ? ((node.parent.type === 'array') ? node.index : node.field) : node.type; } }; /** * Callback for tree path section selection - focus the selected node in the tree * @param {Object} pathObj path object that was represents the selected section node * @private */ treemode._onTreePathSectionSelected = function (pathObj) { if(pathObj && pathObj.node) { pathObj.node.expandTo(); pathObj.node.focus(); } }; /** * Callback for tree path menu item selection - rebuild the path accrding to the new selection and focus the selected node in the tree * @param {Object} pathObj path object that was represents the parent section node * @param {String} selection selected section child * @private */ treemode._onTreePathMenuItemSelected = function (pathObj, selection) { if(pathObj && pathObj.children.length) { var selectionObj = pathObj.children.find(function (obj) { return obj.name === selection; }); if(selectionObj && selectionObj.node) { this._updateTreePath(selectionObj.node.getNodePath()); selectionObj.node.expandTo(); selectionObj.node.focus(); } } }; treemode._startDragDistance = function (event) { this.dragDistanceEvent = { initialTarget: event.target, initialPageX: event.pageX, initialPageY: event.pageY, dragDistance: 0, hasMoved: false }; }; treemode._updateDragDistance = function (event) { if (!this.dragDistanceEvent) { this._startDragDistance(event); } var diffX = event.pageX - this.dragDistanceEvent.initialPageX; var diffY = event.pageY - this.dragDistanceEvent.initialPageY; this.dragDistanceEvent.dragDistance = Math.sqrt(diffX * diffX + diffY * diffY); this.dragDistanceEvent.hasMoved = this.dragDistanceEvent.hasMoved || this.dragDistanceEvent.dragDistance > 10; event.dragDistance = this.dragDistanceEvent.dragDistance; event.hasMoved = this.dragDistanceEvent.hasMoved; return event.dragDistance; }; /** * Start multi selection of nodes by dragging the mouse * @param event * @private */ treemode._onMultiSelectStart = function (event) { var node = Node.getNodeFromTarget(event.target); if (this.options.mode !== 'tree' || this.options.onEditable !== undefined) { // dragging not allowed in modes 'view' and 'form' // TODO: allow multiselection of items when option onEditable is specified return; } this.multiselection = { start: node || null, end: null, nodes: [] }; this._startDragDistance(event); var editor = this; if (!this.mousemove) { this.mousemove = util.addEventListener(window, 'mousemove', function (event) { editor._onMultiSelect(event); }); } if (!this.mouseup) { this.mouseup = util.addEventListener(window, 'mouseup', function (event ) { editor._onMultiSelectEnd(event); }); } }; /** * Multiselect nodes by dragging * @param event * @private */ treemode._onMultiSelect = function (event) { event.preventDefault(); this._updateDragDistance(event); if (!event.hasMoved) { return; } var node = Node.getNodeFromTarget(event.target); if (node) { if (this.multiselection.start == null) { this.multiselection.start = node; } this.multiselection.end = node; } // deselect previous selection this.deselect(); // find the selected nodes in the range from first to last var start = this.multiselection.start; var end = this.multiselection.end || this.multiselection.start; if (start && end) { // find the top level childs, all having the same parent this.multiselection.nodes = this._findTopLevelNodes(start, end); if (this.multiselection.nodes && this.multiselection.nodes.length) { var firstNode = this.multiselection.nodes[0]; if (this.multiselection.start === firstNode || this.multiselection.start.isDescendantOf(firstNode)) { this.multiselection.direction = 'down'; } else { this.multiselection.direction = 'up'; } } this.select(this.multiselection.nodes); } }; /** * End of multiselect nodes by dragging * @param event * @private */ treemode._onMultiSelectEnd = function (event) { // set focus to the context menu button of the first node if (this.multiselection.nodes[0]) { this.multiselection.nodes[0].dom.menu.focus(); } this.multiselection.start = null; this.multiselection.end = null; // cleanup global event listeners if (this.mousemove) { util.removeEventListener(window, 'mousemove', this.mousemove); delete this.mousemove; } if (this.mouseup) { util.removeEventListener(window, 'mouseup', this.mouseup); delete this.mouseup; } }; /** * deselect currently selected nodes * @param {boolean} [clearStartAndEnd=false] If true, the `start` and `end` * state is cleared too. */ treemode.deselect = function (clearStartAndEnd) { var selectionChanged = !!this.multiselection.nodes.length; this.multiselection.nodes.forEach(function (node) { node.setSelected(false); }); this.multiselection.nodes = []; if (clearStartAndEnd) { this.multiselection.start = null; this.multiselection.end = null; } if (selectionChanged) { if (this._selectionChangedHandler) { this._selectionChangedHandler(); } } }; /** * select nodes * @param {Node[] | Node} nodes */ treemode.select = function (nodes) { if (!Array.isArray(nodes)) { return this.select([nodes]); } if (nodes) { this.deselect(); this.multiselection.nodes = nodes.slice(0); var first = nodes[0]; nodes.forEach(function (node) { node.expandPathToNode(); node.setSelected(true, node === first); }); if (this._selectionChangedHandler) { var selection = this.getSelection(); this._selectionChangedHandler(selection.start, selection.end); } } }; /** * From two arbitrary selected nodes, find their shared parent node. * From that parent node, select the two child nodes in the brances going to * nodes `start` and `end`, and select all childs in between. * @param {Node} start * @param {Node} end * @return {Array.} Returns an ordered list with child nodes * @private */ treemode._findTopLevelNodes = function (start, end) { var startPath = start.getNodePath(); var endPath = end.getNodePath(); var i = 0; while (i < startPath.length && startPath[i] === endPath[i]) { i++; } var root = startPath[i - 1]; var startChild = startPath[i]; var endChild = endPath[i]; if (!startChild || !endChild) { if (root.parent) { // startChild is a parent of endChild or vice versa startChild = root; endChild = root; root = root.parent } else { // we have selected the root node (which doesn't have a parent) startChild = root.childs[0]; endChild = root.childs[root.childs.length - 1]; } } if (root && startChild && endChild) { var startIndex = root.childs.indexOf(startChild); var endIndex = root.childs.indexOf(endChild); var firstIndex = Math.min(startIndex, endIndex); var lastIndex = Math.max(startIndex, endIndex); return root.childs.slice(firstIndex, lastIndex + 1); } else { return []; } }; /** * Event handler for keydown. Handles shortcut keys * @param {Event} event * @private */ treemode._onKeyDown = function (event) { var keynum = event.which || event.keyCode; var altKey = event.altKey; var ctrlKey = event.ctrlKey; var metaKey = event.metaKey; var shiftKey = event.shiftKey; var handled = false; if (keynum == 9) { // Tab or Shift+Tab var me = this; setTimeout(function () { // select all text when moving focus to an editable div util.selectContentEditable(me.focusTarget); }, 0); } if (this.searchBox) { if (ctrlKey && keynum == 70) { // Ctrl+F this.searchBox.dom.search.focus(); this.searchBox.dom.search.select(); handled = true; } else if (keynum == 114 || (ctrlKey && keynum == 71)) { // F3 or Ctrl+G var focus = true; if (!shiftKey) { // select next search result (F3 or Ctrl+G) this.searchBox.next(focus); } else { // select previous search result (Shift+F3 or Ctrl+Shift+G) this.searchBox.previous(focus); } handled = true; } } if (this.history) { if (ctrlKey && !shiftKey && keynum == 90) { // Ctrl+Z // undo this._onUndo(); handled = true; } else if (ctrlKey && shiftKey && keynum == 90) { // Ctrl+Shift+Z // redo this._onRedo(); handled = true; } } if ((this.options.autocomplete) && (!handled)) { if (!ctrlKey && !altKey && !metaKey && (event.key.length == 1 || keynum == 8 || keynum == 46)) { handled = false; var jsonElementType = ""; if (event.target.className.indexOf("jsoneditor-value") >= 0) jsonElementType = "value"; if (event.target.className.indexOf("jsoneditor-field") >= 0) jsonElementType = "field"; var node = Node.getNodeFromTarget(event.target); // Activate autocomplete setTimeout(function (hnode, element) { if (element.innerText.length > 0) { var result = this.options.autocomplete.getOptions(element.innerText, hnode.getPath(), jsonElementType, hnode.editor); if (result === null) { this.autocomplete.hideDropDown(); } else if (typeof result.then === 'function') { // probably a promise if (result.then(function (obj) { if (obj === null) { this.autocomplete.hideDropDown(); } else if (obj.options) { this.autocomplete.show(element, obj.startFrom, obj.options); } else { this.autocomplete.show(element, 0, obj); } }.bind(this))); } else { // definitely not a promise if (result.options) this.autocomplete.show(element, result.startFrom, result.options); else this.autocomplete.show(element, 0, result); } } else this.autocomplete.hideDropDown(); }.bind(this, node, event.target), 50); } } if (handled) { event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); } }; /** * Create main table * @private */ treemode._createTable = function () { var contentOuter = document.createElement('div'); contentOuter.className = 'jsoneditor-outer'; if(this.options.navigationBar) { util.addClassName(contentOuter, 'has-nav-bar'); } this.contentOuter = contentOuter; this.scrollableContent = document.createElement('div'); this.scrollableContent.className = 'jsoneditor-tree'; contentOuter.appendChild(this.scrollableContent); // the jsoneditor-tree-inner div with bottom padding is here to // keep space for the action menu dropdown. It's created as a // separate div instead of using scrollableContent to work around // and issue in the Chrome browser showing scrollable contents outside of the div // see https://github.com/josdejong/jsoneditor/issues/557 this.content = document.createElement('div'); this.content.className = 'jsoneditor-tree-inner'; this.scrollableContent.appendChild(this.content); this.table = document.createElement('table'); this.table.className = 'jsoneditor-tree'; this.content.appendChild(this.table); // create colgroup where the first two columns don't have a fixed // width, and the edit columns do have a fixed width var col; this.colgroupContent = document.createElement('colgroup'); if (this.options.mode === 'tree') { col = document.createElement('col'); col.width = "24px"; this.colgroupContent.appendChild(col); } col = document.createElement('col'); col.width = "24px"; this.colgroupContent.appendChild(col); col = document.createElement('col'); this.colgroupContent.appendChild(col); this.table.appendChild(this.colgroupContent); this.tbody = document.createElement('tbody'); this.table.appendChild(this.tbody); this.frame.appendChild(contentOuter); }; /** * Show a contextmenu for this node. * Used for multiselection * @param {HTMLElement} anchor Anchor element to attach the context menu to. * @param {function} [onClose] Callback method called when the context menu * is being closed. */ treemode.showContextMenu = function (anchor, onClose) { var items = []; var editor = this; // create duplicate button items.push({ text: translate('duplicateText'), title: translate('duplicateTitle'), className: 'jsoneditor-duplicate', click: function () { Node.onDuplicate(editor.multiselection.nodes); } }); // create remove button items.push({ text: translate('remove'), title: translate('removeTitle'), className: 'jsoneditor-remove', click: function () { Node.onRemove(editor.multiselection.nodes); } }); var menu = new ContextMenu(items, {close: onClose}); menu.show(anchor, editor.frame); }; /** * Get current selected nodes * @return {{start:SerializableNode, end: SerializableNode}} */ treemode.getSelection = function () { var selection = { start: null, end: null }; if (this.multiselection.nodes && this.multiselection.nodes.length) { if (this.multiselection.nodes.length) { var selection1 = this.multiselection.nodes[0]; var selection2 = this.multiselection.nodes[this.multiselection.nodes.length - 1]; if (this.multiselection.direction === 'down') { selection.start = selection1.serialize(); selection.end = selection2.serialize(); } else { selection.start = selection2.serialize(); selection.end = selection1.serialize(); } } } return selection; }; /** * Callback registraion for selection change * @param {selectionCallback} callback * * @callback selectionCallback * @param {SerializableNode=} start * @param {SerializableNode=} end */ treemode.onSelectionChange = function (callback) { if (typeof callback === 'function') { this._selectionChangedHandler = util.debounce(callback, this.DEBOUNCE_INTERVAL); } }; /** * Select range of nodes. * For selecting single node send only the start parameter * For clear the selection do not send any parameter * If the nodes are not from the same level the first common parent will be selected * @param {{path: Array.}} start object contains the path for selection start * @param {{path: Array.}} end object contains the path for selection end */ treemode.setSelection = function (start, end) { // check for old usage if (start && start.dom && start.range) { console.warn('setSelection/getSelection usage for text selection is depracated and should not be used, see documantaion for supported selection options'); this.setDomSelection(start); } var nodes = this._getNodeInstancesByRange(start, end); nodes.forEach(function(node) { node.expandTo(); }); this.select(nodes); }; /** * Returns a set of Nodes according to a range of selection * @param {{path: Array.}} start object contains the path for range start * @param {{path: Array.}=} end object contains the path for range end * @return {Array.} Node intances on the given range * @private */ treemode._getNodeInstancesByRange = function (start, end) { var startNode, endNode; if (start && start.path) { startNode = this.node.findNodeByPath(start.path); if (end && end.path) { endNode = this.node.findNodeByPath(end.path); } } var nodes = []; if (startNode instanceof Node) { if (endNode instanceof Node && endNode !== startNode) { if (startNode.parent === endNode.parent) { var start, end; if (startNode.getIndex() < endNode.getIndex()) { start = startNode; end = endNode; } else { start = endNode; end = startNode; } var current = start; nodes.push(current); do { current = current.nextSibling(); nodes.push(current); } while (current && current !== end); } else { nodes = this._findTopLevelNodes(startNode, endNode); } } else { nodes.push(startNode); } } return nodes; }; treemode.getNodesByRange = function (start, end) { var nodes = this._getNodeInstancesByRange(start, end); var serializableNodes = []; nodes.forEach(function (node){ serializableNodes.push(node.serialize()); }); return serializableNodes; }; // define modes module.exports = [ { mode: 'tree', mixin: treemode, data: 'json' }, { mode: 'view', mixin: treemode, data: 'json' }, { mode: 'form', mixin: treemode, data: 'json' } ]; /***/ }, /* 7 */ /***/ function(module, exports) { 'use strict'; /** * The highlighter can highlight/unhighlight a node, and * animate the visibility of a context menu. * @constructor Highlighter */ function Highlighter () { this.locked = false; } /** * Hightlight given node and its childs * @param {Node} node */ Highlighter.prototype.highlight = function (node) { if (this.locked) { return; } if (this.node != node) { // unhighlight current node if (this.node) { this.node.setHighlight(false); } // highlight new node this.node = node; this.node.setHighlight(true); } // cancel any current timeout this._cancelUnhighlight(); }; /** * Unhighlight currently highlighted node. * Will be done after a delay */ Highlighter.prototype.unhighlight = function () { if (this.locked) { return; } var me = this; if (this.node) { this._cancelUnhighlight(); // do the unhighlighting after a small delay, to prevent re-highlighting // the same node when moving from the drag-icon to the contextmenu-icon // or vice versa. this.unhighlightTimer = setTimeout(function () { me.node.setHighlight(false); me.node = undefined; me.unhighlightTimer = undefined; }, 0); } }; /** * Cancel an unhighlight action (if before the timeout of the unhighlight action) * @private */ Highlighter.prototype._cancelUnhighlight = function () { if (this.unhighlightTimer) { clearTimeout(this.unhighlightTimer); this.unhighlightTimer = undefined; } }; /** * Lock highlighting or unhighlighting nodes. * methods highlight and unhighlight do not work while locked. */ Highlighter.prototype.lock = function () { this.locked = true; }; /** * Unlock highlighting or unhighlighting nodes */ Highlighter.prototype.unlock = function () { this.locked = false; }; module.exports = Highlighter; /***/ }, /* 8 */ /***/ function(module, exports) { 'use strict'; /** * @constructor History * Store action history, enables undo and redo * @param {JSONEditor} editor */ function History (editor) { this.editor = editor; this.history = []; this.index = -1; this.clear(); // helper function to find a Node from a path function findNode(path) { return editor.node.findNodeByInternalPath(path) } // map with all supported actions this.actions = { 'editField': { 'undo': function (params) { var parentNode = findNode(params.parentPath); var node = parentNode.childs[params.index]; node.updateField(params.oldValue); }, 'redo': function (params) { var parentNode = findNode(params.parentPath); var node = parentNode.childs[params.index]; node.updateField(params.newValue); } }, 'editValue': { 'undo': function (params) { findNode(params.path).updateValue(params.oldValue); }, 'redo': function (params) { findNode(params.path).updateValue(params.newValue); } }, 'changeType': { 'undo': function (params) { findNode(params.path).changeType(params.oldType); }, 'redo': function (params) { findNode(params.path).changeType(params.newType); } }, 'appendNodes': { 'undo': function (params) { var parentNode = findNode(params.parentPath); params.paths.map(findNode).forEach(function (node) { parentNode.removeChild(node); }); }, 'redo': function (params) { var parentNode = findNode(params.parentPath); params.nodes.forEach(function (node) { parentNode.appendChild(node); }); } }, 'insertBeforeNodes': { 'undo': function (params) { var parentNode = findNode(params.parentPath); params.paths.map(findNode).forEach(function (node) { parentNode.removeChild(node); }); }, 'redo': function (params) { var parentNode = findNode(params.parentPath); var beforeNode = findNode(params.beforePath); params.nodes.forEach(function (node) { parentNode.insertBefore(node, beforeNode); }); } }, 'insertAfterNodes': { 'undo': function (params) { var parentNode = findNode(params.parentPath); params.paths.map(findNode).forEach(function (node) { parentNode.removeChild(node); }); }, 'redo': function (params) { var parentNode = findNode(params.parentPath); var afterNode = findNode(params.afterPath); params.nodes.forEach(function (node) { parentNode.insertAfter(node, afterNode); afterNode = node; }); } }, 'removeNodes': { 'undo': function (params) { var parentNode = findNode(params.parentPath); var beforeNode = parentNode.childs[params.index] || parentNode.append; params.nodes.forEach(function (node) { parentNode.insertBefore(node, beforeNode); }); }, 'redo': function (params) { var parentNode = findNode(params.parentPath); params.paths.map(findNode).forEach(function (node) { parentNode.removeChild(node); }); } }, 'duplicateNodes': { 'undo': function (params) { var parentNode = findNode(params.parentPath); params.clonePaths.map(findNode).forEach(function (node) { parentNode.removeChild(node); }); }, 'redo': function (params) { var parentNode = findNode(params.parentPath); var afterNode = findNode(params.afterPath); var nodes = params.paths.map(findNode); nodes.forEach(function (node) { var clone = node.clone(); parentNode.insertAfter(clone, afterNode); afterNode = clone; }); } }, 'moveNodes': { 'undo': function (params) { var oldParentNode = findNode(params.oldParentPath); var newParentNode = findNode(params.newParentPath); var oldBeforeNode = oldParentNode.childs[params.oldIndex] || oldParentNode.append; // first copy the nodes, then move them var nodes = newParentNode.childs.slice(params.newIndex, params.newIndex + params.count); nodes.forEach(function (node, index) { node.field = params.fieldNames[index]; oldParentNode.moveBefore(node, oldBeforeNode); }); // This is a hack to work around an issue that we don't know tha original // path of the new parent after dragging, as the node is already moved at that time. if (params.newParentPathRedo === null) { params.newParentPathRedo = newParentNode.getInternalPath(); } }, 'redo': function (params) { var oldParentNode = findNode(params.oldParentPathRedo); var newParentNode = findNode(params.newParentPathRedo); var newBeforeNode = newParentNode.childs[params.newIndexRedo] || newParentNode.append; // first copy the nodes, then move them var nodes = oldParentNode.childs.slice(params.oldIndexRedo, params.oldIndexRedo + params.count); nodes.forEach(function (node, index) { node.field = params.fieldNames[index]; newParentNode.moveBefore(node, newBeforeNode); }); } }, 'sort': { 'undo': function (params) { var node = findNode(params.path); node.hideChilds(); node.childs = params.oldChilds; node.updateDom({updateIndexes: true}); node.showChilds(); }, 'redo': function (params) { var node = findNode(params.path); node.hideChilds(); node.childs = params.newChilds; node.updateDom({updateIndexes: true}); node.showChilds(); } }, 'transform': { 'undo': function (params) { findNode(params.path).setInternalValue(params.oldValue); // TODO: would be nice to restore the state of the node and childs }, 'redo': function (params) { findNode(params.path).setInternalValue(params.newValue); // TODO: would be nice to restore the state of the node and childs } } // TODO: restore the original caret position and selection with each undo // TODO: implement history for actions "expand", "collapse", "scroll", "setDocument" }; } /** * The method onChange is executed when the History is changed, and can * be overloaded. */ History.prototype.onChange = function () {}; /** * Add a new action to the history * @param {String} action The executed action. Available actions: "editField", * "editValue", "changeType", "appendNode", * "removeNode", "duplicateNode", "moveNode" * @param {Object} params Object containing parameters describing the change. * The parameters in params depend on the action (for * example for "editValue" the Node, old value, and new * value are provided). params contains all information * needed to undo or redo the action. */ History.prototype.add = function (action, params) { this.index++; this.history[this.index] = { 'action': action, 'params': params, 'timestamp': new Date() }; // remove redo actions which are invalid now if (this.index < this.history.length - 1) { this.history.splice(this.index + 1, this.history.length - this.index - 1); } // fire onchange event this.onChange(); }; /** * Clear history */ History.prototype.clear = function () { this.history = []; this.index = -1; // fire onchange event this.onChange(); }; /** * Check if there is an action available for undo * @return {Boolean} canUndo */ History.prototype.canUndo = function () { return (this.index >= 0); }; /** * Check if there is an action available for redo * @return {Boolean} canRedo */ History.prototype.canRedo = function () { return (this.index < this.history.length - 1); }; /** * Undo the last action */ History.prototype.undo = function () { if (this.canUndo()) { var obj = this.history[this.index]; if (obj) { var action = this.actions[obj.action]; if (action && action.undo) { action.undo(obj.params); if (obj.params.oldSelection) { try { this.editor.setDomSelection(obj.params.oldSelection); } catch (err) { console.error(err); } } } else { console.error(new Error('unknown action "' + obj.action + '"')); } } this.index--; // fire onchange event this.onChange(); } }; /** * Redo the last action */ History.prototype.redo = function () { if (this.canRedo()) { this.index++; var obj = this.history[this.index]; if (obj) { var action = this.actions[obj.action]; if (action && action.redo) { action.redo(obj.params); if (obj.params.newSelection) { try { this.editor.setDomSelection(obj.params.newSelection); } catch (err) { console.error(err); } } } else { console.error(new Error('unknown action "' + obj.action + '"')); } } // fire onchange event this.onChange(); } }; /** * Destroy history */ History.prototype.destroy = function () { this.editor = null; this.history = []; this.index = -1; }; module.exports = History; /***/ }, /* 9 */ /***/ function(module, exports) { 'use strict'; /** * @constructor SearchBox * Create a search box in given HTML container * @param {JSONEditor} editor The JSON Editor to attach to * @param {Element} container HTML container element of where to * create the search box */ function SearchBox (editor, container) { var searchBox = this; this.editor = editor; this.timeout = undefined; this.delay = 200; // ms this.lastText = undefined; this.dom = {}; this.dom.container = container; var table = document.createElement('table'); this.dom.table = table; table.className = 'jsoneditor-search'; container.appendChild(table); var tbody = document.createElement('tbody'); this.dom.tbody = tbody; table.appendChild(tbody); var tr = document.createElement('tr'); tbody.appendChild(tr); var td = document.createElement('td'); tr.appendChild(td); var results = document.createElement('div'); this.dom.results = results; results.className = 'jsoneditor-results'; td.appendChild(results); td = document.createElement('td'); tr.appendChild(td); var divInput = document.createElement('div'); this.dom.input = divInput; divInput.className = 'jsoneditor-frame'; divInput.title = 'Search fields and values'; td.appendChild(divInput); // table to contain the text input and search button var tableInput = document.createElement('table'); divInput.appendChild(tableInput); var tbodySearch = document.createElement('tbody'); tableInput.appendChild(tbodySearch); tr = document.createElement('tr'); tbodySearch.appendChild(tr); var refreshSearch = document.createElement('button'); refreshSearch.type = 'button'; refreshSearch.className = 'jsoneditor-refresh'; td = document.createElement('td'); td.appendChild(refreshSearch); tr.appendChild(td); var search = document.createElement('input'); // search.type = 'button'; this.dom.search = search; search.oninput = function (event) { searchBox._onDelayedSearch(event); }; search.onchange = function (event) { // For IE 9 searchBox._onSearch(); }; search.onkeydown = function (event) { searchBox._onKeyDown(event); }; search.onkeyup = function (event) { searchBox._onKeyUp(event); }; refreshSearch.onclick = function (event) { search.select(); }; // TODO: ESC in FF restores the last input, is a FF bug, https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=598819 td = document.createElement('td'); td.appendChild(search); tr.appendChild(td); var searchNext = document.createElement('button'); searchNext.type = 'button'; searchNext.title = 'Next result (Enter)'; searchNext.className = 'jsoneditor-next'; searchNext.onclick = function () { searchBox.next(); }; td = document.createElement('td'); td.appendChild(searchNext); tr.appendChild(td); var searchPrevious = document.createElement('button'); searchPrevious.type = 'button'; searchPrevious.title = 'Previous result (Shift+Enter)'; searchPrevious.className = 'jsoneditor-previous'; searchPrevious.onclick = function () { searchBox.previous(); }; td = document.createElement('td'); td.appendChild(searchPrevious); tr.appendChild(td); } /** * Go to the next search result * @param {boolean} [focus] If true, focus will be set to the next result * focus is false by default. */ SearchBox.prototype.next = function(focus) { if (this.results != undefined) { var index = (this.resultIndex != undefined) ? this.resultIndex + 1 : 0; if (index > this.results.length - 1) { index = 0; } this._setActiveResult(index, focus); } }; /** * Go to the prevous search result * @param {boolean} [focus] If true, focus will be set to the next result * focus is false by default. */ SearchBox.prototype.previous = function(focus) { if (this.results != undefined) { var max = this.results.length - 1; var index = (this.resultIndex != undefined) ? this.resultIndex - 1 : max; if (index < 0) { index = max; } this._setActiveResult(index, focus); } }; /** * Set new value for the current active result * @param {Number} index * @param {boolean} [focus] If true, focus will be set to the next result. * focus is false by default. * @private */ SearchBox.prototype._setActiveResult = function(index, focus) { // de-activate current active result if (this.activeResult) { var prevNode = this.activeResult.node; var prevElem = this.activeResult.elem; if (prevElem == 'field') { delete prevNode.searchFieldActive; } else { delete prevNode.searchValueActive; } prevNode.updateDom(); } if (!this.results || !this.results[index]) { // out of range, set to undefined this.resultIndex = undefined; this.activeResult = undefined; return; } this.resultIndex = index; // set new node active var node = this.results[this.resultIndex].node; var elem = this.results[this.resultIndex].elem; if (elem == 'field') { node.searchFieldActive = true; } else { node.searchValueActive = true; } this.activeResult = this.results[this.resultIndex]; node.updateDom(); // TODO: not so nice that the focus is only set after the animation is finished node.scrollTo(function () { if (focus) { node.focus(elem); } }); }; /** * Cancel any running onDelayedSearch. * @private */ SearchBox.prototype._clearDelay = function() { if (this.timeout != undefined) { clearTimeout(this.timeout); delete this.timeout; } }; /** * Start a timer to execute a search after a short delay. * Used for reducing the number of searches while typing. * @param {Event} event * @private */ SearchBox.prototype._onDelayedSearch = function (event) { // execute the search after a short delay (reduces the number of // search actions while typing in the search text box) this._clearDelay(); var searchBox = this; this.timeout = setTimeout(function (event) { searchBox._onSearch(); }, this.delay); }; /** * Handle onSearch event * @param {boolean} [forceSearch] If true, search will be executed again even * when the search text is not changed. * Default is false. * @private */ SearchBox.prototype._onSearch = function (forceSearch) { this._clearDelay(); var value = this.dom.search.value; var text = (value.length > 0) ? value : undefined; if (text !== this.lastText || forceSearch) { // only search again when changed this.lastText = text; this.results = this.editor.search(text); var MAX_SEARCH_RESULTS = this.results[0] ? this.results[0].node.MAX_SEARCH_RESULTS : Infinity; // try to maintain the current active result if this is still part of the new search results var activeResultIndex = 0; if (this.activeResult) { for (var i = 0; i < this.results.length; i++) { if (this.results[i].node === this.activeResult.node) { activeResultIndex = i; break; } } } this._setActiveResult(activeResultIndex, false); // display search results if (text !== undefined) { var resultCount = this.results.length; if (resultCount === 0) { this.dom.results.innerHTML = 'no results'; } else if (resultCount === 1) { this.dom.results.innerHTML = '1 result'; } else if (resultCount > MAX_SEARCH_RESULTS) { this.dom.results.innerHTML = MAX_SEARCH_RESULTS + '+ results'; } else { this.dom.results.innerHTML = resultCount + ' results'; } } else { this.dom.results.innerHTML = ''; } } }; /** * Handle onKeyDown event in the input box * @param {Event} event * @private */ SearchBox.prototype._onKeyDown = function (event) { var keynum = event.which; if (keynum == 27) { // ESC this.dom.search.value = ''; // clear search this._onSearch(); event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); } else if (keynum == 13) { // Enter if (event.ctrlKey) { // force to search again this._onSearch(true); } else if (event.shiftKey) { // move to the previous search result this.previous(); } else { // move to the next search result this.next(); } event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); } }; /** * Handle onKeyUp event in the input box * @param {Event} event * @private */ SearchBox.prototype._onKeyUp = function (event) { var keynum = event.keyCode; if (keynum != 27 && keynum != 13) { // !show and !Enter this._onDelayedSearch(event); // For IE 9 } }; /** * Clear the search results */ SearchBox.prototype.clear = function () { this.dom.search.value = ''; this._onSearch(); }; /** * Refresh searchResults if there is a search value */ SearchBox.prototype.forceSearch = function () { this._onSearch(true); }; /** * Test whether the search box value is empty * @returns {boolean} Returns true when empty. */ SearchBox.prototype.isEmpty = function () { return this.dom.search.value === ''; }; /** * Destroy the search box */ SearchBox.prototype.destroy = function () { this.editor = null; this.dom.container.removeChild(this.dom.table); this.dom = null; this.results = null; this.activeResult = null; this._clearDelay(); }; module.exports = SearchBox; /***/ }, /* 10 */ /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { 'use strict'; var createAbsoluteAnchor = __webpack_require__(11).createAbsoluteAnchor; var util = __webpack_require__(12); var translate = __webpack_require__(15).translate; /** * A context menu * @param {Object[]} items Array containing the menu structure * TODO: describe structure * @param {Object} [options] Object with options. Available options: * {function} close Callback called when the * context menu is being closed. * @constructor */ function ContextMenu (items, options) { this.dom = {}; var me = this; var dom = this.dom; this.anchor = undefined; this.items = items; this.eventListeners = {}; this.selection = undefined; // holds the selection before the menu was opened this.onClose = options ? options.close : undefined; // create root element var root = document.createElement('div'); root.className = 'jsoneditor-contextmenu-root'; dom.root = root; // create a container element var menu = document.createElement('div'); menu.className = 'jsoneditor-contextmenu'; dom.menu = menu; root.appendChild(menu); // create a list to hold the menu items var list = document.createElement('ul'); list.className = 'jsoneditor-menu'; menu.appendChild(list); dom.list = list; dom.items = []; // list with all buttons // create a (non-visible) button to set the focus to the menu var focusButton = document.createElement('button'); focusButton.type = 'button'; dom.focusButton = focusButton; var li = document.createElement('li'); li.style.overflow = 'hidden'; li.style.height = '0'; li.appendChild(focusButton); list.appendChild(li); function createMenuItems (list, domItems, items) { items.forEach(function (item) { if (item.type == 'separator') { // create a separator var separator = document.createElement('div'); separator.className = 'jsoneditor-separator'; li = document.createElement('li'); li.appendChild(separator); list.appendChild(li); } else { var domItem = {}; // create a menu item var li = document.createElement('li'); list.appendChild(li); // create a button in the menu item var button = document.createElement('button'); button.type = 'button'; button.className = item.className; domItem.button = button; if (item.title) { button.title = item.title; } if (item.click) { button.onclick = function (event) { event.preventDefault(); me.hide(); item.click(); }; } li.appendChild(button); // create the contents of the button if (item.submenu) { // add the icon to the button var divIcon = document.createElement('div'); divIcon.className = 'jsoneditor-icon'; button.appendChild(divIcon); var divText = document.createElement('div'); divText.className = 'jsoneditor-text' + (item.click ? '' : ' jsoneditor-right-margin'); divText.appendChild(document.createTextNode(item.text)); button.appendChild(divText); var buttonSubmenu; if (item.click) { // submenu and a button with a click handler button.className += ' jsoneditor-default'; var buttonExpand = document.createElement('button'); buttonExpand.type = 'button'; domItem.buttonExpand = buttonExpand; buttonExpand.className = 'jsoneditor-expand'; buttonExpand.innerHTML = '
'; li.appendChild(buttonExpand); if (item.submenuTitle) { buttonExpand.title = item.submenuTitle; } buttonSubmenu = buttonExpand; } else { // submenu and a button without a click handler var divExpand = document.createElement('div'); divExpand.className = 'jsoneditor-expand'; button.appendChild(divExpand); buttonSubmenu = button; } // attach a handler to expand/collapse the submenu buttonSubmenu.onclick = function (event) { event.preventDefault(); me._onExpandItem(domItem); buttonSubmenu.focus(); }; // create the submenu var domSubItems = []; domItem.subItems = domSubItems; var ul = document.createElement('ul'); domItem.ul = ul; ul.className = 'jsoneditor-menu'; ul.style.height = '0'; li.appendChild(ul); createMenuItems(ul, domSubItems, item.submenu); } else { // no submenu, just a button with clickhandler button.innerHTML = '
' + '
' + translate(item.text) + '
'; } domItems.push(domItem); } }); } createMenuItems(list, this.dom.items, items); // TODO: when the editor is small, show the submenu on the right instead of inline? // calculate the max height of the menu with one submenu expanded this.maxHeight = 0; // height in pixels items.forEach(function (item) { var height = (items.length + (item.submenu ? item.submenu.length : 0)) * 24; me.maxHeight = Math.max(me.maxHeight, height); }); } /** * Get the currently visible buttons * @return {Array.} buttons * @private */ ContextMenu.prototype._getVisibleButtons = function () { var buttons = []; var me = this; this.dom.items.forEach(function (item) { buttons.push(item.button); if (item.buttonExpand) { buttons.push(item.buttonExpand); } if (item.subItems && item == me.expandedItem) { item.subItems.forEach(function (subItem) { buttons.push(subItem.button); if (subItem.buttonExpand) { buttons.push(subItem.buttonExpand); } // TODO: change to fully recursive method }); } }); return buttons; }; // currently displayed context menu, a singleton. We may only have one visible context menu ContextMenu.visibleMenu = undefined; /** * Attach the menu to an anchor * @param {HTMLElement} anchor Anchor where the menu will be attached as sibling. * @param {HTMLElement} frame The root of the JSONEditor window */ ContextMenu.prototype.show = function (anchor, frame) { this.hide(); // determine whether to display the menu below or above the anchor var showBelow = true; var parent = anchor.parentNode; var anchorRect = anchor.getBoundingClientRect(); var parentRect = parent.getBoundingClientRect(); var frameRect = frame.getBoundingClientRect(); var me = this; this.dom.absoluteAnchor = createAbsoluteAnchor(anchor, frame, function () { me.hide() }); if (anchorRect.bottom + this.maxHeight < frameRect.bottom) { // fits below -> show below } else if (anchorRect.top - this.maxHeight > frameRect.top) { // fits above -> show above showBelow = false; } else { // doesn't fit above nor below -> show below } var topGap = anchorRect.top - parentRect.top; // position the menu if (showBelow) { // display the menu below the anchor var anchorHeight = anchor.offsetHeight; this.dom.menu.style.left = '0'; this.dom.menu.style.top = topGap + anchorHeight + 'px'; this.dom.menu.style.bottom = ''; } else { // display the menu above the anchor this.dom.menu.style.left = '0'; this.dom.menu.style.top = ''; this.dom.menu.style.bottom = '0px'; } // attach the menu to the temporary, absolute anchor // parent.insertBefore(this.dom.root, anchor); this.dom.absoluteAnchor.appendChild(this.dom.root); // move focus to the first button in the context menu this.selection = util.getSelection(); this.anchor = anchor; setTimeout(function () { me.dom.focusButton.focus(); }, 0); if (ContextMenu.visibleMenu) { ContextMenu.visibleMenu.hide(); } ContextMenu.visibleMenu = this; }; /** * Hide the context menu if visible */ ContextMenu.prototype.hide = function () { // remove temporary absolutely positioned anchor if (this.dom.absoluteAnchor) { this.dom.absoluteAnchor.destroy(); delete this.dom.absoluteAnchor; } // remove the menu from the DOM if (this.dom.root.parentNode) { this.dom.root.parentNode.removeChild(this.dom.root); if (this.onClose) { this.onClose(); } } if (ContextMenu.visibleMenu == this) { ContextMenu.visibleMenu = undefined; } }; /** * Expand a submenu * Any currently expanded submenu will be hided. * @param {Object} domItem * @private */ ContextMenu.prototype._onExpandItem = function (domItem) { var me = this; var alreadyVisible = (domItem == this.expandedItem); // hide the currently visible submenu var expandedItem = this.expandedItem; if (expandedItem) { //var ul = expandedItem.ul; expandedItem.ul.style.height = '0'; expandedItem.ul.style.padding = ''; setTimeout(function () { if (me.expandedItem != expandedItem) { expandedItem.ul.style.display = ''; util.removeClassName(expandedItem.ul.parentNode, 'jsoneditor-selected'); } }, 300); // timeout duration must match the css transition duration this.expandedItem = undefined; } if (!alreadyVisible) { var ul = domItem.ul; ul.style.display = 'block'; var height = ul.clientHeight; // force a reflow in Firefox setTimeout(function () { if (me.expandedItem == domItem) { var childsHeight = 0; for (var i = 0; i < ul.childNodes.length; i++) { childsHeight += ul.childNodes[i].clientHeight; } ul.style.height = childsHeight + 'px'; ul.style.padding = '5px 10px'; } }, 0); util.addClassName(ul.parentNode, 'jsoneditor-selected'); this.expandedItem = domItem; } }; /** * Handle onkeydown event * @param {Event} event * @private */ ContextMenu.prototype._onKeyDown = function (event) { var target = event.target; var keynum = event.which; var handled = false; var buttons, targetIndex, prevButton, nextButton; if (keynum == 27) { // ESC // hide the menu on ESC key // restore previous selection and focus if (this.selection) { util.setSelection(this.selection); } if (this.anchor) { this.anchor.focus(); } this.hide(); handled = true; } else if (keynum == 9) { // Tab if (!event.shiftKey) { // Tab buttons = this._getVisibleButtons(); targetIndex = buttons.indexOf(target); if (targetIndex == buttons.length - 1) { // move to first button buttons[0].focus(); handled = true; } } else { // Shift+Tab buttons = this._getVisibleButtons(); targetIndex = buttons.indexOf(target); if (targetIndex == 0) { // move to last button buttons[buttons.length - 1].focus(); handled = true; } } } else if (keynum == 37) { // Arrow Left if (target.className == 'jsoneditor-expand') { buttons = this._getVisibleButtons(); targetIndex = buttons.indexOf(target); prevButton = buttons[targetIndex - 1]; if (prevButton) { prevButton.focus(); } } handled = true; } else if (keynum == 38) { // Arrow Up buttons = this._getVisibleButtons(); targetIndex = buttons.indexOf(target); prevButton = buttons[targetIndex - 1]; if (prevButton && prevButton.className == 'jsoneditor-expand') { // skip expand button prevButton = buttons[targetIndex - 2]; } if (!prevButton) { // move to last button prevButton = buttons[buttons.length - 1]; } if (prevButton) { prevButton.focus(); } handled = true; } else if (keynum == 39) { // Arrow Right buttons = this._getVisibleButtons(); targetIndex = buttons.indexOf(target); nextButton = buttons[targetIndex + 1]; if (nextButton && nextButton.className == 'jsoneditor-expand') { nextButton.focus(); } handled = true; } else if (keynum == 40) { // Arrow Down buttons = this._getVisibleButtons(); targetIndex = buttons.indexOf(target); nextButton = buttons[targetIndex + 1]; if (nextButton && nextButton.className == 'jsoneditor-expand') { // skip expand button nextButton = buttons[targetIndex + 2]; } if (!nextButton) { // move to first button nextButton = buttons[0]; } if (nextButton) { nextButton.focus(); handled = true; } handled = true; } // TODO: arrow left and right if (handled) { event.stopPropagation(); event.preventDefault(); } }; module.exports = ContextMenu; /***/ }, /* 11 */ /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { var util = __webpack_require__(12); /** * Create an anchor element absolutely positioned in the `parent` * element. * @param {HTMLElement} anchor * @param {HTMLElement} parent * @param [onDestroy(function(anchor)] Callback when the anchor is destroyed * @returns {HTMLElement} */ exports.createAbsoluteAnchor = function (anchor, parent, onDestroy) { var root = getRootNode(anchor); var eventListeners = {}; var anchorRect = anchor.getBoundingClientRect(); var frameRect = parent.getBoundingClientRect(); var absoluteAnchor = document.createElement('div'); absoluteAnchor.className = 'jsoneditor-anchor'; absoluteAnchor.style.position = 'absolute'; absoluteAnchor.style.left = (anchorRect.left - frameRect.left) + 'px'; absoluteAnchor.style.top = (anchorRect.top - frameRect.top) + 'px'; absoluteAnchor.style.width = (anchorRect.width - 2) + 'px'; absoluteAnchor.style.height = (anchorRect.height - 2) + 'px'; absoluteAnchor.style.boxSizing = 'border-box'; parent.appendChild(absoluteAnchor); function destroy () { // remove temporary absolutely positioned anchor if (absoluteAnchor && absoluteAnchor.parentNode) { absoluteAnchor.parentNode.removeChild(absoluteAnchor); // remove all event listeners // all event listeners are supposed to be attached to document. for (var name in eventListeners) { if (eventListeners.hasOwnProperty(name)) { var fn = eventListeners[name]; if (fn) { util.removeEventListener(root, name, fn); } delete eventListeners[name]; } } if (typeof onDestroy === 'function') { onDestroy(anchor); } } } // create and attach event listeners var destroyIfOutside = function (event) { var target = event.target; if ((target !== absoluteAnchor) && !util.isChildOf(target, absoluteAnchor)) { destroy(); event.stopPropagation(); event.preventDefault(); } } eventListeners.mousedown = util.addEventListener(root, 'mousedown', destroyIfOutside); eventListeners.mousewheel = util.addEventListener(root, 'mousewheel', destroyIfOutside); eventListeners.scroll = util.addEventListener(root, 'scroll', destroyIfOutside); absoluteAnchor.destroy = destroy; return absoluteAnchor } /** * Node.getRootNode shim * @param {HTMLElement} node node to check * @return {HTMLElement} node's rootNode or `window` if there is ShadowDOM is not supported. */ function getRootNode(node){ return (typeof node.getRootNode === 'function') ? node.getRootNode() : window; } /***/ }, /* 12 */ /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { 'use strict'; var jsonlint = __webpack_require__(13); var jsonMap = __webpack_require__(14); /** * Parse JSON using the parser built-in in the browser. * On exception, the jsonString is validated and a detailed error is thrown. * @param {String} jsonString * @return {JSON} json */ exports.parse = function parse(jsonString) { try { return JSON.parse(jsonString); } catch (err) { // try to throw a more detailed error message using validate exports.validate(jsonString); // rethrow the original error throw err; } }; /** * Sanitize a JSON-like string containing. For example changes JavaScript * notation into JSON notation. * This function for example changes a string like "{a: 2, 'b': {c: 'd'}" * into '{"a": 2, "b": {"c": "d"}' * @param {string} jsString * @returns {string} json */ exports.sanitize = function (jsString) { // escape all single and double quotes inside strings var chars = []; var i = 0; //If JSON starts with a function (characters/digits/"_-"), remove this function. //This is useful for "stripping" JSONP objects to become JSON //For example: /* some comment */ function_12321321 ( [{"a":"b"}] ); => [{"a":"b"}] var match = jsString.match(/^\s*(\/\*(.|[\r\n])*?\*\/)?\s*[\da-zA-Z_$]+\s*\(([\s\S]*)\)\s*;?\s*$/); if (match) { jsString = match[3]; } var controlChars = { '\b': '\\b', '\f': '\\f', '\n': '\\n', '\r': '\\r', '\t': '\\t' }; var quote = '\''; var quoteDbl = '"'; var quoteLeft = '\u2018'; var quoteRight = '\u2019'; var quoteDblLeft = '\u201C'; var quoteDblRight = '\u201D'; var graveAccent = '\u0060'; var acuteAccent = '\u00B4'; // helper functions to get the current/prev/next character function curr () { return jsString.charAt(i); } function next() { return jsString.charAt(i + 1); } function prev() { return jsString.charAt(i - 1); } // get the last parsed non-whitespace character function lastNonWhitespace () { var p = chars.length - 1; while (p >= 0) { var pp = chars[p]; if (pp !== ' ' && pp !== '\n' && pp !== '\r' && pp !== '\t') { // non whitespace return pp; } p--; } return ''; } // skip a block comment '/* ... */' function skipBlockComment () { i += 2; while (i < jsString.length && (curr() !== '*' || next() !== '/')) { i++; } i += 2; } // skip a comment '// ...' function skipComment () { i += 2; while (i < jsString.length && (curr() !== '\n')) { i++; } } // parse single or double quoted string function parseString(endQuote) { chars.push('"'); i++; var c = curr(); while (i < jsString.length && c !== endQuote) { if (c === '"' && prev() !== '\\') { // unescaped double quote, escape it chars.push('\\"'); } else if (controlChars.hasOwnProperty(c)) { // replace unescaped control characters with escaped ones chars.push(controlChars[c]) } else if (c === '\\') { // remove the escape character when followed by a single quote ', not needed i++; c = curr(); if (c !== '\'') { chars.push('\\'); } chars.push(c); } else { // regular character chars.push(c); } i++; c = curr(); } if (c === endQuote) { chars.push('"'); i++; } } // parse an unquoted key function parseKey() { var specialValues = ['null', 'true', 'false']; var key = ''; var c = curr(); var regexp = /[a-zA-Z_$\d]/; // letter, number, underscore, dollar character while (regexp.test(c)) { key += c; i++; c = curr(); } if (specialValues.indexOf(key) === -1) { chars.push('"' + key + '"'); } else { chars.push(key); } } while(i < jsString.length) { var c = curr(); if (c === '/' && next() === '*') { skipBlockComment(); } else if (c === '/' && next() === '/') { skipComment(); } else if (c === '\u00A0' || (c >= '\u2000' && c <= '\u200A') || c === '\u202F' || c === '\u205F' || c === '\u3000') { // special white spaces (like non breaking space) chars.push(' ') i++ } else if (c === quote) { parseString(quote); } else if (c === quoteDbl) { parseString(quoteDbl); } else if (c === graveAccent) { parseString(acuteAccent); } else if (c === quoteLeft) { parseString(quoteRight); } else if (c === quoteDblLeft) { parseString(quoteDblRight); } else if (/[a-zA-Z_$]/.test(c) && ['{', ','].indexOf(lastNonWhitespace()) !== -1) { // an unquoted object key (like a in '{a:2}') parseKey(); } else { chars.push(c); i++; } } return chars.join(''); }; /** * Escape unicode characters. * For example input '\u2661' (length 1) will output '\\u2661' (length 5). * @param {string} text * @return {string} */ exports.escapeUnicodeChars = function (text) { // see https://www.wikiwand.com/en/UTF-16 // note: we leave surrogate pairs as two individual chars, // as JSON doesn't interpret them as a single unicode char. return text.replace(/[\u007F-\uFFFF]/g, function(c) { return '\\u'+('0000' + c.charCodeAt(0).toString(16)).slice(-4); }) }; /** * Validate a string containing a JSON object * This method uses JSONLint to validate the String. If JSONLint is not * available, the built-in JSON parser of the browser is used. * @param {String} jsonString String with an (invalid) JSON object * @throws Error */ exports.validate = function validate(jsonString) { if (typeof(jsonlint) != 'undefined') { jsonlint.parse(jsonString); } else { JSON.parse(jsonString); } }; /** * Extend object a with the properties of object b * @param {Object} a * @param {Object} b * @return {Object} a */ exports.extend = function extend(a, b) { for (var prop in b) { if (b.hasOwnProperty(prop)) { a[prop] = b[prop]; } } return a; }; /** * Remove all properties from object a * @param {Object} a * @return {Object} a */ exports.clear = function clear (a) { for (var prop in a) { if (a.hasOwnProperty(prop)) { delete a[prop]; } } return a; }; /** * Get the type of an object * @param {*} object * @return {String} type */ exports.type = function type (object) { if (object === null) { return 'null'; } if (object === undefined) { return 'undefined'; } if ((object instanceof Number) || (typeof object === 'number')) { return 'number'; } if ((object instanceof String) || (typeof object === 'string')) { return 'string'; } if ((object instanceof Boolean) || (typeof object === 'boolean')) { return 'boolean'; } if ((object instanceof RegExp) || (typeof object === 'regexp')) { return 'regexp'; } if (exports.isArray(object)) { return 'array'; } return 'object'; }; /** * Test whether a text contains a url (matches when a string starts * with 'http://*' or 'https://*' and has no whitespace characters) * @param {String} text */ var isUrlRegex = /^https?:\/\/\S+$/; exports.isUrl = function isUrl (text) { return (typeof text == 'string' || text instanceof String) && isUrlRegex.test(text); }; /** * Tes whether given object is an Array * @param {*} obj * @returns {boolean} returns true when obj is an array */ exports.isArray = function (obj) { return Object.prototype.toString.call(obj) === '[object Array]'; }; /** * Retrieve the absolute left value of a DOM element * @param {Element} elem A dom element, for example a div * @return {Number} left The absolute left position of this element * in the browser page. */ exports.getAbsoluteLeft = function getAbsoluteLeft(elem) { var rect = elem.getBoundingClientRect(); return rect.left + window.pageXOffset || document.scrollLeft || 0; }; /** * Retrieve the absolute top value of a DOM element * @param {Element} elem A dom element, for example a div * @return {Number} top The absolute top position of this element * in the browser page. */ exports.getAbsoluteTop = function getAbsoluteTop(elem) { var rect = elem.getBoundingClientRect(); return rect.top + window.pageYOffset || document.scrollTop || 0; }; /** * add a className to the given elements style * @param {Element} elem * @param {String} className */ exports.addClassName = function addClassName(elem, className) { var classes = elem.className.split(' '); if (classes.indexOf(className) == -1) { classes.push(className); // add the class to the array elem.className = classes.join(' '); } }; /** * add a className to the given elements style * @param {Element} elem * @param {String} className */ exports.removeClassName = function removeClassName(elem, className) { var classes = elem.className.split(' '); var index = classes.indexOf(className); if (index != -1) { classes.splice(index, 1); // remove the class from the array elem.className = classes.join(' '); } }; /** * Strip the formatting from the contents of a div * the formatting from the div itself is not stripped, only from its childs. * @param {Element} divElement */ exports.stripFormatting = function stripFormatting(divElement) { var childs = divElement.childNodes; for (var i = 0, iMax = childs.length; i < iMax; i++) { var child = childs[i]; // remove the style if (child.style) { // TODO: test if child.attributes does contain style child.removeAttribute('style'); } // remove all attributes var attributes = child.attributes; if (attributes) { for (var j = attributes.length - 1; j >= 0; j--) { var attribute = attributes[j]; if (attribute.specified === true) { child.removeAttribute(attribute.name); } } } // recursively strip childs exports.stripFormatting(child); } }; /** * Set focus to the end of an editable div * code from Nico Burns * http://stackoverflow.com/users/140293/nico-burns * http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1125292/how-to-move-cursor-to-end-of-contenteditable-entity * @param {Element} contentEditableElement A content editable div */ exports.setEndOfContentEditable = function setEndOfContentEditable(contentEditableElement) { var range, selection; if(document.createRange) { range = document.createRange();//Create a range (a range is a like the selection but invisible) range.selectNodeContents(contentEditableElement);//Select the entire contents of the element with the range range.collapse(false);//collapse the range to the end point. false means collapse to end rather than the start selection = window.getSelection();//get the selection object (allows you to change selection) selection.removeAllRanges();//remove any selections already made selection.addRange(range);//make the range you have just created the visible selection } }; /** * Select all text of a content editable div. * http://stackoverflow.com/a/3806004/1262753 * @param {Element} contentEditableElement A content editable div */ exports.selectContentEditable = function selectContentEditable(contentEditableElement) { if (!contentEditableElement || contentEditableElement.nodeName != 'DIV') { return; } var sel, range; if (window.getSelection && document.createRange) { range = document.createRange(); range.selectNodeContents(contentEditableElement); sel = window.getSelection(); sel.removeAllRanges(); sel.addRange(range); } }; /** * Get text selection * http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4687808/contenteditable-selected-text-save-and-restore * @return {Range | TextRange | null} range */ exports.getSelection = function getSelection() { if (window.getSelection) { var sel = window.getSelection(); if (sel.getRangeAt && sel.rangeCount) { return sel.getRangeAt(0); } } return null; }; /** * Set text selection * http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4687808/contenteditable-selected-text-save-and-restore * @param {Range | TextRange | null} range */ exports.setSelection = function setSelection(range) { if (range) { if (window.getSelection) { var sel = window.getSelection(); sel.removeAllRanges(); sel.addRange(range); } } }; /** * Get selected text range * @return {Object} params object containing parameters: * {Number} startOffset * {Number} endOffset * {Element} container HTML element holding the * selected text element * Returns null if no text selection is found */ exports.getSelectionOffset = function getSelectionOffset() { var range = exports.getSelection(); if (range && 'startOffset' in range && 'endOffset' in range && range.startContainer && (range.startContainer == range.endContainer)) { return { startOffset: range.startOffset, endOffset: range.endOffset, container: range.startContainer.parentNode }; } return null; }; /** * Set selected text range in given element * @param {Object} params An object containing: * {Element} container * {Number} startOffset * {Number} endOffset */ exports.setSelectionOffset = function setSelectionOffset(params) { if (document.createRange && window.getSelection) { var selection = window.getSelection(); if(selection) { var range = document.createRange(); if (!params.container.firstChild) { params.container.appendChild(document.createTextNode('')); } // TODO: do not suppose that the first child of the container is a textnode, // but recursively find the textnodes range.setStart(params.container.firstChild, params.startOffset); range.setEnd(params.container.firstChild, params.endOffset); exports.setSelection(range); } } }; /** * Get the inner text of an HTML element (for example a div element) * @param {Element} element * @param {Object} [buffer] * @return {String} innerText */ exports.getInnerText = function getInnerText(element, buffer) { var first = (buffer == undefined); if (first) { buffer = { 'text': '', 'flush': function () { var text = this.text; this.text = ''; return text; }, 'set': function (text) { this.text = text; } }; } // text node if (element.nodeValue) { return buffer.flush() + element.nodeValue; } // divs or other HTML elements if (element.hasChildNodes()) { var childNodes = element.childNodes; var innerText = ''; for (var i = 0, iMax = childNodes.length; i < iMax; i++) { var child = childNodes[i]; if (child.nodeName == 'DIV' || child.nodeName == 'P') { var prevChild = childNodes[i - 1]; var prevName = prevChild ? prevChild.nodeName : undefined; if (prevName && prevName != 'DIV' && prevName != 'P' && prevName != 'BR') { innerText += '\n'; buffer.flush(); } innerText += exports.getInnerText(child, buffer); buffer.set('\n'); } else if (child.nodeName == 'BR') { innerText += buffer.flush(); buffer.set('\n'); } else { innerText += exports.getInnerText(child, buffer); } } return innerText; } else { if (element.nodeName == 'P' && exports.getInternetExplorerVersion() != -1) { // On Internet Explorer, a

with hasChildNodes()==false is // rendered with a new line. Note that a

with // hasChildNodes()==true is rendered without a new line // Other browsers always ensure there is a
inside the

, // and if not, the

does not render a new line return buffer.flush(); } } // br or unknown return ''; }; /** * Returns the version of Internet Explorer or a -1 * (indicating the use of another browser). * Source: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms537509(v=vs.85).aspx * @return {Number} Internet Explorer version, or -1 in case of an other browser */ exports.getInternetExplorerVersion = function getInternetExplorerVersion() { if (_ieVersion == -1) { var rv = -1; // Return value assumes failure. if (typeof navigator !== 'undefined' && navigator.appName == 'Microsoft Internet Explorer') { var ua = navigator.userAgent; var re = new RegExp("MSIE ([0-9]{1,}[\.0-9]{0,})"); if (re.exec(ua) != null) { rv = parseFloat( RegExp.$1 ); } } _ieVersion = rv; } return _ieVersion; }; /** * Test whether the current browser is Firefox * @returns {boolean} isFirefox */ exports.isFirefox = function isFirefox () { return (typeof navigator !== 'undefined' && navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Firefox") !== -1); }; /** * cached internet explorer version * @type {Number} * @private */ var _ieVersion = -1; /** * Add and event listener. Works for all browsers * @param {Element} element An html element * @param {string} action The action, for example "click", * without the prefix "on" * @param {function} listener The callback function to be executed * @param {boolean} [useCapture] false by default * @return {function} the created event listener */ exports.addEventListener = function addEventListener(element, action, listener, useCapture) { if (element.addEventListener) { if (useCapture === undefined) useCapture = false; if (action === "mousewheel" && exports.isFirefox()) { action = "DOMMouseScroll"; // For Firefox } element.addEventListener(action, listener, useCapture); return listener; } else if (element.attachEvent) { // Old IE browsers var f = function () { return listener.call(element, window.event); }; element.attachEvent("on" + action, f); return f; } }; /** * Remove an event listener from an element * @param {Element} element An html dom element * @param {string} action The name of the event, for example "mousedown" * @param {function} listener The listener function * @param {boolean} [useCapture] false by default */ exports.removeEventListener = function removeEventListener(element, action, listener, useCapture) { if (element.removeEventListener) { if (useCapture === undefined) useCapture = false; if (action === "mousewheel" && exports.isFirefox()) { action = "DOMMouseScroll"; // For Firefox } element.removeEventListener(action, listener, useCapture); } else if (element.detachEvent) { // Old IE browsers element.detachEvent("on" + action, listener); } }; /** * Test if an element is a child of a parent element. * @param {Element} elem * @param {Element} parent * @return {boolean} returns true if elem is a child of the parent */ exports.isChildOf = function (elem, parent) { var e = elem.parentNode; while (e) { if (e === parent) { return true; } e = e.parentNode; } return false; }; /** * Parse a JSON path like '.items[3].name' into an array * @param {string} jsonPath * @return {Array} */ exports.parsePath = function parsePath(jsonPath) { var prop, remainder; if (jsonPath.length === 0) { return []; } // find a match like '.prop' var match = jsonPath.match(/^\.([\w$]+)/); if (match) { prop = match[1]; remainder = jsonPath.substr(prop.length + 1); } else if (jsonPath[0] === '[') { // find a match like var end = jsonPath.indexOf(']'); if (end === -1) { throw new SyntaxError('Character ] expected in path'); } if (end === 1) { throw new SyntaxError('Index expected after ['); } var value = jsonPath.substring(1, end); if (value[0] === '\'') { // ajv produces string prop names with single quotes, so we need // to reformat them into valid double-quoted JSON strings value = '\"' + value.substring(1, value.length - 1) + '\"'; } prop = value === '*' ? value : JSON.parse(value); // parse string and number remainder = jsonPath.substr(end + 1); } else { throw new SyntaxError('Failed to parse path'); } return [prop].concat(parsePath(remainder)) }; /** * Stringify an array with a path in a JSON path like '.items[3].name' * @param {Array.} path * @returns {string} */ exports.stringifyPath = function stringifyPath(path) { return path .map(function (p) { return typeof p === 'number' ? ('[' + p + ']') : ('.' + p); }) .join(''); }; /** * Improve the error message of a JSON schema error * @param {Object} error * @return {Object} The error */ exports.improveSchemaError = function (error) { if (error.keyword === 'enum' && Array.isArray(error.schema)) { var enums = error.schema; if (enums) { enums = enums.map(function (value) { return JSON.stringify(value); }); if (enums.length > 5) { var more = ['(' + (enums.length - 5) + ' more...)']; enums = enums.slice(0, 5); enums.push(more); } error.message = 'should be equal to one of: ' + enums.join(', '); } } if (error.keyword === 'additionalProperties') { error.message = 'should NOT have additional property: ' + error.params.additionalProperty; } return error; }; /** * Test whether something is a Promise * @param {*} object * @returns {boolean} Returns true when object is a promise, false otherwise */ exports.isPromise = function (object) { return object && typeof object.then === 'function' && typeof object.catch === 'function'; }; /** * Test whether a custom validation error has the correct structure * @param {*} validationError The error to be checked. * @returns {boolean} Returns true if the structure is ok, false otherwise */ exports.isValidValidationError = function (validationError) { return typeof validationError === 'object' && Array.isArray(validationError.path) && typeof validationError.message === 'string'; }; /** * Test whether the child rect fits completely inside the parent rect. * @param {ClientRect} parent * @param {ClientRect} child * @param {number} margin */ exports.insideRect = function (parent, child, margin) { var _margin = margin !== undefined ? margin : 0; return child.left - _margin >= parent.left && child.right + _margin <= parent.right && child.top - _margin >= parent.top && child.bottom + _margin <= parent.bottom; }; /** * Returns a function, that, as long as it continues to be invoked, will not * be triggered. The function will be called after it stops being called for * N milliseconds. * * Source: https://davidwalsh.name/javascript-debounce-function * * @param {function} func * @param {number} wait Number in milliseconds * @param {boolean} [immediate=false] If `immediate` is passed, trigger the * function on the leading edge, instead * of the trailing. * @return {function} Return the debounced function */ exports.debounce = function debounce(func, wait, immediate) { var timeout; return function() { var context = this, args = arguments; var later = function() { timeout = null; if (!immediate) func.apply(context, args); }; var callNow = immediate && !timeout; clearTimeout(timeout); timeout = setTimeout(later, wait); if (callNow) func.apply(context, args); }; }; /** * Determines the difference between two texts. * Can only detect one removed or inserted block of characters. * @param {string} oldText * @param {string} newText * @return {{start: number, end: number}} Returns the start and end * of the changed part in newText. */ exports.textDiff = function textDiff(oldText, newText) { var len = newText.length; var start = 0; var oldEnd = oldText.length; var newEnd = newText.length; while (newText.charAt(start) === oldText.charAt(start) && start < len) { start++; } while (newText.charAt(newEnd - 1) === oldText.charAt(oldEnd - 1) && newEnd > start && oldEnd > 0) { newEnd--; oldEnd--; } return {start: start, end: newEnd}; }; /** * Return an object with the selection range or cursor position (if both have the same value) * Support also old browsers (IE8-) * Source: http://ourcodeworld.com/articles/read/282/how-to-get-the-current-cursor-position-and-selection-within-a-text-input-or-textarea-in-javascript * @param {DOMElement} el A dom element of a textarea or input text. * @return {Object} reference Object with 2 properties (start and end) with the identifier of the location of the cursor and selected text. **/ exports.getInputSelection = function(el) { var startIndex = 0, endIndex = 0, normalizedValue, range, textInputRange, len, endRange; if (typeof el.selectionStart == "number" && typeof el.selectionEnd == "number") { startIndex = el.selectionStart; endIndex = el.selectionEnd; } else { range = document.selection.createRange(); if (range && range.parentElement() == el) { len = el.value.length; normalizedValue = el.value.replace(/\r\n/g, "\n"); // Create a working TextRange that lives only in the input textInputRange = el.createTextRange(); textInputRange.moveToBookmark(range.getBookmark()); // Check if the startIndex and endIndex of the selection are at the very end // of the input, since moveStart/moveEnd doesn't return what we want // in those cases endRange = el.createTextRange(); endRange.collapse(false); if (textInputRange.compareEndPoints("StartToEnd", endRange) > -1) { startIndex = endIndex = len; } else { startIndex = -textInputRange.moveStart("character", -len); startIndex += normalizedValue.slice(0, startIndex).split("\n").length - 1; if (textInputRange.compareEndPoints("EndToEnd", endRange) > -1) { endIndex = len; } else { endIndex = -textInputRange.moveEnd("character", -len); endIndex += normalizedValue.slice(0, endIndex).split("\n").length - 1; } } } } return { startIndex: startIndex, endIndex: endIndex, start: _positionForIndex(startIndex), end: _positionForIndex(endIndex) }; /** * Returns textarea row and column position for certain index * @param {Number} index text index * @returns {{row: Number, col: Number}} */ function _positionForIndex(index) { var textTillIndex = el.value.substring(0,index); var row = (textTillIndex.match(/\n/g) || []).length + 1; var col = textTillIndex.length - textTillIndex.lastIndexOf("\n"); return { row: row, column: col } } } /** * Returns the index for certaion position in text element * @param {DOMElement} el A dom element of a textarea or input text. * @param {Number} row row value, > 0, if exceeds rows number - last row will be returned * @param {Number} column column value, > 0, if exceeds column length - end of column will be returned * @returns {Number} index of position in text, -1 if not found */ exports.getIndexForPosition = function(el, row, column) { var text = el.value || ''; if (row > 0 && column > 0) { var rows = text.split('\n', row); row = Math.min(rows.length, row); column = Math.min(rows[row - 1].length, column - 1); var columnCount = (row == 1 ? column : column + 1); // count new line on multiple rows return rows.slice(0, row - 1).join('\n').length + columnCount; } return -1; } /** * Returns location of json paths in certain json string * @param {String} text json string * @param {Array} paths array of json paths * @returns {Array<{path: String, line: Number, row: Number}>} */ exports.getPositionForPath = function(text, paths) { var me = this; var result = []; var jsmap; if (!paths || !paths.length) { return result; } try { jsmap = jsonMap.parse(text); } catch (err) { return result; } paths.forEach(function (path) { var pathArr = me.parsePath(path); var pointerName = pathArr.length ? "/" + pathArr.join("/") : ""; var pointer = jsmap.pointers[pointerName]; if (pointer) { result.push({ path: path, line: pointer.key ? pointer.key.line : (pointer.value ? pointer.value.line : 0), column: pointer.key ? pointer.key.column : (pointer.value ? pointer.value.column : 0) }); } }); return result; } /** * Get the applied color given a color name or code * Source: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/6386090/validating-css-color-names/33184805 * @param {string} color * @returns {string | null} returns the color if the input is a valid * color, and returns null otherwise. Example output: * 'rgba(255,0,0,0.7)' or 'rgb(255,0,0)' */ exports.getColorCSS = function (color) { var ele = document.createElement('div'); ele.style.color = color; return ele.style.color.split(/\s+/).join('').toLowerCase() || null; } /** * Test if a string contains a valid color name or code. * @param {string} color * @returns {boolean} returns true if a valid color, false otherwise */ exports.isValidColor = function (color) { return !!exports.getColorCSS(color); } if (typeof Element !== 'undefined') { // Polyfill for array remove (function () { function polyfill (item) { if (item.hasOwnProperty('remove')) { return; } Object.defineProperty(item, 'remove', { configurable: true, enumerable: true, writable: true, value: function remove() { if (this.parentNode != null) this.parentNode.removeChild(this); } }); } if (typeof Element !== 'undefined') { polyfill(Element.prototype); } if (typeof CharacterData !== 'undefined') { polyfill(CharacterData.prototype); } if (typeof DocumentType !== 'undefined') { polyfill(DocumentType.prototype); } })(); } // Polyfill for startsWith if (!String.prototype.startsWith) { String.prototype.startsWith = function (searchString, position) { position = position || 0; return this.substr(position, searchString.length) === searchString; }; } // Polyfill for Array.find if (!Array.prototype.find) { Array.prototype.find = function(callback) { for (var i = 0; i < this.length; i++) { var element = this[i]; if ( callback.call(this, element, i, this) ) { return element; } } } } /***/ }, /* 13 */ /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { /* Jison generated parser */ var jsonlint = (function(){ var parser = {trace: function trace() { }, yy: {}, symbols_: {"error":2,"JSONString":3,"STRING":4,"JSONNumber":5,"NUMBER":6,"JSONNullLiteral":7,"NULL":8,"JSONBooleanLiteral":9,"TRUE":10,"FALSE":11,"JSONText":12,"JSONValue":13,"EOF":14,"JSONObject":15,"JSONArray":16,"{":17,"}":18,"JSONMemberList":19,"JSONMember":20,":":21,",":22,"[":23,"]":24,"JSONElementList":25,"$accept":0,"$end":1}, terminals_: {2:"error",4:"STRING",6:"NUMBER",8:"NULL",10:"TRUE",11:"FALSE",14:"EOF",17:"{",18:"}",21:":",22:",",23:"[",24:"]"}, productions_: [0,[3,1],[5,1],[7,1],[9,1],[9,1],[12,2],[13,1],[13,1],[13,1],[13,1],[13,1],[13,1],[15,2],[15,3],[20,3],[19,1],[19,3],[16,2],[16,3],[25,1],[25,3]], performAction: function anonymous(yytext,yyleng,yylineno,yy,yystate,$$,_$) { var $0 = $$.length - 1; switch (yystate) { case 1: // replace escaped characters with actual character this.$ = yytext.replace(/\\(\\|")/g, "$"+"1") .replace(/\\n/g,'\n') .replace(/\\r/g,'\r') .replace(/\\t/g,'\t') .replace(/\\v/g,'\v') .replace(/\\f/g,'\f') .replace(/\\b/g,'\b'); break; case 2:this.$ = Number(yytext); break; case 3:this.$ = null; break; case 4:this.$ = true; break; case 5:this.$ = false; break; case 6:return this.$ = $$[$0-1]; break; case 13:this.$ = {}; break; case 14:this.$ = $$[$0-1]; break; case 15:this.$ = [$$[$0-2], $$[$0]]; break; case 16:this.$ = {}; this.$[$$[$0][0]] = $$[$0][1]; break; case 17:this.$ = $$[$0-2]; $$[$0-2][$$[$0][0]] = $$[$0][1]; break; case 18:this.$ = []; break; case 19:this.$ = $$[$0-1]; break; case 20:this.$ = [$$[$0]]; break; case 21:this.$ = $$[$0-2]; $$[$0-2].push($$[$0]); break; } }, table: [{3:5,4:[1,12],5:6,6:[1,13],7:3,8:[1,9],9:4,10:[1,10],11:[1,11],12:1,13:2,15:7,16:8,17:[1,14],23:[1,15]},{1:[3]},{14:[1,16]},{14:[2,7],18:[2,7],22:[2,7],24:[2,7]},{14:[2,8],18:[2,8],22:[2,8],24:[2,8]},{14:[2,9],18:[2,9],22:[2,9],24:[2,9]},{14:[2,10],18:[2,10],22:[2,10],24:[2,10]},{14:[2,11],18:[2,11],22:[2,11],24:[2,11]},{14:[2,12],18:[2,12],22:[2,12],24:[2,12]},{14:[2,3],18:[2,3],22:[2,3],24:[2,3]},{14:[2,4],18:[2,4],22:[2,4],24:[2,4]},{14:[2,5],18:[2,5],22:[2,5],24:[2,5]},{14:[2,1],18:[2,1],21:[2,1],22:[2,1],24:[2,1]},{14:[2,2],18:[2,2],22:[2,2],24:[2,2]},{3:20,4:[1,12],18:[1,17],19:18,20:19},{3:5,4:[1,12],5:6,6:[1,13],7:3,8:[1,9],9:4,10:[1,10],11:[1,11],13:23,15:7,16:8,17:[1,14],23:[1,15],24:[1,21],25:22},{1:[2,6]},{14:[2,13],18:[2,13],22:[2,13],24:[2,13]},{18:[1,24],22:[1,25]},{18:[2,16],22:[2,16]},{21:[1,26]},{14:[2,18],18:[2,18],22:[2,18],24:[2,18]},{22:[1,28],24:[1,27]},{22:[2,20],24:[2,20]},{14:[2,14],18:[2,14],22:[2,14],24:[2,14]},{3:20,4:[1,12],20:29},{3:5,4:[1,12],5:6,6:[1,13],7:3,8:[1,9],9:4,10:[1,10],11:[1,11],13:30,15:7,16:8,17:[1,14],23:[1,15]},{14:[2,19],18:[2,19],22:[2,19],24:[2,19]},{3:5,4:[1,12],5:6,6:[1,13],7:3,8:[1,9],9:4,10:[1,10],11:[1,11],13:31,15:7,16:8,17:[1,14],23:[1,15]},{18:[2,17],22:[2,17]},{18:[2,15],22:[2,15]},{22:[2,21],24:[2,21]}], defaultActions: {16:[2,6]}, parseError: function parseError(str, hash) { throw new Error(str); }, parse: function parse(input) { var self = this, stack = [0], vstack = [null], // semantic value stack lstack = [], // location stack table = this.table, yytext = '', yylineno = 0, yyleng = 0, recovering = 0, TERROR = 2, EOF = 1; //this.reductionCount = this.shiftCount = 0; this.lexer.setInput(input); this.lexer.yy = this.yy; this.yy.lexer = this.lexer; if (typeof this.lexer.yylloc == 'undefined') this.lexer.yylloc = {}; var yyloc = this.lexer.yylloc; lstack.push(yyloc); if (typeof this.yy.parseError === 'function') this.parseError = this.yy.parseError; function popStack (n) { stack.length = stack.length - 2*n; vstack.length = vstack.length - n; lstack.length = lstack.length - n; } function lex() { var token; token = self.lexer.lex() || 1; // $end = 1 // if token isn't its numeric value, convert if (typeof token !== 'number') { token = self.symbols_[token] || token; } return token; } var symbol, preErrorSymbol, state, action, a, r, yyval={},p,len,newState, expected; while (true) { // retreive state number from top of stack state = stack[stack.length-1]; // use default actions if available if (this.defaultActions[state]) { action = this.defaultActions[state]; } else { if (symbol == null) symbol = lex(); // read action for current state and first input action = table[state] && table[state][symbol]; } // handle parse error _handle_error: if (typeof action === 'undefined' || !action.length || !action[0]) { if (!recovering) { // Report error expected = []; for (p in table[state]) if (this.terminals_[p] && p > 2) { expected.push("'"+this.terminals_[p]+"'"); } var errStr = ''; if (this.lexer.showPosition) { errStr = 'Parse error on line '+(yylineno+1)+":\n"+this.lexer.showPosition()+"\nExpecting "+expected.join(', ') + ", got '" + this.terminals_[symbol]+ "'"; } else { errStr = 'Parse error on line '+(yylineno+1)+": Unexpected " + (symbol == 1 /*EOF*/ ? "end of input" : ("'"+(this.terminals_[symbol] || symbol)+"'")); } this.parseError(errStr, {text: this.lexer.match, token: this.terminals_[symbol] || symbol, line: this.lexer.yylineno, loc: yyloc, expected: expected}); } // just recovered from another error if (recovering == 3) { if (symbol == EOF) { throw new Error(errStr || 'Parsing halted.'); } // discard current lookahead and grab another yyleng = this.lexer.yyleng; yytext = this.lexer.yytext; yylineno = this.lexer.yylineno; yyloc = this.lexer.yylloc; symbol = lex(); } // try to recover from error while (1) { // check for error recovery rule in this state if ((TERROR.toString()) in table[state]) { break; } if (state == 0) { throw new Error(errStr || 'Parsing halted.'); } popStack(1); state = stack[stack.length-1]; } preErrorSymbol = symbol; // save the lookahead token symbol = TERROR; // insert generic error symbol as new lookahead state = stack[stack.length-1]; action = table[state] && table[state][TERROR]; recovering = 3; // allow 3 real symbols to be shifted before reporting a new error } // this shouldn't happen, unless resolve defaults are off if (action[0] instanceof Array && action.length > 1) { throw new Error('Parse Error: multiple actions possible at state: '+state+', token: '+symbol); } switch (action[0]) { case 1: // shift //this.shiftCount++; stack.push(symbol); vstack.push(this.lexer.yytext); lstack.push(this.lexer.yylloc); stack.push(action[1]); // push state symbol = null; if (!preErrorSymbol) { // normal execution/no error yyleng = this.lexer.yyleng; yytext = this.lexer.yytext; yylineno = this.lexer.yylineno; yyloc = this.lexer.yylloc; if (recovering > 0) recovering--; } else { // error just occurred, resume old lookahead f/ before error symbol = preErrorSymbol; preErrorSymbol = null; } break; case 2: // reduce //this.reductionCount++; len = this.productions_[action[1]][1]; // perform semantic action yyval.$ = vstack[vstack.length-len]; // default to $$ = $1 // default location, uses first token for firsts, last for lasts yyval._$ = { first_line: lstack[lstack.length-(len||1)].first_line, last_line: lstack[lstack.length-1].last_line, first_column: lstack[lstack.length-(len||1)].first_column, last_column: lstack[lstack.length-1].last_column }; r = this.performAction.call(yyval, yytext, yyleng, yylineno, this.yy, action[1], vstack, lstack); if (typeof r !== 'undefined') { return r; } // pop off stack if (len) { stack = stack.slice(0,-1*len*2); vstack = vstack.slice(0, -1*len); lstack = lstack.slice(0, -1*len); } stack.push(this.productions_[action[1]][0]); // push nonterminal (reduce) vstack.push(yyval.$); lstack.push(yyval._$); // goto new state = table[STATE][NONTERMINAL] newState = table[stack[stack.length-2]][stack[stack.length-1]]; stack.push(newState); break; case 3: // accept return true; } } return true; }}; /* Jison generated lexer */ var lexer = (function(){ var lexer = ({EOF:1, parseError:function parseError(str, hash) { if (this.yy.parseError) { this.yy.parseError(str, hash); } else { throw new Error(str); } }, setInput:function (input) { this._input = input; this._more = this._less = this.done = false; this.yylineno = this.yyleng = 0; this.yytext = this.matched = this.match = ''; this.conditionStack = ['INITIAL']; this.yylloc = {first_line:1,first_column:0,last_line:1,last_column:0}; return this; }, input:function () { var ch = this._input[0]; this.yytext+=ch; this.yyleng++; this.match+=ch; this.matched+=ch; var lines = ch.match(/\n/); if (lines) this.yylineno++; this._input = this._input.slice(1); return ch; }, unput:function (ch) { this._input = ch + this._input; return this; }, more:function () { this._more = true; return this; }, less:function (n) { this._input = this.match.slice(n) + this._input; }, pastInput:function () { var past = this.matched.substr(0, this.matched.length - this.match.length); return (past.length > 20 ? '...':'') + past.substr(-20).replace(/\n/g, ""); }, upcomingInput:function () { var next = this.match; if (next.length < 20) { next += this._input.substr(0, 20-next.length); } return (next.substr(0,20)+(next.length > 20 ? '...':'')).replace(/\n/g, ""); }, showPosition:function () { var pre = this.pastInput(); var c = new Array(pre.length + 1).join("-"); return pre + this.upcomingInput() + "\n" + c+"^"; }, next:function () { if (this.done) { return this.EOF; } if (!this._input) this.done = true; var token, match, tempMatch, index, col, lines; if (!this._more) { this.yytext = ''; this.match = ''; } var rules = this._currentRules(); for (var i=0;i < rules.length; i++) { tempMatch = this._input.match(this.rules[rules[i]]); if (tempMatch && (!match || tempMatch[0].length > match[0].length)) { match = tempMatch; index = i; if (!this.options.flex) break; } } if (match) { lines = match[0].match(/\n.*/g); if (lines) this.yylineno += lines.length; this.yylloc = {first_line: this.yylloc.last_line, last_line: this.yylineno+1, first_column: this.yylloc.last_column, last_column: lines ? lines[lines.length-1].length-1 : this.yylloc.last_column + match[0].length} this.yytext += match[0]; this.match += match[0]; this.yyleng = this.yytext.length; this._more = false; this._input = this._input.slice(match[0].length); this.matched += match[0]; token = this.performAction.call(this, this.yy, this, rules[index],this.conditionStack[this.conditionStack.length-1]); if (this.done && this._input) this.done = false; if (token) return token; else return; } if (this._input === "") { return this.EOF; } else { this.parseError('Lexical error on line '+(this.yylineno+1)+'. Unrecognized text.\n'+this.showPosition(), {text: "", token: null, line: this.yylineno}); } }, lex:function lex() { var r = this.next(); if (typeof r !== 'undefined') { return r; } else { return this.lex(); } }, begin:function begin(condition) { this.conditionStack.push(condition); }, popState:function popState() { return this.conditionStack.pop(); }, _currentRules:function _currentRules() { return this.conditions[this.conditionStack[this.conditionStack.length-1]].rules; }, topState:function () { return this.conditionStack[this.conditionStack.length-2]; }, pushState:function begin(condition) { this.begin(condition); }}); lexer.options = {}; lexer.performAction = function anonymous(yy,yy_,$avoiding_name_collisions,YY_START) { var YYSTATE=YY_START switch($avoiding_name_collisions) { case 0:/* skip whitespace */ break; case 1:return 6 break; case 2:yy_.yytext = yy_.yytext.substr(1,yy_.yyleng-2); return 4 break; case 3:return 17 break; case 4:return 18 break; case 5:return 23 break; case 6:return 24 break; case 7:return 22 break; case 8:return 21 break; case 9:return 10 break; case 10:return 11 break; case 11:return 8 break; case 12:return 14 break; case 13:return 'INVALID' break; } }; lexer.rules = [/^(?:\s+)/,/^(?:(-?([0-9]|[1-9][0-9]+))(\.[0-9]+)?([eE][-+]?[0-9]+)?\b)/,/^(?:"(?:\\[\\"bfnrt/]|\\u[a-fA-F0-9]{4}|[^\\\0-\x09\x0a-\x1f"])*")/,/^(?:\{)/,/^(?:\})/,/^(?:\[)/,/^(?:\])/,/^(?:,)/,/^(?::)/,/^(?:true\b)/,/^(?:false\b)/,/^(?:null\b)/,/^(?:$)/,/^(?:.)/]; lexer.conditions = {"INITIAL":{"rules":[0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13],"inclusive":true}}; ; return lexer;})() parser.lexer = lexer; return parser; })(); if (true) { exports.parser = jsonlint; exports.parse = jsonlint.parse.bind(jsonlint); } /***/ }, /* 14 */ /***/ function(module, exports) { 'use strict'; var escapedChars = { 'b': '\b', 'f': '\f', 'n': '\n', 'r': '\r', 't': '\t', '"': '"', '/': '/', '\\': '\\' }; var A_CODE = 'a'.charCodeAt(); exports.parse = function (source) { var pointers = {}; var line = 0; var column = 0; var pos = 0; return { data: _parse('', true), pointers: pointers }; function _parse(ptr, topLevel) { whitespace(); var data; map(ptr, 'value'); var char = getChar(); switch (char) { case 't': read('rue'); data = true; break; case 'f': read('alse'); data = false; break; case 'n': read('ull'); data = null; break; case '"': data = parseString(); break; case '[': data = parseArray(ptr); break; case '{': data = parseObject(ptr); break; default: backChar(); if ('-0123456789'.indexOf(char) >= 0) data = parseNumber(); else unexpectedToken(); } map(ptr, 'valueEnd'); whitespace(); if (topLevel && pos < source.length) unexpectedToken(); return data; } function whitespace() { loop: while (pos < source.length) { switch (source[pos]) { case ' ': column++; break; case '\t': column += 4; break; case '\r': column = 0; break; case '\n': column = 0; line++; break; default: break loop; } pos++; } } function parseString() { var str = ''; var char; while (true) { char = getChar(); if (char == '"') { break; } else if (char == '\\') { char = getChar(); if (char in escapedChars) str += escapedChars[char]; else if (char == 'u') str += getCharCode(); else wasUnexpectedToken(); } else { str += char; } } return str; } function parseNumber() { var numStr = ''; if (source[pos] == '-') numStr += getChar(); numStr += source[pos] == '0' ? getChar() : getDigits(); if (source[pos] == '.') numStr += getChar() + getDigits(); if (source[pos] == 'e' || source[pos] == 'E') { numStr += getChar(); if (source[pos] == '+' || source[pos] == '-') numStr += getChar(); numStr += getDigits(); } return +numStr; } function parseArray(ptr) { whitespace(); var arr = []; var i = 0; if (getChar() == ']') return arr; backChar(); while (true) { var itemPtr = ptr + '/' + i; arr.push(_parse(itemPtr)); whitespace(); var char = getChar(); if (char == ']') break; if (char != ',') wasUnexpectedToken(); whitespace(); i++; } return arr; } function parseObject(ptr) { whitespace(); var obj = {}; if (getChar() == '}') return obj; backChar(); while (true) { var loc = getLoc(); if (getChar() != '"') wasUnexpectedToken(); var key = parseString(); var propPtr = ptr + '/' + escapeJsonPointer(key); mapLoc(propPtr, 'key', loc); map(propPtr, 'keyEnd'); whitespace(); if (getChar() != ':') wasUnexpectedToken(); whitespace(); obj[key] = _parse(propPtr); whitespace(); var char = getChar(); if (char == '}') break; if (char != ',') wasUnexpectedToken(); whitespace(); } return obj; } function read(str) { for (var i=0; i= 'a' && char <= 'f') code += char.charCodeAt() - A_CODE + 10; else if (char >= '0' && char <= '9') code += +char; else wasUnexpectedToken(); } return String.fromCharCode(code); } function getDigits() { var digits = ''; while (source[pos] >= '0' && source[pos] <= '9') digits += getChar(); if (digits.length) return digits; checkUnexpectedEnd(); unexpectedToken(); } function map(ptr, prop) { mapLoc(ptr, prop, getLoc()); } function mapLoc(ptr, prop, loc) { pointers[ptr] = pointers[ptr] || {}; pointers[ptr][prop] = loc; } function getLoc() { return { line: line, column: column, pos: pos }; } function unexpectedToken() { throw new SyntaxError('Unexpected token ' + source[pos] + ' in JSON at position ' + pos); } function wasUnexpectedToken() { backChar(); unexpectedToken(); } function checkUnexpectedEnd() { if (pos >= source.length) throw new SyntaxError('Unexpected end of JSON input'); } }; exports.stringify = function (data, _, whitespace) { if (!validType(data)) return; var wsLine = 0; var wsPos, wsColumn; switch (typeof whitespace) { case 'number': var len = whitespace > 10 ? 10 : whitespace < 0 ? 0 : Math.floor(whitespace); whitespace = len && repeat(len, ' '); wsPos = len; wsColumn = len; break; case 'string': whitespace = whitespace.slice(0, 10); wsPos = 0; wsColumn = 0; for (var j=0; j= 0; } var ESC_QUOTE = /"|\\/g; var ESC_B = /[\b]/g; var ESC_F = /\f/g; var ESC_N = /\n/g; var ESC_R = /\r/g; var ESC_T = /\t/g; function quoted(str) { str = str.replace(ESC_QUOTE, '\\$&') .replace(ESC_F, '\\f') .replace(ESC_B, '\\b') .replace(ESC_N, '\\n') .replace(ESC_R, '\\r') .replace(ESC_T, '\\t'); return '"' + str + '"'; } var ESC_0 = /~/g; var ESC_1 = /\//g; function escapeJsonPointer(str) { return str.replace(ESC_0, '~0') .replace(ESC_1, '~1'); } /***/ }, /* 15 */ /***/ function(module, exports) { 'use strict'; var _locales = ['en', 'pt-BR']; var _defs = { en: { 'array': 'Array', 'auto': 'Auto', 'appendText': 'Append', 'appendTitle': 'Append a new field with type \'auto\' after this field (Ctrl+Shift+Ins)', 'appendSubmenuTitle': 'Select the type of the field to be appended', 'appendTitleAuto': 'Append a new field with type \'auto\' (Ctrl+Shift+Ins)', 'ascending': 'Ascending', 'ascendingTitle': 'Sort the childs of this ${type} in ascending order', 'actionsMenu': 'Click to open the actions menu (Ctrl+M)', 'collapseAll': 'Collapse all fields', 'descending': 'Descending', 'descendingTitle': 'Sort the childs of this ${type} in descending order', 'drag': 'Drag to move this field (Alt+Shift+Arrows)', 'duplicateKey': 'duplicate key', 'duplicateText': 'Duplicate', 'duplicateTitle': 'Duplicate selected fields (Ctrl+D)', 'duplicateField': 'Duplicate this field (Ctrl+D)', 'empty': 'empty', 'expandAll': 'Expand all fields', 'expandTitle': 'Click to expand/collapse this field (Ctrl+E). \n' + 'Ctrl+Click to expand/collapse including all childs.', 'insert': 'Insert', 'insertTitle': 'Insert a new field with type \'auto\' before this field (Ctrl+Ins)', 'insertSub': 'Select the type of the field to be inserted', 'object': 'Object', 'ok': 'Ok', 'redo': 'Redo (Ctrl+Shift+Z)', 'removeText': 'Remove', 'removeTitle': 'Remove selected fields (Ctrl+Del)', 'removeField': 'Remove this field (Ctrl+Del)', 'selectNode': 'Select a node...', 'showAll': 'show all', 'showMore': 'show more', 'showMoreStatus': 'displaying ${visibleChilds} of ${totalChilds} items.', 'sort': 'Sort', 'sortTitle': 'Sort the childs of this ${type}', 'sortTitleShort': 'Sort contents', 'sortFieldLabel': 'Field:', 'sortDirectionLabel': 'Direction:', 'sortFieldTitle': 'Select the nested field by which to sort the array or object', 'sortAscending': 'Ascending', 'sortAscendingTitle': 'Sort the selected field in ascending order', 'sortDescending': 'Descending', 'sortDescendingTitle': 'Sort the selected field in descending order', 'string': 'String', 'transform': 'Transform', 'transformTitle': 'Filter, sort, or transform the childs of this ${type}', 'transformTitleShort': 'Filter, sort, or transform contents', 'transformQueryTitle': 'Enter a JMESPath query', 'transformWizardLabel': 'Wizard', 'transformWizardFilter': 'Filter', 'transformWizardSortBy': 'Sort by', 'transformWizardSelectFields': 'Select fields', 'transformQueryLabel': 'Query', 'transformPreviewLabel': 'Preview', 'type': 'Type', 'typeTitle': 'Change the type of this field', 'openUrl': 'Ctrl+Click or Ctrl+Enter to open url in new window', 'undo': 'Undo last action (Ctrl+Z)', 'validationCannotMove': 'Cannot move a field into a child of itself', 'autoType': 'Field type "auto". ' + 'The field type is automatically determined from the value ' + 'and can be a string, number, boolean, or null.', 'objectType': 'Field type "object". ' + 'An object contains an unordered set of key/value pairs.', 'arrayType': 'Field type "array". ' + 'An array contains an ordered collection of values.', 'stringType': 'Field type "string". ' + 'Field type is not determined from the value, ' + 'but always returned as string.' }, 'pt-BR': { 'array': 'Lista', 'auto': 'Automatico', 'appendText': 'Adicionar', 'appendTitle': 'Adicionar novo campo com tipo \'auto\' depois deste campo (Ctrl+Shift+Ins)', 'appendSubmenuTitle': 'Selecione o tipo do campo a ser adicionado', 'appendTitleAuto': 'Adicionar novo campo com tipo \'auto\' (Ctrl+Shift+Ins)', 'ascending': 'Ascendente', 'ascendingTitle': 'Organizar filhor do tipo ${type} em crescente', 'actionsMenu': 'Clique para abrir o menu de ações (Ctrl+M)', 'collapseAll': 'Fechar todos campos', 'descending': 'Descendente', 'descendingTitle': 'Organizar o filhos do tipo ${type} em decrescente', 'duplicateKey': 'chave duplicada', 'drag': 'Arraste para mover este campo (Alt+Shift+Arrows)', 'duplicateText': 'Duplicar', 'duplicateTitle': 'Duplicar campos selecionados (Ctrl+D)', 'duplicateField': 'Duplicar este campo (Ctrl+D)', 'empty': 'vazio', 'expandAll': 'Expandir todos campos', 'expandTitle': 'Clique para expandir/encolher este campo (Ctrl+E). \n' + 'Ctrl+Click para expandir/encolher incluindo todos os filhos.', 'insert': 'Inserir', 'insertTitle': 'Inserir um novo campo do tipo \'auto\' antes deste campo (Ctrl+Ins)', 'insertSub': 'Selecionar o tipo de campo a ser inserido', 'object': 'Objeto', 'ok': 'Ok', 'redo': 'Refazer (Ctrl+Shift+Z)', 'removeText': 'Remover', 'removeTitle': 'Remover campos selecionados (Ctrl+Del)', 'removeField': 'Remover este campo (Ctrl+Del)', // TODO: correctly translate 'selectNode': 'Select a node...', // TODO: correctly translate 'showAll': 'mostre tudo', // TODO: correctly translate 'showMore': 'mostre mais', // TODO: correctly translate 'showMoreStatus': 'exibindo ${visibleChilds} de ${totalChilds} itens.', 'sort': 'Organizar', 'sortTitle': 'Organizar os filhos deste ${type}', // TODO: correctly translate 'sortTitleShort': 'Organizar os filhos', // TODO: correctly translate 'sortFieldLabel': 'Field:', // TODO: correctly translate 'sortDirectionLabel': 'Direction:', // TODO: correctly translate 'sortFieldTitle': 'Select the nested field by which to sort the array or object', // TODO: correctly translate 'sortAscending': 'Ascending', // TODO: correctly translate 'sortAscendingTitle': 'Sort the selected field in ascending order', // TODO: correctly translate 'sortDescending': 'Descending', // TODO: correctly translate 'sortDescendingTitle': 'Sort the selected field in descending order', 'string': 'Texto', // TODO: correctly translate 'transform': 'Transform', // TODO: correctly translate 'transformTitle': 'Filter, sort, or transform the childs of this ${type}', // TODO: correctly translate 'transformTitleShort': 'Filter, sort, or transform contents', // TODO: correctly translate 'transformQueryTitle': 'Enter a JMESPath query', // TODO: correctly translate 'transformWizardLabel': 'Wizard', // TODO: correctly translate 'transformWizardFilter': 'Filter', // TODO: correctly translate 'transformWizardSortBy': 'Sort by', // TODO: correctly translate 'transformWizardSelectFields': 'Select fields', // TODO: correctly translate 'transformQueryLabel': 'Query', // TODO: correctly translate 'transformPreviewLabel': 'Preview', 'type': 'Tipo', 'typeTitle': 'Mudar o tipo deste campo', 'openUrl': 'Ctrl+Click ou Ctrl+Enter para abrir link em nova janela', 'undo': 'Desfazer último ação (Ctrl+Z)', 'validationCannotMove': 'Não pode mover um campo como filho dele mesmo', 'autoType': 'Campo do tipo "auto". ' + 'O tipo do campo é determinao automaticamente a partir do seu valor ' + 'e pode ser texto, número, verdade/falso ou nulo.', 'objectType': 'Campo do tipo "objeto". ' + 'Um objeto contém uma lista de pares com chave e valor.', 'arrayType': 'Campo do tipo "lista". ' + 'Uma lista contem uma coleção de valores ordenados.', 'stringType': 'Campo do tipo "string". ' + 'Campo do tipo nao é determinado através do seu valor, ' + 'mas sempre retornara um texto.' } }; var _defaultLang = 'en'; var _lang; var userLang = typeof navigator !== 'undefined' ? navigator.language || navigator.userLanguage : undefined; _lang = _locales.find(function (l) { return l === userLang; }); if (!_lang) { _lang = _defaultLang; } module.exports = { // supported locales _locales: _locales, _defs: _defs, _lang: _lang, setLanguage: function (lang) { if (!lang) { return; } var langFound = _locales.find(function (l) { return l === lang; }); if (langFound) { _lang = langFound; } else { console.error('Language not found'); } }, setLanguages: function (languages) { if (!languages) { return; } for (var key in languages) { var langFound = _locales.find(function (l) { return l === key; }); if (!langFound) { _locales.push(key); } _defs[key] = Object.assign({}, _defs[_defaultLang], _defs[key], languages[key]); } }, translate: function (key, data, lang) { if (!lang) { lang = _lang; } var text = _defs[lang][key]; if (data) { for (key in data) { text = text.replace('${' + key + '}', data[key]); } } return text || key; } }; /***/ }, /* 16 */ /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { 'use strict'; var ContextMenu = __webpack_require__(10); var translate = __webpack_require__(15).translate; /** * Creates a component that visualize path selection in tree based editors * @param {HTMLElement} container * @constructor */ function TreePath(container) { if (container) { this.path = document.createElement('div'); this.path.className = 'jsoneditor-treepath'; container.appendChild(this.path); this.reset(); } } /** * Reset component to initial status */ TreePath.prototype.reset = function () { this.path.innerHTML = translate('selectNode'); }; /** * Renders the component UI according to a given path objects * @param {Array<{name: String, childs: Array}>} pathObjs a list of path objects * */ TreePath.prototype.setPath = function (pathObjs) { var me = this; this.path.innerHTML = ''; if (pathObjs && pathObjs.length) { pathObjs.forEach(function (pathObj, idx) { var pathEl = document.createElement('span'); var sepEl; pathEl.className = 'jsoneditor-treepath-element'; pathEl.innerText = pathObj.name; pathEl.onclick = _onSegmentClick.bind(me, pathObj); me.path.appendChild(pathEl); if (pathObj.children.length) { sepEl = document.createElement('span'); sepEl.className = 'jsoneditor-treepath-seperator'; sepEl.innerHTML = '►'; sepEl.onclick = function () { var items = []; pathObj.children.forEach(function (child) { items.push({ 'text': child.name, 'className': 'jsoneditor-type-modes' + (pathObjs[idx + 1] + 1 && pathObjs[idx + 1].name === child.name ? ' jsoneditor-selected' : ''), 'click': _onContextMenuItemClick.bind(me, pathObj, child.name) }); }); var menu = new ContextMenu(items); menu.show(sepEl); }; me.path.appendChild(sepEl, me.container); } if(idx === pathObjs.length - 1) { var leftRectPos = (sepEl || pathEl).getBoundingClientRect().left; if(me.path.offsetWidth < leftRectPos) { me.path.scrollLeft = leftRectPos; } } }); } function _onSegmentClick(pathObj) { if (this.selectionCallback) { this.selectionCallback(pathObj); } } function _onContextMenuItemClick(pathObj, selection) { if (this.contextMenuCallback) { this.contextMenuCallback(pathObj, selection); } } }; /** * set a callback function for selection of path section * @param {Function} callback function to invoke when section is selected */ TreePath.prototype.onSectionSelected = function (callback) { if (typeof callback === 'function') { this.selectionCallback = callback; } }; /** * set a callback function for selection of path section * @param {Function} callback function to invoke when section is selected */ TreePath.prototype.onContextMenuItemSelected = function (callback) { if (typeof callback === 'function') { this.contextMenuCallback = callback; } }; module.exports = TreePath; /***/ }, /* 17 */ /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { 'use strict'; var jmespath = __webpack_require__(18); var naturalSort = __webpack_require__(19); var createAbsoluteAnchor = __webpack_require__(11).createAbsoluteAnchor; var ContextMenu = __webpack_require__(10); var appendNodeFactory = __webpack_require__(20); var showMoreNodeFactory = __webpack_require__(21); var showSortModal = __webpack_require__(22); var showTransformModal = __webpack_require__(24); var util = __webpack_require__(12); var translate = __webpack_require__(15).translate; var DEFAULT_MODAL_ANCHOR = document.body; // TODO: this constant is defined twice var YEAR_2000 = 946684800000; /** * @constructor Node * Create a new Node * @param {./treemode} editor * @param {Object} [params] Can contain parameters: * {string} field * {boolean} fieldEditable * {*} value * {String} type Can have values 'auto', 'array', * 'object', or 'string'. */ function Node (editor, params) { /** @type {./treemode} */ this.editor = editor; this.dom = {}; this.expanded = false; if(params && (params instanceof Object)) { this.setField(params.field, params.fieldEditable); if ('value' in params) { this.setValue(params.value, params.type); } if ('internalValue' in params) { this.setInternalValue(params.internalValue); } } else { this.setField(''); this.setValue(null); } this._debouncedOnChangeValue = util.debounce(this._onChangeValue.bind(this), Node.prototype.DEBOUNCE_INTERVAL); this._debouncedOnChangeField = util.debounce(this._onChangeField.bind(this), Node.prototype.DEBOUNCE_INTERVAL); } // debounce interval for keyboard input in milliseconds Node.prototype.DEBOUNCE_INTERVAL = 150; // search will stop iterating as soon as the max is reached Node.prototype.MAX_SEARCH_RESULTS = 999; // number of visible childs rendered initially in large arrays/objects (with a "show more" button to show more) Node.prototype.MAX_VISIBLE_CHILDS = 100; // default value for the max visible childs of large arrays Node.prototype.visibleChilds = Node.prototype.MAX_VISIBLE_CHILDS; /** * Determine whether the field and/or value of this node are editable * @private */ Node.prototype._updateEditability = function () { this.editable = { field: true, value: true }; if (this.editor) { this.editable.field = this.editor.options.mode === 'tree'; this.editable.value = this.editor.options.mode !== 'view'; if ((this.editor.options.mode === 'tree' || this.editor.options.mode === 'form') && (typeof this.editor.options.onEditable === 'function')) { var editable = this.editor.options.onEditable({ field: this.field, value: this.value, path: this.getPath() }); if (typeof editable === 'boolean') { this.editable.field = editable; this.editable.value = editable; } else { if (typeof editable.field === 'boolean') this.editable.field = editable.field; if (typeof editable.value === 'boolean') this.editable.value = editable.value; } } } }; /** * Get the path of this node * @return {{string|number}[]} Array containing the path to this node. * Element is a number if is the index of an array, a string otherwise. */ Node.prototype.getPath = function () { var node = this; var path = []; while (node) { var field = node.getName(); if (field !== undefined) { path.unshift(field); } node = node.parent; } return path; }; /** * Get the internal path of this node, a list with the child indexes. * @return {String[]} Array containing the internal path to this node */ Node.prototype.getInternalPath = function () { var node = this; var internalPath = []; while (node) { if (node.parent) { internalPath.unshift(node.getIndex()); } node = node.parent; } return internalPath; }; /** * Get node serializable name * @returns {String|Number} */ Node.prototype.getName = function () { return !this.parent ? undefined // do not add an (optional) field name of the root node : (this.parent.type != 'array') ? this.field : this.index; }; /** * Find child node by serializable path * @param {Array} path */ Node.prototype.findNodeByPath = function (path) { if (!path) { return; } if (path.length == 0) { return this; } if (path.length && this.childs && this.childs.length) { for (var i=0; i < this.childs.length; ++i) { if (('' + path[0]) === ('' + this.childs[i].getName())) { return this.childs[i].findNodeByPath(path.slice(1)); } } } }; /** * Find child node by an internal path: the indexes of the childs nodes * @param {Array} internalPath * @return {Node | undefined} Returns the node if the path exists. * Returns undefined otherwise. */ Node.prototype.findNodeByInternalPath = function (internalPath) { if (!internalPath) { return undefined; } var node = this; for (var i = 0; i < internalPath.length && node; i++) { var childIndex = internalPath[i]; node = node.childs[childIndex]; } return node; }; /** * @typedef {{value: String|Object|Number|Boolean, path: Array.}} SerializableNode * * Returns serializable representation for the node * @return {SerializableNode} */ Node.prototype.serialize = function () { return { value: this.getValue(), path: this.getPath() }; }; /** * Find a Node from a JSON path like '.items[3].name' * @param {string} jsonPath * @return {Node | null} Returns the Node when found, returns null if not found */ Node.prototype.findNode = function (jsonPath) { var path = util.parsePath(jsonPath); var node = this; while (node && path.length > 0) { var prop = path.shift(); if (typeof prop === 'number') { if (node.type !== 'array') { throw new Error('Cannot get child node at index ' + prop + ': node is no array'); } node = node.childs[prop]; } else { // string if (node.type !== 'object') { throw new Error('Cannot get child node ' + prop + ': node is no object'); } node = node.childs.filter(function (child) { return child.field === prop; })[0]; } } return node; }; /** * Find all parents of this node. The parents are ordered from root node towards * the original node. * @return {Array.} */ Node.prototype.findParents = function () { var parents = []; var parent = this.parent; while (parent) { parents.unshift(parent); parent = parent.parent; } return parents; }; /** * * @param {{dataPath: string, keyword: string, message: string, params: Object, schemaPath: string} | null} error * @param {Node} [child] When this is the error of a parent node, pointing * to an invalid child node, the child node itself * can be provided. If provided, clicking the error * icon will set focus to the invalid child node. */ Node.prototype.setError = function (error, child) { this.error = error; this.errorChild = child; if (this.dom && this.dom.tr) { this.updateError(); } }; /** * Render the error */ Node.prototype.updateError = function() { var error = this.error; var tdError = this.dom.tdError; if (error && this.dom && this.dom.tr) { util.addClassName(this.dom.tr, 'jsoneditor-validation-error'); if (!tdError) { tdError = document.createElement('td'); this.dom.tdError = tdError; this.dom.tdValue.parentNode.appendChild(tdError); } var popover = document.createElement('div'); popover.className = 'jsoneditor-popover jsoneditor-right'; popover.appendChild(document.createTextNode(error.message)); var button = document.createElement('button'); button.type = 'button'; button.className = 'jsoneditor-button jsoneditor-schema-error'; button.appendChild(popover); // update the direction of the popover button.onmouseover = button.onfocus = function updateDirection() { var directions = ['right', 'above', 'below', 'left']; for (var i = 0; i < directions.length; i++) { var direction = directions[i]; popover.className = 'jsoneditor-popover jsoneditor-' + direction; var contentRect = this.editor.content.getBoundingClientRect(); var popoverRect = popover.getBoundingClientRect(); var margin = 20; // account for a scroll bar var fit = util.insideRect(contentRect, popoverRect, margin); if (fit) { break; } } }.bind(this); // when clicking the error icon, expand all nodes towards the invalid // child node, and set focus to the child node var child = this.errorChild; if (child) { button.onclick = function showInvalidNode() { child.findParents().forEach(function (parent) { parent.expand(false); }); child.scrollTo(function () { child.focus(); }); }; } // apply the error message to the node while (tdError.firstChild) { tdError.removeChild(tdError.firstChild); } tdError.appendChild(button); } else { util.removeClassName(this.dom.tr, 'jsoneditor-validation-error'); if (tdError) { this.dom.tdError.parentNode.removeChild(this.dom.tdError); delete this.dom.tdError; } } }; /** * Get the index of this node: the index in the list of childs where this * node is part of * @return {number | null} Returns the index, or null if this is the root node */ Node.prototype.getIndex = function () { if (this.parent) { var index = this.parent.childs.indexOf(this); return index !== -1 ? index : null; } else { return -1; } }; /** * Set parent node * @param {Node} parent */ Node.prototype.setParent = function(parent) { this.parent = parent; }; /** * Set field * @param {String} field * @param {boolean} [fieldEditable] */ Node.prototype.setField = function(field, fieldEditable) { this.field = field; this.previousField = field; this.fieldEditable = (fieldEditable === true); }; /** * Get field * @return {String} */ Node.prototype.getField = function() { if (this.field === undefined) { this._getDomField(); } return this.field; }; /** * Set value. Value is a JSON structure or an element String, Boolean, etc. * @param {*} value * @param {String} [type] Specify the type of the value. Can be 'auto', * 'array', 'object', or 'string' */ Node.prototype.setValue = function(value, type) { var childValue, child, visible; var i, j; var notUpdateDom = false; var previousChilds = this.childs; this.type = this._getType(value); // check if type corresponds with the provided type if (type && type !== this.type) { if (type === 'string' && this.type === 'auto') { this.type = type; } else { throw new Error('Type mismatch: ' + 'cannot cast value of type "' + this.type + ' to the specified type "' + type + '"'); } } if (this.type === 'array') { // array if (!this.childs) { this.childs = []; } for (i = 0; i < value.length; i++) { childValue = value[i]; if (childValue !== undefined && !(childValue instanceof Function)) { if (i < this.childs.length) { // reuse existing child, keep its state child = this.childs[i]; child.fieldEditable = false; child.index = i; child.setValue(childValue); } else { // create a new child child = new Node(this.editor, { value: childValue }); visible = i < this.MAX_VISIBLE_CHILDS; this.appendChild(child, visible, notUpdateDom); } } } // cleanup redundant childs // we loop backward to prevent issues with shifting index numbers for (j = this.childs.length; j >= value.length; j--) { this.removeChild(this.childs[j], notUpdateDom); } } else if (this.type === 'object') { // object if (!this.childs) { this.childs = []; } // cleanup redundant childs // we loop backward to prevent issues with shifting index numbers for (j = this.childs.length - 1; j >= 0; j--) { if (!value.hasOwnProperty(this.childs[j].field)) { this.removeChild(this.childs[j], notUpdateDom); } } i = 0; for (var childField in value) { if (value.hasOwnProperty(childField)) { childValue = value[childField]; if (childValue !== undefined && !(childValue instanceof Function)) { child = this.findChildByProperty(childField); if (child) { // reuse existing child, keep its state child.setField(childField, true); child.setValue(childValue); } else { // create a new child child = new Node(this.editor, { field: childField, value: childValue }); visible = i < this.MAX_VISIBLE_CHILDS; this.appendChild(child, visible, notUpdateDom); } } i++; } } this.value = ''; // sort object keys if (this.editor.options.sortObjectKeys === true) { this.sort([], 'asc'); } } else { // value this.hideChilds(); delete this.append; delete this.showMore; delete this.expanded; delete this.childs; this.value = value; } // recreate the DOM if switching from an object/array to auto/string or vice versa // needed to recreated the expand button for example if (Array.isArray(previousChilds) !== Array.isArray(this.childs)) { this.recreateDom(); } this.updateDom({'updateIndexes': true}); this.previousValue = this.value; // used only to check for changes in DOM vs JS model }; /** * Set internal value * @param {*} internalValue Internal value structure keeping type, * order and duplicates in objects */ Node.prototype.setInternalValue = function(internalValue) { var childValue, child, visible; var i, j; var notUpdateDom = false; var previousChilds = this.childs; this.type = internalValue.type; if (internalValue.type === 'array') { // array if (!this.childs) { this.childs = []; } for (i = 0; i < internalValue.childs.length; i++) { childValue = internalValue.childs[i]; if (childValue !== undefined && !(childValue instanceof Function)) { if (i < this.childs.length) { // reuse existing child, keep its state child = this.childs[i]; child.fieldEditable = false; child.index = i; child.setInternalValue(childValue); } else { // create a new child child = new Node(this.editor, { internalValue: childValue }); visible = i < this.MAX_VISIBLE_CHILDS; this.appendChild(child, visible, notUpdateDom); } } } // cleanup redundant childs // we loop backward to prevent issues with shifting index numbers for (j = this.childs.length; j >= internalValue.childs.length; j--) { this.removeChild(this.childs[j], notUpdateDom); } } else if (internalValue.type === 'object') { // object if (!this.childs) { this.childs = []; } for (i = 0; i < internalValue.childs.length; i++) { childValue = internalValue.childs[i]; if (childValue !== undefined && !(childValue instanceof Function)) { if (i < this.childs.length) { // reuse existing child, keep its state child = this.childs[i]; delete child.index; child.setField(childValue.field, true); child.setInternalValue(childValue.value); } else { // create a new child child = new Node(this.editor, { field: childValue.field, internalValue: childValue.value }); visible = i < this.MAX_VISIBLE_CHILDS; this.appendChild(child, visible, notUpdateDom); } } } // cleanup redundant childs // we loop backward to prevent issues with shifting index numbers for (j = this.childs.length; j >= internalValue.childs.length; j--) { this.removeChild(this.childs[j], notUpdateDom); } } else { // value this.hideChilds(); delete this.append; delete this.showMore; delete this.expanded; delete this.childs; this.value = internalValue.value; } // recreate the DOM if switching from an object/array to auto/string or vice versa // needed to recreated the expand button for example if (Array.isArray(previousChilds) !== Array.isArray(this.childs)) { this.recreateDom(); } this.updateDom({'updateIndexes': true}); this.previousValue = this.value; // used only to check for changes in DOM vs JS model }; /** * Remove the DOM of this node and it's childs and recreate it again */ Node.prototype.recreateDom = function() { if (this.dom && this.dom.tr && this.dom.tr.parentNode) { var domAnchor = this._detachFromDom(); this.clearDom(); this._attachToDom(domAnchor); } else { this.clearDom(); } }; /** * Get value. Value is a JSON structure * @return {*} value */ Node.prototype.getValue = function() { if (this.type == 'array') { var arr = []; this.childs.forEach (function (child) { arr.push(child.getValue()); }); return arr; } else if (this.type == 'object') { var obj = {}; this.childs.forEach (function (child) { obj[child.getField()] = child.getValue(); }); return obj; } else { if (this.value === undefined) { this._getDomValue(); } return this.value; } }; /** * Get internal value, a structure which maintains ordering and duplicates in objects * @return {*} value */ Node.prototype.getInternalValue = function() { if (this.type === 'array') { return { type: this.type, childs: this.childs.map (function (child) { return child.getInternalValue(); }) }; } else if (this.type === 'object') { return { type: this.type, childs: this.childs.map(function (child) { return { field: child.getField(), value: child.getInternalValue() } }) }; } else { if (this.value === undefined) { this._getDomValue(); } return { type: this.type, value: this.value }; } }; /** * Get the nesting level of this node * @return {Number} level */ Node.prototype.getLevel = function() { return (this.parent ? this.parent.getLevel() + 1 : 0); }; /** * Get jsonpath of the current node * @return {Node[]} Returns an array with nodes */ Node.prototype.getNodePath = function () { var path = this.parent ? this.parent.getNodePath() : []; path.push(this); return path; }; /** * Create a clone of a node * The complete state of a clone is copied, including whether it is expanded or * not. The DOM elements are not cloned. * @return {Node} clone */ Node.prototype.clone = function() { var clone = new Node(this.editor); clone.type = this.type; clone.field = this.field; clone.fieldInnerText = this.fieldInnerText; clone.fieldEditable = this.fieldEditable; clone.previousField = this.previousField; clone.value = this.value; clone.valueInnerText = this.valueInnerText; clone.previousValue = this.previousValue; clone.expanded = this.expanded; clone.visibleChilds = this.visibleChilds; if (this.childs) { // an object or array var cloneChilds = []; this.childs.forEach(function (child) { var childClone = child.clone(); childClone.setParent(clone); cloneChilds.push(childClone); }); clone.childs = cloneChilds; } else { // a value clone.childs = undefined; } return clone; }; /** * Expand this node and optionally its childs. * @param {boolean} [recurse] Optional recursion, true by default. When * true, all childs will be expanded recursively */ Node.prototype.expand = function(recurse) { if (!this.childs) { return; } // set this node expanded this.expanded = true; if (this.dom.expand) { this.dom.expand.className = 'jsoneditor-button jsoneditor-expanded'; } this.showChilds(); if (recurse !== false) { this.childs.forEach(function (child) { child.expand(recurse); }); } }; /** * Collapse this node and optionally its childs. * @param {boolean} [recurse] Optional recursion, true by default. When * true, all childs will be collapsed recursively */ Node.prototype.collapse = function(recurse) { if (!this.childs) { return; } this.hideChilds(); // collapse childs in case of recurse if (recurse !== false) { this.childs.forEach(function (child) { child.collapse(recurse); }); } // make this node collapsed if (this.dom.expand) { this.dom.expand.className = 'jsoneditor-button jsoneditor-collapsed'; } this.expanded = false; }; /** * Recursively show all childs when they are expanded */ Node.prototype.showChilds = function() { var childs = this.childs; if (!childs) { return; } if (!this.expanded) { return; } var tr = this.dom.tr; var table = tr ? tr.parentNode : undefined; if (table) { // show row with append button var append = this.getAppendDom(); if (!append.parentNode) { var nextTr = tr.nextSibling; if (nextTr) { table.insertBefore(append, nextTr); } else { table.appendChild(append); } } // show childs var iMax = Math.min(this.childs.length, this.visibleChilds); var nextTr = this._getNextTr(); for (var i = 0; i < iMax; i++) { var child = this.childs[i]; if (!child.getDom().parentNode) { table.insertBefore(child.getDom(), nextTr); } child.showChilds(); } // show "show more childs" if limited var showMore = this.getShowMoreDom(); var nextTr = this._getNextTr(); if (!showMore.parentNode) { table.insertBefore(showMore, nextTr); } this.showMore.updateDom(); // to update the counter } }; Node.prototype._getNextTr = function() { if (this.showMore && this.showMore.getDom().parentNode) { return this.showMore.getDom(); } if (this.append && this.append.getDom().parentNode) { return this.append.getDom(); } }; /** * Hide the node with all its childs * @param {{resetVisibleChilds: boolean}} [options] */ Node.prototype.hide = function(options) { var tr = this.dom.tr; var table = tr ? tr.parentNode : undefined; if (table) { table.removeChild(tr); } this.hideChilds(options); }; /** * Recursively hide all childs * @param {{resetVisibleChilds: boolean}} [options] */ Node.prototype.hideChilds = function(options) { var childs = this.childs; if (!childs) { return; } if (!this.expanded) { return; } // hide append row var append = this.getAppendDom(); if (append.parentNode) { append.parentNode.removeChild(append); } // hide childs this.childs.forEach(function (child) { child.hide(); }); // hide "show more" row var showMore = this.getShowMoreDom(); if (showMore.parentNode) { showMore.parentNode.removeChild(showMore); } // reset max visible childs if (!options || options.resetVisibleChilds) { delete this.visibleChilds; } }; /** * Goes through the path from the node to the root and ensures that it is expanded */ Node.prototype.expandTo = function() { var currentNode = this.parent; while (currentNode) { if (!currentNode.expanded) { currentNode.expand(); } currentNode = currentNode.parent; } }; /** * Add a new child to the node. * Only applicable when Node value is of type array or object * @param {Node} node * @param {boolean} [visible] If true (default), the child will be rendered * @param {boolean} [updateDom] If true (default), the DOM of both parent * node and appended node will be updated * (child count, indexes) */ Node.prototype.appendChild = function(node, visible, updateDom) { if (this._hasChilds()) { // adjust the link to the parent node.setParent(this); node.fieldEditable = (this.type == 'object'); if (this.type == 'array') { node.index = this.childs.length; } if (this.type === 'object' && node.field == undefined) { // initialize field value if needed node.setField(''); } this.childs.push(node); if (this.expanded && visible !== false) { // insert into the DOM, before the appendRow var newTr = node.getDom(); var nextTr = this._getNextTr(); var table = nextTr ? nextTr.parentNode : undefined; if (nextTr && table) { table.insertBefore(newTr, nextTr); } node.showChilds(); this.visibleChilds++; } if (updateDom !== false) { this.updateDom({'updateIndexes': true}); node.updateDom({'recurse': true}); } } }; /** * Move a node from its current parent to this node * Only applicable when Node value is of type array or object * @param {Node} node * @param {Node} beforeNode */ Node.prototype.moveBefore = function(node, beforeNode) { if (this._hasChilds()) { // create a temporary row, to prevent the scroll position from jumping // when removing the node var tbody = (this.dom.tr) ? this.dom.tr.parentNode : undefined; if (tbody) { var trTemp = document.createElement('tr'); trTemp.style.height = tbody.clientHeight + 'px'; tbody.appendChild(trTemp); } if (node.parent) { node.parent.removeChild(node); } if (beforeNode instanceof AppendNode || !beforeNode) { // the this.childs.length + 1 is to reckon with the node that we're about to add if (this.childs.length + 1 > this.visibleChilds) { var lastVisibleNode = this.childs[this.visibleChilds - 1]; this.insertBefore(node, lastVisibleNode); } else { this.appendChild(node); } } else { this.insertBefore(node, beforeNode); } if (tbody) { tbody.removeChild(trTemp); } } }; /** * Insert a new child before a given node * Only applicable when Node value is of type array or object * @param {Node} node * @param {Node} beforeNode */ Node.prototype.insertBefore = function(node, beforeNode) { if (this._hasChilds()) { this.visibleChilds++; // initialize field value if needed if (this.type === 'object' && node.field == undefined) { node.setField(''); } if (beforeNode === this.append) { // append to the child nodes // adjust the link to the parent node.setParent(this); node.fieldEditable = (this.type == 'object'); this.childs.push(node); } else { // insert before a child node var index = this.childs.indexOf(beforeNode); if (index == -1) { throw new Error('Node not found'); } // adjust the link to the parent node.setParent(this); node.fieldEditable = (this.type == 'object'); this.childs.splice(index, 0, node); } if (this.expanded) { // insert into the DOM var newTr = node.getDom(); var nextTr = beforeNode.getDom(); var table = nextTr ? nextTr.parentNode : undefined; if (nextTr && table) { table.insertBefore(newTr, nextTr); } node.showChilds(); this.showChilds(); } this.updateDom({'updateIndexes': true}); node.updateDom({'recurse': true}); } }; /** * Insert a new child before a given node * Only applicable when Node value is of type array or object * @param {Node} node * @param {Node} afterNode */ Node.prototype.insertAfter = function(node, afterNode) { if (this._hasChilds()) { var index = this.childs.indexOf(afterNode); var beforeNode = this.childs[index + 1]; if (beforeNode) { this.insertBefore(node, beforeNode); } else { this.appendChild(node); } } }; /** * Search in this node * Searches are case insensitive. * @param {String} text * @param {Node[]} [results] Array where search results will be added * used to count and limit the results whilst iterating * @return {Node[]} results Array with nodes containing the search text */ Node.prototype.search = function(text, results) { if (!Array.isArray(results)) { results = []; } var index; var search = text ? text.toLowerCase() : undefined; // delete old search data delete this.searchField; delete this.searchValue; // search in field if (this.field !== undefined && results.length <= this.MAX_SEARCH_RESULTS) { var field = String(this.field).toLowerCase(); index = field.indexOf(search); if (index !== -1) { this.searchField = true; results.push({ 'node': this, 'elem': 'field' }); } // update dom this._updateDomField(); } // search in value if (this._hasChilds()) { // array, object // search the nodes childs if (this.childs) { this.childs.forEach(function (child) { child.search(text, results); }); } } else { // string, auto if (this.value !== undefined && results.length <= this.MAX_SEARCH_RESULTS) { var value = String(this.value).toLowerCase(); index = value.indexOf(search); if (index !== -1) { this.searchValue = true; results.push({ 'node': this, 'elem': 'value' }); } // update dom this._updateDomValue(); } } return results; }; /** * Move the scroll position such that this node is in the visible area. * The node will not get the focus * @param {function(boolean)} [callback] */ Node.prototype.scrollTo = function(callback) { this.expandPathToNode(); if (this.dom.tr && this.dom.tr.parentNode) { this.editor.scrollTo(this.dom.tr.offsetTop, callback); } }; /** * if the node is not visible, expand its parents */ Node.prototype.expandPathToNode = function () { var node = this; var recurse = false; while (node && node.parent) { // expand visible childs of the parent if needed var index = node.parent.type === 'array' ? node.index : node.parent.childs.indexOf(node); while (node.parent.visibleChilds < index + 1) { node.parent.visibleChilds += Node.prototype.MAX_VISIBLE_CHILDS; } // expand the parent itself node.parent.expand(recurse); node = node.parent; } }; // stores the element name currently having the focus Node.focusElement = undefined; /** * Set focus to this node * @param {String} [elementName] The field name of the element to get the * focus available values: 'drag', 'menu', * 'expand', 'field', 'value' (default) */ Node.prototype.focus = function(elementName) { Node.focusElement = elementName; if (this.dom.tr && this.dom.tr.parentNode) { var dom = this.dom; switch (elementName) { case 'drag': if (dom.drag) { dom.drag.focus(); } else { dom.menu.focus(); } break; case 'menu': dom.menu.focus(); break; case 'expand': if (this._hasChilds()) { dom.expand.focus(); } else if (dom.field && this.fieldEditable) { dom.field.focus(); util.selectContentEditable(dom.field); } else if (dom.value && !this._hasChilds()) { dom.value.focus(); util.selectContentEditable(dom.value); } else { dom.menu.focus(); } break; case 'field': if (dom.field && this.fieldEditable) { dom.field.focus(); util.selectContentEditable(dom.field); } else if (dom.value && !this._hasChilds()) { dom.value.focus(); util.selectContentEditable(dom.value); } else if (this._hasChilds()) { dom.expand.focus(); } else { dom.menu.focus(); } break; case 'value': default: if (dom.select) { // enum select box dom.select.focus(); } else if (dom.value && !this._hasChilds()) { dom.value.focus(); util.selectContentEditable(dom.value); } else if (dom.field && this.fieldEditable) { dom.field.focus(); util.selectContentEditable(dom.field); } else if (this._hasChilds()) { dom.expand.focus(); } else { dom.menu.focus(); } break; } } }; /** * Select all text in an editable div after a delay of 0 ms * @param {Element} editableDiv */ Node.select = function(editableDiv) { setTimeout(function () { util.selectContentEditable(editableDiv); }, 0); }; /** * Update the values from the DOM field and value of this node */ Node.prototype.blur = function() { // retrieve the actual field and value from the DOM. this._getDomValue(false); this._getDomField(false); }; /** * Check if given node is a child. The method will check recursively to find * this node. * @param {Node} node * @return {boolean} containsNode */ Node.prototype.containsNode = function(node) { if (this == node) { return true; } var childs = this.childs; if (childs) { // TODO: use the js5 Array.some() here? for (var i = 0, iMax = childs.length; i < iMax; i++) { if (childs[i].containsNode(node)) { return true; } } } return false; }; /** * Remove a child from the node. * Only applicable when Node value is of type array or object * @param {Node} node The child node to be removed; * @param {boolean} [updateDom] If true (default), the DOM of the parent * node will be updated (like child count) * @return {Node | undefined} node The removed node on success, * else undefined */ Node.prototype.removeChild = function(node, updateDom) { if (this.childs) { var index = this.childs.indexOf(node); if (index !== -1) { if (index < this.visibleChilds && this.expanded) { this.visibleChilds--; } node.hide(); // delete old search results delete node.searchField; delete node.searchValue; var removedNode = this.childs.splice(index, 1)[0]; removedNode.parent = null; if (updateDom !== false) { this.updateDom({'updateIndexes': true}); } return removedNode; } } return undefined; }; /** * Remove a child node node from this node * This method is equal to Node.removeChild, except that _remove fire an * onChange event. * @param {Node} node * @private */ Node.prototype._remove = function (node) { this.removeChild(node); }; /** * Change the type of the value of this Node * @param {String} newType */ Node.prototype.changeType = function (newType) { var oldType = this.type; if (oldType == newType) { // type is not changed return; } if ((newType == 'string' || newType == 'auto') && (oldType == 'string' || oldType == 'auto')) { // this is an easy change this.type = newType; } else { // change from array to object, or from string/auto to object/array var domAnchor = this._detachFromDom(); // delete the old DOM this.clearDom(); // adjust the field and the value this.type = newType; // adjust childs if (newType == 'object') { if (!this.childs) { this.childs = []; } this.childs.forEach(function (child, index) { child.clearDom(); delete child.index; child.fieldEditable = true; if (child.field == undefined) { child.field = ''; } }); if (oldType == 'string' || oldType == 'auto') { this.expanded = true; } } else if (newType == 'array') { if (!this.childs) { this.childs = []; } this.childs.forEach(function (child, index) { child.clearDom(); child.fieldEditable = false; child.index = index; }); if (oldType == 'string' || oldType == 'auto') { this.expanded = true; } } else { this.expanded = false; } this._attachToDom(domAnchor); } if (newType == 'auto' || newType == 'string') { // cast value to the correct type if (newType == 'string') { this.value = String(this.value); } else { this.value = this._stringCast(String(this.value)); } this.focus(); } this.updateDom({'updateIndexes': true}); }; /** * Test whether the JSON contents of this node are deep equal to provided JSON object. * @param {*} json */ Node.prototype.deepEqual = function (json) { var i; if (this.type === 'array') { if (!Array.isArray(json)) { return false; } if (this.childs.length !== json.length) { return false; } for (i = 0; i < this.childs.length; i++) { if (!this.childs[i].deepEqual(json[i])) { return false; } } } else if (this.type === 'object') { if (typeof json !== 'object') { return false; } // TODO: for better efficiency, we could create a property `isDuplicate` on all of the childs // and keep that up to date. This should make deepEqual about 20% faster. var props = {}; var propCount = 0; for (i = 0; i < this.childs.length; i++) { var child = this.childs[i]; if (!props[child.field]) { // We can have childs with duplicate field names. // We take the first, and ignore the others. props[child.field] = true; propCount++; if (!(child.field in json)) { return false; } if (!child.deepEqual(json[child.field])) { return false; } } } if (propCount !== Object.keys(json).length) { return false; } } else { if (this.value !== json) { return false; } } return true; }; /** * Retrieve value from DOM * @param {boolean} [silent] If true (default), no errors will be thrown in * case of invalid data * @private */ Node.prototype._getDomValue = function(silent) { if (this.dom.value && this.type != 'array' && this.type != 'object') { this.valueInnerText = util.getInnerText(this.dom.value); } if (this.valueInnerText != undefined) { try { // retrieve the value var value; if (this.type == 'string') { value = this._unescapeHTML(this.valueInnerText); } else { var str = this._unescapeHTML(this.valueInnerText); value = this._stringCast(str); } if (value !== this.value) { this.value = value; this._debouncedOnChangeValue(); } } catch (err) { this.value = undefined; // TODO: sent an action with the new, invalid value? if (silent !== true) { throw err; } } } }; /** * Handle a changed value * @private */ Node.prototype._onChangeValue = function () { // get current selection, then override the range such that we can select // the added/removed text on undo/redo var oldSelection = this.editor.getDomSelection(); if (oldSelection.range) { var undoDiff = util.textDiff(String(this.value), String(this.previousValue)); oldSelection.range.startOffset = undoDiff.start; oldSelection.range.endOffset = undoDiff.end; } var newSelection = this.editor.getDomSelection(); if (newSelection.range) { var redoDiff = util.textDiff(String(this.previousValue), String(this.value)); newSelection.range.startOffset = redoDiff.start; newSelection.range.endOffset = redoDiff.end; } this.editor._onAction('editValue', { path: this.getInternalPath(), oldValue: this.previousValue, newValue: this.value, oldSelection: oldSelection, newSelection: newSelection }); this.previousValue = this.value; }; /** * Handle a changed field * @private */ Node.prototype._onChangeField = function () { // get current selection, then override the range such that we can select // the added/removed text on undo/redo var oldSelection = this.editor.getDomSelection(); var previous = this.previousField || ''; if (oldSelection.range) { var undoDiff = util.textDiff(this.field, previous); oldSelection.range.startOffset = undoDiff.start; oldSelection.range.endOffset = undoDiff.end; } var newSelection = this.editor.getDomSelection(); if (newSelection.range) { var redoDiff = util.textDiff(previous, this.field); newSelection.range.startOffset = redoDiff.start; newSelection.range.endOffset = redoDiff.end; } this.editor._onAction('editField', { parentPath: this.parent.getInternalPath(), index: this.getIndex(), oldValue: this.previousField, newValue: this.field, oldSelection: oldSelection, newSelection: newSelection }); this.previousField = this.field; }; /** * Update dom value: * - the text color of the value, depending on the type of the value * - the height of the field, depending on the width * - background color in case it is empty * @private */ Node.prototype._updateDomValue = function () { var domValue = this.dom.value; if (domValue) { var classNames = ['jsoneditor-value']; // set text color depending on value type var value = this.value; var type = (this.type == 'auto') ? util.type(value) : this.type; var isUrl = type == 'string' && util.isUrl(value); classNames.push('jsoneditor-' + type); if (isUrl) { classNames.push('jsoneditor-url'); } // visual styling when empty var isEmpty = (String(this.value) == '' && this.type != 'array' && this.type != 'object'); if (isEmpty) { classNames.push('jsoneditor-empty'); } // highlight when there is a search result if (this.searchValueActive) { classNames.push('jsoneditor-highlight-active'); } if (this.searchValue) { classNames.push('jsoneditor-highlight'); } domValue.className = classNames.join(' '); // update title if (type == 'array' || type == 'object') { var count = this.childs ? this.childs.length : 0; domValue.title = this.type + ' containing ' + count + ' items'; } else if (isUrl && this.editable.value) { domValue.title = translate('openUrl'); } else { domValue.title = ''; } // show checkbox when the value is a boolean if (type === 'boolean' && this.editable.value) { if (!this.dom.checkbox) { this.dom.checkbox = document.createElement('input'); this.dom.checkbox.type = 'checkbox'; this.dom.tdCheckbox = document.createElement('td'); this.dom.tdCheckbox.className = 'jsoneditor-tree'; this.dom.tdCheckbox.appendChild(this.dom.checkbox); this.dom.tdValue.parentNode.insertBefore(this.dom.tdCheckbox, this.dom.tdValue); } this.dom.checkbox.checked = this.value; } else { // cleanup checkbox when displayed if (this.dom.tdCheckbox) { this.dom.tdCheckbox.parentNode.removeChild(this.dom.tdCheckbox); delete this.dom.tdCheckbox; delete this.dom.checkbox; } } // create select box when this node has an enum object if (this.enum && this.editable.value) { if (!this.dom.select) { this.dom.select = document.createElement('select'); this.id = this.field + "_" + new Date().getUTCMilliseconds(); this.dom.select.id = this.id; this.dom.select.name = this.dom.select.id; //Create the default empty option this.dom.select.option = document.createElement('option'); this.dom.select.option.value = ''; this.dom.select.option.innerHTML = '--'; this.dom.select.appendChild(this.dom.select.option); //Iterate all enum values and add them as options for(var i = 0; i < this.enum.length; i++) { this.dom.select.option = document.createElement('option'); this.dom.select.option.value = this.enum[i]; this.dom.select.option.innerHTML = this.enum[i]; if(this.dom.select.option.value == this.value){ this.dom.select.option.selected = true; } this.dom.select.appendChild(this.dom.select.option); } this.dom.tdSelect = document.createElement('td'); this.dom.tdSelect.className = 'jsoneditor-tree'; this.dom.tdSelect.appendChild(this.dom.select); this.dom.tdValue.parentNode.insertBefore(this.dom.tdSelect, this.dom.tdValue); } // If the enum is inside a composite type display // both the simple input and the dropdown field if(this.schema && ( !this.schema.hasOwnProperty("oneOf") && !this.schema.hasOwnProperty("anyOf") && !this.schema.hasOwnProperty("allOf")) ) { this.valueFieldHTML = this.dom.tdValue.innerHTML; this.dom.tdValue.style.visibility = 'hidden'; this.dom.tdValue.innerHTML = ''; } else { delete this.valueFieldHTML; } } else { // cleanup select box when displayed if (this.dom.tdSelect) { this.dom.tdSelect.parentNode.removeChild(this.dom.tdSelect); delete this.dom.tdSelect; delete this.dom.select; this.dom.tdValue.innerHTML = this.valueFieldHTML; this.dom.tdValue.style.visibility = ''; delete this.valueFieldHTML; } } // show color picker when value is a color if (this.editable.value && this.editor.options.colorPicker && typeof value === 'string' && util.isValidColor(value)) { if (!this.dom.color) { this.dom.color = document.createElement('div'); this.dom.color.className = 'jsoneditor-color'; this.dom.tdColor = document.createElement('td'); this.dom.tdColor.className = 'jsoneditor-tree'; this.dom.tdColor.appendChild(this.dom.color); this.dom.tdValue.parentNode.insertBefore(this.dom.tdColor, this.dom.tdValue); // this is a bit hacky, overriding the text color like this. find a nicer solution this.dom.value.style.color = '#1A1A1A'; } // update the color background this.dom.color.style.backgroundColor = value; } else { // cleanup color picker when displayed this._deleteDomColor(); } // show date tag when value is a timestamp in milliseconds if (this.editor.options.timestampTag && typeof value === 'number' && value > YEAR_2000 && !isNaN(new Date(value).valueOf())) { if (!this.dom.date) { this.dom.date = document.createElement('div'); this.dom.date.className = 'jsoneditor-date' this.dom.value.parentNode.appendChild(this.dom.date); } this.dom.date.innerHTML = new Date(value).toISOString(); this.dom.date.title = new Date(value).toString(); } else { // cleanup date tag if (this.dom.date) { this.dom.date.parentNode.removeChild(this.dom.date); delete this.dom.date; } } // strip formatting from the contents of the editable div util.stripFormatting(domValue); } }; Node.prototype._deleteDomColor = function () { if (this.dom.color) { this.dom.tdColor.parentNode.removeChild(this.dom.tdColor); delete this.dom.tdColor; delete this.dom.color; this.dom.value.style.color = ''; } } /** * Update dom field: * - the text color of the field, depending on the text * - the height of the field, depending on the width * - background color in case it is empty * @private */ Node.prototype._updateDomField = function () { var domField = this.dom.field; if (domField) { // make backgound color lightgray when empty var isEmpty = (String(this.field) == '' && this.parent.type != 'array'); if (isEmpty) { util.addClassName(domField, 'jsoneditor-empty'); } else { util.removeClassName(domField, 'jsoneditor-empty'); } // highlight when there is a search result if (this.searchFieldActive) { util.addClassName(domField, 'jsoneditor-highlight-active'); } else { util.removeClassName(domField, 'jsoneditor-highlight-active'); } if (this.searchField) { util.addClassName(domField, 'jsoneditor-highlight'); } else { util.removeClassName(domField, 'jsoneditor-highlight'); } // strip formatting from the contents of the editable div util.stripFormatting(domField); } }; /** * Retrieve field from DOM * @param {boolean} [silent] If true (default), no errors will be thrown in * case of invalid data * @private */ Node.prototype._getDomField = function(silent) { if (this.dom.field && this.fieldEditable) { this.fieldInnerText = util.getInnerText(this.dom.field); } if (this.fieldInnerText != undefined) { try { var field = this._unescapeHTML(this.fieldInnerText); if (field !== this.field) { this.field = field; this._debouncedOnChangeField(); } } catch (err) { this.field = undefined; // TODO: sent an action here, with the new, invalid value? if (silent !== true) { throw err; } } } }; /** * Validate this node and all it's childs * @return {Array.<{node: Node, error: {message: string}}>} Returns a list with duplicates */ Node.prototype.validate = function () { var errors = []; // find duplicate keys if (this.type === 'object') { var keys = {}; var duplicateKeys = []; for (var i = 0; i < this.childs.length; i++) { var child = this.childs[i]; if (keys.hasOwnProperty(child.field)) { duplicateKeys.push(child.field); } keys[child.field] = true; } if (duplicateKeys.length > 0) { errors = this.childs .filter(function (node) { return duplicateKeys.indexOf(node.field) !== -1; }) .map(function (node) { return { node: node, error: { message: translate('duplicateKey') + ' "' + node.field + '"' } } }); } } // recurse over the childs if (this.childs) { for (var i = 0; i < this.childs.length; i++) { var e = this.childs[i].validate(); if (e.length > 0) { errors = errors.concat(e); } } } return errors; }; /** * Clear the dom of the node */ Node.prototype.clearDom = function() { // TODO: hide the node first? //this.hide(); // TODO: recursively clear dom? this.dom = {}; }; /** * Get the HTML DOM TR element of the node. * The dom will be generated when not yet created * @return {Element} tr HTML DOM TR Element */ Node.prototype.getDom = function() { var dom = this.dom; if (dom.tr) { return dom.tr; } this._updateEditability(); // create row dom.tr = document.createElement('tr'); dom.tr.node = this; if (this.editor.options.mode === 'tree') { // note: we take here the global setting var tdDrag = document.createElement('td'); if (this.editable.field) { // create draggable area if (this.parent) { var domDrag = document.createElement('button'); domDrag.type = 'button'; dom.drag = domDrag; domDrag.className = 'jsoneditor-button jsoneditor-dragarea'; domDrag.title = translate('drag'); tdDrag.appendChild(domDrag); } } dom.tr.appendChild(tdDrag); // create context menu var tdMenu = document.createElement('td'); var menu = document.createElement('button'); menu.type = 'button'; dom.menu = menu; menu.className = 'jsoneditor-button jsoneditor-contextmenu'; menu.title = translate('actionsMenu'); tdMenu.appendChild(dom.menu); dom.tr.appendChild(tdMenu); } // create tree and field var tdField = document.createElement('td'); dom.tr.appendChild(tdField); dom.tree = this._createDomTree(); tdField.appendChild(dom.tree); this.updateDom({'updateIndexes': true}); return dom.tr; }; /** * Test whether a Node is rendered and visible * @returns {boolean} */ Node.prototype.isVisible = function () { return this.dom && this.dom.tr && this.dom.tr.parentNode || false }; /** * DragStart event, fired on mousedown on the dragarea at the left side of a Node * @param {Node[] | Node} nodes * @param {Event} event */ Node.onDragStart = function (nodes, event) { if (!Array.isArray(nodes)) { return Node.onDragStart([nodes], event); } if (nodes.length === 0) { return; } var firstNode = nodes[0]; var lastNode = nodes[nodes.length - 1]; var parent = firstNode.parent; var draggedNode = Node.getNodeFromTarget(event.target); var editor = firstNode.editor; // in case of multiple selected nodes, offsetY prevents the selection from // jumping when you start dragging one of the lower down nodes in the selection var offsetY = util.getAbsoluteTop(draggedNode.dom.tr) - util.getAbsoluteTop(firstNode.dom.tr); if (!editor.mousemove) { editor.mousemove = util.addEventListener(window, 'mousemove', function (event) { Node.onDrag(nodes, event); }); } if (!editor.mouseup) { editor.mouseup = util.addEventListener(window, 'mouseup',function (event ) { Node.onDragEnd(nodes, event); }); } editor.highlighter.lock(); editor.drag = { oldCursor: document.body.style.cursor, oldSelection: editor.getDomSelection(), oldPaths: nodes.map(getInternalPath), oldParent: parent, oldNextNode: parent.childs[lastNode.getIndex() + 1] || parent.append, oldParentPathRedo: parent.getInternalPath(), oldIndexRedo: firstNode.getIndex(), mouseX: event.pageX, offsetY: offsetY, level: firstNode.getLevel() }; document.body.style.cursor = 'move'; event.preventDefault(); }; /** * Drag event, fired when moving the mouse while dragging a Node * @param {Node[] | Node} nodes * @param {Event} event */ Node.onDrag = function (nodes, event) { if (!Array.isArray(nodes)) { return Node.onDrag([nodes], event); } if (nodes.length === 0) { return; } // TODO: this method has grown too large. Split it in a number of methods var editor = nodes[0].editor; var mouseY = event.pageY - editor.drag.offsetY; var mouseX = event.pageX; var trThis, trPrev, trNext, trFirst, trLast, trRoot; var nodePrev, nodeNext; var topThis, topPrev, topFirst, heightThis, bottomNext, heightNext; var moved = false; // TODO: add an ESC option, which resets to the original position // move up/down var firstNode = nodes[0]; trThis = firstNode.dom.tr; topThis = util.getAbsoluteTop(trThis); heightThis = trThis.offsetHeight; if (mouseY < topThis) { // move up trPrev = trThis; do { trPrev = trPrev.previousSibling; nodePrev = Node.getNodeFromTarget(trPrev); topPrev = trPrev ? util.getAbsoluteTop(trPrev) : 0; } while (trPrev && mouseY < topPrev); if (nodePrev && !nodePrev.parent) { nodePrev = undefined; } if (!nodePrev) { // move to the first node trRoot = trThis.parentNode.firstChild; trPrev = trRoot ? trRoot.nextSibling : undefined; nodePrev = Node.getNodeFromTarget(trPrev); if (nodePrev == firstNode) { nodePrev = undefined; } } if (nodePrev && nodePrev.isVisible()) { // check if mouseY is really inside the found node trPrev = nodePrev.dom.tr; topPrev = trPrev ? util.getAbsoluteTop(trPrev) : 0; if (mouseY > topPrev + heightThis) { nodePrev = undefined; } } if (nodePrev) { nodes.forEach(function (node) { nodePrev.parent.moveBefore(node, nodePrev); }); moved = true; } } else { // move down var lastNode = nodes[nodes.length - 1]; trLast = (lastNode.expanded && lastNode.append) ? lastNode.append.getDom() : lastNode.dom.tr; trFirst = trLast ? trLast.nextSibling : undefined; if (trFirst) { topFirst = util.getAbsoluteTop(trFirst); trNext = trFirst; do { nodeNext = Node.getNodeFromTarget(trNext); if (trNext) { bottomNext = trNext.nextSibling ? util.getAbsoluteTop(trNext.nextSibling) : 0; heightNext = trNext ? (bottomNext - topFirst) : 0; if (nodeNext && nodeNext.parent.childs.length == nodes.length && nodeNext.parent.childs[nodes.length - 1] == lastNode) { // We are about to remove the last child of this parent, // which will make the parents appendNode visible. topThis += 27; // TODO: dangerous to suppose the height of the appendNode a constant of 27 px. } trNext = trNext.nextSibling; } } while (trNext && mouseY > topThis + heightNext); if (nodeNext && nodeNext.parent) { // calculate the desired level var diffX = (mouseX - editor.drag.mouseX); var diffLevel = Math.round(diffX / 24 / 2); var level = editor.drag.level + diffLevel; // desired level var levelNext = nodeNext.getLevel(); // level to be // find the best fitting level (move upwards over the append nodes) trPrev = nodeNext.dom.tr && nodeNext.dom.tr.previousSibling; while (levelNext < level && trPrev) { nodePrev = Node.getNodeFromTarget(trPrev); var isDraggedNode = nodes.some(function (node) { return node === nodePrev || nodePrev.isDescendantOf(node); }); if (isDraggedNode) { // neglect the dragged nodes themselves and their childs } else if (nodePrev instanceof AppendNode) { var childs = nodePrev.parent.childs; if (childs.length != nodes.length || childs[nodes.length - 1] != lastNode) { // non-visible append node of a list of childs // consisting of not only this node (else the // append node will change into a visible "empty" // text when removing this node). nodeNext = Node.getNodeFromTarget(trPrev); levelNext = nodeNext.getLevel(); } else { break; } } else { break; } trPrev = trPrev.previousSibling; } if (nodeNext instanceof AppendNode && !nodeNext.isVisible() && nodeNext.parent.showMore.isVisible()) { nodeNext = nodeNext._nextNode(); } // move the node when its position is changed if (nodeNext && nodeNext.dom.tr && trLast.nextSibling != nodeNext.dom.tr) { nodes.forEach(function (node) { nodeNext.parent.moveBefore(node, nodeNext); }); moved = true; } } } } if (moved) { // update the dragging parameters when moved editor.drag.mouseX = mouseX; editor.drag.level = firstNode.getLevel(); } // auto scroll when hovering around the top of the editor editor.startAutoScroll(mouseY); event.preventDefault(); }; /** * Drag event, fired on mouseup after having dragged a node * @param {Node[] | Node} nodes * @param {Event} event */ Node.onDragEnd = function (nodes, event) { if (!Array.isArray(nodes)) { return Node.onDrag([nodes], event); } if (nodes.length === 0) { return; } var firstNode = nodes[0]; var editor = firstNode.editor; // set focus to the context menu button of the first node if (nodes[0]) { nodes[0].dom.menu.focus(); } var oldParentPath = editor.drag.oldParent.getInternalPath(); var newParentPath = firstNode.parent.getInternalPath(); var sameParent = editor.drag.oldParent === firstNode.parent; var oldIndex = editor.drag.oldNextNode.getIndex(); var newIndex = firstNode.getIndex(); var oldParentPathRedo = editor.drag.oldParentPathRedo; var oldIndexRedo = editor.drag.oldIndexRedo; var newIndexRedo = (sameParent && oldIndexRedo < newIndex) ? (newIndex + nodes.length) : newIndex; if (!sameParent || oldIndexRedo !== newIndex) { // only register this action if the node is actually moved to another place editor._onAction('moveNodes', { count: nodes.length, fieldNames: nodes.map(getField), oldParentPath: oldParentPath, newParentPath: newParentPath, oldIndex: oldIndex, newIndex: newIndex, oldIndexRedo: oldIndexRedo, newIndexRedo: newIndexRedo, oldParentPathRedo: oldParentPathRedo, newParentPathRedo: null, // This is a hack, value will be filled in during undo oldSelection: editor.drag.oldSelection, newSelection: editor.getDomSelection() }); } document.body.style.cursor = editor.drag.oldCursor; editor.highlighter.unlock(); nodes.forEach(function (node) { if (event.target !== node.dom.drag && event.target !== node.dom.menu) { editor.highlighter.unhighlight(); } }); delete editor.drag; if (editor.mousemove) { util.removeEventListener(window, 'mousemove', editor.mousemove); delete editor.mousemove; } if (editor.mouseup) { util.removeEventListener(window, 'mouseup', editor.mouseup); delete editor.mouseup; } // Stop any running auto scroll editor.stopAutoScroll(); event.preventDefault(); }; /** * Test if this node is a sescendant of an other node * @param {Node} node * @return {boolean} isDescendant * @private */ Node.prototype.isDescendantOf = function (node) { var n = this.parent; while (n) { if (n == node) { return true; } n = n.parent; } return false; }; /** * Create an editable field * @return {Element} domField * @private */ Node.prototype._createDomField = function () { return document.createElement('div'); }; /** * Set highlighting for this node and all its childs. * Only applied to the currently visible (expanded childs) * @param {boolean} highlight */ Node.prototype.setHighlight = function (highlight) { if (this.dom.tr) { if (highlight) { util.addClassName(this.dom.tr, 'jsoneditor-highlight'); } else { util.removeClassName(this.dom.tr, 'jsoneditor-highlight'); } if (this.append) { this.append.setHighlight(highlight); } if (this.childs) { this.childs.forEach(function (child) { child.setHighlight(highlight); }); } } }; /** * Select or deselect a node * @param {boolean} selected * @param {boolean} [isFirst] */ Node.prototype.setSelected = function (selected, isFirst) { this.selected = selected; if (this.dom.tr) { if (selected) { util.addClassName(this.dom.tr, 'jsoneditor-selected'); } else { util.removeClassName(this.dom.tr, 'jsoneditor-selected'); } if (isFirst) { util.addClassName(this.dom.tr, 'jsoneditor-first'); } else { util.removeClassName(this.dom.tr, 'jsoneditor-first'); } if (this.append) { this.append.setSelected(selected); } if (this.showMore) { this.showMore.setSelected(selected); } if (this.childs) { this.childs.forEach(function (child) { child.setSelected(selected); }); } } }; /** * Update the value of the node. Only primitive types are allowed, no Object * or Array is allowed. * @param {String | Number | Boolean | null} value */ Node.prototype.updateValue = function (value) { this.value = value; this.previousValue = value; this.updateDom(); }; /** * Update the field of the node. * @param {String} field */ Node.prototype.updateField = function (field) { this.field = field; this.previousField = field; this.updateDom(); }; /** * Update the HTML DOM, optionally recursing through the childs * @param {Object} [options] Available parameters: * {boolean} [recurse] If true, the * DOM of the childs will be updated recursively. * False by default. * {boolean} [updateIndexes] If true, the childs * indexes of the node will be updated too. False by * default. */ Node.prototype.updateDom = function (options) { // update level indentation var domTree = this.dom.tree; if (domTree) { domTree.style.marginLeft = this.getLevel() * 24 + 'px'; } // apply field to DOM var domField = this.dom.field; if (domField) { if (this.fieldEditable) { // parent is an object domField.contentEditable = this.editable.field; domField.spellcheck = false; domField.className = 'jsoneditor-field'; } else { // parent is an array this is the root node domField.className = 'jsoneditor-readonly'; } var fieldText; if (this.index != undefined) { fieldText = this.index; } else if (this.field != undefined) { fieldText = this.field; } else if (this._hasChilds()) { fieldText = this.type; } else { fieldText = ''; } domField.innerHTML = this._escapeHTML(fieldText); this._updateSchema(); } // apply value to DOM var domValue = this.dom.value; if (domValue) { var count = this.childs ? this.childs.length : 0; if (this.type == 'array') { domValue.innerHTML = '[' + count + ']'; util.addClassName(this.dom.tr, 'jsoneditor-expandable'); } else if (this.type == 'object') { domValue.innerHTML = '{' + count + '}'; util.addClassName(this.dom.tr, 'jsoneditor-expandable'); } else { domValue.innerHTML = this._escapeHTML(this.value); util.removeClassName(this.dom.tr, 'jsoneditor-expandable'); } } // update field and value this._updateDomField(); this._updateDomValue(); // update childs indexes if (options && options.updateIndexes === true) { // updateIndexes is true or undefined this._updateDomIndexes(); } // update childs recursively if (options && options.recurse === true) { if (this.childs) { this.childs.forEach(function (child) { child.updateDom(options); }); } } // update rendering of error if (this.error) { this.updateError() } // update row with append button if (this.append) { this.append.updateDom(); } // update "show more" text at the bottom of large arrays if (this.showMore) { this.showMore.updateDom(); } }; /** * Locate the JSON schema of the node and check for any enum type * @private */ Node.prototype._updateSchema = function () { //Locating the schema of the node and checking for any enum type if(this.editor && this.editor.options) { // find the part of the json schema matching this nodes path this.schema = this.editor.options.schema ? Node._findSchema(this.editor.options.schema, this.getPath()) : null; if (this.schema) { this.enum = Node._findEnum(this.schema); } else { delete this.enum; } } }; /** * find an enum definition in a JSON schema, as property `enum` or inside * one of the schemas composites (`oneOf`, `anyOf`, `allOf`) * @param {Object} schema * @return {Array | null} Returns the enum when found, null otherwise. * @private */ Node._findEnum = function (schema) { if (schema.enum) { return schema.enum; } var composite = schema.oneOf || schema.anyOf || schema.allOf; if (composite) { var match = composite.filter(function (entry) {return entry.enum}); if (match.length > 0) { return match[0].enum; } } return null }; /** * Return the part of a JSON schema matching given path. * @param {Object} schema * @param {Array.} path * @return {Object | null} * @private */ Node._findSchema = function (schema, path) { var childSchema = schema; var foundSchema = childSchema; var allSchemas = schema.oneOf || schema.anyOf || schema.allOf; if (!allSchemas) { allSchemas = [schema]; } for (var j = 0; j < allSchemas.length; j++) { childSchema = allSchemas[j]; for (var i = 0; i < path.length && childSchema; i++) { var key = path[i]; if (typeof key === 'string' && childSchema.patternProperties && i == path.length - 1) { for (var prop in childSchema.patternProperties) { foundSchema = Node._findSchema(childSchema.patternProperties[prop], path.slice(i, path.length)); } } else if (childSchema.items && childSchema.items.properties) { childSchema = childSchema.items.properties[key]; if (childSchema) { foundSchema = Node._findSchema(childSchema, path.slice(i, path.length)); } } else if (typeof key === 'string' && childSchema.properties) { childSchema = childSchema.properties[key] || null; if (childSchema) { foundSchema = Node._findSchema(childSchema, path.slice(i, path.length)); } } else if (typeof key === 'number' && childSchema.items) { childSchema = childSchema.items; if (childSchema) { foundSchema = Node._findSchema(childSchema, path.slice(i, path.length)); } } } } return foundSchema }; /** * Update the DOM of the childs of a node: update indexes and undefined field * names. * Only applicable when structure is an array or object * @private */ Node.prototype._updateDomIndexes = function () { var domValue = this.dom.value; var childs = this.childs; if (domValue && childs) { if (this.type == 'array') { childs.forEach(function (child, index) { child.index = index; var childField = child.dom.field; if (childField) { childField.innerHTML = index; } }); } else if (this.type == 'object') { childs.forEach(function (child) { if (child.index != undefined) { delete child.index; if (child.field == undefined) { child.field = ''; } } }); } } }; /** * Create an editable value * @private */ Node.prototype._createDomValue = function () { var domValue; if (this.type == 'array') { domValue = document.createElement('div'); domValue.innerHTML = '[...]'; } else if (this.type == 'object') { domValue = document.createElement('div'); domValue.innerHTML = '{...}'; } else { if (!this.editable.value && util.isUrl(this.value)) { // create a link in case of read-only editor and value containing an url domValue = document.createElement('a'); domValue.href = this.value; domValue.innerHTML = this._escapeHTML(this.value); } else { // create an editable or read-only div domValue = document.createElement('div'); domValue.contentEditable = this.editable.value; domValue.spellcheck = false; domValue.innerHTML = this._escapeHTML(this.value); } } return domValue; }; /** * Create an expand/collapse button * @return {Element} expand * @private */ Node.prototype._createDomExpandButton = function () { // create expand button var expand = document.createElement('button'); expand.type = 'button'; if (this._hasChilds()) { expand.className = this.expanded ? 'jsoneditor-button jsoneditor-expanded' : 'jsoneditor-button jsoneditor-collapsed'; expand.title = translate('expandTitle'); } else { expand.className = 'jsoneditor-button jsoneditor-invisible'; expand.title = ''; } return expand; }; /** * Create a DOM tree element, containing the expand/collapse button * @return {Element} domTree * @private */ Node.prototype._createDomTree = function () { var dom = this.dom; var domTree = document.createElement('table'); var tbody = document.createElement('tbody'); domTree.style.borderCollapse = 'collapse'; // TODO: put in css domTree.className = 'jsoneditor-values'; domTree.appendChild(tbody); var tr = document.createElement('tr'); tbody.appendChild(tr); // create expand button var tdExpand = document.createElement('td'); tdExpand.className = 'jsoneditor-tree'; tr.appendChild(tdExpand); dom.expand = this._createDomExpandButton(); tdExpand.appendChild(dom.expand); dom.tdExpand = tdExpand; // create the field var tdField = document.createElement('td'); tdField.className = 'jsoneditor-tree'; tr.appendChild(tdField); dom.field = this._createDomField(); tdField.appendChild(dom.field); dom.tdField = tdField; // create a separator var tdSeparator = document.createElement('td'); tdSeparator.className = 'jsoneditor-tree'; tr.appendChild(tdSeparator); if (this.type != 'object' && this.type != 'array') { tdSeparator.appendChild(document.createTextNode(':')); tdSeparator.className = 'jsoneditor-separator'; } dom.tdSeparator = tdSeparator; // create the value var tdValue = document.createElement('td'); tdValue.className = 'jsoneditor-tree'; tr.appendChild(tdValue); dom.value = this._createDomValue(); tdValue.appendChild(dom.value); dom.tdValue = tdValue; return domTree; }; /** * Handle an event. The event is caught centrally by the editor * @param {Event} event */ Node.prototype.onEvent = function (event) { var type = event.type, target = event.target || event.srcElement, dom = this.dom, node = this, expandable = this._hasChilds(); if (typeof this.editor.options.onEvent === 'function') { this._onEvent(event); } // check if mouse is on menu or on dragarea. // If so, highlight current row and its childs if (target == dom.drag || target == dom.menu) { if (type == 'mouseover') { this.editor.highlighter.highlight(this); } else if (type == 'mouseout') { this.editor.highlighter.unhighlight(); } } // context menu events if (type == 'click' && target == dom.menu) { var highlighter = node.editor.highlighter; highlighter.highlight(node); highlighter.lock(); util.addClassName(dom.menu, 'jsoneditor-selected'); this.showContextMenu(dom.menu, function () { util.removeClassName(dom.menu, 'jsoneditor-selected'); highlighter.unlock(); highlighter.unhighlight(); }); } // expand events if (type == 'click') { if (target == dom.expand || ((node.editor.options.mode === 'view' || node.editor.options.mode === 'form') && target.nodeName === 'DIV')) { if (expandable) { var recurse = event.ctrlKey; // with ctrl-key, expand/collapse all this._onExpand(recurse); } } } if (type === 'click' && (event.target === node.dom.tdColor || event.target === node.dom.color)) { this._showColorPicker(); } // swap the value of a boolean when the checkbox displayed left is clicked if (type == 'change' && target == dom.checkbox) { this.dom.value.innerHTML = !this.value; this._getDomValue(); } // update the value of the node based on the selected option if (type == 'change' && target == dom.select) { this.dom.value.innerHTML = dom.select.value; this._getDomValue(); this._updateDomValue(); } // value events var domValue = dom.value; if (target == domValue) { //noinspection FallthroughInSwitchStatementJS switch (type) { case 'blur': case 'change': this._getDomValue(true); this._updateDomValue(); if (this.value) { domValue.innerHTML = this._escapeHTML(this.value); } break; case 'input': //this._debouncedGetDomValue(true); // TODO this._getDomValue(true); this._updateDomValue(); break; case 'keydown': case 'mousedown': // TODO: cleanup this.editor.selection = this.editor.getDomSelection(); break; case 'click': if (event.ctrlKey && this.editable.value) { // if read-only, we use the regular click behavior of an anchor if (util.isUrl(this.value)) { event.preventDefault(); window.open(this.value, '_blank'); } } break; case 'keyup': //this._debouncedGetDomValue(true); // TODO this._getDomValue(true); this._updateDomValue(); break; case 'cut': case 'paste': setTimeout(function () { node._getDomValue(true); node._updateDomValue(); }, 1); break; } } // field events var domField = dom.field; if (target == domField) { switch (type) { case 'blur': case 'change': this._getDomField(true); this._updateDomField(); if (this.field) { domField.innerHTML = this._escapeHTML(this.field); } break; case 'input': this._getDomField(true); this._updateSchema(); this._updateDomField(); this._updateDomValue(); break; case 'keydown': case 'mousedown': this.editor.selection = this.editor.getDomSelection(); break; case 'keyup': this._getDomField(true); this._updateDomField(); break; case 'cut': case 'paste': setTimeout(function () { node._getDomField(true); node._updateDomField(); }, 1); break; } } // focus // when clicked in whitespace left or right from the field or value, set focus var domTree = dom.tree; if (domTree && target == domTree.parentNode && type == 'click' && !event.hasMoved) { var left = (event.offsetX != undefined) ? (event.offsetX < (this.getLevel() + 1) * 24) : (event.pageX < util.getAbsoluteLeft(dom.tdSeparator));// for FF if (left || expandable) { // node is expandable when it is an object or array if (domField) { util.setEndOfContentEditable(domField); domField.focus(); } } else { if (domValue && !this.enum) { util.setEndOfContentEditable(domValue); domValue.focus(); } } } if (((target == dom.tdExpand && !expandable) || target == dom.tdField || target == dom.tdSeparator) && (type == 'click' && !event.hasMoved)) { if (domField) { util.setEndOfContentEditable(domField); domField.focus(); } } if (type == 'keydown') { this.onKeyDown(event); } }; /** * Trigger external onEvent provided in options if node is a JSON field or * value. * Information provided depends on the element, value is only included if * event occurs in a JSON value: * {field: string, path: {string|number}[] [, value: string]} * @param {Event} event * @private */ Node.prototype._onEvent = function (event) { var element = event.target; if (element === this.dom.field || element === this.dom.value) { var info = { field: this.getField(), path: this.getPath() }; // For leaf values, include value if (!this._hasChilds() &&element === this.dom.value) { info.value = this.getValue(); } this.editor.options.onEvent(info, event); } }; /** * Key down event handler * @param {Event} event */ Node.prototype.onKeyDown = function (event) { var keynum = event.which || event.keyCode; var target = event.target || event.srcElement; var ctrlKey = event.ctrlKey; var shiftKey = event.shiftKey; var altKey = event.altKey; var handled = false; var prevNode, nextNode, nextDom, nextDom2; var editable = this.editor.options.mode === 'tree'; var oldSelection; var oldNextNode; var oldParent; var oldIndexRedo; var newIndexRedo; var oldParentPathRedo; var newParentPathRedo; var nodes; var multiselection; var selectedNodes = this.editor.multiselection.nodes.length > 0 ? this.editor.multiselection.nodes : [this]; var firstNode = selectedNodes[0]; var lastNode = selectedNodes[selectedNodes.length - 1]; // console.log(ctrlKey, keynum, event.charCode); // TODO: cleanup if (keynum == 13) { // Enter if (target == this.dom.value) { if (!this.editable.value || event.ctrlKey) { if (util.isUrl(this.value)) { window.open(this.value, '_blank'); handled = true; } } } else if (target == this.dom.expand) { var expandable = this._hasChilds(); if (expandable) { var recurse = event.ctrlKey; // with ctrl-key, expand/collapse all this._onExpand(recurse); target.focus(); handled = true; } } } else if (keynum == 68) { // D if (ctrlKey && editable) { // Ctrl+D Node.onDuplicate(selectedNodes); handled = true; } } else if (keynum == 69) { // E if (ctrlKey) { // Ctrl+E and Ctrl+Shift+E this._onExpand(shiftKey); // recurse = shiftKey target.focus(); // TODO: should restore focus in case of recursing expand (which takes DOM offline) handled = true; } } else if (keynum == 77 && editable) { // M if (ctrlKey) { // Ctrl+M this.showContextMenu(target); handled = true; } } else if (keynum == 46 && editable) { // Del if (ctrlKey) { // Ctrl+Del Node.onRemove(selectedNodes); handled = true; } } else if (keynum == 45 && editable) { // Ins if (ctrlKey && !shiftKey) { // Ctrl+Ins this._onInsertBefore(); handled = true; } else if (ctrlKey && shiftKey) { // Ctrl+Shift+Ins this._onInsertAfter(); handled = true; } } else if (keynum == 35) { // End if (altKey) { // Alt+End // find the last node var endNode = this._lastNode(); if (endNode) { endNode.focus(Node.focusElement || this._getElementName(target)); } handled = true; } } else if (keynum == 36) { // Home if (altKey) { // Alt+Home // find the first node var homeNode = this._firstNode(); if (homeNode) { homeNode.focus(Node.focusElement || this._getElementName(target)); } handled = true; } } else if (keynum == 37) { // Arrow Left if (altKey && !shiftKey) { // Alt + Arrow Left // move to left element var prevElement = this._previousElement(target); if (prevElement) { this.focus(this._getElementName(prevElement)); } handled = true; } else if (altKey && shiftKey && editable) { // Alt + Shift + Arrow left if (lastNode.expanded) { var appendDom = lastNode.getAppendDom(); nextDom = appendDom ? appendDom.nextSibling : undefined; } else { var dom = lastNode.getDom(); nextDom = dom.nextSibling; } if (nextDom) { nextNode = Node.getNodeFromTarget(nextDom); nextDom2 = nextDom.nextSibling; nextNode2 = Node.getNodeFromTarget(nextDom2); if (nextNode && nextNode instanceof AppendNode && !(lastNode.parent.childs.length == 1) && nextNode2 && nextNode2.parent) { oldSelection = this.editor.getDomSelection(); oldParent = firstNode.parent; oldNextNode = oldParent.childs[lastNode.getIndex() + 1] || oldParent.append; oldIndexRedo = firstNode.getIndex(); newIndexRedo = nextNode2.getIndex(); oldParentPathRedo = oldParent.getInternalPath(); newParentPathRedo = nextNode2.parent.getInternalPath(); selectedNodes.forEach(function (node) { nextNode2.parent.moveBefore(node, nextNode2); }); this.focus(Node.focusElement || this._getElementName(target)); this.editor._onAction('moveNodes', { count: selectedNodes.length, fieldNames: selectedNodes.map(getField), oldParentPath: oldParent.getInternalPath(), newParentPath: firstNode.parent.getInternalPath(), oldIndex: oldNextNode.getIndex(), newIndex: firstNode.getIndex(), oldIndexRedo: oldIndexRedo, newIndexRedo: newIndexRedo, oldParentPathRedo: oldParentPathRedo, newParentPathRedo: newParentPathRedo, oldSelection: oldSelection, newSelection: this.editor.getDomSelection() }); } } } } else if (keynum == 38) { // Arrow Up if (altKey && !shiftKey) { // Alt + Arrow Up // find the previous node prevNode = this._previousNode(); if (prevNode) { this.editor.deselect(true); prevNode.focus(Node.focusElement || this._getElementName(target)); } handled = true; } else if (!altKey && ctrlKey && shiftKey && editable) { // Ctrl + Shift + Arrow Up // select multiple nodes prevNode = this._previousNode(); if (prevNode) { multiselection = this.editor.multiselection; multiselection.start = multiselection.start || this; multiselection.end = prevNode; nodes = this.editor._findTopLevelNodes(multiselection.start, multiselection.end); this.editor.select(nodes); prevNode.focus('field'); // select field as we know this always exists } handled = true; } else if (altKey && shiftKey && editable) { // Alt + Shift + Arrow Up // find the previous node prevNode = firstNode._previousNode(); if (prevNode && prevNode.parent) { oldSelection = this.editor.getDomSelection(); oldParent = firstNode.parent; oldNextNode = oldParent.childs[lastNode.getIndex() + 1] || oldParent.append; oldIndexRedo = firstNode.getIndex(); newIndexRedo = prevNode.getIndex(); oldParentPathRedo = oldParent.getInternalPath(); newParentPathRedo = prevNode.parent.getInternalPath(); selectedNodes.forEach(function (node) { prevNode.parent.moveBefore(node, prevNode); }); this.focus(Node.focusElement || this._getElementName(target)); this.editor._onAction('moveNodes', { count: selectedNodes.length, fieldNames: selectedNodes.map(getField), oldParentPath: oldParent.getInternalPath(), newParentPath: firstNode.parent.getInternalPath(), oldIndex: oldNextNode.getIndex(), newIndex: firstNode.getIndex(), oldIndexRedo: oldIndexRedo, newIndexRedo: newIndexRedo, oldParentPathRedo: oldParentPathRedo, newParentPathRedo: newParentPathRedo, oldSelection: oldSelection, newSelection: this.editor.getDomSelection() }); } handled = true; } } else if (keynum == 39) { // Arrow Right if (altKey && !shiftKey) { // Alt + Arrow Right // move to right element var nextElement = this._nextElement(target); if (nextElement) { this.focus(this._getElementName(nextElement)); } handled = true; } else if (altKey && shiftKey && editable) { // Alt + Shift + Arrow Right dom = firstNode.getDom(); var prevDom = dom.previousSibling; if (prevDom) { prevNode = Node.getNodeFromTarget(prevDom); if (prevNode && prevNode.parent && !prevNode.isVisible()) { oldSelection = this.editor.getDomSelection(); oldParent = firstNode.parent; oldNextNode = oldParent.childs[lastNode.getIndex() + 1] || oldParent.append; oldIndexRedo = firstNode.getIndex(); newIndexRedo = prevNode.getIndex(); oldParentPathRedo = oldParent.getInternalPath(); newParentPathRedo = prevNode.parent.getInternalPath(); selectedNodes.forEach(function (node) { prevNode.parent.moveBefore(node, prevNode); }); this.focus(Node.focusElement || this._getElementName(target)); this.editor._onAction('moveNodes', { count: selectedNodes.length, fieldNames: selectedNodes.map(getField), oldParentPath: oldParent.getInternalPath(), newParentPath: firstNode.parent.getInternalPath(), oldIndex: oldNextNode.getIndex(), newIndex: firstNode.getIndex(), oldIndexRedo: oldIndexRedo, newIndexRedo: newIndexRedo, oldParentPathRedo: oldParentPathRedo, newParentPathRedo: newParentPathRedo, oldSelection: oldSelection, newSelection: this.editor.getDomSelection() }); } } } } else if (keynum == 40) { // Arrow Down if (altKey && !shiftKey) { // Alt + Arrow Down // find the next node nextNode = this._nextNode(); if (nextNode) { this.editor.deselect(true); nextNode.focus(Node.focusElement || this._getElementName(target)); } handled = true; } else if (!altKey && ctrlKey && shiftKey && editable) { // Ctrl + Shift + Arrow Down // select multiple nodes nextNode = this._nextNode(); if (nextNode) { multiselection = this.editor.multiselection; multiselection.start = multiselection.start || this; multiselection.end = nextNode; nodes = this.editor._findTopLevelNodes(multiselection.start, multiselection.end); this.editor.select(nodes); nextNode.focus('field'); // select field as we know this always exists } handled = true; } else if (altKey && shiftKey && editable) { // Alt + Shift + Arrow Down // find the 2nd next node and move before that one if (lastNode.expanded) { nextNode = lastNode.append ? lastNode.append._nextNode() : undefined; } else { nextNode = lastNode._nextNode(); } // when the next node is not visible, we've reached the "showMore" buttons if (nextNode && !nextNode.isVisible()) { nextNode = nextNode.parent.showMore; } if (nextNode && nextNode instanceof AppendNode) { nextNode = lastNode; } var nextNode2 = nextNode && (nextNode._nextNode() || nextNode.parent.append); if (nextNode2 && nextNode2.parent) { oldSelection = this.editor.getDomSelection(); oldParent = firstNode.parent; oldNextNode = oldParent.childs[lastNode.getIndex() + 1] || oldParent.append; oldIndexRedo = firstNode.getIndex(); newIndexRedo = nextNode2.getIndex(); oldParentPathRedo = oldParent.getInternalPath(); newParentPathRedo = nextNode2.parent.getInternalPath(); selectedNodes.forEach(function (node) { nextNode2.parent.moveBefore(node, nextNode2); }); this.focus(Node.focusElement || this._getElementName(target)); this.editor._onAction('moveNodes', { count: selectedNodes.length, fieldNames: selectedNodes.map(getField), oldParentPath: oldParent.getInternalPath(), newParentPath: firstNode.parent.getInternalPath(), oldParentPathRedo: oldParentPathRedo, newParentPathRedo: newParentPathRedo, oldIndexRedo: oldIndexRedo, newIndexRedo: newIndexRedo, oldIndex: oldNextNode.getIndex(), newIndex: firstNode.getIndex(), oldSelection: oldSelection, newSelection: this.editor.getDomSelection() }); } handled = true; } } if (handled) { event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); } }; /** * Handle the expand event, when clicked on the expand button * @param {boolean} recurse If true, child nodes will be expanded too * @private */ Node.prototype._onExpand = function (recurse) { if (recurse) { // Take the table offline var table = this.dom.tr.parentNode; // TODO: not nice to access the main table like this var frame = table.parentNode; var scrollTop = frame.scrollTop; frame.removeChild(table); } if (this.expanded) { this.collapse(recurse); } else { this.expand(recurse); } if (recurse) { // Put the table online again frame.appendChild(table); frame.scrollTop = scrollTop; } }; /** * Open a color picker to select a new color * @private */ Node.prototype._showColorPicker = function () { if (typeof this.editor.options.onColorPicker === 'function' && this.dom.color) { var node = this; // force deleting current color picker (if any) node._deleteDomColor(); node.updateDom(); var colorAnchor = createAbsoluteAnchor(this.dom.color, this.editor.frame); this.editor.options.onColorPicker(colorAnchor, this.value, function onChange(value) { colorAnchor.destroy(); if (typeof value === 'string' && value !== node.value) { // force recreating the color block, to cleanup any attached color picker node._deleteDomColor(); node.value = value; node.updateDom(); node._onChangeValue(); } }); } } /** * Remove nodes * @param {Node[] | Node} nodes */ Node.onRemove = function(nodes) { if (!Array.isArray(nodes)) { return Node.onRemove([nodes]); } if (nodes && nodes.length > 0) { var firstNode = nodes[0]; var parent = firstNode.parent; var editor = firstNode.editor; var firstIndex = firstNode.getIndex(); editor.highlighter.unhighlight(); // adjust the focus var oldSelection = editor.getDomSelection(); Node.blurNodes(nodes); var newSelection = editor.getDomSelection(); // store the paths before removing them (needed for history) var paths = nodes.map(getInternalPath); // remove the nodes nodes.forEach(function (node) { node.parent._remove(node); }); // store history action editor._onAction('removeNodes', { nodes: nodes, paths: paths, parentPath: parent.getInternalPath(), index: firstIndex, oldSelection: oldSelection, newSelection: newSelection }); } }; /** * Duplicate nodes * duplicated nodes will be added right after the original nodes * @param {Node[] | Node} nodes */ Node.onDuplicate = function(nodes) { if (!Array.isArray(nodes)) { return Node.onDuplicate([nodes]); } if (nodes && nodes.length > 0) { var lastNode = nodes[nodes.length - 1]; var parent = lastNode.parent; var editor = lastNode.editor; editor.deselect(editor.multiselection.nodes); // duplicate the nodes var oldSelection = editor.getDomSelection(); var afterNode = lastNode; var clones = nodes.map(function (node) { var clone = node.clone(); parent.insertAfter(clone, afterNode); afterNode = clone; return clone; }); // set selection to the duplicated nodes if (nodes.length === 1) { clones[0].focus(); } else { editor.select(clones); } var newSelection = editor.getDomSelection(); editor._onAction('duplicateNodes', { paths: nodes.map(getInternalPath), clonePaths: clones.map(getInternalPath), afterPath: lastNode.getInternalPath(), parentPath: parent.getInternalPath(), oldSelection: oldSelection, newSelection: newSelection }); } }; /** * Handle insert before event * @param {String} [field] * @param {*} [value] * @param {String} [type] Can be 'auto', 'array', 'object', or 'string' * @private */ Node.prototype._onInsertBefore = function (field, value, type) { var oldSelection = this.editor.getDomSelection(); var newNode = new Node(this.editor, { field: (field != undefined) ? field : '', value: (value != undefined) ? value : '', type: type }); newNode.expand(true); var beforePath = this.getInternalPath(); this.parent.insertBefore(newNode, this); this.editor.highlighter.unhighlight(); newNode.focus('field'); var newSelection = this.editor.getDomSelection(); this.editor._onAction('insertBeforeNodes', { nodes: [newNode], paths: [newNode.getInternalPath()], beforePath: beforePath, parentPath: this.parent.getInternalPath(), oldSelection: oldSelection, newSelection: newSelection }); }; /** * Handle insert after event * @param {String} [field] * @param {*} [value] * @param {String} [type] Can be 'auto', 'array', 'object', or 'string' * @private */ Node.prototype._onInsertAfter = function (field, value, type) { var oldSelection = this.editor.getDomSelection(); var newNode = new Node(this.editor, { field: (field != undefined) ? field : '', value: (value != undefined) ? value : '', type: type }); newNode.expand(true); this.parent.insertAfter(newNode, this); this.editor.highlighter.unhighlight(); newNode.focus('field'); var newSelection = this.editor.getDomSelection(); this.editor._onAction('insertAfterNodes', { nodes: [newNode], paths: [newNode.getInternalPath()], afterPath: this.getInternalPath(), parentPath: this.parent.getInternalPath(), oldSelection: oldSelection, newSelection: newSelection }); }; /** * Handle append event * @param {String} [field] * @param {*} [value] * @param {String} [type] Can be 'auto', 'array', 'object', or 'string' * @private */ Node.prototype._onAppend = function (field, value, type) { var oldSelection = this.editor.getDomSelection(); var newNode = new Node(this.editor, { field: (field != undefined) ? field : '', value: (value != undefined) ? value : '', type: type }); newNode.expand(true); this.parent.appendChild(newNode); this.editor.highlighter.unhighlight(); newNode.focus('field'); var newSelection = this.editor.getDomSelection(); this.editor._onAction('appendNodes', { nodes: [newNode], paths: [newNode.getInternalPath()], parentPath: this.parent.getInternalPath(), oldSelection: oldSelection, newSelection: newSelection }); }; /** * Change the type of the node's value * @param {String} newType * @private */ Node.prototype._onChangeType = function (newType) { var oldType = this.type; if (newType != oldType) { var oldSelection = this.editor.getDomSelection(); this.changeType(newType); var newSelection = this.editor.getDomSelection(); this.editor._onAction('changeType', { path: this.getInternalPath(), oldType: oldType, newType: newType, oldSelection: oldSelection, newSelection: newSelection }); } }; /** * Sort the child's of the node. Only applicable when the node has type 'object' * or 'array'. * @param {String[]} path Path of the child value to be compared * @param {String} direction Sorting direction. Available values: "asc", "desc" * @private */ Node.prototype.sort = function (path, direction) { if (!this._hasChilds()) { return; } this.hideChilds(); // sorting is faster when the childs are not attached to the dom // copy the childs array (the old one will be kept for an undo action var oldChilds = this.childs; this.childs = this.childs.concat(); // sort the childs array var order = (direction === 'desc') ? -1 : 1; if (this.type === 'object') { this.childs.sort(function (a, b) { return order * naturalSort(a.field, b.field); }); } else { // this.type === 'array' this.childs.sort(function (a, b) { var nodeA = a.getNestedChild(path); var nodeB = b.getNestedChild(path); if (!nodeA) { return order; } if (!nodeB) { return -order; } var valueA = nodeA.value; var valueB = nodeB.value; if (typeof valueA !== 'string' && typeof valueB !== 'string') { // both values are a number, boolean, or null -> use simple, fast sorting return valueA > valueB ? order : valueA < valueB ? -order : 0; } return order * naturalSort(valueA, valueB); }); } // update the index numbering this._updateDomIndexes(); this.editor._onAction('sort', { path: this.getInternalPath(), oldChilds: oldChilds, newChilds: this.childs }); this.showChilds(); }; /** * Replace the value of the node, keep it's state * @param {*} newValue */ Node.prototype.update = function (newValue) { var oldValue = this.getInternalValue(); this.setValue(newValue); this.editor._onAction('transform', { path: this.getInternalPath(), oldValue: oldValue, newValue: this.getInternalValue() }); }; /** * Remove this node from the DOM * @returns {{table: Element, nextTr?: Element}} * Returns the DOM elements that which be used to attach the node * to the DOM again, see _attachToDom. * @private */ Node.prototype._detachFromDom = function () { var table = this.dom.tr ? this.dom.tr.parentNode : undefined; var lastTr; if (this.expanded) { lastTr = this.getAppendDom(); } else { lastTr = this.getDom(); } var nextTr = (lastTr && lastTr.parentNode) ? lastTr.nextSibling : undefined; this.hide({ resetVisibleChilds: false }); return { table: table, nextTr: nextTr } }; /** * Attach this node to the DOM again * @param {{table: Element, nextTr?: Element}} domAnchor * The DOM elements returned by _detachFromDom. * @private */ Node.prototype._attachToDom = function (domAnchor) { if (domAnchor.table) { if (domAnchor.nextTr) { domAnchor.table.insertBefore(this.getDom(), domAnchor.nextTr); } else { domAnchor.table.appendChild(this.getDom()); } } if (this.expanded) { this.showChilds(); } }; /** * Transform the node given a JMESPath query. * @param {String} query JMESPath query to apply * @private */ Node.prototype.transform = function (query) { if (!this._hasChilds()) { return; } this.hideChilds(); // sorting is faster when the childs are not attached to the dom try { // apply the JMESPath query var oldInternalValue = this.getInternalValue(); var oldValue = this.getValue(); var newValue = jmespath.search(oldValue, query); this.setValue(newValue); var newInternalValue = this.getInternalValue(); this.editor._onAction('transform', { path: this.getInternalPath(), oldValue: oldInternalValue, newValue: newInternalValue }); this.showChilds(); } catch (err) { this.showChilds(); this.editor._onError(err); } }; /** * Get a nested child given a path with properties * @param {String[]} path * @returns {Node} */ Node.prototype.getNestedChild = function (path) { var i = 0; var child = this; while (child && i < path.length) { child = child.findChildByProperty(path[i]); i++; } return child; }; /** * Find a child by property name * @param {string} prop * @return {Node | undefined} Returns the child node when found, or undefined otherwise */ Node.prototype.findChildByProperty = function(prop) { if (this.type !== 'object') { return undefined; } return this.childs.find(function (child) { return child.field === prop; }); }; /** * Get the child paths of this node * @param {boolean} [includeObjects=false] If true, object and array paths are returned as well * @return {string[]} */ Node.prototype.getChildPaths = function (includeObjects) { var pathsMap = {}; this._getChildPaths(pathsMap, '', includeObjects); if (this.type === 'array') { this.childs.forEach(function (child) { child._getChildPaths(pathsMap, '', includeObjects); }); } return Object.keys(pathsMap).sort(); }; /** * Get the child paths of this node * @param {Object} pathsMap * @param {boolean} [includeObjects=false] If true, object and array paths are returned as well * @param {string} rootPath */ Node.prototype._getChildPaths = function (pathsMap, rootPath, includeObjects) { if (this.type === 'auto' || this.type === 'string' || includeObjects) { pathsMap[rootPath || '.'] = true; } if (this.type === 'object') { this.childs.forEach(function (child) { child._getChildPaths(pathsMap, rootPath + '.' + child.field, includeObjects); }); } }; /** * Create a table row with an append button. * @return {HTMLElement | undefined} tr with the AppendNode contents */ Node.prototype.getAppendDom = function () { if (!this.append) { this.append = new AppendNode(this.editor); this.append.setParent(this); } return this.append.getDom(); }; /** * Create a table row with an showMore button and text * @return {HTMLElement | undefined} tr with the AppendNode contents */ Node.prototype.getShowMoreDom = function () { if (!this.showMore) { this.showMore = new ShowMoreNode(this.editor, this); } return this.showMore.getDom(); }; /** * Find the node from an event target * @param {HTMLElement} target * @return {Node | undefined} node or undefined when not found * @static */ Node.getNodeFromTarget = function (target) { while (target) { if (target.node) { return target.node; } target = target.parentNode; } return undefined; }; /** * Test whether target is a child of the color DOM of a node * @param {HTMLElement} target * @returns {boolean} */ Node.targetIsColorPicker = function (target) { var node = Node.getNodeFromTarget(target); if (node) { var parent = target && target.parentNode; while (parent) { if (parent === node.dom.color) { return true; } parent = parent.parentNode; } } return false; } /** * Remove the focus of given nodes, and move the focus to the (a) node before, * (b) the node after, or (c) the parent node. * @param {Array. | Node} nodes */ Node.blurNodes = function (nodes) { if (!Array.isArray(nodes)) { Node.blurNodes([nodes]); return; } var firstNode = nodes[0]; var parent = firstNode.parent; var firstIndex = firstNode.getIndex(); if (parent.childs[firstIndex + nodes.length]) { parent.childs[firstIndex + nodes.length].focus(); } else if (parent.childs[firstIndex - 1]) { parent.childs[firstIndex - 1].focus(); } else { parent.focus(); } }; /** * Get the next sibling of current node * @return {Node} nextSibling */ Node.prototype.nextSibling = function () { var index = this.parent.childs.indexOf(this); return this.parent.childs[index + 1] || this.parent.append; }; /** * Get the previously rendered node * @return {Node | null} previousNode */ Node.prototype._previousNode = function () { var prevNode = null; var dom = this.getDom(); if (dom && dom.parentNode) { // find the previous field var prevDom = dom; do { prevDom = prevDom.previousSibling; prevNode = Node.getNodeFromTarget(prevDom); } while (prevDom && prevNode && (prevNode instanceof AppendNode && !prevNode.isVisible())); } return prevNode; }; /** * Get the next rendered node * @return {Node | null} nextNode * @private */ Node.prototype._nextNode = function () { var nextNode = null; var dom = this.getDom(); if (dom && dom.parentNode) { // find the previous field var nextDom = dom; do { nextDom = nextDom.nextSibling; nextNode = Node.getNodeFromTarget(nextDom); } while (nextDom && nextNode && (nextNode instanceof AppendNode && !nextNode.isVisible())); } return nextNode; }; /** * Get the first rendered node * @return {Node | null} firstNode * @private */ Node.prototype._firstNode = function () { var firstNode = null; var dom = this.getDom(); if (dom && dom.parentNode) { var firstDom = dom.parentNode.firstChild; firstNode = Node.getNodeFromTarget(firstDom); } return firstNode; }; /** * Get the last rendered node * @return {Node | null} lastNode * @private */ Node.prototype._lastNode = function () { var lastNode = null; var dom = this.getDom(); if (dom && dom.parentNode) { var lastDom = dom.parentNode.lastChild; lastNode = Node.getNodeFromTarget(lastDom); while (lastDom && lastNode && !lastNode.isVisible()) { lastDom = lastDom.previousSibling; lastNode = Node.getNodeFromTarget(lastDom); } } return lastNode; }; /** * Get the next element which can have focus. * @param {Element} elem * @return {Element | null} nextElem * @private */ Node.prototype._previousElement = function (elem) { var dom = this.dom; // noinspection FallthroughInSwitchStatementJS switch (elem) { case dom.value: if (this.fieldEditable) { return dom.field; } // intentional fall through case dom.field: if (this._hasChilds()) { return dom.expand; } // intentional fall through case dom.expand: return dom.menu; case dom.menu: if (dom.drag) { return dom.drag; } // intentional fall through default: return null; } }; /** * Get the next element which can have focus. * @param {Element} elem * @return {Element | null} nextElem * @private */ Node.prototype._nextElement = function (elem) { var dom = this.dom; // noinspection FallthroughInSwitchStatementJS switch (elem) { case dom.drag: return dom.menu; case dom.menu: if (this._hasChilds()) { return dom.expand; } // intentional fall through case dom.expand: if (this.fieldEditable) { return dom.field; } // intentional fall through case dom.field: if (!this._hasChilds()) { return dom.value; } default: return null; } }; /** * Get the dom name of given element. returns null if not found. * For example when element == dom.field, "field" is returned. * @param {Element} element * @return {String | null} elementName Available elements with name: 'drag', * 'menu', 'expand', 'field', 'value' * @private */ Node.prototype._getElementName = function (element) { var dom = this.dom; for (var name in dom) { if (dom.hasOwnProperty(name)) { if (dom[name] == element) { return name; } } } return null; }; /** * Test if this node has childs. This is the case when the node is an object * or array. * @return {boolean} hasChilds * @private */ Node.prototype._hasChilds = function () { return this.type == 'array' || this.type == 'object'; }; // titles with explanation for the different types Node.TYPE_TITLES = { 'auto': translate('autoType'), 'object': translate('objectType'), 'array': translate('arrayType'), 'string': translate('stringType') }; Node.prototype.addTemplates = function (menu, append) { var node = this; var templates = node.editor.options.templates; if (templates == null) return; if (templates.length) { // create a separator menu.push({ 'type': 'separator' }); } var appendData = function (name, data) { node._onAppend(name, data); }; var insertData = function (name, data) { node._onInsertBefore(name, data); }; templates.forEach(function (template) { menu.push({ text: template.text, className: (template.className || 'jsoneditor-type-object'), title: template.title, click: (append ? appendData.bind(this, template.field, template.value) : insertData.bind(this, template.field, template.value)) }); }); }; /** * Show a contextmenu for this node * @param {HTMLElement} anchor Anchor element to attach the context menu to * as sibling. * @param {function} [onClose] Callback method called when the context menu * is being closed. */ Node.prototype.showContextMenu = function (anchor, onClose) { var node = this; var titles = Node.TYPE_TITLES; var items = []; if (this.editable.value) { items.push({ text: translate('type'), title: translate('typeTitle'), className: 'jsoneditor-type-' + this.type, submenu: [ { text: translate('auto'), className: 'jsoneditor-type-auto' + (this.type == 'auto' ? ' jsoneditor-selected' : ''), title: titles.auto, click: function () { node._onChangeType('auto'); } }, { text: translate('array'), className: 'jsoneditor-type-array' + (this.type == 'array' ? ' jsoneditor-selected' : ''), title: titles.array, click: function () { node._onChangeType('array'); } }, { text: translate('object'), className: 'jsoneditor-type-object' + (this.type == 'object' ? ' jsoneditor-selected' : ''), title: titles.object, click: function () { node._onChangeType('object'); } }, { text: translate('string'), className: 'jsoneditor-type-string' + (this.type == 'string' ? ' jsoneditor-selected' : ''), title: titles.string, click: function () { node._onChangeType('string'); } } ] }); } if (this._hasChilds()) { items.push({ text: translate('sort'), title: translate('sortTitle', {type: this.type}), className: 'jsoneditor-sort-asc', click: function () { var anchor = node.editor.options.modalAnchor || DEFAULT_MODAL_ANCHOR; showSortModal(node, anchor) } }); items.push({ text: translate('transform'), title: translate('transformTitle', {type: this.type}), className: 'jsoneditor-transform', click: function () { var anchor = node.editor.options.modalAnchor || DEFAULT_MODAL_ANCHOR; showTransformModal(node, anchor) } }); } if (this.parent && this.parent._hasChilds()) { if (items.length) { // create a separator items.push({ 'type': 'separator' }); } // create append button (for last child node only) var childs = node.parent.childs; if (node == childs[childs.length - 1]) { var appendSubmenu = [ { text: translate('auto'), className: 'jsoneditor-type-auto', title: titles.auto, click: function () { node._onAppend('', '', 'auto'); } }, { text: translate('array'), className: 'jsoneditor-type-array', title: titles.array, click: function () { node._onAppend('', []); } }, { text: translate('object'), className: 'jsoneditor-type-object', title: titles.object, click: function () { node._onAppend('', {}); } }, { text: translate('string'), className: 'jsoneditor-type-string', title: titles.string, click: function () { node._onAppend('', '', 'string'); } } ]; node.addTemplates(appendSubmenu, true); items.push({ text: translate('appendText'), title: translate('appendTitle'), submenuTitle: translate('appendSubmenuTitle'), className: 'jsoneditor-append', click: function () { node._onAppend('', '', 'auto'); }, submenu: appendSubmenu }); } // create insert button var insertSubmenu = [ { text: translate('auto'), className: 'jsoneditor-type-auto', title: titles.auto, click: function () { node._onInsertBefore('', '', 'auto'); } }, { text: translate('array'), className: 'jsoneditor-type-array', title: titles.array, click: function () { node._onInsertBefore('', []); } }, { text: translate('object'), className: 'jsoneditor-type-object', title: titles.object, click: function () { node._onInsertBefore('', {}); } }, { text: translate('string'), className: 'jsoneditor-type-string', title: titles.string, click: function () { node._onInsertBefore('', '', 'string'); } } ]; node.addTemplates(insertSubmenu, false); items.push({ text: translate('insert'), title: translate('insertTitle'), submenuTitle: translate('insertSub'), className: 'jsoneditor-insert', click: function () { node._onInsertBefore('', '', 'auto'); }, submenu: insertSubmenu }); if (this.editable.field) { // create duplicate button items.push({ text: translate('duplicateText'), title: translate('duplicateField'), className: 'jsoneditor-duplicate', click: function () { Node.onDuplicate(node); } }); // create remove button items.push({ text: translate('removeText'), title: translate('removeField'), className: 'jsoneditor-remove', click: function () { Node.onRemove(node); } }); } } var menu = new ContextMenu(items, {close: onClose}); menu.show(anchor, this.editor.frame); }; /** * get the type of a value * @param {*} value * @return {String} type Can be 'object', 'array', 'string', 'auto' * @private */ Node.prototype._getType = function(value) { if (value instanceof Array) { return 'array'; } if (value instanceof Object) { return 'object'; } if (typeof(value) == 'string' && typeof(this._stringCast(value)) != 'string') { return 'string'; } return 'auto'; }; /** * cast contents of a string to the correct type. This can be a string, * a number, a boolean, etc * @param {String} str * @return {*} castedStr * @private */ Node.prototype._stringCast = function(str) { var lower = str.toLowerCase(), num = Number(str), // will nicely fail with '123ab' numFloat = parseFloat(str); // will nicely fail with ' ' if (str == '') { return ''; } else if (lower == 'null') { return null; } else if (lower == 'true') { return true; } else if (lower == 'false') { return false; } else if (!isNaN(num) && !isNaN(numFloat)) { return num; } else { return str; } }; /** * escape a text, such that it can be displayed safely in an HTML element * @param {String} text * @return {String} escapedText * @private */ Node.prototype._escapeHTML = function (text) { if (typeof text !== 'string') { return String(text); } else { var htmlEscaped = String(text) .replace(/&/g, '&') // must be replaced first! .replace(//g, '>') .replace(/ /g, '  ') // replace double space with an nbsp and space .replace(/^ /, ' ') // space at start .replace(/ $/, ' '); // space at end var json = JSON.stringify(htmlEscaped); var html = json.substring(1, json.length - 1); if (this.editor.options.escapeUnicode === true) { html = util.escapeUnicodeChars(html); } return html; } }; /** * unescape a string. * @param {String} escapedText * @return {String} text * @private */ Node.prototype._unescapeHTML = function (escapedText) { var json = '"' + this._escapeJSON(escapedText) + '"'; var htmlEscaped = util.parse(json); return htmlEscaped .replace(/</g, '<') .replace(/>/g, '>') .replace(/ |\u00A0/g, ' ') .replace(/&/g, '&'); // must be replaced last }; /** * escape a text to make it a valid JSON string. The method will: * - replace unescaped double quotes with '\"' * - replace unescaped backslash with '\\' * - replace returns with '\n' * @param {String} text * @return {String} escapedText * @private */ Node.prototype._escapeJSON = function (text) { // TODO: replace with some smart regex (only when a new solution is faster!) var escaped = ''; var i = 0; while (i < text.length) { var c = text.charAt(i); if (c == '\n') { escaped += '\\n'; } else if (c == '\\') { escaped += c; i++; c = text.charAt(i); if (c === '' || '"\\/bfnrtu'.indexOf(c) == -1) { escaped += '\\'; // no valid escape character } escaped += c; } else if (c == '"') { escaped += '\\"'; } else { escaped += c; } i++; } return escaped; }; // helper function to get the internal path of a node function getInternalPath (node) { return node.getInternalPath(); } // helper function to get the field of a node function getField (node) { return node.getField(); } // TODO: find a nicer solution to resolve this circular dependency between Node and AppendNode // idea: introduce properties .isAppendNode and .isNode and use that instead of instanceof AppendNode checks var AppendNode = appendNodeFactory(Node); var ShowMoreNode = showMoreNodeFactory(Node); module.exports = Node; /***/ }, /* 18 */ /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { (function(exports) { "use strict"; function isArray(obj) { if (obj !== null) { return Object.prototype.toString.call(obj) === "[object Array]"; } else { return false; } } function isObject(obj) { if (obj !== null) { return Object.prototype.toString.call(obj) === "[object Object]"; } else { return false; } } function strictDeepEqual(first, second) { // Check the scalar case first. if (first === second) { return true; } // Check if they are the same type. var firstType = Object.prototype.toString.call(first); if (firstType !== Object.prototype.toString.call(second)) { return false; } // We know that first and second have the same type so we can just check the // first type from now on. if (isArray(first) === true) { // Short circuit if they're not the same length; if (first.length !== second.length) { return false; } for (var i = 0; i < first.length; i++) { if (strictDeepEqual(first[i], second[i]) === false) { return false; } } return true; } if (isObject(first) === true) { // An object is equal if it has the same key/value pairs. var keysSeen = {}; for (var key in first) { if (hasOwnProperty.call(first, key)) { if (strictDeepEqual(first[key], second[key]) === false) { return false; } keysSeen[key] = true; } } // Now check that there aren't any keys in second that weren't // in first. for (var key2 in second) { if (hasOwnProperty.call(second, key2)) { if (keysSeen[key2] !== true) { return false; } } } return true; } return false; } function isFalse(obj) { // From the spec: // A false value corresponds to the following values: // Empty list // Empty object // Empty string // False boolean // null value // First check the scalar values. if (obj === "" || obj === false || obj === null) { return true; } else if (isArray(obj) && obj.length === 0) { // Check for an empty array. return true; } else if (isObject(obj)) { // Check for an empty object. for (var key in obj) { // If there are any keys, then // the object is not empty so the object // is not false. if (obj.hasOwnProperty(key)) { return false; } } return true; } else { return false; } } function objValues(obj) { var keys = Object.keys(obj); var values = []; for (var i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) { values.push(obj[keys[i]]); } return values; } function merge(a, b) { var merged = {}; for (var key in a) { merged[key] = a[key]; } for (var key2 in b) { merged[key2] = b[key2]; } return merged; } var trimLeft; if (typeof String.prototype.trimLeft === "function") { trimLeft = function(str) { return str.trimLeft(); }; } else { trimLeft = function(str) { return str.match(/^\s*(.*)/)[1]; }; } // Type constants used to define functions. var TYPE_NUMBER = 0; var TYPE_ANY = 1; var TYPE_STRING = 2; var TYPE_ARRAY = 3; var TYPE_OBJECT = 4; var TYPE_BOOLEAN = 5; var TYPE_EXPREF = 6; var TYPE_NULL = 7; var TYPE_ARRAY_NUMBER = 8; var TYPE_ARRAY_STRING = 9; var TOK_EOF = "EOF"; var TOK_UNQUOTEDIDENTIFIER = "UnquotedIdentifier"; var TOK_QUOTEDIDENTIFIER = "QuotedIdentifier"; var TOK_RBRACKET = "Rbracket"; var TOK_RPAREN = "Rparen"; var TOK_COMMA = "Comma"; var TOK_COLON = "Colon"; var TOK_RBRACE = "Rbrace"; var TOK_NUMBER = "Number"; var TOK_CURRENT = "Current"; var TOK_EXPREF = "Expref"; var TOK_PIPE = "Pipe"; var TOK_OR = "Or"; var TOK_AND = "And"; var TOK_EQ = "EQ"; var TOK_GT = "GT"; var TOK_LT = "LT"; var TOK_GTE = "GTE"; var TOK_LTE = "LTE"; var TOK_NE = "NE"; var TOK_FLATTEN = "Flatten"; var TOK_STAR = "Star"; var TOK_FILTER = "Filter"; var TOK_DOT = "Dot"; var TOK_NOT = "Not"; var TOK_LBRACE = "Lbrace"; var TOK_LBRACKET = "Lbracket"; var TOK_LPAREN= "Lparen"; var TOK_LITERAL= "Literal"; // The "&", "[", "<", ">" tokens // are not in basicToken because // there are two token variants // ("&&", "[?", "<=", ">="). This is specially handled // below. var basicTokens = { ".": TOK_DOT, "*": TOK_STAR, ",": TOK_COMMA, ":": TOK_COLON, "{": TOK_LBRACE, "}": TOK_RBRACE, "]": TOK_RBRACKET, "(": TOK_LPAREN, ")": TOK_RPAREN, "@": TOK_CURRENT }; var operatorStartToken = { "<": true, ">": true, "=": true, "!": true }; var skipChars = { " ": true, "\t": true, "\n": true }; function isAlpha(ch) { return (ch >= "a" && ch <= "z") || (ch >= "A" && ch <= "Z") || ch === "_"; } function isNum(ch) { return (ch >= "0" && ch <= "9") || ch === "-"; } function isAlphaNum(ch) { return (ch >= "a" && ch <= "z") || (ch >= "A" && ch <= "Z") || (ch >= "0" && ch <= "9") || ch === "_"; } function Lexer() { } Lexer.prototype = { tokenize: function(stream) { var tokens = []; this._current = 0; var start; var identifier; var token; while (this._current < stream.length) { if (isAlpha(stream[this._current])) { start = this._current; identifier = this._consumeUnquotedIdentifier(stream); tokens.push({type: TOK_UNQUOTEDIDENTIFIER, value: identifier, start: start}); } else if (basicTokens[stream[this._current]] !== undefined) { tokens.push({type: basicTokens[stream[this._current]], value: stream[this._current], start: this._current}); this._current++; } else if (isNum(stream[this._current])) { token = this._consumeNumber(stream); tokens.push(token); } else if (stream[this._current] === "[") { // No need to increment this._current. This happens // in _consumeLBracket token = this._consumeLBracket(stream); tokens.push(token); } else if (stream[this._current] === "\"") { start = this._current; identifier = this._consumeQuotedIdentifier(stream); tokens.push({type: TOK_QUOTEDIDENTIFIER, value: identifier, start: start}); } else if (stream[this._current] === "'") { start = this._current; identifier = this._consumeRawStringLiteral(stream); tokens.push({type: TOK_LITERAL, value: identifier, start: start}); } else if (stream[this._current] === "`") { start = this._current; var literal = this._consumeLiteral(stream); tokens.push({type: TOK_LITERAL, value: literal, start: start}); } else if (operatorStartToken[stream[this._current]] !== undefined) { tokens.push(this._consumeOperator(stream)); } else if (skipChars[stream[this._current]] !== undefined) { // Ignore whitespace. this._current++; } else if (stream[this._current] === "&") { start = this._current; this._current++; if (stream[this._current] === "&") { this._current++; tokens.push({type: TOK_AND, value: "&&", start: start}); } else { tokens.push({type: TOK_EXPREF, value: "&", start: start}); } } else if (stream[this._current] === "|") { start = this._current; this._current++; if (stream[this._current] === "|") { this._current++; tokens.push({type: TOK_OR, value: "||", start: start}); } else { tokens.push({type: TOK_PIPE, value: "|", start: start}); } } else { var error = new Error("Unknown character:" + stream[this._current]); error.name = "LexerError"; throw error; } } return tokens; }, _consumeUnquotedIdentifier: function(stream) { var start = this._current; this._current++; while (this._current < stream.length && isAlphaNum(stream[this._current])) { this._current++; } return stream.slice(start, this._current); }, _consumeQuotedIdentifier: function(stream) { var start = this._current; this._current++; var maxLength = stream.length; while (stream[this._current] !== "\"" && this._current < maxLength) { // You can escape a double quote and you can escape an escape. var current = this._current; if (stream[current] === "\\" && (stream[current + 1] === "\\" || stream[current + 1] === "\"")) { current += 2; } else { current++; } this._current = current; } this._current++; return JSON.parse(stream.slice(start, this._current)); }, _consumeRawStringLiteral: function(stream) { var start = this._current; this._current++; var maxLength = stream.length; while (stream[this._current] !== "'" && this._current < maxLength) { // You can escape a single quote and you can escape an escape. var current = this._current; if (stream[current] === "\\" && (stream[current + 1] === "\\" || stream[current + 1] === "'")) { current += 2; } else { current++; } this._current = current; } this._current++; var literal = stream.slice(start + 1, this._current - 1); return literal.replace("\\'", "'"); }, _consumeNumber: function(stream) { var start = this._current; this._current++; var maxLength = stream.length; while (isNum(stream[this._current]) && this._current < maxLength) { this._current++; } var value = parseInt(stream.slice(start, this._current)); return {type: TOK_NUMBER, value: value, start: start}; }, _consumeLBracket: function(stream) { var start = this._current; this._current++; if (stream[this._current] === "?") { this._current++; return {type: TOK_FILTER, value: "[?", start: start}; } else if (stream[this._current] === "]") { this._current++; return {type: TOK_FLATTEN, value: "[]", start: start}; } else { return {type: TOK_LBRACKET, value: "[", start: start}; } }, _consumeOperator: function(stream) { var start = this._current; var startingChar = stream[start]; this._current++; if (startingChar === "!") { if (stream[this._current] === "=") { this._current++; return {type: TOK_NE, value: "!=", start: start}; } else { return {type: TOK_NOT, value: "!", start: start}; } } else if (startingChar === "<") { if (stream[this._current] === "=") { this._current++; return {type: TOK_LTE, value: "<=", start: start}; } else { return {type: TOK_LT, value: "<", start: start}; } } else if (startingChar === ">") { if (stream[this._current] === "=") { this._current++; return {type: TOK_GTE, value: ">=", start: start}; } else { return {type: TOK_GT, value: ">", start: start}; } } else if (startingChar === "=") { if (stream[this._current] === "=") { this._current++; return {type: TOK_EQ, value: "==", start: start}; } } }, _consumeLiteral: function(stream) { this._current++; var start = this._current; var maxLength = stream.length; var literal; while(stream[this._current] !== "`" && this._current < maxLength) { // You can escape a literal char or you can escape the escape. var current = this._current; if (stream[current] === "\\" && (stream[current + 1] === "\\" || stream[current + 1] === "`")) { current += 2; } else { current++; } this._current = current; } var literalString = trimLeft(stream.slice(start, this._current)); literalString = literalString.replace("\\`", "`"); if (this._looksLikeJSON(literalString)) { literal = JSON.parse(literalString); } else { // Try to JSON parse it as "" literal = JSON.parse("\"" + literalString + "\""); } // +1 gets us to the ending "`", +1 to move on to the next char. this._current++; return literal; }, _looksLikeJSON: function(literalString) { var startingChars = "[{\""; var jsonLiterals = ["true", "false", "null"]; var numberLooking = "-0123456789"; if (literalString === "") { return false; } else if (startingChars.indexOf(literalString[0]) >= 0) { return true; } else if (jsonLiterals.indexOf(literalString) >= 0) { return true; } else if (numberLooking.indexOf(literalString[0]) >= 0) { try { JSON.parse(literalString); return true; } catch (ex) { return false; } } else { return false; } } }; var bindingPower = {}; bindingPower[TOK_EOF] = 0; bindingPower[TOK_UNQUOTEDIDENTIFIER] = 0; bindingPower[TOK_QUOTEDIDENTIFIER] = 0; bindingPower[TOK_RBRACKET] = 0; bindingPower[TOK_RPAREN] = 0; bindingPower[TOK_COMMA] = 0; bindingPower[TOK_RBRACE] = 0; bindingPower[TOK_NUMBER] = 0; bindingPower[TOK_CURRENT] = 0; bindingPower[TOK_EXPREF] = 0; bindingPower[TOK_PIPE] = 1; bindingPower[TOK_OR] = 2; bindingPower[TOK_AND] = 3; bindingPower[TOK_EQ] = 5; bindingPower[TOK_GT] = 5; bindingPower[TOK_LT] = 5; bindingPower[TOK_GTE] = 5; bindingPower[TOK_LTE] = 5; bindingPower[TOK_NE] = 5; bindingPower[TOK_FLATTEN] = 9; bindingPower[TOK_STAR] = 20; bindingPower[TOK_FILTER] = 21; bindingPower[TOK_DOT] = 40; bindingPower[TOK_NOT] = 45; bindingPower[TOK_LBRACE] = 50; bindingPower[TOK_LBRACKET] = 55; bindingPower[TOK_LPAREN] = 60; function Parser() { } Parser.prototype = { parse: function(expression) { this._loadTokens(expression); this.index = 0; var ast = this.expression(0); if (this._lookahead(0) !== TOK_EOF) { var t = this._lookaheadToken(0); var error = new Error( "Unexpected token type: " + t.type + ", value: " + t.value); error.name = "ParserError"; throw error; } return ast; }, _loadTokens: function(expression) { var lexer = new Lexer(); var tokens = lexer.tokenize(expression); tokens.push({type: TOK_EOF, value: "", start: expression.length}); this.tokens = tokens; }, expression: function(rbp) { var leftToken = this._lookaheadToken(0); this._advance(); var left = this.nud(leftToken); var currentToken = this._lookahead(0); while (rbp < bindingPower[currentToken]) { this._advance(); left = this.led(currentToken, left); currentToken = this._lookahead(0); } return left; }, _lookahead: function(number) { return this.tokens[this.index + number].type; }, _lookaheadToken: function(number) { return this.tokens[this.index + number]; }, _advance: function() { this.index++; }, nud: function(token) { var left; var right; var expression; switch (token.type) { case TOK_LITERAL: return {type: "Literal", value: token.value}; case TOK_UNQUOTEDIDENTIFIER: return {type: "Field", name: token.value}; case TOK_QUOTEDIDENTIFIER: var node = {type: "Field", name: token.value}; if (this._lookahead(0) === TOK_LPAREN) { throw new Error("Quoted identifier not allowed for function names."); } else { return node; } break; case TOK_NOT: right = this.expression(bindingPower.Not); return {type: "NotExpression", children: [right]}; case TOK_STAR: left = {type: "Identity"}; right = null; if (this._lookahead(0) === TOK_RBRACKET) { // This can happen in a multiselect, // [a, b, *] right = {type: "Identity"}; } else { right = this._parseProjectionRHS(bindingPower.Star); } return {type: "ValueProjection", children: [left, right]}; case TOK_FILTER: return this.led(token.type, {type: "Identity"}); case TOK_LBRACE: return this._parseMultiselectHash(); case TOK_FLATTEN: left = {type: TOK_FLATTEN, children: [{type: "Identity"}]}; right = this._parseProjectionRHS(bindingPower.Flatten); return {type: "Projection", children: [left, right]}; case TOK_LBRACKET: if (this._lookahead(0) === TOK_NUMBER || this._lookahead(0) === TOK_COLON) { right = this._parseIndexExpression(); return this._projectIfSlice({type: "Identity"}, right); } else if (this._lookahead(0) === TOK_STAR && this._lookahead(1) === TOK_RBRACKET) { this._advance(); this._advance(); right = this._parseProjectionRHS(bindingPower.Star); return {type: "Projection", children: [{type: "Identity"}, right]}; } else { return this._parseMultiselectList(); } break; case TOK_CURRENT: return {type: TOK_CURRENT}; case TOK_EXPREF: expression = this.expression(bindingPower.Expref); return {type: "ExpressionReference", children: [expression]}; case TOK_LPAREN: var args = []; while (this._lookahead(0) !== TOK_RPAREN) { if (this._lookahead(0) === TOK_CURRENT) { expression = {type: TOK_CURRENT}; this._advance(); } else { expression = this.expression(0); } args.push(expression); } this._match(TOK_RPAREN); return args[0]; default: this._errorToken(token); } }, led: function(tokenName, left) { var right; switch(tokenName) { case TOK_DOT: var rbp = bindingPower.Dot; if (this._lookahead(0) !== TOK_STAR) { right = this._parseDotRHS(rbp); return {type: "Subexpression", children: [left, right]}; } else { // Creating a projection. this._advance(); right = this._parseProjectionRHS(rbp); return {type: "ValueProjection", children: [left, right]}; } break; case TOK_PIPE: right = this.expression(bindingPower.Pipe); return {type: TOK_PIPE, children: [left, right]}; case TOK_OR: right = this.expression(bindingPower.Or); return {type: "OrExpression", children: [left, right]}; case TOK_AND: right = this.expression(bindingPower.And); return {type: "AndExpression", children: [left, right]}; case TOK_LPAREN: var name = left.name; var args = []; var expression, node; while (this._lookahead(0) !== TOK_RPAREN) { if (this._lookahead(0) === TOK_CURRENT) { expression = {type: TOK_CURRENT}; this._advance(); } else { expression = this.expression(0); } if (this._lookahead(0) === TOK_COMMA) { this._match(TOK_COMMA); } args.push(expression); } this._match(TOK_RPAREN); node = {type: "Function", name: name, children: args}; return node; case TOK_FILTER: var condition = this.expression(0); this._match(TOK_RBRACKET); if (this._lookahead(0) === TOK_FLATTEN) { right = {type: "Identity"}; } else { right = this._parseProjectionRHS(bindingPower.Filter); } return {type: "FilterProjection", children: [left, right, condition]}; case TOK_FLATTEN: var leftNode = {type: TOK_FLATTEN, children: [left]}; var rightNode = this._parseProjectionRHS(bindingPower.Flatten); return {type: "Projection", children: [leftNode, rightNode]}; case TOK_EQ: case TOK_NE: case TOK_GT: case TOK_GTE: case TOK_LT: case TOK_LTE: return this._parseComparator(left, tokenName); case TOK_LBRACKET: var token = this._lookaheadToken(0); if (token.type === TOK_NUMBER || token.type === TOK_COLON) { right = this._parseIndexExpression(); return this._projectIfSlice(left, right); } else { this._match(TOK_STAR); this._match(TOK_RBRACKET); right = this._parseProjectionRHS(bindingPower.Star); return {type: "Projection", children: [left, right]}; } break; default: this._errorToken(this._lookaheadToken(0)); } }, _match: function(tokenType) { if (this._lookahead(0) === tokenType) { this._advance(); } else { var t = this._lookaheadToken(0); var error = new Error("Expected " + tokenType + ", got: " + t.type); error.name = "ParserError"; throw error; } }, _errorToken: function(token) { var error = new Error("Invalid token (" + token.type + "): \"" + token.value + "\""); error.name = "ParserError"; throw error; }, _parseIndexExpression: function() { if (this._lookahead(0) === TOK_COLON || this._lookahead(1) === TOK_COLON) { return this._parseSliceExpression(); } else { var node = { type: "Index", value: this._lookaheadToken(0).value}; this._advance(); this._match(TOK_RBRACKET); return node; } }, _projectIfSlice: function(left, right) { var indexExpr = {type: "IndexExpression", children: [left, right]}; if (right.type === "Slice") { return { type: "Projection", children: [indexExpr, this._parseProjectionRHS(bindingPower.Star)] }; } else { return indexExpr; } }, _parseSliceExpression: function() { // [start:end:step] where each part is optional, as well as the last // colon. var parts = [null, null, null]; var index = 0; var currentToken = this._lookahead(0); while (currentToken !== TOK_RBRACKET && index < 3) { if (currentToken === TOK_COLON) { index++; this._advance(); } else if (currentToken === TOK_NUMBER) { parts[index] = this._lookaheadToken(0).value; this._advance(); } else { var t = this._lookahead(0); var error = new Error("Syntax error, unexpected token: " + t.value + "(" + t.type + ")"); error.name = "Parsererror"; throw error; } currentToken = this._lookahead(0); } this._match(TOK_RBRACKET); return { type: "Slice", children: parts }; }, _parseComparator: function(left, comparator) { var right = this.expression(bindingPower[comparator]); return {type: "Comparator", name: comparator, children: [left, right]}; }, _parseDotRHS: function(rbp) { var lookahead = this._lookahead(0); var exprTokens = [TOK_UNQUOTEDIDENTIFIER, TOK_QUOTEDIDENTIFIER, TOK_STAR]; if (exprTokens.indexOf(lookahead) >= 0) { return this.expression(rbp); } else if (lookahead === TOK_LBRACKET) { this._match(TOK_LBRACKET); return this._parseMultiselectList(); } else if (lookahead === TOK_LBRACE) { this._match(TOK_LBRACE); return this._parseMultiselectHash(); } }, _parseProjectionRHS: function(rbp) { var right; if (bindingPower[this._lookahead(0)] < 10) { right = {type: "Identity"}; } else if (this._lookahead(0) === TOK_LBRACKET) { right = this.expression(rbp); } else if (this._lookahead(0) === TOK_FILTER) { right = this.expression(rbp); } else if (this._lookahead(0) === TOK_DOT) { this._match(TOK_DOT); right = this._parseDotRHS(rbp); } else { var t = this._lookaheadToken(0); var error = new Error("Sytanx error, unexpected token: " + t.value + "(" + t.type + ")"); error.name = "ParserError"; throw error; } return right; }, _parseMultiselectList: function() { var expressions = []; while (this._lookahead(0) !== TOK_RBRACKET) { var expression = this.expression(0); expressions.push(expression); if (this._lookahead(0) === TOK_COMMA) { this._match(TOK_COMMA); if (this._lookahead(0) === TOK_RBRACKET) { throw new Error("Unexpected token Rbracket"); } } } this._match(TOK_RBRACKET); return {type: "MultiSelectList", children: expressions}; }, _parseMultiselectHash: function() { var pairs = []; var identifierTypes = [TOK_UNQUOTEDIDENTIFIER, TOK_QUOTEDIDENTIFIER]; var keyToken, keyName, value, node; for (;;) { keyToken = this._lookaheadToken(0); if (identifierTypes.indexOf(keyToken.type) < 0) { throw new Error("Expecting an identifier token, got: " + keyToken.type); } keyName = keyToken.value; this._advance(); this._match(TOK_COLON); value = this.expression(0); node = {type: "KeyValuePair", name: keyName, value: value}; pairs.push(node); if (this._lookahead(0) === TOK_COMMA) { this._match(TOK_COMMA); } else if (this._lookahead(0) === TOK_RBRACE) { this._match(TOK_RBRACE); break; } } return {type: "MultiSelectHash", children: pairs}; } }; function TreeInterpreter(runtime) { this.runtime = runtime; } TreeInterpreter.prototype = { search: function(node, value) { return this.visit(node, value); }, visit: function(node, value) { var matched, current, result, first, second, field, left, right, collected, i; switch (node.type) { case "Field": if (value === null ) { return null; } else if (isObject(value)) { field = value[node.name]; if (field === undefined) { return null; } else { return field; } } else { return null; } break; case "Subexpression": result = this.visit(node.children[0], value); for (i = 1; i < node.children.length; i++) { result = this.visit(node.children[1], result); if (result === null) { return null; } } return result; case "IndexExpression": left = this.visit(node.children[0], value); right = this.visit(node.children[1], left); return right; case "Index": if (!isArray(value)) { return null; } var index = node.value; if (index < 0) { index = value.length + index; } result = value[index]; if (result === undefined) { result = null; } return result; case "Slice": if (!isArray(value)) { return null; } var sliceParams = node.children.slice(0); var computed = this.computeSliceParams(value.length, sliceParams); var start = computed[0]; var stop = computed[1]; var step = computed[2]; result = []; if (step > 0) { for (i = start; i < stop; i += step) { result.push(value[i]); } } else { for (i = start; i > stop; i += step) { result.push(value[i]); } } return result; case "Projection": // Evaluate left child. var base = this.visit(node.children[0], value); if (!isArray(base)) { return null; } collected = []; for (i = 0; i < base.length; i++) { current = this.visit(node.children[1], base[i]); if (current !== null) { collected.push(current); } } return collected; case "ValueProjection": // Evaluate left child. base = this.visit(node.children[0], value); if (!isObject(base)) { return null; } collected = []; var values = objValues(base); for (i = 0; i < values.length; i++) { current = this.visit(node.children[1], values[i]); if (current !== null) { collected.push(current); } } return collected; case "FilterProjection": base = this.visit(node.children[0], value); if (!isArray(base)) { return null; } var filtered = []; var finalResults = []; for (i = 0; i < base.length; i++) { matched = this.visit(node.children[2], base[i]); if (!isFalse(matched)) { filtered.push(base[i]); } } for (var j = 0; j < filtered.length; j++) { current = this.visit(node.children[1], filtered[j]); if (current !== null) { finalResults.push(current); } } return finalResults; case "Comparator": first = this.visit(node.children[0], value); second = this.visit(node.children[1], value); switch(node.name) { case TOK_EQ: result = strictDeepEqual(first, second); break; case TOK_NE: result = !strictDeepEqual(first, second); break; case TOK_GT: result = first > second; break; case TOK_GTE: result = first >= second; break; case TOK_LT: result = first < second; break; case TOK_LTE: result = first <= second; break; default: throw new Error("Unknown comparator: " + node.name); } return result; case TOK_FLATTEN: var original = this.visit(node.children[0], value); if (!isArray(original)) { return null; } var merged = []; for (i = 0; i < original.length; i++) { current = original[i]; if (isArray(current)) { merged.push.apply(merged, current); } else { merged.push(current); } } return merged; case "Identity": return value; case "MultiSelectList": if (value === null) { return null; } collected = []; for (i = 0; i < node.children.length; i++) { collected.push(this.visit(node.children[i], value)); } return collected; case "MultiSelectHash": if (value === null) { return null; } collected = {}; var child; for (i = 0; i < node.children.length; i++) { child = node.children[i]; collected[child.name] = this.visit(child.value, value); } return collected; case "OrExpression": matched = this.visit(node.children[0], value); if (isFalse(matched)) { matched = this.visit(node.children[1], value); } return matched; case "AndExpression": first = this.visit(node.children[0], value); if (isFalse(first) === true) { return first; } return this.visit(node.children[1], value); case "NotExpression": first = this.visit(node.children[0], value); return isFalse(first); case "Literal": return node.value; case TOK_PIPE: left = this.visit(node.children[0], value); return this.visit(node.children[1], left); case TOK_CURRENT: return value; case "Function": var resolvedArgs = []; for (i = 0; i < node.children.length; i++) { resolvedArgs.push(this.visit(node.children[i], value)); } return this.runtime.callFunction(node.name, resolvedArgs); case "ExpressionReference": var refNode = node.children[0]; // Tag the node with a specific attribute so the type // checker verify the type. refNode.jmespathType = TOK_EXPREF; return refNode; default: throw new Error("Unknown node type: " + node.type); } }, computeSliceParams: function(arrayLength, sliceParams) { var start = sliceParams[0]; var stop = sliceParams[1]; var step = sliceParams[2]; var computed = [null, null, null]; if (step === null) { step = 1; } else if (step === 0) { var error = new Error("Invalid slice, step cannot be 0"); error.name = "RuntimeError"; throw error; } var stepValueNegative = step < 0 ? true : false; if (start === null) { start = stepValueNegative ? arrayLength - 1 : 0; } else { start = this.capSliceRange(arrayLength, start, step); } if (stop === null) { stop = stepValueNegative ? -1 : arrayLength; } else { stop = this.capSliceRange(arrayLength, stop, step); } computed[0] = start; computed[1] = stop; computed[2] = step; return computed; }, capSliceRange: function(arrayLength, actualValue, step) { if (actualValue < 0) { actualValue += arrayLength; if (actualValue < 0) { actualValue = step < 0 ? -1 : 0; } } else if (actualValue >= arrayLength) { actualValue = step < 0 ? arrayLength - 1 : arrayLength; } return actualValue; } }; function Runtime(interpreter) { this._interpreter = interpreter; this.functionTable = { // name: [function, ] // The can be: // // { // args: [[type1, type2], [type1, type2]], // variadic: true|false // } // // Each arg in the arg list is a list of valid types // (if the function is overloaded and supports multiple // types. If the type is "any" then no type checking // occurs on the argument. Variadic is optional // and if not provided is assumed to be false. abs: {_func: this._functionAbs, _signature: [{types: [TYPE_NUMBER]}]}, avg: {_func: this._functionAvg, _signature: [{types: [TYPE_ARRAY_NUMBER]}]}, ceil: {_func: this._functionCeil, _signature: [{types: [TYPE_NUMBER]}]}, contains: { _func: this._functionContains, _signature: [{types: [TYPE_STRING, TYPE_ARRAY]}, {types: [TYPE_ANY]}]}, "ends_with": { _func: this._functionEndsWith, _signature: [{types: [TYPE_STRING]}, {types: [TYPE_STRING]}]}, floor: {_func: this._functionFloor, _signature: [{types: [TYPE_NUMBER]}]}, length: { _func: this._functionLength, _signature: [{types: [TYPE_STRING, TYPE_ARRAY, TYPE_OBJECT]}]}, map: { _func: this._functionMap, _signature: [{types: [TYPE_EXPREF]}, {types: [TYPE_ARRAY]}]}, max: { _func: this._functionMax, _signature: [{types: [TYPE_ARRAY_NUMBER, TYPE_ARRAY_STRING]}]}, "merge": { _func: this._functionMerge, _signature: [{types: [TYPE_OBJECT], variadic: true}] }, "max_by": { _func: this._functionMaxBy, _signature: [{types: [TYPE_ARRAY]}, {types: [TYPE_EXPREF]}] }, sum: {_func: this._functionSum, _signature: [{types: [TYPE_ARRAY_NUMBER]}]}, "starts_with": { _func: this._functionStartsWith, _signature: [{types: [TYPE_STRING]}, {types: [TYPE_STRING]}]}, min: { _func: this._functionMin, _signature: [{types: [TYPE_ARRAY_NUMBER, TYPE_ARRAY_STRING]}]}, "min_by": { _func: this._functionMinBy, _signature: [{types: [TYPE_ARRAY]}, {types: [TYPE_EXPREF]}] }, type: {_func: this._functionType, _signature: [{types: [TYPE_ANY]}]}, keys: {_func: this._functionKeys, _signature: [{types: [TYPE_OBJECT]}]}, values: {_func: this._functionValues, _signature: [{types: [TYPE_OBJECT]}]}, sort: {_func: this._functionSort, _signature: [{types: [TYPE_ARRAY_STRING, TYPE_ARRAY_NUMBER]}]}, "sort_by": { _func: this._functionSortBy, _signature: [{types: [TYPE_ARRAY]}, {types: [TYPE_EXPREF]}] }, join: { _func: this._functionJoin, _signature: [ {types: [TYPE_STRING]}, {types: [TYPE_ARRAY_STRING]} ] }, reverse: { _func: this._functionReverse, _signature: [{types: [TYPE_STRING, TYPE_ARRAY]}]}, "to_array": {_func: this._functionToArray, _signature: [{types: [TYPE_ANY]}]}, "to_string": {_func: this._functionToString, _signature: [{types: [TYPE_ANY]}]}, "to_number": {_func: this._functionToNumber, _signature: [{types: [TYPE_ANY]}]}, "not_null": { _func: this._functionNotNull, _signature: [{types: [TYPE_ANY], variadic: true}] } }; } Runtime.prototype = { callFunction: function(name, resolvedArgs) { var functionEntry = this.functionTable[name]; if (functionEntry === undefined) { throw new Error("Unknown function: " + name + "()"); } this._validateArgs(name, resolvedArgs, functionEntry._signature); return functionEntry._func.call(this, resolvedArgs); }, _validateArgs: function(name, args, signature) { // Validating the args requires validating // the correct arity and the correct type of each arg. // If the last argument is declared as variadic, then we need // a minimum number of args to be required. Otherwise it has to // be an exact amount. var pluralized; if (signature[signature.length - 1].variadic) { if (args.length < signature.length) { pluralized = signature.length === 1 ? " argument" : " arguments"; throw new Error("ArgumentError: " + name + "() " + "takes at least" + signature.length + pluralized + " but received " + args.length); } } else if (args.length !== signature.length) { pluralized = signature.length === 1 ? " argument" : " arguments"; throw new Error("ArgumentError: " + name + "() " + "takes " + signature.length + pluralized + " but received " + args.length); } var currentSpec; var actualType; var typeMatched; for (var i = 0; i < signature.length; i++) { typeMatched = false; currentSpec = signature[i].types; actualType = this._getTypeName(args[i]); for (var j = 0; j < currentSpec.length; j++) { if (this._typeMatches(actualType, currentSpec[j], args[i])) { typeMatched = true; break; } } if (!typeMatched) { throw new Error("TypeError: " + name + "() " + "expected argument " + (i + 1) + " to be type " + currentSpec + " but received type " + actualType + " instead."); } } }, _typeMatches: function(actual, expected, argValue) { if (expected === TYPE_ANY) { return true; } if (expected === TYPE_ARRAY_STRING || expected === TYPE_ARRAY_NUMBER || expected === TYPE_ARRAY) { // The expected type can either just be array, // or it can require a specific subtype (array of numbers). // // The simplest case is if "array" with no subtype is specified. if (expected === TYPE_ARRAY) { return actual === TYPE_ARRAY; } else if (actual === TYPE_ARRAY) { // Otherwise we need to check subtypes. // I think this has potential to be improved. var subtype; if (expected === TYPE_ARRAY_NUMBER) { subtype = TYPE_NUMBER; } else if (expected === TYPE_ARRAY_STRING) { subtype = TYPE_STRING; } for (var i = 0; i < argValue.length; i++) { if (!this._typeMatches( this._getTypeName(argValue[i]), subtype, argValue[i])) { return false; } } return true; } } else { return actual === expected; } }, _getTypeName: function(obj) { switch (Object.prototype.toString.call(obj)) { case "[object String]": return TYPE_STRING; case "[object Number]": return TYPE_NUMBER; case "[object Array]": return TYPE_ARRAY; case "[object Boolean]": return TYPE_BOOLEAN; case "[object Null]": return TYPE_NULL; case "[object Object]": // Check if it's an expref. If it has, it's been // tagged with a jmespathType attr of 'Expref'; if (obj.jmespathType === TOK_EXPREF) { return TYPE_EXPREF; } else { return TYPE_OBJECT; } } }, _functionStartsWith: function(resolvedArgs) { return resolvedArgs[0].lastIndexOf(resolvedArgs[1]) === 0; }, _functionEndsWith: function(resolvedArgs) { var searchStr = resolvedArgs[0]; var suffix = resolvedArgs[1]; return searchStr.indexOf(suffix, searchStr.length - suffix.length) !== -1; }, _functionReverse: function(resolvedArgs) { var typeName = this._getTypeName(resolvedArgs[0]); if (typeName === TYPE_STRING) { var originalStr = resolvedArgs[0]; var reversedStr = ""; for (var i = originalStr.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { reversedStr += originalStr[i]; } return reversedStr; } else { var reversedArray = resolvedArgs[0].slice(0); reversedArray.reverse(); return reversedArray; } }, _functionAbs: function(resolvedArgs) { return Math.abs(resolvedArgs[0]); }, _functionCeil: function(resolvedArgs) { return Math.ceil(resolvedArgs[0]); }, _functionAvg: function(resolvedArgs) { var sum = 0; var inputArray = resolvedArgs[0]; for (var i = 0; i < inputArray.length; i++) { sum += inputArray[i]; } return sum / inputArray.length; }, _functionContains: function(resolvedArgs) { return resolvedArgs[0].indexOf(resolvedArgs[1]) >= 0; }, _functionFloor: function(resolvedArgs) { return Math.floor(resolvedArgs[0]); }, _functionLength: function(resolvedArgs) { if (!isObject(resolvedArgs[0])) { return resolvedArgs[0].length; } else { // As far as I can tell, there's no way to get the length // of an object without O(n) iteration through the object. return Object.keys(resolvedArgs[0]).length; } }, _functionMap: function(resolvedArgs) { var mapped = []; var interpreter = this._interpreter; var exprefNode = resolvedArgs[0]; var elements = resolvedArgs[1]; for (var i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) { mapped.push(interpreter.visit(exprefNode, elements[i])); } return mapped; }, _functionMerge: function(resolvedArgs) { var merged = {}; for (var i = 0; i < resolvedArgs.length; i++) { var current = resolvedArgs[i]; for (var key in current) { merged[key] = current[key]; } } return merged; }, _functionMax: function(resolvedArgs) { if (resolvedArgs[0].length > 0) { var typeName = this._getTypeName(resolvedArgs[0][0]); if (typeName === TYPE_NUMBER) { return Math.max.apply(Math, resolvedArgs[0]); } else { var elements = resolvedArgs[0]; var maxElement = elements[0]; for (var i = 1; i < elements.length; i++) { if (maxElement.localeCompare(elements[i]) < 0) { maxElement = elements[i]; } } return maxElement; } } else { return null; } }, _functionMin: function(resolvedArgs) { if (resolvedArgs[0].length > 0) { var typeName = this._getTypeName(resolvedArgs[0][0]); if (typeName === TYPE_NUMBER) { return Math.min.apply(Math, resolvedArgs[0]); } else { var elements = resolvedArgs[0]; var minElement = elements[0]; for (var i = 1; i < elements.length; i++) { if (elements[i].localeCompare(minElement) < 0) { minElement = elements[i]; } } return minElement; } } else { return null; } }, _functionSum: function(resolvedArgs) { var sum = 0; var listToSum = resolvedArgs[0]; for (var i = 0; i < listToSum.length; i++) { sum += listToSum[i]; } return sum; }, _functionType: function(resolvedArgs) { switch (this._getTypeName(resolvedArgs[0])) { case TYPE_NUMBER: return "number"; case TYPE_STRING: return "string"; case TYPE_ARRAY: return "array"; case TYPE_OBJECT: return "object"; case TYPE_BOOLEAN: return "boolean"; case TYPE_EXPREF: return "expref"; case TYPE_NULL: return "null"; } }, _functionKeys: function(resolvedArgs) { return Object.keys(resolvedArgs[0]); }, _functionValues: function(resolvedArgs) { var obj = resolvedArgs[0]; var keys = Object.keys(obj); var values = []; for (var i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) { values.push(obj[keys[i]]); } return values; }, _functionJoin: function(resolvedArgs) { var joinChar = resolvedArgs[0]; var listJoin = resolvedArgs[1]; return listJoin.join(joinChar); }, _functionToArray: function(resolvedArgs) { if (this._getTypeName(resolvedArgs[0]) === TYPE_ARRAY) { return resolvedArgs[0]; } else { return [resolvedArgs[0]]; } }, _functionToString: function(resolvedArgs) { if (this._getTypeName(resolvedArgs[0]) === TYPE_STRING) { return resolvedArgs[0]; } else { return JSON.stringify(resolvedArgs[0]); } }, _functionToNumber: function(resolvedArgs) { var typeName = this._getTypeName(resolvedArgs[0]); var convertedValue; if (typeName === TYPE_NUMBER) { return resolvedArgs[0]; } else if (typeName === TYPE_STRING) { convertedValue = +resolvedArgs[0]; if (!isNaN(convertedValue)) { return convertedValue; } } return null; }, _functionNotNull: function(resolvedArgs) { for (var i = 0; i < resolvedArgs.length; i++) { if (this._getTypeName(resolvedArgs[i]) !== TYPE_NULL) { return resolvedArgs[i]; } } return null; }, _functionSort: function(resolvedArgs) { var sortedArray = resolvedArgs[0].slice(0); sortedArray.sort(); return sortedArray; }, _functionSortBy: function(resolvedArgs) { var sortedArray = resolvedArgs[0].slice(0); if (sortedArray.length === 0) { return sortedArray; } var interpreter = this._interpreter; var exprefNode = resolvedArgs[1]; var requiredType = this._getTypeName( interpreter.visit(exprefNode, sortedArray[0])); if ([TYPE_NUMBER, TYPE_STRING].indexOf(requiredType) < 0) { throw new Error("TypeError"); } var that = this; // In order to get a stable sort out of an unstable // sort algorithm, we decorate/sort/undecorate (DSU) // by creating a new list of [index, element] pairs. // In the cmp function, if the evaluated elements are // equal, then the index will be used as the tiebreaker. // After the decorated list has been sorted, it will be // undecorated to extract the original elements. var decorated = []; for (var i = 0; i < sortedArray.length; i++) { decorated.push([i, sortedArray[i]]); } decorated.sort(function(a, b) { var exprA = interpreter.visit(exprefNode, a[1]); var exprB = interpreter.visit(exprefNode, b[1]); if (that._getTypeName(exprA) !== requiredType) { throw new Error( "TypeError: expected " + requiredType + ", received " + that._getTypeName(exprA)); } else if (that._getTypeName(exprB) !== requiredType) { throw new Error( "TypeError: expected " + requiredType + ", received " + that._getTypeName(exprB)); } if (exprA > exprB) { return 1; } else if (exprA < exprB) { return -1; } else { // If they're equal compare the items by their // order to maintain relative order of equal keys // (i.e. to get a stable sort). return a[0] - b[0]; } }); // Undecorate: extract out the original list elements. for (var j = 0; j < decorated.length; j++) { sortedArray[j] = decorated[j][1]; } return sortedArray; }, _functionMaxBy: function(resolvedArgs) { var exprefNode = resolvedArgs[1]; var resolvedArray = resolvedArgs[0]; var keyFunction = this.createKeyFunction(exprefNode, [TYPE_NUMBER, TYPE_STRING]); var maxNumber = -Infinity; var maxRecord; var current; for (var i = 0; i < resolvedArray.length; i++) { current = keyFunction(resolvedArray[i]); if (current > maxNumber) { maxNumber = current; maxRecord = resolvedArray[i]; } } return maxRecord; }, _functionMinBy: function(resolvedArgs) { var exprefNode = resolvedArgs[1]; var resolvedArray = resolvedArgs[0]; var keyFunction = this.createKeyFunction(exprefNode, [TYPE_NUMBER, TYPE_STRING]); var minNumber = Infinity; var minRecord; var current; for (var i = 0; i < resolvedArray.length; i++) { current = keyFunction(resolvedArray[i]); if (current < minNumber) { minNumber = current; minRecord = resolvedArray[i]; } } return minRecord; }, createKeyFunction: function(exprefNode, allowedTypes) { var that = this; var interpreter = this._interpreter; var keyFunc = function(x) { var current = interpreter.visit(exprefNode, x); if (allowedTypes.indexOf(that._getTypeName(current)) < 0) { var msg = "TypeError: expected one of " + allowedTypes + ", received " + that._getTypeName(current); throw new Error(msg); } return current; }; return keyFunc; } }; function compile(stream) { var parser = new Parser(); var ast = parser.parse(stream); return ast; } function tokenize(stream) { var lexer = new Lexer(); return lexer.tokenize(stream); } function search(data, expression) { var parser = new Parser(); // This needs to be improved. Both the interpreter and runtime depend on // each other. The runtime needs the interpreter to support exprefs. // There's likely a clean way to avoid the cyclic dependency. var runtime = new Runtime(); var interpreter = new TreeInterpreter(runtime); runtime._interpreter = interpreter; var node = parser.parse(expression); return interpreter.search(node, data); } exports.tokenize = tokenize; exports.compile = compile; exports.search = search; exports.strictDeepEqual = strictDeepEqual; })( false ? this.jmespath = {} : exports); /***/ }, /* 19 */ /***/ function(module, exports) { /* * Natural Sort algorithm for Javascript - Version 0.7 - Released under MIT license * Author: Jim Palmer (based on chunking idea from Dave Koelle) */ /*jshint unused:false */ module.exports = function naturalSort (a, b) { "use strict"; var re = /(^([+\-]?(?:0|[1-9]\d*)(?:\.\d*)?(?:[eE][+\-]?\d+)?)?$|^0x[0-9a-f]+$|\d+)/gi, sre = /(^[ ]*|[ ]*$)/g, dre = /(^([\w ]+,?[\w ]+)?[\w ]+,?[\w ]+\d+:\d+(:\d+)?[\w ]?|^\d{1,4}[\/\-]\d{1,4}[\/\-]\d{1,4}|^\w+, \w+ \d+, \d{4})/, hre = /^0x[0-9a-f]+$/i, ore = /^0/, i = function(s) { return naturalSort.insensitive && ('' + s).toLowerCase() || '' + s; }, // convert all to strings strip whitespace x = i(a).replace(sre, '') || '', y = i(b).replace(sre, '') || '', // chunk/tokenize xN = x.replace(re, '\0$1\0').replace(/\0$/,'').replace(/^\0/,'').split('\0'), yN = y.replace(re, '\0$1\0').replace(/\0$/,'').replace(/^\0/,'').split('\0'), // numeric, hex or date detection xD = parseInt(x.match(hre), 16) || (xN.length !== 1 && x.match(dre) && Date.parse(x)), yD = parseInt(y.match(hre), 16) || xD && y.match(dre) && Date.parse(y) || null, oFxNcL, oFyNcL; // first try and sort Hex codes or Dates if (yD) { if ( xD < yD ) { return -1; } else if ( xD > yD ) { return 1; } } // natural sorting through split numeric strings and default strings for(var cLoc=0, numS=Math.max(xN.length, yN.length); cLoc < numS; cLoc++) { // find floats not starting with '0', string or 0 if not defined (Clint Priest) oFxNcL = !(xN[cLoc] || '').match(ore) && parseFloat(xN[cLoc]) || xN[cLoc] || 0; oFyNcL = !(yN[cLoc] || '').match(ore) && parseFloat(yN[cLoc]) || yN[cLoc] || 0; // handle numeric vs string comparison - number < string - (Kyle Adams) if (isNaN(oFxNcL) !== isNaN(oFyNcL)) { return (isNaN(oFxNcL)) ? 1 : -1; } // rely on string comparison if different types - i.e. '02' < 2 != '02' < '2' else if (typeof oFxNcL !== typeof oFyNcL) { oFxNcL += ''; oFyNcL += ''; } if (oFxNcL < oFyNcL) { return -1; } if (oFxNcL > oFyNcL) { return 1; } } return 0; }; /***/ }, /* 20 */ /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { 'use strict'; var util = __webpack_require__(12); var ContextMenu = __webpack_require__(10); var translate = __webpack_require__(15).translate; /** * A factory function to create an AppendNode, which depends on a Node * @param {Node} Node */ function appendNodeFactory(Node) { /** * @constructor AppendNode * @extends Node * @param {TreeEditor} editor * Create a new AppendNode. This is a special node which is created at the * end of the list with childs for an object or array */ function AppendNode (editor) { /** @type {TreeEditor} */ this.editor = editor; this.dom = {}; } AppendNode.prototype = new Node(); /** * Return a table row with an append button. * @return {Element} dom TR element */ AppendNode.prototype.getDom = function () { // TODO: implement a new solution for the append node var dom = this.dom; if (dom.tr) { return dom.tr; } this._updateEditability(); // a row for the append button var trAppend = document.createElement('tr'); trAppend.className = 'jsoneditor-append'; trAppend.node = this; dom.tr = trAppend; // TODO: consistent naming if (this.editor.options.mode === 'tree') { // a cell for the dragarea column dom.tdDrag = document.createElement('td'); // create context menu var tdMenu = document.createElement('td'); dom.tdMenu = tdMenu; var menu = document.createElement('button'); menu.type = 'button'; menu.className = 'jsoneditor-button jsoneditor-contextmenu'; menu.title = 'Click to open the actions menu (Ctrl+M)'; dom.menu = menu; tdMenu.appendChild(dom.menu); } // a cell for the contents (showing text 'empty') var tdAppend = document.createElement('td'); var domText = document.createElement('div'); domText.innerHTML = '(' + translate('empty') + ')'; domText.className = 'jsoneditor-readonly'; tdAppend.appendChild(domText); dom.td = tdAppend; dom.text = domText; this.updateDom(); return trAppend; }; /** * Append node doesn't have a path * @returns {null} */ AppendNode.prototype.getPath = function() { return null; }; /** * Append node doesn't have an index * @returns {null} */ AppendNode.prototype.getIndex = function() { return null; }; /** * Update the HTML dom of the Node */ AppendNode.prototype.updateDom = function(options) { var dom = this.dom; var tdAppend = dom.td; if (tdAppend) { tdAppend.style.paddingLeft = (this.getLevel() * 24 + 26) + 'px'; // TODO: not so nice hard coded offset } var domText = dom.text; if (domText) { domText.innerHTML = '(' + translate('empty') + ' ' + this.parent.type + ')'; } // attach or detach the contents of the append node: // hide when the parent has childs, show when the parent has no childs var trAppend = dom.tr; if (!this.isVisible()) { if (dom.tr.firstChild) { if (dom.tdDrag) { trAppend.removeChild(dom.tdDrag); } if (dom.tdMenu) { trAppend.removeChild(dom.tdMenu); } trAppend.removeChild(tdAppend); } } else { if (!dom.tr.firstChild) { if (dom.tdDrag) { trAppend.appendChild(dom.tdDrag); } if (dom.tdMenu) { trAppend.appendChild(dom.tdMenu); } trAppend.appendChild(tdAppend); } } }; /** * Check whether the AppendNode is currently visible. * the AppendNode is visible when its parent has no childs (i.e. is empty). * @return {boolean} isVisible */ AppendNode.prototype.isVisible = function () { return (this.parent.childs.length == 0); }; /** * Show a contextmenu for this node * @param {HTMLElement} anchor The element to attach the menu to. * @param {function} [onClose] Callback method called when the context menu * is being closed. */ AppendNode.prototype.showContextMenu = function (anchor, onClose) { var node = this; var titles = Node.TYPE_TITLES; var appendSubmenu = [ { text: translate('auto'), className: 'jsoneditor-type-auto', title: titles.auto, click: function () { node._onAppend('', '', 'auto'); } }, { text: translate('array'), className: 'jsoneditor-type-array', title: titles.array, click: function () { node._onAppend('', []); } }, { text: translate('object'), className: 'jsoneditor-type-object', title: titles.object, click: function () { node._onAppend('', {}); } }, { text: translate('string'), className: 'jsoneditor-type-string', title: titles.string, click: function () { node._onAppend('', '', 'string'); } } ]; node.addTemplates(appendSubmenu, true); var items = [ // create append button { 'text': translate('appendText'), 'title': translate('appendTitleAuto'), 'submenuTitle': translate('appendSubmenuTitle'), 'className': 'jsoneditor-insert', 'click': function () { node._onAppend('', '', 'auto'); }, 'submenu': appendSubmenu } ]; var menu = new ContextMenu(items, {close: onClose}); menu.show(anchor, this.editor.content); }; /** * Handle an event. The event is caught centrally by the editor * @param {Event} event */ AppendNode.prototype.onEvent = function (event) { var type = event.type; var target = event.target || event.srcElement; var dom = this.dom; // highlight the append nodes parent var menu = dom.menu; if (target == menu) { if (type == 'mouseover') { this.editor.highlighter.highlight(this.parent); } else if (type == 'mouseout') { this.editor.highlighter.unhighlight(); } } // context menu events if (type == 'click' && target == dom.menu) { var highlighter = this.editor.highlighter; highlighter.highlight(this.parent); highlighter.lock(); util.addClassName(dom.menu, 'jsoneditor-selected'); this.showContextMenu(dom.menu, function () { util.removeClassName(dom.menu, 'jsoneditor-selected'); highlighter.unlock(); highlighter.unhighlight(); }); } if (type == 'keydown') { this.onKeyDown(event); } }; return AppendNode; } module.exports = appendNodeFactory; /***/ }, /* 21 */ /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { 'use strict'; var translate = __webpack_require__(15).translate; /** * A factory function to create an ShowMoreNode, which depends on a Node * @param {function} Node */ function showMoreNodeFactory(Node) { /** * @constructor ShowMoreNode * @extends Node * @param {TreeEditor} editor * @param {Node} parent * Create a new ShowMoreNode. This is a special node which is created * for arrays or objects having more than 100 items */ function ShowMoreNode (editor, parent) { /** @type {TreeEditor} */ this.editor = editor; this.parent = parent; this.dom = {}; } ShowMoreNode.prototype = new Node(); /** * Return a table row with an append button. * @return {Element} dom TR element */ ShowMoreNode.prototype.getDom = function () { if (this.dom.tr) { return this.dom.tr; } this._updateEditability(); // display "show more" if (!this.dom.tr) { var me = this; var parent = this.parent; var showMoreButton = document.createElement('a'); showMoreButton.appendChild(document.createTextNode(translate('showMore'))); showMoreButton.href = '#'; showMoreButton.onclick = function (event) { // TODO: use callback instead of accessing a method of the parent parent.visibleChilds = Math.floor(parent.visibleChilds / parent.MAX_VISIBLE_CHILDS + 1) * parent.MAX_VISIBLE_CHILDS; me.updateDom(); parent.showChilds(); event.preventDefault(); return false; }; var showAllButton = document.createElement('a'); showAllButton.appendChild(document.createTextNode(translate('showAll'))); showAllButton.href = '#'; showAllButton.onclick = function (event) { // TODO: use callback instead of accessing a method of the parent parent.visibleChilds = Infinity; me.updateDom(); parent.showChilds(); event.preventDefault(); return false; }; var moreContents = document.createElement('div'); var moreText = document.createTextNode(this._getShowMoreText()); moreContents.className = 'jsoneditor-show-more'; moreContents.appendChild(moreText); moreContents.appendChild(showMoreButton); moreContents.appendChild(document.createTextNode('. ')); moreContents.appendChild(showAllButton); moreContents.appendChild(document.createTextNode('. ')); var tdContents = document.createElement('td'); tdContents.appendChild(moreContents); var moreTr = document.createElement('tr'); moreTr.appendChild(document.createElement('td')); moreTr.appendChild(document.createElement('td')); moreTr.appendChild(tdContents); moreTr.className = 'jsoneditor-show-more'; this.dom.tr = moreTr; this.dom.moreContents = moreContents; this.dom.moreText = moreText; } this.updateDom(); return this.dom.tr; }; /** * Update the HTML dom of the Node */ ShowMoreNode.prototype.updateDom = function(options) { if (this.isVisible()) { // attach to the right child node (the first non-visible child) this.dom.tr.node = this.parent.childs[this.parent.visibleChilds]; if (!this.dom.tr.parentNode) { var nextTr = this.parent._getNextTr(); if (nextTr) { nextTr.parentNode.insertBefore(this.dom.tr, nextTr); } } // update the counts in the text this.dom.moreText.nodeValue = this._getShowMoreText(); // update left margin this.dom.moreContents.style.marginLeft = (this.getLevel() + 1) * 24 + 'px'; } else { if (this.dom.tr && this.dom.tr.parentNode) { this.dom.tr.parentNode.removeChild(this.dom.tr); } } }; ShowMoreNode.prototype._getShowMoreText = function() { return translate('showMoreStatus', { visibleChilds: this.parent.visibleChilds, totalChilds: this.parent.childs.length }) + ' '; }; /** * Check whether the ShowMoreNode is currently visible. * the ShowMoreNode is visible when it's parent has more childs than * the current visibleChilds * @return {boolean} isVisible */ ShowMoreNode.prototype.isVisible = function () { return this.parent.expanded && this.parent.childs.length > this.parent.visibleChilds; }; /** * Handle an event. The event is caught centrally by the editor * @param {Event} event */ ShowMoreNode.prototype.onEvent = function (event) { var type = event.type; if (type === 'keydown') { this.onKeyDown(event); } }; return ShowMoreNode; } module.exports = showMoreNodeFactory; /***/ }, /* 22 */ /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { var picoModal = __webpack_require__(23); var translate = __webpack_require__(15).translate; /** * Show advanced sorting modal * @param {Node} node the node to be sorted * @param {HTMLElement} container The container where to center * the modal and create an overlay */ function showSortModal (node, container) { var content = '

' + '
' + translate('sort') + '
' + '
' + '' + '' + '' + ' ' + ' ' + '' + '' + ' ' + ' ' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '
' + translate('sortFieldLabel') + ' ' + '
' + ' ' + '
' + '
' + translate('sortDirectionLabel') + ' ' + '
' + '' + '' + '
' + '
' + ' ' + '
' + '
' + '
'; picoModal({ parent: container, content: content, overlayClass: 'jsoneditor-modal-overlay', modalClass: 'jsoneditor-modal jsoneditor-modal-sort' }) .afterCreate(function (modal) { var form = modal.modalElem().querySelector('form'); var ok = modal.modalElem().querySelector('#ok'); var field = modal.modalElem().querySelector('#field'); var direction = modal.modalElem().querySelector('#direction'); var paths = node.type === 'array' ? node.getChildPaths() : ['.']; paths.forEach(function (path) { var option = document.createElement('option'); option.text = path; option.value = path; field.appendChild(option); }); function setDirection(value) { direction.value = value; direction.className = 'jsoneditor-button-group jsoneditor-button-group-value-' + direction.value; } field.value = node.sortedBy ? node.sortedBy.path : paths[0]; setDirection(node.sortedBy ? node.sortedBy.direction : 'asc'); direction.onclick = function (event) { setDirection(event.target.getAttribute('data-value')); }; ok.onclick = function (event) { event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); modal.close(); var path = field.value; var pathArray = (path === '.') ? [] : path.split('.').slice(1); node.sortedBy = { path: path, direction: direction.value }; node.sort(pathArray, direction.value) }; if (form) { // form is not available when JSONEditor is created inside a form form.onsubmit = ok.onclick; } }) .afterClose(function (modal) { modal.destroy(); }) .show(); } module.exports = showSortModal; /***/ }, /* 23 */ /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { var __WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_FACTORY__, __WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_ARRAY__, __WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_RESULT__;/** * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE * SOFTWARE. */ (function (root, factory) { "use strict"; if (true) { !(__WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_ARRAY__ = [], __WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_FACTORY__ = (factory), __WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_RESULT__ = (typeof __WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_FACTORY__ === 'function' ? (__WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_FACTORY__.apply(exports, __WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_ARRAY__)) : __WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_FACTORY__), __WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_RESULT__ !== undefined && (module.exports = __WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_RESULT__)); } else if (typeof module === 'object' && module.exports) { module.exports = factory(); } else { root.picoModal = factory(); } }(this, function () { /** * A self-contained modal library */ "use strict"; /** Returns whether a value is a dom node */ function isNode(value) { if ( typeof Node === "object" ) { return value instanceof Node; } else { return value && typeof value === "object" && typeof value.nodeType === "number"; } } /** Returns whether a value is a string */ function isString(value) { return typeof value === "string"; } /** * Generates observable objects that can be watched and triggered */ function observable() { var callbacks = []; return { watch: callbacks.push.bind(callbacks), trigger: function(context, detail) { var unprevented = true; var event = { detail: detail, preventDefault: function preventDefault () { unprevented = false; } }; for (var i = 0; i < callbacks.length; i++) { callbacks[i](context, event); } return unprevented; } }; } /** Whether an element is hidden */ function isHidden ( elem ) { // @see http://stackoverflow.com/questions/19669786 return window.getComputedStyle(elem).display === 'none'; } /** * A small interface for creating and managing a dom element */ function Elem( elem ) { this.elem = elem; } /** Creates a new div */ Elem.make = function ( parent, tag ) { if ( typeof parent === "string" ) { parent = document.querySelector(parent); } var elem = document.createElement(tag || 'div'); (parent || document.body).appendChild(elem); return new Elem(elem); }; Elem.prototype = { /** Creates a child of this node */ child: function (tag) { return Elem.make(this.elem, tag); }, /** Applies a set of styles to an element */ stylize: function(styles) { styles = styles || {}; if ( typeof styles.opacity !== "undefined" ) { styles.filter = "alpha(opacity=" + (styles.opacity * 100) + ")"; } for (var prop in styles) { if (styles.hasOwnProperty(prop)) { this.elem.style[prop] = styles[prop]; } } return this; }, /** Adds a class name */ clazz: function (clazz) { this.elem.className += " " + clazz; return this; }, /** Sets the HTML */ html: function (content) { if ( isNode(content) ) { this.elem.appendChild( content ); } else { this.elem.innerHTML = content; } return this; }, /** Adds a click handler to this element */ onClick: function(callback) { this.elem.addEventListener('click', callback); return this; }, /** Removes this element from the DOM */ destroy: function() { this.elem.parentNode.removeChild(this.elem); }, /** Hides this element */ hide: function() { this.elem.style.display = "none"; }, /** Shows this element */ show: function() { this.elem.style.display = "block"; }, /** Sets an attribute on this element */ attr: function ( name, value ) { if (value !== undefined) { this.elem.setAttribute(name, value); } return this; }, /** Executes a callback on all the ancestors of an element */ anyAncestor: function ( predicate ) { var elem = this.elem; while ( elem ) { if ( predicate( new Elem(elem) ) ) { return true; } else { elem = elem.parentNode; } } return false; }, /** Whether this element is visible */ isVisible: function () { return !isHidden(this.elem); } }; /** Generates the grey-out effect */ function buildOverlay( getOption, close ) { return Elem.make( getOption("parent") ) .clazz("pico-overlay") .clazz( getOption("overlayClass", "") ) .stylize({ display: "none", position: "fixed", top: "0px", left: "0px", height: "100%", width: "100%", zIndex: 10000 }) .stylize(getOption('overlayStyles', { opacity: 0.5, background: "#000" })) .onClick(function () { if ( getOption('overlayClose', true) ) { close(); } }); } // An auto incrementing ID assigned to each modal var autoinc = 1; /** Builds the content of a modal */ function buildModal( getOption, close ) { var width = getOption('width', 'auto'); if ( typeof width === "number" ) { width = "" + width + "px"; } var id = getOption("modalId", "pico-" + autoinc++); var elem = Elem.make( getOption("parent") ) .clazz("pico-content") .clazz( getOption("modalClass", "") ) .stylize({ display: 'none', position: 'fixed', zIndex: 10001, left: "50%", top: "38.1966%", maxHeight: '90%', boxSizing: 'border-box', width: width, '-ms-transform': 'translate(-50%,-38.1966%)', '-moz-transform': 'translate(-50%,-38.1966%)', '-webkit-transform': 'translate(-50%,-38.1966%)', '-o-transform': 'translate(-50%,-38.1966%)', transform: 'translate(-50%,-38.1966%)' }) .stylize(getOption('modalStyles', { overflow: 'auto', backgroundColor: "white", padding: "20px", borderRadius: "5px" })) .html( getOption('content') ) .attr("id", id) .attr("role", "dialog") .attr("aria-labelledby", getOption("ariaLabelledBy")) .attr("aria-describedby", getOption("ariaDescribedBy", id)) .onClick(function (event) { var isCloseClick = new Elem(event.target).anyAncestor(function (elem) { return /\bpico-close\b/.test(elem.elem.className); }); if ( isCloseClick ) { close(); } }); return elem; } /** Builds the close button */ function buildClose ( elem, getOption ) { if ( getOption('closeButton', true) ) { return elem.child('button') .html( getOption('closeHtml', "×") ) .clazz("pico-close") .clazz( getOption("closeClass", "") ) .stylize( getOption('closeStyles', { borderRadius: "2px", border: 0, padding: 0, cursor: "pointer", height: "15px", width: "15px", position: "absolute", top: "5px", right: "5px", fontSize: "16px", textAlign: "center", lineHeight: "15px", background: "#CCC" }) ) .attr("aria-label", getOption("close-label", "Close")); } } /** Builds a method that calls a method and returns an element */ function buildElemAccessor( builder ) { return function () { return builder().elem; }; } // An observable that is triggered whenever the escape key is pressed var escapeKey = observable(); // An observable that is triggered when the user hits the tab key var tabKey = observable(); /** A global event handler to detect the escape key being pressed */ document.documentElement.addEventListener('keydown', function onKeyPress (event) { var keycode = event.which || event.keyCode; // If this is the escape key if ( keycode === 27 ) { escapeKey.trigger(); } // If this is the tab key else if ( keycode === 9 ) { tabKey.trigger(event); } }); /** Attaches focus management events */ function manageFocus ( iface, isEnabled ) { /** Whether an element matches a selector */ function matches ( elem, selector ) { var fn = elem.msMatchesSelector || elem.webkitMatchesSelector || elem.matches; return fn.call(elem, selector); } /** * Returns whether an element is focusable * @see http://stackoverflow.com/questions/18261595 */ function canFocus( elem ) { if ( isHidden(elem) || matches(elem, ":disabled") || elem.hasAttribute("contenteditable") ) { return false; } else { return elem.hasAttribute("tabindex") || matches(elem, "input,select,textarea,button,a[href],area[href],iframe"); } } /** Returns the first descendant that can be focused */ function firstFocusable ( elem ) { var items = elem.getElementsByTagName("*"); for (var i = 0; i < items.length; i++) { if ( canFocus(items[i]) ) { return items[i]; } } } /** Returns the last descendant that can be focused */ function lastFocusable ( elem ) { var items = elem.getElementsByTagName("*"); for (var i = items.length; i--;) { if ( canFocus(items[i]) ) { return items[i]; } } } // The element focused before the modal opens var focused; // Records the currently focused element so state can be returned // after the modal closes iface.beforeShow(function getActiveFocus() { focused = document.activeElement; }); // Shift focus into the modal iface.afterShow(function focusModal() { if ( isEnabled() ) { var focusable = firstFocusable(iface.modalElem()); if ( focusable ) { focusable.focus(); } } }); // Restore the previously focused element when the modal closes iface.afterClose(function returnFocus() { if ( isEnabled() && focused ) { focused.focus(); } focused = null; }); // Capture tab key presses and loop them within the modal tabKey.watch(function tabKeyPress (event) { if ( isEnabled() && iface.isVisible() ) { var first = firstFocusable(iface.modalElem()); var last = lastFocusable(iface.modalElem()); var from = event.shiftKey ? first : last; if ( from === document.activeElement ) { (event.shiftKey ? last : first).focus(); event.preventDefault(); } } }); } /** Manages setting the 'overflow: hidden' on the body tag */ function manageBodyOverflow(iface, isEnabled) { var origOverflow; var body = new Elem(document.body); iface.beforeShow(function () { // Capture the current values so they can be restored origOverflow = body.elem.style.overflow; if (isEnabled()) { body.stylize({ overflow: "hidden" }); } }); iface.afterClose(function () { body.stylize({ overflow: origOverflow }); }); } /** * Displays a modal */ return function picoModal(options) { if ( isString(options) || isNode(options) ) { options = { content: options }; } var afterCreateEvent = observable(); var beforeShowEvent = observable(); var afterShowEvent = observable(); var beforeCloseEvent = observable(); var afterCloseEvent = observable(); /** * Returns a named option if it has been explicitly defined. Otherwise, * it returns the given default value */ function getOption ( opt, defaultValue ) { var value = options[opt]; if ( typeof value === "function" ) { value = value( defaultValue ); } return value === undefined ? defaultValue : value; } // The various DOM elements that constitute the modal var modalElem = build.bind(window, 'modal'); var shadowElem = build.bind(window, 'overlay'); var closeElem = build.bind(window, 'close'); // This will eventually contain the modal API returned to the user var iface; /** Hides this modal */ function forceClose (detail) { shadowElem().hide(); modalElem().hide(); afterCloseEvent.trigger(iface, detail); } /** Gracefully hides this modal */ function close (detail) { if ( beforeCloseEvent.trigger(iface, detail) ) { forceClose(detail); } } /** Wraps a method so it returns the modal interface */ function returnIface ( callback ) { return function () { callback.apply(this, arguments); return iface; }; } // The constructed dom nodes var built; /** Builds a method that calls a method and returns an element */ function build (name, detail) { if ( !built ) { var modal = buildModal(getOption, close); built = { modal: modal, overlay: buildOverlay(getOption, close), close: buildClose(modal, getOption) }; afterCreateEvent.trigger(iface, detail); } return built[name]; } iface = { /** Returns the wrapping modal element */ modalElem: buildElemAccessor(modalElem), /** Returns the close button element */ closeElem: buildElemAccessor(closeElem), /** Returns the overlay element */ overlayElem: buildElemAccessor(shadowElem), /** Builds the dom without showing the modal */ buildDom: returnIface(build.bind(null, null)), /** Returns whether this modal is currently being shown */ isVisible: function () { return !!(built && modalElem && modalElem().isVisible()); }, /** Shows this modal */ show: function (detail) { if ( beforeShowEvent.trigger(iface, detail) ) { shadowElem().show(); closeElem(); modalElem().show(); afterShowEvent.trigger(iface, detail); } return this; }, /** Hides this modal */ close: returnIface(close), /** * Force closes this modal. This will not call beforeClose * events and will just immediately hide the modal */ forceClose: returnIface(forceClose), /** Destroys this modal */ destroy: function () { modalElem().destroy(); shadowElem().destroy(); shadowElem = modalElem = closeElem = undefined; }, /** * Updates the options for this modal. This will only let you * change options that are re-evaluted regularly, such as * `overlayClose`. */ options: function ( opts ) { Object.keys(opts).map(function (key) { options[key] = opts[key]; }); }, /** Executes after the DOM nodes are created */ afterCreate: returnIface(afterCreateEvent.watch), /** Executes a callback before this modal is closed */ beforeShow: returnIface(beforeShowEvent.watch), /** Executes a callback after this modal is shown */ afterShow: returnIface(afterShowEvent.watch), /** Executes a callback before this modal is closed */ beforeClose: returnIface(beforeCloseEvent.watch), /** Executes a callback after this modal is closed */ afterClose: returnIface(afterCloseEvent.watch) }; manageFocus(iface, getOption.bind(null, "focus", true)); manageBodyOverflow(iface, getOption.bind(null, "bodyOverflow", true)); // If a user presses the 'escape' key, close the modal. escapeKey.watch(function escapeKeyPress () { if ( getOption("escCloses", true) && iface.isVisible() ) { iface.close(); } }); return iface; }; })); /***/ }, /* 24 */ /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { var jmespath = __webpack_require__(18); var picoModal = __webpack_require__(23); var Selectr = __webpack_require__(25); var translate = __webpack_require__(15).translate; var debounce = __webpack_require__(12).debounce; var MAX_PREVIEW_LINES = 100; /** * Show advanced filter and transform modal using JMESPath * @param {Node} node the node to be transformed * @param {HTMLElement} container The container where to center * the modal and create an overlay */ function showTransformModal (node, container) { var value = node.getValue(); var content = '