/** * A splitter control. * Turns an existing HTML element into an horizontal splitter control. * @constructor Splitter * @param {Object} params Available parameters: * {Element} container HTML container representing * the splitter * {Number} [snap] Number of pixels to snap to * the edges (0 or 1) * {function} [change] Callback method called when * the splitter value has changed. * The callback is called with * the new value as parameter */ function Splitter (params) { if (!params || !params.container) { throw new Error('params.container undefined in Splitter constructor'); } var me = this; jsoneditor.util.addEventListener(params.container, "mousedown", function (event) { me.onMouseDown(event); }); this.container = params.container; this.snap = Number(params.snap) || 200; // px this.width = undefined; this.value = undefined; this.onChange = (params.change) ? params.change : function () {}; this.params = {}; } /** * Handle mouse down event. Start dragging the splitter. * @param {Event} event * @private */ Splitter.prototype.onMouseDown = function (event) { var me = this; var leftButtonDown = event.which ? (event.which == 1) : (event.button == 1); if (!leftButtonDown) { return; } jsoneditor.util.addClassName(this.container, 'active'); if (!this.params.mousedown) { this.params.mousedown = true; this.params.mousemove = jsoneditor.util.addEventListener(document, 'mousemove', function (event) { me.onMouseMove(event); }); this.params.mouseup = jsoneditor.util.addEventListener(document, 'mouseup', function (event) { me.onMouseUp(event); }); this.params.screenX = event.screenX; this.params.changed = false; this.params.value = this.getValue(); } jsoneditor.util.preventDefault(event); jsoneditor.util.stopPropagation(event); }; /** * Handle on mouse move event. Used to drag the splitter * @param {Event} event * @private */ Splitter.prototype.onMouseMove = function (event) { if (this.width != undefined) { var diff = event.screenX - this.params.screenX; var value = this.params.value + diff / this.width; value = this.setValue(value); if (value != this.params.value) { // value has been changed this.params.changed = true; } this.onChange(value); } jsoneditor.util.preventDefault(event); jsoneditor.util.stopPropagation(event); }; /** * Handle on mouse up event * @param {Event} event * @private */ Splitter.prototype.onMouseUp = function (event) { jsoneditor.util.removeClassName(this.container, 'active'); if (this.params.mousedown) { jsoneditor.util.removeEventListener(document, 'mousemove', this.params.mousemove); jsoneditor.util.removeEventListener(document, 'mouseup', this.params.mouseup); this.params.mousemove = undefined; this.params.mouseup = undefined; this.params.mousedown = false; console.log(this.params.changed) var value = this.getValue(); if (!this.params.changed) { // value is unchanged if (value == 0) { value = this.setValue(0.2); this.onChange(value); } if (value == 1) { value = this.setValue(0.8); this.onChange(value); } } } jsoneditor.util.preventDefault(event); jsoneditor.util.stopPropagation(event); }; /** * Set the window width for the splitter * @param {Number} width */ Splitter.prototype.setWidth = function (width) { this.width = width; }; /** * Set a value for the splitter (UI is not adjusted) * @param {Number} value A number between 0 and 1 * @return {Number} value The stored value */ Splitter.prototype.setValue = function (value) { value = Number(value); // snap to 0 or 1 when close if (this.width != undefined && this.width > this.snap) { if (value < this.snap / this.width) { value = 0; } if (value > (this.width - this.snap) / this.width) { value = 1; } } this.value = value; try { localStorage['splitterValue'] = value; } catch (e) { console.log(e); } return value; }; /** * Get the splitter value from local storage * @return {Number} value A value between 0.1 and 0.9 */ Splitter.prototype.getValue = function () { var value = this.value; if (value == undefined) { // read from localStorage once try { if (localStorage['splitterValue'] != undefined) { value = Number(localStorage['splitterValue']); // read value = this.setValue(value); // verify and store } } catch (e) { console.log(e); } } if (value == undefined) { value = this.setValue(0.5); } return value; };