/** * @file fileretriever.js * * FileRetriever manages client side loading and saving of files. * It requires a server script (fileretriever.php). Loading and saving * files is done purely clientside using HTML5 techniques when supported * by the browser. * * Requires ajax.js. * * Supported browsers: Chrome, Firefox, Opera, Safari, * Internet Explorer 8+. * * Example usage: * var retriever = new FileRetriever({ * 'serverUrl': 'fileretriever.php' * }); * retriever.loadFile(function (err, data) { * console.log('file loaded:', data); * }); * retriever.loadUrl(function (err, data) { * console.log('url loaded:', data); * }); * retriever.saveFile("some text"); * * @constructor FileRetriever * @param {String} options Available options: * {string} serverUrl Server side script for * handling files, for * example "fileretriever.php" * {Number} [maxSize] Maximum allowed file size * in bytes. (this should * be the same as maximum * size allowed by the server * side script). Default is * 1024 * 1024 bytes. * {Number} [timeout] Timeout in milliseconds. * 30000 ms by default. * {Boolean} [html5] Use HTML5 solutions * to load/save files when * supported by the browser. * True by default. * {Notify} [notify] A handler for notifications * If provided, messages like * "loading" and "saving" are created. * * @license * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not * use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy * of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under * the License. * * Copyright (c) 2012 Jos de Jong, http://jsoneditoronline.org * * @author Jos de Jong, * @date 2012-11-03 */ var FileRetriever = function (options) { // set options and variables options = options || {}; this.options = { maxSize: ((options.maxSize != undefined) ? options.maxSize : 1024 * 1024), html5: ((options.html5 != undefined) ? options.html5 : true) }; this.timeout = Number(options.timeout) || 30000; this.headers = {'Accept': 'application/json'}; // headers for ajax requests this.scriptUrl = options.scriptUrl || 'fileretriever.php'; this.notify = options.notify || undefined; this.defaultFilename = 'document.json'; this.dom = {}; }; /** * make an HTML DOM element invisible * @param {Element} elem * @private */ FileRetriever.prototype._hide = function (elem) { elem.style.visibility = 'hidden'; elem.style.position = 'absolute'; elem.style.left = '-1000px'; elem.style.top = '-1000px'; elem.style.width = '0'; elem.style.height = '0'; }; /** * Delete all HTML DOM elements created by the FileRetriever. * The FileRetriever cannot be used after its DOM elements are deleted. */ FileRetriever.prototype.remove = function () { var dom = this.dom; for (var prop in dom) { if (dom.hasOwnProperty(prop)) { var elem = dom[prop]; if (elem.parentNode) { elem.parentNode.removeChild(elem); } } } this.dom = {}; }; /** * get a filename from a path or url. * For example "http://site.com/files/example.json" will return "example.json" * @param {String} path A filename, path, or url * @return {String} filename * @private */ FileRetriever.prototype._getFilename = function (path) { // http://stackoverflow.com/a/423385/1262753 return path ? path.replace(/^.*[\\\/]/, '') : ''; }; /** * Set the last url * @param {String} url */ FileRetriever.prototype.setUrl = function (url) { this.url = url; }; /** * Get last filename * @return {String} filename */ FileRetriever.prototype.getFilename = function () { return this.defaultFilename; }; /** * Get the last url * @return {String | undefined} url */ FileRetriever.prototype.getUrl = function () { return this.url; }; /** * Load a url * @param {String} url The url to be retrieved * @param {function} callback Callback method, called with parameters: * {Error} error * {string} data */ FileRetriever.prototype.loadUrl = function (url, callback) { // set current filename (will be used when saving a file again) this.setUrl(url); // loading notification var loading = undefined; if (this.notify) { loading = this.notify.showNotification('loading url...'); } // method to ensure the callback is only executed once var me = this; var callbackOnce = function (error, data) { if (callback) { callback(error, data); callback = undefined; } if (me.notify && loading) { me.notify.removeMessage(loading); loading = undefined; } }; // try to fetch to the url directly (may result in a cross-domain error) var scriptUrl = this.scriptUrl; ajax.get(url, me.headers, function(data, status) { if (status == 200) { // success. great. no cross-domain error callbackOnce(null, data); } else { // cross-domain error (or other). retrieve the url via the server var indirectUrl = scriptUrl + '?url=' + encodeURIComponent(url); var err; ajax.get(indirectUrl, me.headers, function(data, status) { if (status == 200) { callbackOnce(null, data); } else if (status == 404) { console.log('Error: url "' + url + '" not found', status, data); err = new Error('Error: url "' + url + '" not found'); callbackOnce(err, null); } else { console.log('Error: failed to load url "' + url + '"', status, data); err = new Error('Error: failed to load url "' + url + '"'); callbackOnce(err, null); } }); } }); // safety mechanism: callback after a timeout setTimeout(function () { callbackOnce(new Error('Error loading url (time out)')); }, this.timeout); }; /** * Load a file from disk. * A file explorer will be opened to select a file and press ok. * In case of Internet Explorer, an upload form will be shown where the * user has to select a file via a file explorer after that click load. * @param {function} callback Callback method, called with parameters: * {Error} error * {string} data */ FileRetriever.prototype.loadFile = function (callback) { // loading notification var loading = undefined; var me = this; var startLoading = function () { if (me.notify && !loading) { loading = me.notify.showNotification('loading file...'); } // safety mechanism: callback after a timeout setTimeout(function () { callbackOnce(new Error('Error loading url (time out)')); }, me.timeout); }; // method to ensure the callback is only executed once var callbackOnce = function (error, data) { if (callback) { callback(error, data); callback = undefined; } if (me.notify && loading) { me.notify.removeMessage(loading); loading = undefined; } }; // create an iframe for uploading files // the iframe must have an unique name, allowing multiple // FileRetrievers. The name is needed as target for the uploadForm var iframeName = 'fileretriever-upload-' + Math.round(Math.random() * 1E15); var iframe = document.createElement('iframe'); iframe.name = iframeName; me._hide(iframe); iframe.onload = function () { // when a downloaded file is retrieved, send a callback with // the retrieved data var id = iframe.contentWindow.document.body.innerHTML; if (id) { var url = me.scriptUrl + '?id=' + id + '&filename=' + me.getFilename(); ajax.get(url, me.headers, function (data, status) { if (status == 200) { callbackOnce(null, data); } else { var err = new Error('Error loading file ' + me.getFilename()); callbackOnce(err, null); } }); } }; document.body.appendChild(iframe); var isIE = (navigator.appName == 'Microsoft Internet Explorer'); if (!isIE) { // create a hidden form to select a file var domForm = document.createElement('form'); domForm.action = this.scriptUrl; domForm.method = 'POST'; domForm.enctype = 'multipart/form-data'; domForm.target = iframeName; this._hide(domForm); var domFile = document.createElement('input'); domFile.type = 'file'; domFile.name = 'file'; domFile.onchange = function () { startLoading(); // there is a file selected setTimeout(function () { // Timeout needed for IE var filename = domFile.value; if (filename.length) { if (me.options.html5 && window.File && window.FileReader) { // load file via HTML5 FileReader (no size limits) var file = domFile.files[0]; var reader = new FileReader(); reader.onload = function(event) { var data = event.target.result; callbackOnce(null, data); }; // Read in the image file as a data URL. reader.readAsText(file); } else { // load by uploading to server // TODO: how to check the file size? (on older browsers) //console.log('submitting...'); domForm.submit(); } } else { // cancel callbackOnce(null, null); } }, 0); }; domForm.appendChild(domFile); document.body.appendChild(domForm); // activate file selection (the click is done after a timeout, // as in Opera and Safari, the form is not yet rendered) setTimeout(function () { domFile.click(); }, 0); } else { // create a visual form and submit manually (for IE) this.prompt({ title: 'Open file', titleSubmit: 'Open', inputType: 'file', inputName: 'file', formAction: this.scriptUrl, formMethod: 'POST', formTarget: iframeName, callback: function (value) { if (value) { startLoading(); } } }); // TODO: handle a cancel } }; /** * Show a dialog to select and load an url. * @param {function} callback Callback method, called with parameters: * {Error} error * {String} data */ FileRetriever.prototype.loadUrlDialog = function (callback) { var me = this; this.prompt({ title: 'Open url', titleSubmit: 'Open', inputType: 'text', inputName: 'url', inputDefault: this.getUrl(), callback: function (url) { if (url) { me.loadUrl(url, callback); } else { // cancel callback(); } } }); }; /** * Show a prompt. * The propmt can either: * - Post a form when formAction, and formMethod are provided. * Will call callback on submit. * - Call the callback method "callback" with the entered value as parameter. * This happens when a callback parameter is provided. * @param {Object} params Available parameters: * {String} title * {String} titleSubmit * {String} titleCancel * {String} inputType * {String} inputName * {String} inputDefault * {String} formTarget * {String} formAction * {String} formMethod * {function} callback */ FileRetriever.prototype.prompt = function (params) { var removeDialog = function () { // remove the form if (background.parentNode) { background.parentNode.removeChild(background); } if (overlay.parentNode) { overlay.parentNode.removeChild(overlay); } JSONEditor.Events.removeEventListener(document, 'keydown', onKeyDown); }; var onCancel = function () { removeDialog(); if(params.callback) { params.callback(null); } }; var onKeyDown = JSONEditor.Events.addEventListener(document, 'keydown', function (event) { event = event || window.event; var keynum = event.which || event.keyCode; if (keynum == 27) { // ESC onCancel(); JSONEditor.Events.preventDefault(event); JSONEditor.Events.stopPropagation(event); } }); var overlay = document.createElement('div'); overlay.className = 'fileretriever-overlay'; document.body.appendChild(overlay); var form = document.createElement('form'); form.className = 'fileretriever-form'; form.target = params.formTarget || ''; form.action = params.formAction || ''; form.method = params.formMethod || 'POST'; form.enctype = 'multipart/form-data'; form.encoding = 'multipart/form-data'; // needed for IE8 and older form.onsubmit = function () { if (field.value) { setTimeout(function () { // remove after the submit has taken place! removeDialog(); }, 0); if (params.callback) { params.callback(field.value); } return (params.formAction != undefined && params.formMethod != undefined); } else { alert('Enter a ' + params.inputName + ' first...'); return false; } }; var title = document.createElement('div'); title.className = 'fileretriever-title'; title.appendChild(document.createTextNode(params.title || 'Dialog')); form.appendChild(title); var field = document.createElement('input'); field.className = 'fileretriever-field'; field.type = params.inputType || 'text'; field.name = params.inputName || 'text'; field.value = params.inputDefault || ''; var contents = document.createElement('div'); contents.className = 'fileretriever-contents'; contents.appendChild(field); form.appendChild(contents); var cancel = document.createElement('input'); cancel.className = 'fileretriever-cancel'; cancel.type = 'button'; cancel.value = params.titleCancel || 'Cancel'; cancel.onclick = onCancel; var submit = document.createElement('input'); submit.className = 'fileretriever-submit'; submit.type = 'submit'; submit.value = params.titleSubmit || 'Ok'; var buttons = document.createElement('div'); buttons.className = 'fileretriever-buttons'; buttons.appendChild(cancel); buttons.appendChild(submit); form.appendChild(buttons); var border = document.createElement('div'); border.className = 'fileretriever-border'; border.appendChild(form); var background = document.createElement('div'); background.className = 'fileretriever-background'; background.appendChild(border); document.body.appendChild(background); field.focus(); field.select(); }; /** * Save data to disk * @param {String} data * @param {function} [callback] Callback when the file is saved, called * with parameter: * {Error} error */ FileRetriever.prototype.saveFile = function (data, callback) { // saving notification var saving = undefined; if (this.notify) { saving = this.notify.showNotification('saving file...'); } // method to ensure the callback is only executed once var me = this; var callbackOnce = function (error) { if (callback) { callback(error); callback = undefined; } if (me.notify && saving) { me.notify.removeMessage(saving); saving = undefined; } }; // create an anchor to save files to disk (if supported by the browser) var a = document.createElement('a'); if (this.options.html5 && a.download != undefined) { // save file directly using a data URL a.href = 'data:application/json;charset=utf-8,' + encodeURIComponent(data); a.download = this.getFilename(); a.click(); callbackOnce(); } else { // save file by uploading it to the server and then downloading // it via an iframe if (data.length < this.options.maxSize) { ajax.post(me.scriptUrl, data, me.headers, function(id, status) { if (status == 200) { var iframe = document.createElement('iframe'); iframe.src = me.scriptUrl + '?id=' + id + '&filename=' + me.getFilename(); me._hide(iframe); document.body.appendChild(iframe); /* TODO: send callback after the iframe is loaded. Problem: iframe.onload does not work on IE iframe.onload = function () { callbackOnce(); }; //*/ callbackOnce(); // TODO: cleanup the iframe after the file is saved. Problem: we cannot know when the save dialog is closed. } else { callbackOnce(new Error('Error saving file')); } }); } else { callbackOnce(new Error('Maximum allowed file size exceeded (' + this.options.maxSize + ' bytes)')); } } // safety mechanism: callback after a timeout setTimeout(function () { callbackOnce(new Error('Error saving file (time out)')); }, this.timeout); };