import test from 'ava'; import { jsonToEson, esonToJson, pathExists, transform, traverse, parseJSONPointer, compileJSONPointer, expand, addErrors, search, applySearchResults, nextSearchResult, previousSearchResult, applySelection } from '../src/eson' // TODO: move all JSON documents in separate json files to keep the test readable? const JSON_EXAMPLE = { obj: { arr: [1,2, {first:3,last:4}] }, str: 'hello world', nill: null, bool: false } const ESON = { type: 'Object', expanded: true, props: [ { id: '[ID]', name: 'obj', value: { type: 'Object', expanded: true, props: [ { id: '[ID]', name: 'arr', value: { type: 'Array', expanded: true, items: [ { id: '[ID]', value: { type: 'value', value: 1 } }, { id: '[ID]', value: { type: 'value', value: 2 } }, { id: '[ID]', value: { type: 'Object', expanded: true, props: [ { id: '[ID]', name: 'first', value: { type: 'value', value: 3 } }, { id: '[ID]', name: 'last', value: { type: 'value', value: 4 } } ] } } ] } } ] } }, { id: '[ID]', name: 'str', value: { type: 'value', value: 'hello world' } }, { id: '[ID]', name: 'nill', value: { type: 'value', value: null } }, { id: '[ID]', name: 'bool', value: { type: 'value', value: false } } ] } // TODO: instead of all slightly different copies of ESON, built them up via setIn, updateIn based on ESON const ESON_COLLAPSED_1 = { type: 'Object', expanded: true, props: [ { id: '[ID]', name: 'obj', value: { type: 'Object', expanded: true, props: [ { id: '[ID]', name: 'arr', value: { type: 'Array', expanded: true, items: [ { id: '[ID]', value: { type: 'value', value: 1 } }, { id: '[ID]', value: { type: 'value', value: 2 } }, { id: '[ID]', value: { type: 'Object', expanded: false, props: [ { id: '[ID]', name: 'first', value: { type: 'value', value: 3 } }, { id: '[ID]', name: 'last', value: { type: 'value', value: 4 } } ] } } ] } } ] } }, { id: '[ID]', name: 'str', value: { type: 'value', value: 'hello world' } }, { id: '[ID]', name: 'nill', value: { type: 'value', value: null } }, { id: '[ID]', name: 'bool', value: { type: 'value', value: false } } ] } const ESON_COLLAPSED_2 = { type: 'Object', expanded: true, props: [ { id: '[ID]', name: 'obj', value: { type: 'Object', expanded: false, props: [ { id: '[ID]', name: 'arr', value: { type: 'Array', expanded: false, items: [ { id: '[ID]', value: { type: 'value', value: 1 } }, { id: '[ID]', value: { type: 'value', value: 2 } }, { id: '[ID]', value: { type: 'Object', expanded: false, props: [ { id: '[ID]', name: 'first', value: { type: 'value', value: 3 } }, { id: '[ID]', name: 'last', value: { type: 'value', value: 4 } } ] } } ] } } ] } }, { id: '[ID]', name: 'str', value: { type: 'value', value: 'hello world' } }, { id: '[ID]', name: 'nill', value: { type: 'value', value: null } }, { id: '[ID]', name: 'bool', value: { type: 'value', value: false } } ] } // after search for 'L' (case insensitive) const ESON_SEARCH_L = { type: 'Object', expanded: true, props: [ { id: '[ID]', name: 'obj', value: { type: 'Object', expanded: true, props: [ { id: '[ID]', name: 'arr', value: { type: 'Array', expanded: true, items: [ { id: '[ID]', value: { type: 'value', value: 1 } }, { id: '[ID]', value: { type: 'value', value: 2 } }, { id: '[ID]', value: { type: 'Object', expanded: true, props: [ { id: '[ID]', name: 'first', value: { type: 'value', value: 3 } }, { id: '[ID]', name: 'last', value: { type: 'value', value: 4 }, searchResult: 'active' } ] } } ] } } ] } }, { id: '[ID]', name: 'str', value: { type: 'value', value: 'hello world', searchResult: 'normal' } }, { id: '[ID]', name: 'nill', value: { type: 'value', value: null, searchResult: 'normal' }, searchResult: 'normal' }, { id: '[ID]', name: 'bool', value: { type: 'value', value: false, searchResult: 'normal' }, searchResult: 'normal' } ] } const ESON_SELECTED_OBJECT = { type: 'Object', expanded: true, props: [ { id: '[ID]', name: 'obj', value: { type: 'Object', expanded: true, selected: true, props: [ { id: '[ID]', name: 'arr', value: { type: 'Array', expanded: true, items: [ { id: '[ID]', value: { type: 'value', value: 1 } }, { id: '[ID]', value: { type: 'value', value: 2 } }, { id: '[ID]', value: { type: 'Object', expanded: true, props: [ { id: '[ID]', name: 'first', value: { type: 'value', value: 3 } }, { id: '[ID]', name: 'last', value: { type: 'value', value: 4 } } ] } } ] } } ] } }, { id: '[ID]', name: 'str', value: { type: 'value', value: 'hello world', selected: true } }, { id: '[ID]', name: 'nill', value: { type: 'value', value: null, selected: true } }, { id: '[ID]', name: 'bool', value: { type: 'value', value: false } } ] } const ESON_SELECTED_ARRAY = { type: 'Object', expanded: true, props: [ { id: '[ID]', name: 'obj', value: { type: 'Object', expanded: true, props: [ { id: '[ID]', name: 'arr', value: { type: 'Array', expanded: true, items: [ { id: '[ID]', value: { type: 'value', selected: true, value: 1 } }, { id: '[ID]', value: { type: 'value', selected: true, value: 2 } }, { id: '[ID]', value: { type: 'Object', expanded: true, props: [ { id: '[ID]', name: 'first', value: { type: 'value', value: 3 } }, { id: '[ID]', name: 'last', value: { type: 'value', value: 4 } } ] } } ] } } ] } }, { id: '[ID]', name: 'str', value: { type: 'value', value: 'hello world' } }, { id: '[ID]', name: 'nill', value: { type: 'value', value: null } }, { id: '[ID]', name: 'bool', value: { type: 'value', value: false } } ] } const ESON_SELECTED_VALUE = { type: 'Object', expanded: true, props: [ { id: '[ID]', name: 'obj', value: { type: 'Object', expanded: true, props: [ { id: '[ID]', name: 'arr', value: { type: 'Array', expanded: true, items: [ { id: '[ID]', value: { type: 'value', value: 1 } }, { id: '[ID]', value: { type: 'value', value: 2 } }, { id: '[ID]', value: { type: 'Object', expanded: true, props: [ { id: '[ID]', name: 'first', value: { type: 'value', selected: true, value: 3 } }, { id: '[ID]', name: 'last', value: { type: 'value', value: 4 } } ] } } ] } } ] } }, { id: '[ID]', name: 'str', value: { type: 'value', value: 'hello world' } }, { id: '[ID]', name: 'nill', value: { type: 'value', value: null } }, { id: '[ID]', name: 'bool', value: { type: 'value', value: false } } ] } const ESON_SELECTED_PARENT = { type: 'Object', expanded: true, props: [ { id: '[ID]', name: 'obj', value: { type: 'Object', expanded: true, props: [ { id: '[ID]', name: 'arr', value: { type: 'Array', expanded: true, items: [ { id: '[ID]', value: { type: 'value', value: 1 } }, { id: '[ID]', value: { type: 'value', value: 2 } }, { id: '[ID]', value: { type: 'Object', expanded: true, selected: true, props: [ { id: '[ID]', name: 'first', value: { type: 'value', value: 3 } }, { id: '[ID]', name: 'last', value: { type: 'value', value: 4 } } ] } } ] } } ] } }, { id: '[ID]', name: 'str', value: { type: 'value', value: 'hello world' } }, { id: '[ID]', name: 'nill', value: { type: 'value', value: null } }, { id: '[ID]', name: 'bool', value: { type: 'value', value: false } } ] } const ESON_SMALL = { type: 'Object', props: [ { id: '[ID]', name: 'obj', value: { type: 'Object', props: [ { id: '[ID]', name: 'a', value: { type: 'value', value: 2 } } ] } }, { id: '[ID]', name: 'arr', value: { type: 'Array', items: [ { id: '[ID]', value: { type: 'value', value: 3 } } ] } } ] } const JSON_SCHEMA_ERRORS = [ {dataPath: '/obj/arr/2/last', message: 'String expected'}, {dataPath: '/nill', message: 'Null expected'} ] const ESON_ERRORS = { type: 'Object', expanded: true, props: [ { id: '[ID]', name: 'obj', value: { type: 'Object', expanded: true, props: [ { id: '[ID]', name: 'arr', value: { type: 'Array', expanded: true, items: [ { id: '[ID]', value: { type: 'value', value: 1 } }, { id: '[ID]', value: { type: 'value', value: 2 } }, { id: '[ID]', value: { type: 'Object', expanded: true, props: [ { id: '[ID]', name: 'first', value: { type: 'value', value: 3 } }, { id: '[ID]', name: 'last', value: { type: 'value', value: 4, error: JSON_SCHEMA_ERRORS[0] } } ] } } ] } } ] } }, { id: '[ID]', name: 'str', value: { type: 'value', value: 'hello world' } }, { id: '[ID]', name: 'nill', value: { type: 'value', value: null, error: JSON_SCHEMA_ERRORS[1] } }, { id: '[ID]', name: 'bool', value: { type: 'value', value: false } } ] } test('jsonToEson', t => { function expand (path) { return true } const ESON = jsonToEson(JSON_EXAMPLE, expand, []) replaceIds(ESON) t.deepEqual(ESON, ESON) }) test('esonToJson', t => { t.deepEqual(esonToJson(ESON), JSON_EXAMPLE) }) test('expand a single path', t => { const collapsed = expand(ESON, ['obj', 'arr', 2], false) t.deepEqual(collapsed, ESON_COLLAPSED_1) }) test('expand a callback', t => { function callback (path) { return path.length >= 1 } const expanded = false const collapsed = expand(ESON, callback, expanded) t.deepEqual(collapsed, ESON_COLLAPSED_2) }) test('expand a callback should not change the object when nothing happens', t => { function callback (path) { return false } const expanded = false const collapsed = expand(ESON, callback, expanded), ESON) }) test('pathExists', t => {, ['obj', 'arr', 2, 'first']), true), ['obj', 'foo']), false), ['obj', 'foo', 'bar']), false), []), true) }) test('parseJSONPointer', t => { t.deepEqual(parseJSONPointer('/obj/a'), ['obj', 'a']) t.deepEqual(parseJSONPointer('/arr/-'), ['arr', '-']) t.deepEqual(parseJSONPointer('/foo/~1~0 ~0~1'), ['foo', '/~ ~/']) t.deepEqual(parseJSONPointer('/obj'), ['obj']) t.deepEqual(parseJSONPointer('/'), ['']) t.deepEqual(parseJSONPointer(''), []) }) test('compileJSONPointer', t => { t.deepEqual(compileJSONPointer(['foo', 'bar']), '/foo/bar') t.deepEqual(compileJSONPointer(['foo', '/~ ~/']), '/foo/~1~0 ~0~1') t.deepEqual(compileJSONPointer(['']), '/') t.deepEqual(compileJSONPointer([]), '') }) test('add and remove errors', t => { const dataWithErrors = addErrors(ESON, JSON_SCHEMA_ERRORS) t.deepEqual(dataWithErrors, ESON_ERRORS) }) test('transform', t => { // {obj: {a: 2}, arr: [3]} let log = [] const transformed = transform(ESON_SMALL, function (value, path, root) {, ESON_SMALL) log.push([value, path, root]) if (path.length === 2 && path[0] === 'obj' && path[1] === 'a') { // change the value return { type: 'value', value: 42 } } // leave the value unchanged return value }) // console.log('transformed', JSON.stringify(transformed, null, 2)) const EXPECTED_LOG = [ [ESON_SMALL, [], ESON_SMALL], [ESON_SMALL.props[0].value, ['obj'], ESON_SMALL], [ESON_SMALL.props[0].value.props[0].value, ['obj', 'a'], ESON_SMALL], [ESON_SMALL.props[1].value, ['arr'], ESON_SMALL], [ESON_SMALL.props[1].value.items[0].value, ['arr', '0'], ESON_SMALL], ] log.forEach((row, index) => { t.deepEqual(log[index], EXPECTED_LOG[index], 'should have equal log at index ' + index ) }) t.deepEqual(log, EXPECTED_LOG) t.not(transformed, ESON_SMALL) t.not(transformed.props[0].value, ESON_SMALL.props[0].value) t.not(transformed.props[0].value.props[0].value, ESON_SMALL.props[0].value.props[0].value)[1].value, ESON_SMALL.props[1].value)[1].value.items[0].value, ESON_SMALL.props[1].value.items[0].value) }) test('traverse', t => { // {obj: {a: 2}, arr: [3]} let log = [] const returnValue = traverse(ESON_SMALL, function (value, path, root) {, ESON_SMALL) log.push([value, path, root]) }), undefined) const EXPECTED_LOG = [ [ESON_SMALL, [], ESON_SMALL], [ESON_SMALL.props[0].value, ['obj'], ESON_SMALL], [ESON_SMALL.props[0].value.props[0].value, ['obj', 'a'], ESON_SMALL], [ESON_SMALL.props[1].value, ['arr'], ESON_SMALL], [ESON_SMALL.props[1].value.items[0].value, ['arr', '0'], ESON_SMALL], ] log.forEach((row, index) => { t.deepEqual(log[index], EXPECTED_LOG[index], 'should have equal log at index ' + index ) }) t.deepEqual(log, EXPECTED_LOG) }) test('search', t => { const searchResults = search(ESON, 'L') // printJSON(searchResults) t.deepEqual(searchResults, [ {path: ['obj', 'arr', '2', 'last'], field: 'property'}, {path: ['str'], field: 'value'}, {path: ['nill'], field: 'property'}, {path: ['nill'], field: 'value'}, {path: ['bool'], field: 'property'}, {path: ['bool'], field: 'value'} ]) const activeSearchResult = searchResults[0] const updatedData = applySearchResults(ESON, searchResults, activeSearchResult) // printJSON(updatedData) t.deepEqual(updatedData, ESON_SEARCH_L) }) test('nextSearchResult', t => { const searchResults = [ {path: ['obj', 'arr', '2', 'last'], field: 'property'}, {path: ['str'], field: 'value'}, {path: ['nill'], field: 'property'}, {path: ['nill'], field: 'value'}, {path: ['bool'], field: 'property'}, {path: ['bool'], field: 'value'} ] t.deepEqual(nextSearchResult(searchResults, {path: ['nill'], field: 'property'}), {path: ['nill'], field: 'value'}) // wrap around t.deepEqual(nextSearchResult(searchResults, {path: ['bool'], field: 'value'}), {path: ['obj', 'arr', '2', 'last'], field: 'property'}) // return first when current is not found t.deepEqual(nextSearchResult(searchResults, {path: ['non', 'existing'], field: 'value'}), {path: ['obj', 'arr', '2', 'last'], field: 'property'}) // return null when searchResults are empty t.deepEqual(nextSearchResult([], {path: ['non', 'existing'], field: 'value'}), null) }) test('previousSearchResult', t => { const searchResults = [ {path: ['obj', 'arr', '2', 'last'], type: 'property'}, {path: ['str'], type: 'value'}, {path: ['nill'], type: 'property'}, {path: ['nill'], type: 'value'}, {path: ['bool'], type: 'property'}, {path: ['bool'], type: 'value'} ] t.deepEqual(previousSearchResult(searchResults, {path: ['nill'], type: 'property'}), {path: ['str'], type: 'value'}) // wrap around t.deepEqual(previousSearchResult(searchResults, {path: ['obj', 'arr', '2', 'last'], type: 'property'}), {path: ['bool'], type: 'value'}) // return first when current is not found t.deepEqual(previousSearchResult(searchResults, {path: ['non', 'existing'], type: 'value'}), {path: ['obj', 'arr', '2', 'last'], type: 'property'}) // return null when searchResults are empty t.deepEqual(previousSearchResult([], {path: ['non', 'existing'], type: 'value'}), null) }) test('selection (object)', t => { const selection = { start: {path: ['obj', 'arr', '2', 'last']}, end: {path: ['nill']} } const result = applySelection(ESON, selection) t.deepEqual(result, ESON_SELECTED_OBJECT) }) test('selection (array)', t => { const selection = { start: {path: ['obj', 'arr', '1']}, end: {path: ['obj', 'arr', '0']} // note the "wrong" order of start and end } const result = applySelection(ESON, selection) t.deepEqual(result, ESON_SELECTED_ARRAY) }) test('selection (value)', t => { const selection = { start: {path: ['obj', 'arr', '2', 'first']}, end: {path: ['obj', 'arr', '2', 'first']} } const result = applySelection(ESON, selection) t.deepEqual(result, ESON_SELECTED_VALUE) }) test('selection (single parent)', t => { const selection = { start: {path: ['obj', 'arr', '2']}, end: {path: ['obj', 'arr', '2']} } const result = applySelection(ESON, selection) t.deepEqual(result, ESON_SELECTED_PARENT) }) // helper function to replace all id properties with a constant value function replaceIds (data, value = '[ID]') { if (data.type === 'Object') { data.props.forEach(prop => { = value replaceIds(prop.value, value) }) } if (data.type === 'Array') { data.items.forEach(item => { = value replaceIds(item.value, value) }) } } // helper function to print JSON in the console function printJSON (json, message = null) { if (message) { console.log(message) } console.log(JSON.stringify(json, null, 2)) }