/** * Jake build script */ var jake = require('jake'), path = require('path'), cleanCss = require('clean-css'), archiver = require('archiver'), fs = require('fs'); require('jake-utils'); // constants var JSONEDITOR = './jsoneditor.js', JSONEDITOR_CSS = './jsoneditor.css', JSONEDITOR_MIN = './jsoneditor-min.js', JSONEDITOR_CSS_MIN = './jsoneditor-min.css', BUILD = './build'; /** * default task */ desc('Execute all tasks'); task('default', ['clear', 'build', 'minify', 'zip', 'webapp', 'chromeapp'], function () { console.log('Done'); }); /** * build the library */ desc('Clear the build directory'); task('clear', function () { jake.rmRf(BUILD); }); /** * build the library */ desc('Build the library'); task('build', ['clear'], function () { var jsoneditorSrc = './jsoneditor/'; // concatenate the javascript files concat({ src: [ jsoneditorSrc + 'js/jsoneditor.js', jsoneditorSrc + 'js/treeeditor.js', jsoneditorSrc + 'js/texteditor.js', jsoneditorSrc + 'js/node.js', jsoneditorSrc + 'js/appendnode.js', jsoneditorSrc + 'js/contextmenu.js', jsoneditorSrc + 'js/history.js', jsoneditorSrc + 'js/searchbox.js', jsoneditorSrc + 'js/highlighter.js', jsoneditorSrc + 'js/util.js', jsoneditorSrc + 'js/module.js' ], dest: JSONEDITOR, header: read(jsoneditorSrc +'js/header.js') + '\n' + '(function () {\n', separator: '\n', footer: '\n})();\n' }); // update version number and stuff in the javascript files replacePlaceholders(JSONEDITOR); console.log('Created ' + JSONEDITOR); // concatenate and stringify the css files concat({ src: [ jsoneditorSrc + 'css/jsoneditor.css', jsoneditorSrc + 'css/contextmenu.css', jsoneditorSrc + 'css/menu.css', jsoneditorSrc + 'css/searchbox.css' ], dest: JSONEDITOR_CSS, separator: '\n' }); console.log('Created ' + JSONEDITOR_CSS); // minify the css file write(JSONEDITOR_CSS_MIN, cleanCss.process(String(read(JSONEDITOR_CSS)))); // create a folder img and copy the icons jake.mkdirP('./img'); jake.cpR(jsoneditorSrc + 'css/img/jsoneditor-icons.png', './img/'); console.log('Copied jsoneditor-icons.png to ./img/'); }); /** * minify the library */ desc('Minify the library'); task('minify', ['build'], function () { // minify javascript minify({ src: JSONEDITOR, dest: JSONEDITOR_MIN, header: read('./jsoneditor/js/header.js'), separator: '\n' }); // update version number and stuff in the javascript files replacePlaceholders(JSONEDITOR_MIN); console.log('Created ' + JSONEDITOR_MIN); }); /** * zip the library */ desc('Zip the library'); task('zip', ['build', 'minify'], {async: true}, function () { var zipfolder = BUILD + '/lib'; var pkg = 'jsoneditor-' + version(); var zipfile = zipfolder + '/' + pkg + '.zip'; jake.mkdirP(zipfolder); var output = fs.createWriteStream(zipfile); var archive = archiver('zip'); archive.on('error', function(err) { throw err; }); archive.pipe(output); var filelist = new jake.FileList(); filelist.include([ 'README.md', 'NOTICE', 'LICENSE', 'HISTORY.md', JSONEDITOR, JSONEDITOR_CSS, JSONEDITOR_MIN, JSONEDITOR_CSS_MIN, 'img/*.*', 'lib/**/*.*', 'examples/**/*.*' ]); var files = filelist.toArray(); files.forEach(function (file) { archive.append(fs.createReadStream(file), { name: pkg + '/' + file }) }); archive.finalize(function(err, written) { if (err) { throw err; } console.log('Zipped ' + zipfile); complete(); }); }); /** * build the web app */ desc('Build web app'); task('webapp', ['build', 'minify'], function () { var webAppSrc = './app/web/'; var libSrc = './lib/'; var webApp = BUILD + '/app/web/'; var webAppLib = webApp + 'lib/'; var webAppAce = webAppLib + 'ace/'; var webAppImg = webApp + 'img/'; var webAppDoc = webApp + 'doc/'; var appJs = webApp + 'app.js'; var appCss = webApp + 'app.css'; var appCssMin = webApp + 'app-min.css'; var appJsMin = webApp + 'app-min.js'; // create directories // TODO: should be created automatically... jake.mkdirP(webApp); jake.mkdirP(webAppLib); jake.mkdirP(webAppLib + 'ace/'); jake.mkdirP(webAppLib + 'jsoneditor/'); jake.mkdirP(webAppLib + 'jsoneditor/img/'); jake.mkdirP(webAppLib + 'jsonlint/'); jake.mkdirP(webAppImg); jake.mkdirP(webAppDoc); // concatenate the javascript files concat({ src: [ webAppSrc + 'queryparams.js', webAppSrc + 'ajax.js', webAppSrc + 'fileretriever.js', webAppSrc + 'notify.js', webAppSrc + 'splitter.js', webAppSrc + 'app.js' ], dest: appJs, separator: '\n' }); // minify javascript minify({ src: appJs, dest: appJsMin }); // concatenate the css files concat({ src: [ webAppSrc + 'fileretriever.css', webAppSrc + 'app.css' ], dest: appCss, separator: '\n' }); // minify css file write(appCssMin, cleanCss.process(String(read(appCss)))); // remove non minified javascript and css file fs.unlinkSync(appJs); fs.unlinkSync(appCss); // copy files jake.cpR('./README.md', webApp); jake.cpR('./HISTORY.md', webApp); jake.cpR('./NOTICE', webApp); jake.cpR('./LICENSE', webApp); jake.cpR('./LICENSE', webApp); jake.cpR(webAppSrc + 'robots.txt', webApp); jake.cpR(webAppSrc + 'datapolicy.txt', webApp); jake.cpR(webAppSrc + 'index.html', webApp); jake.cpR(webAppSrc + 'favicon.ico', webApp); jake.cpR(webAppSrc + 'fileretriever.php', webApp); jake.cpR(webAppSrc + 'googlea47c4a0b36d11021.html', webApp); jake.cpR(webAppSrc + 'img/logo.png', webAppImg); jake.cpR(webAppSrc + 'img/header_background.png', webAppImg); jake.cpR(webAppSrc + 'doc/', webAppDoc); // update date and verison in index.html replacePlaceholders(webApp + 'index.html'); replacePlaceholders(webApp + 'index.html'); // TODO: fix bug in replace, should replace all occurrences // concatenate and copy ace files concat({ src: [ libSrc + 'ace/ace.js', libSrc + 'ace/mode-json.js', libSrc + 'ace/theme-textmate.js', libSrc + 'ace/theme-jsoneditor.js' ], dest: webAppAce + 'ace-min.js', separator: '\n' }); jake.cpR(libSrc + 'ace/worker-json.js', webAppAce); // copy json lint file jake.cpR(libSrc + 'jsonlint/jsonlint.js', webAppLib + 'jsonlint/') // copy jsoneditor files jake.cpR(JSONEDITOR_MIN, webAppLib + 'jsoneditor/'); jake.cpR(JSONEDITOR_CSS_MIN, webAppLib + 'jsoneditor/'); jake.cpR('img', webAppLib + 'jsoneditor/'); }); /** * build the chrome app */ desc('Build chrome app'); task('chromeapp', {async: true}, function () { var folder = BUILD + '/app/'; var file = folder + 'chrome.zip'; jake.mkdirP(folder); var output = fs.createWriteStream(file); var archive = archiver('zip'); archive.on('error', function(err) { throw err; }); // create a temporary manifest file with version number var manifestTmp = folder + 'manifest.json.tmp'; jake.cpR('./app/chrome/manifest.json', manifestTmp); replacePlaceholders(manifestTmp); archive.pipe(output); archive.append(fs.createReadStream(manifestTmp), {name: 'manifest.json'}); archive.append(fs.createReadStream('./app/web/img/icon_16.png'), {name: 'icon_16.png'}); archive.append(fs.createReadStream('./app/web/img/icon_128.png'), {name: 'icon_128.png'}); // cleanup temporary manifest file fs.unlinkSync(manifestTmp); archive.finalize(function(err, written) { if (err) { throw err; } console.log('Created chrome app ' + file); complete(); }); }); /** * replace version, date, and name placeholders in the provided file * @param {String} filename */ var replacePlaceholders = function (filename) { replace({ replacements: [ {pattern: '@@date', replacement: today()}, {pattern: '@@version', replacement: version()} ], src: filename }); };