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How to publish jsoneditor
This document describes the steps required to publish a new version of jsoneditor.
Update version number
Update the version number in package.json.
Update history
Update the date and version number in the file HISTORY.md. Verify whether all changes in the new version are described.
Test the library
Run the unit tests and validate whether all tests pass:
npm test
Build library
Build the build (jsoneditor.js, jsoneditor.css, ...) files by running:
npm run build
After the build is complete, verify if the files are updated and contain the correct date and version number in the header.
Test whether the npm library is ok by installing it locally:
cd ../tmp-folder
npm install ./path/to/jsoneditor
Check whether the examples in the library work ok, and whether the necessary files are included.
- Commit the final code.
- Merge the develop branch into the master branch.
- Push to github.
If everything is well, create a tag for the new version, like:
git tag v1.2.4
git push --tags
Publish to npm:
npm publish
Publish at cdnjs: test after 30 to 60 minutes whether the new version is published at cdnjs (should auto update).
Test published library
Install the libraries locally and test whether they work correctly:
cd tmp-folder
npm install jsoneditor
bower install jsoneditor
Congrats, be proud.