
1379 lines
43 KiB

# JSON Editor - History
## not yet published, version 8.6.7
- Update dependencies to `ajv@6.12.2`.
## 2020-04-21, version 8.6.6
- Fix #969: adding a new property to an empty object or array is broken.
Regression introduced in `v8.6.5`.
## 2020-04-19, version 8.6.5
- Fix #964: translation of titles of some context menu items not working.
- Update dependencies to `ace-builds@1.4.11`, `ajv@6.12.1`.
## 2020-03-29, version 8.6.4
- Fix #921: `sortObjectKeys` emits `onChange` events.
- Fix #946: `language` not working in modes `text`, `code`, and `preview`.
- Revert reckoning with the order of object properties when updating an
object (introduced in `v8.6.2`). See #917.
- Implement support for repairing line separate JSON.
## 2020-03-18, version 8.6.3
- Fix #932: `JSONEditor.update` broken, did not always recognize when the
input changed. Regression introduced in `v8.6.2`.
## 2020-03-18, version 8.6.2
- Fixed #917, #926: Keep order of properties when updating an object.
- Fixed #928: Custom root name not reflected in path of navigation bar.
- Upgraded to `ajv@6.12.0`
## 2020-02-17, version 8.6.1
- Fixed #908: editor throwing an exception when switching from `'preview'`
to `'code'` mode.
## 2020-02-16, version 8.6.0
- Fixed #906: Implemented turning Python objects containing `True`, `False`
and `None` into valid JSON using repair.
## 2020-02-06, version 8.5.3
- Fix #892: the undo/redo buttons in mode `code` being broken when custom
loading an old version of Ace Editor.
## 2020-02-05, version 8.5.2
- Fix undo/redo buttons in mode `code` not always updating.
## 2020-02-05, version 8.5.1
- Fix broken build.
## 2020-02-05, version 8.5.0
- Implemented support for customizing the query language used in the
Transform modal. New options `createQuery`, `executeQuery`, and
`queryDescription` are available for this now. An example is available
in `examples/23_custom_query_language.html`. See #857, #871.
- Implement undo/redo buttons in `code` mode.
- Fix history (undo/redo) being cleared in mode `code` and `text` after
transforming or sorting.
## 2020-01-25, version 8.4.1
- Fix `console.log` in production code. Oopsie.
## 2020-01-25, version 8.4.0
- Added CSS classes `jsoneditor-expanded` and `jsoneditor-collapsed` on array
and object nodes reflecting there state.
## 2020-01-18, version 8.3.0
- Update dependency `ajv` to `v6.11.0`.
- Fix #790: editor breaking when missing a translation containing a
## 2020-01-16, version 8.2.0
- Make it easy to create custom styling by overriding default SASS variable
values, see #881. Thanks @petermanders89.
- Update `ace` to `v1.4.8`.
## 2020-01-06, version 8.1.2
- Fix #873: buttons Format, Compact, and Repair not supporting
- Fix #877: Some CSS styling issues when used in combination with Materialize.
- Updated dependency `vanilla-picker` to `v2.10.1`.
## 2019-12-28, version 8.1.1
- Fixed the file size reported in `preview` mode show `KB` and `MB` instead
of `KiB` and `MiB` in order to match the size reported by filesystems.
## 2019-12-18, version 8.1.0
- Implemented `popupAnchor` allowing to select a custom anchor element.
See #869 and #870.
- Fixed #502: CSS rule `* { font-family: ... }` resulting in Ace editor (`code`
mode) not having a mono-space font anymore.
## 2019-12-11, version 8.0.0
- Implemented option `timestampFormat` which allows customizing the formatting
of timestamp tags. See also option `timestampTag`. Thanks @smallp.
- Changed the behavior of `timestampTag` to fallback on the built-in rules when
the function does not return a boolean. See #856.
- Reverted the heuristics introduced in `v7.3.0` to check whether some field
contains a timestamp based on the field name, because they can give wrong
timestamps in case of values in seconds instead of the assumed milliseconds
(see #847, #856).
## 2019-12-08, version 7.5.0
- Extended the callback `onValidationError` to also report parse errors,
and distinguish between JSON schema validation errors and custom errors.
See #861 and #612. Thanks @meirotstein.
## 2019-12-01, version 7.4.0
- Implemented callback function `onValidationError`, see #612, #854.
Thanks @meirotstein.
- Fixed #850: make autocomplete options robust against non-string inputs
like `null`, `123`, `true`, `false`.
## 2019-12-01, version 7.3.1
- Fixed #855: `onFocus` and `onBlur` not working in modes `text` and `code`
when editor was created without main menu bar, and `editor.destroy()`
throwing an exception.
## 2019-11-27, version 7.3.0
- Implemented callbacks `onFocus` and `onBlur` (PR #809, issue #727).
Thanks @123survesh.
- Fixed #847: allow customizing the in rules determining whether a value
is a timestamp or not by passing a callback function to `timestampTag`.
## 2019-10-27, version 7.2.1
- Fixed #826: editor not allowing indentation `0`.
- Fixed #828: do not expand/collapse when clicking the text of a node
in modes `view` or `form`.
- Fixed #829: z-index issue of context-menu button and conflicting css names.
## 2019-10-23, version 7.2.0
- Implemented Japanese translation (`ja`). Thanks @yutakiyama.
- Implemented French translation (`fr-FR`), and some improvements in the
translation. Thanks @yannickyvin.
- Upgraded to the latest version of Ace editor, 1.4.7.
- Fixed #824: Parse errors not displayed with bottom right error icon in modes
`code` and `text`.
## 2019-10-13, version 7.1.0
- Upgraded to the latest version of Ace editor 1.4.6. Changed implementation
to use `ace-builds` directly instead of `brace` (still using Ace 1.2.9).
- Improved Portuguese translation. Thanks @victorananias.
## 2019-10-06, version 7.0.5
- Upgraded dependencies: `vanilla-picker@2.10.0`.
- Minor documentation improvements. Thanks @slash-arun.
- Minor styling fixes.
## 2019-09-11, version 7.0.4
- Fixed #723: schema error popup and color picker not always fully visible.
- Fixed wrong text color in search box when using JSONEditor in combination
with bootstrap. See #791. Thanks @dmitry-kulikov.
- Fixed react examples not working out of the box when cloning or downloading
the git repository of JSONEditor. See #787, #788. Thanks @vishwasnavadak.
## 2019-09-04, version 7.0.3
- Fixed `index.js` pointing to non-transpiled code. See #783.
- Fixed absolute url of images in SASS. Thanks @moonbreezee.
## 2019-09-02, version 7.0.2
- Fix #781: race condition when destroying the editor right after setting data.
## 2019-09-01, version 7.0.1
- Fix npm package missing `dist` folder.
## 2019-09-01, version 7.0.0
- Converted the code largely to ES6, put Babel transpiler in place.
- Dropped support for bower, removed the `dist` folder from the git repository.
- Fixed #586: caret position lost when switching browser tabs.
## 2019-08-28, version 6.4.1
- Fix styling of autocompletion dropdown broken. Regression since `v6.4.0`.
## 2019-08-28, version 6.4.0
- Replaces CSS with SASS internally, improvements in styling. Thanks @ppetkow.
- Fixed #761: JSON schema errors not rendered in the gutter for mode `code`
when the path contained a property with a forward slash, and errors not
clickable in the error table.
- Fixed #777: option `sortObjectKeys` broken.
## 2019-08-15, version 6.3.0
- Fixed #755: JSONEditor throwing an exception in mode `code`, `text`, and
`preview` when `statusBar: false`.
- When duplicating an object property, move focus to the field and do not
immediately add the ` (copy)` suffix. See #766.
- Fixed #769: option `name` not working anymore. Regression since `v6.1.0`.
- Fixed #763: `autocomplete.trigger: 'focus'` throws an error when opening the
context menu. Thanks @Thaina.
- Updated dependencies `json-source-map@0.6.1`
## 2019-08-01, version 6.2.1
- Updated Chinese translation. Thanks @SargerasWang.
## 2019-07-28, version 6.2.0
- Implemented new mode `preview`, capable of working with large JSON documents
up to 500 MiB.
- Repair button is now capable of turning MongoDB documents into valid JSON.
- Fixed #730: in `code` mode, there was an initial undo action which clears
the content.
- Upgraded dependencies `vanilla-picker@2.9.2`, `mobius1-selectr@2.4.13`,
## 2019-06-22, version 6.1.0
- Implemented menu options `sort` and `transform` for modes `code` and `text`.
- Implemented new context menu item `extract`.
- Minor tweaks in the way paths are displayed in the sort and transform modals.
## 2019-06-12, version 6.0.0
- Breaking change: upgraded dependency `ajv@6.10.0`, supporting JSON schema
draft-07 alongside draft-06 and draft-04.
- Upgraded dependency `vanilla-picker@2.8.1`.
- Use JSON schema title as name for the root object if defined (see #635).
## 2019-06-08, version 5.34.0
- Extended the autocomplete feature with new options `filter` and `trigger`.
Thanks @Gcaufy.
- Removed :hover style on disabled buttons. Thanks @Gcaufy.
- Upgraded dependency `mobius1-selectr@2.4.12`.
## 2019-05-29, version 5.33.0
- Fixed #697: JSON Schema enum dropdown not working inside an array.
- Fixed #698: When using `onCreateMenu`, `node.path` is null when clicking
on an append node or when multiple nodes are selected.
- Upgraded dependencies to `mobius1-selectr@2.4.10`, `vanilla-picker@2.8.0`.
- Remove :hover style on disabled buttons. Thanks @Gcaufy.
## 2019-04-27, version 5.32.5
- Fixed a bug in the JMESPath query wizard which didn't correctly handle
selecting multiple fields.
- Fixed context menu not working when multiple nodes are selected.
## 2019-04-10, version 5.32.4
- Fixed #682 and #687: JSONEditor not being able to handle JSON schema
validation errors when the root of the document is an Array. Thanks @DusuWen.
## 2019-04-04, version 5.32.3
- Fixed #684: `const` used in bundled library.
## 2019-04-03, version 5.32.2
- Fixed #416: Clipped action menu for append nodes.
- Improve detection of value type in transform modal.
- Styling improvements in the transform modal.
- Fix CSS class for default/non-default schema values not applied to enums,
see (#666).
- Fixed #671: Improved handling of duplicate property names, which could cause
values to be cleared when used as a controlled component in for example React.
## 2019-03-28, version 5.32.1
- Fixed a regression in parsing JSON paths: numbers where parsed as strings
instead of a numeric value. See #679. Thanks @AdamVig.
- Fixed using hyphens in the path of custom validation errors (see #665).
Thanks @tobiasfriden.
## 2019-03-20, version 5.32.0
- Implemented support for reckoning with JSON schema default values: custom
styling can be applied for default and non-default values. Thanks @AdamVig.
- Fixed #667: resolving JSON Schema examples and descriptions did not always
work for referenced schemas. Thanks @AdamVig.
- Fixed #676: JSON Paths containing array properties with a `]` not parsed
## 2019-03-14, version 5.31.1
- Fix IE11 issue.
- Some fixes in the Simplified Chinese translation.
Thanks @@adf0001 and @yuxizhe.
## 2019-03-10, version 5.31.0
- Display JSON schema examples in tooltip (#664). Thanks @AdamVig.
## 2019-03-02, version 5.30.0
- Implemented a new option `onCreateMenu` to customize the action menu.
Thanks @RobAley.
## 2019-02-20, version 5.29.1
- Fixed #661: JSONEditor broken on IE11 caused by duplicate JSON entries
in a translation.
## 2019-02-16, version 5.29.0
- Added Simplified Chinese localization. Thanks @long2ice.
- Added Turkish localization. Thanks @beratpostalci.
- Improved JSON schema titles on fields. Fixes #321. Thanks @AdamVig.
- Fixes in resolving JSON schemas, see #651. Thanks @AdamVig.
- Fix #657: `onClassName` throwing an error when a node is removed.
## 2019-01-23, version 5.28.2
- Fix #639: Occurrence of non-ES5 `const` declaration in published code.
Regression introduced in `v5.28.0`.
## 2019-01-22, version 5.28.1
- Fix #637: Vertical white border left/right from the main menu in some
specific circumstances.
- Fix #638: Cannot expand after collapse. Regression introduced in v5.28.0.
## 2019-01-21, version 5.28.0
- Implemented new option `maxVisibleChilds` to customize the maximum number
childs that is rendered by default. Thanks @20goto10.
- Implemented new option `onClassName`, allowing customized and dynamic
styling of nodes. See 20_custom_css_style_for_nodes.html for a demo.
Thanks @maestr0.
- Make the method `refresh()` public.
## 2019-01-16, version 5.27.1
- Improved navigating deeply nested paths via the navigation bar, see #619.
Thanks @meirotstein.
- Sdd title from schema description to show the tips for user input.
Thanks @tylerchen.
- Fix JSON Schema not resolving refs `$ref`, and not creating enum dropdowns.
Thanks @tylerchen.
## 2019-01-05, version 5.27.0
- Implemented customizing object and array names via a new option
`onNodeName`. Thanks @bnanchen.
- Visibility of schema validation errors at the bottom of mode code and text
are now toggleable. Thanks @meirotstein.
- Fixed text of the mode switcher not being translated. Thanks @antfu.
## 2018-12-06, version 5.26.3
- Fixed #610: JSON Repair now removes trailing commas.
- Upgraded devDependency `gulp` to v4. Thanks @maestr0.
## 2018-11-13, version 5.26.2
- Fixed dragging and selecting multiple nodes not working
(regression introduced in `v5.26.1`).
## 2018-11-13, version 5.26.1
- Fixed `.update()` throwing an exception when replacing a JSON object
with `null`. Thanks @DullReferenceException.
- Fixed #598: Search field can't be focused in object view.
## 2018-11-12, version 5.26.0
- Implemented option `mainMenuBar` to enable/disable the main menu bar.
Thanks @tanmayrajani.
## 2018-10-29, version 5.25.0
- Implemented options `enableSort` and `enableTransform` so you can turn off
these features. Thanks @tanmayrajani.
- Fixed #590: validation failing in code and text mode when status
bar is disabled.
- Fixed #589: the path in the navigation bar is not updated
when duplicating or removing a node, and neither after an undo/redo action.
- Fixed duplicate and remove of the action menu of multiple selected
nodes not working.
- Fixed not preventing default selection of text when selecting nodes.
- Fixed #595: navigation bar path link not working.
## 2018-10-08, version 5.24.7
- Fix #582: parse error annotations not always up to date in
code editor. Thanks @meirotstein.
## 2018-09-12, version 5.24.6
- Fix #548: `import JSONEditor from 'jsoneditor'` not working in
TypeScript projects (gave a constructor is undefined error).
## 2018-09-06, version 5.24.5
- Fixed a bug in textmode on IE 11, not loading the editor when
`Promise` is undefined.
## 2018-09-06, version 5.24.4
- Fixed #576: Visualization in mode `view` when an array
with more than 100 items is rendered.
- Fixed JSONEditor not working on IE11: continue and throw console
errors when `Promise` is undefined. Regression since `v5.23.0`.
- Fixed `onClose` of color picker not being fired when clicking outside
the picker to close it.
- Upgraded dependencies `brace`, `mobius1-selectr`, `vanilla-picker`.
- Upgraded devDependency `mocha`.
## 2018-08-29, version 5.24.3
- Fixed color picker not working in ES6 projects.
- Fixed color picker closing immediately after the first `onChange`
event, and `onChange` events are now debounced like all text inputs.
## 2018-08-27, version 5.24.2
- Improved error and validation messaging in `text` mode.
Thanks @meirotstein.
- Clicking a message now selects the line where the error occurs.
- Icon bottom right showing when there are warnings or errors.
- Fixed field still editable after moving a node from an object
to an array, changing the field from a property into an index.
## 2018-08-26, version 5.24.1
- Context menu and color picker are now absolutely positioned, and
can overflow the borders of the editor.
- Fixed #568: mode switcher disappearing when selecting the current
mode again.
- Fixed `transform` not creating/removing expand button when the type
of a node changed.
## 2018-08-22, version 5.24.0
- Implemented a color picker, and allow hooking in a custom color
picker. new options are `colorPicker` and `onColorPicker`.
- Implemented a timestamp tag displayed right from timestamps,
with corresponding option `timestampTag`.
## 2018-08-17, version 5.23.1
- Fixed #566: transform function broken, regression since `v5.20.0`.
## 2018-08-15, version 5.23.0
- Implemented support for custom validation using a new `onValidate` callback.
- In tree mode, nodes containing a validation error now have a className
`jsoneditor-validation-error` which can be used for custom styling.
## 2018-08-13, version 5.22.0
- Implemented `onEvent` callback triggered when an event occurs in a JSON
field or value. Thanks @cristinabarrantes.
## 2018-08-12, version 5.21.0
- Show validation errors inline instead of at the bottom when in code
mode. Thanks @meirotstein.
- Fix #562: allow `$` character in property names of of a JSON schema.
## 2018-08-10, version 5.20.0
_Good news: JSONEditor is finally framework friendly and can now be easily
integrated in React, Vue, and Angular!_
- Implemented new methods `update` and `updateText`, which maintain the state
of the editor (expanded nodes, search, selection). This makes it easy to
integrate in frameworks like React.
- Implemented options `onChangeJSON(json)` and `onChangeText(jsonString)`.
- Added two React examples to the `examples` folder.
- Fixed menu buttons "Sort" and "Transform" being available in modes `view`
and `form`.
## 2018-08-02, version 5.19.2
- Fixed #558: scrolling to search results and automatically scrolling up/down
when dragging an item broken (regression since v5.19.1).
## 2018-07-28, version 5.19.1
- Fixed #557: inner contents of the scrollable area being displayed outside of
the editor (on Chrome only).
## 2018-07-11, version 5.19.0
- No more grayed out icons of the context menu, see #532.
- Added Sort and Transform buttons to the main menu.
- Fixes and improvements in the Transform dialog.
## 2018-06-27, version 5.18.0
- Implemented JMESPath support for advanced filtering, sorting, and
transforming of JSON documents.
- Implemented a new option `modalAnchor` to control at which part of the
screen the modals are displayed.
- Fixed #544: JSON Schema errors sometimes not being displayed in the
## 2018-06-03, version 5.17.1
- Fixed a bug in a translation text.
## 2018-06-03, version 5.17.0
- Implemented advanced sorting for arrays.
## 2018-05-23, version 5.16.0
- Better handling of JSON documents containing large arrays:
- Only displays the first 100 items of large arrays,
with buttons "show more" and "show all" to render more items.
- Search results are now limited to max 1000 matches,
and search does no longer expand the paths to all matches
but only expands the path of the current search result.
- Fixed index numbers of Array items not being updated after sorting.
## 2018-05-02, version 5.15.0
- Implemented selection API: `onSelectionChanged`, `onTextSelectionChanged`,
`getSelection`, `getTextSelection`, `setSelection`, `setTextSelection`,
and `getNodesByRange`. Thanks @meirotstein.
## 2018-03-21, version 5.14.1
- Fixed absolute path of css image `jsoneditor-icons.svg`, which could.
give issues with webpack plugin "file-loader". Thanks @landru29.
## 2018-02-25, version 5.14.0
- Implemented support for translations. Thanks @mariohmol.
- Fixed a bug sometimes occurring when dragging items from array to
object, see #509. Thanks @43081j.
- Fixed autocomplete not accepting returned `null` values, see #512.
Thanks @43081j.
- Fixed memory inefficiency when working with large JSON Schema's
generating many errors. Thanks @43081j.
## 2018-02-07, version 5.13.3
- Fixed a positioning issue with JSON Schema errors in text/code mode.
## 2018-01-18, version 5.13.2
- Fixed view mode opening links in a new tab instead of current tab
when Ctrl key is not down. Thanks @LEW21.
- Fixed #502: code editor not showing a monospaced font some cases.
## 2017-12-28, version 5.13.1
- Fixed another occurrence of #494: properties not escaped in the
navigation bar.
## 2017-12-28, version 5.13.0
- Implemented cursor position in text mode. Thanks @meirotstein.
- Fixed #494: properties not escaped in the navigation bar.
Thanks @meirotstein.
## 2017-12-18, version 5.12.0
- Implemented #482: Include `caseSensitive` option for autocomplete.
Thanks @israelito3000.
- Upgraded dependencies
- `ajv@5.5.2`
## 2017-11-22, version 5.11.0
- Upgraded dependencies
- `ajv@5.4.0`
- `brace@0.11.0`
- Fixed dropdown for JSON Schema enums when defined inside pattern
properties. Thanks @alquist.
- Fixed code containing a non UTF-8 character. Thanks @alshakero.
## 2017-11-15, version 5.10.1
- Some styling tweaks in the navigation bar and status bar.
- Don't display status bar in `text` mode (which doesn't yet support
row and col counts).
## 2017-11-15, version 5.10.0
- Implemented a navigation bar showing the path. Thanks @meirotstein.
- Implemented a status bar showing cursor location.
Thanks @meirotstein.
- Implemented repairing JSON objects containing left and right single
and double quotes (which you get when typing a JSON object in Word)
in `text` and `code` mode.
- Implemented repairing JSON objects containing special white space
characters like non-breaking space.
- Upgraded dependency `ajv` to version `5.3.0`.
- Fixed #481: A polyfill required `DocumentType` which is not defined
in all environments.
## 2017-09-16, version 5.9.6
- Fixed displaying a dropdown for enums inside composite schemas.
Thanks @hachichaud.
- Fixed #461: Urls opening twice on Firefox and Safari.
## 2017-08-26, version 5.9.5
- Fixed a regression introduced in `v5.9.4`: after using the context
menu once, it was not possible to set focus to an other input field
## 2017-08-20, version 5.9.4
- Fixed #447: context menus not working in Shadow DOM. Thanks @tomalec.
## 2017-07-24, version 5.9.3
- Fixed broken multi-selection (regression).
## 2017-07-13, version 5.9.2
- Fixed a bug in the JSON sanitizer.
## 2017-07-13, version 5.9.1
- `setText` method of tree mode now automatically sanitizes JSON input
when needed.
- Fixed #430: automatically fix unescaped control characters in
JSON input.
## 2017-07-10, version 5.9.0
- Implemented support for JSON schema references `$ref`, see #302.
Thanks @meirotstein.
- Fixed #429: JSONEditor no longer accepting an empty array for option
`modes`. Thanks @trystan2k.
- Fixed JSONEditor picking the first entry of `modes` as initial mode
instead of option `mode`.
## 2017-07-08, version 5.8.2
- Select first option from `modes` instead of `tree` when `mode` is not
configured. Thanks @bag-man.
- Some fixes and improvements in the API of autocompletion.
Thanks @israelito3000.
## 2017-07-03, version 5.8.1
- Fixed broken minified bundles in folder `dist` (again...).
## 2017-07-02, version 5.8.0
- Implemented support for autocompletion. Thanks @israelito3000.
## 2017-06-27, version 5.7.2
- Fixed broken minified bundles in folder `dist`
(reverted to `uglify-js@2.8.22` for now).
## 2017-06-25, version 5.7.1
- Upgraded dependency `ajv` to version `5.2.0`. Resolves warnings in
Webpack build processes.
## 2017-05-26, version 5.7.0
- Implemented support for template items. Thanks @israelito3000.
- Upgraded dependencies to the latest versions. Thanks @andreykaipov.
## 2017-04-15, version 5.6.0
- Implemented readonly option for modes `text` and `code.`
Thanks @walkerrandolphsmith.
- Upgraded dependencies (`brance` and `ajv`) to the latest versions.
- Fixed not being able to move focus to enum select box when clicking
a JSON Schema warning.
- Fixed #309: already loaded version of Ace being overwritten by the
embedded version of JSONEditor.
- Fixed #368: Mode selection drop down not fully visible on small screen.
- Fixed #253: Optimize the input experience of Chinese IME.
Thanks @chinesedfan.
## 2017-01-06, version 5.5.11
- Fixed embedded version of jsoneditor ace theme not being loaded in
minimalist version (see #55).
- Fixed a styling issue in the SearchBox of Ace editor (mode `code`).
- Fixed #347: CSS more robust against global settings of div position.
- Added docs and example on how to use a custom version of Ace editor.
## 2016-11-02, version 5.5.10
- Fixed #85: pressing enter in an input in a form containing a JSONEditor too
breaks submitting the form.
## 2016-10-17, version 5.5.9
- Fixed #329: Editor showing duplicate key warnings for keys defined on the
Object prototype, like `toString` and `watch`.
## 2016-09-27, version 5.5.8
- Fixed #314: JSON schema validation throwing an error "Unexpected token ' in
JSON at position 0" in specific cases. Thanks @apostrophest
## 2016-08-17, version 5.5.7
- Fixed #308: wrong positioning of label "empty array" when `onEditable`
returns false.
## 2016-06-15, version 5.5.6
- Fixed #303: editor contents collapsed when the parent div of the JSONEditor
has no height set.
- Improved example 04_load_and_save.html. Thanks @RDCH106.
## 2016-05-24, version 5.5.5
- Fixed #298: Switch mode button disappears when switching from text/code to
tree/form/view mode when the JSON contained errors.
- Fixed enum drop downs not working when the JSONEditor is configured with
a name.
## 2016-05-22, version 5.5.4
- Fixed #285: an issue with the enum drop down when having defined multiple
enums in a JSON schema.
- Fixed a (harmless) error in the console when clicking right from an enum
drop down.
## 2016-05-22, version 5.5.3
- Fixed #299: reverted the fix of #268 by trimming text in fields and values.
## 2016-04-18, version 5.5.2
- Fixed #294: Fields reset their caret location on every key press in Firefox.
## 2016-04-16, version 5.5.1
- Fixed enum select boxes not being rendered/removed when setting or removing
a JSON schema via `editor.setSchema(schema)`.
## 2016-04-16, version 5.5.0
- Implemented a dropdown for values having an JSON Schema enum.
Thanks @tdakanalis.
- Fixed #291, #292: Some CSS broken when using the editor in combination with
bootstrap. Thanks @nucleartide.
## 2016-04-09, version 5.4.0
- Upgraded all dependencies (`ajv`, `brace`, etc).
- Fixed #289: Some CSS breaking when using the editor in combination with
materialize.css or bootstrap.
- Fixed #290: `setText()` not working in mode text or code.
## 2016-04-06, version 5.3.0
- Implemented support for sorting object keys naturally. Thanks @edufelipe.
- Sorting object keys or array items via the context menu is now also naturally
- Fixed #283: improved JSON schema error message in case of no
- Fixed #286: Calling `get()` or `getText()` caused the editor to lose focus.
A regression introduced in v5.2.0.
## 2016-03-20, version 5.2.0
- Implemented method `editor.destroy()` to properly cleanup the editor (#278).
- Fixed #268: JSONEditor now trims text in fields and values.
- Fixed #280: Some CSS issues when used in combination with bootstrap.
## 2016-02-15, version 5.1.5
- Fixed #272: Checkbox for boolean values visible in view mode.
## 2016-02-13, version 5.1.4
- Fixed broken example 04_load_and_save.html. See #265.
## 2016-02-03, version 5.1.3
- Fixed #264: Clicking items in the context menu not working on Firefox.
## 2016-01-21, version 5.1.2
- Improvements in sanitizing invalid JSON.
- Updated dependencies to the latest version.
- Fixed clicking format/compact not triggering an onChange event.
- Fixed #259: when having a JSONEditor inside an HTML form, clicking an entry
in the context menu did submit the form.
- Fixed browserify build, see #260. Thanks @onip.
## 2016-01-16, version 5.1.1
- Fixed #257: Improving error messages for enum errors failed when the
schema contains references.
- Fixed #255: Removed wrong console warning about the option `search`.
- Fixed error thrown when option `search` is false (see #256). Thanks @MiroHibler.
## 2016-01-14, version 5.1.0
- Implemented support for JSON schema validation, powered by `ajv`.
- Implemented #197: display an error in case of duplicate keys in an object.
- Implemented #183: display a checkbox left from boolean values, so you can
easily switch between true/false.
- Implemented debouncing of keyboard input, resulting in much less history
actions whilst typing.
- Added a minimalist bundle to the `dist` folder, excluding `ace` and `ajv`.
- Fixed #222: editor throwing `onChange` events when switching mode.
- Fixed an error throw when switching to mode "code" via the menu.
- Fixed interfering shortcut keys: changed quick keys to select multiple fields
from `Shift+Arrow Up/Down` to `Ctrl+Shift+Arrow Up/Down`.
## 2015-12-31, version 5.0.1
- Fixed a bug in positioning of the context menu for multiple selected nodes.
- Fixed #130: option `onEditable` not available in mode `form`.
- Fixed #202: removed `version` field from bower.json.
## 2015-12-31, version 5.0.0
- New design.
- Implemented selection of multiple nodes, allowing to move/duplicate/remove
multiple nodes at once (See #106).
- Implemented a new option `escapeUnicode`, which will show the hexadecimal
unicode instead of the character itself. (See #93 and #230).
- Implemented method `getMode`.
- Implemented option `onModeChange(oldMode, newMode)`.
- Implemented #203: Objects and arrays in mode `form` and `view` are now
expandable by clicking the field names too.
- Replaced the PNG icon images with SVG. Thanks @1j01.
- Renamed all CSS classes They now have prefixes `.jsoneditor-` to prevent
name collisions with css frameworks like bootstrap.
- Renamed options `change`, `editable`, `error` to respectively `onChange`,
`onEditable`, and `onError`. Old options are still working and give a
deprecation warning.
- Colors of values are now customizable using CSS.
- JSONEditor new throws a warning in the console in case of unknown options.
- Fixed #93 and #227: html codes like `&` not escaped.
- Fixed #149: Memory leak when switching mode from/to `code` mode, web worker
of Ace editor wasn't cleaned up.
- Fixed #234: Remove dependency on a fork of the `jsonlint` project on github.
- Fixed: disabled `Ctrl+L` quick key to go to a line, instead use the default
browser behavior of selecting the address bar.
- Fixed #38: clear search results after a new JSON object is set.
- Fixed #242: row stays highlighted when dragging outside editor.
- Fixed quick-keys Shift+Alt+Arrows not registering actions in history.
- Fixed #104: context menus are now positioned relative to the elements of the
editor instead of an absolute position in the window.
## 2015-06-13, version 4.2.1
- Fixed #161: Cannot select text in Ace editor on systems using Chinese fonts.
## 2015-05-14, version 4.2.0
- Implemented option `theme`, allowing to set a custom theme for the Ace
editor. Thanks @nfvs.
- Implemented option `ace`, which allows to pass a custom instance of the Ace
instead of the embedded version.
- Fixed #186: binding issue to `jsonlint.parse`.
- Fixed `editor.get()` manipulating the code when containing an error.
## 2015-03-15, version 4.1.1
- Added missing file `index.js` to the bower package.
## 2015-03-15, version 4.1.0
- Implemented a function `focus()` for modes tree, view, and form.
- Added `./src` folder to the distributed package, needed for usage via
## 2015-02-28, version 4.0.0
- Ace editor and jsonlint are now packed with jsoneditor.js by default.
This makes the library about 4 times larger. If Ace is not needed, a custom
build of the library can be done.
- The distribution files are now moved from the root to the `/dist` folder.
- Reworked the source code to CommonJS modules, using `brace` to load Ace.
- JSONP is now automatically stripped from JSON. Thanks @yanivefraim.
- Fixed bugs in the JSON sanitizer, no longer manipulating JSON-like structures
inside strings.
## 2015-01-25, version 3.2.0
- Implemented shortcut keys `Ctrl+\` to format and `Ctrl+Shift+\` to compact
JSON when in mode `text` or `code`.
- Before an error is thrown because of invalid text, the editor first tries to
sanitize the text (replace JavaScript notation with JSON notation), and only
after that throws the error.
- Fixed Node.path() not working for a JSON Object `""`. Thanks @tomalec.
- Minor styling improvements.
- Fixed configured indentation not being applied to Ace editor.
## 2014-09-03, version 3.1.2
- Some fixes/improvements in `parseJS` (to parse a JSON object from a JavaScript
- Fixed the lack of a semi colon at end of the bundled files.
## 2014-08-01, version 3.1.1
- Replaced parsing of JavaScript objects into JSON from `eval` to a dedicated
`parseJS` function.
## 2014-07-28, version 3.1.0
- JSONEditor now accepts JavaScript objects as input, and can turn them into
valid JSON. For example `{a:2,b:'str'}` can be turned into `{"a":2,"b":"str"}`.
- Implemented an option `editable`, a callback function, which allows to set
individual nodes (their field and/or value) editable or read-only.
- Fixed: shortcut keys to manipulate the nodes are now disabled when mode
is `form` or `view`.
## 2014-05-31, version 3.0.0
- Large code reorganization.
- Editor must be loaded as `new JSONEditor(...)` instead of
`new jsoneditor.JSONEditor(...)`.
- Css is not automatically loaded anymore when using AMD.
- Web application has been moved to another project.
## 2014-01-03, version 2.3.6
- Fixed positioning issue of the action menu.
## 2013-12-09, version 2.3.5
- Fixed a positioning issue of the action menu again.
- Fixed an issue with non-breaking space characters.
## 2013-11-19, version 2.3.4
- Dropped support for IE8, cleaned up legacy code for old browsers.
- Disabled saving files using HTML5 on Firefox to prevent a Firefox bug
blocking cut/paste functionality in editable divs after using a.download.
## 2013-10-17, version 2.3.3
- Added support for search (Ctrl+F) in the code editor Ace.
- Fixed a positioning issue of the action menu when in bootstrap modal.
(thanks tsash).
## 2013-09-26, version 2.3.2
- The web application is now available offline. Thanks ayanamist.
## 2013-09-24, version 2.3.1
- Fixed non-working action menu when in bootstrap modal (z-index issue).
- Fixed missing main field in package.json.
## 2013-09-13, version 2.3.0
- Implemented an option `modes`, which creates a menu in the editor
where the user can switch between the selected editor modes.
- Fixed wrong title on fields with value `null`.
- Fixed buggy loading of files in the web application.
## 2013-08-01, version 2.2.2
- Fixed non working option `indentation`.
- Fixed css not being loaded with AMD in case of multiple scripts.
- Fixed a security error in the server side file retriever script of
the web application.
## 2013-05-27, version 2.2.1
- Fixed undefined options in TextEditor. Thanks Wiseon3.
- Fixed non-working save function on Firefox 21. Thanks youxiachai.
## 2013-05-04, version 2.2.0
- Unified JSONFormatter and JSONEditor in one editor with a switchable mode.
- Urls are navigable now.
- Improved error and log handling.
- Added jsoneditor to package managers npm and bower.
## 2013-03-11, version 2.1.1
- Fixed an issue with console outputs on IE8, causing the editor not to work
at all on IE8.
## 2013-03-08, version 2.1.0
- Replaced the plain text editor with code editor Ace, which brings in syntax
highlighting and code inspection.
- Improved the splitter between the two panels. Panels can be hided.
## 2013-02-26, version 2.0.2
- Fixed: dragarea of the root node was wrongly visible is removed now.
## 2013-02-21, version 2.0.1
- Fixed undefined variable in the redo method.
- Removed the "hide ads" button. Not allowed by Google AdSense, sorry.
## 2013-02-09, version 2.0.0
- Implemented a context menu, replacing the action buttons on the right side of
the editor and the inline action buttons. This gives a cleaner interface,
more space for the actual contents, and more room for new controls (like
insert and sort).
- Implemented shortcut keys. The JSON Editor can be used with just a keyboard.
- Implemented sort action, which sorts the childs of an array or object.
- Implemented auto scrolling up and down when dragging a node and reaching
the top or bottom of the editor.
- Added support for CommonJS and RequireJS.
- Added more examples.
- Improved performance and memory usage.
- Implemented a new mode 'form', in which only values are editable and the
fields are fixed.
- Minor improvements and bug fixes.
## 2012-12-08, version 1.7.0
- Implemented two modes: 'editor' (default), and 'viewer'. In viewer mode,
the data and datastructure is read-only.
- Implemented methods set(json, name), setName(name), and getName(), which
allows for setting and getting the field name of the root node.
- Fixed an issue where the search bar does not work when there is no global
window.editor object.
## 2012-11-26, version 1.6.2
- Fixed a bug in the change callback handler, resulting in an infinite loop
when requesting the contents of the editor inside the callback (issue #19).
## 2012-11-21, version 1.6.1
- Added a request header "Accept: application/json" when loading files and urls.
## 2012-11-03, version 1.6.0
- Added feature to the web application to load and save files from disk and url.
- Improved error messages in the web application using JSONLint.
- Made the web application pass the W3C markup validation service.
- Added option 'change' to both editor and formatter, which allows to set a
callback which is triggered when the contents of the editor or formatter
- Changed the default indentation of the JSONFormatter to 4 spaces.
- Renamed options 'enableSearch' and 'enableHistory' to 'search' and 'history'
- Added parameter 'json' to the JSONFormatter constructor.
- Added option 'indentation' to the JSONFormatter.
## 2012-10-08, version 1.5.1
- Replaced the paid Chrome App with a free, hosted Chrome App (with ads).
## 2012-10-02, version 1.5.0
- Implemented history: undo/redo all actions.
- Created menu icons (instead of text buttons).
- Cleaned up the code (removed unused params, improved comments, etc).
- Minor performance improvements.
## 2012-08-31, version 1.4.4
- Changed: description of advertisement now gives information about the Chrome
App (without ads).
- Changed: Chrome App is now configured to be available offline.
- Fixed: When zooming your browser window, the fields/values did get wrapped
on Chrome (thanks Henri Gourvest), and on Firefox sometimes the jsoneditor
disappeared due to wrapping of the interface contents.
## 2012-08-25, version 1.4.3
- Changed: changed code for the buttons to copy from formatter to editor and
vice versa, no inline javascript (gives security policy errors in chrome app).
## 2012-08-25, version 1.4.2
- Changed: other bootstrapping mechanism for the chrome app, in a separate
javascript file, as inline javascript is not allowed (security policy).
- Fixed: drop down menu for changing the field type did throw javascript errors
(did not break any functionality though).
## 2012-08-23, version 1.4.1
- New: Chrome app created.
## 2012-08-23, version 1.4.0
- New: Improved icon, logo, and interface header.
## 2012-08-19, version 1.3.0
- New: Added buttons next and previous to the search box in the upper right.
- New: Escape characters are automatically inserted before " and \ missing
and escape character, making the string contents valid JSON. New lines are
automatically replaced with \n. (Thanks Steve Clay)
- Changed: all icons have been put in a single sprite. This will improve page
load times as there are much less server requests needed to load the editor.
## 2012-08-12, version 1.2.0
- New: Added search functionality. Search results are expanded and highlighted.
Quickkeys in the search box: Enter (next), Shift+Enter (previous), Ctrl+Enter
(search again).
- New: The position of the vertical separator between left and right panel is
- New: Link to the sourcecode on github added at the bottom of the page.
- Changed: Refinements in the layout: fonts, colors, icons.
- Fixed: leading an trailing spaces not being displayed in the editor.
- Fixed: wrapping of long words and urls in Chrome.
- Fixed: ignoring functions and undefined values in the loaded JSON object
(they where interpreted as empty object and string instead of being ignored).
## 2012-07-01, version 1.1.1
- Fixed global event listener for the focus/blur events, causing changes in
fields and values not always being registered.
- Fixed a css issue with Firefox (box-sizing of the editor).
## 2012-04-24, version 1.1
- Fixed a bug. Dragging an object down which has been expanded and collapsed
again did not work.
- Using a minified version of jsoneditor.js, to improve page load time and
save bandwidth.
## 2012-04-21, version 1.0
- Values are no longer aligned in one global column, but placed directly right
from the field. Having field and value close together improves readability,
especially in case of deeply nested data.
- Values are colorized by their type: strings are green, values read, booleans
blue, and null is purple.
- Font is changed to a monotype font for better readability.
- Special characters like \t are now handled nicely.
- Overall performance and memory usage improved.
- When clicking on whitespace, focus is set to the closest field or value.
- some other small interface tweaks.
- Fixed a bug with casting a value from type auto to string and vice versa
(the value was not casted at all).
## 2012-03-01, version 0.9.10
- Nicer looking select box for the field types, with icons.
- Improved drag and drop: better visualized, and now working in all browsers.
- Previous values will be restored after changing the type of a field. When
changing the type back, the previous value or childs will be restored.
- When hovering buttons (fieldtype, duplicate, delete, add) or when dragging
a field, corresponding field including its childs is highlighted. This makes
it easier to see what part of the data will be edited.
- Errors are now displayed in a message window on top of the page instead of
an alert which pops up.
- Fixed a bug with displaying enters in fields.
- Fixed a bug where the last trailing enter was removed when setting json
in the editor.
- Added a fix to get around Internet Explorer 8 issues with vertical scrollbars.
## 2012-01-29, version 0.9.9
- Fields can be duplicated
- Support for drag and drop:
- fields in the editor itself can be moved via drag and drop
- fields can be exported from the editor as JSON
- external JSON can be dropped inside the editor
- When changing type from array to object and vice versa, childs will be
maintained instead of removed.
- Updated interface. Works now in IE8 too.
## 2012-01-16, version 0.9.8
- Improved the performance of expanding a node with all its childs.
## 2012-01-09, version 0.9.7
- Added functionality to expand/collapse a node and all its childs. Click
the expand button of a node while holding Ctrl down.
- Small interface improvements
## 2011-11-28, version 0.9.6
- First fully usable version of the JSON editor