Update GameHelper.py

This commit is contained in:
Vincentzyx 2021-07-28 21:10:12 +08:00
parent 5057b0dfa9
commit 3a7a94d11f
1 changed files with 0 additions and 66 deletions

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@ -384,69 +384,3 @@ class GameHelper:
QtWidgets.QApplication.processEvents(QEventLoop.AllEvents, 10)
# for file in os.listdir("pics"):
# info = file.split(".")
# if info[1] == "png":
# tmpImage = Image.open("pics/" + file)
# imgBGR = cv2.imread("pics/" + file)
# Pics.update({info[0]: tmpImage})
if __name__ == "__main__":
class A:
def __init__(self):
Pics = {}
PicsCV = {}
Handle = win32gui.FindWindow("Hlddz", None)
form = A()
form.MyHandCardsPos = (250, 764, 1141, 70) # 我的截图区域
form.LPlayedCardsPos = (463, 355, 380, 250) # 左边截图区域
form.RPlayedCardsPos = (946, 355, 380, 250) # 右边截图区域
form.LandlordFlagPos = [(1281, 276, 110, 140), (267, 695, 110, 140), (424, 237, 110, 140)] # 地主标志截图区域(右-我-左)
form.ThreeLandlordCardsPos = (753, 32, 287, 136) # 地主底牌截图区域resize成349x168
form.PassBtnPoss = (686, 659, 419, 100)
GameHelper = GameHelper()
# img, _ = GameHelper.Screenshot()
img = Image.open(r"C:\Users\q9294\Desktop\cardselect.png")
img2 = Image.open(r"pics/card_corner.png")
img = img.resize((1796, 1047))
# imgcv = cv2.cvtColor(np.asarray(img), cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGR)
# st = time.time()
# re = LocateOnImage(imgcv, GameHelper.PicsCV["card_edge"], region=None, confidence=0.999)
# print(re)
# print(time.time()-st)
# st = time.time()
# re = pyautogui.locate(needleImage=GameHelper.Pics["card_edge"], haystackImage=img, confidence=0.9)
# print(re)
# print(time.time()-st)
# st = time.time()
img, _ = GameHelper.Screenshot()
cards, _= GameHelper.GetCards(img)
# cards = "".join([i[0] for i in cards])
# et = time.time()
# print(et - st)
# pos2 = pyautogui.locate(needleImage=Pics["card_edge"], haystackImage=img, confidence=0.9)
# pos = FindImage(img, PicsCV["card_corner"], threshold=0.7)
# print(pos)
# print(pos2)
# for p in pos:
# img = DrawRectWithText(img, (p[0], p[1], 50, 50), "p1")
# img = DrawRectWithText(img, (pos2[0], pos2[1], 50, 50), "p2")
# img = DrawRectWithText(img, (sx+50*i, sy-checkSelect*25,sw,sh), c)
# img = DrawRectWithText(img, form.LPlayedCardsPos, "LPlayed")
# img = DrawRectWithText(img, form.RPlayedCardsPos, "RPlayed")
# img = DrawRectWithText(img, form.MyHandCardsPos, "MyCard")
# img = DrawRectWithText(img, form.ThreeLandlordCardsPos, "ThreeLLCPos")
# img = DrawRectWithText(img, form.LandlordFlagPos[0], "RFlag")
# img = DrawRectWithText(img, form.LandlordFlagPos[1], "MyFlag")
# img = DrawRectWithText(img, form.LandlordFlagPos[2], "LFlag")
# img = DrawRectWithText(img, form.PassBtnPoss, "Btns")
# ShowImg(img)