package stream import ( "math" "runtime" ) /** * Reference: * */ // Comparator 比较器 type Comparator struct { CompareTo func(interface{}, interface{}) int } // Sorted 对数据流操作,升序排序 func (s *Stream) Sorted(comparator *Comparator) *Stream { return s.MSorted(comparator) } // QSorted 对数据流操作,快排,升序排序 func (s *Stream) QSorted(comparator *Comparator) *Stream { qsort(s.list, 0, len(s.list), comparator.CompareTo) s.isParallel = false return s } // MSorted 对数据流操作,归并排序,升序排序 func (s *Stream) MSorted(comparator *Comparator) *Stream { aux := make([]interface{}, len(s.list)) //辅助切片 var ch chan int cores := runtime.NumCPU() maxDepth := int(math.Log2(float64(cores)) + 1) if s.isParallel { ch = make(chan int) for j := 0; j < cores; j++ { go func(idx int) { for i := idx; i < len(s.list); i += cores { aux[i] = s.list[i] } ch <- 0 }(j) } waitCh(ch, cores) go mergeSort(aux, s.list, 0, len(s.list), 0, comparator.CompareTo, 0, maxDepth, ch) waitCh(ch, 1) } else { for i, v := range s.list { aux[i] = v } mergeSort(aux, s.list, 0, len(s.list), 0, comparator.CompareTo, 0, maxDepth, ch) } s.isParallel = false return s } func waitCh(ch chan int, num int) { if ch != nil { for i := 0; i < num; i++ { <-ch } } } /** * 对指定 int 型数组的指定范围按数字升序进行排序。 */ func qsort(list []interface{}, fromIndex int, toIndex int, comp func(interface{}, interface{}) int) { qsort1(list, fromIndex, toIndex-fromIndex, comp) } func qsort1(list []interface{}, off int, len int, comp func(interface{}, interface{}) int) { /* * 当待排序的数组中的元素个数小于 7 时,采用插入排序 。 * * 尽管插入排序的时间复杂度为O(n^2),但是当数组元素较少时, 插入排序优于快速排序,因为这时快速排序的递归操作影响性能。 */ if len < 7 { for i := off; i < len+off; i++ { for j := i; j > off && comp(list[j-1], list[j]) > 0; j-- { swap(list, j, j-1) } } return } /* * 当待排序的数组中的元素个数大于 或等于7 时,采用快速排序 。 * * Choose a partition element, v * 选取一个划分元,V * * 较好的选择了划分元(基准元素)。能够将数组分成大致两个相等的部分,避免出现最坏的情况。例如当数组有序的的情况下, * 选择第一个元素作为划分元,将使得算法的时间复杂度达到O(n^2). */ // 当数组大小为size=7时 ,取数组中间元素作为划分元。 m := off + (len >> 1) // 当数组大小 7 7 { l := off n := off + len - 1 /* * 当数组大小 size>40 时 ,从待排数组中较均匀的选择9个元素, * 选出一个伪中数做为划分元。 */ if len > 40 { s := len / 8 l = med3(list, l, l+s, l+2*s, comp) m = med3(list, m-s, m, m+s, comp) n = med3(list, n-2*s, n-s, n, comp) } // 取出中间大小的元素的位置。 m = med3(list, l, m, n, comp) // Mid-size, med of 3 } //得到划分元V v := list[m] // Establish Invariant: v* (v)* v* a := off b := a c := off + len - 1 d := c for true { for b <= c && comp(list[b], v) <= 0 { if list[b] == v { swap(list, a, b) a++ } b++ } for c >= b && comp(list[c], v) >= 0 { if comp(list[c], v) == 0 { swap(list, c, d) d-- } c-- } if b > c { break } swap(list, b, c) b++ c-- } // Swap partition elements back to middle s := off + len n := s s = min(a-off, b-a) vecswap(list, off, b-s, s) s = min(d-c, n-d-1) vecswap(list, b, n-s, s) // Recursively sort non-partition-elements s = b - a if s > 1 { qsort1(list, off, s, comp) } s = d - c if s > 1 { qsort1(list, n-s, s, comp) } } func min(a int, b int) int { if a >= b { return b } return a } func max(a int, b int) int { if a < b { return b } return a } /** * Swaps x[a] with x[b]. */ func swap(list []interface{}, a int, b int) { list[a], list[b] = list[b], list[a] } /** * Swaps x[a .. (a+n-1)] with x[b .. (b+n-1)]. */ func vecswap(list []interface{}, a int, b int, n int) { for i := 0; i < n; i++ { swap(list, a, b) a++ b++ } } /** * Returns the index of the median of the three indexed integers. */ func med3(list []interface{}, a int, b int, c int, comp func(interface{}, interface{}) int) int { if comp(list[a], list[b]) < 0 { if comp(list[b], list[c]) < 0 { return b } if comp(list[a], list[c]) < 0 { return c } return a } if comp(list[b], list[c]) > 0 { return b } if comp(list[a], list[c]) > 0 { return c } return a } func rangeCopy(src []interface{}, low int, dest []interface{}, destLow int, length int) { for i := 0; i < length; i++ { dest[destLow+i] = src[low+i] } } /** * Src is the source array that starts at index 0 * Dest is the (possibly larger) array destination with a possible offset * low is the index in dest to start sorting * high is the end index in dest to end sorting * off is the offset to generate corresponding low, high in src */ func mergeSort(src []interface{}, dest []interface{}, low int, high int, off int, comp func(interface{}, interface{}) int, depth int, maxDepth int, ch chan int) { defer func() { if ch != nil { ch <- 0 } }() length := high - low // Insertion sort on smallest arrays if length < 7 { for i := low; i < high; i++ { for j := i; j > low && comp(dest[j-1], dest[j]) > 0; j-- { swap(dest, j, j-1) } } return } // Recursively sort halves of dest into src destLow := low destHigh := high low += off high += off /* * >>>:无符号右移运算符 * expression1 >>> expresion2:expression1的各个位向右移expression2 * 指定的位数。右移后左边空出的位数用0来填充。移出右边的位被丢弃。 * 例如:-14>>>2; 结果为:1073741820 */ mid := (low + high) >> 1 if ch != nil { if depth < maxDepth { ch2 := make(chan int) go mergeSort(dest, src, low, mid, -off, comp, depth+1, maxDepth, ch2) go mergeSort(dest, src, mid, high, -off, comp, depth+1, maxDepth, ch2) waitCh(ch2, 2) } else { mergeSort(dest, src, low, mid, -off, comp, depth+1, maxDepth, nil) mergeSort(dest, src, mid, high, -off, comp, depth+1, maxDepth, nil) } } else { mergeSort(dest, src, low, mid, -off, comp, depth+1, maxDepth, ch) mergeSort(dest, src, mid, high, -off, comp, depth+1, maxDepth, ch) } // If list is already sorted, just copy from src to dest. This is an // optimization that results in faster sorts for nearly ordered lists. if comp(src[mid-1], src[mid]) <= 0 { rangeCopy(src, low, dest, destLow, length) return } // Merge sorted halves (now in src) into dest for i, p, q := destLow, low, mid; i < destHigh; i++ { if q >= high || p < mid && comp(src[p], src[q]) <= 0 { dest[i] = src[p] p++ } else { dest[i] = src[q] q++ } } }