2014-04-23 10:51:50 +08:00
< ? php
* MS SQL Server layer for DBO
2018-03-18 09:24:15 +08:00
* CakePHP ( tm ) : Rapid Development Framework ( https :// cakephp . org )
* Copyright ( c ) Cake Software Foundation , Inc . ( https :// cakefoundation . org )
2014-04-23 10:51:50 +08:00
* Licensed under The MIT License
* For full copyright and license information , please see the LICENSE . txt
* Redistributions of files must retain the above copyright notice .
2018-03-18 09:24:15 +08:00
* @ copyright Copyright ( c ) Cake Software Foundation , Inc . ( https :// cakefoundation . org )
* @ link https :// cakephp . org CakePHP ( tm ) Project
2014-04-23 10:51:50 +08:00
* @ package Cake . Model . Datasource . Database
* @ since CakePHP ( tm ) v 0.10 . 5.1790
2018-03-18 09:24:15 +08:00
* @ license https :// opensource . org / licenses / mit - license . php MIT License
2014-04-23 10:51:50 +08:00
App :: uses ( 'DboSource' , 'Model/Datasource' );
* Dbo layer for Microsoft ' s official SQLServer driver
* A Dbo layer for MS SQL Server 2005 and higher . Requires the
* `pdo_sqlsrv` extension to be enabled .
* @ link http :// www . php . net / manual / en / ref . pdo - sqlsrv . php
* @ package Cake . Model . Datasource . Database
class Sqlserver extends DboSource {
* Driver description
* @ var string
public $description = " SQL Server DBO Driver " ;
* Starting quote character for quoted identifiers
* @ var string
public $startQuote = " [ " ;
* Ending quote character for quoted identifiers
* @ var string
public $endQuote = " ] " ;
* Creates a map between field aliases and numeric indexes . Workaround for the
* SQL Server driver ' s 30 - character column name limitation .
* @ var array
protected $_fieldMappings = array ();
* Storing the last affected value
* @ var mixed
protected $_lastAffected = false ;
* Base configuration settings for MS SQL driver
* @ var array
protected $_baseConfig = array (
'host' => 'localhost\SQLEXPRESS' ,
'login' => '' ,
'password' => '' ,
'database' => 'cake' ,
'schema' => '' ,
'flags' => array ()
* MS SQL column definition
* @ var array
2018-03-18 09:24:15 +08:00
* @ link https :// msdn . microsoft . com / en - us / library / ms187752 . aspx SQL Server Data Types
2014-04-23 10:51:50 +08:00
public $columns = array (
'primary_key' => array ( 'name' => 'IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL' ),
'string' => array ( 'name' => 'nvarchar' , 'limit' => '255' ),
'text' => array ( 'name' => 'nvarchar' , 'limit' => 'MAX' ),
'integer' => array ( 'name' => 'int' , 'formatter' => 'intval' ),
2018-03-18 09:24:15 +08:00
'smallinteger' => array ( 'name' => 'smallint' , 'formatter' => 'intval' ),
'tinyinteger' => array ( 'name' => 'tinyint' , 'formatter' => 'intval' ),
2014-04-23 10:51:50 +08:00
'biginteger' => array ( 'name' => 'bigint' ),
'numeric' => array ( 'name' => 'decimal' , 'formatter' => 'floatval' ),
'decimal' => array ( 'name' => 'decimal' , 'formatter' => 'floatval' ),
'float' => array ( 'name' => 'float' , 'formatter' => 'floatval' ),
'real' => array ( 'name' => 'float' , 'formatter' => 'floatval' ),
'datetime' => array ( 'name' => 'datetime' , 'format' => 'Y-m-d H:i:s' , 'formatter' => 'date' ),
'timestamp' => array ( 'name' => 'timestamp' , 'format' => 'Y-m-d H:i:s' , 'formatter' => 'date' ),
'time' => array ( 'name' => 'datetime' , 'format' => 'H:i:s' , 'formatter' => 'date' ),
'date' => array ( 'name' => 'datetime' , 'format' => 'Y-m-d' , 'formatter' => 'date' ),
'binary' => array ( 'name' => 'varbinary' ),
'boolean' => array ( 'name' => 'bit' )
* Magic column name used to provide pagination support for SQLServer 2008
* which lacks proper limit / offset support .
* @ var string
const ROW_COUNTER = '_cake_page_rownum_' ;
* Connects to the database using options in the given configuration array .
2018-03-18 09:24:15 +08:00
* Please note that the PDO :: ATTR_PERSISTENT attribute is not supported by
* the SQL Server PHP PDO drivers . As a result you cannot use the
* persistent config option when connecting to a SQL Server ( for more
* information see : https :// github . com / Microsoft / msphpsql / issues / 65 ) .
2016-02-25 20:25:24 +08:00
* @ return bool True if the database could be connected , else false
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* @ throws InvalidArgumentException if an unsupported setting is in the database config
2014-04-23 10:51:50 +08:00
* @ throws MissingConnectionException
public function connect () {
$config = $this -> config ;
$this -> connected = false ;
2018-03-18 09:24:15 +08:00
if ( isset ( $config [ 'persistent' ]) && $config [ 'persistent' ]) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException ( 'Config setting "persistent" cannot be set to true, as the Sqlserver PDO driver does not support PDO::ATTR_PERSISTENT' );
2014-04-23 10:51:50 +08:00
$flags = $config [ 'flags' ] + array (
if ( ! empty ( $config [ 'encoding' ])) {
$flags [ PDO :: SQLSRV_ATTR_ENCODING ] = $config [ 'encoding' ];
try {
$this -> _connection = new PDO (
" sqlsrv:server= { $config [ 'host' ] } ;Database= { $config [ 'database' ] } " ,
$config [ 'login' ],
$config [ 'password' ],
$this -> connected = true ;
if ( ! empty ( $config [ 'settings' ])) {
foreach ( $config [ 'settings' ] as $key => $value ) {
$this -> _execute ( " SET $key $value " );
} catch ( PDOException $e ) {
throw new MissingConnectionException ( array (
'class' => get_class ( $this ),
'message' => $e -> getMessage ()
return $this -> connected ;
* Check that PDO SQL Server is installed / loaded
2016-02-25 20:25:24 +08:00
* @ return bool
2014-04-23 10:51:50 +08:00
public function enabled () {
return in_array ( 'sqlsrv' , PDO :: getAvailableDrivers ());
* Returns an array of sources ( tables ) in the database .
2016-02-25 20:25:24 +08:00
* @ param mixed $data The names
2014-04-23 10:51:50 +08:00
* @ return array Array of table names in the database
public function listSources ( $data = null ) {
$cache = parent :: listSources ();
if ( $cache !== null ) {
return $cache ;
$result = $this -> _execute ( " SELECT TABLE_NAME FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES " );
if ( ! $result ) {
$result -> closeCursor ();
return array ();
$tables = array ();
while ( $line = $result -> fetch ( PDO :: FETCH_NUM )) {
$tables [] = $line [ 0 ];
$result -> closeCursor ();
parent :: listSources ( $tables );
return $tables ;
* Returns an array of the fields in given table name .
* @ param Model | string $model Model object to describe , or a string table name .
* @ return array Fields in table . Keys are name and type
* @ throws CakeException
public function describe ( $model ) {
$table = $this -> fullTableName ( $model , false , false );
$fulltable = $this -> fullTableName ( $model , false , true );
$cache = parent :: describe ( $fulltable );
if ( $cache ) {
return $cache ;
$fields = array ();
2016-02-25 20:25:24 +08:00
$schema = is_object ( $model ) ? $model -> schemaName : false ;
2014-04-23 10:51:50 +08:00
$cols = $this -> _execute (
COLUMN_NAME as F ield ,
DATA_TYPE as Type ,
COL_LENGTH ( '" . ($schema ? $fulltable : $table) . "' , COLUMN_NAME ) as Length ,
IS_NULLABLE As [ Null ],
COLUMN_DEFAULT as [ Default ],
COLUMNPROPERTY ( OBJECT_ID ( '" . ($schema ? $fulltable : $table) . "' ), COLUMN_NAME , 'IsIdentity' ) as [ Key ],
WHERE TABLE_NAME = '" . $table . "' " . ( $schema ? " AND TABLE_SCHEMA = '" . $schema . "' " : '')
if ( ! $cols ) {
throw new CakeException ( __d ( 'cake_dev' , 'Could not describe table for %s' , $table ));
while ( $column = $cols -> fetch ( PDO :: FETCH_OBJ )) {
$field = $column -> Field ;
$fields [ $field ] = array (
'type' => $this -> column ( $column ),
'null' => ( $column -> Null === 'YES' ? true : false ),
'default' => $column -> Default ,
'length' => $this -> length ( $column ),
'key' => ( $column -> Key == '1' ) ? 'primary' : false
if ( $fields [ $field ][ 'default' ] === 'null' ) {
$fields [ $field ][ 'default' ] = null ;
if ( $fields [ $field ][ 'default' ] !== null ) {
$fields [ $field ][ 'default' ] = preg_replace (
" /^[(] { 1,2}'?([^')]*)?'?[)] { 1,2} $ / " ,
" $ 1 " ,
$fields [ $field ][ 'default' ]
$this -> value ( $fields [ $field ][ 'default' ], $fields [ $field ][ 'type' ]);
if ( $fields [ $field ][ 'key' ] !== false && $fields [ $field ][ 'type' ] === 'integer' ) {
$fields [ $field ][ 'length' ] = 11 ;
} elseif ( $fields [ $field ][ 'key' ] === false ) {
unset ( $fields [ $field ][ 'key' ]);
if ( in_array ( $fields [ $field ][ 'type' ], array ( 'date' , 'time' , 'datetime' , 'timestamp' ))) {
$fields [ $field ][ 'length' ] = null ;
if ( $fields [ $field ][ 'type' ] === 'float' && ! empty ( $column -> Size )) {
$fields [ $field ][ 'length' ] = $fields [ $field ][ 'length' ] . ',' . $column -> Size ;
$this -> _cacheDescription ( $table , $fields );
$cols -> closeCursor ();
return $fields ;
* Generates the fields list of an SQL query .
2016-02-25 20:25:24 +08:00
* @ param Model $model The model to get fields for .
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* @ param string $alias Alias table name
2016-02-25 20:25:24 +08:00
* @ param array $fields The fields so far .
* @ param bool $quote Whether or not to quote identfiers .
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* @ return array
public function fields ( Model $model , $alias = null , $fields = array (), $quote = true ) {
if ( empty ( $alias )) {
$alias = $model -> alias ;
$fields = parent :: fields ( $model , $alias , $fields , false );
$count = count ( $fields );
if ( $count >= 1 && strpos ( $fields [ 0 ], 'COUNT(*)' ) === false ) {
$result = array ();
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < $count ; $i ++ ) {
$prepend = '' ;
if ( strpos ( $fields [ $i ], 'DISTINCT' ) !== false && strpos ( $fields [ $i ], 'COUNT' ) === false ) {
$prepend = 'DISTINCT ' ;
$fields [ $i ] = trim ( str_replace ( 'DISTINCT' , '' , $fields [ $i ]));
2018-03-18 09:24:15 +08:00
if ( strpos ( $fields [ $i ], 'COUNT(DISTINCT' ) !== false ) {
$prepend = 'COUNT(DISTINCT ' ;
$fields [ $i ] = trim ( str_replace ( 'COUNT(DISTINCT' , '' , $this -> _quoteFields ( $fields [ $i ])));
2014-04-23 10:51:50 +08:00
if ( ! preg_match ( '/\s+AS\s+/i' , $fields [ $i ])) {
if ( substr ( $fields [ $i ], - 1 ) === '*' ) {
if ( strpos ( $fields [ $i ], '.' ) !== false && $fields [ $i ] != $alias . '.*' ) {
$build = explode ( '.' , $fields [ $i ]);
$AssociatedModel = $model -> { $build [ 0 ]};
} else {
$AssociatedModel = $model ;
$_fields = $this -> fields ( $AssociatedModel , $AssociatedModel -> alias , array_keys ( $AssociatedModel -> schema ()));
$result = array_merge ( $result , $_fields );
continue ;
if ( strpos ( $fields [ $i ], '.' ) === false ) {
$this -> _fieldMappings [ $alias . '__' . $fields [ $i ]] = $alias . '.' . $fields [ $i ];
$fieldName = $this -> name ( $alias . '.' . $fields [ $i ]);
$fieldAlias = $this -> name ( $alias . '__' . $fields [ $i ]);
} else {
$build = explode ( '.' , $fields [ $i ]);
$build [ 0 ] = trim ( $build [ 0 ], '[]' );
$build [ 1 ] = trim ( $build [ 1 ], '[]' );
$name = $build [ 0 ] . '.' . $build [ 1 ];
$alias = $build [ 0 ] . '__' . $build [ 1 ];
$this -> _fieldMappings [ $alias ] = $name ;
$fieldName = $this -> name ( $name );
$fieldAlias = $this -> name ( $alias );
if ( $model -> getColumnType ( $fields [ $i ]) === 'datetime' ) {
$fieldName = " CONVERT(VARCHAR(20), { $fieldName } , 20) " ;
$fields [ $i ] = " { $fieldName } AS { $fieldAlias } " ;
$result [] = $prepend . $fields [ $i ];
return $result ;
return $fields ;
* Generates and executes an SQL INSERT statement for given model , fields , and values .
* Removes Identity ( primary key ) column from update data before returning to parent , if
* value is empty .
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* @ param Model $model The model to insert into .
* @ param array $fields The fields to set .
* @ param array $values The values to set .
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* @ return array
public function create ( Model $model , $fields = null , $values = null ) {
if ( ! empty ( $values )) {
$fields = array_combine ( $fields , $values );
$primaryKey = $this -> _getPrimaryKey ( $model );
if ( array_key_exists ( $primaryKey , $fields )) {
if ( empty ( $fields [ $primaryKey ])) {
unset ( $fields [ $primaryKey ]);
} else {
$this -> _execute ( 'SET IDENTITY_INSERT ' . $this -> fullTableName ( $model ) . ' ON' );
$result = parent :: create ( $model , array_keys ( $fields ), array_values ( $fields ));
if ( array_key_exists ( $primaryKey , $fields ) && ! empty ( $fields [ $primaryKey ])) {
$this -> _execute ( 'SET IDENTITY_INSERT ' . $this -> fullTableName ( $model ) . ' OFF' );
return $result ;
* Generates and executes an SQL UPDATE statement for given model , fields , and values .
* Removes Identity ( primary key ) column from update data before returning to parent .
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* @ param Model $model The model to update .
* @ param array $fields The fields to set .
* @ param array $values The values to set .
* @ param mixed $conditions The conditions to use .
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* @ return array
public function update ( Model $model , $fields = array (), $values = null , $conditions = null ) {
if ( ! empty ( $values )) {
$fields = array_combine ( $fields , $values );
if ( isset ( $fields [ $model -> primaryKey ])) {
unset ( $fields [ $model -> primaryKey ]);
if ( empty ( $fields )) {
return true ;
return parent :: update ( $model , array_keys ( $fields ), array_values ( $fields ), $conditions );
* Returns a limit statement in the correct format for the particular database .
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* @ param int $limit Limit of results returned
* @ param int $offset Offset from which to start results
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* @ return string SQL limit / offset statement
public function limit ( $limit , $offset = null ) {
if ( $limit ) {
$rt = '' ;
if ( ! strpos ( strtolower ( $limit ), 'top' ) || strpos ( strtolower ( $limit ), 'top' ) === 0 ) {
$rt = ' TOP' ;
$rt .= sprintf ( ' %u' , $limit );
2018-03-18 09:24:15 +08:00
if (( is_int ( $offset ) || ctype_digit ( $offset )) && $offset > 0 ) {
2014-04-23 10:51:50 +08:00
$rt = sprintf ( ' OFFSET %u ROWS FETCH FIRST %u ROWS ONLY' , $offset , $limit );
return $rt ;
return null ;
* Converts database - layer column types to basic types
* @ param mixed $real Either the string value of the fields type .
* or the Result object from Sqlserver :: describe ()
* @ return string Abstract column type ( i . e . " string " )
public function column ( $real ) {
$limit = null ;
$col = $real ;
if ( is_object ( $real ) && isset ( $real -> Field )) {
$limit = $real -> Length ;
$col = $real -> Type ;
if ( $col === 'datetime2' ) {
return 'datetime' ;
if ( in_array ( $col , array ( 'date' , 'time' , 'datetime' , 'timestamp' ))) {
return $col ;
if ( $col === 'bit' ) {
return 'boolean' ;
if ( strpos ( $col , 'bigint' ) !== false ) {
return 'biginteger' ;
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if ( strpos ( $col , 'smallint' ) !== false ) {
return 'smallinteger' ;
if ( strpos ( $col , 'tinyint' ) !== false ) {
return 'tinyinteger' ;
2014-04-23 10:51:50 +08:00
if ( strpos ( $col , 'int' ) !== false ) {
return 'integer' ;
if ( strpos ( $col , 'char' ) !== false && $limit == - 1 ) {
return 'text' ;
if ( strpos ( $col , 'char' ) !== false ) {
return 'string' ;
if ( strpos ( $col , 'text' ) !== false ) {
return 'text' ;
if ( strpos ( $col , 'binary' ) !== false || $col === 'image' ) {
return 'binary' ;
if ( in_array ( $col , array ( 'float' , 'real' ))) {
return 'float' ;
if ( in_array ( $col , array ( 'decimal' , 'numeric' ))) {
return 'decimal' ;
return 'text' ;
* Handle SQLServer specific length properties .
* SQLServer handles text types as nvarchar / varchar with a length of - 1.
* @ param mixed $length Either the length as a string , or a Column descriptor object .
* @ return mixed null | integer with length of column .
public function length ( $length ) {
if ( is_object ( $length ) && isset ( $length -> Length )) {
if ( $length -> Length == - 1 && strpos ( $length -> Type , 'char' ) !== false ) {
return null ;
if ( in_array ( $length -> Type , array ( 'nchar' , 'nvarchar' ))) {
return floor ( $length -> Length / 2 );
2016-02-25 20:25:24 +08:00
if ( $length -> Type === 'text' ) {
return null ;
2014-04-23 10:51:50 +08:00
return $length -> Length ;
return parent :: length ( $length );
* Builds a map of the columns contained in a result
2016-02-25 20:25:24 +08:00
* @ param PDOStatement $results The result to modify .
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* @ return void
public function resultSet ( $results ) {
$this -> map = array ();
$numFields = $results -> columnCount ();
$index = 0 ;
while ( $numFields -- > 0 ) {
$column = $results -> getColumnMeta ( $index );
$name = $column [ 'name' ];
if ( strpos ( $name , '__' )) {
if ( isset ( $this -> _fieldMappings [ $name ]) && strpos ( $this -> _fieldMappings [ $name ], '.' )) {
$map = explode ( '.' , $this -> _fieldMappings [ $name ]);
} elseif ( isset ( $this -> _fieldMappings [ $name ])) {
$map = array ( 0 , $this -> _fieldMappings [ $name ]);
} else {
$map = array ( 0 , $name );
} else {
$map = array ( 0 , $name );
$map [] = ( $column [ 'sqlsrv:decl_type' ] === 'bit' ) ? 'boolean' : $column [ 'native_type' ];
$this -> map [ $index ++ ] = $map ;
* Builds final SQL statement
* @ param string $type Query type
* @ param array $data Query data
* @ return string
public function renderStatement ( $type , $data ) {
switch ( strtolower ( $type )) {
case 'select' :
extract ( $data );
$fields = trim ( $fields );
2018-03-18 09:24:15 +08:00
$having = ! empty ( $having ) ? " $having " : '' ;
$lock = ! empty ( $lock ) ? " $lock " : '' ;
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if ( strpos ( $limit , 'TOP' ) !== false && strpos ( $fields , 'DISTINCT ' ) === 0 ) {
$limit = 'DISTINCT ' . trim ( $limit );
$fields = substr ( $fields , 9 );
// hack order as SQLServer requires an order if there is a limit.
if ( $limit && ! $order ) {
$order = 'ORDER BY (SELECT NULL)' ;
// For older versions use the subquery version of pagination.
if ( version_compare ( $this -> getVersion (), '11' , '<' ) && preg_match ( '/FETCH\sFIRST\s+([0-9]+)/i' , $limit , $offset )) {
preg_match ( '/OFFSET\s*(\d+)\s*.*?(\d+)\s*ROWS/' , $limit , $limitOffset );
2016-02-25 20:25:24 +08:00
$limit = 'TOP ' . ( int ) $limitOffset [ 2 ];
$page = ( int )( $limitOffset [ 1 ] / $limitOffset [ 2 ]);
$offset = ( int )( $limitOffset [ 2 ] * $page );
2014-04-23 10:51:50 +08:00
2016-02-25 20:25:24 +08:00
$rowCounter = static :: ROW_COUNTER ;
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$sql = " SELECT { $limit } * FROM (
SELECT { $fields }, ROW_NUMBER () OVER ({ $order }) AS { $rowCounter }
2018-03-18 09:24:15 +08:00
FROM { $table } { $alias }{ $lock } { $joins } { $conditions } { $group }{ $having }
2014-04-23 10:51:50 +08:00
) AS _cake_paging_
WHERE _cake_paging_ . { $rowCounter } > { $offset }
ORDER BY _cake_paging_ . { $rowCounter }
" ;
return trim ( $sql );
if ( strpos ( $limit , 'FETCH' ) !== false ) {
2018-03-18 09:24:15 +08:00
return trim ( " SELECT { $fields } FROM { $table } { $alias } { $lock } { $joins } { $conditions } { $group } { $having } { $order } { $limit } " );
2014-04-23 10:51:50 +08:00
2018-03-18 09:24:15 +08:00
return trim ( " SELECT { $limit } { $fields } FROM { $table } { $alias } { $lock } { $joins } { $conditions } { $group } { $having } { $order } " );
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case " schema " :
extract ( $data );
foreach ( $indexes as $i => $index ) {
if ( preg_match ( '/PRIMARY KEY/' , $index )) {
unset ( $indexes [ $i ]);
break ;
foreach ( array ( 'columns' , 'indexes' ) as $var ) {
if ( is_array ( ${$var} )) {
${$var} = " \t " . implode ( " , \n \t " , array_filter ( ${$var} ));
return trim ( " CREATE TABLE { $table } ( \n { $columns } ); \n { $indexes } " );
default :
return parent :: renderStatement ( $type , $data );
* Returns a quoted and escaped string of $data for use in an SQL statement .
* @ param string $data String to be prepared for use in an SQL statement
* @ param string $column The column into which this data will be inserted
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* @ param bool $null Column allows NULL values
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* @ return string Quoted and escaped data
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public function value ( $data , $column = null , $null = true ) {
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if ( $data === null || is_array ( $data ) || is_object ( $data )) {
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return parent :: value ( $data , $column , $null );
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if ( in_array ( $data , array ( '{$__cakeID__$}' , '{$__cakeForeignKey__$}' ), true )) {
return $data ;
if ( empty ( $column )) {
$column = $this -> introspectType ( $data );
switch ( $column ) {
case 'string' :
case 'text' :
return 'N' . $this -> _connection -> quote ( $data , PDO :: PARAM_STR );
default :
2016-02-25 20:25:24 +08:00
return parent :: value ( $data , $column , $null );
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* Returns an array of all result rows for a given SQL query .
* Returns false if no rows matched .
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* @ param Model $model The model to read from
* @ param array $queryData The query data
* @ param int $recursive How many layers to go .
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* @ return array | false Array of resultset rows , or false if no rows matched
public function read ( Model $model , $queryData = array (), $recursive = null ) {
$results = parent :: read ( $model , $queryData , $recursive );
$this -> _fieldMappings = array ();
return $results ;
* Fetches the next row from the current result set .
* Eats the magic ROW_COUNTER variable .
* @ return mixed
public function fetchResult () {
if ( $row = $this -> _result -> fetch ( PDO :: FETCH_NUM )) {
$resultRow = array ();
foreach ( $this -> map as $col => $meta ) {
list ( $table , $column , $type ) = $meta ;
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if ( $table === 0 && $column === static :: ROW_COUNTER ) {
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continue ;
$resultRow [ $table ][ $column ] = $row [ $col ];
if ( $type === 'boolean' && $row [ $col ] !== null ) {
$resultRow [ $table ][ $column ] = $this -> boolean ( $resultRow [ $table ][ $column ]);
return $resultRow ;
$this -> _result -> closeCursor ();
return false ;
* Inserts multiple values into a table
2016-02-25 20:25:24 +08:00
* @ param string $table The table to insert into .
* @ param string $fields The fields to set .
* @ param array $values The values to set .
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* @ return void
public function insertMulti ( $table , $fields , $values ) {
$primaryKey = $this -> _getPrimaryKey ( $table );
$hasPrimaryKey = $primaryKey && (
( is_array ( $fields ) && in_array ( $primaryKey , $fields )
|| ( is_string ( $fields ) && strpos ( $fields , $this -> startQuote . $primaryKey . $this -> endQuote ) !== false ))
if ( $hasPrimaryKey ) {
$this -> _execute ( 'SET IDENTITY_INSERT ' . $this -> fullTableName ( $table ) . ' ON' );
parent :: insertMulti ( $table , $fields , $values );
if ( $hasPrimaryKey ) {
$this -> _execute ( 'SET IDENTITY_INSERT ' . $this -> fullTableName ( $table ) . ' OFF' );
* Generate a database - native column schema string
* @ param array $column An array structured like the
* following : array ( 'name' => 'value' , 'type' => 'value' [, options ]),
* where options can be 'default' , 'length' , or 'key' .
* @ return string
public function buildColumn ( $column ) {
$result = parent :: buildColumn ( $column );
$result = preg_replace ( '/(bigint|int|integer)\([0-9]+\)/i' , '$1' , $result );
$result = preg_replace ( '/(bit)\([0-9]+\)/i' , '$1' , $result );
if ( strpos ( $result , 'DEFAULT NULL' ) !== false ) {
if ( isset ( $column [ 'default' ]) && $column [ 'default' ] === '' ) {
$result = str_replace ( 'DEFAULT NULL' , " DEFAULT '' " , $result );
} else {
$result = str_replace ( 'DEFAULT NULL' , 'NULL' , $result );
2016-02-25 20:25:24 +08:00
} elseif ( array_keys ( $column ) === array ( 'type' , 'name' )) {
2014-04-23 10:51:50 +08:00
$result .= ' NULL' ;
} elseif ( strpos ( $result , " DEFAULT N' " )) {
$result = str_replace ( " DEFAULT N' " , " DEFAULT ' " , $result );
return $result ;
* Format indexes for create table
2016-02-25 20:25:24 +08:00
* @ param array $indexes The indexes to build
* @ param string $table The table to make indexes for .
2014-04-23 10:51:50 +08:00
* @ return string
public function buildIndex ( $indexes , $table = null ) {
$join = array ();
foreach ( $indexes as $name => $value ) {
if ( $name === 'PRIMARY' ) {
$join [] = 'PRIMARY KEY (' . $this -> name ( $value [ 'column' ]) . ')' ;
} elseif ( isset ( $value [ 'unique' ]) && $value [ 'unique' ]) {
$out = " ALTER TABLE { $table } ADD CONSTRAINT { $name } UNIQUE " ;
if ( is_array ( $value [ 'column' ])) {
$value [ 'column' ] = implode ( ', ' , array_map ( array ( & $this , 'name' ), $value [ 'column' ]));
} else {
$value [ 'column' ] = $this -> name ( $value [ 'column' ]);
$out .= " ( { $value [ 'column' ] } ); " ;
$join [] = $out ;
return $join ;
* Makes sure it will return the primary key
* @ param Model | string $model Model instance of table name
* @ return string
protected function _getPrimaryKey ( $model ) {
$schema = $this -> describe ( $model );
foreach ( $schema as $field => $props ) {
if ( isset ( $props [ 'key' ]) && $props [ 'key' ] === 'primary' ) {
return $field ;
return null ;
* Returns number of affected rows in previous database operation . If no previous operation exists ,
* this returns false .
2016-02-25 20:25:24 +08:00
* @ param mixed $source Unused
* @ return int Number of affected rows
2014-04-23 10:51:50 +08:00
public function lastAffected ( $source = null ) {
$affected = parent :: lastAffected ();
if ( $affected === null && $this -> _lastAffected !== false ) {
return $this -> _lastAffected ;
return $affected ;
* Executes given SQL statement .
* @ param string $sql SQL statement
* @ param array $params list of params to be bound to query ( supported only in select )
* @ param array $prepareOptions Options to be used in the prepare statement
* @ return mixed PDOStatement if query executes with no problem , true as the result of a successful , false on error
* query returning no rows , such as a CREATE statement , false otherwise
* @ throws PDOException
protected function _execute ( $sql , $params = array (), $prepareOptions = array ()) {
$this -> _lastAffected = false ;
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$sql = trim ( $sql );
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if ( strncasecmp ( $sql , 'SELECT' , 6 ) === 0 || preg_match ( '/^EXEC(?:UTE)?\s/mi' , $sql ) > 0 ) {
$prepareOptions += array ( PDO :: ATTR_CURSOR => PDO :: CURSOR_SCROLL );
return parent :: _execute ( $sql , $params , $prepareOptions );
try {
$this -> _lastAffected = $this -> _connection -> exec ( $sql );
if ( $this -> _lastAffected === false ) {
$this -> _results = null ;
$error = $this -> _connection -> errorInfo ();
$this -> error = $error [ 2 ];
return false ;
return true ;
} catch ( PDOException $e ) {
if ( isset ( $query -> queryString )) {
$e -> queryString = $query -> queryString ;
} else {
$e -> queryString = $sql ;
throw $e ;
* Generate a " drop table " statement for the given table
* @ param type $table Name of the table to drop
* @ return string Drop table SQL statement
protected function _dropTable ( $table ) {
return " IF OBJECT_ID(' " . $this -> fullTableName ( $table , false ) . " ', 'U') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE " . $this -> fullTableName ( $table ) . " ; " ;
* Gets the schema name
* @ return string The schema name
public function getSchemaName () {
return $this -> config [ 'schema' ];
2018-03-18 09:24:15 +08:00
* Returns a locking hint for the given mode .
* Currently , this method only returns WITH ( UPDLOCK ) when the mode is set to true .
* @ param mixed $mode Lock mode
* @ return string | null WITH ( UPDLOCK ) clause or null
public function getLockingHint ( $mode ) {
if ( $mode !== true ) {
return null ;
return ' WITH (UPDLOCK)' ;
2014-04-23 10:51:50 +08:00