2004-05-04 22:15:14 +08:00
// ZoneMinder Brazilian Portuguese Traduction By Victor Diago
// Feel Free to contact Me at illuminati@linuxmail.org
// Tradu<64><75>o Para Portugu<67>s do Brasil do Zoneminder
// Sinta-se Livre para me contactar em illuminati@linuxmail.org
// Simple String Replacements
2004-09-25 22:54:19 +08:00
2004-05-04 22:15:14 +08:00
$zmSlang24BitColour = 'cor 24 bits';
$zmSlang8BitGrey = 'cinza 8 bits';
$zmSlangActual = 'Atual';
$zmSlangAddNewMonitor = 'Adicionar Monitor';
$zmSlangAddNewUser = 'Adicionar Usu<73>rio';
$zmSlangAddNewZone = 'Adicionar Zona';
$zmSlangAlarm = 'Alarme';
$zmSlangAlarmBrFrames = 'Imagens<br/>Alarmadas';
2004-09-25 22:54:19 +08:00
$zmSlangAlarmFrameCount = 'Alarm Frame Count';
2004-05-04 22:15:14 +08:00
$zmSlangAlarmFrame = 'Imagem Alarmada';
$zmSlangAlarmLimits = 'Limites de Alarme';
$zmSlangAlarmPx = 'Pixel de Alarme';
$zmSlangAlert = 'Alerta';
$zmSlangAll = 'Tudo';
$zmSlangApply = 'Aplicar';
$zmSlangApplyingStateChange = 'Aplicando mudan<61>a de estado';
$zmSlangArchArchived = 'Somente Arquivados';
$zmSlangArchive = 'Arquivar';
$zmSlangArchUnarchived = 'Somente Nao Arquivados';
$zmSlangAttrAlarmFrames = 'Imagens Alarmadas';
$zmSlangAttrArchiveStatus = 'Status/Arquivamento';
$zmSlangAttrAvgScore = 'Maior Score';
2004-12-30 02:50:35 +08:00
$zmSlangAttrCause = 'Cause';
2004-05-04 22:15:14 +08:00
$zmSlangAttrDate = 'Data';
$zmSlangAttrDateTime = 'Data/Horario';
$zmSlangAttrDiskBlocks = 'Blocos de Disco';
$zmSlangAttrDiskPercent = 'Porcentagem de Disco';
$zmSlangAttrDuration = 'Dura<72><61>o';
$zmSlangAttrFrames = 'Imagens';
$zmSlangAttrId = 'Id';
$zmSlangAttrMaxScore = 'Max. Score';
$zmSlangAttrMonitorId = 'Id do Monitor';
$zmSlangAttrMonitorName = 'Nome do Monitor';
$zmSlangAttrName = 'Nome';
$zmSlangAttrTime = 'Hor<6F>rio';
$zmSlangAttrTotalScore = 'Score Total';
$zmSlangAttrWeekday = 'Dia/Semana';
$zmSlangAutoArchiveEvents = 'Arquivar automaticamente resultados';
$zmSlangAutoDeleteEvents = 'Apagar automaticamente resultados';
$zmSlangAutoEmailEvents = 'Enviar e-mail com detalhes dos resultados';
$zmSlangAutoExecuteEvents = 'Executar comando automaticamente p/ resultados';
$zmSlangAutoMessageEvents = 'Enviar Mensagem dos resultados';
$zmSlangAutoUploadEvents = 'Fazer upload autom<6F>tico dos resultados';
$zmSlangAvgBrScore = 'Maior<br/>Score';
$zmSlangBadMonitorChars = 'Nomes de monitor devem ser caracteres alfanum<75>ricos mais h<>fen e underscore';
$zmSlangBandwidth = 'Larg/Banda';
$zmSlangBlobPx = 'Px Blob';
$zmSlangBlobs = 'Blobs';
$zmSlangBlobSizes = 'Tam Blob';
$zmSlangBrightness = 'Brilho';
$zmSlangBuffers = 'Buffers';
$zmSlangCancel = 'Cancelar';
$zmSlangCancelForcedAlarm = 'Cancelar Alarme For<6F>ado';
$zmSlangCaptureHeight = 'Altura da Captura';
$zmSlangCapturePalette = 'Paleta de Captura';
$zmSlangCaptureWidth = 'Largura de Captura';
2004-12-30 02:50:35 +08:00
$zmSlangCause = 'Cause';
2004-05-04 22:15:14 +08:00
$zmSlangCheckAll = 'Marcar Tudo';
$zmSlangCheckMethod = 'Metodo marcar por alarme';
$zmSlangChooseFilter = 'Escolher Filtro';
$zmSlangClose = 'Fechar';
$zmSlangColour = 'Cor';
$zmSlangConfig = 'Config';
$zmSlangConfiguredFor = 'Configurado para';
$zmSlangConfirmPassword = 'Confirmar Senha';
$zmSlangConjAnd = 'E';
$zmSlangConjOr = 'OU';
$zmSlangConsole = 'Console';
$zmSlangContactAdmin = 'Por favor contate o administrador para detalhes.';
2004-12-30 02:50:35 +08:00
$zmSlangContinue = 'Continue';
2004-05-04 22:15:14 +08:00
$zmSlangContrast = 'Contraste';
2004-12-30 02:50:35 +08:00
$zmSlangCycle = 'Cycle';
2004-05-04 22:15:14 +08:00
$zmSlangCycleWatch = 'Ciclo Monitor';
$zmSlangDay = 'Dia';
$zmSlangDeleteAndNext = 'Deletar & Pr<50>x';
$zmSlangDeleteAndPrev = 'Deletar & Ant';
$zmSlangDelete = 'Deletar';
$zmSlangDeleteSavedFilter = 'Deletar Filtros Salvos';
$zmSlangDescription = 'Descri<72><69>o';
$zmSlangDeviceChannel = 'Canal do Dispositivo';
$zmSlangDeviceFormat = 'Formato do Dispos. (0=PAL,1=NTSC etc)';
$zmSlangDeviceNumber = 'Num. do Dispos. (/dev/video?)';
$zmSlangDimensions = 'Dimens<6E>es';
$zmSlangDisk = 'Disco';
$zmSlangDuration = 'Dura<72><61>o';
$zmSlangEdit = 'Editar';
$zmSlangEmail = 'Email';
$zmSlangEnabled = 'Habilitado';
$zmSlangEnterNewFilterName = 'Digite nome do novo filtro';
$zmSlangErrorBrackets = 'Por favor cheque se voc<6F> tem o mesmo numero de chaves abertas e fechadas';
$zmSlangError = 'Erro';
$zmSlangErrorValidValue = 'Erro, por favor cheque se os campos est<73>o corretos';
$zmSlangEtc = 'etc';
$zmSlangEvent = 'Evento';
$zmSlangEventFilter = 'Filtro de Evento';
$zmSlangEventId = 'Id do Evento';
2004-09-25 22:54:19 +08:00
$zmSlangEventName = 'Event Name';
$zmSlangEventPrefix = 'Event Prefix';
2004-05-04 22:15:14 +08:00
$zmSlangEvents = 'Eventos';
$zmSlangExclude = 'Excluir';
$zmSlangFeed = 'Alimentar';
$zmSlangFilterPx = 'Px de Filtro';
$zmSlangFirst = 'Primeiro';
$zmSlangForceAlarm = 'For<6F>ar Alarme';
$zmSlangFPS = 'fps';
$zmSlangFPSReportInterval = 'Intervalo de mostragem FPS';
$zmSlangFrameId = 'Id de Imagem';
2004-09-25 22:54:19 +08:00
$zmSlangFrame = 'Imagem';
2004-05-04 22:15:14 +08:00
$zmSlangFrameRate = 'Velocidade de Imagem';
$zmSlangFrames = 'Imagens';
$zmSlangFrameSkip = 'Salto de Imagem';
$zmSlangFTP = 'FTP';
$zmSlangFunc = 'Func';
$zmSlangFunction = 'Fun<75><6E>o';
$zmSlangGenerateVideo = 'Gerar Video';
$zmSlangGeneratingVideo = 'Gerando Video';
$zmSlangGoToZoneMinder = 'Ir Para ZoneMinder.com';
$zmSlangGrey = 'Cinza';
2004-12-30 02:50:35 +08:00
$zmSlangGroups = 'Groups';
2004-05-04 22:15:14 +08:00
$zmSlangHigh = 'Alto';
2004-09-25 22:54:19 +08:00
$zmSlangHighBW = 'Alta L/B';
2004-05-04 22:15:14 +08:00
$zmSlangHour = 'Hora';
$zmSlangHue = 'Satura<72><61>o';
$zmSlangId = 'Id';
$zmSlangIdle = 'Parado';
$zmSlangIgnore = 'Ignorar';
$zmSlangImageBufferSize = 'Tamanho de Buffer (imagens)';
$zmSlangImage = 'Imagem';
$zmSlangInclude = 'Incluir';
$zmSlangInverted = 'Invertido';
$zmSlangLanguage = 'Linguagem';
$zmSlangLast = '<27>ltimo';
$zmSlangLimitResultsPost = 'resultados somente;'; // This is used at the end of the phrase 'Limit to first N results only'
$zmSlangLimitResultsPre = 'Limitar aos primeiros'; // This is used at the beginning of the phrase 'Limit to first N results only'
$zmSlangLoad = 'Carga';
$zmSlangLocal = 'Local';
$zmSlangLoggedInAs = 'Conectado como';
$zmSlangLoggingIn = 'Conectando';
$zmSlangLogin = 'Conectar';
$zmSlangLogout = 'Sair';
$zmSlangLow = 'Baixa';
2004-09-25 22:54:19 +08:00
$zmSlangLowBW = 'Baixa L/B';
2004-05-04 22:15:14 +08:00
$zmSlangMark = 'Marcar';
$zmSlangMaxBrScore = 'Max.<br/>Score';
$zmSlangMaximumFPS = 'Maximo FPS';
$zmSlangMax = 'Maximo';
$zmSlangMediumBW = 'Media L/B';
$zmSlangMedium = 'Media';
$zmSlangMinAlarmGeMinBlob = 'Minimo px de alarme deve ser maior ou igual ao minimo px de blob';
$zmSlangMinAlarmGeMinFilter = 'Minimo px de alarme deve ser maior ou igual ao minimo pixels filtrados';
$zmSlangMinAlarmPixelsLtMax = 'Minimo de px de alarme deve ser menor do que o max de px de alarme';
$zmSlangMinBlobAreaLtMax = 'A area minima de blob deve ser menor do que a area m<>xima de blob';
$zmSlangMinBlobsLtMax = 'O minimo de Blobs deve ser menor que o maximo de blobs';
$zmSlangMinFilterPixelsLtMax = 'O minimo pixel filtrados deve ser menor que o max pixels filtrados';
$zmSlangMinPixelThresLtMax = 'Minimum pixel threshold should be less than maximum pixel threshold';
$zmSlangMisc = 'Misc';
$zmSlangMonitorIds = 'Ids de Monitor';
$zmSlangMonitor = 'Monitor';
$zmSlangMonitors = 'Monitores';
$zmSlangMontage = 'Montagem';
$zmSlangMonth = 'M<>s';
$zmSlangMustBeGe = 'deve ser maior ou igual a';
$zmSlangMustBeLe = 'deve ser menor ou igual a';
$zmSlangMustConfirmPassword = 'Voce deve Confirmar a senha';
$zmSlangMustSupplyPassword = 'Voce deve informar a senha';
$zmSlangMustSupplyUsername = 'Voce deve informar nome de usu<73>rio';
$zmSlangName = 'Nome';
$zmSlangNetwork = 'Rede';
2004-12-30 02:50:35 +08:00
$zmSlangNewGroup = 'New Group';
2004-05-04 22:15:14 +08:00
$zmSlangNew = 'Novo';
$zmSlangNewPassword = 'Nova Senha';
$zmSlangNewState = 'Novo Estado';
$zmSlangNewUser = 'Novo Usu<73>rio';
$zmSlangNext = 'Pr<50>x';
$zmSlangNoFramesRecorded = 'N<>o h<> imagens gravadas neste evento';
2004-12-30 02:50:35 +08:00
$zmSlangNoGroups = 'No groups have been defined';
2004-09-25 22:54:19 +08:00
$zmSlangNo = 'N<>o';
2004-05-04 22:15:14 +08:00
$zmSlangNoneAvailable = 'Nada dispon<6F>vel';
$zmSlangNone = 'Nada';
$zmSlangNormal = 'Normal';
$zmSlangNoSavedFilters = 'SemFiltrosSalvos';
$zmSlangNoStatisticsRecorded = 'N<>o h<> estat<61>sticas gravadas neste evento/imagem';
$zmSlangOpEq = 'igual a';
$zmSlangOpGtEq = 'maior que ou igual a';
$zmSlangOpGt = 'maior que';
$zmSlangOpIn = 'no set';
$zmSlangOpLtEq = 'menor que ou igual a';
$zmSlangOpLt = 'menor que';
$zmSlangOpMatches = 'combina';
$zmSlangOpNe = 'diferente de';
$zmSlangOpNotIn = 'n<>o no set';
$zmSlangOpNotMatches = 'n<>o combina';
$zmSlangOptionHelp = 'Op<4F><70>oAjuda';
$zmSlangOptionRestartWarning = 'Reinicie o Zoneminder para que as mudan<61>as tenham efeito';
$zmSlangOptions = 'Op<4F><70>es';
$zmSlangOrEnterNewName = 'ou defina novo nome';
$zmSlangOrientation = 'Orienta<74><61>o';
$zmSlangOverwriteExisting = 'Sobrescrever Existente';
$zmSlangPaged = 'Paginado';
$zmSlangParameter = 'Parametro';
$zmSlangPasswordsDifferent = 'A nova senha e a de confirma<6D><61>o s<>o diferentes';
2004-09-25 22:54:19 +08:00
$zmSlangPassword = 'Senha';
2004-05-04 22:15:14 +08:00
$zmSlangPaths = 'Caminhos';
$zmSlangPhoneBW = 'Discada L/B';
2004-12-30 02:50:35 +08:00
$zmSlangPhone = 'Phone';
2004-05-04 22:15:14 +08:00
$zmSlangPixels = 'pixels';
2004-09-25 22:54:19 +08:00
$zmSlangPlayAll = 'Play All';
2004-05-04 22:15:14 +08:00
$zmSlangPleaseWait = 'Por Favor Espere';
$zmSlangPostEventImageBuffer = 'Buffer de imagem p<>s evento';
$zmSlangPreEventImageBuffer = 'Buffer de imagem pr<70> evento';
$zmSlangPrev = 'Ant.';
$zmSlangRate = 'Vel.';
$zmSlangReal = 'Real';
$zmSlangRecord = 'Gravar';
$zmSlangRefImageBlendPct = 'Refer<65>ncia de imagem Blend %ge';
$zmSlangRefresh = 'Atualizar';
$zmSlangRemoteHostName = 'Nome do host remoto';
$zmSlangRemoteHostPath = 'Caminho do host remoto';
$zmSlangRemoteHostPort = 'Porta do host remoto';
$zmSlangRemoteImageColours = 'Cores de imagem remota';
$zmSlangRemote = 'Remoto';
$zmSlangRename = 'Renomear';
$zmSlangReplay = 'Ver Novamente';
$zmSlangResetEventCounts = 'Resetar contagem de eventos';
2004-12-30 02:50:35 +08:00
$zmSlangReset = 'Reset';
2004-05-04 22:15:14 +08:00
$zmSlangRestarting = 'Reiniciando';
$zmSlangRestart = 'Reiniciar';
$zmSlangRestrictedCameraIds = 'Ids de camera proib<69>dos';
$zmSlangRotateLeft = 'Rotacionar <20> esquerda ';
$zmSlangRotateRight = 'Rotacionar <20> direita';
$zmSlangRunMode = 'Modo de Execu<63><75>o';
$zmSlangRunning = 'Rodando';
$zmSlangRunState = 'Estado de Execu<63><75>o';
$zmSlangSaveAs = 'Salvar Como';
$zmSlangSaveFilter = 'Salvar Filtro';
$zmSlangSave = 'Salvar';
$zmSlangScale = 'Tamanho';
$zmSlangScore = 'Score';
$zmSlangSecs = 'Segs';
$zmSlangSectionlength = 'Tamanho de evento Fixo';
2004-12-30 02:50:35 +08:00
$zmSlangSelect = 'Select';
2004-05-04 22:15:14 +08:00
$zmSlangSetLearnPrefs = 'Set Learn Prefs'; // This can be ignored for now
$zmSlangSetNewBandwidth = 'Defina Nova L/B';
$zmSlangSettings = 'Configura<72><61>es';
$zmSlangShowFilterWindow = 'MostrarJanelaDeFiltros';
$zmSlangSortAsc = 'Asc';
$zmSlangSortBy = 'mostrar por';
$zmSlangSortDesc = 'Desc';
$zmSlangSource = 'Origem';
$zmSlangSourceType = 'Tipo de Origem';
$zmSlangStart = 'Iniciar';
$zmSlangState = 'Estado';
$zmSlangStats = 'Status';
$zmSlangStatus = 'Status';
$zmSlangStills = 'Imagens';
$zmSlangStop = 'Parar';
2004-09-25 22:54:19 +08:00
$zmSlangStopped = 'Parado';
2004-05-04 22:15:14 +08:00
$zmSlangStream = 'Cont<6E>nuo';
2004-12-30 02:50:35 +08:00
$zmSlangSubmit = 'Submit';
2004-05-04 22:15:14 +08:00
$zmSlangSystem = 'Sistema';
2004-09-25 22:54:19 +08:00
$zmSlangThumbnail = 'Thumbnail';
2004-05-04 22:15:14 +08:00
$zmSlangTimeDelta = 'Tempo Delta';
$zmSlangTimestampLabelFormat = 'Formato de etiqueta de tempo';
$zmSlangTimestampLabelX = 'posi<73><69>o de etiqueta X';
$zmSlangTimestampLabelY = 'posi<73><69>o de etiqueta Y';
$zmSlangTimestamp = 'Tempo';
$zmSlangTimeStamp = 'Tempo';
$zmSlangTime = 'Tempo';
2004-12-30 02:50:35 +08:00
$zmSlangToday = 'Today';
2004-05-04 22:15:14 +08:00
$zmSlangTools = 'Ferramentas';
$zmSlangTotalBrScore = 'Score<br/>Total';
$zmSlangTriggers = 'Acionadores';
$zmSlangType = 'Tipo';
$zmSlangUnarchive = 'Desarquivar';
$zmSlangUnits = 'Unidades';
$zmSlangUnknown = 'Desconhecido';
$zmSlangUpdateAvailable = 'Um update ao zoneminder est<73> dispon<6F>vel.';
$zmSlangUpdateNotNecessary = 'N<>o <20> necess<73>rio update.';
$zmSlangUseFilterExprsPost = ' express<73>es de filtragem'; // This is used at the end of the phrase 'use N filter expressions'
$zmSlangUseFilterExprsPre = 'Use '; // This is used at the beginning of the phrase 'use N filter expressions'
$zmSlangUseFilter = 'Use Filtro';
$zmSlangUsername = 'Nome de Usu<73>rio';
$zmSlangUsers = 'Usu<73>rios';
$zmSlangUser = 'Usu<73>rio';
$zmSlangValue = 'Valor';
$zmSlangVersionIgnore = 'Ignorar esta vers<72>o';
$zmSlangVersionRemindDay = 'Lembre novamente em 1 dia';
$zmSlangVersionRemindHour = 'Lembre novamente em 1 hora';
$zmSlangVersionRemindNever = 'Nao lembrar novas vers<72>es';
$zmSlangVersionRemindWeek = 'Lembrar novamente em 1 semana';
$zmSlangVersion = 'Vers<72>o';
$zmSlangVideoGenFailed = 'Gera<72><61>o de V<>deo falhou!';
$zmSlangVideoGenParms = 'Parametros de gera<72><61>o de v<>deo';
$zmSlangVideoSize = 'Tamanho do v<>deo';
$zmSlangVideo = 'Video';
$zmSlangViewAll = 'Ver Tudo';
$zmSlangViewPaged = 'Ver Paginado';
$zmSlangView = 'Ver';
$zmSlangWarmupFrames = 'Imagens Desconsideradas';
$zmSlangWatch = 'Assistir';
$zmSlangWeb = 'Web';
$zmSlangWeek = 'Semana';
$zmSlangX10ActivationString = 'String de Ativa<76><61>o X10';
$zmSlangX10InputAlarmString = 'String de Entrada de alarme X10';
$zmSlangX10OutputAlarmString = 'String de Sa<53>da de Alarme X10';
$zmSlangX10 = 'X10';
$zmSlangYes = 'Sim';
$zmSlangYouNoPerms = 'Voc<6F> n<>o tem permiss<73>es para acessar este recurso.';
$zmSlangZoneAlarmColour = 'Cor de Alarme (RGB)';
$zmSlangZoneFilterHeight = 'Filtrar Altura (pixels)';
$zmSlangZoneFilterWidth = 'Filtrar Largura (pixels)';
$zmSlangZoneMaxAlarmedArea = 'Area m<>xima alarmada';
$zmSlangZoneMaxBlobArea = 'Area m<>xima de blob';
$zmSlangZoneMaxBlobs = 'M<>ximo de Blobs';
$zmSlangZoneMaxFilteredArea = 'Area m<>xima filtrada';
$zmSlangZoneMaxPixelThres = 'Threshold M<>ximo de Pixel (0>=?<=255)';
$zmSlangZoneMaxX = 'Maximo X (direita)';
$zmSlangZoneMaxY = 'Maximo Y (baixo)';
$zmSlangZoneMinAlarmedArea = 'Area Minima alarmada';
$zmSlangZoneMinBlobArea = 'Area Minima de Blob';
$zmSlangZoneMinBlobs = 'M<>nimo de Blobs';
$zmSlangZoneMinFilteredArea = 'Area M<>nima Filtrada';
$zmSlangZoneMinPixelThres = 'Threshold M<>nimo de Pixel (0>=?<=255)';
$zmSlangZoneMinX = 'Minimo X (esquerda)';
$zmSlangZoneMinY = 'Minimo Y (topo)';
$zmSlangZones = 'Zonas';
$zmSlangZone = 'Zona';
// Complex replacements with formatting and/or placements, must be passed through sprintf
$zmClangCurrentLogin = 'Login atual <20> \'%1$s\'';
$zmClangEventCount = '%1$s %2$s'; // For example '37 Events' (from Vlang below)
$zmClangLastEvents = '<27>ltimos %1$s %2$s'; // For example 'Last 37 Events' (from Vlang below)
$zmClangLatestRelease = 'A <20>ltima vers<72>o <20> v%1$s, voc<6F> tem v%2$s.';
$zmClangMonitorCount = '%1$s %2$s'; // For example '4 Monitors' (from Vlang below)
$zmClangMonitorFunction = 'Monitor %1$s Func<6E><63>o';
$zmClangRunningRecentVer = 'Voc<6F> est<73> usando a vers<72>o mais recente do ZoneMinder, v%s.';
// The next section allows you to describe a series of word ending and counts used to
// generate the correctly conjugated forms of words depending on a count that is associated
// with that word.
// This intended to allow phrases such a '0 potatoes', '1 potato', '2 potatoes' etc to
// conjugate correctly with the associated count.
// In some languages such as English this is fairly simple and can be expressed by assigning
// a count with a singular or plural form of a word and then finding the nearest (lower) value.
// So '0' of something generally ends in 's', 1 of something is singular and has no extra
// ending and 2 or more is a plural and ends in 's' also. So to find the ending for '187' of
// something you would find the nearest lower count (2) and use that ending.
// So examples of this would be
// $zmVlangPotato = array( 0=>'Potatoes', 1=>'Potato', 2=>'Potatoes' );
// $zmVlangSheep = array( 0=>'Sheep' );
// where you can have as few or as many entries in the array as necessary
// If your language is similar in form to this then use the same format and choose the
// appropriate zmVlang function below.
// If however you have a language with a different format of plural endings then another
// approach is required . For instance in Russian the word endings change continuously
// depending on the last digit (or digits) of the numerator. In this case then zmVlang
// arrays could be written so that the array index just represents an arbitrary 'type'
// and the zmVlang function does the calculation about which version is appropriate.
// So an example in Russian might be (using English words, and made up endings as I
// don't know any Russian!!)
// $zmVlangPotato = array( 1=>'Potati', 2=>'Potaton', 3=>'Potaten' );
// and the zmVlang function decides that the first form is used for counts ending in
// 0, 5-9 or 11-19 and the second form when ending in 1 etc.
// Variable arrays expressing plurality, see the zmVlang description above
$zmVlangEvent = array( 0=>'Events', 1=>'Event', 2=>'Events' );
$zmVlangMonitor = array( 0=>'Monitors', 1=>'Monitor', 2=>'Monitors' );
// You will need to choose or write a function that can correlate the plurality string arrays
// with variable counts. This is used to conjugate the Vlang arrays above with a number passed
// in to generate the correct noun form.
// In languages such as English this is fairly simple
// Note this still has to be used with printf etc to get the right formating
function zmVlang( $lang_var_array, $count )
krsort( $lang_var_array );
foreach ( $lang_var_array as $key=>$value )
if ( abs($count) >= $key )
return( $value );
die( 'Error, unable to correlate variable language string' );
// This is an version that could be used in the Russian example above
// The rules are that the first word form is used if the count ends in
// 0, 5-9 or 11-19. The second form is used then the count ends in 1
// (not including 11 as above) and the third form is used when the
// count ends in 2-4, again excluding any values ending in 12-14.
// function zmVlang( $lang_var_array, $count )
// {
// $secondlastdigit = substr( $count, -2, 1 );
// $lastdigit = substr( $count, -1, 1 );
// // or
// // $secondlastdigit = ($count/10)%10;
// // $lastdigit = $count%10;
// // Get rid of the special cases first, the teens
// if ( $secondlastdigit == 1 && $lastdigit != 0 )
// {
// return( $lang_var_array[1] );
// }
// switch ( $lastdigit )
// {
// case 0 :
// case 5 :
// case 6 :
// case 7 :
// case 8 :
// case 9 :
// {
// return( $lang_var_array[1] );
// break;
// }
// case 1 :
// {
// return( $lang_var_array[2] );
// break;
// }
// case 2 :
// case 3 :
// case 4 :
// {
// return( $lang_var_array[3] );
// break;
// }
// }
// die( 'Error, unable to correlate variable language string' );
// }
// This is an example of how the function is used in the code which you can uncomment and
// use to test your custom function.
//$monitors = array();
//$monitors[] = 1; // Choose any number
//echo sprintf( $zmClangMonitorCount, count($monitors), zmVlang( $zmVlangMonitor, count($monitors) ) );
// In this section you can override the default prompt and help texts for the options area
// These overrides are in the form of $zmOlangPrompt<option> and $zmOlangHelp<option>
// where <option> represents the option name minus the initial ZM_
// So for example, to override the help text for ZM_LANG_DEFAULT do
//$zmOlangPromptLANG_DEFAULT = "This is a new prompt for this option";
//$zmOlangHelpLANG_DEFAULT = "This is some new help for this option which will be displayed in the popup window when the ? is clicked";