2019-09-24 00:54:27 +08:00
2018-11-06 05:52:34 +08:00
use strict ;
use bytes ;
# ==========================================================================
# These are the elements you can edit to suit your installation
# ==========================================================================
use constant RECOVER_TAG = > '(r)' ; # Tag to append to event name when recovered
use constant RECOVER_TEXT = > 'Recovered.' ; # Text to append to event notes when recovered
# ==========================================================================
# You shouldn't need to change anything from here downwards
# ==========================================================================
use ZoneMinder ;
use DBI ;
use POSIX ;
use File::Find ;
use Time::HiRes qw/gettimeofday/ ;
use Getopt::Long ;
use autouse 'Pod::Usage' = > qw( pod2usage ) ;
use constant ZM_RECOVER_PID = > '@ZM_RUNDIR@/zmrecover.pid' ;
$ ENV { PATH } = '/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/bin' ;
$ ENV { SHELL } = '/bin/sh' if exists $ ENV { SHELL } ;
delete @ ENV { qw( IFS CDPATH ENV BASH_ENV ) } ;
my $ report = 0 ;
my $ interactive = 1 ;
my $ monitor_id = 0 ;
my $ version ;
my $ force = 0 ;
my $ server_id = undef ;
my $ storage_id = undef ;
logInit ( ) ;
GetOptions (
force = > \ $ force ,
2018-11-07 04:28:56 +08:00
'interactive=i' = > \ $ interactive ,
2018-11-06 05:52:34 +08:00
'monitor_id=i' = > \ $ monitor_id ,
report = > \ $ report ,
'server_id=i' = > \ $ server_id ,
'storage_id=i' = > \ $ storage_id ,
version = > \ $ version
) or pod2usage ( - exitstatus = > - 1 ) ;
if ( $ version ) {
print ( ZoneMinder::Base:: ZM_VERSION . "\n" ) ;
exit ( 0 ) ;
if ( ( $ report + $ interactive ) > 1 ) {
print ( STDERR "Error, only one option may be specified\n" ) ;
pod2usage ( - exitstatus = > - 1 ) ;
if ( - e ZM_RECOVER_PID ) {
local $/ = undef ;
open FILE , ZM_RECOVER_PID or die "Couldn't open file: $!" ;
binmode FILE ;
my $ pid = <FILE> ;
close FILE ;
if ( $ force ) {
Error ( "zmrecover.pl appears to already be running at pid $pid. Continuing." ) ;
} else {
Fatal ( "zmrecover.pl appears to already be running at pid $pid. If not, please delete " .
ZM_RECOVER_PID . " or use the --force command line option." ) ;
} # end if ZM_RECOVER_PID exists
if ( open ( my $ PID , '>' , ZM_RECOVER_PID ) ) {
print ( $ PID $$ ) ;
close ( $ PID ) ;
} else {
Error ( "Can't open pid file at " . ZM_PID ) ;
sub HupHandler {
Info ( 'Received HUP, reloading' ) ;
& ZoneMinder::Logger:: logHupHandler ( ) ;
sub TermHandler {
Info ( 'Received TERM, exiting' ) ;
Term ( ) ;
sub Term {
exit ( 0 ) ;
$ SIG { HUP } = \ & HupHandler ;
$ SIG { TERM } = \ & TermHandler ;
$ SIG { INT } = \ & TermHandler ;
my $ dbh = zmDbConnect ( ) ;
if ( ! $ dbh ) {
Error ( 'Unable to connect to database' ) ;
Term ( ) ;
} # end if
$| = 1 ;
require ZoneMinder::Monitor ;
require ZoneMinder::Storage ;
require ZoneMinder::Event ;
my @ Storage_Areas ;
if ( defined $ storage_id ) {
@ Storage_Areas = ZoneMinder::Storage - > find ( Id = > $ storage_id ) ;
if ( ! @ Storage_Areas ) {
Error ( "No Storage Area found with Id $storage_id" ) ;
Term ( ) ;
2018-11-14 05:36:39 +08:00
Info ( "Recovering from Storage Area $Storage_Areas[0]{Id} $Storage_Areas[0]{Name} at $Storage_Areas[0]{Path}" ) ;
2018-11-06 05:52:34 +08:00
} elsif ( $ server_id ) {
@ Storage_Areas = ZoneMinder::Storage - > find ( ServerId = > $ server_id ) ;
if ( ! @ Storage_Areas ) {
Error ( "No Storage Area found with ServerId =" . $ server_id ) ;
Term ( ) ;
foreach my $ Storage ( @ Storage_Areas ) {
2018-11-14 05:36:39 +08:00
Info ( 'Recovering from ' . $ Storage - > Name ( ) . ' at ' . $ Storage - > Path ( ) . ' on ' . $ Storage - > Server ( ) - > Name ( ) ) ;
2018-11-06 05:52:34 +08:00
} else {
@ Storage_Areas = ZoneMinder::Storage - > find ( ) ;
2018-11-14 05:36:39 +08:00
Info ( "Recovering from All Storage Areas" ) ;
2018-11-06 05:52:34 +08:00
my @ Monitors = ZoneMinder::Monitor - > find ( ) ;
Debug ( "@Monitors" ) ;
foreach my $ Monitor ( @ Monitors ) {
Debug ( "Monitor " . $ Monitor - > to_string ( ) )
my % Monitors = map { $$ _ { Id } = > $ _ } @ Monitors ;
# ($monitor_id ? ( Id=>$monitor_id ) : () ),
Debug ( "Found " . ( keys % Monitors ) . " monitors" ) ;
foreach my $ id ( keys % Monitors ) {
Debug ( "Monitor $id $Monitors{$id}{Name}" ) ;
foreach my $ Storage ( @ Storage_Areas ) {
Debug ( 'Checking events in ' . $ Storage - > Path ( ) ) ;
if ( ! chdir ( $ Storage - > Path ( ) ) ) {
Error ( 'Unable to change dir to ' . $ Storage - > Path ( ) ) ;
next ;
} # end if
# Please note that this glob will take all files beginning with a digit.
foreach my $ monitor ( glob ( '[0-9]*' ) ) {
if ( $ monitor =~ /\D/ ) {
Debug ( "Weird non digit characters in $monitor" ) ;
next ;
# De-taint
( my $ monitor_dir ) = ( $ monitor =~ /^(\d+)$/ ) ;
if ( $ monitor_id and ( $ monitor_id != $ monitor_dir ) ) {
Debug ( "Skipping monitor $monitor_dir because we are only interested in monitor $monitor_id" ) ;
next ;
if ( ! $ Monitors { $ monitor_dir } ) {
Warning ( "There is no monitor in the database for $$Storage{Path}/$monitor_dir. Skipping it." ) ;
next ;
my $ Monitor = $ Monitors { $ monitor_dir } ;
Debug ( "Found filesystem monitor '$monitor_dir'" ) ;
my @ day_dirs = glob ( "$monitor_dir/[0-9][0-9]/[0-9][0-9]/[0-9][0-9]" ) ;
Debug ( qq`Checking for Deep Events under $$Storage{Path} using glob("$monitor_dir/[0-9][0-9]/[0-9][0-9]/[0-9][0-9]") returned ` . scalar @ day_dirs . ' days with events' ) ;
foreach my $ day_dir ( @ day_dirs ) {
Debug ( "Checking day dir $day_dir" ) ;
( $ day_dir ) = ( $ day_dir =~ /^(.*)$/ ) ; # De-taint
if ( ! chdir ( $ day_dir ) ) {
Error ( "Can't chdir to '$$Storage{Path}/$day_dir': $!" ) ;
next ;
if ( ! opendir ( DIR , '.' ) ) {
Error ( "Can't open directory '$$Storage{Path}/$day_dir': $!" ) ;
next ;
my % event_ids_by_path ;
my @ event_links = sort { $ b <=> $ a } grep { - l $ _ } readdir ( DIR ) ;
Debug ( 'Have ' . ( scalar @ event_links ) . ' event links' ) ;
closedir ( DIR ) ;
my $ count = 0 ;
foreach my $ event_link ( @ event_links ) {
# Event links start with a period and consist of the digits of the event id.
# Anything else is not an event link
my ( $ event_id ) = $ event_link =~ /^\.(\d+)$/ ;
if ( ! $ event_id ) {
Warning ( "Non-event link found $event_link in $day_dir, skipping" ) ;
next ;
Debug ( "Checking link $event_link" ) ;
#Event path is hour/minute/sec
my $ event_path = readlink ( $ event_link ) ;
if ( ! ( $ event_path and - e $ event_path ) ) {
Warning ( "Event link $day_dir/$event_link does not point to valid target at $event_path" ) ;
next ;
if ( ! ZoneMinder::Event - > find_one ( Id = > $ event_id ) ) {
Info ( "Event not found in db for event data found at $$Storage{Path}/$day_dir/$event_path with Id=$event_id" ) ;
if ( confirm ( ) ) {
my $ Event = new ZoneMinder:: Event ( ) ;
$$ Event { Id } = $ event_id ;
$$ Event { Path } = join ( '/' , $ Storage - > Path ( ) , $ day_dir , $ event_path ) ;
$$ Event { RelativePath } = join ( '/' , $ day_dir , $ event_path ) ;
$$ Event { Scheme } = 'Deep' ;
$$ Event { Name } = "Event $event_id recovered" ;
$ Event - > MonitorId ( $ monitor_dir ) ;
$ Event - > StorageId ( $ Storage - > Id ( ) ) ;
$ Event - > DiskSpace ( undef ) ;
$ Event - > Width ( $ Monitor - > Width ( ) ) ;
$ Event - > Height ( $ Monitor - > Height ( ) ) ;
$ Event - > Orientation ( $ Monitor - > Orientation ( ) ) ;
$ Event - > recover_timestamps ( ) ;
2018-11-14 05:35:09 +08:00
if ( $$ Event { StartTime } ) {
$ Event - > save ( { } , 1 ) ;
Info ( "Event resurrected as " . $ Event - > to_string ( ) ) ;
} else {
Warning ( "Unable to determine starttime. Not resurrecting this event." ) ;
2018-11-06 05:52:34 +08:00
next ;
} # end if resurrection
} # event path exists
} # end foreach event_link
# Now check for events that have lost their link. We can determine event Id from .mp4
my @ time_dirs = glob ( '[0-9][0-9]/[0-9][0-9]/[0-9][0-9]' ) ;
foreach my $ event_dir ( @ time_dirs ) {
Debug ( "Checking time dir $event_dir" ) ;
( $ event_dir ) = ( $ event_dir =~ /^(.*)$/ ) ; # De-taint
my $ event_id = undef ;
if ( ! opendir ( DIR , $ event_dir ) ) {
Error ( "Can't open directory '$$Storage{Path}/$day_dir': $!" ) ;
next ;
my @ contents = readdir ( DIR ) ;
Debug ( 'Have ' . @ contents . " files in $day_dir/$event_dir" ) ;
closedir ( DIR ) ;
my @ mp4_files = grep ( /^\d+\-video.mp4$/ , @ contents ) ;
foreach my $ mp4_file ( @ mp4_files ) {
my ( $ id ) = $ mp4_file =~ /^([0-9]+)\-video\.mp4$/ ;
if ( $ id ) {
$ event_id = $ id ;
Debug ( "Got event id from mp4 file $mp4_file => $event_id" ) ;
last ;
} # end foreach mp4
if ( ! $ event_id ) {
# Look for .id file
my @ hidden_files = grep ( /^\.\d+$/ , @ contents ) ;
Debug ( 'Have ' . @ hidden_files . ' hidden files' ) ;
if ( @ hidden_files ) {
( $ event_id ) = $ hidden_files [ 0 ] =~ /^.(\d+)$/ ;
if ( $ event_id and ! ZoneMinder::Event - > find_one ( Id = > $ event_id ) ) {
Info ( "Event not found in db for event data found at $$Storage{Path}/$monitor_dir/$day_dir/$event_dir" ) ;
if ( confirm ( ) ) {
my $ Event = new ZoneMinder:: Event ( ) ;
$$ Event { Id } = $ event_id ;
$$ Event { Path } = join ( '/' , $ Storage - > Path ( ) , $ day_dir , $ event_dir ) ;
$$ Event { RelativePath } = join ( '/' , $ day_dir , $ event_dir ) ;
$$ Event { Scheme } = 'Deep' ;
$$ Event { Name } = "Event $event_id recovered" ;
$ Event - > MonitorId ( $ monitor_dir ) ;
$ Event - > Width ( $ Monitor - > Width ( ) ) ;
$ Event - > Height ( $ Monitor - > Height ( ) ) ;
$ Event - > Orientation ( $ Monitor - > Orientation ( ) ) ;
$ Event - > StorageId ( $ Storage - > Id ( ) ) ;
$ Event - > DiskSpace ( undef ) ;
$ Event - > recover_timestamps ( ) ;
2018-11-14 05:35:09 +08:00
if ( $$ Event { StartTime } ) {
$ Event - > save ( { } , 1 ) ;
Info ( "Event resurrected as " . $ Event - > to_string ( ) ) ;
} else {
Warning ( "Unable to determine starttime. Not resurrecting this event." ) ;
2018-11-06 05:52:34 +08:00
next ;
} # end if event found
# Search in db for given timestamp?
my ( undef , $ year , $ month , $ day ) = split ( '/' , $ day_dir ) ;
$ year += 2000 ;
my ( $ hour , $ minute , $ second ) = split ( '/' , $ event_dir ) ;
my $ StartTime = sprintf ( '%.4d-%.2d-%.2d %.2d:%.2d:%.2d' , $ year , $ month , $ day , $ hour , $ minute , $ second ) ;
my $ Event = ZoneMinder::Event - > find_one (
MonitorId = > $ monitor_dir ,
StartTime = > $ StartTime ,
) ;
if ( $ Event ) {
Debug ( "Found event matching starttime on monitor $monitor_dir at $StartTime: " . $ Event - > to_string ( ) ) ;
next ;
} # end foreach event_dir without link
chdir ( $ Storage - > Path ( ) ) ;
} # end foreach day dir
Debug ( "Checking for Medium Scheme Events under $$Storage{Path}/$monitor_dir" ) ;
my @ event_dirs = glob ( "$monitor_dir/[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]-[0-9][0-9]-[0-9][0-9]/*" ) ;
Debug ( qq`glob("$monitor_dir/[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]-[0-9][0-9]-[0-9][0-9]/*") returned ` . scalar @ event_dirs . " entries." ) ;
foreach my $ event_dir ( @ event_dirs ) {
if ( ! - d $ event_dir ) {
Debug ( "$event_dir is not a dir. Skipping" ) ;
next ;
my ( $ date , $ event_id ) = $ event_dir =~ /^$monitor_dir\/(\d{4}\-\d{2}\-\d{2})\/(\d+)$/ ;
if ( ! $ event_id ) {
Debug ( "Unable to parse date/event_id from $event_dir" ) ;
next ;
my $ Event = ZoneMinder::Event - > find_one ( Id = > $ event_id ) ;
if ( $ Event ) {
Debug ( 'Found event in the db, moving on.' ) ;
next ;
$ Event = new ZoneMinder:: Event ( ) ;
$$ Event { Id } = $ event_id ;
$$ Event { Path } = join ( '/' , $ Storage - > Path ( ) , $ event_dir ) ;
2018-11-07 04:28:56 +08:00
Info ( "Have event $$Event{Id} at $$Event{Path}" ) ;
2018-11-06 05:52:34 +08:00
if ( confirm ( ) ) {
2018-11-07 01:14:42 +08:00
$$ Event { Scheme } = 'Medium' ;
$$ Event { RelativePath } = $ event_dir ;
$$ Event { Name } = "Event $event_id recovered" ;
$ Event - > MonitorId ( $ monitor_dir ) ;
$ Event - > Width ( $ Monitor - > Width ( ) ) ;
$ Event - > Height ( $ Monitor - > Height ( ) ) ;
$ Event - > Orientation ( $ Monitor - > Orientation ( ) ) ;
$ Event - > StorageId ( $ Storage - > Id ( ) ) ;
$ Event - > recover_timestamps ( ) ;
2018-11-14 05:35:09 +08:00
if ( $$ Event { StartTime } ) {
$ Event - > save ( { } , 1 ) ;
Info ( "Event resurrected as " . $ Event - > to_string ( ) ) ;
} else {
Warning ( "Unable to determine starttime. Not resurrecting this event." ) ;
2018-11-06 05:52:34 +08:00
} # end foreach event
} # end search for Medium
# Shallow
Debug ( "Checking for ShallowScheme Events under $$Storage{Path}/$monitor_dir" ) ;
if ( ! chdir ( $ monitor_dir ) ) {
Error ( "Can't chdir directory '$$Storage{Path}/$monitor_dir': $!" ) ;
next ;
if ( ! opendir ( DIR , '.' ) ) {
Error ( "Can't open directory '$$Storage{Path}/$monitor_dir': $!" ) ;
next ;
my @ temp_events = sort { $ b <=> $ a } grep { - d $ _ && $ _ =~ /^\d+$/ } readdir ( DIR ) ;
closedir ( DIR ) ;
foreach my $ event ( @ temp_events ) {
my $ Event = ZoneMinder::Event - > find_one ( Id = > $ event ) ;
if ( $ Event ) {
Debug ( "Found an event in db for $event" ) ;
next ;
2018-11-07 05:15:27 +08:00
$ Event = new ZoneMinder:: Event ( ) ;
2018-11-06 05:52:34 +08:00
$$ Event { Id } = $ event ;
$$ Event { Path } = join ( '/' , $ Storage - > Path ( ) , $ event ) ;
2018-11-07 04:28:56 +08:00
Info ( "Have event $$Event{Id} at $$Event{Path}" ) ;
2018-11-07 01:14:42 +08:00
if ( confirm ( ) ) {
$$ Event { Scheme } = 'Shallow' ;
$$ Event { Name } = "Event $event recovered" ;
#$$Event{Path} = $event_path;
$ Event - > MonitorId ( $ monitor_dir ) ;
$ Event - > Width ( $ Monitor - > Width ( ) ) ;
$ Event - > Height ( $ Monitor - > Height ( ) ) ;
$ Event - > Orientation ( $ Monitor - > Orientation ( ) ) ;
$ Event - > StorageId ( $ Storage - > Id ( ) ) ;
$ Event - > recover_timestamps ( ) ;
2018-11-14 05:35:09 +08:00
if ( $$ Event { StartTime } ) {
$ Event - > save ( { } , 1 ) ;
Info ( "Event resurrected as " . $ Event - > to_string ( ) ) ;
} else {
Warning ( "Unable to determine starttime. Not resurrecting this event." ) ;
2018-11-07 01:14:42 +08:00
2018-11-06 05:52:34 +08:00
} # end foreach event
chdir ( $ Storage - > Path ( ) ) ;
} # end foreach monitor
} # end foreach Storage Area
Term ( ) ;
sub confirm {
my $ prompt = shift || 'resurrect' ;
my $ action = shift || 'resurrecting' ;
my $ yesno = 0 ;
if ( $ report ) {
print ( "\n" ) ;
} elsif ( $ interactive ) {
print ( ", $prompt Y/n/q: " ) ;
my $ char = < > ;
chomp ( $ char ) ;
if ( $ char eq 'q' ) {
Term ( ) ;
if ( ! $ char ) {
$ char = 'y' ;
$ yesno = ( $ char =~ /[yY]/ ) ;
} else {
Info ( $ action ) ;
$ yesno = 1 ;
return $ yesno ;
1 ;
= head1 NAME
zmrecover . pl - ZoneMinder event file system and database recovery checker
= head1 SYNOPSIS
zmrecover . pl [ - r , - report | - i , - interactive ]
This script checks for consistency between the event filesystem and
the database . If events are found in one and not the other they are
deleted ( optionally ) . Additionally any monitor event directories that
do not correspond to a database monitor are similarly disposed of .
However monitors in the database that don ' t have a directory are left
alone as this is valid if they are newly created and have no events
yet .
= head1 OPTIONS
- i , - - interactive - Ask before applying any changes
- m , - - monitor_id - Only consider the given monitor
- r , - - report - Just report don ' t actually do anything
- s , - - storage_id - Specify a storage area to recover instead of all
- v , - - version - Print the installed version of ZoneMinder
ZoneMinder Recover Script
Copyright ( C ) 2018 ZoneMinder LLC
This program is free software ; you can redistribute it and / or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
as published by the Free S oftware Foundation ; either version 2
of the License , or ( at your option ) any later version .
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful ,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY ; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details .
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program ; if not , write to the Free Software
Foundation , Inc . , 51 Franklin Street , Fifth Floor , Boston , MA 02110 - 1301 USA .
= cut